Vaccancy Circular
Vaccancy Circular
Vaccancy Circular
Customs Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal
West Block No.2, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 66
Dtd . .2<0' \ ".L·la\ b
Applications are invited from retired SPSj PSj Stenographer Gr. II or equivalent
employees retired from Government Departmentj PSUsj Autonomous Bodies for
engagement to the post of Stenographer on contract basis in the Customs Excise &
Service Tax Appellate Tribunal. The application may be sent to the Registrar, Customs
Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Delhi or to the concerned Deputy Registrar/
Assistant Registrar at Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad,
Chandigarh and Allahabad Benches.(Addresses overleaf). The experience,
consolidated salary and other details are as under:-
1. Post : Stenographers
The above posts are purely on contract basis for a period of one year. The
extension of period of contractual appointment in each case will be considered by the
competent authority on its merits. The terms and conditions of appointment and format
of submission of bio-data is available at the Tribunal's website i.e.
Copy to:
i) Notice Board
ii) Website, CESTAT
1. The Registrar,
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,
West Blo~k,No. 2, R. K. Puram,
New Delhi 110066.
2. The Deputy Registrar,
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,
3rd Floor, [ai Centre, 34, P.O. Mello Road, Masjid Bunder (East),
Mumbai 400009.
3. The Assistant Registrar,
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,
26, Haddows Road, Shastri Bhawant Annexe, 1st Floor,
4. The Assistant Registrar,
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,
1st Floor, WTC BUii4ing, FKCCIComplex, K.G.Raod,
Bengaluru 560009.
5. The Assistant Registrar,
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,
0-20, New Mentel Hospital Compound, Meghani Nagar,
Ahmedabad - 16.
6 .. The Assistant Registrar,
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,
Old Red Building, 38, M.G. Marg, Civil Lines
Allahabad 211001.
7. The Assistant Registrar,
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,
Ist-3rd Floor, sca 147-148, Sector 17C,
Chandigarh 160017
8. The Assistant Registrar,
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,
1st Floor, Rear Portion of HMWSSB Building, Khairtabad,
Hyderabad 500004.
Annexure I
Terms & Conditions
iv) Leave: Person appointed on contract basis shall be eligible for 8 days'
leave in a calendar year on prorate basis to be sanctioned by the Competent
Authority. The leave entitlement of the appointee shall be governed as per
DOPT O.M. No. 12016/3/84-Estt (L) dated 12.4.85 as amended by OM
no.12016/2/99- Estt.(L) dated 12.7.1999 and O.M. No. 12016/5/2009-
Estt.(L) dated 31.12.2011.
vi) The Competent Authority reserves the right to change the number of
vacancies, withdraw the process in full or in part and also the right to reject
any or all applications received without assigning any reasons or giving
notice etc.
x) He/ She should also note that he/she will have to conform to the rules of
discipline and conduct as applicable.
xi) The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law.
xii) Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the
6. Educational qualifications
7. Whether educational and other
qualifications required for the
post are satisfied
I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or
incorrect, my candidature is liable to be cancelled/terminated. I will have no claim for
absorption after termination/completion of tenure contract. I shall abide by terms & condition
as prescribed. In the event of ineligibility being detected before or after the selection
procedure, action can be taken against me under the relevant ruleslinstruction and hereby
undertake to abide by them.
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