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Chapter 4.

When must you wait at a level crossing?right

When a flashing red light comes on
When a railway employee is waving a white-red-white flag
When the barriers are being lowered

What must you do when a traffic jam forms on this road?right

Remaining within my lane, I

- drive as far to the left as possible
- continuing driving in the centre
- drive as far to the right as possible

When driving on main roads, which vehicles must use the hard
shoulders where possible?right
Small-engine motorcycles
Slow-moving agricultural tractors and machinery

You are on a roundabout. What should you remember?false

You can only drive over a central island if this is unavoidable because
of your vehicle's size
You are not allowed to stop on the roadway in a roundabout
You must indicate to leave the roundabout
When are you allowed to remain on the left-hand lane in this

If my vehicle
- is 2 m wide according to the registration certificate part I (Motor
Vehicle Registration)
- including the load actually has a maximum width of 2 m

What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a car on

roads with one marked lane for each direction outside built-up

Answer: km/h

What must you reckon with here?false

The vehicle in front changing lanes
Denser traffic beyond the underpass
The right-hand lane coming to an end

You are approaching this combination of traffic signs. What

must you remember?false

Vehicles in the roundabout have priority

You must indicate when entering the roundabout
You must indicate to leave the roundabout

What must you reckon with on this autobahn car park?right

Danger of skidding when you brake

People suddenly stepping onto the roadway

Oncoming traffic

What must you be aware of on this priority road?right

You may not cross the lane marking

Parking is permitted if there is a clear space of at least 3 m between a
parked car and the lane marking
Parking is prohibited

Are you allowed to overtake the black car on this autobahn on

the right?right

Yes, if you do not drive faster than 80 km/h
No, because there is no queue of vehicles in the left lane
Yes, because there is enough space to overtake

What are you allowed to use the right-hand hard shoulder for?

Driving with slow vehicles

Stopping and parking
At the entrance to an industrial estate, there is a St. Andrew's
Cross with the supplementary sign "Industrial estate, rail
vehicles have precedence". What must you remember?false
Rail vehicles have precedence at all level crossings
Motor vehicles have precedence at level crossings without St.
Andrew's Cross
Approach level crossings at moderate speed only

You are driving on a road outside a built-up area with three

lanes marked in each direction. Individual slower vehicles are
travelling well spaced out in the right-hand lane. Which lane
may you use continuously?right
The left-hand lane
The middle lane

What top speed must be entered in the vehicle documents to

allow the vehicle's use on autobahns?false

Answer: More than km/h


What is the maximum speed a truck with a permissible total

mass of 3.0 t and trailer may be driven on autobahns?false

Answer: km/h

After a longer journey travelling at about 120 km/h, you want to

exit the motorway. What must you be aware of when doing so?
I maintain my speed while on the exit lane, so as not to impede the
traffic behind me
I check the speedometer to make sure I do not underestimate my
I signal in good time and then brake while on the exit lane, so as not to
impede the traffic behind me

You are approaching the vehicles in this picture. What do you


Watch if the truck and trailer remain on the hard shoulder
When the truck and trailer are indicating left, flash your headlights and
proceed at a brisk pace
Allow the truck and trailer to enter the roadway when it indicates left

You want to turn left. What driving line should you maintain?

The left-hand one

The right-hand one
The central one

What does this traffic sign indicate?right

I have priority over oncoming traffic

I am on a one-way road
I may only drive straight ahead

What should you do now?false

I continue driving in the clear lane

I switch on my hazard lights
I slow my vehicle down

What do hazard warning lights draw your attention to?right

To school buses with children boarding or alighting
To vehicles which have broken down
To a traffic congestion

How must you act when driving a vehicle during permitted

delivery times?right

I may only drive at walking speed

If there are no pedestrians in my vicinity, I may drive faster than
walking speed
I must keep a close look out for pedestrians

Why should you have the traffic information switched on, when
driving on the motorway?false
Because the traffic information
- is a prescribed requirement for travelling on the motorway
- gives warnings about motorists heading in the wrong direction
- provides reports about traffic jams

What should you be prepared for now?right

The motorbike exits the motorway

The red lorry in front of me brakes due to a traffic jam
The white delivery van exits the motorway

What must you do?right

Maintain speed and stay in lane

Move to the left-hand lane
Slow down and stay in lane

What must you do in this situation?right

I have to
- drive on past to the right of the flagman
- stop in front of the level crossing
- drive on past to the left of the flagman

You are approaching a rail crossing. The barrier begins to

lower. What should you do?right
I switch on my hazard lights
I wait in front of the level crossing
I continue driving if there is no train in sight

There is a light signal with the red light on and no St. Andrew's
Cross before a level crossing before a road joining from the
right. Where do you have to wait?false

If there is no stop line, before the light signal

At the stop line
After I have observed the traffic, I can drive up to the level crossing

You want to overtake on a narrow avenue not within a built-up
area. What must you be aware of in particular?false
Vehicles with high superstructures frequently move to avoid branches
Even cyclists frequently cannot be overtaken when there is oncoming
traffic due to the narrow width of the roadway
Misjudgements of distances and oncoming traffic frequently result in
serious accidents

What must you be prepared for now?false

That the
- white truck accelerates
- overtaking manoeuvre of the green truck takes longer to complete
- blue car begins overtaking

In which directions may you proceed?right

To the right
To the left
Straight ahead

Why do you have to pay particular attention here?right

Because oncoming traffic could cut the corner

Because it is not clear which direction the road will take
Because the road surface is uneven

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action now?


