MP Ecogosoftwarepackagea
MP Ecogosoftwarepackagea
MP Ecogosoftwarepackagea
Causes for non-starting
Commissioning • Maintenance • Repair
Technical manual
VA1903 – 10/2019
Parameters, errors and causes for non-starting
MP ecoGO
Software package A1903.00
PARAMETERS ....................................................................
1.1 ALIM board ...............................
1.2 MCB board .................................
1.3 INVERTER unit .................................
.................... 21
1.4 LINK board ...............................
2 CONTROLLER ERRORS............................................
TING ......................................................................
1: Single-phase
38000 Mains network type It determines the mains network type.
3: 3-phase
208: 208V AC
220: 220V AC
38001 Rated voltage of ma
ins network It dete
rmines the rated voltage of m
ains network
network in
in vol
ts. 380: 380V AC
00: 400V AC
15: 415V AC
Voltage range of mains network
38002 Internal parameter set by default.
0: Alarm and
Minimum level of charge required to ensure the emergency
38003 Minimum charge of batteries minimum functions: Below this level, the lift is out of
1: Alarm, lighting
and rescue
Maximum electrical frequency of
38004 Internal parameter set by default.
mains network
1 Value 0: if the photocell detects an obstacle for more than 5 minutes, the controller will shift to the mode “temporary out of service”. When the obstacle
is removed, to quit this state, just make a car call.
Value 1: The controller considers that there is a photocell error if an obstacle is detected for more than 30 seconds and it will command the slow closing
of doors and it issues a sound alert.
Value 2: the photocell does not exist.
If it is an input:
- With voltage of 24V DC at the input, it activates
the function assigned at previous parameter.
- Without voltage of 24V DC at the input, it
55, 57,
Logic of MCB board terminals activates the function assigned at previous
59, 61, 0: Without 24V DC
ESM1, ESM2, ESM3, ESM4, parameter.
63, 65, 1: With 24V DC
67, 69
If it is an output:
- With voltage of 24V DC at the output, when the
function assigned at previous parameter is
- Without voltage of 24V DC at the output, when
the function assigned at previous parameter is
Set which standard determines the behaviour of 0: None
the lift in the event of fire.
70 Type of fire operation 1: EN 81-72
Parameters to be taken into account for each
2: EN 81-73
3: On MP greenvalve
board (hydraulic)
0: MP ecoGO
Determine which type of telephone the controller
78 Type of telephone 1: Fonomac 3
will use to carry out emergency calls.
2: Non-MP
Maximum number of Set the number of travels per hour that the car
operations per hour can make.
1: Built-in
80, 81, Operator model of access 1, 2 2: 2 signals + door
Set the operator model of access 1, 2 and 3.
82 and 3 mechanical interlocking
3: 2 signals
0: No
Function of REV board It determines whether the ESMx terminal, 1: Governor tripping
83, 85,
terminals ESM1, ESM2, ESM3, located on the REV board, acts as an input (I-) 2: Disabling the 2nd
87, 89
ESM4 or as an output (O-) and its function. COP in fire operation
Set the activation logic of the function defined
for the input/output ESMx of REV board.
If it is an input:
- With voltage of 24V DC at the input, it activates
the function assigned at previous parameter.
- Without voltage of 24V DC at the input, it
activates the function assigned at previous
84, 86, Logic of REV board terminal
s 0: Without 24V DC
88, 90 ESM1, ESM2, ESM3, ESM4 1: With 24V DC
If it is an output:
- With voltage of 24V DC at the output, when the
function assigned at previous parameter is
- Without voltage of 24V DC at the output, when
the function assigned at previous parameter is
Function of REV board It determines whether the ESAx terminal,
91, 93,
terminals ESA1, ESA2, ESA3, located on the REV board, acts as an input (I-) 0: No function
95, 97
ESA4 or as an output (O-) and its function.
Set the activation logic of the function defined
for the input/output ESAx of REV board.
