Endocrine System
Endocrine System
Endocrine System
Choshi JM
• The endocrine system consists of the ductless
General endocrine glands scattered throughout the body,
which secrete hormones into the blood
2. Inducing adaptive changes to help the body cope with stressful situations
4. Controlling reproduction
6. Along with the autonomic nervous system, controlling and integrating activities of both the circulatory and
the digestive systems
• Endocrinology – the study of the homeostatic chemical adjustments that
hormones cause
• Tropic hormones – hormones that regulate the production and secretion of another
hormone, e.g., thyroid-stimulating hormone
• Nitric Oxide:
• It is both hormone & neurotransmitter.
• It is synthesized by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase.
Water soluble hormone
• It includes;
• Amino Hormones:
• These are synthesized from certain amino acids.
• E.g. Histamine is synthesized from Histidine by mast cells & platelets.
Water soluble hormone
• Peptide & Protein hormones:
• Smaller peptide hormones consist of 3 to 49 amino acids.
• Larger protein hormone includes 50 to 200 amino acids.
• Peptide hormone: ADH & Oxytocin
• Protein hormones: Human growth hormone & Insulin
Hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Located in the brain just below the thalamus
Functions as part of both the nervous system and the endocrine system
Pituitary gland
Located in the brain at the end of the stalk from the hypothalamus.
Divided into 2 separate parts;
• Anterior pituitary (Anterior lobe)/Adenohypophysis:
• Posterior pituitary (Posterior lobe)/Neurohypophysis:
Anterior pituitary
• It makes about 75 % of pituitary gland weight.
• It is made of 5 types of secretory cells.
• These five types of cells are responsible for production of seven hormones.
• The five different types of cells are;
❖ Somatotrophs
❖ Thymotrophs
❖ Gonadotrophs
❖ Lactotrophs
❖ Corticotrophs
Anterior pituitary
• Somatotrophs: About 30-40% cells are somatotrophs.
• These cells are responsible for secretion of human growth hormone that stimulate
general body growth & regulate metabolism.
➢ Located in the neck on either side of the trachea and across its anterior surface
Thyroid gland
Thyroid gland
• Two thyroid hormones are secreted by thyroid gland,
• Tri-iodothyronine (T3)
• Thyroxine (T4)
• It acts on bone & kidneys to reduce the blood calcium level when it is raised.
• It also promotes excretion of hydrogen ions in the urine which can help in preventing
Effects of glucocorticoids
• Protein breakdown:
• It increases the protein breakdown in muscle fibers, & causes liberation of amino
acids into the bloodstream.
• The amino acids are used for synthesis of new proteins.
• Glucose formation:
• GCs stimulates liver cells that convert certain amino acids to glucose which is used for
ATP production.
• Lipolysis:
• GCs stimulate lipolysis, the breakdown of TG and release of fatty acids into blood
Effects of glucocorticoids
• Anti-inflammatory effects:
• GCs are very useful in the treatment of rheumatic arthritis
• Depression of immune responses:
• High doses of GCs depress immune responses. For this reason, GCs are prescribed for
organ transplant therapy.
• Resistance to stress:
• GCs provides resistance to stress. It is used to combat a range of stresses, including
exercise, fasting, fright, temperature extremes, high altitude, bleeding, infection,
surgery, trauma, and disease.
Sex hormone (Androgen)
• In both males and females, the adrenal cortex secretes small amounts of androgens.
• The cells secrete the hormone insulin, glucagon which is responsible for maintenance
of blood sugar level.
• Insulin lowers the blood sugar level whereas, glucagon increases the blood sugar level.
Pancreatic cells
• It contains 4 types of hormone-secreting cells:
• Alpha or A cells: 17% of pancreatic islet cells and secretes glucagon.
Pancreatic polypeptide
• It is secreted from F cells of pancreatic islets and inhibits secretion of somatostatin.
• It promotes secretion of pancreatic digestive enzymes.
Ovaries and testes
Small, egg-shaped glands located in the pelvic cavity
Function as part of both the female reproductive
system and the endocrine system
➢ Male genital glands, located outside the body in the scrotum
Ovaries and testes
• Gonads are the organs that produce gametes sperm in males and oocytes in females.
• Ovaries are paired oval bodies located in female pelvic cavity, produces steroid
hormones such as estrogens & progesterone.
• These female sex hormones, along with FSH and LH regulates the menstrual cycle,
maintain pregnancy, and prepare the mammary glands for lactation.
• They also promote enlargement of breasts & widening of hips at puberty and
maintain female secondary sex characteristics.
Ovaries and testes
• The testes are oval glands that lies in the scrotum.
Down Regulation. Can be explained by: when the plasma concentration of insulin is
chronically elevated, the total number of target-cell receptors for insulin is gradually
reduced as a direct result of the effect a sustained elevation of insulin has on the insulin
receptors. This phenomenon, known as down regulation, constitutes an important
locally acting negative-feedback mechanism that prevents the target cells from
overreacting to a prolonged high concentration of insulin; that is, the target cells are
desensitized to insulin, helping blunt the effect of insulin hypersecretion.
