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RIZAL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL object in its state of rest, or of uniform velocity in a straight line, as long as no net

Senior High School force acts on it”

General Physics 1 The tendency of an object to maintain its state or rest or of uniform motion in a straight line
is called INERTIA.
When a body is either at rest or moving with constant velocity (in a straight line with
FORCES AND INTERACTION constant speed), we say that the body is in EQUILIBRIUM. For a body to be in equilibrium,
In everyday language, a force is a push or a pull. A better definition is that a force is an it must be acted on by no forces, or by several forces such that their vector sum – that is,
interaction between two bodies or between a body and its environment. That’s why we the net force – is zero: ∑ "𝑭⃗ = 𝟎
always refer to the force that one body exerts on a second body. When you push a box full of
books, you exert a force on the box. When a motor lifts an elevator, or a hammer hits a nail, INERTIAL FRAME OF REFERENCE – reference frames in which Newton’s First Law holds.
or the wind blows your hair, a force is being exerted. We say that an object falls because of For most purposes, we can usually assume that reference frames fixed on the Earth are
the force of gravity. inertial frame. Any reference frame that moves with constant velocity relative to an inertial
frame is also an inertial reference frame. Reference frames where the law of inertia does not
Furthermore, force is a vector quantity; you can push or pull a body in different directions. To hold are call non-inertial reference frames.
describe a force vector 𝑭 "⃗, we need to describe the direction in which it acts as well as its
magnitude, the quantity that describes “how much” or “how hard” the force pushes or pulls. TEST YOUR UNDERSTANDING!
• The SI unit of the magnitude of force is the newton, abbreviated N. In which of the following situations is there zero net force on the body?
• A common instrument for measuring force magnitudes is the spring balance. When A. An airplane flying due north at a steady 120 m/s and at a constant altitude.
forces are applied to the ends of the spring, it stretches by an amount that depends B. A car driving straight up a hill with a 3º slope at a constant 90 km/h.
on the force. C. A hawk circling at a constant 20 km/h at a constant height of 15 m above an open
CONTACT FORCE - When a force involves direct contact D. A box with slick, frictionless surfaces in the back of a truck as the truck accelerates
between two bodies, such as a push or pull that you exert on forward on a level road at 5 m/s2.
an object with your hand.
NORMAL FORCE - exerted on an object by any surface with NEWTON’S SECOND LAW OF MOTION
which it is in contact. The adjective normal means that the Since a change in velocity is an acceleration, we say that a net force causes
force always acts perpendicular to the surface of contact, no acceleration. If a combination of forces 𝐹⃗! , 𝐹⃗" , 𝐹⃗# , and so on is applied to a body, the body will
matter what the angle of that surface. have the same acceleration vector 𝑎⃗ as when only a single force is applied, if that single force
FRICTION FORCE - exerted on an object by a surface acts is equal to the vector sum 𝐹⃗! + 𝐹⃗" + 𝐹⃗# + ⋯ .
parallel to the surface, in the direction that opposes sliding. The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force applied. But the
TENSION FORCE - The pulling force exerted by a stretched acceleration depends of the mass of the mass of the object as well. The greater the mass,
rope or cord on an object to which it’s attached. When you tug the less the acceleration for the same net force. In mathematical terms, the acceleration of
on your dog’s leash, the force that pulls on her collar is a an object is inversely proportional to its mass.
tension force. The direction of the net force is the same as the direction of the acceleration, whether
LONG-RANGE FORCE - forces act even when the bodies are the body’s path is straight or curved. What’s more, the forces that affect a body’s motion are
separated by empty space. The force between two magnets is external forces, those exerted on the body by other bodies in its environment.
an example of a long-range force. “The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it, and is
GRAVITATIONAL FORCE - the earth pulls a dropped object inversely proportional to its mass. The direction of the acceleration is the direction of the net
toward it even though there is no direct contact between the force acting on the object.
object and the earth. The gravitational force that the earth
exerts on your body is called your weight. ∑ %⃗
In equation form: 𝑎⃗ = where 𝑎⃗ stands for acceleration, m for mass, and ∑ 𝐹⃗ for the net
NEWTON’S FIRST LAW OF MOTION (LAW OF INERTIA) force on the object. Rearranging, we get ∑ "𝑭⃗ = 𝒎𝒂
Sir Isaac Newton first presented his three laws of motion in the
“Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis” in 1686. His first law states that “Every

