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CH 10

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Chapter 10

Rotation of a Rigid Object About

a Fixed Axis

Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 10e

Raymond A. Serway
John W. Jewett, Jr.
Chapter 10
Rotation of a Rigid Object About a Fixed Axis
10.1 Angular Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
10.2 Analysis Model: Rigid Object Under Constant
Angular Acceleration
10.3 Angular and Translational Quantities
10.4 Torque
10.5 Analysis Model: Rigid Object Under a Net Torque
10.6 Calculation of Moments of Inertia
10.7 Rotational Kinetic Energy
10.8 Energy Considerations in Rotational Motion
10. 1 Angular Position

s = rq

Here, θ is in radians.
Note: 2π radians = 360° OR π radians = 180°
So, 1 radian = 360°/(2π) = 360°/(2 x 3.14) = 57.3°
10.1 Average and Instantaneous Angular
Change in angular position: Dq º q f - q i

Average Angular speed: wavg º
Instantaneous Angular speed:
v w

df Dq dq
w º lim
If is w BE =
W raysor I Dt ® 0 Dt dt

*Unit of angular speed: radians per second OR

simply (s-1 ) because radians are not dimensional.
Quick Quiz 10.1 Part I
A rigid object rotates in a counterclockwise sense
around a fixed axis. Each of the following pairs of
quantities represents an initial angular position and a
final angular position of the rigid object.
Which of the sets can only occur if the rigid object
rotates through more than 180°?
(a) 3 rad, 6 rad 180 D 3.14rad
(b) –1 rad, 1 rad
Di Of
(c) 1 rad, 5 rad
Quick Quiz 10.1 Part I
A rigid object rotates in a counterclockwise sense
around a fixed axis. Each of the following pairs of
quantities represents an initial angular position and a
final angular position of the rigid object.
Which of the sets can only occur if the rigid object
rotates through more than 180°?
(a) 3 rad, 6 rad 180° = π radians = 3.14 radians
(b) –1 rad, 1 rad
(a) Change = 3 rad
(c) 1 rad, 5 rad
(b) Change = 2 rad
(c) Change = 4 rad
Quick Quiz 10.1 Part II
A rigid object rotates in a counterclockwise sense
around a fixed axis. Each of the following pairs of
quantities represents an initial angular position and a
final angular position of the rigid object.
Suppose the change in angular position for each of
these pairs of values occurs in 1 s. Which choice
represents the lowest average angular speed?
(a) 3 rad, 6 rad DO 3
(b) –1 rad, 1 rad 00 2
(c) 1 rad, 5 rad 10 4
Quick Quiz 10.1 Part II
A rigid object rotates in a counterclockwise sense
around a fixed axis. Each of the following pairs of
quantities represents an initial angular position and a
final angular position of the rigid object.
Suppose the change in angular position for each of
these pairs of values occurs in 1 s. Which choice
represents the lowest average angular speed?
(a) 3 rad, 6 rad (a) Change = 3 rad
(b) –1 rad, 1 rad (b) Change = 2 rad
(c) Change = 4 rad
(c) 1 rad, 5 rad
Angular speed= Change/Time
10.1 Average and Instantaneous
Angular Acceleration
Dw w f - wi
Average Angular acceleration : a avg º =
Dt t f - ti
V w
Dw d w
Instantaneous Angular acceleration: a º lim =
Dt ® 0 Dt dt
Aint day 0

Lint dat dans

Analogy between linear and angular quantities:
q ®x w ®v a ®a
Directions of Angular Vectors

- Directions of w and a are along rotation axis.