If it is an input:
- With voltage of 24V DC at the input, it activates
the function assigned at previous parameter.
- Without voltage of 24V DC at the input, it
92, 94, Logic of REV board terminal
s activates the function assigned at previous 0: Without 24V DC
96, 98 ESA1, ESA2, ESA3, ESA4 parameter. 1: With 24V DC
If it is an output:
- With voltage of 24V DC at the output, when the
function assigned at previous parameter is
- Without voltage of 24V DC at the output, when
the function assigned at previous parameter is
0: No function
1: Key switch for door
2: Key switch for lift
out of service
3: Key switch for
Function of terminals EA1, priority of car calls
99, 101, It determines a function for EAx terminal located
EA2, EA3, EA4 for CAR1 board 4: Car key switch for
103, on the CAR1 board or Exx terminal located on
or EA1, EA2, E15, E16 for firemen
105 CEC1_1 board.
CEC1_1 board 5: Key switch for
authorised personnel
6: An external element
activates the COP
7: Extractor2
8: Button for extended
door opening
This value is set when parameter 412 is set to value 3 or 4.
2: Non-MP,
communication via CAN
0: Deactivated
1: Voice synthesizer
2: Voice synthesizer +
Operation mode for car audio Select the operation mode for the car audio
142 analogue telephone
module (TEL) module
3: Voice synthesizer +
built-in digital
0: Never
1: Always
143 Background music Set when the background music is playing.
2: Only during the
Time during which the alarm pushbutton shall be
pressed until an alarm call is generated:
Period for the activation of the
alarm pushbutton
1 to 9: these are the seconds for pressing the
button until the call is generated.
Function associated to available the inputs and
outputs on the TEL board:
0: None
Function of the configurable 0: None 1: Pictograms of the
145 inputs and outputs located on 1: Pictograms of the COP COP
the TEL board 2: Inputs and outputs configured from SIGMA 2: SIGMA
platform: The inputs are monitored from inputs/outputs
sigma4lifts web and the outputs are set to a
Determine the use of the terminal XTLBUC for
auxiliary audio
Function of the terminal 0: None
146 XTLBUC located on the TEL 1: Induction loop
0: None
board 2: Auxiliary speaker
1: Induction loop
2: Auxiliary speaker
Determine the volume of the main speaker in a
telecom (0 to 10):
General volume of the main
speaker of TEL board
0: mute
01 to 10: level of audio volume
Determine the volume of the main speaker in a
General volume of the telecom (0 to 10):
auxiliary speaker of TEL board 0: mute
01 to 10: level of audio volume
Determine the volume of the main speaker
General volume of the during the playing of voice messages (0 to 10):
149 synthesizer main speaker of
TEL board 0: mute
01 to 10: level of audio volume
Determine the volume of the auxiliary speaker
General volume of the during the playing of voice messages (0 to 10):
150 synthesizer auxiliary speaker
of TEL board 0: mute
01 to 10: level of audio volume
Determine the volume of the main speaker
General volume of the
during the audio of background music (0 to 10):
151 background music main
0: mute
speaker of TEL board
01 to 10: level of audio volume
Determine the volume of the auxiliary speaker
General volume of the during the audio of background music (0 to 10):
152 background music auxiliary
speaker of TEL board 0: mute
01 to 10: level of audio volume
The option "0" guarantees the compliance with
0: No
the standard that demands the minimum level of
1: Only in operation
battery charge for any operation mode, except
Enabling the operation without modes associated to
153 the ones belonging to group 1*. The option "1"
batteries or low battery allows working without batteries in modes maintenance
2: In all the other
belonging to group 2 as well and the option "2"
operation modes
makes it possible in any other operation mode.
176, Set the loudspeaker volume of the AUDIO x
AUDIO 4 - loudspeaker
179, module.