In SI units, with the mass in kilograms, the unit of force is called the newton (N). One Activity. Show neat and clear solutions.
newton is the force required to impact an acceleration of 1 m/s2 to a mass of 1 kg. Thus, 1 N What is the weight of a 76-kg astronaut a.) on Earth; b.) on the moon (g=1.7 m/s2); c.) on
= 1 kg•m/s2 mars (g=3.7 m/s2); d.) in outer space traveling with constant velocity?

Using Newton’s Second Law NEWTON’S THIRD LAW OF MOTION

A separate equation for each component of force and the corresponding component of A force acting on a body is always the result of its interaction with another body, so forces
acceleration: always come in pairs. The force you exert on the other body is in the opposite direction to the
. 𝐹⃗( = 𝑚 𝑎⃗( ; . 𝐹⃗) = 𝑚 𝑎⃗) ; . 𝐹⃗* = 𝑚 𝑎⃗* force that body exerts on you. Experiments show that
whenever two bodies interact, the two forces that they exert on
• The statement of Newton’s second law refers to external force. External forces are each other are always equal in magnitude and opposite in
included in the sum ∑ "𝑭⃗. direction.
• The equation for force are valid only when mass m is constant. “Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object,
• Newton’s second law is valid in inertial frames of reference only. the second exerts an equal force in the opposite direction
on the first.”
Example 1. What average net force is required to bring a 1500-kg car to rest from a speed
of 100 km/h within a distance of 55 m? (Ans. -1.1x104 N) This law is sometimes paraphrased as “to every action there is
Example 2. A worker applies a constant horizontal an equal and opposite reaction”.
force with magnitude 20 N to a box with mass 40 kg For example, 𝐹⃗+ -. / is the force applied by body A on body
resting on a level floor with negligible friction. What B, and 𝐹⃗/ -. + is the force applied by body B on body A
is the acceleration of the box? (Ans. 0.50 m/s2) 𝐹⃗+ -. / = −𝐹⃗/ -. +
In the statement of Newton’s third law, “action” and “reaction” are the two opposite forces;
Activity. Show neat and clear solution. we sometimes refer to them as an action-reaction pair. The forces are “equal and opposite”,
a. What force is needed to accelerate a child meaning that they have equal magnitudes and opposite directions.
on a sled (total mass = 60kg) at 1.25 m/s2?
b. A net force of 265 N accelerates a bike and rider at 2.30 m/s2. What is the mass of Example 4. After tour sports can breaks down, you start to push it to the nearest repair
the bike and rider together? shop. While the car is starting to move, how does the force you exert on the car compare to
c. How much tension must a rope withstand if it used to accelerate a 960-kg car the force the car exerts on you? How do these forces compare when you are pushing the
horizontally along a frictionless surface at 1.20 m/s2? car along at a constant speed?
Example 5. Identify at least six pairs of action-reaction force in the following diagram.
• Mass characterized the inertial properties of a body. The greater the mass, the
greater the force needed to cause a given acceleration.
• Weight is a force exerted on a body by the pull of the earth. Mass and weight are
related: Bodies that have large mass also have large weight. A large stone is hard
to throw because of its large mass, and hard to lift off the ground because of its
large weight.
If a 1-kg body falls with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2, the required force has magnitude
𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎 = (1𝑘𝑔) 79.8 " < = 9.8 𝑘𝑔 ∙ "
𝑠 𝑠 1. Newton’s first and second laws apply to a specific body. Whenever you use
Newton’s first law, ∑ "𝑭⃗ = 𝟎, for an equilibrium situation or Newton’s second law,
𝑤 = 𝑚𝑔
∑𝑭"⃗ = 𝒎𝒂 "⃗, for a non-equilibrium situation, you must decide at the beginning to
Where w is the magnitude of weight of the body, m is the mass of the body, and g is the
