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Globex Group
Instrument Symbol Code tag

Black Sea Wheat Futures BSW BW

Corn Futures ZC ZC
Distillers Dried Grain Futures DDG EH
KC Hard Red Winter (HRW) Wheat Futures KE KE
Mini-sized Corn Futures XC XC
Mini-sized Soybean Futures XK XK
Mini-sized Wheat Futures XW XW
Oats Futures ZO ZO
Rough Rice Futures ZR ZR
Soybean Futures ZS ZS
Soybean Meal Futures ZM ZS
Soybean Oil Futures ZL ZS
Wheat Futures ZW ZW
Grains and Oilseeds (CME)
Crude Palm Oil Futures CPO UC
Livestock (CME)
Feeder Cattle Futures GF GF
Lean Hog Futures HE HE
Live Cattle Futures LE LE
Dairy (CME)
Cash-Settled Butter Futures CB CB
Cash-Settled Cheese Futures CSC DY
Class III Milk Futures DC DC
Class IV Milk Futures GDK DC
Dry Whey Futures DY DY
Non-fat Dry Milk Futures GNF DC
Forest (CME)
Random Length Lumber Futures LBS LU
Commodity Indexes (CME)
S&P-GSCI™ Excess Return Index Futures GIE GA
S&P-GSCI™ Futures GD GD
Commodity Indexes (CBOT)
Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Index Futures AW AW
DJ-UBS Roll Select Commodity Index Futures DRS RS
Softs (NYMEX)
Cocoa Futures CJ CJ
Cocoa TAS Futures CJT C1
Coffee Futures KT KT
Coffee TAS Futures KTT KD
Cotton Futures TT TT
Cotton TAS Futures TTT TC
Sugar #11 Futures YO YO
Sugar #11 TAS Futures YOT YA

Cash-Settled Butter Options CB C0, C3

Cash-Settled Cheese Options CSC CQ, CX
Class III Milk Options DC A6, A9
Class IV Milk Options GDK D8, D9
Corn Options OZC OC, CY
12C, CZ6,
Corn Calendar Spread Options CZ8, CZC, CZ7, Y1, Y2
Corn Weekly Options ZC# OC, CY
Corn-Wheat Intercommodity Spread Options ZCW Q3, Q4
Dry Whey Options DY Y0, Y3
Feeder Cattle Options GF F0, F1
KC Hard Red Winter (HRW) Wheat Options OKE OK, 1G
KC Hard Red Winter (HRW) Wheat Weekly Options OE# OK, 1G
KCBT Wheat vs.CBOT Wheat Intercommodity Spread Options KWC KW,KX
KC Hard Red Winter (HRW) Wheat Short-Dated New Crop Options KWE OK, 1G
Lean Hog Options HE 0H, 1H
B0A, B0B,
Lean Hog Calendar Spread Options B0C, B0D, B0E 2H, 3H

Live Cattle Options LE L0, L1

Live Cattle Calendar Spread Options L0A, L0B, L0C L2, L3
Live Cattle Weekly Options LE# L0, L1
Non-fat Dry Milk Options GNF N7, N8
Oats Options OZO OO, O9
Random Length Lumber Options LBS W3, W4
Rough Rice Options OZR RR, R6
Short-Dated New Crop Soybean Options OSD SQ, PZ
Short-Dated New Crop Wheat Options OWD OW, WZ
Short-Dated Options on New Crop Corn Options OCD OC, CY
Softwood Pulp Options WP W0, W2
Soybean Options OZS SQ, PZ
12S, CZS, SC7,
SZ4, SZ5, SZ9,
Soybean Calendar Spread Options SZ1, SZ8, SZ0 Q1, Q2

Soybean Meal Options OZM ML, MY

Soybean Meal Calendar Spread Options MC3, MC4, M1, M2
Soybean Meal Weekly Options ZM# ML, MY
Soybean Oil Options OZL 0O, OZ
Soybean Oil Calendar Spread Options NC3, NC4, X1, X2
Soybean Oil Weekly Options ZL# 0O, OZ
Soybean Weekly Options ZS# SQ, PZ
Wheat Options OZW OW, WZ
12W, CWZ,
Wheat Calendar Spread Options CZW, WC6, W1, Z2
Wheat Weekly Options ZW# OW, WZ

CBOT Denatured Fuel Ethanol Forward Month Futures FZE EH
CBOT Denatured Fuel Ethanol Futures EH EH
Chicago Ethanol (Platts) Futures CU EL
D4 Biodiesel RINs (Argus) Futures D4# RI
D5 Advanced Biofuel RINs (Argus) Futures D5# RI
D6 Ethanol RINs (Argus) Futures D6# RI
Ethanol T2 FOB Rdam Including Duty (Platts) Futures AZ1 EE
NY Ethanol (Platts) Futures AEZ EE
Central Appalachian Coal Futures QLD CO
Coal (API 5) foc Newcastle futures ACM CO
Coal (API 6) fob Newcastle (Argus/McCloskey) Futures NCL JR
Coal (API 8) cfr South China (Argus/McCloskey) Futures SSI JR
Coal (API2) CIF ARA (ARGUS‐McCloskey) Futures MTF CO
Coal (API4) FOB Richards Bay (ARGUS‐ McCloskey) Futures MFF CO
CSX Coal (Platts OTC Broker Index) Futures QXB CO
Indonesian Coal (McCloskey sub-bituminous 6,000 kcal basis) Futures AMC JR
Indonesian Coal (McCloskey sub-bituminous) Futures MCC ZZ
Powder River Basin Coal (Platts OTC Broker Index) Futures QP CO
Crude Oil
Argus LLS Trade Month Futures AA4 PT
Argus LLS vs. WTI (Argus) Trade Month Futures AE5 PT
Argus Sour Crude Index ("ASCI") Calendar Month Futures 37 PT
Argus Sour Crude Index ("ASCI") Trade Month Futures 29 PT
Argus Sour Crude Index ("ASCI") vs. WTI Diff Spread Calendar Month Futures 38 PT
Argus Sour Crude Index ("ASCI") vs. WTI Diff Spread Trade Month Futures 36 PT
Argus WTI Formula Basis Calendar Month Futures 39 PT
Argus WTI Trade Month Futures V7 PT
Brent (ICE) Financial Futures CY PT
Brent 25-Day (Platts) Financial Futures BDC PT
Brent 25-Day Futures NBZ FB
Brent CFD (Platts) vs. Brent Front Month (Platts) Futures A1C RF
Brent CFD (Platts) vs. Brent Front Month (Platts) Weekly Futures CFA RF
Brent CFD (Platts) vs. Brent Second Month (Platts) Futures A6W RF
Brent CFD (Platts) vs. Brent Second Month (Platts) Weekly Futures CFB RF
Brent CFD (Platts) vs. Brent Third Month (Platts) Futures A59 RF
Brent CFD (Platts) vs. Brent Third Month (Platts) Weekly Futures CFC PT
Brent Crude Oil BALMO Futures AJ9 RF
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Futures BZ OP
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Futures TAS BZT WT
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Futures Trading At Marker (TAM) - London BZL TM
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Futures Trading At Marker (TAM) - Singapore BZS TS
Brent Crude Oil Penultimate Financial Futures BB BB
Brent Crude Oil Penultimate Financial Futures TAS BBT WT
Brent Crude Oil Variance (Calendar) Futures VBY CV
Brent Crude Oil Variance (Quarterly) Futures VBQ CV
Brent Crude Oil Variance (Semi-Annual) Futures VBS CV
Brent Crude Oil vs. Dubai Crude Oil (Platts) Futures ADB RF
Canadian Heavy Crude Oil Index (Net Energy) Futures WCC RF
Canadian Light Sweet Oil (Net Energy) Index Futures CIL RF
Canadian Sweet Synthetic Oil (Net Energy) Index Futures CSN PT
Crude Oil Financial Futures WS WS
Crude Oil Last Day Financial Futures 26 PT
Crude Oil Volatility Index (VIX) Futures CVF CM
Daily WTI Financial Futures DCL PT
Dated Brent (Platts) BALMO Futures DBB PT
Dated Brent (Platts) Daily Futures A7G RF
Dated Brent (Platts) Financial Futures AUB RF
Dated Brent (Platts) to Frontline Brent BALMO Futures AFE RF
Dated Brent (Platts) to Frontline Brent Futures AFY RF
DME Oman Crude Oil Futures DOO PT
DME Oman Crude Oil BALMO Futures DOB RF
DME Oman Crude Oil vs. Dubai (Platts) Futures DPO PT
Dubai Crude Oil (Platts) BALMO Futures ABI RF
Dubai Crude Oil (Platts) Futures DCB PT
E-mini Crude Oil Futures QM QM
Gulf Coast Sour Crude Oil Futures MB OP
ICE Brent (Euro Denominated) Financial Futures IBE PT
ICE Brent (Singapore Marker) Futures IBS PT
ICE Brent (Singapore Marker) vs. DME Oman Crude Oil Futures BSG PT
ICE Brent vs. DME Oman Crude Oil Futures Futures DBO PT
Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures CL CL
Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures TAS CLT CT
Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures Trading At Marker (TAM) - London CLL TM
Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures Trading At Marker (TAM) - Singapore CLS TS
LLS (Argus) Financial Futures AXA RF
LLS (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures AWJ RF
Mars (Argus) Financial Futures MX PT
Mars (Argus) Trade Month Futures MO PT
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures AYX RF
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures AYV RF
Micro Brent Crude Oil Penultimate Financial Futures MBZ PT
Micro Crude Oil Futures MCL RF
REBCO Financial Futures REB OP
Western Canadian Select (WCS) Crude Oil WCE CC
WTI BALMO Futures A42 RF
WTI Crude Oil Variance (Calendar) Futures VLA CV
WTI Crude Oil Variance (Quarterly) Futures VLR CV
WTI Crude Oil Variance (Semi-Annual) Futures VLS CV
WTI Financial Futures CSX PT
WTI‐Brent (ICE) Financial Futures BK PT
WTI-Brent Bullet Futures ABY RF
WTS Midland (Argus) Financial Futures AXB PT
WTS (Argus) Trade Month Futures AY PT
WTS (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures AFF RF
WTS (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures AFH RF
Alberta Power Pool Calendar Day Futures OAD PA
Alberta Power Pool Calendar Month Futures AQK ZZ
Alberta Power Pool Extended Off-Peak Calendar Day Futures PFP PA
Alberta Power Pool Extended Off-Peak Calendar Month Futures FEF PA
Alberta Power Pool Extended Peak Calendar Day Futures XPP PA
Alberta Power Pool Extended Peak Calendar Month Futures PEX PA
Alberta Power Pool Off-Peak Calendar Day Futures LAF PA
Alberta Power Pool Off-Peak Calendar Month Futures PHF PA
Alberta Power Pool Peak Calendar Day Futures LAP PA
Alberta Power Pool Peak Calendar Month Futures APA PA
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Day-Ahead LMP Futures C4Z PA
*C4Z* PA
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Real-Time LMP Futures B2K PA
*B2K* PA
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures

CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time LMP Futures

CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Day-Ahead LMP Futures DAZ PA
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Real-Time LMP Futures DHA PA
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures E9X PA
*E9X* PA
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time LMP Futures 1ZA PA
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Day-Ahead LMP Futures 2ZW PA
*2ZW* PA
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Real-Time LMP Futures 2JW PA
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures

*3XW* PA
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time LMP Futures

CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Day-Ahead LMP Futures 3ZW PA
*3ZW* PA
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Real-Time LMP Futures 2FW PA
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures 4XW PA
*4XW* PA
CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time LMP Futures 1Y PA
ERCOT Daily Load Forecast Futures EMC PA
ERCOT Houston 345 kV Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Futures AI4 PA
ERCOT Houston 345 kV Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Futures AI2 ZZ
ERCOT Houston 345 kV Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Futures AI3 PA
ERCOT Houston 345 kV Hub 5 MW Peak Futures AI1 ZZ
ERCOT Houston 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Off-Peak Futures EAA PA
ERCOT Houston 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Futures EAE PA
ERCOT Houston 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Peak Futures YHE PA
ERCOT Houston 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Futures YHF PA
ERCOT North 345 kV Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Futures AP1 PA
ERCOT North 345 kV Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Futures AI6 ZZ
ERCOT North 345 kV Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Futures AI7 ZZ
ERCOT North 345 kV Hub 5 MW Peak Futures AI5 ZZ
ERCOT North 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Off-Peak Futures ERL PA
ERCOT North 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Futures YRP PA
ERCOT North 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Peak Futures EAC PA
ERCOT North 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Futures YRW PA
ERCOT South 345 kV Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Futures AJ1 PA
ERCOT South 345 kV Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Futures AM1 PA
ERCOT South 345 kV Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Futures AK1 PA
ERCOT South 345 kV Hub 5 MW Peak Futures AI9 ZZ
ERCOT South 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Off-Peak Futures EAB PA
ERCOT South 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Futures ENP PA
ERCOT South 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Peak Futures YUE PA
ERCOT South 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Futures EUB PA
ERCOT West 345 kV Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Futures AR4 PA
ERCOT West 345 kV Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Futures AO1 ZZ
ERCOT West 345 kV Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Futures AR1 PA
ERCOT West 345 kV Hub 5 MW Peak Futures AN1 ZZ
ERCOT West 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Off-Peak Futures YWK PA
ERCOT West 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Futures YWF PA
ERCOT West 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Peak Futures YWE PA
ERCOT West 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Futures EAW PA
ISO New England Connecticut Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP
Futures AP3 ZZ
ISO New England Connecticut Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP
Futures AP2 ZZ

ISO New England Mass Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures H2L PW
*H2L* PW
ISO New England Mass Hub Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 2.5 MW Futures NIL PW
ISO New England Maine Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP
Futures AW2 ZZ
ISO New England Maine Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures
ISO New England Mass Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures

ISO New England Mass Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures IDL PW
ISO New England Mass Hub Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures COL PW
ISO New England Mass Hub Off-Peak LMP Futures AKI ZZ
ISO New England New Hampshire Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead
LMP Futures AU3 ZZ
ISO New England New Hampshire Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP
Futures AU2 ZZ
ISO New England North East Massachusetts Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month
Day-Ahead LMP Futures AP8 ZZ
ISO New England North East Massachusetts Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-
Ahead LMP Futures AP7 ZZ
ISO New England Rhode Island Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP
Futures AU5 ZZ
ISO New England Rhode Island Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP
Futures AU4 ZZ
ISO New England South East Massachusetts Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month
Day-Ahead LMP Futures AP5 ZZ
ISO New England South East Massachusetts Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-
Ahead LMP Futures AP4 ZZ
ISO New England West Central Massachusetts Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month
Day Ahead LMP Futures AL9 ZZ
ISO New England West Central Massachusetts Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-
Ahead LMP Futures AR6 ZZ
PJM Western Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures E4L PW
*E4L* PW
Mid-Columbia Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures MDL PW
Mid-Columbia Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures MLD PW
Mid-Columbia Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures OML PW
Mid-Columbia Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures MXL PW
Midwest ISO Indiana Hub (formerly Cinergy Hub) Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month K2L PW
*K2L* PW
Midwest ISO Indiana Hub (formerly Cinergy Hub) Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 5 M H5L PW
*H5L* PW
Midwest ISO Indiana Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Day-Ahead Futures FAL PW
Midwest ISO Indiana Hub Real-Time Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures FTL PW
Midwest ISO Indiana Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Day-Ahead Futures PDL PW
Midwest ISO Indiana Hub Real-Time Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures PTL PW
Midwest ISO Indiana Hub (formerly Cinergy Hub) Real-Time Off-Peak Calendar-Month EJL PW
Midwest ISO Indiana Hub Peak Calendar-Month LMP Futures MEL PW
Midwest ISO Michigan Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead Futures
Midwest ISO Michigan Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead Futures HWA PA
Midwest ISO Minnesota Hub Off-Peak Calendar-Month LMP Futures AJJ PA
Midwest ISO Minnesota Hub Peak Calendar-Month LMP Futures ALM PA
MISO Illinois Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead Futures A4R ZZ
MISO Illinois Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead Futures A4Q ZZ
MISO Illinois Hub Off-Peak Calendar-Month LMP Futures AOJ ZZ
MISO Illinois Hub Peak Calendar-Month LMP Futures AOH ZZ
MISO Indiana Hub 5 Month Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time Futures AH3 ZZ
MISO Indiana Hub Off-Peak LMP Futures AEJ ZZ
MISO Indiana Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures FQK ZZ
MISO Indiana Hub Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures PDO ZZ
MISO Indiana Hub Real-Time Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures FTQ ZZ
MISO Indiana Hub Real-Time Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures PTU ZZ
MISO Michigan Hub Off-Peak Calendar-Month LMP Futures AHJ ZZ
MISO Michigan Hub Peak Calendar-Month LMP Futures AHM ZZ
NYISO NYC In-City Capacity Calendar-Month Futures NHH ZZ
NYISO Rest of the State Capacity Calendar-Month Futures NRR ZZ
NYISO Zone A Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures K4L PW
*K4L* PW
NYISO Zone A Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures K3L PW
*K3L* PW
NYISO Zone A Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures ANL PW
NYISO Zone A Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures ZAL PW
NYISO Zone A Off-Peak LBMP Futures AKB ZZ
NYISO Zone A Peak LBMP Futures AKA ZZ
NYISO Zone C 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LBMP Futures AA3 ZZ
NYISO Zone C 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LBMP Futures AQ5 ZZ
NYISO Zone E 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LBMP Futures A58 ZZ
NYISO Zone E 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LBMP Futures A55 ZZ
NYISO Zone F 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LBMP Futures A4M ZZ
NYISO Zone F 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LBMP Futures A4L ZZ
NYISO Zone G Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures D2L PW
*D2L* PW
NYISO Zone G Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures T3L PW
*T3L* PW
NYISO Zone G Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures GNL PW
NYISO Zone G Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures ZGL PW
NYISO Zone G Off-Peak LBMP Futures AKH ZZ
NYISO Zone G Peak LBMP Futures AKG ZZ
NYISO Zone J Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures D4L PW
*D4L* PW
NYISO Zone J Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures D3L PW
*D3L* PW
NYISO Zone J Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures JNL PW
NYISO Zone J Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures ZJL PW
NYISO Zone J Off-Peak LBMP Futures AKP ZZ
NYISO Zone J Peak LBMP Futures AKJ ZZ
Ontario Off-Peak Calendar-Day Futures OOD ZZ
Ontario Off-Peak Calendar-Month Futures OFF ZZ
Ontario Peak Calendar-Day Futures OPO ZZ
Ontario Peak Calendar-Month Futures OMM ZZ
Palo Verde Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures PVL PW
Palo Verde Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures VLD PW
Palo Verde Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures OVL PW
Palo Verde Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures QVL PW
PJM AECO Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AX1 ZZ
PJM AECO Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AY1 ZZ
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Real-Time Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures V3L PW
*V3L* PW
PJM AEP Dayton Hub 5MW Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time LMP Futures AZ9 ZZ
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Real-Time Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures VDL PW
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures PEL PW
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures PAL PW
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures R7L PW
*R7L* PW
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Off-Peak LMP Futures AVP ZZ
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Day-Ahead LMP Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures D7L PW
*D7L* PW
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Real-Time Peak Calendar-Month 2.5 MW Futures VML PW
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Real-Time Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures AOL PW
PJM APS Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AW4 ZZ
PJM APS Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AS4 ZZ
PJM ATSI Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Day-Ahead Futures DBD PA
PJM ATSI Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Real-Time Futures DAO PA
PJM ATSI Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead Futures MDD ZZ
PJM ATSI Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time Futures MOA PA
PJM ATSI Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Day-Ahead Futures DPA PA
PJM ATSI Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Real-Time Futures DRA PA
PJM ATSI Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead Futures MPP ZZ
PJM ATSI Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time Futures MPA PA
PJM BGE Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AR3 ZZ
PJM BGE Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AE3 ZZ
PJM ComEd Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AD9 ZZ
PJM ComEd Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AD8 ZZ
PJM Daily Load Forecast Futures PDJ PW
PJM DOM Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AU1 PA
PJM DOM Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AR5 PA
PJM DPL Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AE8 ZZ
PJM DPL Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AL8 ZZ
PJM Duquesne Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AD6 ZZ
PJM Duquesne Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AD5 ZZ
PJM Eastern Hub Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AF4 ZZ
PJM Eastern Hub Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AE9 ZZ
PJM JCPL Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AF2 ZZ
PJM JCPL Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AJ2 ZZ
PJM METED Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures A46 ZZ
PJM METED Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures A47 ZZ
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Real-Time Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures B6L PW
*B6L* PW
PJM Northern Illinois Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time LMP Futures AB3 ZZ
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Calendar-Day Peak LMP Futures UDL PW
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures PNL PW
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures L3L PW
*L3L* PW
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Off-Peak LMP Futures AUO ZZ
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Day-Ahead LMP Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures N3L PW
*N3L* PW
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Real-Time Peak Calendar-Month 2.5 MW Futures UML PW
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Real-Time Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures NOI PW
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures POL PW
PJM Off-Peak Calendar-Month LMP Futures AJP ZZ
PJM Western Hub Real-Time Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures JDL PW
PJM Western Hub Real-Time Peak Calendar-Month 2.5 MW Futures JML PW
PJM PECO Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures A4P ZZ
PJM PECO Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures A4N ZZ
PJM PENELEC Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures A50 ZZ
PJM PENELEC Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures A49 ZZ
PJM PEPCO Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AQ8 ZZ
PJM PEPCO Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP 5 MW Futures AR8 ZZ
PJM PPL Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AF5 ZZ
PJM PPL Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AL5 ZZ
PJM PSEG Zone Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures AW6 ZZ
PJM PSEG Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP 5 MW Futures AL6 ZZ
PJM Western Hub 50 MW Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time LMP Futures A4S ZZ
PJM Western Hub Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures WPL PW
PJM Western Hub Real-Time Off-Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures N9L PW
*N9L* PW
PJM Western Hub Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures J4L PW
*J4L* PW
PJM Western Hub Peak Calendar-Month Real-Time LMP Futures AL1 ZZ
PJM Western Hub Real-Time Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures WOL PW
PJM Western Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures PWL PW
California Carbon Allowance CCA VX

