02.13-02.17 - Sales Activity Report (Vivi)
02.13-02.17 - Sales Activity Report (Vivi)
02.13-02.17 - Sales Activity Report (Vivi)
Sales Activity
13 Feb:
1. Follow up inquiry from RDMP - Rekind for Batch 21-23 (Revision) and Batch 25 (new) -
already finished but outstanding send (because of payment)
2. ISO document sending to PT Andala Valvo for database -sent
3. Outstanding PO Aqua Terra Supplindo no. AP2301-0088-DW (PI wrong attachment, delivery
PO delay)
4. Forward and acknowledge PO from RAPP to the sales order process team -sent
5. Follow up inquiry from RAPP for quotation no. Q.1302.2023.0004DSTS -sent
6. Prepare Tender Document Tripatra QQ TPPI No. 2A07-TPE-ELE-000-MRS-005 - Pengadaan
Cable Ladder & Tray, sampul 1 (administrasi & teknis) -sent
14 Feb: ( On Leave )
1. Follow up and prepare quotation no. Q.1302.2023.0004DSTS for RAPP PR 34 -sent
2. Follow up and prepare quotation no. Q.0206.2023.000035STSV for Sanpac Sinergi -sent
3. Follow up and prepare quotation no. Q.0214.2023.00040STSV for Timas Suplindo -sent
4. Forward and acknowledge PO revision from Karkatau Engineering to the sales order process
team -sent
5. Follow up and prepare quotation no. Q.0214.2023.00041STSV for SK Metalindo -sent
6. Schedule delivery PO Aqua Terra Supplindo no. AP2301-0088-DW to Jonas
15 Feb: ( On Leave )
1. Prepare document tender pak deny for Exxon CSS (Smart GEP Exxon) -submit
2. Prepare and make quote negotiation from TPPI CN: T-0148/I/2023, the quotation already
nego CN : 0022/I/2023, 0023/I/2023, P/192/I/2023, 0028/I/2023 -sent
16 Feb: ( On Leave )
17 Feb:
1. Follow up inquiry from EJJV trading Anchor Bolt to ninin
2. Forward and acknowledge Original PO from TPPI no. 8000026846 to the sales order process
team -sent
3. Follow up inquiry from EJJV trading Hex Bolt to ninin
4. Follow up and prepare quotation no. Q.0217.2023.00042STSV for Rame Rekaguna Prakasa -
5. Follow up inquiry from RAPP trading Stud Bolt Metric size and U Bolt to ninin
6. Follow up and prepare quotation no. Q 1702.2023.0005DSTS for TPPI CN. T-0187/II/2023 -
7. Prepare and submit vendor document registration for Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi -sent
8. Send and ask the drawing approval document to RAPP for PO no. 9100009348
9. Reminder QC document for PO Aqua Terra Supplindo no. AP2301-0088-DW ( Videos, COC,
COO and MC) to pak gunawan and team.