magnitude of acceleration due to gravity. Hence the magnitude w of a body’s weight is directly which body you are referring.
proportional to its mass m. Remember that g is the magnitude of the vector g, the acceleration 2. Only forces acting on the body matter. The sum ∑ "𝑭⃗ includes all the forces that act
due to gravity, so g is always a positive number. Thus w is the magnitude of the weight and on the body in question. Hence, once you’ve chosen the body to analyze, you have
is also always positive. to identify all the forces acting on it. Don’t confuse the forces acting on a body with
Example 3. A 2.49×104 N Rolls-Royce Phantom travelling in the +x-direction makes an forces exerted by that body on some other body.
emergency stop; the x-component of the net force acting on it is -1.83×104 N. What is its 3. Free-body diagrams are essential to help identify the relevant forces. A free-body
acceleration (Ans. -7.20 m/s2) diagram shows the chosen body by itself, “free” of its surroundings, with vectors
drawn to show the magnitudes and directions of all the forces that act on the body. free-body diagram for the chair. (b) Use your diagram and Newton’s laws to
Be careful to include all the forces acting on the body, but be equally careful not to calculate the normal force that the floor exerts on the chair.
include any forces that the body exerts on any other body. In particular, the two
forces in an action–reaction pair must never appear in the same free-body diagram APPLICATION OF NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION
because they never act on the same body. Furthermore, never include forces that
a body exerts on itself, since these can’t affect the body’s motion. USING NEWTON’S FIRST LAW: EQUILIBRIUM OF A PARTICLE
Note that when a problem involves more than one body, you have to take the When a body is in equilibrium in an inertial frame of reference – that is, either at rest or
problem apart and draw a separate free-body diagram for each body. moving with constant velocity – the vector sum of forces acting on it must be zero (Newton’s
Problem Solving Using Free-Body Diagrams first law). Newton’s third law (action and reaction) is also frequently needed in equilibrium
1. Draw a sketch of the situation. problems. The two forces in an action-reaction pair never act on the same body.
2. Consider only one object (at a time), and draw a free-body diagram for that object, Vector form:
showing all the forces acting on that object. Include any unknown forces that you . 𝐹⃗ = 0
have to solve for. Draw the arrow for each vector force reasonably accurately for Component form:
direction and magnitude. Label each force, including forces you must solve for, as . 𝐹( = 0 . 𝐹) = 0
to its source (gravity, person, friction, etc.)
3. Newton’s second law involves vectors, and it is usually important to resolve vectors PROBLEM SOLVING STRATEGY
into components. Choose x and y axes in a way IDENTIFY the relevant concepts: You must use Newton’s first law, for any problem that
that simplifies calculation. involves forces acting on a body in equilibrium—that is, either at rest or moving with constant
4. For each object, apply Newton’s second law to the velocity. If the problem involves more than one body and the bodies interact with each other,
x and y components separately. That is, the x- you’ll also need to use Newton’s third law. This law allows you to relate the force that one
component of the net force on the object is related body exerts on a second body to the force that the second body exerts on the first one. Identify
to the x-component of that object’s acceleration: the target variable(s). Common target variables in equilibrium problems include the magnitude
∑ 𝐹⃗( = 𝑚 𝑎⃗( , and similarly for the y direction. and direction (angle) of one of the forces, or the components of a force.
Example 6. Calculate the sum of the two forces exerted on
