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Physics Question Bank

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Unit 1 : Polarization

1.a) Define_ Polarization of Light

Polarization refers to the restriction of the vibrations of light. It involves the alignment of the
electric field vector of light waves in a specific direction. Light can be polarized in different ways,
such as plane polarization, circular polarization, elliptical polarization, and partially polarized
light. Polarization is possible only for transverse waves, as longitudinal waves cannot be
polarized. Various devices, such as Nicol prisms, Polaroids, quarter-wave plates, and half-wave
plates, work based on the principle of polarization. Polarization has several applications,
including polarizing sunglasses, LCD and LED displays, 3D movies, and photoelasticity

b) “Sound waves cannot be polarized” explain.

Sound waves are longitudinal waves, which means that the vibrations occur parallel to the
direction of propagation. Unlike transverse waves, such as light waves, which have vibrations
perpendicular to the direction of propagation, sound waves do not have a specific orientation
that can be restricted or aligned. Therefore, it is not possible to polarize sound waves like we
can with light waves.

c) According to you where the Polarized goggles will be more useful?

Polarized goggles are more useful in situations where there is a significant amount of glare from
light sources such as white sand on a sea beach, water surfaces, and window glasses from
cars. These goggles are effective in cutting the glare of light, reducing eye strain, and improving
image clarity. They are particularly beneficial for activities like driving, water sports, and outdoor
activities where glare can be a problem.

e) What is E and O ray? (E= Extraordinary and O= Ordinary)

E and O rays refer to the two types of polarized light waves that are produced when light passes
through a doubly refracting crystal. • The E ray (extraordinary ray) is the ray of light that does
not obey Snell's law and has a refractive index that varies with direction. It vibrates in a plane
that is perpendicular to the plane of the paper. • The O ray (ordinary ray) is the ray of light that
obeys Snell's law and has a constant refractive index in all directions. It vibrates in a plane that
is parallel to the plane of the paper.

2. State and explain a) Malus law. b) Brewestear law

It states that the intensity of light passing through a second polarizer is a cosine square function
of the angle between the two polarizers. Mathematically, it can be represented as 𝐼 2 = 𝐼 1 𝑐𝑜𝑠^2
𝜃, where 𝐼 2 is the intensity of light passing through the second polarizer, 𝐼 1 is the maximum
intensity of light, and 𝜃 is the angle between the optic axes of the polarizers. Explanation of
Malus Law When light passes through two polarizers, the intensity of the transmitted light
depends on the angle between their optic axes. If the angle is 0 degrees or 180 degrees, the
transmitted intensity is maximum, equal to 𝐼 1. As the angle increases, the transmitted intensity
decreases, following a cosine square function. At an angle of 90 degrees, the transmitted
intensity becomes zero.

b) Brewestear law
Brewster's Law, discovered by Sir David Brewster, states that when unpolarized light is incident
on a nonmetallic medium, such as glass, at a specific angle called the polarizing angle, the
reflected light becomes completely polarized. This means that the reflected light contains only
vibrations perpendicular to the plane of incidence, while vibrations in the plane of incidence are
completely absent

3. What is polarization of light? What are the different types of polarization?

Polarization of Light Polarization refers to the restriction of the vibrations of light. It involves the
alignment of the electric field vector of light waves in a specific direction. Light can be polarized
in different ways, resulting in different types of polarized light.
Types of Polarized Light There are several types of polarized light:

1. Unpolarized Light (UPL): Unpolarized light consists of vibrations that are randomly and
uncoordinated in all possible directions perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
2. Plane Polarized Light (PPL): Plane polarized light occurs when the vibrations of light are
restricted to a single plane. This can be achieved by passing unpolarized light through a
3. Circularly Polarized Light (CPL): Circularly polarized light is produced when two plane
polarized waves with a path difference of λ/4 are superimposed. The resulting wave has a
circular motion.
4. Elliptically Polarized Light (EPL): Elliptically polarized light is also produced by
superimposing two plane polarized waves, but with unequal amplitudes. The resulting wave has
an elliptical motion.
5. Partially Polarized Light (PRPL): Partially polarized light is a combination of polarized and
unpolarized light. It has some degree of polarization, but the vibrations are not restricted to a
single plane.

4. (i) Discuss the two applications of Polarization of light.

1. Polarizing Sunglasses: Polarization is used in the production of sunglasses to reduce glare

from surfaces such as water, snow, and glass. The polarized lenses block horizontally polarized
light, which is responsible for glare, while allowing vertically polarized light to pass through. This
helps to enhance visual clarity and reduce eye strain in bright outdoor conditions.
2. LCD and LED Displays: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) and Light Emitting Diode (LED)
displays utilize polarization to control the transmission of light.LCD screens consist of liquid
crystals that can be aligned to block or allow the passage of light based on their polarization.

(ii) Give the name of crystals used to Polarize light. (any four)
1. Calcite: Calcite is a birefringent crystal that can be used to polarize light. It exhibits double
refraction, where an incident beam is refracted into two rays, the ordinary (O) ray and the
extraordinary (E) ray. These rays are plane polarized, with their planes of polarization
perpendicular to each other.
2. Quartz: Quartz is another birefringent crystal commonly used for polarizing light. Like calcite,
it exhibits double refraction and can create a path difference between the O and E rays. This
path difference allows for the production of circularly polarized light (CPL) or elliptically polarized
light (EPL) when the rays are superimposed.

3. Nicol Prism: Nicol prism is a specific type of crystal used for polarizing light. It is made from
calcite and eliminates the O ray through total internal reflection. Nicol prisms are commonly
used in polarizing microscopes and other optical instruments.
4. Polaroids: Polaroids are polarizing filters made from a special type of plastic film that
contains aligned polymer chains. These filters selectively absorb one of the polarizations of
light, allowing only the desired polarization to pass through. Polaroids are widely used in various
applications, including sunglasses and LCD screens.

5. Explain the concept of double refraction. State min. 3 properties exhibited by the Ordinary
and extraordinary rays.

Double refraction refers to the phenomenon where a single incident beam of light splits into two
refracted beams when passing through certain materials, such as calcite, quartz, tourmaline,
and ice. These materials are known as birefringent materials.

Properties of Ordinary (O) Ray

1. The vibrations of the Ordinary (O) ray are perpendicular to the plane of the paper.
2. The refractive index of the birefringent crystal for the O ray remains the same in all
3. The O ray obeys Snell's law.
Properties of Extraordinary (E) Ray
1. The vibrations of the Extraordinary (E) ray are in the plane of the paper. 2. The refractive
index of the birefringent crystal for the E ray varies with direction.
3. The E ray does not obey Snell's law

6. Describe how polarization is used in each of the following cases

a) LCD display
b) Sunglasses

a. LCD display
Polarization is used in LCD displays to control the intensity and color of light. A system of two
polarizers with liquid crystals placed in between them can produce red, green, and blue light
with different intensities. By adjusting the orientation of the liquid crystals, the polarized light can
be manipulated to create different colors and shades, allowing for the display of images and
videos on LCD screens.
b. Sunglasses
Polarization is used in sunglasses to reduce glare and improve visibility. When light reflects off
surfaces such as water, sand, or glass, it becomes polarized and vibrates in a specific direction.
Polarized sunglasses have a special filter that blocks this horizontally polarized light, reducing
glare and improving clarity. This helps to enhance visual comfort and reduce eye strain, making
polarized sunglasses ideal for outdoor activities such as driving, fishing, and skiing.

7.a) Give two examples of randomly polarized light. How can you generate linearly polarized
light from a source which is randomly polarized?

1. Unpolarized Light (UPL): Ordinary light emitted by spontaneous excitations of atoms is an

example of randomly polarized light. The vibrations of the electric and magnetic fields in UPL
are random and uncoordinated, vibrating in all possible directions perpendicular to the direction
of propagation.
2. Natural Sunlight: Sunlight is another example of randomly polarized light. The vibrations of
the electric and magnetic fields in sunlight are also random and uncoordinated, vibrating in all
possible directions perpendicular to the direction of propagation.

To generate linearly polarized light from a randomly polarized source, we can use a polarizer. A
polarizer is a device that allows only vibrations in a specific direction to pass through. By placing
a polarizer in front of the randomly polarized source, it will selectively transmit light vibrations
that are parallel to its optic axis, while blocking vibrations in other directions.

b) Suppose you have a source emitting vertically polarized light, and you have 3 polarizers at
your disposal, how can you generate horizontally polarized light?

To generate horizontally polarized light from a source emitting vertically polarized light, you can
use a combination of polarizers.
1. Start with the vertically polarized light emitted by the source.
2. Place the first polarizer in the path of the light and align it vertically, parallel to the polarization
of the source.
3. Rotate the second polarizer by 90 degrees, so that it is aligned horizontally.
4. Finally, place the third polarizer in the path of the light and align it horizontally as well.
By passing the vertically polarized light through the first polarizer, it will only allow vertically
polarized light to pass through. Then, by rotating the second polarizer to be aligned horizontally,
it will block the vertically polarized light and only allow horizontally polarized light to pass
through. The third polarizer, aligned horizontally, will further enhance the horizontal polarization
of the light.
As a result, the combination of these three polarizers will generate horizontally polarized light
from the initially vertically polarized light source

Unit 2: Quantum

1. Postulates of the Planks Quantum theory.

1. Quantization of Energy: The energy of a system can only take on certain discrete values,
rather than any value. This is due to the quantized nature of energy levels in quantum
2. Wave-Particle Duality: Particles, such as electrons, can exhibit both wave-like and
particle-like behavior. This means that they can have characteristics of both waves and
particles, depending on the experimental setup.
3. Uncertainty Principle: There is a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of
physical properties, such as position and momentum, can be simultaneously known. This
principle introduces inherent uncertainties in the measurements of these properties.
4. Wavefunction and Probability: The behavior of particles is described by a mathematical
function called the wavefunction. The square of the wavefunction, known as the probability
density, gives the probability of finding the particle in a particular state.
5. Superposition and Interference: Quantum systems can exist in a superposition of multiple
states simultaneously. When these states interfere, they can produce patterns of constructive
and destructive interference, leading to observable effects.
6. Measurement and Collapse: When a measurement is made on a quantum system, the
wavefunction collapses to a specific state corresponding to the measurement outcome. This
collapse is probabilistic and governed by the probabilities determined by the wavefunction.

ii) Planck's radiation law.

Planck's radiation law is a fundamental principle in physics that explains the spectrum of
radiation emitted by a black body. It was developed by Max Planck in the early 20th century. The
law states that the energy of the radiation emitted by a black body is quantized, meaning it can
only take on certain discrete values. This quantization is described by the equation E = nhv,
where E is the energy, n is an integer, h is Planck's constant, and v is the frequency of the
radiation. Planck's radiation law was a significant breakthrough in understanding the behavior of
electromagnetic waves and laid the foundation for the development of quantum mechanics.