Climate Action Reserve (CAR) Non-Vintage CR VX

Climate Action Reserve (CAR) Vintage 2009 92X VX

Climate Action Reserve (CAR) Vintage 2010 93X VX

Climate Action Reserve (CAR) Vintage 2011 94X VX

Climate Action Reserve (CAR) Vintage 2012 95X VX

Daily European Union Allowance (EUA) Futures Contract EUL VE

Emission Reduction Unit (ERU) Futures REU VX
European Union Allowance (EUA) Futures Contract EUA VX
European Union Aviation Allowance (EUAA) futures FLY VX
In Delivery Month Certified Emission Reduction Plus (CER+) Futures CPL VX
In Delivery Month European Union Allowance (EUA) Futures EAF VX
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Futures CO2 Allowance Futures RGI VX

Capesize Timecharter Average (Baltic) Futures CFI FT
Freight Route TC2 (Baltic) Futures TM FT
Freight Route TC4 (Platts) Futures TJ FT
Freight Route TC5 (Platts) Futures TH FT
Freight Route TC6 (Baltic) Futures TC6 FT
Freight Route TC12 (Baltic) Futures FRS FT
Freight Route TC14 (Baltic) Futures FRC FT
Freight Route TD3 (Baltic) Futures TL FT
Freight Route TD5 (Baltic) Futures TI FT
Freight Route TD7 (Baltic) Futures TK FT
Handysize Timecharter Average (Baltic) Futures HFT FT
Panamax Timecharter Average (Baltic) Futures PFI FT
Supremax Timecharter Average (Baltic) Futures SFT FT
Natural Gas
Algonquin City-Gates Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures B4N NE
*B4N* NE
Algonquin Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XAC GU
Algonquin City-Gates Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures N7 FD
Algonquin City-Gates Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures C8 FD
ANR, Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NDN GU
ANR, Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DAR GU
ANR, Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures MSX FD
ANR, Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures AK6 FD
ANR, Oklahoma Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NEN MN
ANR, Oklahoma Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DAL GU
ANR, Okahoma Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures IQ FD
ANR, Oklahoma Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures NSQ FD
CenterPoint Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures PW GU
CenterPoint Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DAC GU
CenterPoint Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily / Platts IFERC) Index Futures II FD
CenterPoint Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures VXN FD
Chicago Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NBN MN
Chicago Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XO GU
Chicago Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily / IFERC) Index Futures CIS FD
Chicago Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SS FD
CIG Rockies Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures CIN WE
CIG Rockies Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XIC GU
CIG Rockies Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures Z8 FD
CIG Rockies Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures U8 FD
Columbia Gas TCO (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures TC GU
Columbia Gas TCO (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures CFS FD
Columbia Gas TCO Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures Q1 FD
Columbia Gas TCO Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures A1 FD
Columbia Gulf Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures GL GU
Columbia Gulf Louisiana Natural Gas Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures S9 FD
Columbia Gulf Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures J6 FD
Columbia Gulf, Mainline Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures 5ZN GU
*5ZN* GU
Columbia Gulf, Mainline Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DCE GU
Columbia Gulf, Mainline Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures L2 FD
Columbia Gulf, Mainline Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures X2 FD
Dawn Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures ADW ZZ
Demarc Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures PE MN
Demarc Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DNP GU
Demarc Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures DI FD
Demarc Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures DTN FD
Dominion South Point Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures PGN NE
Dominion South Point Natural Gas(Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DSF FD
Dominion Natural Gas (Platt Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures DIH FD
Dominion South Point Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SH FD
E-mini Natural Gas Futures QG QG
Florida Gas Zone 2 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures 8AN GU
*8AN* GU
Florida Gas Zone 2 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XGC GU
Florida Gas Zone 2 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures NCN FD
Florida Gas Zone 2 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures X5 FD
Florida Gas Zone 3 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures FPN GU
Florida Gas Zone 3 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XFC GU
Florida Gas Zone 3 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures Q9 FD
Florida Gas Zone 3 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures J8 FD
Henry Hub Combo Futures HBI GU
Henry Hub Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures HB GU
Henry Hub Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures HHS FD
Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures NG NG
Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures TAS NGT NA
Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures TAS NNT NA
Henry Hub Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily / Platts IFERC) Index Futures IN FD
Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Futures NN HX
Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Physically-Delivered Futures MNG HX
Henry Hub Natural Gas Look-Alike Last Day Financial Futures HH NG
Henry Hub Natural Gas Look-Alike Last Day Financial Futures TAS HHT NA
Henry Hub Natural Gas Look-Alike Penultimate Financial Futures HP NG
Henry Hub Natural Gas Penultimate Financial Futures NPG NG
Henry Hub Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SN FD
Houston Ship Channel Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NHN GU
Houston Ship Channel Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XJT FD
Houston Ship Channel Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily / Platts IFERC) Index Futures HIP FD
Houston Ship Channel Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SMN FD
Kern Opal Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures KSR FD
Kern River Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NV WE
Kern River Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DFE GU
LNG East Asia (ICIS Heren) Index Futures LAI PG
LNG Japan/Korea Marker (Platts) Future JKM PG
Malin Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures PBN WE
Malin Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DML GU
Malin Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures MV8 FD
Malin Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures W9 FD
MichCon Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NFN MN
MichCon Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures MFS FD
MichCon Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures Y8 FD
MichCon Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures T8 FD
National Balancing Point (NBP) Henry Hub Basis Futures AE2 ZZ
Natural Gas Variance (Calendar) Futures VNA VN
Natural Gas Variance (Quarterly) Futures VNQ VN
Natural Gas Variance (Semi-Annual) Futures VNS VN
NGPL Mid-Con Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NL MN
NGPL Mid-Con Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures NFS FD
NGPL Mid-Con Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures NIW FD
NGPL Mid-Con Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures PX FD
NGPL STX Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures T5N MN
*T5N* MN
NGPL STX Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DNS GU
NGPL STX Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures N6 FD
NGPL STX Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures Q7 FD
NGPL TexOk Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures PD MN
NGPL TexOk Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XNC GU
NGPL TexOk Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures OI FD
NGPL TexOk Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures OX FD
OneOk Oklahoma Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures 8XN MN
*8XN* MN
OneOk Oklahoma Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XKC GU
OneOk Oklahoma Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures C7 FD
OneOk Oklahoma Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures KM3 FD
Panhandle Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures PH MN
Panhandle Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XH FD
Panhandle Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily / Platts IFERC) Index Futures IV FD
Panhandle Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SV FD
Permian Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures PM MN
Permian Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures PFS FD
Permian Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily / Platts IFERC) Index Futures IL FD
Permian Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SL FD
PG&E Citygate Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures PC WE
PG&E Citygate Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XQ GU
PG&E Citygate Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/IFERC) Index Futures IK FD
PG&E Citygate Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures PSK FD
Rockies Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NR WE
Rockies Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XR FD
Rockies Natural Gas (Platt Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures IR FD
San Juan Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NJ WE
San Juan Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XX FD
San Juan Natural Gas (Platt Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures IJ FD
San Juan Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SJ FD
SoCal City-Gate Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures 9A WE
9A-9A WE
*9A* WE
SoCal City-Gate Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures SGW FD
SoCal City-Gate Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures N5 FD
SoCal City-Gate Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures T9 FD
SoCal Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NS WE
SoCal Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XN FD
SoCal Natural Gas (Platt Gas Daily/IFERC) Index Futures IF FD
SoCal Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SFN FD
Southern Natural Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures SZN GU
Southern Natural Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XSC GU
Southern Natural Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures M8 FD
Southern Natural Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SK8 FD
Southern Star Tx.-Okla.-Kan. Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures 8ZN MN
*8ZN* MN
Southern Star Tx.-Okla.-Kan. Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures C9 FD
Southern Star Tx.-Okla.-Kan. Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures M4 FD
Sumas Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NKN WE
Sumas Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DVS GU
Sumas Natural Gas (Platt Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures IU FD
Sumas Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SSU FD
Tennessee 500 Leg Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NM GU
Tennessee 500 Leg Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures ZNP GU
Tennessee 500 Leg Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures Y7 FD
Tennessee 500 Leg Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures T7 FD
Tennessee 800 Leg (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures 6ZN GU
*6ZN* GU
Tennessee 800 Leg (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures ZZ6 GU
Tennessee 800 Leg Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures L4 FD
Tennessee 800 Leg Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures W5 FD
Tennessee Zone 0 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NQN GU
Tennessee Zone 0 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures ZNT GU
Tennessee Zone 0 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures Q4 FD
Tennessee Zone 0 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures T4 FD
TETCO ELA Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures TEL GU
TETCO M-3 Natural Gas (Platt Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures IX FD
TETCO M-3 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures NSX FD
TETCO STX Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures TXN MN
TETCO STX Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures ZTS GU
TETCO STX Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures Q2 FD
TETCO STX Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures TT2 FD
Texas Eastern Zone M-3 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NX GU
Texas Eastern Zone M-3 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures Z5P GU
Texas Eastern ELA Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures M9 FD
Texas Eastern ELA Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures TK9 FD
Texas Eastern WLA Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures 8BN GU
*8BN* GU
Texas Eastern WLA Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures C2 FD
Texas Eastern WLA Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures X8 FD
Texas Gas Zone 1 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures 9FN GU
*9FN* GU
Texas Gas Zone 1 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures ZTA GU
Texas Gas Zone 1 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures N4 FD
Texas Gas Zone 1 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures Y9 FD
Texas Gas Zone SL Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures TBN GU
Texas Gas Zone SL Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures S7 FD
Texas Gas Zone SL Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures TJ7 FD
Transco Zone 1 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures 8EN NE
*8EN* NE
Transco Zone 1 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XZ1 GU
Transco Zone 1 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures C4 FD
Transco Zone 1 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures X4 FD
Transco Zone 2 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures 8FN NE
*8FN* NE
Transco Zone 2 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures L7 FD
Transco Zone 2 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures X3 FD
Transco Zone 3 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures CZN NE
Transco Zone 3 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XZ3 GU
Transco Zone 3 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures Y6 FD
Transco Zone 3 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures T6 FD
Transco Zone 4 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures TRZ NE
Transco Zone 4 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XZ4 GU
Transco Zone 4 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures B2 FD
Transco Zone 4 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures J3 FD
Transco Zone 5 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures TZ5 FD
Transco Zone 6 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NZN NE
Transco Zone 6 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XZ GU
Transco Zone 6 Natural Gas (Platt Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures IT FD
Transco Zone 6 Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures ZST FD
Transco Zone 6 Non-N.Y Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures TZ6 NE
*TZ6* NE
Transco Zone 6 non-NY Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XZ6 GU
Transco Zone 6 Non-N.Y Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures TZI FD
Transco Zone 6 Non-N.Y Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures TZS FD
Trunkline ELA Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures M7 FD
Trunkline ELA Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures TK7 FD
Trunkline Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NUN GU
Trunkline Louisiana Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures XTC GU
Ventura Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures PF MN
Ventura Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DVA GU
Ventura Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures VI FD
Ventura Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures VSN FD
Waha Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures NW MN
Waha Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures WFS FD
Waha Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily / Platts IFERC) Index Futures IY FD
Waha Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily) Swing Futures SY FD
Argus Propane (Saudi Aramco) Futures A9N ZZ
Argus Propane Far East Index BALMO Futures 22 JR
Argus Propane Far East Index Futures A7E ZZ
Argus Propane Far East Index vs. European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) Futures (91) ZZ
Conway Natural Gasoline (OPIS) BALMO Futures
Conway Natural Gasoline (OPIS) Futures A8L ZZ
Conway Normal Butane (OPIS) BALMO Futures
Conway Normal Butane (OPIS) Futures A8M ZZ
Conway Physical Propane In-Well (OPIS) Futures CPP JR
Conway Propane (OPIS) BALMO Futures
Conway Propane (OPIS) Futures A8K ZZ
Daily Mont Belvieu LDH Propane (OPIS) Futures C3D JR
Daily Mont Belvieu Natural Gasoline (Non-LDH) (OPIS) Futures C5D JR
Daily Mont Belvieu Normal Butane (Non-LDH) (OPIS) Futures C4D JR
European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) BALMO Futures A32 ZZ
European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) Futures APS ZZ
HDPE High Density Polyethylene (PCW) BALMO Futures HPD JR
HDPE High Density Polyethylene (PCW) Financial Futures (HPE) HPE ZZ
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Futures AP6 ZZ
LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene (PCW) BALMO Futures LEL JR
LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene (PCW) Calendar Futures LPE JR
Mini Argus Propane (Saudi Aramco) Futures MAS JR
Mini Argus Propane Far East Index Futures MAE JR
Mont Belvieu Ethane (OPIS) BALMO Futures A8C ZZ
Mont Belvieu Ethane (OPIS) Futures AC0 ZZ
Mont Belvieu Ethylene (PCW) BALMO Futures MBB JR
Mont Belvieu Ethylene (PCW) Financial Futures MBR ZZ
Mont Belvieu Iso-Butane (OPIS) Futures A8I ZZ
Mont Belvieu LDH Propane (OPIS) BALMO Futures A8O ZZ
Mont Belvieu LDH Propane (OPIS) Futures B0 GS
Mont Belvieu LDH Propane (OPIS) vs. Argus Propane Far East Index Futures 31 JR
Mont Belvieu LDH Propane (OPIS) vs. European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) Futures
51 JR
Mont Belvieu Mini LDH Propane (OPIS) Futures A81 ZZ
Mont Belvieu Natural Gasoline (OPIS) BALMO Futures AR0 ZZ
Mont Belvieu Natural Gasoline (OPIS) Futures A7Q ZZ
Mont Belvieu Normal Butane (OPIS) BALMO Futures A8J ZZ
Mont Belvieu Normal Butane (OPIS) Futures AD0 ZZ
Mont Belvieu Normal Butane LDH (OPIS) Futures MNB ZZ
Mont Belvieu Physical Ethane (OPIS) Futures A3Q ZZ
Mont Belvieu Physical Iso-Butane (OPIS) Futures 3L JR
Mont Belvieu Physical LDH Propane (OPIS) Futures A3N ZZ
Mont Belvieu Physical Natural Gasoline (OPIS) Futures A3R ZZ
Mont Belvieu Physical Non-LDH Propane (OPIS) Futures 3P JR
Mont Belvieu Physical Normal Butane (OPIS) Futures A3M ZZ
Mont Belvieu Spot Ethylene In-Well (PCW) Futures MBE ZZ
PGP Polymer Grade Propylene (PCW) Financial Futures PGG ZZ
Polypropylene Futures P1 JR
PP Polypropylene (PCW) BALMO Futures PPW JR
PP Polypropylene (PCW) Calendar Futures PPP JR
Propane Non-LDH Mont Belvieu (OPIS) BALMO Futures 1S JR
Propane Non-LDH Mont Belvieu (OPIS) Futures A1R ZZ
Refined Products
1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes CIF MED BALMO Futures AOB CP
1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes FOB MED BALMO Futures FOM CP
1% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) vs. 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE (Platts) BALMO Futures
1% Fuel Oil Cargoes CIF MED (Platts) Futures A1W RF
1% Fuel Oil Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) Futures A1X RF
1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE (Platts) Crack Spread Futures AFI RF
1% Fuel Oil Rdam (Platts) vs. 1% Fuel Oil NWE (Platts) Futures A33 RF
1.0% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE (Platts) Crack Spread (1000mt) Futures FVB RF
3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Crack Spread BALMO Futures FCB CP
3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Crack Spread Futures FO PT
3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) CIF MED Futures 7D CP
3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) CIF MED BALMO Futures 8D CP
3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) FOB MED Crack Spread Futures FL CP
3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) FOB MED Crack Spread BALMO Futures FOA CP
3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Crack Spread (1000mt) Futures BOO RF
3.5% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB MED (Platts) vs. 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures AFK RF
3.5% Fuel Oil Rdam vs. 3.5% FOB MED Spread (Platts) BALMO Futures 63 CP
Argus Biodiesel RME FOB Rdam Futures A1A RF
Argus Gasoline Eurobob Oxy Barges NWE Crack Spread (1000mt) BALMO Futures
Argus Gasoline Eurobob Oxy Barges NWE Crack Spread (1000mt) Futures EOB RF
Biodiesel SME Houston B-100 (Argus) Futures GSI CP
Chicago ULSD (Platts) Futures 4C CP
Chicago ULSD (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures A5C RF
Chicago Unleaded Gasoline (Platts) Futures 2C CP