the boat by workers A and B shown in the figure. (Ans. 53.3 SET UP the problem by using the following steps:
N and 11.0º) 1. Draw a simple sketch of the problem for visualization purposes.
2. Draw a free-body diagram for each body that is in equilibrium. For now, we consider the
OTHER PROBLEMS: body as a particle, so you can represent it as a large dot. In your free-body diagram, do
1. Forces 𝐹⃗! and 𝐹⃗" act at a point. The magnitude of 𝐹⃗! is 9.00 N, and its direction is not include the other bodies that interact with it, such as a surface it may be resting on or
60.0º above the x-axis in the second quadrant. The magnitude of 𝐹⃗" is 6.00 N, and a rope pulling on it.
its direction is 53.1º below the x-axis in the third quadrant. a.) what are the x- and 3. Ask yourself what is interacting with the body by contact or in any other way. On your
y-components of the resultant force? b.) what is the magnitude of the resultant free-body diagram, draw a force vector for each interaction. Label each force with a
force? symbol for the magnitude of the force. If you know the angle at which a force is directed,
draw the angle accurately and label it. Include the body’s weight, unless the body has
2. Due to a jaw injury, a patient must wear a strap that produces a net upward force negligible mass. If the mass is given, use w = mg to find the weight. A surface in contact
of 5.00 N on his chin. The tension is the same throughout the strap. To what with the body exerts a normal force perpendicular to the surface and possibly a friction
tension must the strap be adjusted to provide the necessary upward force. force parallel to the surface. A rope or chain exerts a pull (never a push) in a direction
3. A 68.5-kg skater moving initially at 2.40 m/s on rough horizontal ice comes to rest along its length.
uniformly in 3.52 s due to friction from the ice. What force does friction exert on the 4. Do not show in the free-body diagram any forces exerted by the body on any other body.
skater? The sums of forces include only forces that act on the body.
4. World-class sprinter can accelerate out of the starting blocks with an acceleration 5. Choose a set of coordinate axes and include them in your free-body diagram. (If there is
that is nearly horizontal and has magnitude 15 m/s2. How much horizontal force more than one body in the problem, choose axes for each body separately but be
must a 55-kg sprinter exert on the starting blocks to produce this acceleration? consistent.) Label the positive direction for each axis. If a body rests or slides on a plane
Which body exerts the force that propels the sprinter: the blocks or the sprinter surface, for simplicity choose axes that are parallel and perpendicular to this surface,
herself? even when the plane is tilted.
EXECUTE the solution as follows:
5. A chair of mass 12.0 kg is sitting on the horizontal floor; the floor is not frictionless. 1. Find the components of each force along each of the body’s coordinate axes. The
You push on the chair with a force F = 40.0 N that is directed at an angle of 37.0º
magnitude of a force is always positive, but its components may be positive or negative.
below the horizontal, and the chair slides along the floor. (a) Draw a clearly labeled
2. Set the sum of all x-components of force equal to zero. In a separate equation, set the motions; for example, they may be connected by a rope. Express any such relationships
sum of all y-components equal to zero. (Never add x- and y-components in a single as equations relating the accelerations of the various bodies.
3. If there are two or more bodies, repeat all of the above steps for each body. If the bodies
interact with each other, use Newton’s third law to relate the forces they exert on each
4. Make sure that you have as many independent equations as the number of unknown
quantities. Then solve these equations to obtain the target/unknown variables.