0: Disabled
174, 1: Intercom
177, AUDIO 1, AUDIO 2, AUDIO 3, 2: Telephone +
Set the operation mode of the AUDIO x module.
180, AUDIO 4 - Operation mode intercom
183 3: Intercom for
evacuation floor
Alarm filtering as per EN 81- 0: Deactivated
184 Activate or deactivate the alarm filtering.
28 1: Activated
Determine the controller behaviour after a 1: Inhibition of
Controller behaviour after a default related to the leveller is detected. operations with door
leveller default open
2: Lift out of service
Key switch for out of service Key switch on the COP for shifting the lift out of 0: No
in car service. 1: Yes
When the key switch on the COP is activated, all
Key switch for priority of car the landing and car calls recorded are removed 0: No
calls and, from this moment only the
t he new car calls will 1: Yes
be permitted.
Set in mm the height between the car floor -
188 Car height measured from inside the car- up to the roof -
measured outside the car.
Loudspeaker volume in
191, Set the loudspeaker volume in intercom
193, intercom mode for AUDIO 1, operation mode
Microphone volume in
192, Set the microphone volume in intercom
intercom mode for AUDIO 1,
194, operation mode
Main loudspeaker volume in Set the car main loudspeaker volume in
intercom mode intercom operation mode
Auxiliary loudspeaker volume Set the car auxiliary loudspeaker volume in
in intercom mode intercom operation mode
Set, in hundredth, how long it takes the
Stop delay in automatic controller to give the order to stop to the lift
rescue from the moment the level magnet has been
0: Default
Position of doors in out of Set the position of doors when the lift is out of
200 1: Closed
service state service caused by an authorised person.
2: Open
0: Default
Position of doors in phase 1 of Set the position of doors when phase 1 of fire
201 fire mode has been completed. 1: Open
2: Closed
Key switch for authorised This function does not allow any call from the 0: No
personnel COP when the key switch is activated. 1: Yes
It enables to choose controlled closing of car
Controlled closing of doors
and landing doors when any of the maintenance
when the controller is 0: No
203 modes is activated, For the compliance of
operating in any maintenance 1: Yes
standards EN 81-1 and EN 81-20, this
parameter shall be set NO value (0).
0: mode 1100
1: mode 1101
2: mode 1102
3: mode 1103
204, LOB board: operation mode of 4: mode 1110
Set the functions associated to connectors
207, the LOP associated to the 5: mode 1111
XC1/XL1/XB1, XC2/XL2/XB2, XC3/XL3/XB3,
210, connector pack 1, pack 2, 6: mode 1112
XC4/XL4/XB4 of LOB boards
2133 pack 3, pack 4 7: mode 1113
8: mode 1120
9: mode 1121
10: mode 1122
11: mode 1123
Parameter 204 to 215 are associated to a LOB board; therefore, they will be repeated for every LOB board existing in the inst allation.
Values 1, 2 and 3 will be necessarily associated
to a timing value. The timing value 0 of
parameter 411 will only be allowed for value 0
of parameter 412.
Values 3 and 4 will be necessarily associated to
one of the CAR board inputs.
For any value, 1, 2, 3 and 4, of this parameter,
if the communication between CAN-A and CAN-
0: No function
1: Key switch for door
2: Key switch for lift
out of service
3: Key switch for
priority of car calls
4: Car key switch for
fire brigade
5: Key switch for
authorised personnel
Function of terminal EA1 of It determines a function for EA1 terminal 6: An external element
CAR2 board or EA1 of CEC2_1 located on the CAR2 board or EA1 terminal activates the COP
board located on CEC2_1 board. 7: Extractor4
8: Car call pushbutton
to level 13 (only for
CAR1 board)
9: Car call pushbutton
to level 14 (only for
CAR1 board)
10: Pushbutton for
door opening extension
11: Pushbutton for
door opening of access
2 as per EN 81-72
Set the activation logic of the function defined
for the input EAx of CAR2 board or Exx of
CEC2_1 board:
431, Logic of terminal EA1, EA2,
433, EA3, EA4 of CAR2 board or - With voltage of 24V DC at the input, it 0: Without 24 VDC
435, EA1, EA2, E15, E16 of CEC2_1 activates the function assigned at previous 1: With 24 VDC
437 board parameter.
