Btech Regulations 2018
Btech Regulations 2018
Btech Regulations 2018
Ba c h e lo r o f Te c h n o lo g y
( B .Te c h . - F o u r Y e a r s )
( C h o ic e Ba s e d Fle x ib l e C r e d it Sy s te m)
R 1.3 Eligibility for SRMJEEE: The eligibility for appearing for SRMJEEE and the
format shall be mentioned in the Application form and would be decided by
the Admissions Committee for the respective year of admission.
R 1.4 Seat Allocation and Admission: The Admission Committee will prepare a
merit list based on the marks scored by the candidates in the SRMJEEE and
call the applicants in the merit order for counselling. Seats are allotted based
on applicant’s interest and seat availability. Only those candidates who have
scored the minimum aggregate of marks as specified in R.1.2 (a). will be
included in the merit list.
R 1.5 Admissions under Lateral Entry Scheme: Under the Lateral entry scheme
of Admissions, the following categories of candidates are eligible for
admission directly to the 3rd semester of any B.Tech. programme offered by
(ii) A minimum of 2 years of institutional study, after the 10+2 (Higher Secondary)
examination, recognized by SRMIST. (or)
R 1.7 Fees for Admission: The selected candidate will be admitted to the B.Tech.
programme after he/she fulfils all the admission requirements as indicated in
the letter of admission after making the payment of the prescribed fees within
the due date announced.
R 1.8 Authority for Admission: Any matter related to admission to the B.Tech.
programme, the decision of the Admission Committee is final.
R 1.9 If, at any time after admission, it is found that a candidate has not fulfilled the
requirements stipulated in the offer of admission, the Director (Eng. & Tech.)
may revoke the admission of the candidate and report the matter to the Vice
R 1.10 In Addition to the above, admissions will be based on the rules and
regulations of the UGC/Competent authorities in force at the time of
No. Course Category
1 H Humanities and Social Sciences including Management courses
2 B Basic Science courses
3 S Engineering Science courses
4 C Professional Core courses (Compulsory courses)
Professional Elective courses (Optional courses relevant to chosen
5 E
Open Elective courses (Optional courses from other technical and/or
6 O
emerging subjects)
7 P Project Work, Seminar and Internship in industry or higher institutions
8 M Mandatory Courses (non-credit courses)
R 2.3 Outcome Based Education: The B.Tech. programmes follow the Outcome
Based Education (OBE) guidelines and have well defined:
These details are proposed by the respective Board of Studies and approved by the
Academic Council.
R 2.5 Learning Credits: Learning Credits are earned by the learner based on the
following pattern:
R 2.6 Minimum Learning Credits for the award of Degree: For the award of
B.Tech. Degree, a student has to acquire a maximum of 160 learning credits by
learning and practising the various courses prescribed in the curriculum within
the stipulated time duration.
(a) Learning Credit Requirement for Lateral Entry Students: For the award of
B.Tech Degree for a student who has joined through the Lateral Entry Scheme,
the number of learning credits to be acquired will be in accordance with the
curriculum of the program concerned and the credit standing at the point of entry
(Second year, third semester) to the B.Tech. Program.
For instance, assuming the total credits stipulated for a particular specialisation
of first year B.Tech. is 42, and the aggregate of bridge courses – mathematics
(2 credits), Physics (2 credits) and Chemistry (2 credits) is 6 credits, then the
credit standing would work out to 42-6= 36 credits. In this case the student, has
SRM Institute of Science & Technology –Academic Curricula (2018 Regulations)6
to earn [160 – 36 = 124 credits, including the credits of bridge courses to receive
his/her B.Tech. degree.
Lateral entry students, on admission, shall have to undergo ‘Bridge Courses’
prescribed by the SRMIST, which they have to pass and the learning credits
acquired from these courses are added towards their qualifying degree
R 2.7 Classification and Numbering of courses: The 9 digit Course Code Structure
is provided below:
For Example : 18LEH101J
2 digits 2 digits 1 digit 1 digit 2 digits 1 digit
Level of Serial No.
