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5th Sem QN Paper 2022

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(UEEOSB) Fectrical

BTECII Electrical Eapineering, s SEMESTER, MID TERM EXAMINATION 2022


EullLmarks-20 Time-1hr

The figure of the Margin Indicate full Marks for the

Answer Question No. 1 any one from the

1. Explain the terms in brief: (a) Eddy current,, (b)Process of

(ssrface charge density and volume charge density, (d) polarization and Electretgmaterials.
Stokes theorem, (overzence

2. a) What will be the current density distribution for AC curent passing through a
carrying conductor having circular cross section? With the change in frequency how this
distribution will change? What is skin depth?

b) Why resistance for AC current is always higher than resistance for DC current in a
conducting medium?
3. Write short notes on the following:
a)-flow of AC Current through capacitor.
c) Marwell's equation from Faraday's Law.
d) Poynting's theorem and Poynting vector.
p} Conductibn and Displacement current density.
National Institute of Technology, Agartala
B.Tech 5 Semester Midterm Examination -2022
Subject-Control System I
Full Marks-20 Time-1 Hour

Answer all the questions

1. a)State Mason's Gain formula for determining the transfer function.

Determine the overall transfer function of the given signal flow graph using Mason's


R G1 1
H2 37-10

2 i ) Determine the total output, Cfor the given block diagram using block diagram
Aeduction technique.


What is meant by "sensitivity" of acontrol system?

Enrolimat tia
Mid Term
Name of Subject:
Examination, September 2022
Microprocessors and Microcontroller
Subject Code: UEE0SB17
Total Marks: 20
Time: I hour
Group- A
Anser thc folloxing questions
The following program starts at
LXI SP, 00FF locakion 0100H
LXIH, 0701

What will be the contents of accurrulator when the

program counter reaches 0109H?
Place 05 in the accumulator. Lnctement it by one bit and store the
location FCS2 H result in the memory
3. Load the content of the memory
location FCS1 H directly to the accumulator, then transfer
it to register B. The content of the
memory location FCS1 His 06.
4. What will be the content of the accumulator after the execution of the following 8085
assembly language program?
5. Why Carry and auxiliary carry flags are not affected in logical instuctions?
Group- B
Answer the following questions
6. Why the lower order address bus is multiplexed with data bus? How
they will be
7. The contents of Register (B) and Accumulator (A) of 8085
microprocessor are 49H and
3AH respectively. What will be the contents of A and the status of carry flag (CY) and sign
flag (S) after executing SUB Binstructions?
8. Explain the following instructions with suitable example of each.
(a) LXI (CMP
9. An 808S axiembly language program isgives below:
Line 1: MVIA. BSH

STA 3010H

Afer exccution of line 7of the program, what will be the status of the'C and Zflags?
10. An 8085 asembly language program is given below:
Line 1: MVI A, BSH


What will be the contents of the accumulator just execution of the ADD instruction in line 4
Answer any one fromn the following
A1. Specify the contents of the registers and the flag status as the following instructions are
executed. 1x5m5

12/ (a What is the content of the accumulator and the carry flag. after executing the
following program segment in 8085 microprocessor?
(b) Why CMA instruction falls under implicit addressing modes? How the content of
accumulator will be changed after execution of CMA instruction?
Enolinent No.I S(UEEOsB20)
BTech sh Semester Mid Tem Examination, 2022
Sub: Power Electronics

Full Marks-20(Twenty)

Eigures in themargins indicate fllmarks for ths qucstions

All questions are
What do you mean by Power Electronics? Stute merits and
denerits of power electronics.
2. State the difference between controlled and uncontrolled rectifier, Derive the
show that the reverse recovery time of power diode is dependent on storage expression t
What type of protection is required to apply for protection of SCR from sudden over voltage?
Discuss the cause of didt in SCR and its protection scheme
Derive the expression of gate current for SCR in terns of anode current and leakage current
using suitable schematic of SCR. State the important specification for SCR.
What do you understand by phase controlled rectifier? Derive the average and rms voltage
expression for a converter that can be suitably applied for controlling speed of DC shunt
6. Derive the expression for circulating current for a dual converter using suitable schematic and
waveforn while converter is fed froma single phase supply of 230V 50Hz
Énrlmant Na. ploueeod
B. Tech. sth Semester
Examination, 2022
Name of Subject: Electrical Machine-ll
Paper Code- UEEO5B15
Full marks-20
Time- 1Hrs