- Without voltage of 24V DC at the input, it
activates the function assigned at previous
0: No function
1: Key switch for door
2: Key switch for lift
out of service
3: Key switch for
priority of car calls
4: Car key switch for
fire brigade
5: Key switch for
authorised personnel
438, Function of terminal SA3, SA4 It determines a function for SAx terminal 6: An external element
of CAR2 board or S15, S16 of activates the COP
440 located on the CAR2 or Sxx of CEC2_1 board.
CEC2_1 board 7: Extractor5
8: Car call pushbutton
to level 13 (only for
CAR1 board)
9: Car call pushbutton
to level 14 (only for
CAR1 board)
10: Pushbutton for
door opening extension
11: Pushbutton for
door opening of access
2 as per EN 81-72
Set the activation logic of the function defined
Logic of terminal SA3, SA4 of for the output SAx of CAR2 board or Sxx of
439, 0: Without 24 VDC
CAR2 board or S15, S16 of CEC2_1 board:
441 1: With 24 VDC
CEC2_1 board
- With voltage of 24V DC at the output, it
4 This value is to be set when values 3 or 4 have been assigned to parameter 412.
5 This value is to be set when values 3 or 4 have been assigned to parameter 412.
Parameters 1001 to 1009 are all associated to the same floor and, thus, they will be repeated for every floor existing in the installation.
Also applies to levels from 2 up to 32 and parameters 1030 -1050 - 1070 -1090 -1110 - 1130 - 1150 - 1170 - 1190 - 1210 - 1230
- 1250 - 1270 - 1290 - 1310 - 1330 - 1350 - 1370 - 1390 - 1410 - 1430 - 1450 - 1470 - 1490 - 1510 - 1530 - 1550 - 1570 - 1590
- 1610 – 1630.
0: Default
Set the door position of doors when the car is
1021 Position of doors in idle state 1: Closed
parked at this floor.
2: Open
Version the software-packa
10000 Version the software-package comes from
comes from
Name of minimum template required for setting
10001 Minimum template
up the parameters of this software package.
It identifies the version of the group of
50000 API of adjustments adjustment features. Only for reading.
It identifies the version of the group of test
50001 API of tests
features. Only for reading.
It identifies the version of PAN protocol. Only
50002 API of PAN
for reading.
It identifies the version of the group of
50003 API of sigma4lifts
sigma4lifts features. Only for reading.
It identifies the version of the group of
50004 API of verification systems
verification system features.
features. Only for reading.
It identifies the version of the group of
50005 API of laboratory
laboratory features. Only for reading.
It identifies the version of the group of
50006 API of minimum template
minimum template features. Only to be read.
2: 10HP/400V AC
Identify the inverter model in terms of voltage 3: 10HP/220V AC
32001 Type of inverter
and power 4: 15HP/400V AC
6: 20HP/400V AC
Value consisting of 4 digits:
- Digit 1 (ones): Autoreset: Set the maximum no:
of errors permitted for 3 minutes allowing an
automatic reset of the device: When this number
is exceeded, the device requires a manual reset via
console or PC.
The default value of this digit is 5: If it is set to 0,
the device will never be out of service.
• 0: activated
• 1: deactivated
Selection of data block Digit of ones: for the data displaying of sinusoidal
32006 displayed on the Vía Serie and absolute encoder:
console • 1: visible
• 0: non-visible
• 1: visible
• 0: non-visible
Set, in m/s, the speed of the car motion in
32256 Speed of inspection mode
inspection operation mode (mainten
There are 2 ways for detecting anomalies in speed
measuring: According to this parameter value, the
detection will be carried out in one way or another:
Time for the current drop This effect can be eliminated by gradually
after the brake is applied removing the motor torque: This way, the rotor
adaptation will be smoother and the noise can
even disappear.
