Biot Savarts Law
Biot Savarts Law
Biot Savarts Law
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• Abstract
• History
• Introduction
• Related Terms
• Solenoid
• Magnetic Field
• Magnetic flux
• Hall probe
• Multimeter
• Apparatus
• Procedure
• Graph
• Conclusion
• Reference
Introduction :
A useful law that provides a method to calculate the magnetic field produced by an
arbitrary current distribution. • First discovered by Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart in the
beginning of 19th century.
One of the simplest derivations of the Biot-Savart law is a calculation using the field along the
axis of symmetry of a current carrying loop of wire. This derivation can also give you the field
at the center of the coil. You can measure the field as a function of current and test the derivation.
Definition :
The differential contribution dB to the magnetic field B from a length ds of a current I is given by
the formula
with the permeability of free space. Thus the total magnetic field vector B is the sum of all of
these small elements or, since they are differentially small, it is equivalent to the integral of dB
over the current source.
Several key points to remember:
• B is a vector quantity which direction is determined by the cross product ds x r (and is
perpendicular to both ds and r)
• The integration takes place over the entire current source (finite or infinite)
• Since the integral is a vector integral, the expression for B is really three integrals, one for each
component of B.
It should include:
The Bio-Savart law is a multivariable vector integral, and, in its full form, the Bio- Savart law equation is
where μ0μ0 is the vacuum permeability constant, →II→ is a current, and →rr→ is the vector from the
source to the point of measurement. For an infinite, current-carrying wire, the Bio-Savart law formula can be
simplified to B=μ0I2πsB=μ0I2πs where s is the distance between the wire and the point of measurement.
This simplified form of the Bio-Savart law can be derived directly from the simplified form of the electric field
where ϵ0ϵ0 is the permittivity of free space constant and q is a charge, by noticing that the charge that creates
an electric field can be rewritten as IdlIdl which signifies a current over an infinitesimal distance. Defining
the charge in this way means that the system is moving, so the electric field equation no longer describes an
electric field; it describes a change in a magnetic field, and the electric field equation can be rewritten to read
where dB is the change in the magnetic field. Integrating both sides of dB=Idl4πϵ0s2dB=Idl4πϵ0s2 and
making the substitutions to change from ϵ0ϵ0 to μ0μ0 results in the Bio-Savart law for an infinite current-
carrying wire as it is given above, B=μ0I2πsB=μ0I2πs. Note that it is convention to use ϵ0ϵ0 for an electric
field and μ0μ0 for a magnetic field.
The magnetic field is customarily given in units of Teslas, and this can be derived from simplifying the units in
the Bio-Savart law: the permittivity of free space constant has units of N/A2N/A2, Newtons per Amps
squared; the current has units of A, amps, and the distance has units of meters, m. Combined, the units of the
magnetic field from the Bio-Savart law work out to be Newtons per Amp- meter which has a 1:1 conversion
factor to Teslas, T. Because the Bio-Savart law, in this form, is non-directional, use the right-hand rule to find
the direction of the magnetic field. The right-hand rule states that, upon taking the right hand and pointing the
thumb in the direction of the current, the fingers will curl in the direction of the magnetic field. Figure 2
illustrates how to use the right-hand rule.
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