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Objective: Apply Objective: Monitor compost Objective: Check the Objective:

appropriate based on PNS indications of quality of the harvest

Carry out processing of
composting method fully decomposed fertilizer. based on PNS compost fertilizer based on
based on production indications of fully production requirements
requirements. Code: TLE_AFOA9-12OF-Ia- decomposed fertilizer Code: TLE_AFOA9-12OF-Ia-j-
j-IIa-j-1 under the DepEd IIa-j-1
Code: TLE_AFOA9- Philippines K to 12
12OF-Ia-j-IIa-j-1 Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: Grade 9-12
Curriculum Guide.

Grade Level: 9-12 Subject: Technology and Subject: Technology and

Code: TLE_AFOA9-
Livelihood Education (TLE) Livelihood Education
Subject: Technology
(1) Review: (1) Review:
and Livelihood Grade Level: 9-12
Education Begin the lesson by
Begin the lesson by
Subject: Technology and reviewing the concept of
(1) Review: reviewing the process of
Livelihood Education composting and its
composting and the importance in agriculture.
Begin the lesson by importance of fully Discuss the different types of
reviewing the concept decomposed fertilizer in (1) Review: composting materials and
of composting and its agriculture. their benefits.
(2) Motivation:
importance in Discuss the PNS (Philippine Begin the lesson by
sustainable National Standard) reviewing the Show a short video or
agriculture. indications of fully importance of using presentation highlighting the
Discuss the different decomposed fertilizer and fully decomposed benefits of compost fertilizer
fertilizer in agriculture in improving soil quality and
composting methods its significance in plant
and its impact on the plant growth.
that have been growth and soil enrichment. Engage students in a class
previously taught, quality of the harvest. discussion about the
such as aerobic (2) Motivation: Recap the PNS potential impact of
composting, (Philippine National composting on sustainable
vermicomposting, and Show a short video or Standard) indications for agriculture.
presentation highlighting (3) Activity:
anaerobic fully decomposed
composting. the benefits of composting fertilizer. Workshop: "Creating
and the role of fully Compost Fertilizer"
(2) Motivation: decomposed fertilizer in (2) Motivation: Divide students into small
sustainable agriculture. groups and provide each
Show a short video or Engage students in a Show a video or present group with a composting kit.
presentation discussion about the a case study Instruct them to collect
highlighting the highlighting the positive organic waste materials such
environmental impact of as kitchen scraps, leaves, and
benefits of chemical fertilizers and the impact of using fully
grass clippings.
composting and its advantages of using organic decomposed fertilizer Guide students in the
impact on the alternatives. on crop yield and process of composting,
environment. quality. including the proper
layering, turning, and
Engage students in a (3) Activity: Engage students in a
moisture control.
brief discussion about brief discussion about Allow students to monitor
the advantages and Workshop: Compost the benefits and their compost piles over a
disadvantages of each Monitoring challenges of using period of time, noting any
composting method. fertilizer in agriculture. changes or improvements.
Divide students into small (4) Analysis:
(3) Activity: groups and provide each (3) Activity:
group with a compost pile Facilitate a class discussion
where students share their
Divide the class into or bin. Workshop: "Testing observations and
small groups and Instruct students to monitor Fertilizer Quality" experiences during the
assign each group a the compost pile using the Divide students into composting process.
specific composting PNS indications of fully small groups. Discuss the factors that
method (aerobic, contribute to successful
decomposed fertilizer. Provide each group with composting, such as
vermicomposting, or Guide students on how to samples of different temperature, moisture, and
anaerobic). assess the compost's fertilizers (fully the ratio of carbon to
Instruct each group to temperature, color, odor, decomposed, partially nitrogen.
prepare a workshop and texture. decomposed, and non- (5) Abstraction:
or hands-on activity Have students record their decomposed).
Introduce the concept of
that demonstrates observations and discuss Instruct students to production requirements in
their assigned their findings as a class. design a simple composting.
composting method. Activity: Compost Testing experiment to test the Discuss the specific needs of
They should include quality of each fertilizer different plants and crops,
detailed instructions Provide students with and how compost can be
sample. tailored to meet these
and materials needed. samples of compost at
Students should record requirements.
different stages of
Allow time for each their observations and (6) Application:
group to present their compare the results to
workshop to the class, Instruct students to conduct Provide students with a real-
the PNS indications for
tests, such as the life problem related to
encouraging fully decomposed
germination test, pH test, composting production
questions and fertilizer. requirements.
discussions. and nutrient analysis, to For example, ask them to
Encourage students to
determine the quality of the calculate the amount of
discuss their findings
(4) Analysis: compost. compost fertilizer needed for
and draw conclusions a specific area of farmland or
Discuss the results as a class
Facilitate a class about the quality of garden, considering the
and relate them to the PNS
discussion to analyze each fertilizer sample. nutrient requirements of the
indications of fully crops to be grown.
the strengths and decomposed fertilizer. Encourage students to apply
(4) Analysis:
weaknesses of each Interactive Workshop: their knowledge of