2. What s De Broglie Hypothesis?

i) Compose the De Broglie wavelength equation for the particle of charge q moving with a
velocity v in the presence of magnetic field B.

De Broglie hypothesis suggests that particles such as electrons and photons exhibits both wave
like and particle like behaviour . It states that every particle or object with mass exhibits wave
like properties . This wave particle duality is fundamental concept in quantum mechanics
implying that particles can be described not only in terms of particles but laso in terms of waves.

ii) Formulate the De Broglie wavelength equation for the electron of charge q moving in the
presence of accelerating electric potential V.
De Broglie Wavelength Equation for Electron in the Presence of Accelerating Electric Potential
V The De Broglie wavelength equation for an electron of charge q moving in the presence of an
accelerating electric potential V can be formulated as follows: 𝜆 = ℎ / √(2𝑚𝑞𝑉) Where: • 𝜆 is the
De Broglie wavelength of the electron • ℎ is Planck's constant • 𝑚 is the mass of the electron • 𝑞
is the charge of the electron • 𝑉 is the accelerating electric potential This equation relates the De
Broglie wavelength of the electron to its mass, charge, and the accelerating electric potential it

3. Newton’s rings are observed in reflected light of wavelength 5900 A . The diameter of the
10th dark ring is 0.50 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens.

4. State and explain Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle (2 Mark).

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to measure or calculate exactly
both the position and the momentum of an object. This principle is based on the wave-particle
duality of matter.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that for particles exhibiting both particle and wave
nature, it will not be possible to accurately determine both the position and velocity at the same
time. The principle is named after German physicist Werner Heisenberg, who proposed the
uncertainty principle in the year 1927. This principle was formulated when Heisenberg was
trying to build an intuitive model of quantum physics. He discovered that there were certain
fundamental factors that limited our actions in knowing certain quantities.

This principle basically highlights that simultaneous measurement of position and the velocity or
momentum of microscopic matter waves will have an error such that the product of the error in
measurement of position and momentum is equal or more than an integral multiple of a

If the uncertainty in the location of the particle is equal to its De Broglie wavelength, then show
that the uncertainty in its velocity is equal to its velocity. (3 marks)
5. Write down any three properties of matter waves (3 marks).

1. Wave Nature: Matter waves, also known as De Broglie waves, exhibit wavelike properties.
They have characteristics such as wavelength, frequency, amplitude, and displacement. Unlike
particles, matter waves are delocalized and spread in space.
2. Quantization: The energy of matter waves is quantized, meaning it is restricted to discrete
values. This quantization is similar to the quantization observed in the energy levels of atoms
and molecules. The energy levels of matter waves are not continuous but exist in specific,
discrete amounts.
3. Dual Nature: Matter waves possess a dual nature, just like electromagnetic waves. They can
exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties depending on the experimental situation. This
duality suggests that material particles, such as electrons or atoms, can also exhibit wave
properties under certain conditions.

ii) Find the De Broglie wavelength of 10 KeV electrons (2 marks).

6. De Broglie argued that - ‘If wave can behave like particles, particles should behave like
waves too’.
a.Mention an experiment, where we can see the particle-like nature of waves.
One experiment that demonstrates the particle-like nature of waves is the photoelectric effect. In
this experiment, when light is shone on a metal surface, electrons are emitted. The intensity of
the light determines the number of electrons emitted, while the frequency of the light determines
their kinetic energy. This phenomenon cannot be explained by wave theory alone and requires
the concept of photons, which are particles of light. The photoelectric effect provides evidence
that light behaves as both a wave and a particle

b.Mention an experiment, where we can see the wave-like nature of particles.

One experiment where we can observe the wave-like nature of particles is electron diffraction. In
this experiment, electrons are passed through a material, such as a thin metal foil, and they
exhibit well-defined diffraction patterns. This phenomenon was observed by Davisson, Germer,
and G.P. Thomson, who were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1937 for their work. The
diffraction patterns observed in this experiment provide evidence for the wave-like behavior of

c.If particles have wave-like properties, explain if we all have wave like properties and what are
its consequences?

The idea that particles exhibit wave-like properties is a fundamental concept in quantum
mechanics, described by the wave-particle duality principle. This duality suggests that particles,
such as electrons and photons, can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior depending
on the experimental conditions.

However, it's important to note that this wave-particle duality is not extended to macroscopic
objects like humans. In the realm of everyday experiences, classical mechanics is a highly
accurate and practical description of motion. The wave-like behavior of particles becomes
significant and observable at the quantum scale, where the de Broglie wavelength of particles is
comparable to their size.

For everyday objects, including humans, the wave-like properties are not noticeable or relevant
in typical situations. The consequences of quantum mechanics and wave-particle duality are
mainly observed in the behavior of particles at the quantum level. Some consequences include:

​ Interference: Like waves, particles can interfere with each other. This interference is
observed in phenomena such as the double-slit experiment, where particles exhibit
interference patterns similar to waves when passing through two slits.
​ Quantum Tunneling: Particles can "tunnel" through energy barriers that, according to
classical physics, should be impenetrable. This phenomenon has practical applications
in technologies like tunnel diodes and plays a crucial role in processes like nuclear
fusion in stars.
​ Uncertainty Principle: Formulated by Werner Heisenberg, the uncertainty principle states
that it is impossible to simultaneously know the exact position and momentum of a
particle. This introduces a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of
properties can be known.
​ Quantum Entanglement: Particles can become entangled, meaning the state of one
particle is directly related to the state of another, regardless of the distance between
them. Changes in the state of one particle instantaneously affect the state of the other,
even if they are light-years apart.

While these consequences have been experimentally verified and are integral to our
understanding of the microscopic world, they do not imply that humans or macroscopic objects
possess wave-like properties in a way that would be observable in our everyday experiences.
Quantum effects are generally negligible at larger scales, and classical physics provides an
accurate description of the behavior of macroscopic objects.

d.What are the requirements for a average human being to have a matter wave of 1x10^-6 m.
Can these requirements be achieved.

To have a matter wave with a wavelength of 1x10^-6 m, an average human being would need to
possess a momentum that corresponds to this wavelength. According to the De Broglie
wavelength equation, λ = h/p, where λ is the wavelength, h is Planck's constant, and p is the
momentum. To achieve a matter wave with a wavelength of 1x10^-6 m, the momentum of the
human being would need to be such that p = h/λ. However, the given document does not
provide any information about the momentum of an average human being or how it can be
altered to achieve a specific matter wave wavelength. Therefore, based on the given document
data, we cannot determine the specific requirements for an average human being to have a
matter wave of 1x10^-6 m, nor can we determine if these requirements can be achieved.

7, With the knowledge of the initial state of a system and the forces acting on it, classical
mechanics can completely predict the future state of a system.
b)How much knowledge of the initial state do you have in the quantum mechanical picture?
c)Is it possible to completely predict the future of a system using quantum mechanics?
d)Is quantum mechanics an incomplete theory?
e) Is quantum mechanics an approximation of classical mechanics or vice versa?
b) Quantum Mechanical Picture:
In quantum mechanics, the situation is different from classical mechanics. The knowledge of the
initial state of a quantum system is described by its wave function, which contains information
about the probability distribution of possible outcomes. According to the principles of quantum
mechanics, it is not possible to simultaneously know both the precise position and momentum of
a particle due to the uncertainty principle formulated by Werner Heisenberg.

c) Predicting the Future in Quantum Mechanics:

In quantum mechanics, the evolution of a system is described by the Schrödinger equation.

Unlike classical mechanics, the outcomes are probabilistic rather than deterministic. Even with
complete knowledge of the initial state, quantum mechanics only provides probabilities for
different outcomes. The future state of a system is not uniquely determined; instead, it is a
range of possible states with associated probabilities. The act of measurement in quantum
mechanics further affects the system, making the prediction of specific outcomes inherently

d) Completeness of Quantum Mechanics:

Quantum mechanics is considered a complete theory within its own framework. It successfully
describes the behavior of particles at the quantum level and has been extensively tested and
verified through experiments. However, there are ongoing debates and discussions about the
interpretation of quantum mechanics, such as the nature of wave function collapse and the role
of consciousness in measurement. These debates do not necessarily indicate an
incompleteness in the predictive power of quantum mechanics but rather reflect different
philosophical interpretations of the theory.

e) Relationship Between Quantum and Classical Mechanics:

Quantum mechanics is not an approximation of classical mechanics, nor is classical mechanics

an approximation of quantum mechanics. Classical mechanics arises as a limit of quantum
mechanics when the quantum effects become negligible, typically at macroscopic scales. This is
known as the correspondence principle. In the limit of large quantum numbers (i.e., large
systems), the predictions of quantum mechanics converge to those of classical mechanics.
However, quantum mechanics is necessary for describing the behavior of particles at the atomic
and subatomic levels, where classical mechanics fails to provide an accurate description.

In summary, quantum mechanics is a well-established and complete theory within its domain of
applicability. While it introduces probabilistic outcomes and challenges classical intuition, it has
proven to be highly successful in describing the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

Unit 3:laser

1. What is laser?

A laser, which stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation," is a device
that produces coherent and focused light through the process of optical amplification. The term
"coherent" refers to the fact that the light waves produced by a laser are in phase, meaning they
have a consistent and well-defined relationship to each other in terms of their frequency and
direction.Lasers come in various types, such as semiconductor lasers, gas lasers, solid-state
lasers, and dye lasers, each with specific characteristics and applications. The development of
lasers has had a profound impact on technology and has led to numerous innovations across
different industries.

2. What is spontaneous emission?

Spontaneous emission is a process in which an atom or molecule undergoes a transition from a
higher energy state to a lower energy state and emits a photon without any external stimulation
or interaction with other photons. This emission occurs spontaneously, without the influence of
external factors, and the emitted photon carries away the energy difference between the initial
and final states of the atom or molecule.

3. What is stimulated emission?

Stimulated emission is a process in which an atom or molecule in an excited state emits a

photon in response to the presence of external photons with the same energy (frequency) and
phase. This process is a key principle behind the operation of lasers. In stimulated emission, the
external photons stimulate the excited atom or molecule to release a photon that is identical in
terms of energy, phase, and direction to the incident photon.

4. Difference between spontaneous emission and stimulated emission.

Characteristic Spontaneous Emission Stimulated Emission

Occurs spontaneously without Requires external photons for

external stimulus initiation

Random timing of photon Occurs in response to the presence

emission of photons

Incoherent emission (random Coherent emission (same phase as

phase) incident photon)

Emitted photons have random Emitted photons have the same

directions direction as incident photons
Broad spectrum of emitted Narrow spectrum, identical to incident
photons photons

Population Requires population inversion for

Not required
Inversion laser action

Does not lead to significant Results in the amplification of

amplification incident light

Fluorescence, natural decay Basis for laser operation, optical

processes amplifiers

5. Explain lasing action.

Lasing action refers to the coherent and amplified emission of light in a laser (Light Amplification
by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) device. This process is a fundamental principle underlying
the operation of lasers and distinguishes them from other light sources. The term "lasing" is
derived from "laser" and signifies the specific behavior of light in a laser system.