Chicago Unleaded Gasoline (Platts) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures A3C RF
Daily European 1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes FOB NWE Futures FCN CP
Daily European 3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Futures FOR CP
Daily European Naphtha (Platts) CIF NWE Futures NCP CP
Daily Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges Futures GBR CP
Diesel 10 ppm Barges FOB Rdam vs. ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE Futures
Diesel 10ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Futures U7 CP
Diesel 10ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam vs. ICE Gasoil BALMO Futures 7X CP
East West Gasoline Futures EWG CP
East-West Fuel Oil Spread (Platts) BALMO Futures EWB CP
East‐West Fuel Oil Spread (Platts) Futures FEW PT
East-West Naphtha: Japan C&F vs. Cargoes CIF NWE Spread (Platts) Futures EWN RF
EIA Flat Tax On-Highway Diesel Futures AA5 RF
EIA Flat Tax U.S. Retail Gasoline Futures JE CP
E-mini NY Harbor ULSD Futures QH QM
E-mini RBOB Gasoline - Financial Futures QU QM
EuroBob Gasoline 10 ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Futures 7P CP
EuroBob Gasoline 10 ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Futures 7S CP
European 1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Futures A6L CP
European 1% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures AUH RF
European 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB MED (Platts) Futures EFM RF
European 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB MED vs. European 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE Spread (Platts)
ENS Futures RF
European 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE (Platts) BALMO Futures AKX RF
European 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE (Platts) Futures AUF RF
European 3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Calendar Futures UV PT
European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) BALMO Futures AKR RF
European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Mini Weekly Differential Futures EMW ZZ
European 3.5% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB MED (Platts) BALMO Futures EFF RF
European 3.5% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB MED (Platts) Futures AUI RF
European Diesel 10 ppm Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures AGT RF
European Diesel 10 ppm Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures AET EE
European Diesel 10 ppm Barges FOB Rdam vs. Gasoil 50 ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam
Futures ENF JR
European Diesel 10 ppm Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) vs. Low Sulphur Gasoil Futures LSE IA
European Diesel 10ppm Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures EL1 PT
European Gasoil (ICE) Futures GLI CM
European Gasoil (ICE) Futures TAS 7FT EG
European Gasoil Bullet Futures BG RF
European Gasoil Crack Spread Futures GZ PT
European Gasoil Financial Futures AGX RF
European Jet Kerosene (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Calendar Futures UR CP
European Jet Kerosene Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) Futures AUJ RF
European Naphtha (Platts) BALMO Futures AKZ RF
European Naphtha (Platts) Calendar Futures UN PT
European Naphtha (Platts) Crack Spread BALMO Futures A43 RF
European Naphtha (Platts) Crack Spread Futures EN PT
European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) vs. Naphtha Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) Futures EPN RF
FAME 0 (Argus) Biodiesel fob Rdam (RED Compliant) Futures FBD CP
FAME 0 Biodiesel (Argus) FOB Rdam vs. ICE Gasoil Spread Futures SLE PT
FAME 0 Biodiesel (Argus) fob Rotterdam (RED Compliant) vs. ICE Gasoil Spread
Futures FBT CP
FAME 0 Biodiesel FOB Rdam (Argus) Futures A2L RF
Fuel Diff: 1% NWE FOB Cargoes vs. 3.5% Barges(Platts) Futures FSS PT
Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Futures B8 CP
Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam vs. ICE Gasoil BALMO Futures A6V CP
Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes CIF MED Futures Z4 CP
Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE Futures TW CP
Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE BALMO Futures AB7 CP
Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE vs. ICE Gasoil BALMO Futures 4V CP
Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes FOB NWE Futures AWR CP
Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) CIF MED BALMO Futures X6 CP
Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) CIF MED vs. ICE Gasoil BALMO Futures 8W CP
Gasoil 0.1 Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures AVL RF
Gasoil 0.1 Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures AWQ RF
Gasoil 0.1 Cargoes CIF MED (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures AZ5 RF
Gasoil 0.1 Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures ATU RF
Gasoil 0.1 Cargoes FOB Northwest Europe (NWE) vs. ICE Gasoil Futures WT CP
Gasoil 0.1% (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Crack Spread (1000mt) Futures GOB CP
Gasoil 0.1% (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE Crack Spread (1000mt) Futures GEB CP
Gasoil 50 ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Futures GFS CP
Gasoil 50 ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Futures GFL CP
Gasoil 50 ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Crack Spread (1000mt) Futures GRC CP
Gasoil 50 ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam vs. ICE Gasoil Futures GRS CP
Gasoil 50 ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam vs. ICE Gasoil BALMO Futures GRB CP
Gasoil 50 ppm Barges FOB Rdam vs. Gasoil 0.1% (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Futures
Gasoil Crack Spread (1000mt) Financial Futures GOC RF
Gasoil Mini Financial Futures AQA RF
Gasoline 10 ppm (Platts) FOB MED Crack Spread Futures GKS CP
Gasoline Euro‐bob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges BALMO Futures BR7 PT
Gasoline Euro‐bob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges Crack Spread Futures T7K PT
Gasoline Euro‐bob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges Futures B7H PT
Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Crack Spread BALMO Futures A7I RF
Group Three ULSD (Platts) Futures AA7 CP
Group Three ULSD (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures AA6 RF
Group Three Unleaded Gasoline (Platts) Futures AA9 CP
Group Three Unleaded Gasoline (Platts) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures AA8 RF
Gulf Coast 3.0% Fuel Oil (Platts) BALMO Futures AVZ RF
Gulf Coast CBOB Gasoline A1 (Platts) Futures CBO CP
Gulf Coast CBOB Gasoline A1 (Platts) Crack Spread Futures CBC CP
Gulf Coast CBOB Gasoline A1 (Platts) vs. RBOB Spread Futures CBA CP
Gulf Coast CBOB Gasoline A2 (Platts) Futures CRG CP
Gulf Coast CBOB Gasoline A2 (Platts) Crack Spread Futures GCG CP
Gulf Coast CBOB Gasoline A2 (Platts) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures CRB RF
Gulf Coast Heating Oil (Platts) Futures AGP RF
Gulf Coast Jet (Argus) Calendar Futures AF CP
Gulf Coast Jet (Argus) Up-Down BALMO Futures GBA CP
Gulf Coast Jet (Argus) Up-Down Futures AJU RF
Gulf Coast Jet (Platts) Up-Down BALMO Futures A1M RF
Gulf Coast Jet (Platts) vs. Heating Oil Spread Futures ME PT
Gulf Coast Jet Fuel (Platts) Futures AGE RF
Gulf Coast No. 2 (Platts) Crack Spread Futures RD CP
Gulf Coast No. 2 (Platts) Up-Down Financial Futures AUT RF
Gulf Coast No. 6 Fuel Oil (Platts) Crack Spread BALMO Futures GFC RF
Gulf Coast No. 6 Fuel Oil (Platts) Crack Spread Futures MGH RF
Gulf Coast No. 6 Fuel Oil 3.0% (Platts) Futures MFB PT
Gulf Coast No. 6 Fuel Oil 3.0% (Platts) vs. European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) BALMO
GCB Futures RF
Gulf Coast No. 6 Fuel Oil 3.0% vs. European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) GCU PT
Gulf Coast No.6 Fuel Oil 3.0% (Platts) Brent Crack Spread Futures GCI RF
Gulf Coast ULSD (Argus) Calendar Futures AJ CP
Gulf Coast ULSD (Argus) Crack Spread Futures CF CP
Gulf Coast ULSD (Argus) Up-Down BALMO Futures GUD CP
Gulf Coast ULSD (Argus) Up-Down Futures AUS RF
Gulf Coast ULSD (Platts) Crack Spread Futures GY PT
Gulf Coast ULSD (Platts) Futures ALY RF
Gulf Coast ULSD (Platts) Up-Down BALMO Futures A1L RF
Gulf Coast ULSD (Platts) Up‐Down Spread Futures LT PT
Gulf Coast ULSD vs. Gulf Coast Jet Spread (Platts) Futures VV CP
Gulf Coast Unl 87 (Argus) Calendar Futures AAW CP
Gulf Coast Unl 87 (Argus) Crack Spread Futures CK CP
Gulf Coast Unl 87 (Argus) Up-Down Futures AUZ RF
Gulf Coast Unl 87 (Platts) Crack Spread BALMO Futures 1J CP
Gulf Coast Unl 87 (Platts) Up-Down BALMO Futures A1K RF
Gulf Coast Unl 87 Gasoline M1 (Platts) Crack Spread Futures ARW RF
Gulf Coast Unl 87 Gasoline M1 (Platts) Futures AGS RF
Gulf Coast Unl 87 Gasoline M1 (Platts) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures RV PT
Gulf Coast Unl 87 Gasoline M2 (Argus) Futures UGG CP
Gulf Coast Unl 87 Gasoline M2 (Argus) vs. RBOB Spread Futures RBG CP
Gulf Coast Unl 87 Gasoline M2 (Platts) Futures GCM CP
Gulf Coast Unl 87 Gasoline M2 (Platts) Crack Spread Futures GCC CP
Gulf Coast Unl 87 Gasoline M2 (Platts) vs. RBOB BALMO Futures GBB CP
Gulf Coast Unl 87 Gasoline M2 (Platts) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures RVR RF
Gulf Coast Unl 87 vs. Gulf Coast Heating Oil Spread (Platts) Futures AMD CP
ICE Gasoil (Euro Denominated) Futures IGE CP
ICE Gasoil BALMO Futures U9 CP
Japan C&F Naphtha (Platts) Brent Crack Spread Futures AJB RF
Japan C&F Naphtha (Platts) Futures JA PT
Japan Naphtha (Platts) BALMO Futures E6 CP
Jet Aviation Fuel (Platts) Cargoes FOB MED Futures 1T CP
Jet Aviation Fuel Cargoes FOB MED (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures A1V RF
Jet Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures AJR RF
Jet Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures HJC RF
Jet Fuel (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Futures X9 CP
Jet Fuel (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam vs. ICE Gasoil BALMO Futures 9Q CP
Jet Fuel (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE BALMO Futures F3 CP
Jet Fuel (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE vs. ICE Gasoil BALMO Futures A6X CP
Los Angeles CARB Diesel (OPIS) Futures ALX RF
Los Angeles CARB Diesel (OPIS) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures AKL RF
Los Angeles CARBOB Gasoline (OPIS) Futures MH CP
Los Angeles CARBOB Gasoline (OPIS) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures AJL RF
Los Angeles Jet (OPIS) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures AJS RF
Los Angeles Jet Fuel (OPIS) Outright Futures LL CP
Los Angeles Jet Fuel (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures MQ RF
Low Sulphur Gasoil (100mt) Calendar Month Futures LSM IA
Low Sulphur Gasoil Crack Spread (1,000 bbl) Financial Futures LSC IA
Low Sulphur Gasoil (100mt) Penultimate Day Futures LSP IA
Mini 1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes FOB NWE (Euro Denominated) Futures MFE CP
Mini 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB MED (Platts) Futures MFD CP
Mini 3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam (Euro Denominated) Futures MFT CP
Mini 3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes FOB MED Calendar Futures MMF CP
Mini European 1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Futures 0A CP
Mini European 1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes FOB NWE Futures 0B CP
Mini European 1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes FOB NWE BALMO Futures 0C CP
Mini European 1% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures AT0 RF
Mini European 3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Futures 0E CP
Mini European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures A0D RF
Mini European Diesel 10 ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam vs. ICE Gasoil Futures MUD CP
Mini European Jet Kero (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam vs. Gasoil Futures MJB CP
Mini European Jet Kero Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures MJC RF
Mini European Naphtha (Platts) BALMO Futures MEE RF
Mini European Naphtha CIF NWE (Platts) Futures MNC RF
Mini Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE vs. Gasoil Futures MGF CP
Mini Gasoil 0.1 (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE vs. Gasoil (Euro Denominated) Futures
Mini Gasoil 0.1 Barges FOB Rdam vs. ICE Gasoil Futures MGB CP
Mini Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Futures MEO RF
Mini Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) BALMO Futures MEB PT
Mini Japan C&F Naphtha (Platts) Futures MJN RF
Mini Japan Naphtha (Platts) BALMO Futures E6M JR
Mini RBOB Gasoline vs. Euro-bob Oxy NEW Barges (Argus) Futures MXB PT
Mini RBOB Gasoline vs. Euro-bob Oxy NEW Barges (Argus) BALMO Futures MXR PT
Mini Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) BALMO Futures 5L CP
Mini Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) Futures A0F RF
Mini Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) BALMO Futures MTB CP
Mini Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) Futures MTS RF
Mini Singapore Gasoil (Platts) Futures MSG CP
Mini ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF MED vs. Gasoil Futures UCM CP
Mini ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE vs. Gasoil Futures MGN CP
Mini ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE vs. Gasoil (Euro Denominated) Futures
Mont Belvieu LDH Iso-Butane (OPIS) Futures MBL ZZ
Naphtha Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) Crack Spread (1000mt) BALMO Futures NBB RF
Naphtha Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) Crack Spread (1000mt) Futures NOO RF
New York 0.3% Fuel Oil HiPr (Platts) BALMO Futures NYB CP
New York 0.3% Fuel Oil HiPr vs. New York Fuel Oil 1.0% (Platts) Futures NYH CP
New York 0.7% Fuel Oil (Platts) BALMO Futures NYS CP
New York 1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Crack Spread BALMO Futures NFC CP
New York 1% Fuel Oil (Platts) vs. Gulf Coast 3% Fuel Oil (Platts) BALMO Futures
New York 2.2% Fuel Oil (Platts) BALMO Futures NYE CP
New York 3.0% Fuel Oil (Platts) BALMO Futures NYT CP
New York Fuel Oil 1.0% vs. European 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE (Platts) BALMO
Futures NYG CP
New York Harbor 1.0% Fuel Oil (Platts) BALMO Futures AVK RF
New York Harbor Residual Fuel (Platts) Crack Spread Futures AML RF
New York Harbor Residual Fuel 1.0% (Platts) Futures MM PT
Northwest Europe Fuel Oil High-Low Sulfur Spread (Platts) BALMO Futures 88 CP
NY 0.3% Fuel Oil (Platts) Futures VQ CP
NY 0.3% Fuel Oil HiPr (Platts) Futures A8N RF
NY 0.7% Fuel Oil (Platts) Futures AY4 RF
NY 0.7% Fuel Oil vs. NY 1.0% Fuel Oil (Platts) Futures NYI CP
NY 1% Fuel Oil vs. Gulf Coast 3% Fuel Oil Spread (Platts) Futures VR PT
NY 2.2% Fuel Oil (Platts) Futures AY3 RF
NY 2.2% Fuel Oil vs. Gulf Coast No. 6 Fuel Oil 3.0% (Platts) Futures NYC CP
NY 3.0% Fuel Oil (Platts) Futures AH1 RF
NY 3.0% Fuel Oil (Platts) vs. Gulf Coast No. 6 Fuel Oil 3.0% (Platts) Futures FOC RF
NY Fuel Oil 1.0% (Platts) vs. European 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE (Platts) Futures RF
NY Harbor ULSD BALMO Futures A1G RF
NY Harbor ULSD Brent Crack Spread Futures HOB RF
NY Harbor ULSD Bullet Futures ABH RF
NY Harbor ULSD Crack Spread BALMO Futures 1H CP
NY Harbor ULSD Crack Spread Futures AHL RF
NY Harbor ULSD Financial Futures MPX PT
NY Harbor ULSD Futures HO CL
NY Harbor ULSD Last Day Financial Futures 23 CP
NY Harbor ULSD London Tradable Marker HOL TM
NY Harbor ULSD vs. Gasoil Futures HAB PT
NY Harbor ULSD vs. Low Sulphur Gasoil (1,000bbl) Futures NLS PT
NY Harbor ULSD vs. Low Sulphur Gasoil (1,000mt) Futures SLS PT
NY Heating Oil (Platts) Futures YF CP
NY Heating Oil (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures AYH RF
NY Jet Fuel (Argus) Futures 4Y CP
NY Jet Fuel (Argus) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures A5U RF
NY Jet Fuel (Platts) Futures A1Q CP
NY Jet Fuel (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures A1U RF
NY RBOB (Platts) Calendar Futures RYA CP
NY RBOB (Platts) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures ARI RF
NY ULSD (Argus) Futures 5Y CP
NY ULSD (Argus) vs. NY Harbor ULSD BALMO Futures ULB RF
NY ULSD (Argus) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures A7Y RF
NY ULSD (Platts) Futures YS CP
NY ULSD (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures AUY RF
Premium Unleaded Gasoline 10 ppm (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam BALMO Futures 7N CP
Premium Unleaded Gasoline 10 ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE Futures 4G CP
Premium Unleaded Gasoline 10 ppm (Platts) CIF MED Futures 2G CP
Premium Unleaded Gasoline 10 ppm Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures A7L RF
Premium Unleaded Gasoline 10 ppm FOB MED (Platts) BALMO Futures A8G RF
Premium Unleaded Gasoline 10 ppm FOB MED (Platts) Futures A3G RF
RBOB Gasoline BALMO Futures A1D RF
RBOB Gasoline Calendar Futures RLX PT
RBOB Gasoline Crack Spread BALMO Futures 1E CP
RBOB Gasoline Crack Spread Futures ARE RF
RBOB Gasoline Financial Futures RT WS
RBOB Gasoline Futures RB CL
RBOB Gasoline Futures TAS RBT CT
RBOB Gasoline Futures Trading At Marker (TAM) - London RBL TM
RBOB Gasoline Last Day Financial Futures 27 CP
RBOB Gasoline vs. Brent Crack Spread Futures RBB PT
RBOB Gasoline vs. Euro-bob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges Futures XER CP
RBOB Gasoline vs. Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) (350,000 gallons) Futures EXR RF
RBOB Gasoline vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures ARY RF
RME Biodiesel (Argus) fob Rdam (RED Compliant) Futures RBF CP
RME Biodiesel FOB Rdam (Argus) (RED Compliant) vs. Gasoil Futures BFR RF
RME Biodiesel FOB Rdam (Argus) vs. Gasoil Futures AKE RF
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) 6.35 Brent Crack Spread Futures STR PT
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) 6.35 Dubai (Platts) Crack Spread Futures STS RF
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) 6.35 Dubai Crack Spread BALMO Futures STY JR
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) BALMO Futures ABS RF
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) Brent Crack Spread Futures SFC RF
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) Calendar Futures UA PT
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) Mini Weekly Spread Futures SMW PT
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst vs. 380 cst Spread (Platts) BALMO Futures MSD CP
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst vs. 380 cst Spread (Platts) Futures SD PT
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) 6.35 Dubai (Platts) Crack Spread Futures STI RF
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) BALMO Futures ABT RF
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) Futures SE PT
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) Mini Weekly Spread Futures SDM PT
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) vs. European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) RF
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) vs. European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) RF
Futures EVC
Singapore Gasoil (Platts) BALMO Futures AVU RF
Singapore Gasoil (Platts) Futures SGB PT
Singapore Gasoil (Platts) vs. DME Oman Crude Oil Futures DZB PT
Singapore Gasoil (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures AGA RF
Singapore Gasoil (Platts) vs. Low Sulphur Gasoil Futures LSS IA
Singapore Gasoil 10 ppm (Platts) Futures ATF CP
Singapore Gasoil 10 ppm (Platts) BALMO Futures STL CP
Singapore Gasoil 10 ppm (Platts) vs. Singapore Gasoil (Platts) Futures STT RF
Singapore Jet Kerosene (Platts) BALMO Futures ABX RF
Singapore Jet Kerosene (Platts) Dubai Crack Spread Futures ASD JR
Singapore Jet Kerosene (Platts) Futures AKS RF
Singapore Jet Kerosene (Platts) vs. DME Oman Crude Oil Futures RKZ JR
Singapore Jet Kerosene (Platts) vs. Gasoil (Platts) BALMO Futures AZ0 RF
Singapore Jet Kerosene (Platts) vs. Gasoil (Platts) Futures RKA RF
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) BALMO Futures A1P RF
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) Brent Crack Spread Futures D1N RF
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) Dubai Crack Spread Futures 1NA JR
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) Futures N1B PT
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) vs. DME Oman Crude Oil Futures DNB JR
Singapore Mogas 95 Unleaded (Platts) BALMO Futures W0 CP
Singapore Mogas 95 Unleaded (Platts) Futures AV0 RF
Singapore Mogas 95 Unleaded vs. Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded Spread (Platts)
Futures SMU CP
Singapore Mogas 97 Unleaded (Platts) Futures X0 CP
Singapore Mogas 97 Unleaded (Platts) BALMO Futures YNO PT
Singapore Naphtha (Platts) BALMO Futures ZKU CP
Singapore Naphtha (Platts) Futures ASP RF
Tokyo Bay 10ppm Gasoil (RIM) Futures RMS CP
Tokyo Bay A-Grade 0.1% Sulfur Fuel Oil (RIM) Futures RMU CP
Tokyo Bay A-Grade 1% Sulfur Fuel Oil (RIM) Futures RMF CP
Tokyo Bay Gasoline (RIM) Futures RMG CP
Tokyo Bay Kerosene (RIM) Futures RMK CP
ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF MED Futures Z6 CP
ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE BALMO Futures B1 CP
ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE vs. ICE Gasoil BALMO Futures 3V CP
ULSD 10ppm (Platts) CIF MED BALMO Futures X7 CP
ULSD 10ppm (Platts) CIF MED vs. ICE Gasoil BALMO Futures 7V CP
ULSD 10ppm Cargoes CIF Med (Platts) Futures vs. Low Sulphur Gasoil Futures LSL IA
ULSD 10ppm Cargoes CIF Med vs. ULSD 10ppm (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE Futures
ULSD 10ppm Cargoes CIF Med (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures EP1 PT
ULSD 10ppm Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) Futures ATY RF
ULSD 10ppm Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures ATP RF
ULSD 10ppm Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) vs. Low Sulphur Gasoil Futures LSU IA
ULSD 10ppm Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures EO1 PT
ULSD 10ppm CIF MED (Platts) vs. Gasoil Futures AZ7 RF