Year of Course Offering Additional
Type of Course the of the
Regulation Department Qualifier
Course Course
LE – English
PY – Physics
CY – Chemistry
MA – Mathematics
H – Humanities,
MB – Management
Social Sciences
including Mgt.
PD – Career 1 - 1st
Development Centre Level
B – Basic Science
AS – Aerospace Course
Engineering 2 - 2nd
S – Engineering
AU – Automobile Level
Science Courses
Engineering Course T - Theory
C – Professional
BT – Biotechnology 3 - 3rd 01 L - Laboratory
2018 Core Courses
CH – Chemical Level 02 I - Industry
Regulations E – Professional
Engineering Course etc., B - Bridge
Elective Courses
CE – Civil Engineering J - Joint
O – Open Elective
CS – Computer
Science & Eng.,
P – Project Work,
EE – Electrical & 4 - 4th
Electronics Eng., Level
Internship etc.,
EC – Electronics Course
M – Mandatory
&Commn. Eng.,
Courses (non-
ME – Mechanical
MH – Mechatronics
NT – Nanotechnology
R 3.1 Course Enrolment Requirements: Enrolment for all courses prescribed as per
the curriculum is mandatory.
(a) Registration of any course will be controlled by the respective Heads of
(b) The registration sheet contains the course code, course title, number of
credits earned till date, number of credits opted for the current semester,
and the remaining number of credits to earn for the award of the degree.
The student will make the choice of courses on his own or in consultation
with his/her Faculty Advisor.
(c) For the first semester (and III semester in the case of lateral entry
students) registration shall be completed within a week prior to the
commencement of classes.
(d) For all other semesters, the registration will be done during a specified
week immediately after the end semester examination of the previous
(e) Late enrolment would not be encouraged. In case of a late enrolment,
special permission is required from the respective Heads of Department.
R 3.2 Break in Studies:A student will not be allowed to enrol for current semester
and has to undergo a year of break in studies if he/she:
(a) Does not have a minimum of 75 % attendance in at least 3 or more
courses in the previous semester
(b) Has not cleared any pending fee dues to SRMIST, Hostel, Library, NCC
etc., in the previous semester
(c) Has been ‘Debarred from study’ due to any stipulated reason in the
previous semester.
(d) Has any ‘Pending Disciplinary Actions’ against him/her from the
previous semesters
(e) Has not registered for previous end semester examinations
Regular students: within the time duration of 12 semesters (As per the UGC
Norms) for students admitted in a particular year.
Lateral Entry students: within the time duration of 10 semesters (As per the
UGC Norms) for students admitted in a particular year.
R 4.2 In compliance with the rules and norms of UGC, no student will be allowed to
complete the B.Tech. degree in less than 8 full-semesters.
(a) To assist the student in career planning and to refer student to campus
resources for such assistance.
(b) To be knowledgeable about the program(s) for which he/she is advising
and be familiar with published academic rules and regulations of
(c) To inform the student of the various aspects of degree requirements.
(d) To approve the course registration of the student at the department level
(e) To consider and approve the application for adding / dropping / auditing
of courses
(f) To guide the students while applying for readmission / transfer etc.
In all of these matters, the Academic Class Advisor or the advisement team must judge
whether the student's request is in order, is in the student's best interest, and is feasible
under existing regulations.
(c) Make the most of their ability and to contribute to the happiness and
well-being of SRMIST community by supporting others.
(d) Treat others in the way that they would wish to be treated themselves
(e) Abide by the orders of the Honourable Supreme Court of India, and not
to get involved in any acts of ragging in any form. Ragging is absolutely
and completely prohibited in SRMIST.
(f) Avoid Plagiarism, cut and paste jobs, malpractices of any kind in
learning assignments including project work and its reports.
R 7.2 Act of Indiscipline:A student who does not conduct in the manner expected
and as stated above is considered to be performing an act of Indiscipline.
R 7.3 Suspension: Director (Eng. & Tech.) may suspend a student pending
inquiry depending upon the prima facie evidence.
R 7.4 Appeal: The aggrieved student may appeal to the Vice Chancellor whose
decision will be final and binding.