Example 1: One-Dimensional Equilibrium: Tension in A Massless Rope

A gymnast with mass 𝑚0 = 50.0 𝑘𝑔 suspends herself from the lower end of a hanging rope
of negligible mass. The upper end of the rope is attached to the gymnasium ceiling.
(a) What is the gymnast’s weight? (Ans. 490 N) EXECUTE the solution as follows:
(b) What force (magnitude and direction) does the rope exert on her? (Ans. 490 N) 1. For each body, determine the components of the forces along each of the body’s
(c) What is the tension at the top of the rope? (Ans. 490 N) coordinate axes.
2. List all of the known and unknown quantities. In your list, identify the target variable or
Example 2: Two-Dimensional Equilibrium variables.
A car engine with weight w hangs from a chain that is linked 3. For each body, write a separate equation for each component of Newton’s second law.
at ring O to two other chains, one fastened to the ceiling Write any additional equations that you identified in step 4 of “Set Up.” (You need as
and the other to the wall. Find expressions for the tension many equations as there are target variables.)
in each of the three chains in terms of 𝑤. The weights of the 4. Do the easy part—the math! Solve the equations to find the target variable(s).
ring and chains are negligible compared with the weight of Example 3: Straight-Line Motion with a Constant Force
the engine. (Ans. T1=w, T2=0.58w, T3=1.2w) An iceboat is at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface. Due to the
blowing wind, 4.0 s after the iceboat is released, it is moving to the
USING NEWTON’S SECOND LAW: DYNAMICS OF right at 6.0 m/s (about 22 km/h, or 13 mi/h). What constant horizontal
PARTICLES force 𝐹1 does the wind exert on the iceboat? The combined mass
In these problems, we apply Newton’s second law to bodies of iceboat and rider is 200 kg. (Ans. 300 N)
on which the net force is not zero. These bodies are not in
equilibrium and hence are accelerating. Example 4: Straight-Line Motion with Friction
Vector form: ∑ "𝑭⃗ = 𝑚𝒂 "⃗ Suppose a constant horizontal friction force with magnitude 100 N
opposes the motion of the iceboat in Example 3. In this case, what
Component form: ∑ "𝑭⃗( = 𝑚𝑎( ∑𝑭 "⃗) = 𝑚𝑎)
constant force 𝐹1 must the wind exert on the iceboat to cause the same constant acceleration
SET UP the problem by using the following steps: 𝑎( = 1.5 𝑚/𝑠 " ? (Ans. 400 N)
1. Draw a simple sketch of the situation that shows each moving body. For each body, draw
a free-body diagram that shows all the forces acting on the body. Make sure you can Example 5: Tension in an Elevator Cable
answer the question “What other body is applying this force?” for each force in your An elevator and its load have a combined mass of 800 kg. The
diagram. Never include the quantity 𝑚𝒂 "⃗ in your free-body diagram; it’s not a force! elevator is initially moving downward at 10.0 m/s; it slows to a stop
2. Label each force with an algebraic symbol for the force’s magnitude. Usually, one of the with constant acceleration in a distance of 25.0 m. What is the
forces will be the body’s weight; it’s usually best to label this as 𝑤 = 𝑚𝑔. tension 𝑇 in the supporting cable while the elevator is being
3. Choose your x- and y-coordinate axes for each body, and show them in its free-body brought to rest? (Ans. 9440 N)
diagram. Indicate the positive direction for each axis. If you know the direction of the
acceleration, it usually simplifies things to take one positive axis along that direction. If Example 6: Two Boxes Connected by a Chord
your problem involves two or more bodies that accelerate in different directions, you can Two boxes, A and B, are
use a different set of axes for each body. connected by a lightweight cord
4. In addition to Newton’s second law, ∑ 𝑭 "⃗ = 𝑚𝒂 "⃗, identify any other equations you might and are resting on a smooth
need. For example, you might need one or more of the equations for motion with constant (frictionless) table. The boxes have
acceleration. If more than one body is involved, there may be relationships among their masses of 12.0 kg and 10.0 kg. A
horizontal force 𝐹2 of 40.0 N is
applied to the 10.0-kg box, as shown in Figure 7. Find (a) the acceleration of each box, and moving at constant velocity with only 200 N. What are the coefficients of static and kinetic
(b) the tension in the cord connecting the boxes. (Ans. 1.82 m/s2, 21.8 N) friction? (Ans. 𝝁𝒔 = 𝟎. 𝟒𝟔, 𝝁𝒌 = 𝟎. 𝟒𝟎)