Chicago Ethanol (Platts) Average Price Options CVR OF, P2
Ethanol Options OEH 5X, 1E
NY Ethanol (Platts) Average Price Options NVP PC, EX
Capp Coal Calendar Strip Options A6M EF, EX
Central Appalachian Coal Options AC1 EF, EX
Central Appalachian Coal Options on Quarterly Futures Strip A6K EF, EX
Coal (API 2) cif ARA (Argus/McCloskey) Option on Quarterly Futures Strip CQA P5, EX
Coal (API 2) cif ARA (Argus/McCloskey) Options on Calendar Futures Strip CLB EF, EX
Coal (API 4) Fob RB (Arg/Mc) Options MFO EF, EX
Coal (API 4) fob Richards Bay (Argus/McCloskey) Option on Calendar Futures Strip
P5, EX
Coal (API 4) fob Richards Bay (Argus/McCloskey) Options on Quarterly Futures Strip RQA EF, EX

Coal (API2) CIF ARA (ARGUS-McCloskey) Options MTO EF, EX

CSX Coal (Platts OTC Broker Index) Option on Quarterly Futures Strip Options CPF P5, EX
Powder River Basin Coal (Platts OTC Broker Index) Options on Quarterly Futures Strip RPF EF, EX

Crude Oil
Brent 25-Day (Platts) Average Price Options BDA EP, P2
Brent 25-Day (Platts) European Options BDE EP, P2
Brent 25-Day (Platts) Options BDO EP, P2
Brent Calendar Spread (1 Month) Options AA EP, P2
Brent Calendar Spread (2 Month) Options AB EP, P2
Brent Calendar Spread (3 Month) Options AC EP, P2
Brent Calendar Spread (6 Month) Options AM EP, P2
Brent Calendar Spread (12 Month) Options AZ EP, P2
Brent Crude Oil Average Price Option BA PR, P2
Brent Crude Oil Financial Options BE OT, 1Z
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Calendar Spread (1 Month) Options 9C EP, P2
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Calendar Spread (12 Month) Options 9Y EP, P2
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Calendar Spread (2 Month) Options 9B EP, P2
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Calendar Spread (3 Month) Options 9D EP, P2
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Calendar Spread (6 Month) Options 9L EP, P2
Brent Crude Oil Option OSX PR, P2
Brent Option on Calendar Futures Strip BPC EP, P2
Brent Option on Quarterly Futures Strip BQP EP, P2
Canadian Heavy Crude Oil (Net Energy) Index Average Price Options WCI EP, P2
Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread (2 Month) Options 7B EP, P2
Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread (3 Month) Options 7C EP, P2
Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread (6 Month) Options 7M EP, P2
Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread (12 Month) Options 7Z EP, P2
Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread Option B7A PR, P2
Crude Oil Option on Calendar Futures Strip Options A6F EP, P2
Crude Oil Option on Quarterly Futures Strip Options A6E EP, P2
Crude Oil Volatility Index (VIX) Options CVP VC, 9C
Daily Brent Crude Oil Option ODB EP, P2
Daily Crude Oil Calendar Spread (1 Month) Options DNM EP, P2
Daily Crude Oil Calendar Spread (2 Month) Options DTM EP, P2
Daily Crude Oil Options ICD OF, P2
Dated Brent (Platts) Average Price Options DBP OF, P2
DME Oman Crude Oil Average Price Option Options DOA EP, P2
Dubai Crude Oil (Platts) Average Price Options AAH OF, P2
Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) Options LO LO, 1N
Light Sweet Crude Oil European Financial Option LCE LO, 1N
Short-Term Daily Crude Oil Euro C01-C31 TO, 1N
Western Canadian Select (WCS) Crude Oil Options WCO EP, P2
WTI-Brent Crude Oil Spread Options ABV OF, P2
WTI Average Price Options AAO OF, P2
WTI Crude Oil Calendar Spread Option (1 Month) WAY XZ, 1X
WTI Crude Oil Calendar Spread Option (2 Month) WB EP, P2
WTI Crude Oil Calendar Spread Option (3 Month) WC EP, P2
WTI Crude Oil Calendar Spread Option (6 Month) AWM OF, P2
WTI Crude Oil Calendar Spread Option (12 Month) AWZ OF, P2
CAISO SP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Options CSA PP, E9
ISO New England Mass Hub Peak LMP Option on Calendar Futures Strip NEG IZ, EX
ISO New England Peak Calendar-Month LMP Option AOE IZ, EX
MISO Indiana Hub Peak Calendar-Month LMP Option AOQ IZ, EX
MISO Indiana Hub Peak Option on Calendar Futures Strip OEE IZ, EX
NYISO Zone A 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LBMP Options A9T PP, E9
NYISO Zone G 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LBMP Option A9U IZ, EX
NYISO Zone J 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LBMP Options 9AV PP, E9
PJM 50 MW Calendar‐Month LMP Option PML ET, E9
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Peak 50 MW Calendar-Month LMP Options JDA PP, E9
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Peak 50 MW Calendar-Month LMP Option on Calendar Futures
Strip Options AJI
PP, E9
PJM AEP Dayton Hub Peak Calendar-Month LMP Option AOT IZ, EX
PJM Calendar-Month LMP Option AJO IZ, EX
PJM Electricity Option on Calendar Futures Strip A6O ET, E9
PJM JCPL Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Options JAC PP, E9
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Peak 50 MW Calendar-Month LMP Options AJN PP, E9
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Peak 50 MW Calendar-Month LMP Option on Calendar
Futures Strip Options JHA
PP, E9
PJM Northern Illinois Hub Peak Calendar-Month LMP Option AOU IZ, EX
PJM PEPCO Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP 5 MW Options APE PP, E9
PJM PSEG Zone Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP 5 MW Options ASG PP, E9
PJM West Hub Real-Time 50 MW Off-Peak Options NB9 PP, E9
PJM West Hub Real-Time 50 MW Same Day Options Z01-Z31 PP, E9
PJM Western Hub Real-Time Off-Peak Calendar-Month 50 MW Option on Calendar
Futures Strip 6OO
ET, E9
California Carbon Allowance Options CAO GY, GQ
Certified Emission Reduction (CER plus
) Options PCL GY, GQ
Certified Emission Reduction (CER plus) Serial Options CPE GY, GQ
Climate Action Reserve Options CO GY, GQ
Emission Reduction Unit (ERU) ERO GY, GQ
Emission Reduction Unit (ERU) Serial Option RUE GY, GQ
In Delivery Month European Union Allowance (EUA) Options EAX GY, GQ
In Delivery Month European Union Allowance (EUA) Serial Options 9G GY, GQ
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Options RGX GY, GQ
Freight Route TC2 (Baltic) Average Price Option TCW FA, FC
Freight Route TC5 (Platts) Average Price Option TCI FA, FC
Freight Route TD3 (Baltic) Average Price Option TDT FA, FC
Natural Gas
Chicago "Pipe" (Platts IFERC) Options PY PU, G2
Columbia Gas TCO Basis (Platts IFERC) Options 5D PU, G2
Daily Natural Gas Option KDB GN, G2
Henry Hub Basis (Platts IFERC) Options 5E PU, G2
Henry Hub Natural Gas Calendar Spread (12 month) Options IZ PU, G2
Henry Hub Natural Gas Calendar Spread (2 month) Options IB PU, G2
Henry Hub Natural Gas Calendar Spread (3 month) Options AIC PU, G2
Henry Hub Natural Gas Calendar Spread (5 month) Options IE PU, G2
Henry Hub Natural Gas Calendar Spread (6 month) Options IM PU, G2
Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread (1 month) Option G4X GN, G2
Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread (3 month) Option G3B GN, G2
Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread (6 month) Option G6B GN, G2
Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread Option AG2 EF, EX
Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread Option AG5 EF, EX
Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread Option AG7 EF, EX
Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Option AE7 EF, EX
Henry Hub Natural Gas Quadultimate Options HHQ PU, G2
Houston Ship Channel Basis (Platts IFERC) Options 5F PU, G2
Houston Ship Channel Natural Gas "Pipe" Option APK EF, EX
MichCon Natural Gas Basis Option A4W EF, EX
Natural Gas ON ON, 1T
Natural Gas Calendar Spread IAY C2, 1C
Natural Gas Option on Calendar Futures Strip A6J EF, EX
Natural Gas Option on Summer Futures Strip A4D EF, EX
Natural Gas Option on Winter Futures Strip A6I EF, EX
Natural Gas Outs Euro LNE GZ, 1T
NGPL Mid-Con Basis (Platts IFERC) Options 5G PU, G2
NGPL TexOk Basis (Platts IFERC) Options 5H PU, G2
Panhandle Natural Gas "Pipe" Option APU EF, EX
Panhandle Natural Gas Basis Option A5K EF, EX
PG&E Citygate Natural Gas "Pipe" Option CW EF, EX
Rockies Basis (Platts IFERC) Options 5I PU, G2
Rockies Natural Gas "Pipe" Option AZR EF, EX
San Juan Natural Gas "Pipe" Option APJ EF, EX
Short-Term Daily Natural Gas Euro U01-U31 TN, 1T
SoCal Natural Gas "Pipe" Option AZN EF, EX
SoCal Natural Gas Basis Option A5M EF, EX
Texas Eastern Zone M-3 Natural Gas Basis Option A5N EF, EX
Transco Zone 6 "Pipe" (Platts IFERC) Options TZ PU, G2
Waha Basis (Platts IFERC) Options A5O PU, G2
Conway Propane (OPIS) Average Price Options CPR EF, EX
Mont Belvieu Ethane (OPIS) Average Price Options A4J EF, EX
Mont Belvieu LDH Propane (OPIS) Average Price Options A4H EF, EX
Mont Belvieu Natural Gasoline (OPIS) Average Price Options A4I EF, EX
Mont Belvieu Normal Butane (OPIS) Average Price Options A4K EF, EX
Refined Products
EIA Flat Tax On-Highway Diesel Average Price Options DAP PC, EX
European 1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Average Price Options EFB PC, EX
European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Average Price Option AQ6 EF, EX
European Gasoil Brent Crack Spread Average Price Option A3U EF, EX
European Gasoil Calendar (1 month) Spread Options GXA PC, EX
European Gasoil Calendar (12 month) Spread Options GXZ PC, EX
European Gasoil Calendar (2 month) Spread Options GXB PC, EX
European Gasoil Calendar (3 month) Spread Options GXC PC, EX
European Gasoil Calendar (6 month) Spread Options GXM PC, EX
European Jet Kerosene Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) Average Price Option A30 EF, EX
European Naphtha (Platts) Cargoes CIF NWE Average Price Options NWE PC, EX
European-Style Gasoil Options F8 PC, EX
Gasoil Average Price Option AF7 EF, EX
Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Average Price Option 7HO PR, P2
Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Crack Spread Average Price Option GCE EP, P2
Gulf Coast Jet Fuel (Platts) Average Price Options GVR PC, EX
Gulf Coast No. 6 Fuel Oil 3.0% (Platts) Average Price Option AFG EF, EX
Japan C&F Naphtha (Platts) Average Price Option JA5 PC, EX
Low Sulphur Gasoil Average Price Options LSO IG, IL
NY Harbor ULSD Average Price Option ATX PR, P2
NY Harbor ULSD Calendar Spread Option - 1 Month FAY XZ, 1X
NY Harbor ULSD Calendar Spread Option - 2 Month FB PC, EX
NY Harbor ULSD Calendar Spread Option - 3 Month FC PC, EX
NY Harbor ULSD Calendar Spread Option - 6 Month FM PC, EX
NY Harbor ULSD Calendar Spread Option - 12 Month AFZ PC, EX
NY Harbor ULSD Crack Spread Average Price Option A3W EF, EX
NY Harbor ULSD Crack Spread Option CHY XZ, 1X
NY Harbor ULSD European Financial Option LB EF, EX
NY Harbor ULSD Option OH OH, 1I
RBOB Crack Spread Options RXY XZ, 1X
RBOB Calendar Spread Option ZAY XZ, 1X
RBOB Gasoline Options OB OB, 1B
RBOB Gasoline Average Price Option RA EF, EX
RBOB Gasoline Brent Crack Spread Average Price Option RBC EP, P2
RBOB Gasoline Calendar Spread (2 month) Options AZB PC, EX
RBOB Gasoline Calendar Spread (3 month) Options AZC PC, EX
RBOB Gasoline Calendar Spread (6 month) Options AZM PC, EX
RBOB Gasoline Crack Spread Average Price Option A3Y EF, EX
RBOB Gasoline European Financial Option ARF EF, EX
RBOB Gasoline vs. Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Average Price Option RGE EF, EX
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) Average Price Option AC5 EF, EX
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) Average Price Option A8H EF, EX
Singapore Gasoil (Platts) Average Price Option AM2 EF, EX
Singapore Jet Kerosene (Platts) Average Price Option AN2 EF, EX
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) Average Price Option 1N5 PC, EX

US Index Futures (CME)

E-mini NASDAQ Biotechnology Futures BIO BQ
E-mini NASDAQ Composite Futures QCN QN
E-mini NASDAQ-100 Futures NQ NQ
E-mini S&P 500 Futures ES ES
E-mini S&P MidCap 400 Futures EMD ME
E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 Futures SMC SC
Euro-denominated E-mini S&P 500 Futures EME F3
NASDAQ-100 Futures ND ND
S&P 500 Futures SP SP
S&P 500 Growth Futures SG SG
S&P 500 Value Futures SU SU
S&P Master Limited Partnership (S&P) MLP) Futures MLP MP
S&P MidCap 400 Futures MD MD
S&P SmallCap 600 Futures SMP SM
US Index Futures (CBOT)
Big DJIA ($25) Futures DD DD
DJIA ($10) Futures ZD ZD
Dow Jones U.S. Real Estate Index Futures RX RX
E-mini DJIA ($5) Futures YM YM
International Index Futures (CME)
E-mini Nikkei 225 (Yen) Futures ENY N1
E-micro S&P CNX Nifty (Nifty 50) Futures MNF FN
E-mini S&P CNX Nifty (Nifty 50) Futures EMF FN
Nikkei 225 (Dollar) Futures NKD NK
Nikkei 225 (Yen) Futures NIY N1
USD-Denominated Ibovespa Futures IBV IB
Custom Indexes (CME)
Societe Generale (SGI) WISE (proprietary model) US Bottom Index Futures K07 K1
Societe Generale (SGI) WISE (proprietary model) US Long/Short Index Futures K08 K1
Societe Generale (SGI) WISE (proprietary model) US Top Index Futures K06 K1
Select Sector Indexes (CME)
Consumer Discretionary Sector Index Futures XAY XN
Consumer Staples Sector Index Futures XAP XP
Energy Sector Index Futures XAE XY
Financial Sector Index Futures XAF XF
Health Care Sector Index Futures XAV XL
Industrial Sector Index Futures XAI XO
Materials Sector Index Futures XAB XB
Technology Sector Index Futures XAK XG
Utilities Sector Index Futures XAU XU

DJIA ($10) Options OZD O$, 01

E-mini Dow ($5) Options OYM C9, M5
E-mini NASDAQ 100 Options NQ QZ, 2V
E-mini NASDAQ 100 End-of-Month Options QNE NW, 2V
E-mini NASDAQ 100 Weekly Options QN# NW, 2V
E-mini S&P 500 Options ES EZ, 1V
E-mini S&P 500 End-of-Month Options EW EW, 1V
E-mini S&P 500 Weekly Options EW# EW, 1V
E-mini S&P MidCap 400 Options EMD MC, 8V
E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 Index Options SMC 7S, 7P
NASDAQ 100 Options ND XH, 2Q
NASDAQ 100 End-of-Month Options DNE XH, 2Q
NASDAQ 100 Weekly Options DN# XH, 2Q
S&P 500 Options SP OS, 4V
S&P 500 Growth Options SG SN, 6V
S&P 500 Weekly Options EV# OS, 4V
S&P End-of-Month Options EV OS, 4V
S&P Value Options SU OU, 7V

G10 Currency Pairs (CME)

AUD/USD Futures 6A 6A
6A-6A 6A
CAD/USD Futures 6C 6C
6C-6C 6C
CHF/USD Futures 6S 6S
6S-6S 6S
Dow Jones CME FX$INDEX Futures FXD DX
EUR/USD Futures 6E 6E
6E-6E 6E
E-mini EUR/USD Futures E7 6E
E7-E7 6E
GBP/USD Futures 6B 6B
6B-6B 6B
JPY/USD Futures 6J 6J
6J-6J 6J
E-mini JPY/USD Futures J7 6J
J7-J7 6J
NZD/USD Futures 6N 6N
6N-6N 6N
E-micros (CME)
E-micro AUD/USD Futures M6A 6A
M6A-M6A 6A
E-micro CAD/USD Futures MCD 6C
E-micro CHF/USD Futures MSF 6S
E-micro EUR/USD Futures M6E 6E
M6E-M6E 6E
E-micro GBP/USD Futures M6B 6B
M6B-M6B 6B
E-micro INR/USD Futures MIR 6P
E-micro JPY/USD Futures MJY 6J
E-micro USD/CAD Futures M6C 6C
M6C-M6C 6C
E-micro USD/CHF Futures M6S 6S
M6S-M6S 6S
E-micro USD/JPY Futures M6J 6J
M6J-M6J 6J
E-micro USD/Offshore RMB (CNH) Futures MNH UR
E-micro USD/RMB Futures MNY UR
Emerging Markets Currency Pairs (CME)
BRL/USD Futures 6L 6L
6L-6L 6L
INR/USD Futures SIR 6P
KRW/USD Futures KRW 6K
MXN/USD Futures 6M 6M
6M-6M 6M
USD/Offshore RMB (CNH) Futures CNH UR
RUB/USD Futures 6R 6R
6R-6R 6R
USD/ZAR Futures ZAR 6Z
ZAR/USD Futures 6Z 6Z
6Z-6Z 6Z

FX VolContracts (CME)
EUR/USD 1-Month Realized Volatility Futures 16E 6E
16E-16E 6E
EUR/USD 3-Month Realized Volatility Futures 36E 6E
36E-36E 6E
FX Variance Futures (CME)
AUD/USD Quarterly Variance Futures VAQ VD
AUD/USD Semi-Annual Variance Futures VAS VD
AUD/USD Annual Variance Futures VAY VD
EUR/USD Quarterly Variance Futures VEQ VF
EUR/USD Semi-Annual Variance Futures VES VF
EUR/USD Annual Variance Futures VEA VF
GBP/USD Quarterly Variance Futures VPQ VD
GBP/USD Semi-Annual Variance Futures VPS VD
GBP/USD Annual Variance Futures VPA VD
JPY/USD Quarterly Variance Futures VJQ VD
JPY/USD Semi-Annual Variance Futures VJS VD
JPY/USD Annual Variance Futures VJY VD

AUD/USD (American) Options 6A ZA, 0A

AUD/USD (American) Weekly Options 6A# ZA, 0A
AUD/USD (European) Options XAD XA, 0A
AUD/USD (European) Weekly Options XA# XA, 0A
BRL/USD (American) Options BR OR, 0L
CAD/USD (American) Options 6C XD, 2C
CAD/USD (American) Weekly Options 6C# XD, 2C
CAD/USD (European) Options XD CD, 2C
CAD/USD (European) Weekly Options XD# CD, 2C
CHF/USD (American) Options 6S XS, 2S
CHF/USD (American) Weekly Options 6S# XS, 2S
CHF/USD (European) Options XS YS, 2S
CHF/USD (European) Weekly Options XS# YS, 2S
CZK/EUR (American) Crossrate Options ECZ X8, 3J
CZK/USD (American) Options CKO FR, 0K
EUR/CHF (American) Crossrate Options RF X8, 3J
EUR/GBP (American) Crossrate Options RP X8, 3J
EUR/JPY (American) Crossrate Options RY X8, 3J
EUR/USD (American) Options 6E XT, 2E
EUR/USD (American) Weekly Options 6E# XT, 2E
EUR/USD (European) Options XT XE, 2E
EUR/USD (European) Weekly Options #Q XE, 2E
GBP/USD (American) Options 6B XB, 2B
GBP/USD (American) Weekly Options 6B# XB, 2B
GBP/USD (European) Options XB YB, 2B
GBP/USD (European) Weekly Options XB# YB, 2B
HUF/EUR (American) Crossrate Options EHU X8, 3J
HUF/USD (American) Options HFO FR, 0K
ILS/USD (American) Options ILS I0, 0I
ILS/USD (American) Weekly Options IS# I0, 0I
JPY/USD (American) Options 6J XJ, 2J
JPY/USD (American) Weekly Options 6J# XJ, 2J
JPY/USD (European) Options XJ QJ, 2J
JPY/USD (European) Weekly Options #O QJ, 2J
KRW/USD (American) Options KRW 0K, 0Y
KRW/USD (American) Weekly Options KR# 0K, 0Y
MXN/USD (American) Options 6M MO, 0M
NZD/USD (American) Options 6N 2N, 3N
PLN/EUR (American) Crossrate Options EPL X8, 3J
PLN/USD (American) Options PLZ FR, 0K
RMB/EUR (American) Crossrate Options RME 0R, 0P
RMB/EUR (American) Crossrate Weekly Options RE# 0R, 0P
RMB/JPY (American) Crossrate Options RMY 0R, 0P
RMB/JPY (American) Crossrate Weekly Options RN# 0R, 0P
RMB/USD (American) Options RMB 0R, 0P
RMB/USD (American) Weekly Options RB# 0R, 0P
RUB/USD (American) Options 6R UO, 0Z
RUB/USD (American) Weekly Options 6R# UO, 0Z

1-Month Eurodollar Futures GLB EM
3-Month Euribor Futures EB EB
3-Month Overnight Index Swap Futures OSS GE
E-mini Eurodollar Futures EED GG
Eurodollar Futures GE GE
EuroYen TIBOR Futures EJ EJ
30-Day Fed Funds Futures ZQ ZQ
Sovereign Yield Spreads (CME)
DE-FR 10-Year Sovys Futures DFV TY
DE-IT 10-Year Sovys Futures DTV TY
DE-ND 10-Year Sovys Futures DNV TY
UK-DE 10-Year Sovys Futures KEV TY
UK-FR 10-Year Sovys Futures KFV TY
UK-IT 10-Year Sovys Futures KTV TY
UK-ND 10-Year Sovys Futures KDV TY
US-DE 10-Year Sovys Futures SEV TY
US-FR 10-Year Sovys Futures SFV TY
US-IT 10-Year Sovys Futures STV TY
US-ND 10-Year Sovys Futures SDV TY
US-UK 10-Year Sovys Futures SKV TY
U.S. Treasury Futures (CBOT)
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures ZT ZB
3-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Z3N ZB
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures ZF ZB
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures ZN ZB
Ultra T-Bond Futures UB ZB
U.S. Treasury Bond Futures ZB ZB
U.S. Treasury Futures (CME)
13-Week U.S. Treasury Bill Futures GTB TB
Intercommodity Spreads (CBOT)
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note vs Ultra T-Bond TUL ZB
2-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Future TUT ZB
2-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond Future TUB ZB
2-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 3-year U.S. Treasury Note Future TYT ZB
2-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 5-year U.S. Treasury Note Future TUF ZB
3-Year U.S. Treasury Note vs Ultra T-Bond TOU ZB
3-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Future TUN ZB
3-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond Future TOB ZB
3-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 5-year U.S. Treasury Note Future TOF ZB
5-Year Swap Future vs. 5-year U.S. Treasury Note Future FOS ZB
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note vs Ultra T-Bond FOL ZB
5-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Future FYT ZB
5-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond Future FOB ZB
10-Year Swap Future vs. 10-year U.S. Treasury Note Future TOS ZB
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note vs Ultra T-Bond NOL ZB
10-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond Future NBY ZB
10-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond Future NOB ZB
10-Year U.S. Treasury Notes vs. 7-year Swap Future NOS ZB
30-Year Swap Future vs. 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond Future BOI ZB
30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond vs Ultra T-Bond BOB ZB
Ultra T-Bond vs 30-Year Interest Rate Swap UOS ZB
Deliverable Interest Rate Swap Futures
2-Year Deliverable Interest Rate Swap Futures T1U ZB
5-Year Deliverable Interest Rate Swap Futures F1U ZB
10-Year Deliverable Interest Rate Swap Futures N1U ZB
30-Year Deliverable Interest Rate Swap Futures B1U ZB
Interest Rate Indexes
CME Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index Bond Futures LBA LB
Eurozone HICP Futures HC HC

2-Year U.S. Treasury Note Options OZT N2, 2$

2-Year U.S. Treasury Note Weekly Options ZT N2, 2$
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note Options OZF 0N, 9S
5-Year U.S. Treasury Note Weekly Options ZF 0N, 9S
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Options OZN TE, T$
10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Weekly Options ZN TE, T$
U.S. Treasury Bond Options OZB UZ, U3
U.S. Treasury Bond Weekly Options ZB UZ, U3
30-Day Federal Funds Options OZQ CF, FO
30-Day Federal Funds 12 Month Midcurve Options ZQ1 C7, FO
30-Day Federal Funds 6 Month Midcurve Options ZQ6 C6, FO
3-Month Overnight Index Swap (OIS) Options OSS F4, F6
Eurodollar Options GE ZE, U$
Eurodollar 1-Year Midcurve Options GE0 E0, U$
Eurodollar 1-Year Midcurve Weekly Options E0# E0, U$
Eurodollar 2-Year Midcurve Options GE2 E2, U$
Eurodollar 2-Year Midcurve Weekly Options E2# E2, U$
Eurodollar 3-Year Midcurve Options GE3 E3, U$
Eurodollar 3-Year Midcurve Weekly Options E3# E3, U$
Eurodollar 4-Year Midcurve Options GE4 E4, U$
Eurodollar 5-Year Midcurve Options GE5 E5, U$
Eurodollar Calendar Spread Options SPO 8I, 8G
EuroYen Options EJ EY, J$
Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Options OUB UB, UL
Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Weekly Options UB UB, UL

Precious (COMEX)
1000 oz. Silver Futures SIL SI
E-micro Gold Futures MGC QO
E-mini Silver Futures XSN SI
Gold Futures GC GC
Gold Futures TAS GCT TG
Gold Volatility Index (VIX) Futures GVF GC
miNY Gold Futures QO QO
miNY Silver Futures QI QI
Silver Futures SI SI
Silver Futures TAS SIT MT
Precious (NYMEX)
Palladium Futures PA PD
Platinum Futures PL PL
Base (COMEX)
Copper Futures HG HG
Copper Futures TAS HGT HT
miNY Copper Futures QC QC
Ferrous (NYMEX)
Aluminum MW U.S. Transaction Premium (Platts) Futures AUP ST
Iron Ore 62% Fe, CFR China (TSI) Futures TIO ST
U.S. Midwest Domestic Hot-Rolled Coil Steel Index Futures HRC ST
U.S. Midwest #1 Busheling Ferrous Scrap Futures BUS ST
UxC Uranium U3O8 Futures UX UX

Copper Options HXE 1U, 2U

Gold Options OG OG, 1Y
Gold Volatility Index (VIX) Options GVP VG, 9G
Palladium Options PAO P3, P4
Platinum Options PO P0, P1
Short-Term Gold Options L01-L31 DG, 1Y
Silver Options SO SO, S1