The key components and steps involved in lasing action are as follows:

​ Population Inversion:
● Lasing action begins with the establishment of population inversion within the
gain medium of the laser. Population inversion occurs when more atoms or
molecules are in an excited state than in the lower energy state.
​ Pumping:
● Energy must be supplied to create and maintain the population inversion. This is
achieved through a process called pumping, where external energy sources,
such as optical pumping or electrical pumping, raise atoms or molecules to
higher energy levels.
​ Spontaneous Emission:
● As atoms or molecules in the excited state return to the lower energy state, they
undergo spontaneous emission, releasing photons. However, spontaneous
emission alone does not lead to lasing action as it is not coherent and does not
result in significant amplification.
​ Stimulated Emission:
● External photons (incident light) with the same energy and phase as the
spontaneously emitted photons stimulate the emission of additional photons.
Stimulated emission results in the coherent release of photons that have the
same frequency, phase, and direction as the incident photons.
​ Resonant Cavity:
● The gain medium, which could be a gas, liquid, solid, or semiconductor, is placed
between two mirrors to form an optical cavity or resonator. One mirror is highly
reflective, and the other is partially transparent. This arrangement creates a
feedback loop for light, allowing it to bounce back and forth through the gain
​ Amplification by Stimulated Emission:
● The stimulated emission process leads to the amplification of light within the gain
medium. Photons stimulate the emission of more photons, and these photons are
further amplified as they travel back and forth between the mirrors.
​ Coherent Light Output:
● As the number of stimulated emissions increases, the light becomes highly
coherent. The coherent light is characterized by a single frequency, consistent
phase, and well-defined direction.
​ Laser Beam Emission:
● When the amplification reaches a critical threshold, a burst of coherent light is
emitted through the partially transparent mirror. This burst of light constitutes the
laser beam.
​ Monochromatic and Directional Output:
● The output from a laser is monochromatic (single color) and directional, making it
highly suitable for various applications, including precision measurements,
communications, medical procedures, and materials processing.

Lasing action is a self-sustaining process in which stimulated emission dominates over

spontaneous emission, leading to the coherent and amplified output that characterizes lasers.
The unique properties of laser light, such as its coherence and directionality, make lasers
indispensable in a wide range of scientific, medical, industrial, and technological applications.

6. Properties of laser.

Lasers (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) exhibit several unique and
advantageous properties that make them distinct from other light sources. Here are some key
properties of lasers:
​ Coherence:
● Definition: Coherence refers to the well-defined relationship between the phases
of the oscillating electromagnetic waves in a laser beam.
● Significance: Laser light is highly coherent, meaning the waves are in phase with
each other. This property allows for the formation of a tightly focused beam with a
single, well-defined wavelength.
​ Monochromaticity:
● Definition: Monochromaticity means that laser light consists of a single color or
● Significance: The light emitted by a laser is highly monochromatic, which is
essential for applications such as spectroscopy and precision measurements.
​ Directionality:
● Definition: Laser light is highly directional, meaning it travels in a well-defined and
focused beam.
● Significance: The directional nature of laser light allows it to be focused to a small
spot over long distances. This property is crucial for applications like laser cutting
and telecommunications.
​ Brightness:
● Definition: Brightness refers to the concentration of optical power in a laser beam.
● Significance: Laser beams are extremely bright, allowing them to deliver a high
intensity of light over a small area. This is advantageous for applications in
materials processing and medical procedures.
​ Temporal Coherence:
● Definition: Temporal coherence refers to the correlation in the phase of the laser
light's oscillations over time.
● Significance: Laser light has high temporal coherence, enabling the generation of
short pulses with precise timing. This property is crucial in applications such as
laser ranging and time-resolved spectroscopy.
​ Collimation:
● Definition: Collimation refers to the ability of laser light to remain nearly parallel
over long distances.
● Significance: The collimated nature of laser beams allows them to propagate
without significant divergence, making them suitable for applications like laser
pointers and optical communication.
​ Polarization:
● Definition: Laser light can be highly polarized, meaning the electric field vectors
of the light waves oscillate in a specific direction.
● Significance: Polarization control is essential in applications such as microscopy,
optical communication, and certain types of sensors.
​ High Intensity:
● Definition: Laser light can achieve very high intensity.
● Significance: The high intensity of laser light is advantageous in various
applications, including laser surgery, materials processing, and laser-induced
plasma generation.
​ Spatial Coherence:
● Definition: Spatial coherence refers to the correlation in phase of different points
within the cross-section of a laser beam.
● Significance: Spatial coherence ensures that the laser beam maintains its quality
and focus over extended distances, making it suitable for applications like laser
cutting and holography.
​ Narrow Line Width:
● Definition: Line width refers to the range of frequencies present in the laser light.
● Significance: Laser light typically has a narrow line width, contributing to its
monochromatic nature. This property is important in applications such as

7. Explain population inversion.State different ways to achieve the population inversion.

Population inversion is a condition in which more atoms or molecules exist in an excited state
than in the lower energy state, contrary to what is typically observed in thermal equilibrium.
Achieving population inversion is a crucial prerequisite for the operation of lasers, as it sets the
stage for stimulated emission to dominate over other processes like absorption and
spontaneous emission. Here's an explanation of population inversion and various ways to
achieve it:

Explanation of Population Inversion:

In a typical system at thermal equilibrium, particles tend to occupy lower energy states more
frequently than higher energy states, following the principles of statistical mechanics. Achieving
population inversion involves manipulating the distribution of particles so that a larger number of
them are in the excited state. This is essential for the amplification of light through stimulated
emission in a laser.

Optical pumping

Electrical discharge

Chemical reactions

Flashlamp pumping

Optical absorption

Semiconductor lasers
8. What is metastable state?

A metastable state refers to an excited state of an atom, molecule, or other physical system that
has a longer-than-expected lifetime before transitioning to a lower energy state. In other words,
a metastable state is a state of higher energy that is relatively stable or long-lived compared to
other excited states.

The term "metastable" is derived from "meta-" (meaning beyond) and "stable," emphasizing that
the state is somewhat stable but not as stable as the ground state. When an entity is in a
metastable state, it has absorbed energy and is at an energy level higher than its ground state,
but it does not immediately transition to the ground state and remains in the excited state for an
extended period.

10. Explain 2nd, 3rd, 4th level lasers.

​ First Level Lasers:

● Definition: First level lasers involve electronic transitions between the ground
state and the first excited state.
● Example: Ruby lasers are an example of first level lasers. In a ruby laser, the
chromium-doped sapphire crystal undergoes electronic transitions between the
ground state and the first excited state of the chromium ions.
​ Second Level Lasers:
● Definition: Second level lasers involve electronic transitions between the first
excited state and a higher energy level.
● Example: Helium-neon (HeNe) lasers are an example of second level lasers. In
HeNe lasers, electronic transitions occur between the first excited state of neon
atoms and a higher energy level.
​ Third Level Lasers:
● Definition: Third level lasers involve electronic transitions between the second
excited state and an even higher energy level.
● Example: Certain solid-state lasers, such as some types of neodymium-doped
lasers, can be considered third level lasers. The electronic transitions involve the
neodymium ions transitioning between the second excited state and higher
energy levels.
​ Fourth Level Lasers:
● Definition: Fourth level lasers involve electronic transitions between the third
excited state and an even higher energy level.
● Example: There isn't a widely recognized category specifically termed "fourth
level lasers" in common laser classifications. However, one could theoretically
conceive a laser system where the gain medium involves electronic transitions
between the third excited state and a higher energy level.
11. Explain working and construction of He Ne laser.

A Helium-Neon (HeNe) laser is a gas laser that operates on the principle of population inversion
within a mixture of helium and neon gases. The construction involves a sealed tube filled with
these gases, with electrodes at each end. A high voltage electrical discharge excites the atoms,
causing them to release photons as they return to lower energy states.


Gas Excitation: Electrical discharge ionizes the helium atoms, which then transfer energy to
neon atoms through collisions, promoting them to higher energy levels.

Population Inversion: Neon atoms return to lower energy levels, emitting photons with specific
wavelengths in the red region (632.8 nm), due to the transition between certain energy levels in

Resonator Cavity: The laser tube is placed between two mirrors, forming an optical cavity. One
mirror is highly reflective, while the other is partially transparent, allowing the emitted light to exit
as a coherent beam.

Amplification: Photons bouncing between the mirrors stimulate further emissions from excited
neon atoms, amplifying the coherent light.

Output Beam: A well-collimated, monochromatic (single-colored) laser beam emerges through

the partially transparent mirror.


Precision Measurement: HeNe lasers are used in interferometry and holography due to their
stable output.

Barcode Scanners: The red light emitted is suitable for reading barcodes.

Research and Education: Commonly employed in laboratories and educational settings for
optical experiments.

Despite their reliability and long coherence length, HeNe lasers have been largely replaced by
more efficient and compact laser technologies for many applications.

12. Explain working and construction of semiconductor laser

Construction of a Semiconductor Laser:

​ Active Layer:
● The heart of a semiconductor laser is the active layer, which is typically made of
a semiconductor material such as gallium arsenide (GaAs). The active layer is
sandwiched between two layers of semiconductor material with different energy
band gaps.
​ P-Type and N-Type Layers:
● The active layer is flanked by a p-type (positive) layer and an n-type (negative)
layer. This creates a p-n junction, which is a crucial component for the operation
of the laser.
​ Mirrors or Reflective Surfaces:
● The ends of the semiconductor laser are usually coated with highly reflective
surfaces, creating an optical cavity. One of the mirrors is typically fully reflective,
while the other is partially transparent to allow the emission of laser light.

Working Principles of a Semiconductor Laser:

The operation of a semiconductor laser involves several key steps:

​ Injection of Carriers:
● A voltage is applied across the p-n junction, causing an injection of charge
carriers (electrons and holes) into the active layer.
​ Recombination in the Active Layer:
● As electrons from the n-type layer and holes from the p-type layer combine in the
active layer, they recombine at specific energy levels, releasing energy in the
form of photons.
​ Stimulated Emission:
● The recombination process in the active layer results in the emission of photons.
Some of these photons stimulate other electrons in the active layer to undergo
the same recombination process, leading to stimulated emission.
​ Gain and Population Inversion:
● The amplification of light through stimulated emission creates gain in the active
layer. This gain leads to population inversion, where more carriers exist in the
excited state than in the lower energy state.
​ Feedback and Laser Action:
● The mirrors at the ends of the semiconductor laser create an optical cavity.
Photons generated by stimulated emission bounce back and forth between the
mirrors, undergoing further stimulated emission. This process results in the
amplification and coherence of light.
​ Emission of Laser Light:
● Eventually, the partially transparent mirror allows a portion of the amplified and
coherent light to escape, producing the laser beam.
13. State the advantages, disadvantages of He Ne laser and semiconductor laser.