- If particle rotates in xy plane: Direction is out of
screen for counterclockwise rotation.
- Use right-hand rule.
10.2 Analysis Model: Rigid Object Under
Constant Angular Acceleration
Equations of motion for constant
dw t
a= Þ d w = a dt Þ Dw = ò a dt
dt 0
Vg Vitat
w f = wi + a t ( for constant a ) -------- (1)
dq t
w= Þ dq = w dt Þ Dq = ò (wi + a t ) dt
dt at
Xp Xitvt
1 2
q f =qi +wt + a t ( for constant a ) -------- (2)
10.2 Analysis Model: Rigid Object Under
Constant Angular Acceleration
1 2
We have, w f = wi + a t and q f =q i +wi t + a t
w f - wi æ w f - wi ö 1 æ w f - wi ö
t= ® q f =qi +wi ç ÷+ aç ÷
a è a ø 2 è a ø
2a (q f - q i ) = 2wi (w f - wi ) + (w f - wi ) Þ

=> 2a (q f - q i ) = 2wiw f - 2wi + w f + wi - 2wiw f

2 2 2


=> w f 2 =wi 2 +2a (q f - qi ) ( for constant a ) -------- (3)

10.2 Analysis Model: Rigid Object Under
Constant Angular Acceleration
Also from, 1 2
w f = wi + a t and q f =qi +wi t + a t
We have,
w f - wi 1 æ w f - wi ö 2
a= Þ q f =qi +wi t + ç ÷t
t 2è t ø
wf t wi t
=> q f =qi +wi t + - Þ
2 2
Xp Vitt Vitug t
=> q f =qi + (wi + w f ) t ( for constant a ) -------- (4)
Kinematic Expressions

Og OitWt Xp Xi Vt
Example 10.1:
Rotating Wheel
A wheel rotates with a constant
angular acceleration of 3.50 rad/s2.
(A) If the angular speed of the
wheel is 2.00 rad/s at ti = 0, through
what angular displacement does the
wheel rotate in 2.00 s?
3 5rats
Wi 2 rays dg Ditwit αt

Example 10.1:
Rotating Wheel

1 2
Using, Dq = q f - q i = wi t + a t
We get,
Dq = ( 2.00 rad/s )( 2.00 s ) + ( 3.50 rad/s ) ( 2.00 s )
2 2

= 11.0 rad = (11.0 rad )(180°/p rad ) = 630°
Example 10.1:
Rotating Wheel
(B) Through how many revolutions has the wheel
turned during this time interval?

æ 1 rev ö
Dq = 630° ç ÷ = 1.75 rev
è 360° ø

Em Idea
Example 10.1:
Rotating Wheel
(C) What is the angular speed of the wheel at t = 2.00 s?

w f = wi + a t
= 2.00 rad/s+ ( 3.50 rad/s 2
) ( 2.00 s ) = 9.00 rad/s
10.3 Angular and Translational
Relation between translational and rotational quantities:

s = rq

ds dq
We have, v= =r
dt dt

=> v = rw
10.3 Angular and Translational
Relation between translational and rotational quantities:
dv d dw
at = = ( rw ) = r
acceleration dt dt dt
=> at = ra
Centripetal v aera
acceleration ac = = rw 2
! ! !
Total acceleration a = at + a r

=> a = at + ar = r a + rr wω = r a + w
2 2 2 2 42 24 2 4
Quick Quiz 10.3 Part I
Ethan and Rebecca are riding on a merry-go-round.
Ethan rides on a horse at the outer rim of the circular
platform, twice as far from the center of the circular
platform as Rebecca, who rides on an inner horse.
When the merry-go-round is rotating at a constant
angular speed, what is Ethan’s angular speed?
(a) twice Rebecca’s 08
Wars DE