S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index

Boston Housing Futures BOS HI
Chicago Housing Futures CHI HI
Composite Index Housing Futures CUS HI
Denver Housing Futures DEN HI
Las Vegas Housing Futures LAV HI
Los Angeles Housing Futures LAX HI
Miami Housing Futures MIA HI
New York Housing Futures NYM HI
San Diego Housing Futures SDG HI
San Francisco Housing Futures SFR HI
Washington DC Housing Futures WDC HI

Chicago Home Prices Indices Options CHI A7, A8

Composite Home Prices Indices Options CUS A7, A8
Los Angeles Home Prices Indices Options LAX A7, A8
New York Home Prices Indices Options NYM A7, A8

Temperature (CME)
U.S. Cooling and Heating (Monthly and Seasonal)
Atlanta K1, H1 HW
Baltimore KV, HV HW
Boston KW, HW HW
Chicago K2, H2 HW
Cincinnati K3, H3 HW
Colorado Springs A3, V3 HW
Dallas K5, H5 HW
Des Moines K9, H9 HW
Detroit KK, HK HW
Houston KR, HR HW
Jacksonville A0, VF HW
Kansas City KX, HX HW
Las Vegas K0, H0 HW
Little Rock AT, VG HW
Los Angeles AH, VH HW
Minneapolis KQ, HQ HW
New York K4, H4 HW
Philadelphia K6, H6 HW
Portland K7, H7 HW
Raleigh Durham AK, VK HW
Sacramento KS, HS HW
Salt Lake City KU, HA HW
Tucson K8, H8 HW
Washington D.C. AU, VU HW
U.S. Weekly
Atlanta H11-H15 HW
Baltimore HV1-HV5 HW
Boston HW1-HW5 HW
Chicago H21-H25 HW
Cincinnati H31-H35 HW
Colorado Springs V31-V35 HW
Dallas H51-H55 HW
Des Moines H91-H95 HW
Detroit HK1-HK5 HW
Houston HR1-HR5 HW
Jacksonville VF1-VF5 HW
Kansas City KX1-KX5 HW
Las Vegas H01-H05 HW
Little Rock VG1-VG5 HW
Los Angeles VH1-VH5 HW
Minneapolis HQ1-HQ5 HW
New York H41-H45 HW
Philadelphia H61-H65 HW
Portland H71-H75 HW
Raleigh Durham VK1-VK5 HW
Sacramento KS1-KS5 HW
Salt Lake City HA1-HA5 HW
Tucson H81-H85 HW
Washington D.C. VU1-VU5 HW
Canada Cooling, Heating and Cumulative Average Temperatures (Monthly and Seasonal)
Calgary P2, A2, V2 HW
Edmonton P4, A4, V4 HW
Montreal P5, A5, V5 HW
Toronto P7, A7, V1 HW
Vancouver P8, A8, V8 HW
Winnipeg P9, A9, V9 HW
Europe Heating and Cumulative Average Temperatures (Monthly and Seasonal)
Amsterdam D2, G2 HW
Barcelona D8, G8 HW
Berlin D3, G3 HW
Essen D4, G4 HW
London D0, G0 HW
Madrid DQ, GQ HW
Oslo-Blindern D6, HL HW
Paris D1, G1 HW
Prague D7, B7 HW
Rome D9, G9 HW
Stockholm D5, G5 HW
Asia-Pacific Cooling and Heating (Monthly and Seasonal)
Hiroshima HJ, HJ HW
Osaka G7, G7 HW
Tokyo G6, G6 HW
Australia Cooling and Heating (Monthly and Seasonal)
Bankstown, Sydney 6T, 2F HW
Brisbane Aero 7T, 3F HW
Melbourne Regional Office 8T, 4F HW
CME Hurricane Index Futures
CHI-Cat-In-A-Box − Galveston-Mobile storms HP1-HP0 HF
CHI Hurricane Index storms HX1-HX0 HF
CME Hurricane Index Seasonal Futures
CHI-Cat-In-A-Box − Galveston-Mobile HPA HF
Eastern U.S. HXA HF
Florida HFA HF
Florida + Southern Atlantic + Northern Atlantic HAA HF
Florida Gold Coast HDA HF
Gulf Coast HGA HF
Gulf Coast and Florida FGM HF
Northern Atlantic Coast HNA HF
Southern Atlantic Coast HSA HF
CME Hurricane Index Seasonal Maximum Futures
CHI-Cat-In-A-Box − Galveston-Mobile HPM HF
Eastern U.S. HXM HF
Florida HFM HF
Florida + Southern Atlantic + Northern Atlantic HAM HF
Florida Gold Coast HDM HF
Gulf Coast HGM HF
Gulf Coast and Florida GFM HF
Northern Atlantic Coast HNM HF
Southern Atlantic Coast HSS HF
CME Frost Index Futures
CME Frost Day Amsterdam-Schiphol, Netherlands Futures FZ FZ
Snowfall Index Futures
Baltimore-Washington International Airport SZ SB
Boston CME Snowfall Futures SB SB
Chicago O'Hare International Snowfall Futures SW SB
Colrado Springs Municipal Airport SC SB
Columbus Port-Columbus International Airport ST SB
Detroit International Snowfall Futures EK SB
Minneapolis International Snowfall Futures BV SB
New York CME Snowfall Futures SX SB
New York LaGuardia Snowfall Futures FG SB
Newark International Airport SK SB
Rainfall Futures
Chicago O’Hare International CJR HW
Dallas-Fort Worth International WR HW
Des Moines International MR HW
Detroit Metro VL HW
Jacksonville International LF HW
Kansas City International KC HW
Los Angeles Downtown USC Campus AR HW
New York LaGuardia YA HW
Portland International PR HW
Raleigh/Durham International DF HW

Transco Zone 6 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Swap XZW 5C
U.S. Midwest #1 Busheling Ferrous Scrap (AMM) Swap BUW 5E

Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad

3 Month Kuala Lumpur Interbank Offered Rate Futures (FKB3) FKB3 BT

3-Year Malaysian Government Securities Futures FMG3 BI
5-Year Malaysian Government Securities Futures FMG5 BI
Airasia BHD (MYR 2.68) Futures FAIR BS
AMMB Holdings BHD (MYR 6.48) Futures FAMM BS
Berjaya Sports Toto BHD (MYR 4.26) Futures FBST BS
Bursa Malaysia BHD (MYR 8.34) Futures FBRS BS
Crude Palm Kernel Oil Futures FPKO BK
Crude Palm Oil Futures FCPO BC
FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index Futures FKLI BE
Genting BHD (MYR 10.90) Futures FGEN BS
Gold Futures FGLD BG
IOI Corporation BHD (MYR 5.74) Futures FIOI BS
RHB Capital BHD (MYR 8.52) Futures FRHB BS
Telekom Malaysia BHD (MYR 4.02) Futures FTEL BS
USD Crude Palm Oil Futures FUPO BA

FTSE Kuala Lumpu Composite Index Options OKLI BO, BU

Crude Palm Oil Options OCPO BP, BZ
Dubai Mercantile Exchange

Oman Crude Oil - Financially Settled Futures ZGD DE

Oman Crude Oil - Physically Settled Futures OQD DE

Oman Crude Oil European Style Options OQE 1O, 2O

Korea Exchange

Korea Exchange KOSPI 200 Futures K2F K2

Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX)

Apple Juice Concentrate Futures AJC AJ

Hard Red Spring Wheat Futures MWE MW
National Corn Index Futures IC IC
Hard Red Winter Wheat Index Futures IH IH
Hard Red Spring Wheat Index Futures IP IP
National Soybean Index Futures IS IS
Soft Red Winter Wheat Index Futures IW IW

Apple Juice Concentrate Options AJC A0, A1

Hard Red Spring Wheat Options OMW O6, 4G
Hard Red Spring Wheat Index Options OIP O5, 4F
Hard Red Winter Wheat Index Options OIH O4, 3G
National Corn Index Options OIC O1, 2F
National Soybean Index Options OIS O2, 2G
Soft Red Winter Wheat Index Options OIW O3, 3F
Wheat Intercommodity Spread Options (MGEX-CBOT) Options MCW CW, W5
Wheat Intercommodity Spread Options (MGEX-KCBT) Options MKW M6,M7

Strategy Type
BF: Butterfly
BS: Bundle Spread
C1: Crack 1:1
CF: Condor
DF: Double Butterfly
EC: TAS Calendar
EQ: Equities Calendar
FB: Bundle
FS: Strip
FX: Foreign Exchange Calendar
IS: Inter-commodity
IV: Inter-commodity Ratio
MP: Month Pack
PB: Pack Butterfly
PK: Pack
PS: Pack Spread
RT: Reduced Tick Calendar
SA: Energy Strip
SB: Balanced Strip
SD: Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index Bond Calendar
SI: Soy Crush
SP: Standard Calendar
WS: Unbalanced Strip
XS: Energy Inter-Commodity Strip

Matching Algorithms
F: First In, First Out (FIFO)
C: Pro-Rata
A: Allocation
O: Threshold Pro-Rata
Q: Threshold Pro-Rata with Lead Market Maker (LMM)
K: Split FIFO/Pro-Rata
T: FIFO with LMM
S: FIFO with Top Order and LMM
Y: Eurodollar Option Algorithm

Note 1: The first eight quarterly and serial month expirations and any defined
combination which has at least the first leg within the front eight quarterly contracts
and serial expirations have an order quantity limit of 49,999 contracts. Outright
contracts and combinations whose individual legs are exclusively in the last 32
contracts (year three and beyond) are subject to a 8,000contract order limit, as are all
CME Eurodollar Pack and Bundle orders

Note 2: All Contracts into and out from Intercommodity Treasury Spreads (ICS) only

Note 3: Eurodollar Future implied levels are 2 Deep

Note 4: All Expirations, Calendars, Butterflies
Note 5: All Expirations, Calendars
Note 6: Implied eligible (excluding 1/4 tick eligible) has been extended to include 21-
40 quarterly contracts (Quarters 1 - 40 are now implied). 3-month, 6-month, 9-month,
12-month, 15-month, and 18-month Calendar spreads implied the entire length of the
Eurodollar futures curve. 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month Butterfly spreads implied
the entire length of the Eurodollar futures curve.

Note 7: First 6 maturities for all combinations of calendar spreads

Note 8: All Contracts twenty-four months out
Note 9: All Contracts twelve months out
Note 10: All Contracts, however only outrights currently available
Note 11: All Implied eligible Contracts thirty-six months out
Note 12: All Contracts twenty months out
Note 13: All Contracts twenty-five months out
Note 14: Eight Contracts Listed
Note 15: All Contracts five months out
Note 16: All Contracts ten months out
Note 18: All Contracts seven months out
Note 19: All months implied
Note 21: All Contracts forty-eight months out
Note 23: All Contracts up to twelve months out
Note 24: All Contracts ten years out
Note 25: All Contracts for the first twelve months plus the next two years of June and

*Disclaimer: The GCC may, in its sole discretion, temporarily expand price banding to
allow for periods of volatility, such as the release of significant economic numbers.
Banding will revert to standard levels as soon as practicable following the event.
CME Globex Product Reference

January 10, 2014

Strategy Type Eligible Minimum Value of a Matching
Standard Minimum
Tick Standard Tick

Top Order Top Order Top Order

Algorithm Percent Allocation Allocation
Allocation Minimum Maximum

Agriculture including KC
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.1 $13.60 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 5 0.1 $13.60 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
CF No 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.10 $10.00 K 100% 10 100
SP Yes, Note 5 0.10 $10.00 K 100% 10 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 O 100% 1 50
SP Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 O 100% 1 50
BF Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 O 100% 1 50
CF No 0.0025 $12.50 O 100% 1 50
IS Yes, Note 19 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.00125 $1.25 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.00125 $1.25 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.00125 $1.25 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.00125 $1.25 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.00125 $1.25 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.00125 $1.25 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.00125 $1.25 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.00125 $1.25 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.00125 $1.25 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
CF No 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.005 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.005 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.005 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
CF No 0.005 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
CF No 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
SI Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $125.00 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.10 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.10 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.10 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
CF No 0.10 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.0001 $6.00 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.0001 $6.00 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.0001 $6.00 K 100% 1 100
CF No 0.0001 $6.00 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
CF No 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
IS No 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100

Outright Yes, Note 5 0.25 $6.25 K

SP Yes, Note 5 0.25 $6.25 K 100% 1 100

Outright Yes, Note 4 0.00025 $12.50 K

SP Yes, Note 4 0.00025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.00025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.00025 $10.00 K
SP Yes, Note 4 0.00025 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.00025 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
IS Yes, Note 19 0.00025 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.00025 $10.00 K
SP Yes, Note 4 0.00025 $10.00 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.00025 $10.00 K 100% 1 100

Outright Yes, Note 5 0.00025 $5.00 K

SP Yes, Note 5 0.00025 $5.00 K 100% 1 100
FS No 0.00025 $5.00 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.001 $20.00 K
SP Yes, Note 8 0.001 $20.00 K 100% 1 100
FS No 0.001 $20.00 K 100% 1 100
IS Yes, Note 19 0.01 $20.00 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.01 $20.00 K
SP Yes, Note 5 0.01 $20.00 K 100% 1 100
FS No 0.01 $20.00 K 100% 1 100
IS Yes, Note 5 0.01 $20.00 K 100% 10 100
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.01 $20.00 K
SP Yes, Note 5 0.01 $20.00 K 100% 1 100
FS No 0.01 $20.00 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.00025 $11.00 K
SP Yes, Note 5 0.00025 $11.00 K 100% 1 100
FS No 0.00025 $11.00 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.00025 $11.00 K
SP Yes, Note 5 0.00025 $11.00 K 100% 1 100
FS No 0.00025 $11.00 K 100% 1 100

Outright Yes, Note 5 0.10 $11.00 K

SP Yes, Note 5 0.10 $11.00 K 100% 1 100

Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F

Outright No 0.05 $12.50 F
FX No 0.05 $12.50 F

Outright No 0.10 $10.00 Q 100% 1 100

SP No 0.10 $10.00 Q 100% 1 100
Outright No 0.01 $1.00 K
SP No 0.01 $1.00 K

Outright Yes, Note 16 1.00 $10.00 F

SP Yes, Note 16 1.00 $10.00 F
Outright No 1.00 $10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 16 0.0005 $18.75 F
SP Yes, Note 16 0.0005 $18.75 F
Outright No 0.0005 $18.75 F
Outright Yes, Note 16 0.0001 $5.00 F
SP Yes, Note 16 0.0001 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $5.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 16 0.0001 $11.20 F
SP Yes, Note 16 0.0001 $11.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $11.20 F

No 0.00025 $5.00 F
No 0.001 $20.00 F
No 0.01 $20.00 F
No 0.01 $20.00 F
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100

No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100

No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100
No 0.00025 $11.00 F
No 0.00025 $12.50 F
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 5 50
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 5 50
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 5 50
No 0.00025 $10.00 F

No 0.00025 $10.00 F

No 0.00025 $10.00 F
No 0.00025 $10.00 F
No 0.00025 $10.00 F
No 0.00025 $11.00 F
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100
No 0.10 $11.00 F
No 0.0025 $5.00 O 100% 10 100
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100
No 0.50 $10.00 F
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100

No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100

No 0.05 $5.00 O 100% 10 100

No 0.05 $5.00 O 100% 10 100

No 0.05 $5.00 O 100% 10 100

No 0.00005 $3.00 O 100% 10 100

No 0.00005 $3.00 O 100% 10 100

No 0.00005 $3.00 O 100% 10 100

No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100

No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100

No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100

Outright No 0.0001 $1.45 K 100% 1 100

Outright Yes, Note 4 0.001 $29.00 K 100% 1 100
SP Yes, Note 4 0.001 $29.00 K 100% 1 100
BF Yes, Note 4 0.001 $29.00 K 100% 1 100
CF No 0.001 $29.00 K 100% 1 100
FS No 0.001 $29.00 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 9 0.0001 $4.20 F
SP Yes, Note 9 0.0001 $4.20 F
FS No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.001 € 0.10 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F

Outright Yes, Note 8 0.01 $15.50 F

SP Yes, Note 8 0.01 $15.50 F
FS No 0.01 $15.50 F
Outright No 0.05 $50.00 K
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $50.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $50.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $50.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $50.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $50.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F

Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F

Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 K
SP Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 K
IS Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
C1 Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
BF No 0.01 $10.00 F
FS No 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 9 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 9 0.01 $10.00 F

C1 Yes, Note 25 F
0.01 $10.00
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 K
EC No 0.01 $10.00 K
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 K
EC No 0.01 $10.00 K
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F
FS No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 K
SP No 0.01 $0.01 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 K
SP No 0.01 $0.01 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 K
SP No 0.01 $0.01 K
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 K
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 9 0.01 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 9 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.01 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.025 $12.50 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.025 $12.50 F
Outright Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
FS No 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No € 0.001 € 1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
BF No 0.01 $10.00 F
FS No 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 9 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 9 0.01 $10.00 F

C1 Yes, Note 8 F
0.01 $10.00
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
EC No 0.01 $10.00 K
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 K
EC No 0.01 $10.00 K
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 K
EC No 0.01 $10.00 K
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F
FS No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 25 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
SP No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 K
SP No 0.01 $0.01 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 K
SP No 0.01 $0.01 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 K
SP No 0.01 $0.01 K
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F

Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 0.05 F

Outright No CAD 0.01 CAD 0.05 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 0.05 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 0.05 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 4.00 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 4.00 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 0.05 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 0.05 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 4.00 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 4.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
IS No 0.01 $0.05 F
SA No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
IS No 0.01 $0.05 F
SA No 0.01 $0.05 F

Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F

IS No 0.01 $0.05 F
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
XS No 0.01 $0.05 K

Outright No 0.01 $0.05 K

SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 F
IS No 0.01 $0.80 F
SA No 0.01 $0.80 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 K
IS No 0.01 $0.80 K
SA No 0.01 $0.80 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 F
IS No 0.01 $0.80 F
SA No 0.01 $0.80 K
XS No 0.01 $0.80 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 K
SA No 0.01 $0.80 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 K
IS No 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 K

Outright No 0.01 $0.05 K

IS No 0.01 $0.05 K
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
XS No 0.01 $0.05 K

Outright No 0.01 $0.05 K

SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 K
IS No 0.01 $0.80 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 K
SA No 0.01 $0.80 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 K
IS No 0.01 $0.80 K
SA No 0.01 $0.80 K
XS No 0.01 $0.80 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 K
SA No 0.01 $0.80 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 K
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.80 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F

Outright No 0.05 $0.25

Outright No 0.05 $4.00
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25
Outright No 0.05 $4.00
Outright No 0.05 $4.00
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25
Outright No 0.05 $4.00
Outright No 0.05 $0.25
Outright No 0.05 $4.00
Outright No 0.05 $0.25
Outright No 0.05 $4.00
Outright No 0.05 $0.25
Outright No 0.05 $4.00
Outright No 0.05 $0.25
Outright No 0.05 $4.00
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
IS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
XS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
IS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
IS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
XS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
IS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SA No 0.05 $4.00 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 K
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.125 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.125 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.125 F
SA No 0.05 $0.125 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.125 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F

Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F

Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.05 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SA No 0.05 $4.00 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright No 0.05 $20.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SA No 0.05 $4.00 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright No 0.05 $20.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright No 0.05 $20.00 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 0.25 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 0.25 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 0.25 F
Outright No CAD 0.05 CAD 0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
IS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 F
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
XS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
IS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
IS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 F
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
XS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
IS Yes, Note 11 0.01 $0.05 K
SA No 0.01 $0.05 K
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SA No 0.05 $4.00 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.10 $0.10 K
SA No 0.10 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SA No 0.05 $4.00 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.125 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $40.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
SA No 0.05 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
SA No 0.05 $4.00 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $4.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
SA No 0.05 $2.00 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.05 $2.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.01 $10.00 K
SP Yes, Note 5 0.01 $10.00 K

Outright Yes, Note 10 F

0.01 $10.00

Outright Yes, Note 10 F

0.01 $10.00

Outright Yes, Note 10 F

0.01 $10.00

Outright Yes, Note 10 F

0.01 $10.00

Outright Yes, Note 10 F

0.01 $10.00
Outright Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 K
SP Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 K
IS Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 K
IS Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 K
IS Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 K
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 K
SP Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 K
IS Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 K
Outright Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 19 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.01 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.01 $10.00 F

Outright No 1 $1.00 K
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 1 $1.00 K
Outright No 1 $1.00 K
Outright No 1 $1.00 K

Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F

SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.005 $12.50 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.005 $12.50 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.001 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.001 $10.00 F
SA No 0.001 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 8 0.001 $10.00 F
SB Yes, Note 8 0.001 $10.00 K
WS Yes, Note 8 0.001 $10.00 K
XS Yes, Note 8 0.001 $10.00 K
Outright No 0.001 $10.00 F
EC No 0.001 $10.00 K
Outright No 0.001 $2.50 K
EC No 0.001 $2.50 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.001 $2.50 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.001 $2.50 F
SA No 0.001 $2.50 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.001 $2.50 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.001 $2.50 F
SA No 0.001 $2.50 F
IS Yes, Note 8 0.001 $2.50 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.001 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.001 $10.00 F
SA No 0.001 $10.00 F
SB Yes, Note 8 0.001 $10.00 K
WS Yes, Note 8 0.001 $10.00 K
Outright No 0.001 $10.00 F
EC No 0.001 $10.00 K
Outright Yes, Note 9 0.0001 $1.00 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.0001 $1.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright No 0.005 $50.00 F
Outright No 0.005 $50.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright No 0.001 $2.50 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 K
SP No 0.01 $0.01 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 K
SP No 0.01 $0.01 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 K
SP No 0.01 $0.01 K
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 K
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
IS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
XS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SP Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F
SB Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
WS Yes, Note 11 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $0.25 F
SA No 0.0001 $0.25 F

Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No F
0.00001 $0.42
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No F
0.00001 $0.42
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F

Outright No F
0.00001 $0.42
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.47 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.47 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.70 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.47 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.47 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.00001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.042 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.00001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.70 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.47 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.47 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F

Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $6.35 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $6.35 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.001 $8.33 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.0010 $21.00 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.0010 $21.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.0010 $21.00 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.0010 $21.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 K
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 K
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.05 $5.00 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.05 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $5.00 K
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $7.45 F
Outright No 0.001 $7.45 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.001 $7.45 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright Yes, Note 7 0.0001 $4.20 F
SP Yes, Note 7 0.0001 $4.20 F
FS No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No € 0.001 € 1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 K
Outright No € 0.001 € 0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No € 0.001 € 0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F

Outright No € 0.001 F
€ 0.10
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.0001 $3.50 K
Outright No 0.0001 $3.50 K
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F

Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.00001 $0.42 F
Outright No 0.001 $8.90 F
Outright No 0.001 $8.90 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright Yes, Note 25 0.0001 $4.20 F
SP Yes, Note 25 0.0001 $4.20 F
BF No 0.0001 $4.20 F
FS No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 K
EC No 0.0001 $4.20 K
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
EC No 0.0001 $4.20 K
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.0001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 9 0.0001 $4.20 F
SP Yes, Note 9 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright Yes, Note 25 0.0001 $4.20 F
SP Yes, Note 25 0.0001 $4.20 F
BF No 0.0001 $4.20 F
FS No 0.0001 $4.20 F
IS Yes, Note 10 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
EC No 0.0001 $4.20 K
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 K
EC No 0.0001 $4.20 K
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $35.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $4.20 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 K
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $0.10 K

Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F

Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F

Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 K
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No ¥1.00 ¥50,000.00 F
Outright No ¥1.00 ¥50,000.00 F
Outright No ¥1.00 ¥50,000.00 F
Outright No ¥1.00 ¥50,000.00 F
Outright No ¥1.00 ¥50,000.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 K

Outright No 0.001 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 K
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 K
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 K
Outright No 0.001 $1.00 F

No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.001 $10.00 O 100% 10 100
No 0.0001 $4.20 F

No 0.01 $15.50 F
No 0.01 $15.50 F
No 0.01 $15.50 F
No 0.01 $30.00 F
No 0.01 $120.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $120.00

No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $30.00 F

No 0.01 $10.00 F

No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $120.00 F
No 0.01 $30.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $120.00 F
No 0.01 $30.00 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 K
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F

No 0.01 $0.80 F
No 0.01 $0.40 F
No 0.01 $0.40 F
No 0.01 $0.40 F
No 0.01 $0.40 F
No 0.01 $0.05 F
No 0.01 $0.80 F
No 0.01 $0.05 F
No 0.01 Varies F
No 0.01 $8.00 F
No 0.01
$4.00 F
No 0.01 $0.40 F
No 0.01 $0.40 F
No 0.01 Varies F
No 0.01 $0.05 F
No 0.01 $5.00 F
No 0.01
$2.50 F
No 0.01 $0.40 F
No 0.01 $0.05 F
No 0.01 $0.05 F
No 0.01 $5.00 F
No 0.01 $8.00 F
No 0.01
$5.00 K

No 0.01 $10.00 K
No 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
No 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 K
No 0.01 EUR 10.00 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F

No 0.0001 $0.10 F
No 0.0001 $0.10 F
No 0.0001 $0.10 F

No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $10.00 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.0001 $1.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $1.00 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $1.00 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F
No 0.0001 $0.25 F

No 0.00001 $0.42 F
No 0.00001 $0.42 F
No 0.00001 $0.42 F
No 0.00001 $0.42 F
No 0.00001 $0.42 F

No 0.0001 $0.10 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 F
No 0.010 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 K
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 K
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.001 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.001 $1.00 K
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.01 $10.00 F
No 0.0001 $4.20 F
No 0.0001 $0.10 F
No 0.001 $1.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 F
No 0.001 $1.00 F


Outright No 0.10 $5.00 F

EQ No 0.05 $2.50 F
Outright No 0.50 $10.00 F
EQ No 0.05 $1.00 F
IS No 0.25 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.25 $5.00 F
EQ No 0.05 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.25 $12.50 F
EQ No 0.05 $2.50 F
Outright No 0.10 $10.00 F
EQ No 0.05 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.10 $10.00 F
EQ No 0.05 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.25 EUR 12.50 F
EQ No 0.05 EUR 2.50 F
Outright No 0.25 $25.00 F
Outright No 0.10 $25.00 F
Outright No 0.10 $25.00 F
EQ No 0.05 $12.50 F
IS No 0.05 $12.50 F
Outright No 0.10 $25.00 F
EQ No 0.05 $12.50 F
Outright No 0.50 $10.00 K
EQ No 0.50 $10.00 K
Outright No 0.05 $25.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $25.00 F

Outright No 1 $25.00 F
EQ No 1 $25.00 O 100% 1 500
BF No 1 $25.00 F
Outright No 1 $10.00 F
EQ No 1 $10.00 O 100% 1 500
BF No 1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 T
EQ No 0.1 $10.00 T
Outright No 1 $5.00 F
EQ No 1 $5.00 O 100% 1 500
BF No 1 $5.00 F

Outright No 10 JPY 1,000.00 F

Outright No 0.50 $1.00 F
EQ No 0.50 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.50 $5.00 F
EQ No 0.50 $5.00 F
Outright No 5 $25.00 F
EQ No 5 $25.00 F
Outright No 5 JPY 2,500.00 F
EQ No 5 JPY 2,500.00 F
Outright No 25 $25.00 F
EQ No 5 $5.00 F

Outright No 0.25 $12.50 F

Outright No 0.25 $12.50 F
Outright No 0.25 $12.50 F

Outright No 0.10 $10.00 F

EQ No 0.10 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.10 $10.00 F
EQ No 0.10 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.10 $10.00 F
EQ No 0.10 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.05 $12.50 F
EQ No 0.05 $12.50 F
Outright No 0.10 $10.00 F
EQ No 0.10 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.10 $10.00 F
EQ No 0.10 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.10 $10.00 F
EQ No 0.10 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.10 $10.00 F
EQ No 0.10 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.10 $10.00 F
EQ No 0.10 $10.00 F

No 0.50 $5.00 F
No 1 $5.00 F
No 0.05 $1.00 F
No 0.05 $1.00 F
No 0.05 $1.00 F
No 0.05 $2.50 F
No 0.05 $2.50 F
No 0.05 $2.50 F
No 0.05 $5.00 F
No 0.10 $10.00 F
No 0.05 $5.00 F
No 0.05 $5.00 F
No 0.05 $5.00 F
No 0.05 $12.50 F
No 0.05 $12.50 F
No 0.05 $12.50 F
No 0.05 $12.50 F
No 0.05 $12.50 F


Outright No 0.0001 $10.00 F

FX No 0.00005 $5.00 C
Outright No 0.0001 CAD 20.00 F
FX No 0.00005 CAD 10.00 C
Outright No 0.01 JPY 2,000.00 F
FX No 0.005 JPY 1,000.00 C
Outright No 0.0001 NZD 20.00 F
FX No 0.00005 NZD 10.00 C
Outright No 0.0001 $10.00 F
FX No 0.00005 $5.00 C
Outright No 0.01 JPY 2,000.00 F
FX No 0.005 JPY 1,000.00 C
Outright No 0.0001 $12.50 F
FX No 0.00005 $6.25 C
Outright No 0.005 JPY 1,250.00 F
FX No 0.0025 JPY 625.00 C
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
FX No 0.005 $5.00 C
Outright No 0.0001 $12.50 F
FX No 0.00005 $6.25 C
Outright No 0.0001 $6.25 F
FX No 0.00005 $3.13 C
Outright No 0.0001 AUD 12.50 F
FX No 0.00005 AUD 6.25 C
Outright No 0.00005 GBP 6.25 F
FX No 0.000025 GBP 3.125 C
Outright No 0.0001 CAD 12.50 F
FX No 0.00005 CAD 6.25 C
Outright No 0.0001 CHF 12.50 F
FX No 0.00005 CHF 6.25 C
Outright No 0.01 JPY 1,250.00 F
FX No 0.005 JPY 625.00 C
Outright No 0.0005 NOK 62.50 F
FX No 0.00025 NOK 31.25 C
Outright No 0.0005 SEK 62.50 F
FX No 0.00025 SEK 31.25 C
Outright No 0.0001 $6.25 F
FX No 0.0001 $6.25 C
Outright No 0.01 JPY 1,250.00 F
FX No 0.005 JPY 625.00 C
Outright No 0.0001 CHF 12.50 F
FX No 0.00005 CHF 6.25 C
Outright No 0.000001 $12.50 F
FX No 0.0000005 $6.25 C
Outright No 0.000001 $6.25 F
FX No 0.0000005 $3.13 C
Outright No 0.00001 $20.00 F
FX No 0.000005 $10.00 C
Outright No 0.0001 $10.00 F
FX No 0.00005 $5.00 C
Outright No 0.00001 $20.00 F
FX No 0.000005 $10.00 C

Outright No 0.0001 $1.00 F

FX No 0.0001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $1.00 F
FX No 0.0001 $1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 $1.25 F
FX No 0.0001 $1.25 F
Outright No 0.0001 $1.25 F
FX No 0.0001 $1.25 F
Outright No 0.0001 $0.625 F
FX No 0.0001 $0.625 F
Outright No 0.01 $1.00 K
FX No 0.005 $0.50 K
Outright No 0.000001 $1.25 F
FX No 0.000001 $1.25 F
Outright No 0.0001 CAD 1.00 F
FX No 0.0001 CAD 1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 CHF 1.00 F
FX No 0.0001 CHF 1.00 F
Outright No 0.01 JPY 100.00 F
FX No 0.01 JPY 100.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 RMB 1.00 F
FX No 0.0001 RMB 1.00 F
Outright No 0.0001 RMB 1.00 K
FX No 0.00005 RMB .50 K

Outright No 0.00005 $5.00 F

FX No 0.00005 $5.00 C
Outright No 0.000002 $8.00 F
FX No 0.000001 $4.00 C
Outright No 0.000002 EUR 8.00 F
FX No 0.000001 EUR 4.00 C
Outright No 0.0000002 EUR 6.00 F
FX No 0.0000001 EUR 3.00 C
Outright No 0.0000002 $6.00 F
FX No 0.0000001 $3.00 C
Outright No 0.00001 $10.00 F
FX No 0.000005 $5.00 C
Outright No 0.01 $5.00 K
FX No 0.005 $2.50 K
Outright No 1E-08 $12.50 F
FX No 1E-08 $12.50 C
Outright No 0.000025 $12.50 F
FX No 0.000025 $12.50 C
Outright No 0.00002 $10.00 F
FX No 0.00001 $5.00 C
Outright No 0.00002 EUR 10.00 F
FX No 0.00001 EUR 5.00 C
Outright No 0.00001 $10.00 F
FX No 0.000005 $5.00 C
Outright No 0.0001 RMB 10.00 K
FX No 0.00005 RMB 5.00 K
Outright No 0.0001 RMB 10.00 K
FX No 0.00005 RMB 5.00 K
Outright No 0.00001 EUR 10.00 F
FX No 0.000005 EUR 5.00 C
Outright No 0.001 JPY 1,000.00 F
FX No 0.0005 JPY 500.00 C
Outright No 0.00001 $25.00 F
FX No 0.00001 $25.00 C
Outright No 0.0001 ZAR 10.00 K
FX No 0.00005 ZAR 5.00 K
Outright No 0.000025 $12.50 F
FX No 0.000025 $12.50 C
Outright No 0.0001 TRL 20.00 F
FX No 0.00005 TRL 10.00 C
Outright No 0.0001 TRL 12.50 F
FX No 0.00005 TRL 6.25 C

Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F

FX No 0.005 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.01 $10.00 F
FX No 0.005 $5.00 F

Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F

FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F
Outright No 0.01 $0.01 F
FX No 0.01 $0.01 F

No 0.00005 $5.00 F
No 0.00005 $5.00 F
No 0.00005 $5.00 F
No 0.00005 $5.00 F
No 0.00005 $5.00 F
No 0.00005 $5.00 F
No 0.00005 $5.00 F
No 0.00005 $5.00 F
No 0.00005 $5.00 F
No 0.00005 $6.25 F
No 0.00005 $6.25 F
No 0.00005 $6.25 F
No 0.00005 $6.25 F
No 0.000001 EUR 4.00 F
No 0.000001 $4.00 F
No 0.00005 CHF 6.25 F
No 0.000025 GBP 3.13 F
No 0.005 JPY 625.00 F
No 0.00005 $6.25 F
No 0.00005 $6.25 F
No 0.00005 $6.25 F
No 0.00005 $6.25 F
No 0.0001 $6.25 F
No 0.0001 $6.25 F
No 0.0001 $6.25 F
No 0.0001 $6.25 F
No 0.0000001 EUR 3.00 F
No 0.0000001 $3.00 F
No 0.000005 $5.00 F
No 0.000005 $5.00 F
No 0.0000005 $6.25 F
No 0.0000005 $6.25 F
No 0.0000005 $6.25 F
No 0.0000005 $6.25 F
No 1E-08 $12.50 F
No 1E-08 $12.50 F
No 0.0000125 $6.25 F
No 0.00005 $5.00 F
No 0.00001 EUR 5.00 F
No 0.00001 $5.00 F
No 0.000005 EUR 5.00 F
No 0.000005 EUR 5.00 F
No 0.0005 JPY 500.00 F
No 0.0005 JPY 500.00 F
No 0.000005 $5.00 F
No 0.000005 $5.00 F
No 0.00001 $25.00 F
No 0.00001 $25.00 F


Outright Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999

SP Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
BF Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
IS No 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
Outright Yes, Note 6 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
SP Yes, Note 6 0.0025 $6.25 A 99999
BF Yes, Note 6 0.0025 $6.25 A 99999
BS No 0.0025 $6.25 T
CF No 0.0025 $6.25 A 99999
DF No 0.0025 $6.25 A 99999
FB No 0.0025 $6.25 T
MP No 0.0025 $6.25 T
PB Yes, Note 24 0.0025 $6.25 A 99999
PK Yes, Note 24 0.0025 $6.25 T
PS Yes, Note 24 0.0025 $6.25 A 99999
Outright Yes, Note 6 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
SP Yes, Note 6 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
PK Yes, Note 6 0.0025 $6.25 T
IS Yes, Note 6 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
Outright No 0.0025 $0.625 A 100%
Outright Yes, Note 6 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
SP Yes, Note 6 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
BF Yes, Note 6 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
BS No 0.0025 $6.25 T
CF No 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
DF No 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
FB No 0.0025 $6.25 T
MP No 0.0025 $6.25 T
PB Yes, Note 24 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
PK Yes, Note 24 0.0025 $6.25 T
PS Yes, Note 24 0.0025 $6.25 A 100% 99999
Outright Yes, Note 21 0.0025 JPY 625.00 A 100% 9999
SP Yes, Note 21 0.0025 JPY 625.00 A 100% 9999
BF Yes, Note 21 0.0025 JPY 625.00 A 100% 9999
FB No 0.0025 JPY 625.00 F
PK Yes, Note 21 0.0025 JPY 625.00 F
PS Yes, Note 21 0.0025 JPY 625.00 A 100% 9999

Outright Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $10.4175 K 100% 25 250

SP Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $10.4175 K 100% 25 250
BF Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $10.4175 K 100% 25 250
CF No 0.0025 $10.4175 K 100% 25 250
FS No 0.0025 $10.4175 K 100% 25 250

Outright No 0.0025 EUR 25.00 K

Outright No 0.0025 EUR 25.00 K
Outright No 0.0025 EUR 25.00 K
Outright No 0.0025 GBP 25.00 K
Outright No 0.0025 GBP 25.00 K
Outright No 0.0025 GBP 25.00 K
Outright No 0.0025 GBP 25.00 K
Outright No 0.0025 EUR 25.00 K
Outright No 0.0025 EUR 25.00 K
Outright No 0.0025 EUR 25.00 K
Outright No 0.0025 EUR 25.00 K
Outright No 0.0025 GBP 25.00 K

Outright Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 K 100% 1 1500

SP No 0.0078125 $15.625 K 100% 1 1500
BF No 0.0078125 $15.625 K 100% 1 1500
Outright Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 K 100% 1 1500
SP No 0.0078125 $15.625 K 100% 1 1500
BF No 0.0078125 $15.625 K 100% 1 1500
Outright Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $7.8125 F
SP No 0.0078125 $7.8125 K 100% 1 2500
BF No 0.0078125 $7.8125 F
DI Yes, Note 5 0.0078125 $7.8125 K 100% 1 2500
Outright Yes, Note 2 0.015625 $15.625 F
RT No 0.0078125 $7.8125 K 100% 1 2500
BF No 0.015625 $15.625 F
DI Yes, Note 5 0.015625 $15.625 K 100% 1 2500
Outright Yes, Note 2 0.03125 $31.25 F
RT No 0.0078125 $7.8125 K 100% 1 2500
DI Yes, Note 5 0.03125 $31.25 K 100% 1 2500
Outright Yes, Note 2 0.03125 $31.25 F
RT No 0.0078125 $7.8125 K 100% 1 2500
BF No 0.03125 $31.25 F
Outright No 0.005 $12.50 F
SP No 0.005 $12.50 F
IS No 0.005 $12.50 F

IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 F

IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $7.8125 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $7.8125 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $7.8125 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $7.8125 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.015625 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.015625 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.015625 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.015625 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.015625 $15.625 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.03125 $31.25 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.03125 $31.25 F
IV Yes, Note 2 0.03125 $31.25 F

Outright Yes, Note 2 0.0078125 $7.8125 K

SP No 0.0078125 $7.8125 K 100% 1 1500
Outright Yes, Note 2 0.015625 $15.625 K
RT No 0.0078125 $7.8125 K 100% 1 2500
Outright Yes, Note 2 0.015625 $15.625 K
RT No 0.0078125 $7.8125 K 100% 1 2500
Outright Yes, Note 2 0.03125 $31.25 K
RT No 0.0078125 $7.8125 K 100% 1 2500

Outright No 0.20 $20.00 S 100% 0 99999

SD No 0.20 $20.00 S 100% 0 99999
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.01 EUR 100.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.01 EUR 100.00 F

No 0.0078125 $15.625 Q 100% 25 250

No 0.0078125 $15.625 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.0078125 $7.8125 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.0078125 $7.8125 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.015625 $15.625 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.015625 $15.625 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.015625 $15.625 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.015625 $15.625 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.0025 $10.4175 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.0025 $10.4175 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.0025 $10.4175 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.0025 $6.25 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0025 $6.25 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0050 $12.50 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0050 $12.50 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0050 $12.50 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0050 $12.50 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0050 $12.50 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0050 $12.50 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0050 $12.50 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0050 $12.50 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0025 $6.25 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.0025 JPY 625.00 Y 25% 50 99999
No 0.015625 $15.625 Q 100% 25 250
No 0.015625 $15.625 Q 100% 25 250

Outright Yes, Note 12 0.010 $10.00 K

SP Yes, Note 12 0.005 $5.00 K
Outright Yes, Note 12 0.1 $1.00 F
SP Yes, Note 12 0.1 $1.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.005 $5.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 12 0.1 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 12 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 10 0.01 $5.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 12 0.25 $12.50 F
SP Yes, Note 12 0.25 $12.50 F
Outright Yes, Note 12 0.0125 $31.25 F
SP Yes, Note 12 0.0125 $31.25 F
Outright Yes, Note 12 0.005 $25.00 F
SP Yes, Note 12 0.001 $5.00 F
Outright No 0.005 $25.00 F

Outright Yes, Note 14 0.05 $5.00 F

SP Yes, Note 14 0.05 $5.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 14 0.1 $5.00 F
SP Yes, Note 14 0.1 $5.00 F

Outright Yes, Note 8 0.0005 $12.50 F

SP Yes, Note 8 0.0005 $12.50 F
Outright No 0.0005 $12.50 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.002 $25.00 F
SP Yes, Note 8 0.002 $25.00 F

Outright Yes, Note 19 0.00001 $0.55116 F

SP Yes, Note 19 0.00001 $0.55116 F
Outright Yes, Note 19 0.01 $5.00 F
SP Yes, Note 19 0.01 $5.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 19 1.00 $20.00 F
SP Yes, Note 19 1.00 $20.00 F
FS No 1.00 $20.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 19 0.01 $0.20 F
SP Yes, Note 19 0.01 $0.20 F
FS No 0.01 $0.20 F

Outright Yes, Note 8 0.05 $12.50 F

SP Yes, Note 8 0.05 $12.50 F
FS No 0.01 $2.50 F

No 0.0005 $12.50 F
No 0.10 $10.00 F
No 0.1 $10.00 F
No 0.01 $1.00 F
No 0.10 $5.00 F
No 0.10 $10.00 K
No 0.001 $5.00 F


Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T

SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
Outright Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
SP Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T
IS Yes, Note 18 0.20 $50.00 T

No 0.10 $25.00 K
No 0.10 $25.00 K
No 0.10 $25.00 K
No 0.10 $25.00 K

Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T
Outright No 1 $20.00 T

Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F

Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F
Outright No 0.1 $10.00 F

Outright No 1 CAD 20.00 T

Outright No 1 CAD 20.00 T
Outright No 1 CAD 20.00 T
Outright No 1 CAD 20.00 T
Outright No 1 CAD 20.00 T
Outright No 1 CAD 20.00 T

Outright No 1 EUR 20.00 T

Outright No 1 EUR 20.00 T
Outright No 1 EUR 20.00 T
Outright No 1 EUR 20.00 T
Outright No 1 GBP 20.00 T
Outright No 1 EUR 20.00 T
Outright No 1 EUR 20.00 T
Outright No 1 EUR 20.00 T
Outright No 1 EUR 20.00 T
Outright No 1 EUR 20.00 T
Outright No 1 EUR 20.00 T