35587 Minimum width of pulse Do not modify this value unless you are told to do
so by the Aftersales staff.
Set the adjustment of the current measure of
phase U.
Adjustment of the current This value is set during the process of adjustment
measure phase U and check which is carried out at the factory.
Adjustment of the current This value is set during the process of adjustment
measure phase V and check which is carried out at the factory.
Adjustment of the current This value is set during the process of adjustment
measure phase W and check which is carried out at the factory.
Adjustment of current * STEP 4: The console will display, alternately and 0: Deactivated
sensors flashing, StArt and ADJin. 1: Activated
Frequency of switching for If the autotuning run does not exceed 0%, there
36610 the sensor adjustment and may be two causes:
the autotuning
a) Rated current of the machine too low with
regard to the input voltage.
b) Switching frequency.
Telephone number
number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to which the
Telephone number
number 1, 2, 3, 4, LINK board can send voice calls, even
5 of white list for voice calls though calls are forbidden to the group it
belongs to.
Telephone number 1, 2, 3 with which the
40034, Telephone number
number 1, 2, 3 of
LINK board can exchange CSD data, even
40035, white list for data
though calls are forbidden to the group it
40036 communication belongs to.
Telephone number for Telephone number to which the reported
receiving SMS events via SMS are sent.
Telephone number
number 1, 2 of Telephone number 1, 2 enabling the
white list for temporary activation of the temporary context on the
context mode board.
Telephone number for Telephone number for remote and
40040 activating the debugging temporary activation of the debugging
mode mode.
APN name of the service
40041 APN name of the network operator.
Phone number to which periodic test calls
40042 Phone number for test calls
are directed, as per EN 81-28 requirement.
ID for CPC, P100 and CPMAC protocols
associated to the phone number 1, 2, 3: If
40044, ID for alarm phone 1, 2, 3
no value is set to this parameter, the
general ID is used.
ID for CPC, P100 and CPMAC protocols
ID for technicia
n alarm associated to the technician alarm phone:
44046 phone If no value is set to this parameter, the
general ID is used.
ID for CPC, P100 and CPMAC protocols
associated to the maintenance phone: If no
40047 ID for maintenance phone
value is set to this parameter, the general
ID is used.
ID for CPC, P100 and CPMAC protocols
40048 ID for test phone associated to the test phone: If no value is
set to this parameter, the general ID is use
40049 Path to FTP protocol server Path to access the FTP server
User to access FTP protocol
40050 User to access the FTP server
Password to access FTP
40051 Password to access the FTP server
protocol server
It allows to choose the preferential
telephone operator for connecting to a
GMS/GPR network. If it is not available,
Selection of preferential
40052 the automatic selection mode will be
telephone operator
Type: text (code of the operator selected /
blank text: automatic)
40053 ICCID2 Series number of the second SIM card.
Version the software comes Name of the version this board software
from comes from
Set the periodicity for the device to carry
out a test call:
41001 Periodicity of the TEST call
0: Deactivated
1 to 9: Days up to next TEST call
Set the number of rings required to pick up
the phone and receive the call:
41002 Automatic reply
0: Deactivated
1 to 9: Rings up to picking up
0: None
Communication protocol via
Communication Set the alarm protocol via remote 1: CPMAC
tones communication. 2: CPC
3: P100
0: Without context
1: Temporary context
Set the data context mode with any
41023 Context mode 2: Temporary context with
network operator.
3: Permanent context
Set, in milliseconds, how long will be the
DTMF tones emitted by the device.
41024 Time for DTMF tones ON
0 to 255 ms.
Set, in milliseconds, how long will be the
pause between DTMF tones emitted by the
41025 Time for DTMF tones OFF
0 to 255 ms.