Helium-Neon (HeNe) Laser:


​ Monochromatic Output: HeNe lasers produce highly monochromatic light with a narrow
spectral linewidth, making them suitable for applications that require precise wavelength
​ Coherent Light: HeNe lasers exhibit excellent coherence, which is beneficial for
applications like holography and interferometry.
​ Long Coherence Length: HeNe lasers have a long coherence length, allowing for
interference effects over relatively large distances.
​ Reliability: HeNe lasers are known for their long operational lifetimes and stability,
requiring minimal maintenance.
​ Low Divergence: The output beam of HeNe lasers typically has low divergence, making
them suitable for applications requiring a collimated beam.


​ Limited Power Output: HeNe lasers generally have lower power outputs compared to
some other types of lasers, restricting their use in high-power applications.
​ Bulkiness: The construction of HeNe lasers involves a glass tube filled with a mixture of
helium and neon gases, making the laser tube relatively large and less compact
compared to semiconductor lasers.
​ High Voltage Operation: HeNe lasers require a high voltage power supply, which can
complicate their integration into certain systems.
​ Limited Wavelength Range: HeNe lasers have a limited range of wavelengths, primarily
in the visible and near-infrared regions, restricting their flexibility for certain applications.

Semiconductor Laser:


​ Compact Size: Semiconductor lasers are extremely compact and can be integrated into
small devices, making them suitable for applications with space constraints.
​ Efficiency: Semiconductor lasers are energy-efficient and can convert a high percentage
of electrical power into coherent light.
​ Low Threshold Current: Semiconductor lasers typically have low threshold currents,
meaning they can start lasing with relatively low electrical input.
​ Wide Range of Wavelengths: Semiconductor lasers cover a broad range of wavelengths,
from the ultraviolet to the infrared, allowing for flexibility in applications.
​ High Modulation Speeds: Semiconductor lasers can be modulated at high speeds,
making them suitable for applications in telecommunications and data transmission.

​ Spectral Linewidth: Semiconductor lasers often have a broader spectral linewidth

compared to HeNe lasers, which may impact their suitability for certain precision
​ Temperature Sensitivity: The wavelength and performance of semiconductor lasers can
be sensitive to temperature changes, requiring temperature stabilization for some
​ Divergence: The output beam of semiconductor lasers may have higher divergence
compared to some other types of lasers.
​ Lifetime: While semiconductor lasers have improved in terms of lifetime, they may have
a shorter operational lifetime compared to some gas lasers like HeNe lasers.

14. Application of lasers.

Lasers (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) find a wide range of

applications across various fields due to their unique properties, including coherence,
monochromaticity, and high intensity. Here are some notable applications of lasers:

​ Medical Applications:
● Surgery: Lasers are used in various surgical procedures, including eye surgery
(LASIK), cosmetic procedures, and tissue ablation.
● Dentistry: Lasers are employed in dental procedures for cavity preparation, gum
surgery, and teeth whitening.
● Medical Imaging: Lasers contribute to imaging techniques like laser-induced
fluorescence and confocal microscopy.
​ Communication:
● Fiber Optic Communication: Lasers are crucial for transmitting data over long
distances through optical fibers, enabling high-speed and high-capacity
communication networks.
​ Manufacturing and Materials Processing:
● Cutting and Welding: Lasers are used for precision cutting and welding of
materials in manufacturing processes.
● Marking and Engraving: Lasers can mark and engrave various materials,
including metals, plastics, and ceramics.
● Additive Manufacturing: Laser-based technologies, such as selective laser
sintering (SLS) and stereolithography (SLA), are used in 3D printing.
​ Entertainment:
● Laser Light Shows: Lasers are employed in entertainment, creating visually
stunning laser light shows for concerts, events, and laser displays.
​ Scientific Research:
● Spectroscopy: Lasers are used in various spectroscopic techniques for analyzing
the composition of materials.
● Laser Cooling: In atomic physics, lasers are used to cool and trap atoms for
studying fundamental properties of matter.
​ Defense and Security:
● Laser Targeting: Lasers are used for precise targeting in defense systems,
including guided missiles and laser-guided munitions.
● Lidar Technology: Lasers are used in lidar systems for remote sensing, mapping,
and surveillance applications.
​ Environmental Monitoring:
● Atmospheric Lidar: Lasers are employed in lidar systems to measure
atmospheric conditions, monitor air quality, and study climate change.
​ Barcode Scanning:
● Lasers are used in barcode scanners for rapid and accurate identification of
products in retail and logistics.
​ Research and Development:
● Lasers play a crucial role in various research applications, including particle
acceleration, fusion research, and the creation of extreme conditions in
​ Biotechnology:
● DNA Sequencing: Lasers are used in DNA sequencing techniques for
high-throughput analysis of genetic material.
● Flow Cytometry: Lasers enable precise analysis of cells in flow cytometry for
medical diagnostics and research.
​ Surveying and Geodesy:
● Lasers are used in geodetic instruments and surveying tools, including laser
rangefinders and total stations.
​ Aerospace and Aviation:
● Range Finding: Lasers are used for range finding and altitude measurement in
aerospace applications.
​ Consumer Electronics:
● CD and DVD Players: Lasers are used in optical storage devices like CD and
DVD players for reading and writing data.

15. Explain the construction and working of hologram.

Construction of a Hologram:

A hologram is a three-dimensional photographic recording of an object made with the use of

laser light. The construction of a hologram involves several key components:

​ Light Source (Laser):

● The process begins with a laser beam, typically a coherent light source.
Coherence is crucial for the interference patterns required to create a hologram.
​ Beam Splitter:
● The laser beam is directed to a beam splitter, which divides it into two separate
beams. One of these beams is called the reference beam, and the other is the
object beam.
​ Object Beam:
● The object beam is directed onto the object or scene that is being recorded. This
beam interacts with the object and captures its shape and details.
​ Photographic Plate or Photosensitive Material:
● The object beam, after interacting with the object, is directed onto a
photosensitive material (such as a holographic plate or photosensitive film) where
it forms an interference pattern.
​ Reference Beam:
● Simultaneously, the reference beam is directed to the same photosensitive
material without interacting with the object. The reference beam serves as a
reference for the interference pattern.
​ Recording the Interference Pattern:
● The object beam and reference beam intersect on the photosensitive material,
creating an interference pattern. This pattern is a result of the differences in the
distances traveled by the two beams and the phase relationships between them.
​ Development:
● The holographic plate or film is then developed, fixing the interference pattern in
the photosensitive material.

Working of a Hologram:

​ Reconstruction Setup:
● To view a hologram, a similar setup is used. A coherent light source, often the
same type of laser used during recording, illuminates the developed holographic
​ Diffracted Light:
● When the reconstructed light from the hologram encounters the interference
pattern stored in the plate, it diffracts in a way that recreates the original
wavefronts of both the object and reference beams.
​ Image Formation:
● The diffracted light combines to form a three-dimensional image that appears to
float in space. Unlike traditional photographs, holograms recreate the depth and
parallax associated with the original scene or object.
​ Viewer's Perspective:
● The viewer can move around the hologram, observing different perspectives and
angles of the recorded object. This dynamic aspect is a unique feature of
16. Explain holography.

Holography is a photographic technique that captures and reconstructs the three-dimensional

structure of an object or a scene. Unlike conventional photography, which records only intensity
and color information, holography captures both the amplitude and phase of light waves. This
allows the creation of a hologram, which is a recording that can be used to generate a
three-dimensional image when illuminated with coherent light.

Here are the key steps involved in holography:

1. Coherent Light Source:

● Holography requires a coherent light source, typically a laser. Coherence is crucial for
creating interference patterns, which are essential for recording the three-dimensional

2. Beam Splitter:

● The laser light is directed through a beam splitter, which divides it into two separate
beams: the object beam and the reference beam.

3. Object Beam:

● The object beam is directed onto the object or scene that is being recorded. The object
scatters the light, and the scattered light carries information about the object's shape and

4. Reference Beam:

● The reference beam is directed onto a reference mirror or directly onto the holographic
recording medium without interacting with the object.

5. Interference Pattern Formation:

● The object beam and the reference beam intersect on a photosensitive material (such as
holographic film or plate). This intersection creates an interference pattern, which is a
result of the differences in the distances traveled by the two beams and the phase
relationships between them.

6. Recording the Hologram:

● The interference pattern is recorded on the photosensitive material, effectively storing
both amplitude and phase information of the light waves.

7. Developing the Hologram:

● The holographic plate or film is developed, fixing the interference pattern in the
photosensitive material.

8. Reconstruction:

● To view the hologram, coherent light, often from the same laser used during recording, is
directed onto the developed holographic plate. The light passes through the hologram,
and the recorded interference pattern reconstructs the original wavefronts of both the
object and reference beams.

9. Formation of a 3D Image:

● The reconstructed light creates a three-dimensional image that appears to float in space.
The viewer can observe different perspectives and angles of the recorded object by
moving around the hologram.

Holography offers several advantages, including the ability to capture and reproduce a realistic
three-dimensional representation of objects. It has applications in various fields, such as art,
science, engineering, and security. For example, holograms are used as security features on
credit cards and banknotes. Digital holography has also emerged, allowing the creation and
display of holographic images using computers and digital media.

Chapter 4: Semiconductor Physics

1. Explain the concept of Fermi energy level? Using a labeled diagram describe how it varies in
intrinsic and extrinsic type of semiconductors?

The reason for the existence of this energy level is due to Pauli’s exclusion principle, which
states two fermions cannot occupy that same quantum state. So, if a system has more than one
fermion, each fermion has a different set of magnetic quantum numbers associated with it.

The Fermi Temperature can be defined as the energy of the Fermi level divided by the
Boltzmann’s constant. It is also the temperature at which the energy of the electron is equal to
the Fermi energy. It is the measure of the electrons in the lower states of energy in metal.
Fermi Level in Intrinsic Semiconductor

Intrinsic semiconductors are also called undoped semiconductors since there are no impurities.
In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of electrons and holes are the same.

Fermi Level in Intrinsic Semiconductor Formula

The relation of the Fermi-Dirac distribution function between the conduction band and valence
band in an intrinsic semiconductor can be represented as


=> EF=(EC+EV)/2=EFi

Where EFi is the Fermi level in an intrinsic semiconductor. In an intrinsic semiconductor, EFi lies
exactly in the middle of the energy gap. That means, it lies exactly in between the conduction
and valence bands. The following diagram illustrates this one.

Fermi Level in Extrinsic Semiconductors

If we add the impurities to the intrinsic semiconductor for improving the conductivity, then that
material is called an extrinsic semiconductor. The process of adding impurities to the intrinsic
semiconductor is known as doping. Due to doping, the number of electrons and holes will differ
in this material.