Answer all questions

1 A36 pole synchronous motor is supplied from a 27HZ aC source. What is the speed of the motor
How you can reverse the direction of rotation of
this machine. (2)
Draw the phasor diagram of a
Synchronous generator drawing current at unity power factor
b. Synchronous generator drawing
3 Let us consider an ac machine with two
current at zero lagging power factor
winding ( RR and YY) in stator. The windings are
displaced in space by 60 and are excited with a current that is
displaced in time by 120 as
shown in Fig 1.Find the MMF produced by the stator of this
machin (2)
OR 3460Tm
sin(at-120) B Nãa

Fig 1 Fig 2
The rotor of a 2 pole generator is rotating at 3600rpm in anticlockwise direction, The rotor of
this machine contains a three phase winding and Is supplied with an ac current of 25 Hz
shown in Fig 2. Winding rr is supplied with sin(at), winding yy is supplied with ImSin(at
120), winding bb is supplied with sin(at-240), What is the frequency of the voltage
produced by this machine (2)
5 Asynchronous motor is drawing a leading current from the infinite bus at 0.5 pf leading. Draw
the phasor diagram and show the component of armature reaction flux
6A25kVA 230 volt 3 phase 4 pole 50 Hz star connected synchronous generator has a synchronous
7reactance of 10 per phase and negligible stator resistance The generatar is connected to an
infinite bus of 230V and 50Hz.Determine the excitation voltage when a machine is delivering
rated KVA at 0.8 power factor lagging. (2)
7 Find the maximum power dellvered by a 3 phase star connected 48 pole 50 Hz synchronous
motor having and excitation emf of 3KV and terminal voltage of 3kV having synchronous
reactance of 30 per phase. E3x1oy
i 3 Shows the open citcut and short circuit characteristics of a 1500 rpm 50Hz 5MVA, 3.3KV
star connected synchronous machine (2x3s6)
Calculate the L Saturates synchronous reactänce and upsaturated

bCalculate the value af excitation EMF (E) of the machine at rated load an o0Bpf leading
if the value of X,is 2.70
c Calculate the valtage reguation of the machine at rated load an 08pf leadit
considering the nonlinearity of the open circuit characteristics


Ansner all three Questins:
e he lerms in bef )-Dianahctik aterals r Toitive diverpenc d Z e
afhergece (djDielectrie ant loctrct natrialsarSuitce chuate detsits and line churge detsity
al Wht do sou understand bs forsard and backwand wahe in the popagation of TEM
wane na
condcting medium? What is condition fora standing wae?
)2N plane waveavelling in aemally dispetsive lessfes iedla with apasc velcity at
This froqueney of 300 Mmsos nd the phase velocity as function of wavelength ts given hy
where k is constant Find the uoup velocity

3 a1 Show that the change of dielectrie medium field lines ane refracted according to the lan
Gcot®,=cot8, where 0l and 62 are the angles betweem directions of the field and common
hornal to the boundary. where el and 2 are the relative permitivities of the wo media
bhat do you nderstand by VSWRT or the matched impedance and open circuited line whut
will be the value of VSWR in terms of voltage rellection coefficien
Euoliment No [I
B.Tech St Semester End
Total Marks: 50 r ojectTerm
Subiect MicScessor Examination,
and MicroconOtbee
Code: UEEOSB17
Dece 2022

Time: 2 Hours
Section- A
Answer all the following 5x2=10
1, Specify the size of
data, address, memory word
2 microprocessor.
Wat is TRAP interrupt and its sgniße
and memory capacity of
4. Die the function ofgiven RnRSe ags in 8085
ofuP, JPE microprocessor?
5. What arevarious types of control JPO, JNZ
the various types of Pl us1 micro controllers.
Sectlon- B 5x630
Answer all the following questions
1. Describe the instruction format and addressing modes of 8085
Z.With sultable example, discuss about 8085
data manipulation microprocessor instructions used for
3 Discuss four addressing modes of 8051 micro controller with appropriate examples
of each.

4 Discuss various flags of 8051 micro controller. Also explain various special
registers of 8051 micro controller. functions

S. Write the functions of various flag register of 8086 microprocessor.

Discussin detals thè architecture of8086 mieroprocessor.

Section-C 1x10 = 10
Answer any one fromthe following questions

1. (a) Write an assembly language program for division of a 16 bit number by an 8 bit
(b) Write an assembly language program based on 8085 microprocessor instruction
Set to search the smallest data in a set.

