Steel 316 L
Steel 316 L
Steel 316 L
General properties
S-Steel: AISI 316L, annealed
UNS number S31603
EN Name
X2CrNiMo17-12-2, X2CrNiMo18-14-3, X2CrNiMo17-12-3
EN Number 1.4404, 1.4435, 1.4432
Atomic volume (average) 0.0069 - 0.0072 m^3/kmol
Density 7.87e3 - 8.07e3 kg/m^3
Price * 6.77 - 7.44 EUR/kg
ARGESTE 4435 LA, Stahlwerk Ergste Westig GmbH (GERMANY); SPARTAN REDHEUGH 320S33, Spartan
Redheugh Ltd (UK); SPARTAN REDHEUGH 316S13, Spartan Redheugh Ltd (UK); SPARTAN REDHEUGH
316S33, Spartan Redheugh Ltd (UK); ARGESTE 4436 PA, Stahlwerk Ergste Westig GmbH (GERMANY);
ACX 300, Acerinox, S.A. (SPAIN); EASTERN STAINLESS TYPE 316, Eastern Stainless Corp. (USA);
PROJECT 70 STAINLESS TYPE 316, Carpenter Technology Corp. (USA); SPARTAN REDHEUGH 320S31,
Spartan Redheugh Ltd (UK); PROJECT 7000 STAINLESS TYPE 316, Carpenter Technology Corp. (USA);
Eastern Stainless Corp. (USA); PROJECT 70 STAINLESS TYPE 316L, Carpenter Technology Corp. (USA);
ARGESTE 4404 LA/SB/VC, Stahlwerk Ergste Westig GmbH (GERMANY); SPARTAN REDHEUGH 316S11,
Spartan Redheugh Ltd (UK); PROJECT 7000 STAINLESS TYPE 316L, Carpenter Technology Corp. (USA);
ALLEGHENY LUDLUM TYPE 316L, Allegheny Ludlum Steel (USA); ARGESTE 4571 TB/SA/TA, Stahlwerk
Ergste Westig GmbH (GERMANY); ARGESTE 4401 PA/LA/PC/SB/VC, Stahlwerk Ergste Westig GmbH
321, Allegheny Ludlum Steel (USA); EMPIRE TYPE 316EZ, Empire Specialty Steel Inc. (USA); ACX 290,
Acerinox, S.A. (SPAIN); ACX 260, Acerinox, S.A. (SPAIN); RDN 280, Roldan S.A. (SPAIN); ACX 280,
Acerinox, S.A. (SPAIN); RDN 255, Roldan S.A. (SPAIN); RDN 270, Roldan S.A. (SPAIN); ACX 250, Acerinox,
S.A. (SPAIN); ACX 270, Acerinox, S.A. (SPAIN); SANDVIK SANMAC 316L, Sandvik Steel Co. (USA); RDN
250, Roldan S.A. (SPAIN); APMZ, Acciaierie Valbruna SpA (ITALY); SANDVIK 2R61, Sandvik Steel Co.
(USA); SANDVIK 3R65, Sandvik Steel Co. (USA);
Composition overview
Composition (summary)
Base Fe (Iron)
Composition detail
C (carbon) 0 - 0.03 %
Cr (chromium) 16 - 18.5 %
Fe (iron) 61.4 - 72 %
Mn (manganese) 0 - 2 %
Mo (molybdenum) 2 - 3 %
Ni (nickel) 10 - 14 %
P (phosphorus) 0 - 0.045 %
S (sulfur) 0 - 0.03 %
Si (silicon) 0 - 1 %
RoHS (EU) compliant grades?
Toxicity rating Non-toxic
Mechanical properties
Young's modulus 190 - 205 GPa
Shear modulus 74 - 82 GPa
Bulk modulus 134 - 152 GPa
Poisson's ratio 0.265 - 0.275
Shape factor 63
Yield strength (elastic limit) 170 - 310 MPa
Tensile strength 480 - 620 MPa
No warranty is given for the accuracy of this data. Values marked * are estimates.
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Stainless steel, austenitic, AISI 316L, wrought
Thermal properties
Melting point 1.38e3 - 1.4e3 °C
Maximum service temperature 750 - 925 °C
Minimum service temperature -273 °C
Thermal conductivity 13 - 17 W/m.K
Specific heat capacity 490 - 530 J/kg.K
Thermal expansion coefficient 15 - 18 µstrain/°C
Latent heat of fusion * 260 - 285 kJ/kg
Processing properties
Cold forming Good
Hot forming Good
Machinability - speed * 100 - 120 sfm
Weldability - MIG Excellent
Weldability - plasma Excellent
Weldability - SAW Excellent
Weldability - TIG Excellent
Brazeability Good
Electrical properties
Electrical resistivity 69 - 81 µ
Optical properties
Transparency Opaque
No warranty is given for the accuracy of this data. Values marked * are estimates.