Electrons are called negative charge carriers whereas holes are called positive charge carriers.
The absence of electrons is nothing but holes. The Fermi level for extrinsic semiconductors
depends on

● the temperature,
● impurity concentration, and
● donor element
Since we are having two types of extrinsic semiconductors, now let us discuss the Fermi level in
those two types one by one.

Fermi Level in n-type Semiconductor

Electrons are the majority charge carriers in the n-type semiconductor. In an n-type
semiconductor, the value of EC-EF is positive and it is equal to kT ln(NC/ND). That means, the
Fermi level lies below the conduction band, and it is closer to the conduction band. The diagram
of the Fermi level in n-type semiconductors is shown in the figure below.

2. Explain the classification of the matter on the basis of electrical conductivity with the help of
energy band diagram.

On the basis of energy band materials are classified as insulators, conductors, and

Insulators: Substance like wood, glass, which do not allow the passage of current through them
are known as insulators. The valence band of these substances is full whereas the conduction
band is completely empty. The forbidden energy gap between valence band and conduction
band is very large (8ev) as shown in the fig (a). Therefore a large amount of energy, i.e. a very
high electric field is required to push the valence electrons to the conduction band. This is the
reason, why such materials under ordinary conditions do not conduct at all and are designated
as insulators.

Conductors: Substances like copper, aluminium, silver which allow the passage of current
through them are conductors. The valence band of these substances overlaps the conduction
band as shown in fig (b). Due to this overlapping, a large number of free electrons are available
for conduction. This is the reason, why a slight potential difference applied across them causes
a heavy flow of current through them.

Semiconductors: Substances like carbon, silicon, germanium whose electrical conductivity lies
in between the conductors and insulators are known as semiconductors. The valence band of
these substances is almost filled, but the conduction band is almost empty.

3. Derive an equation for conductivity in the conductors.

4. Derive an equation for conductivity in the semiconductors.

5. Explain the phenomenon of Hall Effect. Derive equation for hall voltage and hall angle.

If a metal or semiconductor carrying current I is placed in a transverse magnetic field B, a

pottential diffrence is produced in the direction normal to both the current and magnetic
field direction. This is called as Hall Effect

Hall voltage :

Equilibrium state is usually attained in about 10-4 s and after that the holes flow once again

along x-direction parallel to the faces F and FI.

At equilibrium,


FE= eEH = e[VH/W] --- [4]

W --- width of the semiconductor plate


From [2]

vd= Jx/pe

FL=BJx/p ---[5]

Equating [4] and [5]




If t thickness of the semiconductor then A=Wt

VH= WBI/peWt = BI/pet

Hall angle :


EH=VH/W = Bjx/pe

Also Ex=ρJx


The product σRH is mobility (μH) of holes


The appropriate value of RH is

RH= (3π/8)(1/pe)


6. Write 5 applications of Hall Effect.

1. determines sign of a charge carrier

2. determines charge carrier concerntration

3. determine the mobility of charge carriers, if conductivity of the material is known

4. detrmines the semiconductor is P-Type or N-Type

7. Explain construction, working, I-V characteristics of a solar cell.

Diodes which converts light in to electricity are called as solar cells.

The phenomenon of converting the light in to voltage is called as Photovoltaic Effect

Thus solar cells also called as Photovoltaic Cells.

Solar cells are called as Solar Batteries as they give electrical power
solar cell generates the electrical power in four steps

1.Generation of electrons and holes due to light

2.Separation of these electrons and holes due to junction- electric-field

3.Their accumulation across the metal contacts and thus the generation of emf

4.Flow of current due to this emf, when solar cell is connected across a load

When the load is not connected (or connected, but very high), the current in the circuit is zero.

Consequently the voltage across the cell is maximum. This is open circuit condition and the

corresponding voltage is called as open circuit voltage (VOC)

The load resistance is reduced to zero, maximum current flows through the circuit, then

the voltage drops to zero. This is short circuit condition and the corresponding current is called

as short circuit current (ISC)

VOC corresponds to infinite load

ISC corresponds to zero load

Ideal power = PI = ISC × VOC

Workable power = PW = IW × VW

some fraction of ideal power rectangle is ‘filled’ by workable

power rectangle. Greater the ‘filling’, more close is the workable point to the ideal power point.

can be described by introducing a physical quantity called as fill factor

8. Explain the concept of the Fermi Dirac distribution? Explain its dependence on temperature?

It is the statistical description of an electrons in semiconductors

It gives the probabilityof an electron to have an energy E

It is a quantum statistics, which is applicable to all particles having odd half integral spin

i.e. 1/2,3/2, 5/2..

Ex: Electron

In this statistics electrons are treated as wave, which obeys Pauli’s exclusion principle--


Fermions are identicle but indistinguishable, whose wave functions overlap considerably

The wave functions of Fermions change the sign when electrons in any pair are exchanged

and thus are called as antisymmetric wave functions

The probability P(E) that fermion occupies a quantum state of energy E, at Temparature T is

k- Boltzman Constant

EF- Fermi energy

Probability of occupancy of higher energy levels increases with temperature

9. Draw energy band diagram for a n-type and p-type semiconductor, p-n junction
semiconductor diode resp.


Conduction | |

Band | e- | Fermi Level

| |


Valence Band


Conduction | |

Band | | Fermi Level

| h+ |


Valence Band

n-Type -----------------------

| e- | Fermi Level

Conduction |-----------------------| Depletion Region

Band | |

| h+ |
Valence Band -----------------------


10. Apply forward bias condition and reverse bias condition for a p-n junction diode. Explain how
the current voltage characteristics would vary.

In a p-n junction diode:

Forward Bias:

Application: Connect the positive terminal of the voltage source to the p-type material and the
negative terminal to the n-type material.

Effect: This reduces the potential barrier, allowing majority charge carriers to move across the
junction more easily.

Current-Voltage Characteristics: Current increases exponentially with voltage in the forward bias
region due to increased carrier flow.

Reverse Bias:

Application: Connect the negative terminal of the voltage source to the p-type material and the
positive terminal to the n-type material.

Effect: Increases the potential barrier, restricting the flow of majority carriers across the junction.

Current-Voltage Characteristics: Initially, a small reverse current flows due to minority carriers,
but as the reverse bias increases, the current remains relatively constant at a low value
(leakage or saturation current).

In summary, forward bias facilitates current flow by reducing the barrier, leading to exponential
current growth. In reverse bias, the potential barrier increases, impeding majority carrier
movement, resulting in a small reverse current until a point where the current levels off at the
saturation current.
Unit 5: Nanotechnology

1. What are nanoparticles and nanomaterials?

Nanoparticles and nanomaterials refer to materials with dimensions at the nanoscale, typically
ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. At this scale, the properties of materials can be significantly
different from those at larger scales, leading to unique and often enhanced characteristics.


Nanoparticles are particles with dimensions in the nanoscale. They can be composed of various
materials, including metals, semiconductors, polymers, and more. Nanoparticles exhibit
properties such as a high surface area-to-volume ratio and quantum effects, making them
valuable in various applications. They can be synthesized through various methods, including
chemical synthesis, physical methods, or biological processes.


Nanomaterials are materials that contain nanoscale structures, which can include nanoparticles,
nanotubes, nanowires, and other nanostructures. These materials can be engineered to have
specific properties, such as mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, and optical
characteristics. Nanomaterials find applications in diverse fields, including electronics, medicine,
energy, and environmental science.

2. Explain with an example how the size does affect the properties/optical properties of the

The size of nanoparticles and nanomaterials can significantly influence their optical properties.
One prominent example is the phenomenon known as quantum confinement, which occurs
when the dimensions of a material are on the order of the de Broglie wavelength of its electrons.

Example: Quantum Dots

Quantum dots are semiconductor nanoparticles that illustrate the impact of size on optical
properties. In bulk semiconductor materials, the electronic bandgap determines the energy
difference between the valence band and the conduction band. However, when the size of a
semiconductor particle becomes comparable to the exciton Bohr radius, the electronic structure

In quantum dots:

​ Quantum Confinement: As the size of the quantum dot decreases, the energy levels
become quantized due to the confinement of electrons within a limited space. The
energy levels are discrete, and the bandgap increases with decreasing particle size.
​ Tunable Optical Properties: The quantization of energy levels in quantum dots leads to
the ability to tune their optical properties. The color of light emitted or absorbed by
quantum dots is directly related to the size of the particles. Smaller quantum dots have
larger bandgaps, resulting in the absorption and emission of higher-energy (shorter
wavelength) light, often in the visible or ultraviolet range.
​ Size-Dependent Colors: For example, cadmium selenide (CdSe) quantum dots can emit
different colors of light based on their size. Larger CdSe quantum dots emit red light,
while smaller ones emit blue light. By controlling the size during synthesis, researchers
can precisely tune the emitted color, making quantum dots valuable in applications such
as displays, imaging, and biological labeling.
​ Broad Absorption Spectra: Quantum dots can also exhibit broad absorption spectra,
allowing them to absorb light over a range of wavelengths. This property is
advantageous in applications like solar cells, where efficient light absorption across the
solar spectrum is desirable.

In summary, the size-dependent quantum confinement effect in nanoparticles, such as quantum

dots, offers a way to precisely control and manipulate their optical properties. This ability to tailor
the properties based on size is a key factor in the widespread use of nanomaterials in various
technological applications.

3. Explain the optical and electrical properties of nanoparticles

The optical and electrical properties of nanoparticles are strongly influenced by their size,
shape, composition, and the surrounding environment. Here's an overview of these properties:

1. Optical Properties:

a. Quantum Confinement: As mentioned earlier, the phenomenon of quantum confinement plays

a crucial role in the optical properties of nanoparticles. When the size of a nanoparticle is
comparable to or smaller than the wavelength of the electron, quantization of energy levels
occurs, leading to discrete electronic transitions. This results in unique optical properties such
as size-dependent absorption and emission.
b. Plasmonic Resonance: In metallic nanoparticles, particularly those of noble metals like gold
and silver, the collective oscillation of free electrons at the nanoparticle surface creates a
phenomenon called surface plasmon resonance. This resonance can strongly absorb and
scatter light, leading to enhanced optical properties. Plasmonic nanoparticles find applications in
sensing, imaging, and as components in optoelectronic devices.

c. Fluorescence and Phosphorescence: Certain nanoparticles, such as quantum dots, exhibit

strong fluorescence due to quantum confinement. This property is exploited in applications like
bioimaging and display technologies. Phosphorescence, the emission of light after the removal
of an external excitation source, can also be observed in some nanoparticles.

d. Color Tunability: The optical properties of nanoparticles can be tuned by controlling their size
and composition. This tunability is particularly evident in semiconductor nanoparticles like
quantum dots, where changing the particle size can result in different colors of light emission.

e. Optical Waveguiding: Nanoparticles with specific shapes and sizes can exhibit waveguiding
properties, guiding light along their surfaces. This property is relevant in the development of
nanophotonic devices.