Outright No 0.01 JPY 25.00 T

Outright No 0.01 JPY 25.00 T
Outright No 0.01 JPY 25.00 T

Outright No 1 AUD 20.00 T

Outright No 1 AUD 20.00 T
Outright No 1 AUD 20.00 T

Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T

Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T

Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T

Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T

Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T

Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T
Outright No 0.1 $100.00 T

Outright No 0.01 EUR 100.00 T

Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T

Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T

Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T

Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T
Outright No 0.10 $50.00 T

CME Group's Sw
Outright No 0.0001 $0.25 K
Outright No 0.01 $0.20 F


Outright Yes, Note 5 0.01 MYR 25.00 F

SP Yes, Note 5 0.01 MYR 25.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.01 MYR 10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.01 MYR 10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.01 MYR 10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.01 MYR 10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 1.00 MYR 25.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 1.00 MYR 25.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 1.00 MYR 25.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 1.00 MYR 25.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.50 MYR 25.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.50 MYR 25.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.05 MYR 5.00 K
SP Yes, Note 5 0.05 MYR 5.00 K
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.02 MYR 20.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.25 $6.25 F
SP Yes, Note 5 0.25 $6.25 F

No 0.10 MYR 5.00 F

No 0.50 MYR 12.50 F

Outright Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F

SP Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F
FS No 0.01 $10.00 F
IS Yes, Note 13 0.01 $10.00 F
Outright Yes, Note 8 0.01 $10.00 F
SP Yes, Note 9 0.01 $10.00 F
BF No 0.01 $10.00 F
FS No 0.01 $10.00 F

No 0.0001 $4.20 F

Outright No 0.05 KRW 25,000.00 F

Outright Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $4.50 K 100% 1 25

SP Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $4.50 K 100% 1 25
Outright Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
SP Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
BF Yes, Note 4 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
CF No 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
IS Yes, Note 19 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
IS Yes, Note 19 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 100
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
SP Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
SP Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
SP Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
SP Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
Outright Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25
SP Yes, Note 5 0.0025 $12.50 K 100% 1 25

No 0.0025 $4.50 O 100% 5 25

No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 5 25
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 5 25
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 5 25
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 5 25
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 5 25
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 5 25
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100
No 0.00125 $6.25 O 100% 10 100
Matching Algorithms Velocity Logic

Pro-rata For additional information

FIFO Percent Pro-rata Percent Minimum Algorithm Leveling regarding Velocity Logic, click
Allocation Allocation Allocation Component the above link for supporting

ure including KCBOT and MGEX

40% 60% 1 Size 30.0
40% 60% 1 Size 30.0
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 FIFO 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 24.00
40% 60% 1 FIFO 24.00
100% 1 FIFO 0.3000
100% 1 FIFO 0.3000
100% 1 FIFO 0.3000
100% 1 FIFO 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 FIFO 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 FIFO 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 FIFO 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 FIFO 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.600
40% 60% 1 FIFO 0.600
40% 60% 1 Size 0.600
40% 60% 1 Size 0.600
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 FIFO 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 24.0
40% 60% 1 FIFO 24.0
40% 60% 1 Size 24.0
40% 60% 1 Size 24.0
40% 60% 1 Size 0.0240
40% 60% 1 FIFO 0.0240
40% 60% 1 Size 0.0240
40% 60% 1 Size 0.0240
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 FIFO 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000

100% 90.00
40% 60% 1 Size 90.00

100% 0.03000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.03000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.03000
100% 0.03000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.03000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.03000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.03000
100% 0.03000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.03000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.03000

100% 0.06750
40% 60% 1 Size 0.06750
40% 60% 1 Size 0.06750
100% 0.180
40% 60% 1 Size 0.180
40% 60% 1 Size 0.180
40% 60% 1 Size 0.180
100% 1.80
40% 60% 1 Size 1.80
40% 60% 1 Size 1.80
40% 60% 1 Size 1.80
100% 1.80
40% 60% 1 Size 1.80
40% 60% 1 Size 1.80
100% 0.04500
40% 60% 1 Size 0.04500
40% 60% 1 Size 0.04500
100% 0.04500
40% 60% 1 Size 0.04500
40% 60% 1 Size 0.04500

100% 24.00
40% 60% 1 FIFO 24.00

100% 30.000
100% 15.00
100% 1.50

1 FIFO 24.0
1 FIFO 3.0
100% 24.00
100% 0.30

100% 360.00
100% 360.00
100% 0
100% 0.0900
100% 0.0900
100% 0
100% 0.0720
100% 0.0720
100% 0
100% 0.0315
100% 0.0315
100% 0
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO

100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO


100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO

100% 1 FIFO

100% 1 FIFO

100% 1 FIFO

100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO

100% 1 FIFO

100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO

100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO

40% 60% 1 Size 0.0750
40% 60% 1 Size 0.120
40% 60% 1 Size 0.120
40% 60% 1 Size 0.120
40% 60% 1 Size 0.120
40% 60% 1 Size 0.120
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0600
100% 0.0600
100% 0.0600
100% 0
100% 0

100% 2.70
100% 2.70
100% 2.70
100% 6.00
100% 0
100% 0
100% 1.80
100% 1.80
100% 1.80
100% 0
100% 0
100% 1.80

100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 0

100% 3.00

100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 0.60
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 3.000
100% 3.000
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 0

100% 3.00

100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 0.30
100% 0
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 3.00
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0

100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0

100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
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100% 6.000
100% 0
100% 6.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0

100% 6.000
100% 6.000
100% 6.00
100% 6.00
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 6.000
100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 6.000

100% 0

100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
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100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0

100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 6.000
100% 3.000
100% 6.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0.0750
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0.0750
100% 0
100% 0
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100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 6.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
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100% 0
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100% 3.000
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100% 0
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100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0

100% 0
100% 0
100% 6.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0

100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0

100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.00
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0

100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0
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100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
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100% 0
100% 0
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100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0.0750
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0.0900
100% 0.0900
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0.0750
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 6.000
100% 6.000
100% 0
100% 6.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 6.000
100% 6.000

100% 0

100% 0

100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 3.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0

100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 6.000

100% 0

100% 6.000
100% 0
100% 0
100% 6.000
100% 6.000
100% 0
100% 1 FIFO


















Equity Index
100% 36.00
100% 1.50
100% 36.00
100% 1.50
100% 36.00
100% 36.00
100% 1.50
100% 18.00
100% 1.50
100% 12.00
100% 1.50
100% 12.00
100% 1.50
100% 18.00
100% 1.50
100% 36.00
100% 18.00
100% 12.00
100% 1.50
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 1.50
100% 36.00
100% 15.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00

100% 180
2 30
100% 30
100% 180
2 30
100% 30
100% 24.0
100% 3.0
100% 180
2 30
100% 30

100% 360
100% 60.00
100% 15.00
100% 60.00
100% 15.00
100% 360
100% 150
100% 360
100% 150
100% 900
100% 375

100% 36.00
100% 36.00
100% 36.00

100% 24.00
100% 3.00
100% 24.00
100% 3.00
100% 24.00
100% 3.00
100% 24.00
100% 3.00
100% 24.00
100% 3.00
100% 24.00
100% 3.00
100% 24.00
100% 3.00
100% 24.00
100% 3.00
100% 24.00
100% 3.00

FX Products
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 1.80
100% 2 FIFO 0.15
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 1.80
100% 2 FIFO 0.15
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 0.900
100% 2 FIFO 0.075
100% 1.80
100% 2 FIFO 0.15
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 0.009
100% 2 FIFO .000750
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.00150
100% 1.80
100% 2 FIFO 0.150
100% 0.0900
100% 2 FIFO 0.0075
100% 0.0900
100% 2 FIFO 0.0075
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0030
100% 1.80
100% 2 FIFO 0.15
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 0.000180
100% 2 FIFO 0.000015
100% 0.000180
100% 2 FIFO 0.000015
100% 0.00180
100% 2 FIFO 0.00015
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 0.00180
100% 2 FIFO 0.00015

100% 0.0180
100% 0.0030
100% 0.0180
100% 0.0030
100% 0.0180
100% 0.0030
100% 0.0180
100% 0.0030
100% 0.0180
100% 0.0030
100% 1.80
100% 2 FIFO 0.150
100% 0.000180
100% 0.000030
100% 0.0180
100% 0.0030
100% 0.0180
100% 0.0030
100% 1.80
100% 0.30
100% 0.0360
100% 0.0015
100% 0.0180
100% 0.00150

100% 0.00900
100% 2 FIFO 0.00150
100% 0.000360
100% 2 FIFO 0.000030
100% 0.000360
100% 2 FIFO 0.000030
100% 0.0000360
100% 2 FIFO 0.0000030
100% 0.0000360
100% 2 FIFO 0.0000030
100% 0.00180
100% 2 FIFO 0.00015
100% 1.80
100% 2 FIFO 0.150
100% 0.00000180
100% 2 FIFO 0.00000030
100% 0.004500
100% 2 FIFO 0.000750
100% 0.00360
100% 2 FIFO 0.00030
100% 0.00360
100% 2 FIFO 0.00030
100% 0.00180
100% 2 FIFO 0.00015
100% 0.180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0150
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.00150
100% 0.00180
100% 2 FIFO 0.00015
100% 0.180
100% 2 FIFO 0.015
100% 0.001800
100% 2 FIFO 0.000300
100% 0.3600
100% 2 FIFO 0.06000
100% 0.004500
100% 2 FIFO 0.000750
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015
100% 0.0180
100% 2 FIFO 0.0015

100% 1.80
100% 0.15
100% 1.80
100% 0.15

100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30
100% 1.50
100% 0.30

Interest Rates
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 2 FIFO 0.3000

100% 1 Size 0.3000

100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000

100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000

40% 60% 1 Size 12/32 of 1 point

100% 1 Size 12/32 of 1 point
40% 60% 1 Size 12/32 of 1 point
40% 60% 1 Size 24/32 of 1 point
100% 1 Size 24/32 of 1 point
40% 60% 1 Size 24/32 of 1 point
100% 24/32 of 1 point
100% 1 Size 24/32 of 1 point
100% 24/32 of 1 point
100% 1 Size 24/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
20% 80% 1 Size 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 Size 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 Size 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 Size 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 Size 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 0.3000
100% 0.3000
100% 0.1500

100% 1 16/32 of 1 point

100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 24/32 of 1 point
100% 24/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 24/32 of 1 point
100% 24/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point

100% 12/32 of 1 point

100% 1 Size 12/32 of 1 point
100% 24/32 of 1 point
100% 1 Size 24/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 Size 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 16/32 of 1 point
100% 1 Size 1 16/32 of 1 point

100% 1.50
100% 1.50

100% 1.350
100% 1.350
100% 36.0
100% 36.0
100% 1.350
100% 36.0
100% 36.0
100% 0
100% 0.60
100% 36.00
100% 36.00
100% 1.3500
100% 1.3500
100% 1.350
100% 1.350
100% 0

100% 45.00
100% 45.00
100% 90.0
100% 90.0

100% 0.2400
100% 0.2400
100% 0
100% 0.240
100% 0.240

100% 0.18000
100% 0.18000
100% 15.00
100% 15.00
100% 450.00
100% 450.00
100% 450.00
100% 450.00
100% 450.00
100% 450.00

100% 22.50
100% 22.50
100% 22.50

Real Estate
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00


100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225

100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0
100% 9.0

100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225

100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225
100% 225

100% 2.25
100% 2.25
100% 2.25

100% 225
100% 225
100% 225

100% 4.5
100% 4.5

100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5

100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5
100% 4.5

100% 2.25

100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00

100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00
100% 12.00

CME Group's Swap Execution Facility

100% 0.3000
100% 450.00

Exchange Partners
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0
100% 0

100% 0

100% 1 Size 0.3750
100% 1 Size 0.3750
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
40% 60% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 Size 0.3000
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
100% 1 FIFO
Price Banding Rule 588 Stop Price Value Protection Point Market Integrity Controls

For additional
For additional For additional For additional information
information regarding information information regarding regarding
Price Banding, click the regarding Non- Stop Logic, click the For additional information
Protection Points, regarding Stop Logic and
above link and choose Reviewable Ranges above link and the plus click the above link
Price Banding from the (NRR), click the above (+) sign next to Stop Velocity Logic, click the
and the plus (+) above link
drop-down menu. *See link for full Rule 588 Logic and Protection sign next to Stop
below for Disclaimer. documentation. Points Logic and
Protection Points

10.0 $3.50 per metric ton 3.5 1.8 No

3.5 $3.50 per metric ton 3.5 0.7 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0200 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0075 No
0.0250 $.0125 per bushel 0.0125 0.0075 No
7.90 $8.00 per short ton 8.00 4.00 No
7.90 $8.00 per short ton 8.00 4.00 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0200 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0200 No
0.0250 $.0125 per bushel 0.0125 0.0075 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1950 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.0125 0.0075 No
0.1950 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0200 No
0.1950 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0200 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0250 $.0125 per bushel 0.0125 0.0075 No
0.195 $.20 per hundredweight 0.200 0.100 No
0.195 $.20 per hundredweight 0.200 0.100 No
0.195 $.20 per hundredweight 0.200 0.100 No
0.050 $.025 per hundredweight 0.025 0.015 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0200 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0250 $.0125 per bushel 0.0125 0.0075 No
0.0225 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0200 No
7.9 $8.00 per short ton 8.0 4.0 No
7.9 $8.00 per short ton 8.0 4.0 No
7.9 $8.00 per short ton 8.0 4.0 No
1.0 $.50 per short ton 0.5 0.3 No
0.0079 $.008 per pound 0.0080 0.0040 No
0.0079 $.008 per pound 0.0080 0.0040 No
0.0079 $.008 per pound 0.0080 0.0040 No
0.0010 $.0005 per pound 0.0005 0.0003 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0200 No
0.0400 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0200 No
0.0250 $.0125 per bushel 0.0125 0.0075 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No

30.00 $15.00 per metric ton 15.00 7.50 No

30.00 $15.00 per metric ton 15.00 7.50 No

0.00975 $.01 per pound 0.01000 0.00500 No

0.00975 $.01 per pound 0.01000 0.00500 No
0.00975 $.01 per pound 0.01000 0.00500 No
0.00975 $.01 per pound 0.01000 0.00500 No
0.00975 $.01 per pound 0.01000 0.00500 No
0.00975 $.01 per pound 0.01000 0.00500 No
0.00975 $.01 per pound 0.01000 0.00500 No
0.00975 $.01 per pound 0.01000 0.00500 No
0.00975 $.01 per pound 0.01000 0.00500 No
0.00975 $.01 per pound 0.01000 0.00500 No

0.02250 $0.0225 per pound 0.02250 0.01125 No

0.02250 $0.0225 per pound 0.02250 0.01125 No
0.02250 $0.0225 per pound 0.02250 0.01125 No
0.060 $0.03 per pound 0.030 0.015 No
0.060 $0.03 per pound 0.030 0.015 No
0.030 $0.005 per pound 0.005 0.003 No
0.060 0.030 0.015 No
0.60 $0.30 per hundredweight 0.30 0.15 No
0.60 $0.30 per hundredweight 0.30 0.15 No
0.30 $0.05 per hundredweight 0.05 0.03 No
0.60 $0.30 per hundredweight 0.30 0.15 No
0.60 $0.30 per hundredweight 0.30 0.15 No
0.60 $0.30 per hundredweight 0.30 0.15 No
0.30 $0.05 per hundredweight 0.05 0.03 No
0.01500 $0.0075 per pound 0.00750 0.00375 No
0.01500 $0.0075 per pound 0.00750 0.00375 No
0.00750 $0.00125 per pound 0.00125 0.00075 No
0.01500 $0.0075 per pound 0.00750 0.00375 No
0.01500 $0.0075 per pound 0.00750 0.00375 No
0.00750 $0.00125 per pound 0.00125 0.00075 No

8.00 $4.00 per 1,000 board feet 4.00 2.00 No

8.00 $4.00 per 1,000 board feet 4.00 2.00 No

10.000 5 index points 5.00 2.500 No

5.00 2.50 index points 2.50 1.25 No
0.50 0.25 index points 0.25 0.15 No

8.0 4 index points 4.0 2.0 No

1.0 .5 index points 0.5 0.3 No
8.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 No
0.10 0.05 index points 0.05 0.03 No

120.00 $40.00 per ton 40.00 20.00 No

120.00 $40.00 per ton 40.00 20.00 No
20.00 N/A 0 10.00 No
0.0300 $.01 per pound 0.0100 0.0050 No
0.0300 $.01 per pound 0.0100 0.0050 No
0.0100 N/A 0 0.0050 No
0.0240 $.008 per pound 0.0080 0.0040 No
0.0240 $.008 per pound 0.0080 0.0040 No
0.0020 N/A 0 0.0010 No
0.0105 $.0035 per pound 0.0035 0.0018 No
0.0105 $.0035 per pound 0.0035 0.0018 No
0.0020 N/A 0 0.0010 No












0.0250 $0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No

0.039 $0.04 per gallon 0.040 0.020 No
0.039 $0.04 per gallon 0.040 0.020 No
0.039 $0.04 per gallon 0.040 0.020 No
0.010 $0.005 per gallon 0.005 0.003 No
0.040 $0.005 per gallon 0.005 0.003 No
0.0250 $0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0250 $0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0250 $0.0005 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0200 $0.0200 per RIN 0.0200 0.0100 No
0.0200 $0.0200 per RIN 0.0200 0.0100 No
0.0200 $0.0200 per RIN 0.0200 0.0100 No
€ 0.10 EUR .50 per cubic meter 0 € 0.10 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No

0.90 $.60 per ton 0.60 0.30 No

0.90 $.60 per ton 0.60 0.30 No
0.90 $.60 per ton 0.60 0.30 No
2.00 $2.00 per metric ton 2.00 1.00 No
0.01 $0.60 per metric ton 0 0.01 No
0.05 $0.60 per metric ton 0 0.05 No
0.60 $0.60 per metric ton 0.60 0.30 No
0.60 $0.60 per metric ton 0.60 0.30 No
0.60 $0.60 per ton 0.60 0.30 No
0.05 $0.60 per metric ton 0 0.05 No
0.05 $0.60 per metric ton 0 0.05 No
0.60 $0.60 per ton 0.60 0.30 No

0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No

1.00 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
1.00 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.10 $0.05 per barrel 0.05 0.03 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No

0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No

0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No

0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 No
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 No
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 No
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 No
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 No
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.750 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.20 .20 index points 0.20 0.10 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.750 $1.00 per barrel 1.000 0.250 No
0.250 $1.00 per barrel 1.000 0.125 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.75 $0.05 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
€ 0.001 €1.000 per barrel 0 € 0.001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.10 $0.05 per barrel 0.05 0.03 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No

0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No

0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No

0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.20 N/A 0 0.10 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.10 $0.05 per barrel 0.05 0.03 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 No
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 No
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 No
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 No
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 No
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 No
1.00 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
1.00 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No

CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No

CAD 0.01 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.01 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
5.00 $5.00 per MWh 5.00 2.50 No
5.00 $5.00 per MWh 5.00 2.50 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.01 No

$2.00 per MWh 0 No

0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No

$2.00 per MWh 0 No

0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No

$2.00 per MWh 0 No

0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
$2.00 per MWh 0 No
0.05 0.05
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No

0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No

0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No

0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.01 $2.00 per kW-Month 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per kW-Month 0 0.01 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
CAD 0.05 CAD 2.00 per MWh 0 CAD 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
50.00 50.0 Index Points 50.00 25.00 No
50.00 50.0 Index Points 50.00 25.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
0.05 $2.00 per MWh 0 0.05 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per MWh 2.00 1.00 No
1.20 $ .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 $ .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
$.50 per Climate
1.50 Reserve Tonnes (CRT) 0.50 0.25 No

$.50 per Climate

1.50 Reserve Tonnes (CRT) 0.50 0.25 No

$.50 per Climate

1.50 Reserve Tonnes (CRT) 0.50 0.25 No

$.50 per Climate

1.50 Reserve Tonnes (CRT) 0.50 0.25 No

$.50 per Climate

1.50 Reserve Tonnes (CRT) 0.50 0.25 No

1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No

1.20 EUR .05 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.20 EUR .40 per allowance 0.40 0.20 No
1.50 $.50 per RGGI allowance 0.50 0.25 No
1.50 $.50 per RGGI allowance 0.50 0.25 No

500 $500 per day 500 250 No

0.2000 $.2000 per metric ton 0.2000 0.1000 No
0.2000 $.2000 per metric ton 0.2000 0.1000 No
0.2000 $.2000 per metric ton 0.2000 0.1000 No
0.2000 $.2000 per metric ton 0.2000 0.1000 No
0.2000 $.2000 per metric ton 0.2000 0.1000 No
0.2000 $.2000 per metric ton 0.2000 0.1000 No
0.2000 $.2000 per metric ton 0.2000 0.1000 No
0.2000 $.2000 per metric ton 0.2000 0.1000 No
0.2000 $.2000 per metric ton 0.2000 0.1000 No
500 $500 per day 500 250 No
500 $500 per day 500 250 No
500 $500 per day 500 250 No

0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No

0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0001 $.1000 per MMBtu 0 0.0001 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.050 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.025 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.050 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.025 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.020 N/A 0 0.010 No
0.020 N/A 0 0.010 No
0.020 N/A 0 0.010 No
0.020 N/A 0 0.010 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.050 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.040 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.050 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.025 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.025 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.050 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.025 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.100 $.10 per MMBtu 0.100 0.050 No
0.020 N/A 0 0.010 No
0.020 N/A 0 0.010 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0050 $.100 per MMBtu 0 0.005 No
0.0050 $.100 per MMBtu 0 0.005 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.001 $.100 per MMBtu 0 0.001 No
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 No
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 No
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 No
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 No
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 No
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0500 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No
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0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

$2.000 per metric ton 0 No

0.001 0.001
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No

0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No

0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No

0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No

0.0001 $0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No

0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No

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0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.01 $2.00 per metric ton 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per metric ton 0 0.01 No
0.00001 $0.01000 per pound 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.01000 per pound 0 0.00001 No
0.0001 $0.0100 per pound 0 0.0001 No
0.00001 $0.01000 per pound 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.01000 per pound 0 0.00001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.01000 per pound 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.01000 per pound 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.02500 $0.00250 per gallon 0.02500 0.01250 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No