2. Explain briefly the properties of program memory, data memory, control registers
and peripherals of PlC family.
Enrolnant No,[II Natkonal Eostitute
Tech $ e t h n a l o g s , Agartals
Full Mars 50 Code- EEOSBI3
Trne-2 Hours
Chegethe correetattermatvGO.
what is meant by "Type and 11
p What is the "Order'of a System?
senstivity of an open loop:
dWhat are the advantagesand disadvantages of Pcontrol
ALbe peak overshoot of asstem is 5%, what is the action?
Deternine the type of the given yquist plot damping ratio

rLoops which do not possess any common node are said

to be
h) pétermine if the system for the following roots are stable, loops.
marginally stable or unstable
2Answer the questfans 3X5=15
a)The characteristic equation of a control system is glven by
What are the angles of the asymptotes for the root loci?
s(s+4)(s'+3s)+kse3)= 0.
b The farward path transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by
G(Sl=2/[s(se3)]. Obtain the expression for ünitimpulse response of the systerm.
cUse Mason's gain formula to find the transfer function of the glven signal flow graph

d For the given block diagram determine the damping ratio, natural and damped
frequency of oscillation.


e) Find the value of Kfor which the glven system will be stable.

3. Answer any two questions:
a) Aunity feedback control system has an open loop transfer
Gs) - K/(s(s4s+ 13))
diagram, determine whether the system
Draw the root locus plot of the system. From the root locus (10+2)
sstable for K100. Justify your answer.

b) Draw the Nyquist plot for the given open loop transfer function
Gs)H(s) 60/[(s +1) (s+2) (s+5)1 12.
c) The forward path transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given
G(s) = 50/[(s +1) (s + 2))
From the
Using Bode plot determine whether the system is stable, unstable or marginally stable.
plot also determine the following parameters:

i) Gain cross over frequency

) Phase cross over frequency

) Gain Margin

iv) Phase Margin (8+4)

No.I (UEEOSB eeal
Fectrical Eacieetin 3th SEMESTER, END TEIM KXAMINATION 202
Full marks- 50: Time2hr
The figure of the Mfargin indicate full Marks for the Question
Answer all five Questions:
L Define the terms in brief (a Displaceme curtent, Ab) Ferrinagnetic materials (e) "Positive
avergence and "Negative
density and volume divergence" ( Dielectric ind Electret materials, Sor Sufface chasgo
charge density

2/eWhat do you understand by forward and backward wave in the propapation of TEM wave in a
non-conducting medium? What is condition for astanding Wave
byA 2 MHz plane wave travelling in a normaly dispersive lossless media with a phase velocity at
this frequency of 300 Mn/sec and the phase velocity as function of wavelength is given by
Vk2 where k is constant Find the group velocity
YWhat is eddy current and why in a conducting medium this current is circulating in nature?

3. a) Derive the boundary conditions for the components of the E, D, Hand Bficld at the Dielectric
Dielectric interface and Dielectric-Metal interfce?
b) Show that the change of dielectric medium field lines are refracted according to the law
cot®, = Gcot6
where @l and 2 are the angles between directions of the field and common
normalto the boundary, where el and e2 are the relative permitivities of the two media.
) What is the condition for Zero dispersion, Normal dispersion and Anomalous dispersion?

4,6) Find Voltage and current reflection coefficient for a terminaed uniform infinite transmission
by What do you understand by VSWR? For the matched impedance and open circuited line what
will be the value of VSWR in terms of voltage reflection coefficient?
c) A solid cylindrical conductor of radius R has a uniform current density. Derive the expression
for the radial distribution of H both inside and outside the conductor. Plot the variatiön of Magnetic
field H as a function of radial distance from the center of the conducting wire

5. Write detailed notes on any two of the following:

a) Vector Magnetic Potential.
b) Skin effect and its behaviour with change in frequency.
c) Poynting theorem and Poynting vector
B.Tech 5th Semester Endte
Sublect:Emination, 2022
Name of
Paper Code- UEE05B15
Full mark-50 (Fifty)
Time-2 Hrs
Answer question no. 1 and any3 (three) questions from the rest
a.find the speed of a 4 pole 50 Hzsynchronous motor
Over excited synchronous
motor draw power factor current
Asynchronous machine operateduatat rated
ed voltage and current shows a lagging pf of 0.86
Per-unit excitation voltage is 1.73. Synchranous reactance is Ipu. Does this condition
represent motoror benerator?
eanaet Explain.
.d Draw the "Vcurve" of a synchronous motor ( name the axis)
The rotor of a synchronous motor rotating at synchronous speed is supplied with
KDirection of rotation of a split phase types single phase induction motor can be reversed
Draw the equivalent circuit ofa singe phase induction motor.
h. Draw the speed torque characteristics of a single phase induction mator.
L AS0 Hz 4 pole single phase induction motor is operating at 109% slip What is the speed
of the rotor
KComparedto athree phase induction motor asingle motoris_efficient.

