Paper Code: 16IMH22CI
Marketing Concepts, role of marketing in business, marketing mix, concept of strategic marketing, stralegic
marketing process, marketing and business strategy, marketing stralegy and planning. strategic iISsues in
Nature and structure of marketing environment, environmental scanning and analysis, PEST framework
competitor analysis, customer analysis, buyer behaviour models, organizational buying behaviour, marketing
information system; marketing cost and financial analysis
Segmenting markets, niche marketing. market targeting strategies, positioning strategies, relationship
strategies, inter-organisational relationships, influence of market position on strategy. new product
Product strategies, branding strategies, customer service strategy, pricing strategies, advertising strategies,
sales promotion strategies, direct marketing strategies, sales force strategies, distribution strategies
Suggested Readings:
1. Cravens, Davidand Nigel Piercy, Strategic Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Nag. A, Strategic Marketing, McMillan lIndia, New Delhi
3. Sahaf, Musadiq A, Strategic Marketing, Prentice Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi
4. Proctor, Tony, Strategic Marketing- An Introduction, Taylor and Francis
Instructions for External Examiner: The question paper shall be divided in two sections. Section 'A' shall
comprise of eight short answer type questions from whole of the syllabus carrying two marks each, which shal
be compulsory. Answer to each question should not exceed 50 words normally. Section "B° shall comprise 8B
questions (2 questions from each unit). The students will be required to attempt four questions selecting one
question from each unit. All questions will cany cqual marks.
L-T-P External Marks: 80
3-1-0 Sessional Marks: 20
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Paper Code: 16IMH22c2
HR environment; HRM in knowledge economy: concept of SHRM: investment perspective of SHRM,
evolution of SHRM, strategic HR vs. traditional HR, barrier to strategic HR, role of HR in strategic planning
Strategic fit frameworks: linking business strategy and HR strategy. HR bundles approach, best practice
approach; business strategy and human resource planning; HRM and firm performance linkages-measures of
HRM performance; sustained competitive advantages through inimitable HR practices
HR Systems: staffing systems, reward and compensation systems, employee and career development systems,
performance management systemss
Strategic options and HR decisions - Downsizing and restructuring, domestic and international labour market,
Suggested Readings:
.2. Mello, Jefirey A., Strategic Human Resource Management, Thomson Learning Inc.
Agarwala, Tanuja, Strategic Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
3. Dreher, George and Thomas Dougherty, Human Resource Strategy. Tata Mcüraw Hill
4. Greer, Charles, Strategic Human Resource Management, Pearson Education
5. Belcourt, Monica and Kenneth McBay, Strategic Human Resource Planning. Thomson Learning Inc.
Instructions for External Examiner: The question paper shal be divided in two sections. Section "A' shall
comprise of eight short answer type questions from whole of the syllabus carrying two marks each, which shall
be compulsory. Answer to each question should not exceed 50 words normally. Section 'B' shall comprise 8
from unit). The students will be required to attempt four
questions (2 questions each questions selecting one
question from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.
L-T-P External Marks: 80
3-1-0 Sessional Marks: 20
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Paper Code: 16IMH22C3
Financial management-scope finance functions and its organisation, objectives of financial management; time
value of money, sources of long term finance.
Investment decisions importance, difliculties, determining cash lows, methods of capital budgeting; risk
analysis (risk adjusted discount cost
rate method and certainty equivalent method), cost of different sources of
raising capital; weighted average ofcapital.
Capital structure decisions-financial and operating
M-M theories, determinants
leverage: capital structure theories- NI, NOI, traditional and
of dividend policy and dividend models -Walter, Gordon & M.M.
Working Capital- meaning. need, determinants; estimation of working capital need;
inventory and receivables.
management of cash,
Suggested Readings
.Pandy, I.M., Finaneial Management, Vikas Publishing Tata
House, New Delhi
2. Khan M.Y, and Jain P.K., FinancialManagement, McGraw Hil, New Delhi
3. Keown, Arthur J., Martin, John D., Petty, J. William and Scout, David F, Financial Management, Pearson
4. Chandra, Prasanna, Financial Management, TMH, New Delhi
5. Van Home, James C. Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall of India
67. Brigham &Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
Kishore, R., Financial Management, Taxman's Publishing House, New Delhi
Instructions for External Examiner: The question paper shall be divided in two sections. Section "A" shall
comprise ofeightshort answer type questions from whole of the syllabuscarying two marks each, which shall
be compulsory.
Answer to each questionTheshould not exceed
words normally. Section 'B shal comprise 8
required to attempt four questions selecting one
from from each unit).
each unit.
questions will carry equal marks.