0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.01000 per pound 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.01000 per pound 0 0.00001 No
0.0001 $0.0100 per pound 0 0.0001 No
0.00001 $0.01000 per pound 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.01000 per pound 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No
0.00001 $0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

0.0001 $0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 $0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 $0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 $0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 $0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.0001 $0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 $0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0250 $.025 per gallon 0.0120 0.0120 No
0.0130 $.025 per gallon 0.0100 0.0100 No
0.0250 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0130 No
0.0130 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0100 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.01 $2.00 per metric ton 0 0.01 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No

2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
2.00 $2.00 per metric ton 2.00 1.00 No
2.00 $2.00 per metric ton 2.00 1.00 No
1.00 N/A 0 0.50 No
0.01 $2.00 per metric ton 0 0.01 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.01 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per metric ton 0 0.01 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
1.00 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
1.00 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0250 0.0005 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 $1.0000 per barrel 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
€ 0.001 €2.000 per metric ton 0 € 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.01 $2.00 per metric ton 0 0.01 No
0.01 $2.00 per metric ton 0 0.01 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
€ 0.001 €2.000 per metric ton 0 € 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
€ 0.001 €2.000 per metric ton 0 € 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

€ 0.001 €2.000 per metric ton 0 € 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

0.00001 0.00250 per gallon 0 0.00001 No

0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
1.00 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

$1.000 per barrel 0 No

0.001 0.001
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0250 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0125 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0100 No
0.0010 $.0005 per gallon 0.0005 0.0003 No
0.0250 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0020 N/A 0 0.0010 No
0.0020 N/A 0 0.0010 No
0.0020 N/A 0 0.0010 No
0.0020 N/A 0 0.0010 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0250 0.0250 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.0300 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0125 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0100 No
0.0250 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0125 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0100 No
0.0010 $.0005 per gallon 0.0005 0.0003 No
0.0250 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0125 No
0.0250 $.025 per gallon 0.0250 0.0100 No
0.0020 N/A 0 0.0010 No
0.0020 N/A 0 0.0010 No
0.0020 N/A 0 0.0010 No
0.0020 N/A 0 0.0010 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.0001 0.0250 per gallon 0 0.0001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No

$2.00 per metric tonne 0 No

2.00 0.01
$2.00 per metric tonne 0 No
2.00 0.01
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.01 $1.00 per barrel 0 0.01 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
1.000 $1.000 per barrel 1.000 0.500 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No

0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
0.001 $1.000 per barrel 0 0.001 No
¥1.00 ¥500 per kiloliter 0 ¥1.00 No
¥1.00 ¥500 per kiloliter 0 ¥1.00 No
¥1.00 ¥500 per kiloliter 0 ¥1.00 No
¥1.00 ¥500 per kiloliter 0 ¥1.00 No
¥1.00 ¥500 per kiloliter 0 ¥1.00 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No

2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No

0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
2.000 $2.000 per metric ton 2.000 1.000 No
0.001 $2.000 per metric ton 0 0.001 No
















12.00 12 index points 12.00 6.00 Yes

0.50 .25 index point 0.25 0.15 Yes
12.00 12 index points 12.00 6.00 Yes
0.50 .25 index point 0.25 0.15 Yes
12.00 12 index points 12.00 6.00 Yes
12.00 12 index points 12.00 6.00 Yes
0.50 .25 index point 0.25 0.15 Yes
6.00 6 index points 6.00 3.00 Yes
0.50 .25 index point 0.25 0.15 Yes
4.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
0.50 .25 index point 0.25 0.15 Yes
4.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
0.50 .25 index point 0.25 0.15 Yes
6.00 6 index points 6.00 3.00 Yes
0.50 .25 index point 0.25 0.15 Yes
12.00 12 index points 12.00 6.00 Yes
6.00 6 index points 6.00 3.00 Yes
4.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
0.50 .25 index point 0.25 0.15 Yes
4.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
4.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
0.50 .25 index point 0.25 0.15 Yes
12.00 12 index points 12.00 6.00 Yes
5.00 .25 index point 2.50 1.50 Yes
4.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
4.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes

60 60 index points 60 30 Yes

10 5 index points 5 3 Yes
10 5 index points 5 3 Yes
60 60 index points 60 30 Yes
10 5 index points 5 3 Yes
10 5 index points 5 3 Yes
8.0 4 index points 4.0 2.0 Yes
1.0 .5 index point 0.5 0.3 Yes
60 60 index points 60 30 Yes
10 5 index points 5 3 Yes
10 5 index points 5 3 Yes

120 60 index points 60 30 Yes

20.00 10 index points 10.00 5.00 Yes
5.00 2.50 index points 2.50 1.50 Yes
20.00 10 index points 10.00 5.00 Yes
5.00 2.50 index points 2.50 1.50 Yes
120 60 index points 60 30 Yes
50 25 index points 25 15 Yes
120 60 index points 60 30 Yes
50 25 index points 25 15 Yes
300 300 index points 300 150 Yes
125 25 index points 300 75 Yes

12.00 6 index points 6.00 3.00 Yes

12.00 6 index points 6.00 3.00 Yes
12.00 6 index points 6.00 3.00 Yes

8.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes

1.00 .50 index point 0.50 0.30 Yes
8.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
1.00 .50 index point 0.50 0.30 Yes
8.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
1.00 .50 index point 0.50 0.30 Yes
8.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
1.00 .50 index point 0.50 0.30 Yes
8.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
1.00 .50 index point 0.50 0.30 Yes
8.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
1.00 .50 index point 0.50 0.30 Yes
8.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
1.00 .50 index point 0.50 0.30 Yes
8.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
1.00 .50 index point 0.50 0.30 Yes
8.00 4 index points 4.00 2.00 Yes
1.00 .50 index point 0.50 0.30 Yes


0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes

0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 No
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 No
0.60 40 ticks 0.40 0.20 No
0.05 5 ticks 0.025 0.015 No
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 No
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 No
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes
0.60 40 ticks 0.40 0.20 No
0.05 5 ticks 0.025 0.015 No
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes
0.300 40 ticks 0.200 0.100 No
0.025 5 ticks 0.0125 0.0075 No
0.60 40 ticks 0.40 0.20 Yes
0.05 5 ticks 0.025 0.015 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 No
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 No
0.00300 40 ticks 0.00200 0.00100 No
0.000250 5 ticks 0.000125 0.000075 No
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 No
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 No
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 No
0.00050 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 No
0.60 40 ticks 0.40 0.20 No
0.050 5 ticks 0.025 0.015 No
0.0300 40 ticks 0.0200 0.0100 No
0.0025 5 ticks 0.00125 0.00075 No
0.0300 40 ticks 0.0200 0.0100 No
0.0025 5 ticks 0.00125 0.00075 No
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0010 5 ticks 0.0005 0.0003 Yes
0.60 40 ticks 0.40 0.20 No
0.050 5 ticks 0.025 0.015 No
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 No
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 No
0.000060 40 ticks 0.000040 0.000020 Yes
0.000005 5 ticks 0.0000025 0.0000015 Yes
0.000060 40 ticks 0.000040 0.000020 Yes
0.000005 5 ticks 0.0000025 0.0000015 Yes
0.00060 40 ticks 0.00040 0.00020 No
0.00005 5 ticks 0.000025 0.000015 No
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes
0.00060 40 ticks 0.00040 0.00020 No
0.00005 5 ticks 0.000025 0.000015 No

0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes

0.0010 5 ticks 0.0005 0.0003 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0010 5 ticks 0.0005 0.0003 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0010 5 ticks 0.0005 0.0003 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0010 5 ticks 0.0005 0.0003 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0010 5 ticks 0.0005 0.0003 Yes
0.60 40 ticks 0.40 0.20 Yes
0.050 5 ticks 0.025 0.015 Yes
0.000060 40 ticks 0.000040 0.000020 Yes
0.000010 5 ticks 0.000005 0.000003 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0010 5 ticks 0.0005 0.0003 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0010 5 ticks 0.0005 0.0003 Yes
0.60 40 ticks 0.40 0.20 Yes
0.10 5 ticks 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.0120 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.0005 5 ticks 0.0005 0.0003 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.00050 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes

0.00300 40 ticks 0.00200 0.00100 Yes

0.00050 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes
0.000120 40 ticks 0.000080 0.000040 Yes
0.000010 5 ticks 0.000005 0.000003 Yes
0.000120 40 ticks 0.000080 0.000040 Yes
0.000010 5 ticks 0.000005 0.000003 Yes
0.0000120 40 ticks 0.0000080 0.0000040 Yes
0.0000010 5 ticks 0.0000005 0.0000003 Yes
0.0000120 40 ticks 0.0000080 0.0000040 Yes
0.0000010 5 ticks 0.0000005 0.0000003 Yes
0.00060 40 ticks 0.00040 0.00020 Yes
0.00005 5 ticks 0.000025 0.000015 Yes
0.60 40 ticks 0.40 0.20 Yes
0.050 5 ticks 0.025 0.015 Yes
0.00000060 40 ticks 0.00000040 0.00000020 Yes
0.00000010 5 ticks 0.00000005 0.00000003 Yes
0.001500 40 ticks 0.000500 0.000500 Yes
0.000250 5 ticks 0.000125 0.000075 Yes
0.00120 40 ticks 0.00080 0.00040 Yes
0.00010 5 ticks 0.00005 0.00003 Yes
0.00120 40 ticks 0.00080 0.00040 Yes
0.00010 5 ticks 0.00005 0.00003 Yes
0.00060 40 ticks 0.00040 0.00020 Yes
0.00005 5 ticks 0.000025 0.000015 Yes
0.060 40 ticks 0.040 0.020 Yes
0.0050 5 ticks 0.0025 0.0015 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0040 0.0020 Yes
0.00050 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes
0.00060 40 ticks 0.00040 0.00020 Yes
0.00005 5 ticks 0.000025 0.000015 Yes
0.060 40 ticks 0.040 0.020 Yes
0.005 5 ticks 0.0025 0.0015 Yes
0.000600 40 ticks 0.000400 0.000200 Yes
0.000100 5 ticks 0.000050 0.000030 Yes
0.1200 800 ticks 0.0800 0.0400 Yes
0.02000 100 ticks 0.01000 .00600 Yes
0.001500 40 ticks 0.001000 0.000500 Yes
0.000250 5 ticks 0.000125 0.000075 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0020 0.0010 Yes
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes
0.0060 40 ticks 0.0020 0.0010 Yes
0.0005 5 ticks 0.00025 0.00015 Yes

0.60 0.20 index points 0.40 0.20 Yes

0.05 0.025 index point 0.05 0.025 Yes
0.60 0.20 index points 0.40 0.20 Yes
0.05 0.025 index point 0.05 0.025 Yes

0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes

0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes
0.50 0.50 index (variance) p 0.50 0.25 Yes
0.10 0.05 index (variance) p 0.05 0.03 Yes


0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.1000 0.0250 No

0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0250 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0250 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0250 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.1000 0.0150 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0075 No
0.0500 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.1000 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0075 No
0.0500 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0075 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0250 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0075 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0250 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.1000 0.0250 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.1000 0.0150 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0075 No
0.0500 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.1000 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0075 No
0.0500 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0075 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.1000 0.0150 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.1000 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0075 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No

0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No

0.1000 5 basis points 0.0000 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0000 0.0250 No
0.0500 1 1/4 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No

0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No

0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No

4/32 of 1 point 15/32 of 1 point ($2,000) 4/32 of 1 point 2/32 of 1 point No

2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($2,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($2,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
8/32 of 1 point 15/32 of 1 point ($2,000) 8/32 of 1 point 4/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($2,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($2,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
8/32 of 1 point 15/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 8/32 of 1 point 4/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
8/32 of 1 point 15/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 4/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 16/32 of 1 point 8/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
5/32 of 1 point 2.50/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 1.50/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 16/32 of 1 point 8/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 16/32 of 1 point 8/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
5/32 of 1 point 5/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 3/32 of 1 point No
0.1000 5 basis points 0.0500 0.0250 No
0.1000 2 1/2 basis points 0.0000 0.0150 No
0.0500 5 basis points 0.0000 0.0250 No

16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No

16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
8/32 of 1 point 15/32 of 1 point 0 4/32 of 1 point No
8/32 of 1 point 15/32 of 1 point 0 4/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
8/32 of 1 point 15/32 of 1 point 0 4/32 of 1 point No
8/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 4/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point 0 8/32 of 1 point No

4/32 of 1 point 15/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 4/32 of 1 point 2/32 of 1 point No

2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
8/32 of 1 point 15/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 8/32 of 1 point 4/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 16/32 of 1 point 8/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No
16/32 of 1 point 30/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 16/32 of 1 point 8/32 of 1 point No
2.50/32 of 1 point 1.25/32 of 1 point ($1,000) 0 .75/32 of 1 point No

2.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No

2.00 1 index point 1.00 0.60 No
0.50 .25 index points 0.25 0.12 No
0.50 .25 index points 0.00 0.12 No


0.450 $.30 per troy ounce 0.300 0.150 Yes

0.090 $.30 per troy ounce 0.200 0.045 Yes
12.0 $10.00 per troy ounce 10.0 5.0 Yes
4.0 $10.00 per troy ounce 10.0 3.0 Yes
0.450 $.30 per troy ounce 0.300 0.150 Yes
12.0 $10.00 per troy ounce 10.0 5.0 Yes
4.0 $10.00 per troy ounce 10.0 3.0 Yes
2.0 N/A 0 1.0 No
0.20 .20 index points 0.20 0.10 Yes
12.00 $10.00 per troy ounce 10.00 5.00 Yes
4.00 $10.00 per troy ounce 10.00 3.00 Yes
0.4500 $.30 per troy ounce 0.3000 0.1500 Yes
0.0875 $.30 per troy ounce 0.2000 0.0500 Yes
0.450 $.30 per troy ounce 0.300 0.150 Yes
0.090 $.30 per troy ounce 0.200 0.045 Yes
0.100 N/A 0 0.050 No

15.00 $5.00 per troy ounce 5.00 2.50 Yes

15.00 $5.00 per troy ounce 5.00 2.50 Yes
30.0 $10.00 per troy ounce 10.0 5.0 Yes
30.0 $10.00 per troy ounce 10.0 5.0 Yes

0.0800 $.04 per pound 0.0400 0.0200 Yes

0.0400 $.04 per pound 0.0400 0.0200 Yes
0.0100 N/A 0 0.0050 No
0.080 $.04 per pound 0.040 0.020 Yes
0.040 $.04 per pound 0.040 0.020 Yes

0.06000 $.02 per pound 0.02000 0.01000 Yes

0.06000 $.02 per pound 0.02000 0.01000 Yes
5.00 $5.00 per dry metric ton 5.00 2.50 Yes
5.00 $5.00 per dry metric ton 5.00 2.50 Yes
150.00 $50.00 per short ton 50.00 25.00 Yes
150.00 $50.00 per short ton 50.00 25.00 Yes
150.00 $50.00 per short ton 50.00 25.00 Yes
150.00 $50.00 per gross ton 50.00 25.00 Yes
150.00 $50.00 per gross ton 50.00 25.00 Yes
150.00 $50.00 per gross ton 50.00 25.00 Yes

7.50 $2.50 per pound 2.50 1.25 Yes

7.50 $2.50 per pound 2.50 1.25 Yes
7.50 $2.50 per pound 2.50 1.25 Yes


4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No

4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 index points 2.00 1.00 No


75 25.00 index points 25 12 No

75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No

3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No

3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No
3.0 1.00 index point 1.0 0.5 No

75 25.00 index points 25 12 No

75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No

75 25.00 index points 25 12 No

75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No

0.75 25.00 index points 0.25 0.12 No

0.75 25.00 index points 0.25 0.12 No
0.75 25.00 index points 0.25 0.12 No

75 25.00 index points 25 12 No

75 25.00 index points 25 12 No
75 25.00 index points 25 12 No

1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No

1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No

1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No

1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No

1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No

1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No
1.5 0.50 CHI index point 0.5 0.3 No

0.75 0.25 index point 0.25 0.12 No

4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No

4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No

4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No

4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No
4.00 2 inches 2.00 1.00 No

0.1000 $.1000 per MMBtu 0.1000 0.0500 No

150.00 $50.00 per gross ton 50.00 25.00 No

0.80 1.00 point 1.00 0.40 No

0.80 1.00 point 1.00 0.40 No
0.80 1.00 point 1.00 0.40 No
0.80 1.00 point 1.00 0.40 No
0.80 1.00 point 1.00 0.40 No
0.80 1.00 point 1.00 0.40 No
0.40 MYR 1.00 per SSF 0.50 0.20 No
0.40 MYR 1.00 per SSF 0.50 0.20 No
0.80 MYR 1.00 per SSF 1.00 0.40 No
0.80 MYR 1.00 per SSF 1.00 0.40 No
0.80 MYR 1.00 per SSF 1.00 0.40 No
0.80 MYR 1.00 per SSF 1.00 0.40 No
1.60 MYR 2.00 per SSF 2.00 0.80 No
1.60 MYR 2.00 per SSF 2.00 0.80 No
80.00 MYR100.00 per metric ton 100.00 40.00 No
80.00 MYR100.00 per metric ton 100.00 40.00 No
80.00 MYR100.00 per metric ton 100.00 40.00 No
80.00 MYR100.00 per metric ton 100.00 40.00 No
40.00 50 index points 50.00 20.00 No
40.00 50 index points 50.00 20.00 No
1.60 MYR 2.00 per SSF 2.00 0.80 No
1.60 MYR 2.00 per SSF 2.00 0.80 No
1.20 MYR 1.40 per gram 1.40 0.60 No
0.50 MYR 1.40 per gram 1.40 0.40 No
0.80 MYR 2.00 per SSF 1.00 0.40 No
0.80 MYR 2.00 per SSF 1.00 0.40 No
1.60 MYR 2.00 per SSF 2.00 0.80 No
1.60 MYR 2.00 per SSF 2.00 0.80 No
0.80 MYR 1.00 per SSF 1.00 0.40 No
0.80 MYR 1.00 per SSF 1.00 0.40 No
24.00 $30.00 per ton 30.00 12.00 No
24.00 $30.00 per ton 30.00 12.00 No


0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No

0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No
0.25 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.13 No
0.75 $0.05 per barrel 0.05 0.03 No
0.75 $1.00 per barrel 1.00 0.50 No


200.00 No

0.1250 $.1250 per gallon 0.1250 0.0625 No

0.0625 $.1250 per gallon 0.0625 0.0350 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0250 $.0125 per bushel 0.0125 0.0075 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.0975 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No
0.1000 $.10 per bushel 0.1000 0.0500 No

Maximum Market Data Segment
Quantity Channel ID (tag

1000 111 70
1000 111 70
1999 111 70
2500 111 70
1000 111 70
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30000 115 84
30000 115 84
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10000 9 82
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999 9 82
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999 31 78
999 31 78
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999 38 56
999 38 56
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999 13 70
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999 250 74
999 250 74

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999 28 80
999 28 80
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999 28 80

999 29 56

100 21 74

1000 118 70
1000 118 70
1999 118 70
2500 118 70
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2500 118 70

1000 119 60
1000 119 60
1000 119 60
1000 119 60
1000 119 60
1000 119 60
1000 119 60
1000 112 60
1000 121 60
CME Globex Product Reference Legend

Options: Banding in options is described as dynamic, because banding ranges change with contract
attributes, as opposed to futures banding, where the banding rage is constant. For example, ES
futures band in always 1200, or 12 index points. Banding ranges for options are based on the
product attributes of delta and premium. As these values change, banding ranges change,
recalculated by the engine every minute.

Strategy Type
BF: Butterfly
BS: Bundle Spread
C1: Crack 1:1
CF: Condor
DF: Double Butterfly
EC: CPI Calendar
EQ: Equities Calendar
FB: Bundle
FS: Strip
FX: Foreign Exchange Calendar
IS: Inter-commodity
IV: Inter-commodity Ratio
MP: Month Pack
PB: Pack Butterfly
PK: Pack
PS: Pack Spread
RT: Reduced Tick Calendar
SD: Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index Bond Calendar
SI: Soy Crush
SP: Standard Calendar

Matching Algorithms
F: First In, First Out (FIFO)
C: Pro-Rata
A: Allocation
O: Threshold Pro-Rata
Q: Threshold Pro-Rata with Lead Market Maker (LMM)
K: Split FIFO/Pro-Rata
T: FIFO with LMM
S: FIFO with Top Order and LMM
Y: Eurodollar Option Algorithm


Note 1: The first eight quarterly and serial month expirations and any defined combination which
has at least the first leg within the front eight quarterly contracts and serial expirations have an
order quantity limit of 49,999 contracts. Outright contracts and combinations whose individual legs
are exclusively in the last 32 contracts (year three and beyond) are subject to a 8,000contract order
limit, as are all CME Eurodollar Pack and Bundle orders
Note 2: All Contracts into and out from Intercommodity Treasury Spreads (ICS) only
Note 3: Eurodollar Future implied levels are 2 Deep
Note 4: All Expirations, Calendars, Butterflies
Note 5: All Expirations, Calendars
Note 6: Implied eligible (excluding 1/4 tick eligible) has been extended to include 21-40 quarterly contracts
(Quarters 1 - 40 are now implied). 3-month, 6-month, 9-month, 12-month, 15-month, and 18-month Calendar
spreads implied the entire length of the Eurodollar futures curve. 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month Butterfly
spreads implied the entire length of the Eurodollar futures curve.
Note 7: First 6 Even Expirations, Calendars with legs Implied eligible, Butterflies
Note 8: All Contracts twenty-four months out
Note 9: All Contracts twelve months out
Note 10: All Contracts, however only outrights currently available
Note 12: All Contracts twenty months out
Note 13: All Contracts twenty-five months out
Note 14: Eight Contracts Listed
Note 15: All Contracts five months out
Note 16: All Contracts ten months out
Note 18: All Contracts seven months out
Note 19: All months implied
Note 21: All Contracts forty-eight months out
Note 23: All Contracts up to twelve months out
Note 24: All Contracts ten years out
Note 25: All Contracts for the first twelve months plus the next two years of June and December

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