(b) the same as Rebecca’s gens

j Eti Se Sr
(c) half of Rebecca’s
(d) impossible to determine
Quick Quiz 10.3 Part I
Ethan and Rebecca are riding on a merry-go-round.
Ethan rides on a horse at the outer rim of the circular
platform, twice as far from the center of the circular
platform as Rebecca, who rides on an inner horse.
When the merry-go-round is rotating at a constant
angular speed, what is Ethan’s angular speed?
(a) twice Rebecca’s
(b) the same as Rebecca’s ω= dθ/dt
(c) half of Rebecca’s Angular velocity is
(d) impossible to determine
Quick Quiz 10.3 Part II
Ethan and Rebecca are riding on a merry-go-round.
Ethan rides on a horse at the outer rim of the circular
platform, twice as far from the center of the circular
platform as Rebecca, who rides on an inner horse.
When the merry-go-round is rotating at a constant
angular speed, describe Ethan’s tangential speed.
(a) twice Rebecca’s off
(b) the same as Rebecca’s
(c) half of Rebecca’s
(d) impossible to determine
Quick Quiz 10.3 Part II
Ethan and Rebecca are riding on a merry-go-round.
Ethan rides on a horse at the outer rim of the circular
platform, twice as far from the center of the circular
platform as Rebecca, who rides on an inner horse.
When the merry-go-round is rotating at a constant
angular speed, describe Ethan’s tangential speed.
(a) twice Rebecca’s
(b) the same as Rebecca’s
(c) half of Rebecca’s v = ωr
(d) impossible to determine
10.4 Torque
• What cause changes in rotational motion?
• When force exerts on object pivoted about axis ® object rotates

Torque (t ): vector quantity

measuring changes in
rotational motion of object
about some axis
=> " = rF
where r is perpendicular to F.
The direction of torque is perpendicular to the
plane containing r and F.
10.4 Torque
In general:

! = r x F = rF sinɸ
= Fd
where d= r sinɸ is the
perpendicular distance
of F from the point O.
10.4 Torque
• When two or more forces act on a rigid object:
• Each tends to produce rotation about axis through O

Net or resultant torque:

åt = t 1 +t 2
= F1d1 - F2 d 2
• Convention:
• Sign of torque positive if turning
tendency of force counterclockwise.
• Negative if turning tendency clockwise.
Quick Quiz 10.4
You are trying to loosen a stubborn screw from a piece
of wood with a screwdriver and fail,. You should find a
screwdriver for which the handle is
(a) longer.
(b) fatter.
Quick Quiz 10.4
You are trying to loosen a stubborn screw from a piece
of wood with a screwdriver and fail. You should find a
screwdriver for which the handle is
(a) longer.
(b) fatter.

The fatter handle of the screwdriver gives you a larger

moment arm (radius) and increases the torque.
Example 10.3:
The Net Torque on a Cylinder
A one-piece cylinder is shaped as shown in the figure,
with a core section protruding from the larger drum.
The cylinder is free to rotate about the central z axis
shown in the drawing. A rope wrapped ! around the drum,
which has radius R1 , exerts a force T1 to the right on the
cylinder. A rope wrapped! around the core, which has
radius R2 , exerts a force T2
downward on the cylinder.
(A) What is the net torque
acting on the cylinder about
the rotation axis (which is the
z axis in the figure)?
Example 10.3:
The Net Torque on a Cylinder

åt = t 1 + t 2 = R2T2 - R1T1
Example 10.3:
The Net Torque on a Cylinder
(B) Suppose T1 = 5.0 N, R1 = 1.0 m, T2 = 15 N, and
R2 = 0.50 m. What is the net torque about the rotation
axis, and which way does the cylinder rotate starting
from rest?

åt = ( 0.50 m )(15 N ) - (1.0 m )( 5.0 N ) = 2.5 N × m

Because this net torque is positive, the cylinder

begins to rotate in the counterclockwise direction.
10.5 Analysis Model: Rigid Object
Under a Net Torque
ω= v/r and ⍺ = at /r

å Fr = mac
t t

å F = mat t

Now, åt = å F r = ( ma ) r
t t

=> åt = ( mra ) r = ( mr )a

=> åt = I a , where I=mr2 is the

moment of inertia
10.5 Analysis Model: Rigid Object
Under a Net Torque
Fi = mi ai
Now, t i = ri Fi = ri mi ai
=> i = m i i a
r 2

=> "i = I ⍺
Notice the analogy with
Newton’s law of motion:

F ->" ; m ->I ; a->⍺

10.5 Analysis Model: Rigid Object
Under a Net Torque
• When different particles in rigid object have different
translational accelerations ai
• And all have the same angular acceleration a :
æ 2 ö
åt ext = åt i = å mi ri a = ç å mi ri ÷ a
i i