0: Automatic
1: FR
Determine the voice codec used in GSM 2: EFR
41026 GSM codec
communications. 3: HR
0: 0 dB
Set, in dB, the gain level applied to the 1: 2 dB
41027 Gain level from PCM to GSM audio coming out from PCM port and going 2: -2 dB
to the GSM network 3: 5 dB
4: -5 dB
0: 0 dB
Set, in dB, the gain level applied to the 1: 2 dB
41028 Gain level from GSM to PCM audio coming out from GSM network and 2: -2 dB
going to the PCM network. 3: 5 dB
4: -5 dB
Period, in minutes, for next report about
Periodicity of simplified the device hardware state to be sent.
report about hardware state 0: Deactivated
1 to 255 min
Set the remote identification protocol for
0: None
41035, Protocol for remote the alarm call associated to the alarm
41036, communication
communicati on of alarm phone 1, 2, 3: If no value is set to this
2: CPC
41037 phone 1, 2, 3 parameter, the general
genera l remote ID for alarm
3: P100
calls is used (41003).
Set the remote identification protocol for
0: None
Protocol for remote the alarm call associated to the technician
41038 communication
communicati on o
off technician alarm phone: If no value is set to this
2: CPC
alarm parameter, the general
genera l remote ID for alarm
3: P100
calls is used (41003).
Set the remote identification protocol for
0: None
Protocol for remote the alarm call associated to the
41039 communication
communicati on of maintenance phone: If no value is set to
maintenance phone this parameter, the general remote ID for 2: CPC
3: P100
alarm calls is used (41003).
0: Generated by the
Choose the method for the synthesis of
41040 Generator of DTMF tones 1: Stocked at microSD
DTMF tones.
2: Synthesized
Gain applied to the PCM audio sampling
41041 DTMF detection - Gain
before entering the DTMF detector.
Highest threshold applied to the circuit of
41042 DTMF detection - Threshold 1
DTMF tone detection.
Highest lower threshold applied to the
41043 DTMF detection - Threshold 2
circuit of DTMF tone detection.
0: Voice call
Channel for reporting the Choose the channel for reporting the
41044 1: SMS
periodic test results periodic test results.
2: Data - UDP
0: Voice call
Channel for reporting the low Choose the channel for reporting the low
41045 1: SMS
battery state battery state.
State, in minutes, the maximum duration 2: Data - UDP
Maximum duration for an for an alarm call generated by the user:
alarm call When this time is over, the call will be
automatically ended.
MP ecoGO controller is designed as per standard EN 627:1995 about “Specification for data logging and monitoring
of lifts”: In this standard, incidents in installations are grouped into 3 categories, Faults, Alarms and Events: a
different code number is assigned to each of them depending on its nature: This code is made of 4 digits where the
2 first digits identify the family and the 2 last ones bring more detail about the incident type.
However, for installation faults, MP ecoGO carries the identification a step further, by adding to the incident code
the initial F (fault) and 2 digits more at the end of the code in order to better define and locate with more accuracy
the occurred fault: Any fault logging consists of the initial F followed by 2 blocks of 2 digits + 1 block of 2 or 3 digits
(F xx xx xx or F xx xx xxx) corresponding to the 3 following levels:
03.56.00 Faultcontact
The in MCBofboard.
the car The auxiliary contact of car door is Check the auxiliary contact of
damaged or bypassed car door
doors is bypassed.
Fault in MCB board.