2. A1800ram 60Hz 50,000/-kVA,13.8kV synchronous generator has following test data

Open circuit characteristics
A) 175 200 225 250 275

Va(kV) 12.0 13.0 13.8 14.5 15.1

Short circuit characteristics
l-193A La2090A
Calculate he voltage regulation at rated kVA at 0.8pf leading
a Explain why the short circuit characteristics of a synchronous machine is linear, but open
circult characteristicis nonlinear?
b. List the essential condition to be satisfied before a synchronous generator can be
connected to grid.
Three generators A, B, and Care operating in parallel at unity power factor. The
characteristics of the generators are given below.
Generator A: S0 MW, drop in frequency from no load to full load 2 HE
Generator B: 50 MW, drop in frequency from no load to full load =2.5 Hz
Generator C sO MW, drop in frequency from no load to full load = 3Hz
The three generators share a load of 80 MW ata bus frequency of 50 HL Under this
condition, generator A and B deliver 20 MW each, Determine the load sharing and bus
frequency when the total load is increased to 120 MW at unity power factor
P (243+5-10)

Asallent pole synchronous generator with negligible armature resistance is delivering

lagging power factor current to an infinite bus bar Draw the pbasor diagam under this

operating condition and derive the expression for power.

b. A3phase, 11kv, 50-H, 10-pole, 200-KW star-connected salient pole synchronous
generator has Xd=l2 pu and Xq0.8 pu. It operates at rated power at 0.8 pawer factor
leading Determine
The internal emf and the load angel,
iL The maximum mechanical torque.
a. State and explain double revolving field theory
b. No load and block rotor test on a single phase induction motor gave following Test data
No load V230V e1A P 50W
Block Rotor V110V ee 10A P400W
Assume stator resistance 2.2)
Find the equivalent circuit parameter
c A220V 5OHz 4 pole single phase induction motor has the following equivalent circult
Rg=2.80 R'2.40 X=2.80 X4000
The friction and windage loss is loss is 46W. Determine for slip =10%
Line current and power factar
Output tppower

a n d T e r m Emination, 2022
Full markc-50 (Piftyi Paper Code-ÚEEOSII6/ UEPO5820
Time 2 Hours
The figures tn the margtn
A. Answer the (ndicate full marks for the questions
ollowing questions;
1 Why is cireulating
mode prelerred over
2.A single phase
non-circulating current mode in dual converier
angle? if yes, whatcontrolled rectifier supplics RiE load. Does the
is the range of firing angle value of E affect Uhe inng
that cap be applied for RiE load?
dWhy ate triggering is so commonly used in
trigger a thyristor into conduction? thyristor? Why should high dv/dt be atbie to
A chopper fed by 230V dc
the average load voltage. mains remains on for 25ems and ofrfor 1Oms in each
cycie Find
5. Two SCRs cannected back to back have a load resistance ofE 200 ohn and
Bingie phase ac. I iring angie of each SCR Is 60, fnd input of 230V
rms output voltage and average power
B. Answer the
following questions; Sx4=20
1 Discuss the urn on and turn off timing in a thristor. Draw
during both these processes aphs of currenits and voitge
2. A sbc pulne thyristor cunverter, connected on the secondary of a delta
star cornnected .b
KV/415V 50 Hz transforner is supplying 460V, 200A de load. Find (a) converter
(b) de power delivered by the converter (c ac line current (di rms value of thyristor
firing ange
average thyristor current Current (e)

3, A single phase full bridge inverter is fed by a 150V de buttery. 1f load is purely resistive with
aresiatance of 6 ohms, find (a) output power (b) peak thyristor current (o) averags thyristor
current (d) PIV.

4. Draw the circuit diagram and wave shapes of input voltage, output voltage and losd current
in a single phase full wave regulator feeding resistance load. Derive the cquations for average
rns output voltage.

5. (a) What is the difference between phase and integral control ac voltage regulator?
(b) A 23OV, 1KW resistance load is connected across a fully controlled single phase bridge
converter, If load is to be delivered a power of 800W, find [a) output voltage (b) iring angle (cl
load current (rms). 1+3=4

C. Answer the following questions; 2x10-20

1. Draw the circuit diagramn for buck -boost chopper circuit and draw the waveform for
inductor voltage, inductor cyrrent, and capacitor current. Derive the expression for output
voltage, output current in terms of duty ratio. Deduce the éxpression for calculating the
inductor, capacitor value. 642+2=10

2. What is the advantage of 120 conduction over 180 conduction for 3 phase VSI? Explain
the 180" conduction mode of three phase Vst with the help of wavform for line, phase, pole
and neutral voltages. Deduce the phase voltage expressions. 2+8-10

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