è i ø

Net torque åt ext = Ia

where I = å mi ri 2

Moment of Inertia
• I = moment of inertia of object.
• Depends on masses of particles making up object and
their distances from rotation axis.
• SI units of I: kg · m2
I = å mi ri 2

Same as Newton’s second law:

! !
åt ext = Ia å Fext = MaCM
Moment of Inertia
Quick Quiz 10.5
You turn off your electric drill and find that the time
interval for the rotating bit to come to rest due to
frictional torque in the drill is Dt. You replace the bit
with a larger one that results in a doubling of the
moment of inertia of the drill’s entire rotating
mechanism. When this larger bit is rotated at the same
angular speed as the first and the drill is turned off, the
frictional torque remains the same as that for the
previous situation. What is the time interval for this
second bit to come to rest?
(a) 4Dt (b) 2Dt (c) Dt (d) 0.5Dt (e) 0.25Dt
(f) impossible to determine
Quick Quiz 10.5
You turn off your electric drill and find that the time
interval for the rotating bit to come to rest due to
frictional torque in the drill is Dt. You replace the bit
with a larger one that results in a doubling of the
moment of inertia of the drill’s entire rotating
mechanism. When this larger bit is rotated at the same
angular speed as the first and the drill is turned off, the
frictional torque remains the same as that for the
previous situation. What is the time interval for this
second bit to come to rest?
(a) 4Dt (b) 2Dt (c) Dt (d) 0.5Dt (e) 0.25Dt
(f) impossible to determine
Example 10.4:
Rotating Rod
A uniform rod of length L and mass M is attached at
one end to a frictionless pivot and is free to rotate
about the pivot in the vertical plane as in the figure.
The rod is released from rest in the horizontal position.
What are the initial angular acceleration of the rod and
the initial translational acceleration of its right end?
Example 10.4:
Rotating Rod

åt ext = Mg ç ÷

Now, ⍺a =
å t ext
Mg ( L /2 )
I 1
3 ML 2L

And, for the right end

at = La = g
Example 10.6:
Angular Acceleration of a Wheel
A wheel of radius R, mass M, and moment
of inertia I is mounted on a frictionless,
horizontal axle as in the figure. A light cord
wrapped around the wheel supports an
object of mass m. When the wheel is
released, the object accelerates downward,
the cord unwraps off the wheel, and the
wheel rotates with an angular acceleration.
Find expressions for the angular
acceleration of the wheel, the translational
acceleration of the object, and the tension in
the cord.
Example 10.6:
Angular Acceleration of a Wheel
å t ext TR
åt ext = Ia ® a = I = I
mg - T
å Fy = mg - T = ma ® a = m
TR 2 mg - T
But, a = Ra = =
I m
mg g
T= a=
1 + ( mR /I )
1 + ( I /mR 2 )
a g
and, a= =
R R + ( I /mR )
Example 10.6:
Angular Acceleration of a Wheel
What if the wheel were to become very massive so that
I becomes very large? What happens to the
acceleration a of the object and the tension T ?

a = lim =0
I ®¥
1 + ( I /mR 2
T = lim = mg
I ®¥
1 + ( mR 2 /I )
10.6 Calculation of Moments of Inertia
For a system of discrete particles:
I = å ri Dmi ( system of discrete particles )

For continuousrigid object: I = lim
Dmi ® 0
å i i ò dm
Dm = r 2

But, density r = Þ dm = r dV

Therefore, I = r r 2 dV for rigid object.
10.6 Calculation of Moments of Inertia

Volume mass r= (mass per unit volume)
density V
Surface mass s = = r t ( mass per unit area )
density A Where t is thickness (for a uniform sheet)
Linear mass l = = r A ( mass per unit length )
density L
Example 10.7:
Uniform Rigid Rod
Calculate the moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod of
length L and mass M about an axis perpendicular to the
rod (the y axis) and passing through its center of mass.
Mass of the element dx, dm = l dx = dx
2 M
Then, I y = ò r dm = ò
x dx
-L/2 L
M L/2 2
= ò
L -L/2
x dx
3 L/2
M éx ù 1
= ê ú = ML 2

