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Waves Notes

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Progressive Waves

A progressive wave is the movement of a disturbance from a source, which transfers energy and momentum from the source to places around it. Waves are of two fundamental types:

(a) (b)

Mechanical waves, which require a material medium for their propagation. Electromagnetic waves, which can travel through a vacuum.

All types of wave motion have the same basic properties and can be treated analytically by equations of the same form. Wave Characteristics Waves transfer energy, there is no transfer of matter. In a mechanical wave the medium has particles which have inertia and elasticity (some means of interacting with their neighbours). These particles execute oscillations of small amplitude about their equilibrium positions. Each particle oscillates in the same way as its neighbour, but shows a time lag if it is further from the source of energy.

Longitudinal and Transverse Waves A wave is said to be:

(a) (b)

Longitudinal if the displacement of mechanical particles is parallel to the direction of the translation of energy. Transverse if the wave has associated with it some displacement which is perpendicular to the direction of translation of energy.

Examples of Progressive Waves Possible Result of Energy Transfer Oscillation of a floating body Diaphragm of a microphone set oscillating Buildings collapse Could stimulate retina of human eye

Wave Type Water waves

Nature of Disturbance Water molecules describe a periodic motion in a closed path Vibratory motion superposed on random motion of air molecules Shaking motion (transverse) of material in Earths crust Transverse variation of E and B fields

Sound waves

Secondary earthquake waves

Electromagnetic waves

A plot of displacement against time shows the nature of the oscillation of a particle at a particular location.

The wavelength is the spatial period of the wave pattern at a fixed instant, and is therefore the distance between two consecutive particles, which have the same phase (The distance between two successive crests, for example). The amplitude A is the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position. The frequency of the wave is the number of vibrations performed in each second by the source, and is thus the number of waves that pass a fixed point in each second. The speed c of a mechanical wave is that with which an observer must move so as to see the wave pattern apparently stationary in space.

Speed =

Distance Time

If in a time T, 1 wave of wavelength passes a fixed point, its speed c is given by:


1 However, T = so substituting, c = f T f
An oscillator produces 25 sound waves in 2.5s. Assuming that the speed of sound in air is 330ms-1 what is the wavelength of these waves? 33m.


The particles in the path of a mechanical wave vibrate with the same amplitude as each other but their vibrations are out of phase, they are not all at the same point in their vibration. Consider four corks floating in the sea as a water wave passes them:

Since the corks are at different positions, taking a snapshot of the situation it is clear that while cork A is in a trough, B is at its equilibrium position, C is halfway up a wave and D is at the crest of a wave. The corks are out of phase they lag behind one another. However, cork E and cork A will mirror each others movements they are in phase with each other. The path difference is usually expressed as a fraction of a complete wave cycle. One wave cycle is analogous to a complete circle and one wave cycle is said to be equivalent to 360. Particles in phase are multiples of this no. of degrees apart. Particles that are a whole no. of wavelengths apart (, 2, etc. - phase difference of 360 or 720) are in phase with each other. Particles that are /2 (phase difference 180) apart are said to be in antiphase as each particle is doing the opposite of the other one, this happens when particles are an odd multiple of /2 e.g. 3/2, 5/2, etc. To calculate the phase difference, the following equations can be used: To express the phase difference in degrees:

To express the phase difference in radians:

In both equations, x is the distance between the points on the wave and is the wavelength. The units for the distance and the wavelength need to be the same.

Oscillators producing transverse waves dont produce them in just one plane they can be produced in many planes. A visual example will help; here is a wave in one plane: Here are two waves travelling in different planes to each other:

Polarisation is used to distinguish between transverse waves and longitudinal waves. Transverse waves are waves where the vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the waves. Examples include electromagnetic waves, waves on a vibrating string and secondary seismic waves. Longitudinal waves are waves where the vibrations are parallel to the direction of propagation of the waves. Examples include sound waves and primary seismic waves. Transverse waves are linearly polarised if they vibrate in one plane only. Unpolarised transverse waves vibrate in a randomly changing plane. Light from non-laser sources is unpolarised but can be polarised by passing it through a polaroid filter, one type of which consists of molecules aligned in parallel lines. If polarised light is incident on a second polaroid 'analyser' filter, the intensity of the light transmitted by the filter is greatest if the molecules are parallel in the two filters, and is least if the filters are aligned so their molecules are perpendicular.

When the permitted direction of vibration or polarisation of the filter is parallel to the direction of the polarisation of the wave, it is transmitted by the filter.

When the permitted direction of vibration or polarisation of the filter is perpendicular to the direction of the polarisation of the wave, it is absorbed or reflected but not transmitted.

Superposition of waves, stationary waves

The principle of superposition states that the resultant displacement caused by two waves arriving at a point is the vector sum of the displacements caused by each wave at that instant.


Waves arriving in phase with each other add together constructively.

Waves arriving 180 out of phase with each other add together destructively.

Student activity: Plot 2 graphs on a sheet of graph paper, same amplitude, different frequencies. Let Graph 1 = f and Graph 2 = 2f and then sum them for superposition. The phenomenon of beats is observed. Stationary or standing waves result from superposition of two wavetrains, which have: (a) (b) The same amplitude and frequency (and therefore wavelength) Equal but opposite velocities.