We consider what happens when an object slide down an incline, such as a hill or a ramp. Example 8: Moving Some Modules Again!
Gravity is the accelerating force, yet the acceleration is not vertical. Solving problems is In Example 7, suppose you move the crate of modules by pulling upward on the rope at an
usually easier if we choose the x-y coordinate system so the x-axis points along the incline angle of 300 above the horizontal. How hard must you pull to keep it moving with constant
and y-axis is perpendicular to the incline. Note that the normal force is not vertical, but is velocity? Assume that 𝜇4 = 0.40. (Ans. 406 N)
perpendicular to the sloping surface of the plane. DYNAMICS OF CIRCULAR MOTION
When particle moves in a circular path with constant speed, the particles acceleration has a
Example 7: Acceleration Down a Hill constant magnitude 𝑎69: given by 𝑎69: = .
A sled loaded with friends (total weight w) slides down the Paoay sand dunes that slopes at
a constant angle ∝. The sled and the sand offers no resistance with each other so there is At each point the acceleration points radially inward toward the center of the circle,
virtually no friction. What is its acceleration? (Ans. 𝒂𝒙 = 𝒈 𝐬𝐢𝐧 ∝) perpendicular to the instantaneous velocity.
FRICTION FORCES We can also express the centripetal acceleration 𝑎69: in terms of the period T, the time for
The contact force between two bodies can always be one revolution:
represented in terms of a normal force "𝒏 "⃗ perpendicular to the 2𝜋𝑅
surface of contact and a frictional force 𝒇 "⃗ parallel to the surface. 𝑇=
This happens because surfaces of two bodies in contact are not In terms of the period, 𝑎69: is
really that smooth. When a body is sliding over the surface, the 4𝜋 " 𝑅
friction force is called kinetic friction. Its magnitude𝒇4 is 𝑎69: =
approximately equal to the normal force magnitude 𝑛 multiplied We can also say that since the motion is uniform, then it is governed by Newton’s second law.
by the coefficient of kinetic friction 𝜇4 .In equation, 𝒇4 = 𝜇4 𝑛. "⃗ on the particle
To make the particle accelerate toward the center of the circle, the net force ∑ 𝑭
must always be directed toward the center. The magnitude of the acceleration is constant, so
When a body is not moving relative to a surface, the TABLE 1: APPROXIMATE the magnitude 𝐹.=> of the net force must also be constant. If the inward net force stops acting,
friction force is called static friction. The maximum COEFFICIENTS OF FRICTION the particle flies off in a straight line tangent to the circle.
possible static friction force is approximately equal to the
magnitude 𝑛 of the normal force multiplied by the The magnitude of the radial acceleration is given by 𝑎69: = 𝑣 " ⁄𝑅 , so the magnitude 𝐹.=> of
coefficient of static friction 𝜇5 . That is, 𝒇5 = 𝜇5 𝑛. The the net force on a particle with mass m in uniform circular motion must be
actual static friction force may be anything from zero to 𝑣"
this maximum value, depending on the situation. Usually 𝐹.=> = 𝑚𝑎69: = 𝑚
𝜇5 is greater than 𝜇4 for a given pair of surfaces in "⃗ is
Uniform circular motion can result from any combination of forces, just so the net force ∑ 𝑭
always directed toward the center of the circle and has a constant magnitude. Note that the
body need not move around a complete circle. The last equation given is valid for any path
It is a lot easier to move a loaded filing cabinet across a
that can be regarded as part of a circular arc.
horizontal floor by using a cart with wheels than by sliding
it. How much easier? We can define a coefficient of
Example 9: Force in Uniform Circular Motion
rolling friction 𝜇6 , which is the horizontal force needed for
A sled with a mass of 25.0 kg rests on a horizontal
constant speed on a flat surface divided by the upward
sheet of essentially frictionless ice. It is attached by
normal force exerted by the surface. Transportation
a 5.00-m rope to a post set in the ice. Once given a
engineers call 𝜇6 the tractive resistance. Typical values of 𝜇6 are 0.002 to 0.003 for steel
push, the sled revolves uniformly in a circle around
wheels on steel rails and 0.01 to 0.02 for rubber tires on concrete. These values show one
the post. If the sled makes five complete revolutions
reason railroad trains are generally much more fuel efficient than highway trucks.
every minute, find the force F exerted on it by the
rope. (Ans. 34.3 N)
Example 8: Moving Some Modules
You want to move a 500-N crate of modules across a level floor. To start the crate moving,
you have to pull with a 230-N horizontal force. Once the crate starts to move, you can keep it
Example 10: Rounding a Flat Curve 2. A stone with mass 0.80 kg is attached to one end of a string 0.90 m long. The string will
The car is rounding a flat, unbanked curve with break if its tension exceeds 60.0 N. The stone is whirled in a horizontal circle on a
radius R (Figure 14). If the coefficient of static friction frictionless tabletop; the other end of the string remains fixed. (a) Draw a free-body
between tires and road is 𝜇5 , what is the maximum
diagram of the stone. (b) Find the maximum speed the stone can attain without the string
speed 𝑣'9( at which the driver can take the curve
without sliding? (Ans. 47 m/s) breaking.