L-T-P External Marks: 80
3-1-0 Sessional Marks: 20
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Concepts of information systems: Components of an information system, Information system resources,
Information system activities; Types of information systems; Challenges of information systems; Developing
information system.
Information systems planning and strategic advantage: Process of information system planning. Strategic
alignment business and information technology Strategic roles for information systems, Breaking business
barriers, Reeng1ineering business processes, Improving business quality.
Functional business information sysiems: Marketing information systems,Manufacturing information systems;
Human Resource information systems; Accounting information systems; Financial information systems.
Managing information systems: Information systems security and control; Ethical and social impact of
information systems.
Advanced concepts in information systems: Enterprise resource planning: Supply chain management;
Customer relationship management; Procurement management.
Suggested Readings:
1. Kumar, M., Business Information Systems, Vikas Publishing House, 2003.
2. OBrien, J.A., and Marakas, G.M., Management Information Systems, 7th ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 2007.
3Brien, J.A., Management Information Systems, 4h ed., Galgotia4thPublication, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Alter, S. Information Systems- The Foundation of E-Business, ed.. Pearson Education, 2006.
. Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J. P. Management Information Systems, 7th ed., Pearson Education, 2003
6. Marco, Td. Structured Analysis & System Specification, New Delhi. Yourdon Press, 1989.
7. Rajaraman. V.Analysis and Design ofInformationSystems. New Delhi, Prentice Hall
8. Van Over, David. Foundations of Business Sysiems. Fort Worth, Dryden Press, 1992.
of India, 1991.
Instructions for External Examiner: The question paper shall be divided in two sections. Section 'A" shall1
comprise of eight short answer type questions from whole of the syl labus carrying two marks each, which shall
be compulsory. Answer each question should
not exceed wordsnormally. shall
Section "B° 8
questions (2 questions from each unit). The students will be required to attempt four questions selecting one
question from each unit. All questions will carry cqual marks
L-T-P External Marks: 80
3-1-0 Sessional Marks: 20
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Paper Code: 16IMH22cs
Course Objective:
The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with various quantitative techniques which are of great
importance tor quantitative deciSion-making.
Operations Research: Evolution, methodology and role in managerial decision making: Linear programming
Meaning. assumptions, advantages, scope and limitations; Formulation of problem and its solution by graphical
and simplex methods: special cases in simplex method: infeasibility, degeneracy, unboundedness and muliple
optimal solutions; duality.
Transportation problems including transshipment problems; Special cases in transportation problems:
unbalanced problems, degeneracy, maximization objective and multiple optimal solutions; assignment problems
including taveling salesman's problem. Special cases in assignment problems: unbalanced problems
maximization objective and multiple optimal solutions.
PERTICPM: Difference between PERT and CPM, network construction, calculating EST, EFT, LST, LFT and
floats, probability considerations in PERT. time -cost trade-off. Decision
uncertainty and risk, Bayesian analysis, decision trees.
theory: decision making under
ame theory. pure and mixed strategy games: principle of dominance, two person zero sum game; Queuing
theory: concept, assumptions and applications: analysis of queue system, Poisson distributed arrivals and
exponentially distributed service time models (MMI and MMK); Simulation, meaning, process, advantages,
limitations and applications.
Suggested Readings:
1. Paneerselvam, Operations Research, Prentice Hall of India, N. Delhi.
2. Taha, Operations Research: An Introduction, Prentice Hall of India, N. Delhi.
ohra, N.D.; Quantitative Techniques in Management; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Lid., New
Kapoor, V.K., Operations Rescarch; Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