2. Electrical Properties:

a. Conductivity: The electrical conductivity of nanoparticles varies depending on their

composition. Metallic nanoparticles, such as those made of gold or silver, are highly conductive
and find applications in electronics and sensors. On the other hand, semiconductor
nanoparticles exhibit intermediate conductivity, allowing for their use in electronic devices and
solar cells.

b. Tunneling Effects: In nanoscale structures, tunneling phenomena become more pronounced

due to the reduced dimensions. Quantum tunneling can influence the electrical conductivity and
switching behavior of nanoscale devices.

c. Charge Storage: Nanoparticles, especially those with high surface areas, can be used for
charge storage applications. This is relevant in the development of energy storage devices like

d. Field Enhancement: In plasmonic nanoparticles, the concentration of electric field at the

nanoparticle surface during surface plasmon resonance can be exploited for enhancing local
electric fields. This property is useful in applications like surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Understanding and controlling these optical and electrical properties at the nanoscale are
crucial for the development of nanomaterials with tailored characteristics for specific applications
in fields such as electronics, optics, and energy.
4. Explain the magnetic, structural and mechanical properties of nanoparticles.

1. Magnetic Properties:

a. Superparamagnetism: When the size of a magnetic nanoparticle is reduced to the nanoscale,

thermal fluctuations can easily overcome the magnetic energy barrier, leading to a phenomenon

known as superparamagnetism. Superparamagnetic nanoparticles have potential applications in

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), drug delivery, and magnetic separation techniques.

b. Size-Dependent Magnetic Behavior: The magnetic properties of nanoparticles are highly

dependent on their size. Smaller nanoparticles may exhibit different magnetic behaviors

compared to their bulk counterparts. For instance, magnetic nanoparticles with a single

magnetic domain can be achieved at the nanoscale, influencing their response to external

magnetic fields.

c. Magnetic Hyperthermia: Magnetic nanoparticles can generate heat when exposed to an

alternating magnetic field, a property known as magnetic hyperthermia. This feature is exploited

in cancer therapy, where localized heating of magnetic nanoparticles can be used to kill cancer


d. Spin Dynamics: The spin dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles, including their magnetic

anisotropy and relaxation behavior, are critical factors in understanding and utilizing their

magnetic properties.

2. Structural Properties:

a. Crystal Structure: Nanoparticles may exhibit different crystal structures compared to bulk

materials due to their small size. This can affect their physical and chemical properties. For

example, some nanoparticles may transition from a bulk cubic structure to a more stable

tetragonal or hexagonal structure at the nanoscale.

b. Surface Structure: The high surface-to-volume ratio in nanoparticles makes the surface

structure a dominant factor in their properties. Surface atoms may have different coordination

and reactivity compared to atoms in the bulk, influencing catalytic activity and chemical


c. Defects and Grain Boundaries: Nanoparticles often contain more defects and grain

boundaries than their larger counterparts. These structural features can affect mechanical

strength, electrical conductivity, and other properties.

3. Mechanical Properties:

a. Strength and Hardness: The mechanical strength and hardness of nanoparticles can be

different from bulk materials. In some cases, nanoparticles can be much stronger due to the

presence of fewer defects and dislocations. This property is of interest in the development of

advanced materials for strengthening composites.

b. Ductility and Toughness: Nanoparticles may exhibit different ductility and toughness

compared to bulk materials. Understanding these properties is crucial for applications in

materials science and engineering.

c. Size-Dependent Mechanical Behavior: Mechanical properties such as elastic modulus, yield

strength, and fracture toughness may exhibit size-dependent behavior in nanoparticles. This

size dependence is related to factors such as surface effects, defects, and the presence of grain


In summary, the magnetic, structural, and mechanical properties of nanoparticles are highly

influenced by their size, shape, and composition. These properties open up a wide range of

applications in areas such as medicine, electronics, catalysis, and materials science.

Researchers continue to explore and manipulate these properties for the development of novel

nanomaterials with enhanced functionalities.

5. Compare the surface to volume ratio for bulk materials and Nano material. How does it affect
the properties of the material/matter?

The surface-to-volume ratio is a critical parameter that changes significantly as the size of a
material decreases from the macroscopic scale (bulk) to the nanoscale (nano materials). The
surface-to-volume ratio is defined as the total surface area of a material divided by its volume.
As the size decreases, the surface area increases proportionally more than the volume, leading
to an increase in the surface-to-volume ratio.

Comparison of Surface-to-Volume Ratio:

​ Bulk Materials:
● In bulk materials, such as those at the macroscopic scale, the volume dominates,
and the surface area is relatively small compared to the volume.
● The surface-to-volume ratio is low, and the material has a large volume relative to
its surface area.
​ Nanomaterials:
● In nanomaterials, where the dimensions are on the order of nanometers, the
surface area becomes increasingly significant compared to the volume.
● The surface-to-volume ratio is high, and the material has a large surface area
relative to its volume.

Effects on Properties:

​ Chemical Reactivity:
● The high surface-to-volume ratio of nanomaterials increases their exposure to the
surrounding environment, making a larger fraction of atoms or molecules
accessible for chemical reactions.
● This can enhance chemical reactivity and catalytic activity. Nanoparticles with
high surface-to-volume ratios are often employed in catalysis because of their
increased reaction sites.
​ Thermal Properties:
● Nanomaterials may exhibit enhanced thermal properties due to their high
surface-to-volume ratio. This can result in improved heat dissipation and
increased thermal conductivity, which is advantageous for applications such as
thermal management in electronics.
​ Optical Properties:
● The optical properties of nanomaterials, such as quantum dots, are strongly
influenced by their size-dependent electronic structure. The increased
surface-to-volume ratio can lead to quantum confinement effects, resulting in
tunable optical properties.
​ Mechanical Properties:
● Nanomaterials may have altered mechanical properties compared to their bulk
counterparts. The increased surface-to-volume ratio introduces more surface
atoms and defects, impacting factors such as strength, hardness, and ductility.
​ Electrical Properties:
● In nanomaterials, the high surface-to-volume ratio can affect electrical
conductivity. Surface states and quantum effects become more pronounced,
influencing the electronic behavior of nanoscale structures.
​ Biological Interactions:
● In the field of nanomedicine, the high surface-to-volume ratio of nanoparticles is
crucial for interactions with biological systems. The increased surface area allows
for functionalization and attachment of biomolecules, facilitating targeted drug
delivery and imaging.

Understanding and controlling the surface-to-volume ratio is essential in designing

nanomaterials with tailored properties for specific applications. The unique behaviors observed
at the nanoscale are often a consequence of the increased influence of surface effects relative
to volume effects.

6. Explain any two properties of nanomaterials.

​ Quantum Size Effects:

● One distinctive property of nanomaterials is the manifestation of quantum size
effects. When the dimensions of a material become comparable to or smaller
than the characteristic length scale of the electron (typically on the order of
nanometers), quantum mechanics starts to dominate the material's behavior.
● Example: Quantum Dots - These are semiconductor nanoparticles that exhibit
quantum confinement. As the size of the quantum dot decreases, the energy
levels become quantized, leading to discrete electronic transitions. This results in
size-dependent optical properties, where the color of light emitted or absorbed
can be precisely controlled by varying the size of the quantum dot.
​ Enhanced Surface Area:
● Nanomaterials typically possess an extraordinarily high surface-to-volume ratio
due to their small size. As the size decreases, the surface area becomes a more
dominant factor in the material's overall characteristics.
● Effect on Reactivity: The increased surface area enhances the material's
reactivity, making nanomaterials highly effective in catalysis. Catalysts based on
nanomaterials have more active sites, leading to improved efficiency in chemical
● Applications: Nanomaterials with high surface areas are utilized in diverse
applications, such as gas sensing, drug delivery, and water purification. For
instance, nanostructured materials with large surface areas are employed in
water treatment processes to adsorb contaminants and pollutants.
7. Explain the applications of nanomaterials in electronics/photonics.

Nanomaterials have revolutionized the field of electronics and photonics, enabling the
development of smaller, more efficient, and novel devices. Here are some key applications of
nanomaterials in these fields:

​ Semiconductor Nanoparticles (Quantum Dots):

● Application: Quantum dots are semiconductor nanoparticles with unique optical
properties due to quantum confinement. They find applications in electronic and
photonic devices.
● Use Case: Quantum dots are used in displays, such as quantum dot LED
(QLED) TVs, where their size-tunable emission allows for the creation of vibrant
and energy-efficient displays. They are also employed in photodetectors and
solar cells to enhance light absorption and convert photons into electrical signals
more efficiently.
​ Nanowires and Nanotubes:
● Application: Nanowires (thin, elongated structures) and nanotubes (hollow tubes)
made of various materials serve as building blocks for nanoscale electronic and
photonic devices.
● Use Case: Nanowires are used in transistors, sensors, and interconnects for
integrated circuits. Carbon nanotubes, in particular, are studied for their excellent
electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties, making them potential candidates
for advanced electronics and photonics applications.
​ Plasmonic Nanomaterials:
● Application: Plasmonic materials, often metallic nanoparticles, exhibit unique
interactions with light due to surface plasmon resonance.
● Use Case: Plasmonic nanomaterials are utilized in photodetectors, sensors, and
imaging devices. They play a crucial role in surface-enhanced spectroscopy
techniques, such as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), which
allows for highly sensitive molecular detection.
​ Graphene:
● Application: Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal
lattice, has remarkable electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties.
● Use Case: Graphene is employed in electronic devices like transistors and
flexible electronics. It is also used in photonic devices, such as ultrafast
photodetectors and modulators. Its transparency and conductivity make it a
promising material for applications in transparent conductive films for displays
and solar cells.
​ Nanostructured Materials for Optoelectronics:
● Application: Nanostructured materials, including quantum wells, nanocrystals,
and nanorods, are used in optoelectronic devices.
● Use Case: They are employed in light-emitting diodes (LEDs), lasers, and
photovoltaic cells. Nanostructured materials allow for precise control of the
emission and absorption properties, leading to improved device performance.
​ Metamaterials:
● Application: Metamaterials are engineered materials with unique electromagnetic
properties not found in nature.
● Use Case: In photonics, metamaterials are used to manipulate light at the
nanoscale. They find applications in lenses, cloaking devices, and devices for
controlling the propagation of light in unconventional ways.
​ Nanoscale Sensors:
● Application: Nanomaterials are employed in the development of highly sensitive
sensors for detecting small changes in physical and chemical properties.
● Use Case: Nanoscale sensors find applications in various fields, including
healthcare, environmental monitoring, and industrial processes.