A stationary wave is one in which some particles are permanently at rest (nodes), while others vibrate in phase but with varying amplitudes. The maximum amplitude occurs midway between the nodes (antinodes). The formation of stationary waves is a special case of interference. It is convenient to describe the result of superposition in terms of what would be observed using transverse waves on a stretched spring. The eye sees a time-average, and cannot distinguish between the phases of adjacent segments, whereas a photograph can. Comparison of stationary and progressive waves:

Stationary Varies according to position from zero at the nodes (permanently at rest) to a maximum of 2A at the antinodes. All the particles vibrate in SHM with the same frequency as the wave (except for those at the nodes which are at rest). 2 distance between a pair of adjacent nodes or antinodes. Phase of all particles between two adjacent nodes is the same. Particles in adjacent segments of length /2 have a phase difference of rad. Does not advance. The curved string becomes straight twice in each period. No translation of energy, but there is energy associated with the wave.



Apart from attenuation, is the same for all particles in the path of the wave. All particles vibrate in SHM with the frequency of the wave. Distance between adjacent particles which have the same phase.




All particles within one wavelength have different phases.


Advances with the velocity of the wave.


Energy translation in the direction of travel of the wave.

Path Difference
Consider two sound waves leaving two speakers produced at the same time. The two waves are in phase with each other, but an observer will hear different levels of loudness depending on his distance from each speaker. This is due to the different distances travelled by each wave.

e.g. B: Equidistant from the speakers, waves are in phase as they have travelled the same distance. Each wave travels a different distance, there is a path difference. If the waves are out of phase by anything but a whole number wavelengths the sound will appear quieter than normal. If the waves are out of phase by a whole number of wavelengths they will add constructively to produce a loud sound. A and C:

For the loudest sound (maximum): Path difference = n ( /2) For the quietest sound (minimum): Path difference = n ( /2) where n = 1, 3, 5, etc. where n = 0, 2, 4, etc.

To observe constant maximums and minimums an interference pattern the following conditions must be met: The sources must be coherent i.e. Produce waves with constant or zero phase difference. Therefore, frequencies must be the same. (If not coherent, the interference pattern would change rapidly and continuously) The waves from the 2 sources must have equal or similar amplitudes. (There will be incomplete destruction if amplitudes are dissimilar.) If the sources produce transverse waves the waves must be unpolarised or polarised in the same plane.

The reason interference patterns arent observed with light is that there is no constant phase difference between two light sources it is constantly changing. One way to observe an interference pattern with light is to pass coherent light through two slits in a screen. The slits are VERY close together.

Youngs Two Slit Experiment

One of the first demonstrations of the interference of light waves was by Young in 1801. He placed a source of monochromatic light in front of a narrow slit, and arranged two very narrow slits close to each other, in front of the first slit. Young then saw bright and dark bands on a screen in front of the two slits.

The first slit is required so that the source of light can be considered to be a point source, the two slits are required so that a path difference can be set up.

The light coming from the two slits have the same frequency and are always in phase with each other since the two light beams originate from the same source.Interference occurs where the two light beams overlap. As AO = OB a bright band is obtained at O. At a point close to O, such that BP AP =

from the source, a dark band is obtained. At a point Q such that BQ AQ = , a bright band is obtained; and so on for either side of O. Young demonstrated that the bands or fringes were due to interference by covering A or B the fringes disappeared. The distance between two successive maxima w can be found using the equation:

where is the wavelength of the light 2


D s

where is the wavelength of the light used, s the separation of the two slits and D the distance from the slits to the screen.

Diffraction is important in optical devices such as microscopes and telescopes and in communications. Diffraction is the spreading of waves after passing a gap or by the edge of an obstacle. The amount of diffraction of waves passing through a gap increases if the gap is made narrower or if the wavelength of the waves is increased. In the diagram below the amplitude at P is found by superposing wavelets originating in the gap. It differs from what would be observed in the absence of the obstacle because: 1. The obstacle removes some secondary wavelets from the wavefront. 2. The secondary wavelets originate at differing distances from P. This: 1. 2. Affects their relative amplitudes. Controls their phase relationships.


When diffraction at a gap occurs, part of each wavefront only passes through the gap.

Each wavefront emerging through the gap is shorter than it was.

The wavelets from each restricted section spread out to re-create wavefronts that spread out. The greater the restriction of the wavefronts, the more significant the effect of wavelets from the ends of the restricted wavefronts so the greater the spreading.

Diffraction of Light at a Single Slit

Monochromatic light passing through a single narrow slit into a microscope or onto a screen produces a pattern of bright and dark fringes. The intensity varies with direction.

All rays in phase (no path difference), constructive interference produces a broad central maximum.

A path difference exists across the aperture so that rays originating from different points across the aperture will interfere constructively and destructively to give an interference pattern like the diagram below:

The pattern has a broad central maximum and subsidiary maxima are much smaller and much narrower than the central maximum.

The Diffraction Grating

Gratings are used to diffract a light beam into spectra, which can then be measured. A grating is a plate with a large number of parallel grooves ruled on it. Transmission Grating A transmission grating is a flat glass plate or plastic with parallel grooves which transmits and diffracts light into spectra. When a narrow beam of monochromatic light is directed normally at a transmission grating, the beam passes through and is diffracted into well-defined directions given by the diffraction grating equation: d sin = n where d, the grating spacing, is the distance between the centres of adjacent slits and n is an integer, referred to as the order number.

The slits are equally spaced and, therefore, if is such that light from A is in phase with that from B, it is also in phase with light from every slit. This happens when AN = n where n = 0, 1, 2, etc. Points to note: White light source - a continuous spectrum is observed at each order, always with blue towards the central n = 0 order and red away from the centre. This is because blue light has a smaller wavelength than red light so is diffracted less. The spectra at higher orders begin to overlap because of the spread. Using light sources that emit certain wavelengths only, a line emission spectrum is observed which is characteristic of the atoms in the light source. Such a spectrum consists of sharp vertical coloured lines separated by darkness. Each coloured line is due to a specific electron transition in the atoms of the source, see below:

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