6. Sharma, J.K., Operations Research: Theory and Applications, Macmillan India Lid, New Delhi.
7. Kalavathy, Operations Research, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Instructions for External Examiner: The question paper shall be divided in two sections. Section "A" shall
comprise of eightshort answer type questions from whole of the syllabus carrying two marks each, which shall
be compulsory. Answer to each question should not exceed 50 words normally. Section B' shall comprise 8
(2 The will
from each unit)
each unit
be required to attempt four questions selecting
questions will
carry cqual
L-T-P External Marks: 80
3-1-0 Sessional Marks: 20
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Business research; its concept, nature, scope, need and managerial value of business research; components of
theory definitions, concepts, constructs, variables, hypothesis, process of research and stnucture of research
Research design concept and types- exploratory, descriptive, diagnostic and experimental; sampling design;
measurement scales ypes and
techniques, factors infuencing sample sze, measurement -
construction of scales and reliability and validity aspects in measurement
Methods of data collection questionnaire/schedule; questionnaire designing, interview and observational
methods; data analysis and interpretation, editing, coding. content analysis and tabulation; hypothesis testing
an overview of parametric and non-parametric tests (Analysis of Variance, X2 test, Wilcoxon Matched pairs
signed rank test, Mann-Whitneytest, Kruskal Wallis H-test)
An overview of dependent and interdependent methods (multiple regression, discriminant analysis, conjoint
analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis); ingredients and constructions of research report; procedure of
preparation of reference and bibliography
Suggested Readings:
L. Zikmund, Millian G., Business Research Methods, Thomson Learning. Bombay
2. Cooper, Donald R- and Pamels Schindler, Business Research Methods. Tata McGraw Hills, New Delhi
3. Geode, Millian J. & Paul K. Hatl, Methods in Research, McGraw Hills, New Delhi
4. Sekran, Uma, Business Research Method, Miley Education, Singapore
5. Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology
Students of all PG programmes under CBCS (w.e.f. 2018-19) ae required to study one
foundation elective course in 2nd semester for 2 years Programmes and in 4h Semester for 3
years Programmes. They may choose any one of the following courses (excluding the courses
(Foundation Elective Paper)
Basics ofE-Commerce
Paper Code: 16COMF2
Total Marks: 50
External Marks: 40
Internal Marks: 10
Time: 3 Hours Credits =02
Note: The examiner shall set nine questions in all covering the whole syllabus. Question No.l will be
compulsory covering all the units and shall carry 8 small questions of equal marks. The rest of the eight
questions will be set from all the four units. The examiner will set two questions from each unit out of
which the candidate shall attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. All questions shall
cary equal marks
Payment Technologies for E-Commerce: Online Bank. E-Payment Tools: E-Payment System
Intelligent Card, E-check, E-wallet, E-Cash
22. Academic Integrity & Plagiarism 16LISOI Library & Information
23. Mathematical Techniques and 16MATOI Mathematics
24. Parametric & Non-Parametric 16MATO2 Mathematics
25. Principles of Medical 16MBTOI Medical Biotechnology
Biotechnology I_
26. Microbes and EnVironment 18MCBO1 Microbiology
What is an Economy? Control problems f an Economy: What, how and for whom to produce, concept of
Consumer's equilibrium- meaning of utility, marginal utility, conditions of consumer's equilibrium.
Demand, market demand, determinants of demand, demand schedule, price elasticity of demand, factors
effecting price elasticity of demand.
Cost and Revenue: Total cost, Total fixed cost, Total variable cost.
Average cost: Average fixed cost, average variable cost
Revenue-Total revenue and marginal revenue,-meaning their relationship
(C) There would be two questions (16 marks each) from each of four units.
(D) Candidates would be required to attend five questions (one compulsory and selecting one
Reading List:
Paper code: 16IMH22D2
Entrepreneurship- Concept, knowledge and skills requirement, characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, role
of entrepreneurship in
economic development, entrepreneurship process, factors impacting
entrepreneurship, managerial vs. entrepreneurial approach and emergence of entrepreneurship
emergence of
Creating Entrepreneurial Venture Environmental scanning, competitor and industry analysis, feasibility study-
market feasibility, technical/operational feasibility, financial feasibility, drawing business plan, preparing project
report; presenting business plan to investors
Sources of Finance Debt or equity financing, commercial banks, venture capital: financial institutions
supporting entrepreneurs legal issues intellectual property rights patents, trademarks, copy rights, trade
secrets, licensing, franchising
Role of Central and State Governments in promoting entrepreneurship, various incentives. subsidies. fiscal and
fax concessions; agencies in entrepreneurship development-District Industries Centres (DICs), Small Industries
Service Institute (SISI), Entrepreneurship Development Institutes of India (EDII); Women Entrepreneurs role,
problems, prospects
Suggested Readings:
1. Hisrich, Robert D., Michael Peters and Dean Shephered, Entrepreneurship. Tata McGraw Hil, New Delhi
2. Barringer, Brace R., and R. Duane Ireland, Entrepreneurship. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersy (USA)
Ll, Madhurima, and Shikha Sahai, Entrepreneurship, Excel Books, New Delhi
Charantimath, Poomima, Entrepreneurship Developmentand Small Business Entreprises, Pearson
Education, New Delhi
5. Kuratko, Donand and Richard Hodgets, Entrepreneurship. Cengage Learming India Pvt. Lid., New Delhi
Instructions for External Examiner: The question paper shall be divided in two sections. Section"A* shall
comprise of cight short answer type questions from whole of the sylabuscarrying two marks each, which shall
be compulsory. Answer to cach question should not exceed 50 words normally. Section "B° shall comprise 8
questions (2 questions from each unit). The students will be required to attempt four questions selecting one
question from cach unit. All questions will carry equal marks.