8. Explain the applications of nanomaterials in automotive industry.

Nanomaterials have found diverse applications in the automotive industry, contributing to

improvements in performance, safety, fuel efficiency, and overall sustainability. Here are several
applications of nanomaterials in the automotive sector:

​ Lightweighting and Improved Structural Materials:

● Application: Nanocomposites, which incorporate nanomaterials into polymers and
metals, are used to create lightweight and strong structural components.
● Benefits: Reduced weight enhances fuel efficiency and lowers emissions. Carbon
nanotubes and graphene, for example, are employed to strengthen materials and
reduce their weight, contributing to improved vehicle performance.
​ Enhanced Fuel Efficiency:
● Application: Nanomaterials, such as nanoparticles and nanocomposites, are
used to improve engine efficiency and reduce friction.
● Benefits: Reduced friction leads to less energy loss, resulting in improved fuel
efficiency. Engine components coated with nanomaterials can experience less
wear and tear, extending the lifespan of critical parts.
​ Improved Tires:
● Application: Nanomaterials, including silica nanoparticles, are used in tire
manufacturing to enhance performance characteristics.
● Benefits: Improved traction, reduced rolling resistance, and better wear
resistance contribute to increased fuel efficiency and overall safety.
Nanomaterials also help optimize the performance of run-flat tires.
​ Catalytic Converters:
● Application: Nanocatalysts, often based on noble metals or metal oxides, are
used in catalytic converters to enhance pollutant conversion efficiency.
● Benefits: Improved catalytic efficiency helps reduce harmful emissions, meeting
stringent environmental regulations. Nanomaterials enable better control of
reaction kinetics and increase the catalytic surface area.
​ Improved Coatings and Finishes:
● Application: Nanomaterials, such as nanoceramic coatings and
nanoparticle-based paints, are used to enhance the durability and protective
properties of vehicle exteriors.
● Benefits: Improved resistance to corrosion, scratches, and UV radiation leads to
longer-lasting and more aesthetically appealing automotive finishes.
​ Energy Storage and Batteries:
● Application: Nanomaterials, including nanocomposites and nanoscale electrode
materials, are employed in the development of advanced batteries and energy
storage systems for electric vehicles (EVs).
● Benefits: Enhanced energy storage capacity, faster charging rates, and improved
lifespan of batteries contribute to the advancement and adoption of electric
​ Advanced Sensors and Electronics:
● Application: Nanomaterials are used in the fabrication of advanced sensors and
electronics for automotive applications, including sensors for safety systems,
electronic control units (ECUs), and displays.
● Benefits: Nanomaterials enable the miniaturization of components, enhance
sensor sensitivity, and contribute to the development of more efficient and
compact electronic systems.
​ Improved Lubricants:
● Application: Nanoparticles, such as nanodiamonds and nanoclays, are used as
additives in lubricants to improve their thermal stability and reduce friction.
● Benefits: Enhanced lubrication properties lead to reduced wear and tear on
engine components, contributing to improved engine efficiency and longevity.

The integration of nanomaterials in the automotive industry continues to evolve, driven by the
pursuit of higher performance, efficiency, and sustainability in vehicles. Ongoing research and
development in nanotechnology contribute to innovations that impact various aspects of vehicle
design, manufacturing, and operation.

9.Explain the applications of nanomaterials in medical industry.

​ Drug Delivery:
● Application: Nanoparticles are used as carriers for drug delivery systems,
allowing for targeted and controlled release of therapeutic agents.
● Benefits: Nanocarriers can improve drug solubility, bioavailability, and stability.
They enable targeted delivery to specific tissues or cells, reducing side effects
and enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of drugs.
​ Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment:
● Application: Nanoparticles are employed in cancer diagnostics and therapeutics,
including imaging agents, drug delivery vehicles, and photothermal therapy
● Benefits: Nanoparticles can enhance contrast in imaging techniques such as
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET).
Additionally, they allow for selective delivery of anticancer drugs and can be used
in photothermal therapy to selectively destroy cancer cells.
​ Diagnostic Imaging:
● Application: Nanoparticles, such as quantum dots and iron oxide nanoparticles,
are used as contrast agents in imaging technologies like MRI, CT scans, and
fluorescence imaging.
● Benefits: Improved imaging resolution and sensitivity, as well as the ability to
target specific tissues, contribute to more accurate and early diagnosis of
​ Antibacterial Agents:
● Application: Silver nanoparticles and other nanomaterials with antimicrobial
properties are used as coatings for medical devices and in wound dressings.
● Benefits: Nanomaterials can inhibit the growth of bacteria, preventing infections
and promoting faster wound healing. They are also used to create antimicrobial
surfaces in hospitals.
​ Gene Therapy:
● Application: Nanoparticles are utilized as carriers for gene delivery, enabling the
introduction of therapeutic genes into target cells.
● Benefits: Improved efficiency and targeted delivery of genetic material can aid in
treating genetic disorders, cancers, and other diseases at the molecular level.
​ Theranostics:
● Application: Nanomaterials are designed for theranostic applications, combining
therapeutic and diagnostic capabilities in a single system.
● Benefits: Theranostic nanomaterials allow for simultaneous monitoring of disease
progression and targeted treatment, offering a personalized approach to
​ Biosensors:
● Application: Nanomaterials are incorporated into biosensors for the detection of
biomolecules and disease markers.
● Benefits: Enhanced sensitivity and specificity of biosensors enable rapid and
accurate diagnosis of various diseases, including infectious diseases and cancer.
​ Neurological Applications:
● Application: Nanomaterials are explored for drug delivery to the central nervous
system and for imaging neuronal structures.
● Benefits: Improved ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, targeted drug delivery,
and enhanced imaging resolution contribute to advancements in the treatment
and diagnosis of neurological disorders.
​ Regenerative Medicine:
● Application: Nanomaterials, such as nanofibers and nanoparticles, are used in
tissue engineering and regenerative medicine for controlled release of growth
factors and cell scaffolding.
● Benefits: Nanomaterials facilitate the regeneration of damaged tissues and
organs by providing a suitable environment for cell growth and differentiation.
​ Vaccines:
● Application: Nanoparticles are utilized in vaccine delivery systems to enhance the
immune response.
● Benefits: Improved stability and controlled release of antigens contribute to the
development of more effective vaccines.

10. Explain the applications of nanomaterials in cosmetics-daily life.

​ Sunscreen Formulations:
● Application: Nanoparticles, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles,
are used in sunscreens to provide UV protection.
● Benefits: Nanoparticles offer transparent and effective UV protection without the
white residue associated with larger particles. They provide better coverage and
enhance the overall aesthetics of sunscreen products.
​ Anti-aging Creams:
● Application: Nanoparticles, including liposomes and nanoemulsions, are used in
anti-aging creams for the delivery of active ingredients like vitamins and
● Benefits: Nanoscale carriers improve the penetration of active ingredients into the
skin, enhancing the efficacy of anti-aging formulations.
​ Skin Care Products:
● Application: Nanomaterials are used in various skin care products, including
moisturizers, cleansers, and serums.
● Benefits: Nanoparticles can improve the texture and feel of products, allowing for
better absorption of ingredients into the skin. They also enable the formulation of
lightweight and non-greasy products.
​ Hair Care Products:
● Application: Nanomaterials, such as nanoparticles of silicones or proteins, are
used in hair care products like shampoos and conditioners.
● Benefits: Nanoparticles can improve the delivery of conditioning agents, enhance
hair texture, and provide a smoother feel. They may also contribute to the
development of color-preserving formulations.
​ Fragrances and Perfumes:
● Application: Nanomaterials are employed in the encapsulation of fragrance
molecules for controlled release in perfumes and scented products.
● Benefits: Nanocarriers help prolong the release of fragrance, leading to a
longer-lasting scent experience. They also contribute to the reduction of
fragrance sensitivities.
​ Deodorants and Antiperspirants:
● Application: Nanomaterials, such as antimicrobial nanoparticles, are used in
deodorants and antiperspirants.
● Benefits: Nanoparticles can provide enhanced antimicrobial properties, improving
the effectiveness of deodorant products.
​ Color Cosmetics:
● Application: Nanoparticles are used in color cosmetics such as lipsticks,
eyeshadows, and foundations.
● Benefits: Nanoparticles contribute to improved color dispersion, texture, and
coverage in cosmetics. They also help achieve a more natural and even
appearance on the skin.
​ Oral Care Products:
● Application: Nanomaterials are incorporated into toothpaste formulations for
improved cleaning and oral health benefits.
● Benefits: Nanoparticles can enhance the cleaning and whitening effects of
toothpaste. They may also contribute to the controlled release of active
ingredients for longer-lasting effects.
​ Nanofiber Masks:
● Application: Nanofiber masks are developed using nanomaterials for skincare
and cosmetic purposes.
● Benefits: Nanofiber masks offer a high surface area for better adhesion to the
skin and improved delivery of active ingredients. They provide a comfortable and
effective means of skincare.
​ Nanotechnology-Based Fragrance Release:
● Application: Nanomaterials are used to encapsulate fragrance molecules for slow
and controlled release in textiles, enhancing the longevity of fragrance in clothing.
● Benefits: This technology allows for long-lasting freshness in textiles, reducing
the need for frequent washing.

Unit 6 : Interference.

1. a) Explain the following statement.

‘The interference patterns of the reflected side and transmitted side of the thin film are always
complimentary. ‘
As t and μ are assumed to be same throughout, the geometry of the triangles ABC and
BCF and triangles ACD and BFG is same.
Thus the geometrical path difference between reflected rays I and II and transmitted rays
I’ and II’ is same.
We Know that, optical energy is conserved during interference
Therefor, the occurance of interference patterns from the reflected side and the
transmitted side must complement witheach other.
for transmitted rays

In the transmitted system,

ray I’ does not undergo any phase reversal, as it is just transmitted at point
A and B.
Ray II’ is reflected at B and C and transmitted at F.
As the reflection at B and C is due to rarer medium, there is no phase
Thus both I’ and II’ do not undergo phase reversal
The term λ/2 is absent in the transmitted system.
If a point appears bright at a given angle in the reflected system, then it
appears dark at the same angle in the transmitted system and vice varsa

b. What is stock law?

“When a light wave is reflected from the surface of an optically
denser medium, it suffers a phase change of π (Path diffrence
of λ/2) but it suffers no change in phase when reflected at the
surface of optically rarer medium”

2. a). A wedge is formed by separating two glass plates by an extremely thin wire kept at 10.0
cm from the edge. When illuminated by sodium light of wavelength 5890 Ao the width of the
Fizau’s fringes is measured to be 2.945 mm. Calculate the diameter of the wire.

b). Explain: Why centre of all concentric rings in the Newtons Ring experiment is always dark?
Because of the thin air film formed between the glass plate and lens at the center, the central
fRinge of Newton's Rings is dark in the reflector system. As a result, the angle of incidence
between the incident and reflected rays is equal to zero at the geometrical path.

c). list the four application of Newtons Ring experiment.

