In SI units, with the mass in kilograms, the unit of force is called the newton (N). One Activity. Show neat and clear solutions.
newton is the force required to impact an acceleration of 1 m/s2 to a mass of 1 kg. Thus, 1 N What is the weight of a 76-kg astronaut a.) on Earth; b.) on the moon (g=1.7 m/s2); c.) on
= 1 kg•m/s2 mars (g=3.7 m/s2); d.) in outer space traveling with constant velocity?
We consider what happens when an object slide down an incline, such as a hill or a ramp. Example 8: Moving Some Modules Again!
Gravity is the accelerating force, yet the acceleration is not vertical. Solving problems is In Example 7, suppose you move the crate of modules by pulling upward on the rope at an
usually easier if we choose the x-y coordinate system so the x-axis points along the incline angle of 300 above the horizontal. How hard must you pull to keep it moving with constant
and y-axis is perpendicular to the incline. Note that the normal force is not vertical, but is velocity? Assume that 𝜇4 = 0.40. (Ans. 406 N)
perpendicular to the sloping surface of the plane. DYNAMICS OF CIRCULAR MOTION
When particle moves in a circular path with constant speed, the particles acceleration has a
Example 7: Acceleration Down a Hill constant magnitude 𝑎69: given by 𝑎69: = .
A sled loaded with friends (total weight w) slides down the Paoay sand dunes that slopes at
a constant angle ∝. The sled and the sand offers no resistance with each other so there is At each point the acceleration points radially inward toward the center of the circle,
virtually no friction. What is its acceleration? (Ans. 𝒂𝒙 = 𝒈 𝐬𝐢𝐧 ∝) perpendicular to the instantaneous velocity.
FRICTION FORCES We can also express the centripetal acceleration 𝑎69: in terms of the period T, the time for
The contact force between two bodies can always be one revolution:
represented in terms of a normal force "𝒏 "⃗ perpendicular to the 2𝜋𝑅
surface of contact and a frictional force 𝒇 "⃗ parallel to the surface. 𝑇=
This happens because surfaces of two bodies in contact are not In terms of the period, 𝑎69: is
really that smooth. When a body is sliding over the surface, the 4𝜋 " 𝑅
friction force is called kinetic friction. Its magnitude𝒇4 is 𝑎69: =
approximately equal to the normal force magnitude 𝑛 multiplied We can also say that since the motion is uniform, then it is governed by Newton’s second law.
by the coefficient of kinetic friction 𝜇4 .In equation, 𝒇4 = 𝜇4 𝑛. "⃗ on the particle
To make the particle accelerate toward the center of the circle, the net force ∑ 𝑭
must always be directed toward the center. The magnitude of the acceleration is constant, so
When a body is not moving relative to a surface, the TABLE 1: APPROXIMATE the magnitude 𝐹.=> of the net force must also be constant. If the inward net force stops acting,
friction force is called static friction. The maximum COEFFICIENTS OF FRICTION the particle flies off in a straight line tangent to the circle.
possible static friction force is approximately equal to the
magnitude 𝑛 of the normal force multiplied by the The magnitude of the radial acceleration is given by 𝑎69: = 𝑣 " ⁄𝑅 , so the magnitude 𝐹.=> of
coefficient of static friction 𝜇5 . That is, 𝒇5 = 𝜇5 𝑛. The the net force on a particle with mass m in uniform circular motion must be
actual static friction force may be anything from zero to 𝑣"
this maximum value, depending on the situation. Usually 𝐹.=> = 𝑚𝑎69: = 𝑚
𝜇5 is greater than 𝜇4 for a given pair of surfaces in "⃗ is
Uniform circular motion can result from any combination of forces, just so the net force ∑ 𝑭
always directed toward the center of the circle and has a constant magnitude. Note that the
body need not move around a complete circle. The last equation given is valid for any path
It is a lot easier to move a loaded filing cabinet across a
that can be regarded as part of a circular arc.
horizontal floor by using a cart with wheels than by sliding
it. How much easier? We can define a coefficient of
Example 9: Force in Uniform Circular Motion
rolling friction 𝜇6 , which is the horizontal force needed for
A sled with a mass of 25.0 kg rests on a horizontal
constant speed on a flat surface divided by the upward
sheet of essentially frictionless ice. It is attached by
normal force exerted by the surface. Transportation
a 5.00-m rope to a post set in the ice. Once given a
engineers call 𝜇6 the tractive resistance. Typical values of 𝜇6 are 0.002 to 0.003 for steel
push, the sled revolves uniformly in a circle around
wheels on steel rails and 0.01 to 0.02 for rubber tires on concrete. These values show one
the post. If the sled makes five complete revolutions
reason railroad trains are generally much more fuel efficient than highway trucks.
every minute, find the force F exerted on it by the
rope. (Ans. 34.3 N)
Example 8: Moving Some Modules
You want to move a 500-N crate of modules across a level floor. To start the crate moving,
you have to pull with a 230-N horizontal force. Once the crate starts to move, you can keep it
Example 10: Rounding a Flat Curve 2. A stone with mass 0.80 kg is attached to one end of a string 0.90 m long. The string will
The car is rounding a flat, unbanked curve with break if its tension exceeds 60.0 N. The stone is whirled in a horizontal circle on a
radius R (Figure 14). If the coefficient of static friction frictionless tabletop; the other end of the string remains fixed. (a) Draw a free-body
between tires and road is 𝜇5 , what is the maximum
diagram of the stone. (b) Find the maximum speed the stone can attain without the string
speed 𝑣'9( at which the driver can take the curve
without sliding? (Ans. 47 m/s) breaking.