g5 q3w7 DLL Science (Melcs)
g5 q3w7 DLL Science (Melcs)
g5 q3w7 DLL Science (Melcs)
2. Disadvantage of parallel
D. Presenting Energy has many forms. Energy has many forms. Energy has many forms. Energy has many forms.
examples/instances of the One of these is electricity. One of these is electricity. One of these is electricity. One of these is electricity.
new lesson/Motivation Electrical energy is one of Electrical energy is one of Electrical energy is one of Electrical energy is one of
the energies that's most the energies that's most the energies that's most the energies that's most
valuable to us. It makes life valuable to us. It makes life valuable to us. It makes life valuable to us. It makes life
more comfortable and more comfortable and more comfortable and more comfortable and
convenient for all of us. At convenient for all of us. At convenient for all of us. At convenient for all of us. At
night, we can see and do night, we can see and do night, we can see and do night, we can see and do
things. Thanks to things. Thanks to things. Thanks to things. Thanks to
electricity. For our electricity. For our electricity. For our electricity. For our
appliances to work and for appliances to work and for appliances to work and for appliances to work and for
our homes to be lighted, our homes to be lighted, our homes to be lighted, our homes to be lighted,
electricity must travel in a electricity must travel in a electricity must travel in a electricity must travel in a
circuit. A circuit is a path in circuit. A circuit is a path in circuit. A circuit is a path in circuit. A circuit is a path in
which electrons can move which electrons can move which electrons can move which electrons can move
E. Discussing new Most households have Parallel wires carry energy Have you observed that in Have you observed that in
concepts and practicing several devices that make from the power source to a series of Christmas a series of Christmas
new skills No. 1 use of electricity. The our homes. Lamps, flat lights, once one bulb is lights, once one bulb is
number of appliances that irons, radios, television busted the entire series of busted the entire series of
you have at home shows sets, and electric fans are lights will not light up? lights will not light up?
how important electricity is all wired in parallel. The Compare it with the lights Compare it with the lights
in our everyday lives. How circuit is closed or broken at home. Does it also at home. Does it also
does electricity flow to your by the switch on each follow when a bulb in a follow when a bulb in a
appliances? appliance. Since the room is busted, the bulbs room is busted, the bulbs
appliances are self- in other parts of the house in other parts of the house
contained, this is do not light up? Christmas do not light up? Christmas
advantageous. If one fails, lights and light bulbs in lights and light bulbs in
the others will continue to your house have different your house have different
work. kinds of circuits. One is a kinds of circuits. One is a
series circuit and the other series circuit and the other
However, unlike in a series is a parallel circuit. To is a parallel circuit. To
circuit, the voltage in a make all the bulb light up make all the bulb light up
parallel circuit remains the again, the circuit must be again, the circuit must be
same at all points in a closed by replacing the closed by replacing the
parallel circuit. busted bulb. busted bulb.
F. Discussing new The word "electricity" is A parallel circuit is a circuit Series Circuit Series Circuit
concepts and practicing derived from the Greek that contains two or more Suppose you want to Suppose you want to
new skills No. 2 word "elektron," which paths for an electric current connect twelve bulbs in a connect twelve bulbs in a
means "amber." Electricity to flow through. The circuit. How would you circuit. How would you
is thought to have been electrical devices are connect these? One way connect these? One way to
discovered in ancient connected in a branched to do this is to make sure do this is to make sure that
Greece when someone manner making each one that all the current that all the current that flows
rubbed a piece of amber independent from all other flows through one bulb through one bulb also
and it picked up light connections in the circuit. also flows through the flows through the other
materials such as feathers other bulbs. The bulbs in bulbs. The bulbs in the
and hair. Of course, this is the diagram below are diagram below are
possible due to the fact connected in series. A connected in series. A
that friction can generate circuit in which the current circuit in which the current
electricity. Static and Even if there are three must pass through all the must pass through all the
current electricity are the bulbs, there are three electrical devices is a electrical devices is a
two kinds of electricity. complete circuits. None of series circuit. series circuit.