1.Newton’s rings on reflected side are complementary to those on transmitted side
2.If the glass plate in the Newton’s ring set up is replaced by the Mirror, then Newton’s
rings fade out and a uniform illumination is observed.
3.If the Newton’s ring set up is illuminated by white light then a few colored rings near
the center are observed.
4.When there is air gap at the center, the ring at the center may appear bright.
5.If the lens is gradually lifted up, then the Newton’s rings are shifted outwards
6.If the monochromatic source in the setup is replaced by a source of higher
wavelength, then the diameters of Newton’s rings are increased.
7.If the planoconvex lens in the setup is replaced by the planoconvex lens of higher
radius of curvature then the diameters of the rings will increase
8.If the lens or a glass slab used in the set up is imperfect then the Newton’s rings are

3. Write a short note on ARC/HRC? (for 5 mark)

Anti reflection coatings
Non reflecting thinfilm coated on a transparent substrate
When light is transmitted, intensity of tranmitted light is reduced to some extent
This loss can be reduced by coating with suitable transparent dielectric maaterial whose
refractive index is intermediate between air and glass
Thickness of the coated film plays very important role in reducing reflection

tARC --- Thickness of the anti reflection coating

At this thickness the reflected rays are in opposite phase, they cancel each other due to
destructive interference
Coating Materials: MgF2 (1.38), SiO2 (1.46), Cryolite etc

Anti transmission coatings

Reflecting thin film coated on the substrate
Thin film should be denser than substrate
Constructive interference between the relected rays will make the film more
Thickness of anti transmission coating

Coating Materials: TiO2 (2.87), ZnS (2.36)

4. A parallel beam of sodium light strikes a film of oil floating on water. When viewed at an angle
30 degrees from the normal, the eighth dark band is seen. Determine the thickness of the film.
Refractive index of oil is 1.46. Wavelength (λ ) = 5890 Å. (5 marks)
5. How many lines per cm are there in a plane transmission grating which gives first order of
light of wavelength 6000 A at angle of diffraction 30 degree?(5 marks)
6. What is meant by resolving power. Write a formula for the Resolving power of diffraction
grating. (5 Marks)
Resolving Power:
Color Separation at its minimum limit
It’s the ability to distinguish the colors when they are extreemely
close to each other
It is the ability of the instrument to descriminate wavelength λ+dλ
ie RP =λ/dλ
If dλ tends to Zero, spectral lines overlap with each other.
By increasing number of lines sharpness and resolution will be

7. Newton’s rings are observed in reflected light of wavelength 5900 Å. The diameter of the 10th
dark ring is 0.50 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens.
8. a) When can you say that a light beam is coherent?

A light beam can be considered coherent if the phase difference between any two points on the
wave remains constant with respect to time

b) Give examples of coherent and non-coherent sources of light?

Examples of coherent light sources include:

Lasers: Laser light is highly coherent because it consists of photons that have the same
frequency, phase, and direction.
Sodium vapor lamps: They can exhibit coherence under certain conditions, producing a narrow
spectral line.
Examples of non-coherent light sources include:

Incandescent bulbs: Light emitted from a typical incandescent bulb is non-coherent as it

comprises a broad range of wavelengths and phases.
Fluorescent lamps: The emitted light can be less coherent due to the involvement of various
emission processes and spectral lines.

c) ‘Only coherent light waves can interfere’- Explain what is wrong with this statement?
The statement “only coherent light waves can interfere” is incorrect . Interference occurs when
two or more waves overlaps and combine to form a new wave . coherence refers to the phase
relationship between waves. Coherent light waves have a constant phase relationship ,making
interference pattern more stable and defined ,but interference can still occur between non
coherent light waves, although thev resulting pattern may be less distinct. So both, coherent and
non coherent light waves can interfere under appropriate conditions.

9. a) In an interference pattern, where does the energy of the light at the dark fringe go to?

In an interference pattern, the energy of the light at the dark fringe is not destroyed. Instead, it is
redistributed within the pattern. At the dark fringe, the intensity of the light is decreased, but this
does not mean that the energy is lost. The energy that was supposed to be at the dark fringe is
transferred to the bright fringes, resulting in an enhancement of intensity at those points.
Therefore, in interference, there is a redistribution of energy rather than creation or destruction.

b) Diffraction and interference are two phenomena exhibited by light, what are the scenarios in
which diffraction happens and when does interference occur, or is it like always both are
happening as light propagates?

Diffraction occurs when light encounters an obstacle or a slit that is comparable in size to its
wavelength. This results in the bending or spreading out of the wavefront, creating a pattern of
maxima and minima. Diffraction can be observed when light passes through a single slit or
encounters an obstacle with finite width. Interference, on the other hand, occurs when two or
more waves superpose or overlap with each other. This can happen when light waves from
different sources or from different parts of the same source combine. Interference results in the
formation of alternate maxima and minima in the pattern of light intensity. In the case of light
propagation, both diffraction and interference can occur simultaneously

c) Assume two light beams are incident at the same region of a screen, one beam is horizontally
polarized and the other is vertically polarized. Would we see interference pattern on the screen?

No, we would not see an interference pattern on the screen when two light beams, one
horizontally polarized and the other vertically polarized, are incident at the same region.
Interference patterns are produced when two coherent light waves superpose, and in this case,
the two light beams have perpendicular polarizations and are not coherent. Therefore, no
interference pattern would be observed on the screen.
Unit 7 : Diffraction
1.a) What is mean by Diffraction?
Spreading of a wave, when it passes through a narrow opening (slit)
● Bending of a wave at the edges of the obstacle

b) What is the condition for diffraction?

When a wave encounter with an obstacle, they bend arround
the edges of the obstacle, if the the dimension of the obstacle
is comparable with the wavelength of the wave
Bending depend on sizeof the obstacle(d),
λ--- Wavelength
d>λ --- Bending is very less
d≈λ or d<λ --- Bending is more

c) Why intensity of the diffracted light decreases with increasing order of diffraction?
The central maximum is due to constructive interference of secondary wavelets from all parts of
the slit. With increase in n (order of spectrum), the wavelets from lesser and lesser parts of the
slit produce constructive interferecne to form secondary maxima. That is why the intensity

d) Write the condition for secondary Maxima and secondary Minima in diffraction?

e) which light- red or green beam, will diffract more? Why?

n the visible wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, red, with the longest wavelength, is
diffracted most; and violet, with the shortest wavelength, is diffracted least.
2. a) Distinguish between Interference and Diffraction of light.

b) Write the four Characteristics of Diffraction.

1. Diffraction is produced due to the interference of the secondary waves emitted from
different parts of a wavefront.
2. Widths of the fringes in the diffraction pattern are never equal.
3. In case of diffraction, the distances between the bright and dark band gradually
4. In diffraction dark hands are not completely dark. Some light is observed there.
5. The intensity of the bright diffracted band never remains same. The intensity is maximum
in the central band and intensity gradually decreases on both sides of the central band.
6. Diffracted light can produce fringes of light, dark or colored bands. It occurs when a light
wave passes through a corner or through an opening or slit that is physically the
approximate size of, or even smaller than that light’s wavelength.

3. Explain the Rayleigh’s criteria for resolution. State the formulas for resolving power of a
telescope and a diffraction grating.
“Rayleigh criterion for the diffraction limit to resolution states that two images are just resolvable
when the centre of the diffraction pattern of one is directly over the first minimum of the
diffraction pattern of the other.”

When a point object is imaged using a circular aperture such as the lens or the iris of our eye,
the image produced is not a point, rather a diffraction pattern. This is true, mainly when the size
of the object is comparable to the wavelength of light.

A circular aperture creates a diffraction pattern of concentric rings that grow dimmer as we move
away from the centre. These are known as Airy discs.

Because of the airy discs, point sources close to one another can overlap and produce a blurred
image, as shown in the image.
To obtain a good image, point sources must be sufficiently far apart that their diffraction patterns
do not overlap. To achieve this, the minimum distance between images must be such that the
central maximum of the first image lies on the first minimum of the second and vice versa. Such
an image is said to be just resolved. This is the famous Rayleigh criterion.

Resolving Power of Telescope

In telescopes, objects such as binary stars which are very close to each other, subtend small
angles on the telescope. We need large apertures to resolve them. We can make use of
Rayleigh’s Criterion to determine the resolving power of the telescope. The angular separation
between two objects must be

Theta = 1.22 lamda/ d

Resolving power is defined as the inverse of the distance or angular separation between two
objects which can be resolved through the optical instrument. Therefore,

Resolving power = 1 / theta

Thus, the higher the diameter d, the better the resolution. Astronomical optical telescopes have
mirror diameters as large as 10 m to achieve the best resolution.

Grating = lamda/ d lamda= nN

4. What is a diffraction grating. Write a formula for a grating element, Write 3 applications of a
diffraction grating.
A diffraction grating defines an optical component with a periodic structure that splits the light
into various beams that travel in different directions. It is an alternative way to observe spectra
other than a prism. Generally, when light is incident on the grating, the split light will have
maxima at an angle θ. The formula for diffraction grating is used to calculate the angle.

Diffraction grating formula


● n is the order of grating,

● d is the distance between two fringes or spectra
● λ is the wavelength of light
● θ is the angle to maxima

Diffraction gratings are often used in monochromators, spectrometers, lasers, wavelength

division multiplexing devices, optical pulse compressing devices, and many other optical

5. Compare and Analyze the intensity distribution obtained due to diffraction by a single sit and
the diffraction by a diffraction grating.

Diffraction by a Single Slit:

​ Central Maximum: A bright central maximum is observed.

​ Secondary Maxima and Minima: Secondary maxima and minima occur on either side of
the central maximum.
​ Intensity Distribution: The intensity decreases gradually from the central maximum
towards the secondary maxima and minima.
​ Width of Central Maximum: The central maximum is relatively wide.

Diffraction by a Diffraction Grating:

​ Multiple Slits: A diffraction grating consists of multiple slits spaced at regular intervals.
​ Order of Maxima: Multiple diffraction orders are observed (m = ±1, ±2, ...).
​ Constructive and Destructive Interference: The maxima occur due to constructive
interference, while the minima result from destructive interference.
​ Highly Intense Orders: Certain orders may be highly intense, depending on the grating
spacing and wavelength.
​ Narrow Peaks: Each order (maxima) is relatively narrow compared to the central
maximum in single-slit diffraction.


● Single Slit: Results in a simple diffraction pattern with a broad central maximum and
secondary maxima/minima.
● Diffraction Grating: Generates multiple sharp maxima due to interference, resulting in a
more structured and spectrally separated pattern.

In summary, while a single slit diffraction pattern is characterized by a central maximum and
secondary features, a diffraction grating produces a more complex pattern with distinct orders of
maxima and minima, leading to sharper, narrower peaks.

6. How many lines per cm are there in a plane transmission grating which gives first order of
light of wavelength 6000 Å at angle of diffraction 30 degree?

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