Permissiveness, synergism, antagonism
With permissiveness, one hormone must be present in adequate amounts for the full
exertion of another hormone’s effect. In essence, the first hormone, by enhancing a
target cell’s responsiveness to another hormone, “permits” this other hormone to exert
its full effect.
Synergism occurs when the actions of several hormones are complementary and their
combined effect is greater than the sum of their separate effects. An example is the
synergistic action of follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone, both of which are
needed to maintain the normal rate of sperm production. Synergism results from each
hormone’s influence on the number or affinity (attraction) of receptors for the other
Permissiveness, synergism, antagonism
Antagonism occurs when one hormone causes the loss of another hormone’s
receptors, reducing the effectiveness of the second hormone. To illustrate,
progesterone (a hormone secreted during pregnancy that decreases contractions of the
uterus) inhibits uterine responsiveness to Estrogen (another hormone secreted during
pregnancy that increases uterine contractions).
Endocrine control of growth
Growth is signaled by the growth
hormone. There are other factors that
influence growth.
Growth capacity is genetically
determined. Adequate diet, freedom
from chronic disease and stress, and
normal levels of other growth-
influencing hormones are other
The growth hormone does not play a
role in fetal development. In children
there is a postnatal growth spurt. The
growth hormone may play a role in the
later-occurring pubertal growth spurt.
Androgens also contribute at this time.
• The growth hormone promotes growth by
signaling an increase in the number of cells
and size of cells in target organs. It stimulates
the uptake of amino acids and protein
synthesis in target cells.
• The growth hormone stimulates growth in the
length and thickness of long bones.
• It stimulates the lengthening of bones at the
epiphyseal plate. It stimulates osteoblast
activity and the proliferation of epiphyseal
cartilage. New bone tissue replaces cartilage
in this region.
• It stimulates bone thickness by activating
osteoblasts under the periosteum.
• It mobilizes fat stores as a major energy
source while conserving glucose for glucose-
dependent tissues. This metabolic action is
unrelated to growth.
The growth hormone exerts its effects indirectly by
stimulating somatomedins
• These substances are also called insulin-like growth factors.
They are stimulated by the growth hormone and mediate
most of the growth-promoting effects of the hormone.
• The main source of these factors is the liver. Their production
depends on adequate nutrition. Their production is also
related to age.
• The secretion of the growth hormone is regulated by GHRH
and GHIH.
• Many factors influence the secretion of the growth hormone.
It increases one hour after a deep sleep. Exercise can
increase the secretion of the growth hormone. An abundance
of amino acids increases its release.
Growth hormone disorders
• A hyposecretion produces dwarfism in a child. In Laron dwarfism, tissues fail to
respond to the growth hormone.
• In adults a growth hormone deficiency reduces muscle mass and strength.
• A hypersecretion of the growth hormone produces gigantism in the child.
• If hypersecretion occurs after the epiphyseal plates have closed, acromegaly
develops. Only certain bones are affected.
• Other hormones in addition to the growth hormone are essential for normal
growth. The thyroid hormone is essential for growth. Insulin is a growth
promoter. Androgens play a role in a pubertal growth spurt.
Growth hormone disorders
• Pituitary gigantism:
• Hypersecretions of human growth hormone during childhood causes gigantism, an
abnormal increase in the length of long bones.
• The person grows very tall.
• Pituitary acromegaly:
• Hypersecretions of human growth hormone during adulthood causes acromegaly.
• At this age as the long bones are fused with the shaft the person cannot grow taller, but the
soft tissues continue to grow & bones grow in thickness.
Other disorders of the endocrine system
Thyroid disorders:
• Cretinism:
• Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone during fetal life, infancy or childhood leads to cretinism.
• In absence of thyroid hormones, the skeleton fails to grow and mature, therefore it is the
characteristics of dwarfism.
Other disorders of the endocrine system
• Myxedema:
• Hypothyroidism during the adult years produces Myxedema.
• It occurs five times more common in females than in males.
• Hallmark of this disorder is edema (accumulation of interstitial fluid) that causes the facial
tissues to swell & look puffy.
Other disorders of the endocrine system
• Grave’s disease:
• Most common form of hyperthyroidism is Graves’s disease.
• It occurs 7 to 10 times more often in females than in males, usually before the age of 40.
• In this thyroid gland increases two or three times the normal size and produces more
amount of thyroid hormone.
• Graves’s patients often have a edema behind the eyes which causes the eyes to protrude.
Other disorders of the endocrine system
• Goiter:
• A goiter is simply an enlargement of thyroid gland.
• It may be associated with hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or euthyroidism which means
normal secretion of thyroid hormone.
Other disorders of the endocrine system
Other disorders of the endocrine system
Adrenal gland disorders:
• Cushing syndrome:
• Hypersecretions of cortisol by adrenal cortex produces Cushing syndrome.
• The causes include a tumour of the adrenal gland that secrete cortisol.
Other disorders of the endocrine system
• Addison’s disease:
• Hyposecretion of glucocorticoids and aldosterone causes Addison’s disease.
• Low aldosterone level leads to elevated potassium and decreased sodium level in the blood,
low blood pressure, dehydration, decreased cardio output and even cardiac arrest.