composting method Vermicomposting composting techniques and
In a whole-class
presented. production requirements to
discussion, ask students solve the problem.
Guide students in Introduce students to to share their (7) Assessment:
identifying the factors vermicomposting as an experiment results and
that influence the alternative method of observations. Multiple-choice questions:
choice of composting composting. Which of the following is a
Guide students in benefit of using compost
method based on Set up a vermicomposting analyzing the correlation fertilizer? a) Increased soil
production bin in the classroom and between the quality of erosion b) Reduced nutrient
absorption c) Enhanced soil
requirements, such as involve students in the fertilizer and the PNS
fertility d) Decreased plant
available resources, process of feeding the indications for fully growth
time, space, and worms and maintaining the decomposed fertilizer. What factors contribute to
desired outcome. compost. Discuss the potential successful composting? a)
Discuss the role of worms in impact of using different Low temperature and
(5) Abstraction: excessive moisture b) High
the decomposition process quality fertilizers on temperature and lack of
and how to monitor the crop growth and oxygen c) Optimum
Introduce the concept
vermicompost using the productivity. temperature and proper
of customized
PNS indications. moisture level d) No
composting methods, temperature control and
(5) Abstraction:
where different insufficient turning
(4) Analysis:
composting Introduce the concept Compost production
techniques are requirements involve: a)
Guide students in analyzing of using PNS indications
Matching compost materials
combined to meet the data collected during as a guide for checking to plant preferences b) Using
specific production the compost monitoring the quality of harvests. any organic waste materials
requirements. activity. available c) Ignoring the
Discuss the importance
Discuss examples of nutrient needs of plants d)
Discuss the factors that of adhering to standards
Applying compost without
customized affect the decomposition in agriculture to ensure considering soil conditions
composting methods process and how they relate optimal crop yield and (8) Assignment:
used in different to the PNS indications of quality.
agricultural settings. fully decomposed fertilizer. Homework: "Design Your
Emphasize the role of
Composting System"
Encourage students to fully decomposed Instruct students to research
(6) Application:
identify any challenges or fertilizer in achieving and design their own
Provide students with issues they encountered these standards. composting system based on
a real-life problem during the monitoring the production requirements
process and suggest (6) Application: discussed in class.
related to They should consider factors
composting, such as a possible solutions.
Provide students with a such as available space,
scenario where a composting materials, and
real-life problem related
farmer needs to (5) Abstraction: to the objective, such as: maintenance.
compost a large "You are a farmer who Ask students to present their
Facilitate a class discussion designs and explain how
amount of organic wants to improve the they meet the specific needs
waste within a limited on the importance of quality of your harvest. of different plants.
timeframe. Ask monitoring compost and How would you ensure Additional Activities:
students to propose ensuring the production of that the fertilizer you
the most suitable fully decomposed fertilizer. use is fully decomposed, Interactive Activity:
"Compost Sorting Game"
composting Help students understand based on the PNS
method(s) and explain the significance of using indications? Develop a Create flashcards with
their reasoning. high-quality organic plan of action." different organic waste
fertilizers in sustainable In groups or individually, materials and their
(7) Assessment: agriculture and the benefits students should
composting properties.
it brings to the environment Divide students into teams
brainstorm and present and provide each team with
1. What are the three and crop yield. their solutions, a set of flashcards.
main composting
considering factors such Instruct them to sort the
methods discussed in (6) Application: cards into categories such as
as testing methods,
this lesson? (Answer: "fast composters," "slow
sourcing of fertilizer,
Aerobic composting, Provide students with a composters," and "compost
and monitoring
vermicomposting, real-life scenario where they accelerators."
techniques. The team that correctly
anaerobic need to monitor a compost
categorizes the most cards
composting) pile and determine its
(7) Assessment: within a given time wins.
2. What factors should readiness for use as Interactive Activity:
be considered when fertilizer. Questions: "Compost Recipe Challenge"
choosing a Ask students to apply their What are the PNS
Give each student a random
composting method? knowledge of the PNS indications for fully
plant or crop.
(Answer: Available indications and compost decomposed fertilizer? Instruct them to research
resources, time, space, monitoring techniques to and create a compost recipe
desired outcome) assess the compost's quality Answer: The PNS specifically tailored to the
3. What is the concept and make indications for fully nutrient requirements of
decomposed fertilizer their assigned plant.
of customized recommendations for its
include a dark brown to Encourage students to be
composting methods? use. creative and consider various
(Answer: Combining black color, earthy smell, composting materials and
different composting (7) Assessment: absence of visible techniques.
techniques to meet particles, and crumbly Have students present their
specific production 1. True/False: Fully texture. compost recipes to the class,