L ë 3 û - L /2 12
Example 10.8:
Uniform Solid Cylinder
A uniform solid cylinder has a radius R, mass M, and
length L. Calculate its moment of inertia about its
central axis (the z axis in in the figure).
Mass of the element dr, dm = ! dV = ! (2πr dr x L)

Then, I z = ò r 2 dm = ò r 2 éë r L ( 2p r ) dr ùû
R 1
= 2pr L ò r dr = pr LR 4
0 2
But, r = =
V p R2 L
Therefore, I z = p æç 2 ö÷ LR 4 = MR 2
1 M 1
2 èpR L ø 2
Parallel-Axis Theorem
- What about moments of inertia of object about arbitrary axis?
- Like moment of inertia of cylinder around axis parallel to z axis,
offset by R?
- There is no symmetry around this axis!
- Can use parallel-axis theorem:
I = I CM + MD 2
Parallel-Axis Theorem

( x¢ ) + ( y¢)
2 2
r’r =

So, I = ò ( r ¢ ) dm = ò ( x ¢ ) + ( y ¢ ) ù dm
2 2 2
ë û
Parallel-Axis Theorem
Write (x’,y’) in a NEW coordinate system with origin at (x’cm, y’cm):
x¢ = x + xCM
¢ y ¢ = y + yCM
¢ z¢ = z = 0
òë ( ) ( ) ù dm
2 2
Then, I = x + x ¢ + y + y ¢
= ò ( x 2 + y 2 ) dm + 2 xCM
¢ ò x dm

+ 2 yCM ò y dm + ( xCM + yCM ) ò dm

¢ ¢ 2
¢ 2

Now, ò x dm = ò y dm = 0
ò ¢ + yCM
And, dm = M and D = xCM ¢
2 2 2

I = I CM + MD 2
Example 10.9:
Applying the Parallel-Axis Theorem
Consider once again the uniform rigid rod of mass M
and length L shown in the figure. Find the moment of
inertia of the rod about an axis perpendicular to the
rod through one end (the y axis in the figure).

I = I CM + MD 2

1 æLö
= ML + M ç ÷

12 è2ø
= ML2
10.7 Rotational Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy 1
of ith element: K i = 2 mi vi

Total kinetic energy of the rigid object:

1 1
K R = å K i =å mi vi = å mi ri 2w 2

i i 2 2 i
1æ 2 ö 2
=> K R = ç å mi ri ÷ w
2è i ø
1 2
=> K R = Iw Notice the similarity
2 with KE=(1/2) mv2
Quick Quiz 10.6
A section of hollow pipe and a solid cylinder have the
same radius, mass, and length. They both rotate about
their long central axes with the same angular speed.
Which object has the higher rotational kinetic energy?
(a) The hollow pipe does.
(b) The solid cylinder does.
(c) They have the same rotational kinetic energy.
(d) It is impossible to determine.
Quick Quiz 10.6
A section of hollow pipe and a solid cylinder have the
same radius, mass, and length. They both rotate about
their long central axes with the same angular speed.
Which object has the higher rotational kinetic energy?
(a) The hollow pipe does.
(b) The solid cylinder does.
(c) They have the same rotational kinetic energy.
(d) It is impossible to determine.
1 2 For hollow cylinder: I =MR2
K R = Iw For solid cylinder: I =(1/2)MR2
Example 10.10:
An Unusual Baton
Four tiny spheres are fastened to the ends of two rods of
negligible mass lying in the xy plane to form an unusual
baton (see figure). We shall assume the radii of the
spheres are small compared with the dimensions of the
(A) If the system rotates about the
y axis with an angular speed w,
find the moment of inertia and the
rotational kinetic energy of the
system about this axis.
Example 10.10:
An Unusual Baton

I y = å mi ri = Ma + Ma = 2Ma
2 2 2 2

K R = I yw 2

= ( 2 Ma ) w = Ma w
2 2 2 2

Example 10.10:
An Unusual Baton
(B) Suppose the system rotates in the xy plane about an
axis (the z axis) through the center of the baton.
Calculate the moment of inertia and rotational kinetic
energy about this axis.
Example 10.10:
An Unusual Baton