R.8.0 Attendance
R 8.2 Every faculty member facilitating a course will take notice of student
attendance and their learning participation till the last instruction day in the
semester. The percentage of attendance, calculated up to this point, will be
indicated by a code number/letter as follows:
R 9.1 The learning of a student is assessed and evaluated in-house by the course
facilitating faculty member/ department except in the case of project work
where an external examiner shall be nominated for conducting the viva-
voce. All assessments are designed based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
levels of thinking and learning.
(Anderson, Lorin W, Krathwohl, David R, “A Taxonomy for Learning,
Teaching and Assessing: a revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy”, Longman
Publishing, NewYork, 2001)
The end-semester final examination shall have learning assessments from the following
perspectives with respect to all courses:
(a) Evaluation with respect to knowledge
(b) Evaluation with respect to Understanding
(c) Evaluation with respect to skill
(d) Evaluation with respect to Applications and/or
(e) Higher Order Thinking Skills
Note : For a Pure Theory Course, the Practice Part would be zero and similarly for a
Pure Practice Course, the theory part would be appropriately zero.
(a) The ratio between Continuous Learning Assessments and Final Examinations for
all courses is 50:50.
(b) A student should definitely attend the Final Examination to be eligible to Pass the
Multiple Choice
Assignments Surprise Tests Seminars
Tech. Talks Field Visits Self-Study NPTEL/MOOC/Swayam
Mini-Projects Case-Study Group Activities Online Certifications
Presentations Debates Conference Papers Group Discussions
(g) Student learning from the theory and practice portions in a course shall be
assessed separately for 100 marks each and consolidated by assigning a
weightage of 50% for theory component and 50% for practical component.
Grading shall be done for this consolidated mark.
(h) For the Practice Part (Laboratory/Practical) of a course or a pure Practice
(Laboratory/Practical) course; due weightage for carrying out experiments, such
as observations, collection of data, analysis, interpretation of results, inferences
and also timely submission of record work done would all carry due weightage
based on the type of laboratories and the course and constitute the CLA-1, CLA-
2, CLA-3. The nature of the end semester final examination shall be informed to
the students at the commencement of the course.
(i) The Final examination (both theory and practice(Laboratory/Practicals)) would
be conducted only after the last working day of the semester.
(j) Final Semester Project Work: The projects undertaken as far as possible should
be socially relevant and product oriented. B.Tech. projects can be carried out by
individual students or by a group of students with a maximum of five students in
a group.
(k) The assessment method for the project work consists of in-semester and end
semester evaluations as detailed below:
R 12.1 The internal marks awarded to the students are first normalized and
combined with the normalized marks of end semester examination.
Subsequently letter grades are awarded for the normalized marks as
indicated in the table under section R16.1: The detailed methodology of
R 12.2 To pass in a course with earnable credits a student has to score a minimum
of 50% of the total normalized marks secured in both the internal and end
semester examination. Grades Ab and I will be as per R. 16.1
R 13.2 The Ab / I grade once awarded stays in the record of the student and is deleted
when he/she completes the course successfully later The grade acquired by
the student will be indicated in the grade card of the appropriate academic year
with an indication of the month and the year of passing of that course.
R 13.3 ‘F’ grade obtained by a student will be deleted in the grade card once that
course is successfully completed. The pass grade acquired by the student will
be indicated in the grade card of the appropriate year with an indication of the
month and the year of passing. The CGPA will be accordingly revised.
R 15.1 The grade card issued by the Controller of Examinations to each student,
after the announcement of the results will contain the following:
(a) The credits for each course registered for that semester.
(d) The total number of credits earned by the student up to the end of that
semester in each of the course categories
(e) The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of all the courses taken from
the I semester onwards for regular students and from III semester onwards
for lateral entry students. For lateral entry students, the grades awarded in the
bridge courses shall also be taken into consideration.
Regular Student:
A student shall be declared to be eligible for the award of the B.Tech degree, if he/she
(a) Registered and successfully completed the courses and projects as per the
curriculum and obtaining an aggregate of learning credit totalling 160.
(b) Successfully acquired the required learning credits as specified in the
curriculum corresponding to the branch of his/her study within the stipulated
time duration.
(c) No disciplinary action is pending against him/her.