requirements) decomposed fertilizer is explaining their choices and
essential for healthy plant Why is it important to why they believe it would be
4. Give an example of a effective.
growth. (Answer: True) use fully decomposed
customized Interactive Activity:
fertilizer in agriculture?
composting method 2. Fill in the blank: The PNS "Compost Fertilizer Field
used in agriculture. indications of fully Trip"
decomposed fertilizer Answer: Fully
(Answer may vary)
include ________, ________, decomposed fertilizer Organize a field trip to a local
5. Explain the provides essential farm or gardening center
________, and ________. that practices composting.
importance of nutrients to crops,
(Answer: temperature, color, Allow students to observe
composting in improves soil fertility,
odor, texture) the composting process and
sustainable and enhances crop yield interact with experts in the
agriculture. (Answer 3. Multiple Choice: Which of and quality. field.
may vary) the following is an Provide an opportunity for
advantage of using organic students to ask questions
How can you test the
(8) Assignment: fertilizer? a) Reduced and gain practical insights
quality of fertilizer based
environmental impact b) into composting techniques
on PNS indications? and production
Ask students to Faster plant growth c)
research and write a Longer shelf life d) Lower Answer: Testing the Questions and Answers:
short essay on the cost (Answer: a) quality of fertilizer can
benefits of 4. Short Answer: Why is it be done by observing its Which of the following is a
composting in important to monitor color, smell, texture, and benefit of using compost
agriculture and its fertilizer? Answer: c)
compost based on PNS the presence of visible Enhanced soil fertility
impact on sustainable indications? (Answer: To particles.
food production. They What are the potential What factors contribute to
ensure the production of
should include consequences of using successful composting?
high-quality fertilizer and Answer: c) Optimum
examples of optimal plant growth) non-decomposed or temperature and proper
successful partially decomposed moisture level
5. Matching: Match the
composting projects fertilizer?
compost monitoring
in the Philippines or Compost production
technique with its
other countries. Answer: Using non- requirements involve:
description. Answer: a) Matching
decomposed or partially
Germination test (Answer: compost materials to plant
Interactive activities decomposed fertilizer
b) - Assessing the preferences
related to the may lead to nutrient
compost's ability to support
objective: imbalances, reduced
plant growth
crop yield, and
1. Composting pH test (Answer: a) - environmental pollution.
Simulation Game: Determining the acidity or
Create a virtual game alkalinity of the compost Why is it important to
where students can Nutrient analysis (Answer: c) adhere to PNS
simulate different - Measuring the nutrient indications in
composting methods content of the compost agriculture?
and make decisions
based on production (8) Assignment: Answer: Adhering to
requirements. Provide PNS indications ensures
scenarios and Homework: Research and the use of quality
challenges to enhance write a short essay fertilizer, promotes
their understanding of discussing the sustainable farming
choosing the environmental benefits of practices, and
appropriate using fully decomposed guarantees safe and
composting method. organic fertilizer compared nutritious food
to chemical fertilizers. production.
2. Field Trip to a
Include at least three
Composting Facility:
Organize a field trip supporting points and (8) Assignment:
to a local composting provide credible sources for
Homework: "Fertilizer
facility where students your information.
Quality Assessment"
can observe different
Instruct students to visit
composting methods
a local agricultural
in action. Allow them
supply store or research
to interact with the
online to find
facility staff and ask
information about
questions about
different brands of
fertilizer available in the
requirements and
Ask students to identify
3. Composting
the brands that meet
Demonstration: Invite
the PNS indications for
a composting expert
fully decomposed
or practitioner to
fertilizer and explain
conduct a live
demonstration in the Students should also
classroom or school provide
garden. Students can recommendations for
actively participate in farmers on how to
the process and learn ensure the quality of the
firsthand about the fertilizer they purchase.
application of
composting methods. Interactive Activities:

1. Role-Play: "Farmer's

Divide students into

Assign one student as a
farmer and the other as
an agricultural supplier.
Each pair should engage
in a role-play scenario
where the farmer
questions the supplier
about the quality of
their fertilizer.
Encourage students to
use their knowledge of
PNS indications and
critical thinking skills to
assess the supplier's
After the role-play,
facilitate a class
discussion on effective
communication between
farmers and suppliers
regarding fertilizer
2. Virtual Field Trip:
"Fertilizer Manufacturing

Organize a virtual field

trip to a local fertilizer
manufacturing facility or
show a pre-recorded
video tour.
During the virtual tour,
explain the process of
producing fully
decomposed fertilizer
and highlight the quality
control measures in
Engage students in a
discussion about the
significance of these
processes and how they
relate to the PNS
3. Case Study Analysis:
"Impact of Fertilizer
Quality on Crop Yield"

Provide students with a

case study that presents
different scenarios of
farmers using varying
qualities of fertilizer.
Students should analyze
each scenario and
determine the potential
impact on crop yield
and quality.
In groups or individually,
students should present
their analysis and
recommendations for
improving fertilizer
quality and its effect on

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