Static electricity is them is affected by the
produced when electrical others. The addition of
charges build up on the more bulbs to the set does
surface of a material, not dim the light of the
usually as a result of bulbs.
friction or rubbing of The light bulbs in the The light bulbs in the
materials together. The diagram lie along a single diagram lie along a single
If an individual bulb in a
electricity produced by the path. The battery is path. The battery is
parallel branch is
continuous flow of connected by wires to all of connected by wires to all of
unscrewed from its socket,
electrons is known as the bulbs. The path the the bulbs. The path the
there is still current in the
current electricity. current travels begins at current travels begins at
overall circuit and the other
the negative terminal, then the negative terminal, then
branches. In a three (3)
Alessandro Volta, an it passes through each it passes through each
bulb parallel circuit,
Italian scientist, discovered removing the third bulb light bulb and continues light bulb and continues
current electricity. It is back to the positive back to the positive
from its socket has the
made up of moving terminal. Because the terminal. Because the
effect of transforming the
electrons that flow through circuit from a three-bulb same amount of current same amount of current
electrical wires connected parallel circuit to a two-bulb passes through each bulb passes through each bulb
to lights, machines, or in a series circuit, one bulb in a series circuit, one bulb
parallel circuit.
appliances to make these is as bright as any other. If is as bright as any other. If
devices work. Current another bulb is added to another bulb is added to
All negative terminals are
electricity is the kind of the circuit, all the lights will the circuit, all the lights will
connected in a parallel
electricity that we often use connection using dry cells, be dimmer because the be dimmer because the
in many activities. It flows same amount of current same amount of current
and all positive terminals
through a complete circuit. are similarly connected. has to do more work. What has to do more work. What
happens if one of the bulbs happens if one of the bulbs
The bulb is then attached is removed or burns out? If is removed or burns out? If
An electric circuit is a to the free ends. The current cannot pass current cannot pass
network that has a closed- circuit's total voltage is the through one bulb, the path through one bulb, the path
loop, giving a return path same as a single dry cell. of the current is broken of the current is broken
for the current. There are and the current stops. If and the current stops. If
two types of circuits, When you add more one bulb goes out, the rest one bulb goes out, the rest
namely: series circuit and resistors to a parallel of the bulbs go out. of the bulbs go out.
parallel circuit. As we go circuit, the total current
on with our discussion on increases while the overall Parallel Circuit Parallel Circuit
series and parallel circuits, resistance decreases. If you do not want all the If you do not want all the
let us first go over some When you add more light lights in a circuit to go out lights in a circuit to go out
basic terms that we need bulbs to your circuit, you'll when a bulb is removed or when a bulb is removed or
to familiarize with: need to draw more current is damaged, then connect is damaged, then connect
to power them all. them in a parallel circuit. them in a parallel circuit.
Current – The flow of The electrons in a parallel The electrons in a parallel
electrons. Electricity has Advantages and circuit can flow through circuit can flow through
work to do, and when the Disadvantages of Parallel more than one path. Each more than one path. Each
electrons are flowing Circuit path is separate. A break path is separate. A break
around a circuit, that's in one path of a parallel in one path of a parallel
current at work. circuit does not make all circuit does not make all
Circuit – A closed the lights go out because the lights go out because
continuous path for the electrons can still flow the electrons can still flow
electricity to flow. through the other paths through the other paths
Composed of power and maintain a complete and maintain a complete
source, connecting wires, circuit. circuit.
load, and switch.
Resistance – The
restriction or opposition to
the flow of electric current.
This is what electricity
encounters when it flows
along with physical
material. Look at the light bulbs in Look at the light bulbs in
Voltage – It is the the parallel circuit at the the parallel circuit at the
measure of work required right.Each bulb in the right.Each bulb in the
to move a unit charge from diagram is on a separate diagram is on a separate
one location to another, path. Part of the current path. Part of the current
available from the source available from the source
against the force which (battery) flows along each (battery) flows along each
tries to keep electric path and through each path and through each light
charges balanced. In the light bulb. Each bulb in the bulb. Each bulb in the
context of electrical power circuit draws only the circuit draws only the
sources, voltage is the amount of current it needs amount of current it needs
amount of potential energy to overcome the resistance to overcome the resistance
available (work to be done) in the bulb. Each bulb in the bulb. Each bulb
per unit charge, to move lights to its full brightness. lights to its full brightness.
charges through a
conductor. What happens if one of the What happens if one of the
bulbs is removed or burns bulbs is removed or burns
Parts of an Electric Circuit out? If one bulb goes out, out? If one bulb goes out,
the others remain lighted. the others remain lighted. If
A circuit has parts or If you want to turn each you want to turn each bulb
components. These are bulb on or off without on or off without affecting
the conductor, the source, affecting the others, the others, switches can be
and the load. switches can be placed placed along each path in
1. The conductor (ex. along each path in the the circuit.
connecting wires) serves circuit.
as the pathway for the Parallel circuits are usually
electrical current to pass Parallel circuits are usually used at home. Parallel
from the source to the used at home. Parallel circuits allow each light or
different parts/components circuits allow each light or appliance to use the
in a circuit. appliance to use the amount of current it needs
2. The source (ex. dry cell, amount of current it needs to work. It also allows other
battery) contains positive to work. It also allows other lights or appliances to work
and negative electrons. It lights or appliances to work even if one stops
is the source of electrical even if one stops functioning.
energy in the circuit. functioning.