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Stainless steel, austenitic, AISI 316L, wrought
Typical uses
Process plant parts, particularly in thick sections; Used for the containment of nitric acid that has been
contaminated by halides, or mixed with certain other acids;
Although this alloy is the best choice for some specialist situations involving nitric acid, 304L is preferable for
general nitric acid use, on both cost and corrosion criteria. If HNO3 concentration > 65%, use aluminum or a
high-silicon cast iron.
Reference sources
Data compiled from multiple sources. See links to the References table.
Standards with similar compositions
No warranty is given for the accuracy of this data. Values marked * are estimates.
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Stainless steel, austenitic, AISI 316L, wrought
The following information is taken from ASM AlloyFinder 3 - see link to References table for further
ONORM M3121 X2CrNiMo17132KKW (Austria)
EN 10088/2(95) 1.4307 (Belgium)
EN 10088/2(95) 1.4404 (Belgium)
EN 10088/2(95) 1.4432 (Belgium)
EN 10088/2(95) 1.4435 (Belgium)
EN 10088/2(95) X2CrNi18-9 (Belgium)
EN 10088/2(95) X2CrNiMo17-12-2 (Belgium)
EN 10088/2(95) X2CrNiMo17-12-3 (Belgium)
EN 10088/2(95) X2CrNiMo18-14-3 (Belgium)
EN 10088/3(95) 1.4307 (Belgium)
EN 10088/3(95) 1.4404 (Belgium)
EN 10088/3(95) 1.4432 (Belgium)
EN 10088/3(95) 1.4435 (Belgium)
EN 10088/3(95) X2CrNi18-9 (Belgium)
EN 10088/3(95) X2CrNiMo17-12-2 (Belgium)
EN 10088/3(95) X2CrNiMo17-12-3 (Belgium)
EN 10088/3(95) X2CrNiMo18-14-3 (Belgium)
GB 1220(92) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (China)
GB 12770(91) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (China)
GB 12771(91) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (China)
GB 13296(91) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (China)
GB 3280(92) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (China)
GB 4237(92) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (China)
GB 4239(91) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (China)
GB 4240(93) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (China)
GB/T 14975(94) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (China)
GB/T 14976(94) 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (China)
CSN 417349 17349 (Czech Republic)
CSN 417350 17350 (Czech Republic)
SFS 750(86) X2CrNiMo17122 (Finland)
SFS 752 XCrNiMo1812 (Finland)
SFS 752(86) X2CrNiMo17133 (Finland)
AFNOR NFA35573 Z2CND17.12 (France)
AFNOR NFA35574 Z2CND17.12 (France)
AFNOR NFA35575 Z2CND17.12 (France)
AFNOR NFA35577 Z2CND17.12 (France)
AFNOR NFA36209 Z2CND17.12 (France)
AFNOR NFA36607 Z2CND17.12 (France)
DIN 17440(96) GX2CrNiMoN18-10 (Germany)
DIN 17440(96) WNr 1.4404 (Germany)
DIN 17440(96) WNr 1.4435 (Germany)
DIN 17440(96) X2CrNiMo18-14-3 (Germany)
DIN 17441(97) GX2CrNiMoN18-10 (Germany)
DIN 17441(97) WNr 1.4404 (Germany)
DIN 17441(97) WNr 1.4435 (Germany)
DIN 17441(97) X2CrNiMo18-14-3 (Germany)
MSZ 4360(87) X3CrNiMo17143 (Hungary)
IS 1570/5(85) X02Cr17Ni12Mo2 (India)
IS 6527 02Cr17Ni12Mo2 (India)
IS 6528 02Cr17Ni12Mo2 (India)
IS 6529 02Cr17Ni12Mo2 (India)
IS 6603 02Cr17Ni12Mo2 (India)
IS 6911 02Cr17Ni12Mo2 (India)
UNI 6901(71) X2CrNiMo1712 (Italy)
UNI 6901(71) X2CrNiMo1713 (Italy)
UNI 6904(71) X2CrNiMo1712 (Italy)
UNI 6904(71) X2CrNiMo1713 (Italy)
UNI 7500(75) X2CrNiMo1712 (Italy)
UNI 7500(75) X2CrNiMo1713 (Italy)
UNI 8317(81) X2CrNiMo1712 (Italy)
JIS G3214(91) SUSF316L (Japan)
JIS G3447(94) SUS316LTBS (Japan)
JIS G3459(94) SUS316LLTP (Japan)
JIS G4303(91) SUS316L (Japan)
JIS G4304(91) SUS316L (Japan)
JIS G4305(91) SUS316L (Japan)
given for the accuracy of this data. Values marked * are estimates.
JIS G4307 SUS316L (Japan)
JIS G4308(98) SUS316L (Japan)
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Stainless steel, austenitic, AISI 316L, wrought
No warranty is given for the accuracy of this data. Values marked * are estimates.