The contacts of landing
The contacts of landing door locks or
door locks or car door
03.57.00 car door locks and the contact for car Check the contacts involved
locks and the contact for
door monitoring are bypassed
car door monitoring are
Without voltage in the
Relay K9095 contact is locked in
Fault in MCB board. controller, check that points 90
03.58.Level normally closed position and therefore
K9095 relay contact and 95 of SASE board have
No. making a bridge between points 90
stuck. same potential. In this case,
and 95
SASE board shall be replaced
Remove the bridges between
terminals 70 and 80 of
connector XSMIH01 in the
controller. If there is no bridge
The controller has detected that point on this connector, check the
03.59.Level Fault
all board.
the door 80,
the end of chain,
safety the landing door 90,
and point contacts
end ofin bridges ondoors.
automatic the locks of same
In the
No. contacts in the safety the car door contacts in the safety way, remove the bridges
chain (70+80+90). chain, are under voltage, while the between terminals 80 and 90 of
doors are open (MPC open) connector XSMCM01 in the
controller. If there is no bridge,
check connector XRVPCx of REV
board in connection box located
on the car roof
Remove the bridges between
terminals 70 and 80 of
Fault in MCB board. The controller has detected that point
connector XSMIH01 in the
03.60.Level Bridge on the landing 80, end of the landing door contacts in
controller. If there is no bridge
No. door contacts in the the safety chain, is under voltage,
en el connector, check the
safety chain (70+80). while the doors are open (MPC open)
bridges on the locks of
automatic doors.
Remove the bridges between
terminals 80 and 90 of
Fault in MCB board. The controller has detected that point
connector XSMCM01 in the
03.61.Level Bridge on the lock 90, end of car presence, is under
No. contacts of car and voltage, while the doors are open (MPC controller. If there
check connector is no bridge,
landing doors (80+90). open)
board in connection box located
on the car roof
The controller has detected that point
Fault in MCB board. Remove the bridges between
70, beginning of the series of landing
Bridge, from the terminal 70 of connector
03.62.Level door locks and the point 90, end of car
beginning up to the end XSMIH01 and terminal 90 of
No. door series, are under voltage, while
(70+90), on the door connector XSMCM01 in the
the doors are open and point 80 is not
safety chain. controller.
under voltage.
The controller has detected an error in
Fault in MCB board. the leveller circuit operation. This
As a result of an error circuit is responsible for the doors
Check the error list to identify
on the leveller, family preopening and the prestarting. As this
03.63.Level the error 13.01.xx occurred.
13.01.xx, the bridge of circuit is essential for checking the
No. See in this manual the solution
contacts locks of car and presence of badges on door safety
associated to this specific error.
landing doors cannot be chain contacts and it is disabled, the
checked. check cannot be performed and the lift
shall remain out of service.
04.01.Level Faultstopped
Car in MCB out
of level, If the error is repeated, check
Place the magnet ZD
No. but magnet ZD is not the positioning magnets
The magnettoswitch
associated the signal The magnet switch associated to the Replace the magnet switch
signal ZD is blocked in ON or OFF
ZD does not work
Press again to open the contact.
05.19.Level Fault in MCB board. The button contact is stuck to ON
If the problem persists, call the
No. COP’s call button stuck. position
Fault in MCB board. Press again to open the contact.
05.20.Level The button contact is stuck to ON
LOP’s down button If the problem persists, call the
No. position
stuck. technician.
Press again to open the contact.
05.21.Level Fault in MCB board. The button contact is stuck to ON
If the problem persists, call the
No. LOP’s up button stuck. position
In a situation of car parked with doors
Fault in MCB board. Check the contactors are
06.04.00 open, there is a lack of voltage
v oltage at
Stuck contactor. deactivated.
terminal KP.
Check that KP terminal on
Fault in MCB board. After a travel is performed, the circuit
connector XMCMN of MCB board
KP terminal remained for monitoring the connectors’ state
06.04.01 (circuit for monitoring the
open and it does not that goes to KP terminal (on connector
receive 24 Vdc. XMCMN of MCB board) did not switch. connectors) is not bypassed
with 24Vdc.
If the contactors do not get activated,
after a run command, the controller Check the communication
Fault in INVERTER unit. understands that the inverter is not between the inverter and MCB
Contactors. working properly: In this case, the board, as well as the proper
controller aborts the run command and functioning of contactors.
it tries again after a few seconds.