3. The load (ex. bulb) Advantages and
determines if the electricity Advantages and Disadvantages of Series
that flows in the circuit is Disadvantages of Series and Parallel Circuits
closed or complete. There and Parallel Circuits The table below shows the
are three kinds of electric The table below shows the advantages and
circuits based on the advantages and disadvantages of series
connections: 1) series disadvantages of series and parallel circuits.
circuits, 2) parallel circuits, and parallel circuits.
and 3) combination
circuits. For our lesson, we
will focus on the first two
circuits. A series circuit is a
circuit that allows electric
current to flow through a
single path. The available
electric current flows
through each load but
there is only one complete
path. If one bulb is loose or
does not work, the circuit is
open, and the current does
not flow. The rest of the
bulbs will not light. The
defective bulb has to be
replaced, or the loose bulb
should be screwed tight for
the current to flow again.
Remember that current is a
rate at which electric
charge flows past a point in
a circuit.
Advantages and
Disadvantages of Series
G. Developing Mastery Directions: Draw the actual Directions: Draw the actual Directions: Write S if the Directions: In which electric
(Leads to Formative set-up of the series circuit set-up of the parallel circuit statement is true for a circuit in each group do the
Assessment) that you have constructed. that you have constructed. series circuit and P if it is bulbs light the brightest?
Label/name its parts. Label/name its parts. true for a parallel circuit in Number from 1 (the
the space before each brightest) to 3 (the
number. dimmest).
_____ 1. Charges have
more than one path to
_____ 2. All the parts are
connected in a single path.
_____ 3. It allows other
electrical devices to work
even if one stops.
_____ 4. The same
amount of current passes
through all the electrical
_____ 5. When one
electrical device goes out,
the rest will not work
H. Finding Practical Electricity is an essential Electricity is an essential Electricity is an essential Electricity is an essential
Application of Concepts part of modern life and part of modern life and part of modern life and part of modern life and
and Skills in Daily Lives important to the important to the important to the important to the
economy. People use economy. People use economy. People use economy. People use
electricity for lighting, electricity for lighting, electricity for lighting, electricity for lighting,
heating, cooling, and heating, cooling, and heating, cooling, and heating, cooling, and
refrigeration and for refrigeration and for refrigeration and for refrigeration and for
operating appliances, operating appliances, operating appliances, operating appliances,
computers, electronics, computers, electronics, computers, electronics, computers, electronics,
machinery, and public machinery, and public machinery, and public machinery, and public
transportation systems. transportation systems. transportation systems. transportation systems.
Give five (5) importance of Give five (5) importance of Give five (5) importance of Give five (5) importance of
electricity to your home electricity to your home electricity to your home electricity to your home
and school. and school. and school. and school.
I. Making Generalization What is a series circuit? What is a parallel circuit? How do we differentiate How do we differentiate
and Abstraction How do electricity flow in How do electricity flow in series circuit from parallel series circuit from parallel
this circuit? this circuit? circuit? circuit?
J. Evaluating Learning Directions: Answer the Directions: Answer the Directions: Read each Directions: Read and
following questions following questions statement below about understand the sentences
correctly based on your correctly based on your series and parallel circuits well. Identify the ideas/
drawing. Write your drawing. Write your and write them in the concepts being described.
answers in your notebook/ answers in your notebook/ correct section of the Venn Choose the correct answer
answer sheet. answer sheet. diagram. Write the from the choices provided
similarities in the space in the box below.
1. In your drawing of the 1. In a parallel circuit with where the circles overlap
series circuit, which is the three dry cells as a source and differences on the left
source of electrical of energy, how are the and right sides.
energy? wires connected to the dry
1. A circuit that allows
cell? Why?
electric current to flow
2. Write/list down one of through a single path is
the components/ parts of a 2. Based on your drawing, known as ____________.
circuit that when changed, give one advantage of the 2. In a parallel circuit with
affects the total parallel circuit. constant voltage or the
performance of the circuit. same power source, the
____________ of the
3. What component of the number of bulbs increases
series circuit serves as a the total current. 3. The
pathway for electrical kind of electricity that is
energy? made up of moving
electrons flowing through a
complete circuit is called
_______________. 4. In a
series circuit, the electric
current that passes
through each bulb
____________. 5. In order
for the devices in a series
circuit to work, each device
must ____________.
K. Additional activities for
application or remediation
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction
and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the
purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of
the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the
learners learners learners learners learners
VI. REFLECTIONS Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in
the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning
process when process when process when process when process when
incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating
A. No. of learner who
earned 80%
B .No. of learner who
scored below 80% ( needs
C. No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share w/other teacher?