Activity 3: Newton’s Laws with Friction: Incline

ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS If the coefficient of kinetic friction between a 35-kg crate and the floor is 0.30, what horizontal
Activity 1: Using Newton’s First Law. Use the force is required to move the crate at a steady speed across the floor? What horizontal force
word problem to do what is asked. is required if 𝜇4 is zero?
Two 25.0-N weights are suspended at opposite ends of a rope that passes over a light, Assessment 3: Newton’s Laws with Friction; Incline
frictionless pulley. The pulley is attached to a chain from the ceiling. (a) What is the tension 1. A force of 48.0 N is required to start a 5.0-kg box moving across a horizontal concrete
in the rope? (b) What is the tension in the chain? floor. (a) What is the coefficient of static friction between the box and the floor? (b) If the
a.) Is the system in equilibrium? 48.0-N force continues, the box accelerates at 0.70 m/s2. What is the coefficient of kinetic
b.) Draw the free-body diagrams of the system and label the parts. friction?
2. A 15.0-kg box is released on a 320 incline and accelerates down the incline at 0.30 𝑚/𝑠 " .
Assessment 1: Using Newton’s First Law. Find the friction force impeding its motion. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction?
A 75.0-kg wrecking ball hangs from a uniform, heavy-duty chain of mass 26.0 kg. (a) Find the
maximum and minimum tensions in the chain. (b) What is the tension at a point three-fourths
of the way up from the bottom of the chain? Sources:
Giancoli, D. C. (2014). Physics: Principles With Applications. Pearson Education, Inc.
Activity 2: Using Newton’s Second Law Young, H. D., & Freedman, R. A. (2016). University Physics With Modern Application 14th
Atwood’s Machine. A 15.0-kg load of bricks hangs from one end Edition. Pearson Education Limited.
of a rope that passes over a small, frictionless pulley. A 28.0-kg Bautista, J. (2020). Newton's Law of Motion module. Baguio City.
Papcio, K. (2020). Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion module. Baguio City.
counterweight is suspended from the other end of the rope (Figure
16). The system is released from rest.
a) Draw two free-body diagrams, one for the load of bricks and
Prepared by: Noted by:
one for the counterweight.
b) What is the magnitude of the upward acceleration of the load
of bricks?
Hazel Ann S. Nipales Leonardo T. Zambrano
c) What is the tension in the rope while the load is moving? How
Science Teacher School Head
does the tension compare to the weight of the load of bricks?
To the weight of the counterweight?

Assessment 2: Using Newton’s Second Law, Circular Motion

1. Force During a Jump. When jumping straight up from a crouched position, an average
person can reach a maximum height of about 60 cm. During the jump, the person’s body
from the knees up typically rises a distance of around 50 cm. To keep the calculations
simple and yet get a reasonable result, assume that the entire body rises this much during
the jump. (a) With what initial speed does the person leave the ground to reach a height
of 60 cm? (b) Draw a free-body diagram of the person during the jump. (c) In terms of
this jumper’s weight w, what force does the ground exert on him or her during the jump?

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