I z = å mi ri = Ma + Ma + mb + mb
2 2 2 2 2

= 2 Ma 2 + 2mb 2

K R = I zw 2

= ( 2 Ma 2 + 2mb 2 ) w 2
= ( Ma + mb ) w
2 2 2
10.8 Energy Considerations in
Rotational Motion
! !
dW = F × d s = ( F sin f ) rdq

Then, dW = t dq Analogous to dW= Fx dx

dW dq
Differentiating, =t
dt dt
=> P= = tw
Analogous to P = Fv in case of translational motion.
10.8 Energy Considerations in
Rotational Motion
Work–kinetic energy theorem for rotational motion:

Start with: åt ext = Ia

dw d w dq dw
We have: åt ext = Ia = I
dq dt

So, work done: åt ext dq = dW = I w d w

wf 1 1 2
òw I w d w = I w f - Iwi
=> W=
i 2 2
Work done = Change in kinetic energy.
Rotational and Translational Motion
Example 10.11:
Rotating Rod Revisited
A uniform rod of length L and mass M is free to rotate
on a frictionless pin passing through one end. The rod
is released from rest in the horizontal position.
(A) What is its angular speed when the rod reaches its
lowest position?
Example 10.11:
Rotating Rod Revisited
A uniform rod of length L and mass M is free to rotate
on a frictionless pin passing through one end. The rod
is released from rest in the horizontal position.
(A) What is its angular speed when the rod reaches its
lowest position?
DK + DU = 0
æ1 2 ö æ 1 ö
=> ç I w - 0 ÷ + ç 0 - mgL ÷ = 0
è2 ø è 2 ø
MgL MgL 3g
=> w = = 2
I 3 ML
Example 10.11:
Rotating Rod Revisited
(B) Determine the tangential speed of the center of
mass and the tangential speed of the lowest point on
the rod when it is in the vertical position.
Example 10.11:
Rotating Rod Revisited
(B) Determine the tangential speed of the center of
mass and the tangential speed of the lowest point on
the rod when it is in the vertical position.

L 1
vCM = rw = w = 3gL
2 2
And, v = 2vCM = 3gL
Example 10.11:
Rotating Rod Revisited

What if we want to find the angular speed of the rod

when the angle it makes with the horizontal is 45.0°?
Because this angle is half of 90.0°, for which we
solved the problem in the previous slide, is the
angular speed at this configuration half the previous
answer, that is, 3%/'?
Example 10.11:
Rotating Rod Revisited
L 2L
We have, cos 45° = h =
2 4
Using, DK + DU = 0
1 2
0 = I w - Mgh
1æ1 2ö 2
æ 2L ö
= ç ML ÷ w - Mg çç ÷÷
2è3 ø è 4 ø

1 3g 3g
=> w = 1/ 4 » 0.841
2 L L
Example 10.12:
Energy and the Atwood Machine
Two blocks having different masses m1 and m2 are
connected by a string passing over a pulley. The pulley
has a radius R and moment of inertia I
about its axis of rotation. The string does
not slip on the pulley, and the system is
released from rest. Find the translational
speeds of the blocks after block 2
descends through a distance h and find
the angular speed of the pulley at this
Example 10.12:
Energy and the Atwood Machine
DK + DU = 0
éæ 1 1 1 2 ö ù
êç 2 m1v f + 2 m2 v f + 2 I w f ÷ - 0 ú + éë( m1 gh - m2 gh ) - 0 ùû = 0
2 2

ëè ø û
1 1 1 fv
m1v f + m2 v f + I 2 = m2 gh - m1 gh
2 2

2 2 2 R
1æ I ö 2
ç m1 + m2 + 2 ÷ v f = ( m2 - m1 ) gh
2è R ø

é 2 ( m2 - m1 ) gh ù
1/ 2

vf = ê 2 ú
ë 1 + m2 + I /R û

1 é 2 ( m2 - m1 ) gh ù
1/ 2
wf = = ê ú
R R ë m1 + m2 + I /R 2 û

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