Fault in INVERTER unit. At least one of the current sensors is
Current sensors. not working properly anymore.
The working situation detected is that
Check the motor parameters,
Fault in INVERTER unit. the instantaneous current consumption
06.18.02 the proper functioning of the
Overcurrent. of the motor is greater than maximum
encoder and contactors.
current provided by the device.
Fault in INVERTER unit. The maximum voltage allowed for
06.18.03 The voltage of capacitors is exceeded, either in the Check the brake resistor.
capacitors is high. idle state, or in operation.
Check the input voltage of the
When operating in NORMAL mode, it
inverter: The minimum voltage
Fault in INVERTER unit. means that the voltage of capacitors is
06.18.04 The voltage of lower than the minimum voltage levels of capacitors are the
capacitors is low. tolerated by the device, either in the
400 Vac:
idle state, or in operation.
- 471 VDC stopped;
their values
4: Ensure in digital
that units.of
the voltage
capacitors remains stable.
The adjustment procedure has been
Fault in INVERTER unit. aborted by the user: The motion
Adjustment of sensors. command has been deactivated before
the procedure completion.
Fault in INVERTER unit. The procedure of position reset has
Position reset. been aborted.
Fault in INVERTER unit.
The procedure of the positioning
06.18.241 Learning of positioning
system’s learning has been aborted.
The procedure of position reset
Fault in INVERTER unit.
06.18.243 detected that there are magnets
missing or their arrangement is wrong.
Fault in INVERTER unit. While the car is at the bottom landing,
06.18.244 Inconsistent command it receives the order to move
of downward motion. downwards.
Fault in INVERTER unit.
06.18.245 INCONSISTENT While thethe
is at the top landing, it
command of upward receives to move upwards.
Fault in INVERTER unit. There is no communication between
Communication. the inverter and the connection box.
Fault in INVERTER unit. There is an error in the check of shaft
Shaft data. data.
Fault in INVERTER unit.
06.18.250 The shaft data are not initialised.
Shaft data.
When this fault appears, a
Fault in INVERTER unit. There is a discrepancy between the procedure of positioning
Shaft data. parameters and lift model: system’s auto-learning shall be
carried out.
When this fault appears, a
Fault in INVERTER unit. There is an error in the check of the procedure of positioning
Shaft map. shaft map. system’s auto-learning shall be
carried out.
When this fault appears, a
Fault in INVERTER unit. procedure of positioning
06.18.253 The shaft map is not initialised.
Shaft map. system’s auto-learning shall be
carried out.
Fault in INVERTER unit. There is an error in the shaft map When this fault appears, a
Shaft map. storage. procedure of positioning
xx = 01 means approach with doors open
xx = 02 means pre-starting
xx = 03 means bypass control of door contacts in the safety chain
The flashings of LED DLPSF, associated to the ALIM board, reports the error codes related to this board. the full sequence of this
LED flashings is explained at the end of the error table.
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24FA, 24MAF).
29.00.16 When the outputs Internal problem on the ALIM board Replace the board.
associated to relays
KUPS2 and KUPS3 are
activated, the reading
24MAF shall coincide
with the power source
reading: Otherwise, this
error is generated.
Fault in ALIM board.
Failure of battery
voltage reading:
KUPS2, KUPS3 or any
voltage reading (24B,
Internal problem on the ALIM board:
24FA, 24MAF).
- KUPS2 or KUPS3 relays
29.00.17 Replace the board
- 24B, 24FA or 24MAF voltage
If one of KUPS2 or
KUPS3 output is
activated, but the other
is not, readings of power
source, batteries and
24MAF shall be same:
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Quick flashing ➔ LED OFF ➔ no: of flashings corresponding to the tens ➔ Led OFF ➔ no: of flashings
corresponding to the ones
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Pabellón MP
Leonardo Da Vinci, 15
Isla de la Cartuja – 41092 Seville