I maintain my speed and continue the overtaking manoeuvre
I cease the overtaking manoeuvre and remain behind the truck
I accelerate and quickly continue the overtaking manoeuvre

What driving line should you maintain up to the left turn?right

The right
The left

The barrier of a level crossing inside a built-up area is closed.
Where must you wait?false
Before the first beacon
In front of the St. Andrew's Cross
Before the last beacon

Which motor vehicles may freely choose their lane inside built-
up areas?false

Answer: All motor vehicles with a permissible total mass of up to


What do you have to observe in a traffic situation like this one?


I may
- cross the centre line in order to overtake
- cross the centre line in order to pass by the obstruction
- not cross the centre line if this would endanger other traffic

What do you have to be aware of when you see this traffic sign

A rail crossing at a distance of 120 m

No overtaking of vehicles permitted
A rail crossing at a distance of 240 m

You are driving at least 20 km/h faster than the green truck.
What should you do?false

I brake and move onto the motorway behind the green truck
I move onto the motorway ahead of the green truck
I stop at the end of the merging lane, and move onto the motorway
behind the blue truck

What is a frequent cause of serious accidents?right

Driving too close to the vehicle in front
Failure to adjust speed accordingly
Failure to pay attention to other road traffic

Driving on a very busy road with several lanes, you have

manoeuvred yourself into the lane for taking a left turn. Now
instead of turning left, you want to turn right. What should you
Driving a wide curve, I turn right
I turn left
I reverse with my hazard lights turned on

Your vehicle has broken down on the autobahn. What must you
remember when having it towed away?false
During towing, both vehicles must have their hazard warning lights
switched on
You must leave the autobahn at the next exit
You may continue along the autobahn to the exit nearest a suitable

You are driving at the recommended speed on the motorway
and want to leave it at the next exit. What should you do?false
I significantly reduce my speed while still on the right-hand lane of the
I cease overtaking manoeuvres in good time
I significantly reduce my speed on the exit lane

What must you be aware of here?false

Slower moving vehicles must use the hard shoulder if possible

It is not permitted to stop to the left of the boundary line of the
Driving across the boundary line of the carriageway is prohibited at all

In what situations is the alternate merging procedure to be

If lanes are not continuously free to traffic due to an obstacle
Where merging lanes join
When lanes come to an end

What should you anticipate with this bend?right

That the bend will become tighter as it progresses
With oncoming traffic on my lane
With an obstacle situated around the corner

You are driving on the motorway and have missed the exit.
What is the right course of action?false
I stop on the hard shoulder to plan my subsequent route
I continue driving and leave the motorway at one of the next exits
I reverse back on the hard shoulder, because the exit is less than 100
m behind me

You have to wait because of a closed rail-crossing barrier. How

can you now help protect the environment and save fuel?right
By letting the engine idle
By switching off the automatic start-stop
By switching off the engine

What do you do at a level crossing when the barriers are

Wait before the St. Andrew's Cross without obstructing junctions
If possible, switch on the side lights when it is dark
Use the road area and wait directly in front of the barrier

What is the right course of action in this situation?right

I accelerate
I slow down
I continue driving as before

A railway employee is waving a red lamp at a level crossing.

What does this mean?right
You must wait in front of the level crossing
You may cross the rails carefully
The red lamp is of no significance for you

What is especially important when choosing the speed for

driving along tree-lined avenues with narrow roadways?false
Rapidly changing light conditions make it easier to estimate lateral
To estimate the lateral distance to the trees and oncoming traffic
It may be necessary to stop within half the visible distance when a
wide vehicle is coming from the opposite direction

What does this traffic sign indicate?right

A level crossing approximately 240 m ahead
A level crossing approximately 80 m ahead
A level crossing approximately 160 m ahead

You want to overtake the white SUV. What is the right course
of action?false

- overtake at a substantially higher speed
- overtake while maintaining the speed driven
- do not overtake, because a motorbike is in moving in the blind spot

What should you do?false

I move into the left-hand lane and overtake the red car in front of me
I stay in the middle lane and slow down
I move to the right-hand lane and slow down

What are the special conditions when driving along tree-lined

The trees provide protection from the sides
The narrow and often cambered roadway requires special caution when
there is oncoming traffic
There are particularly narrow and blind bends

Your car suffers a flat tyre on the motorway. What should you
I have to
- turn on my hazard lights and park as far to the right as possible
- place the warning triangle at a distance of about 100 m
- continue driving to the next exit

What does this traffic sign mean?false

You must always wait when a rail vehicle is approaching

Indication of existing overhead electrical wires
Rail traffic always has priority

What does this traffic sign mean?false

You must always wait when a rail vehicle is approaching

Indication of existing overhead electrical wires
Rail traffic always has priority

Where is stopping prohibited?right

Near or on sharp bends
At bus stops
Outside parking areas on autobahns and clearways for motor vehicles

What does this traffic sign indicate?right

The start of an autobahn

The end of an autobahn
The start of a clearway for motor vehicles only

What should you do now?right

I continue driving as far to the right as possible
I brake
I move into the left-hand lane

What must you anticipate in this situation?right

That the
- grey car will move into the middle lane
- yellow truck will pull out in front of me to overtake
- grey car will remain in the right-hand lane

You are approaching a level crossing with barriers. Where must

you wait if you would have to stop on the rails in case of traffic
Level with the barrier
In front of the St. Andrew's Cross

Just before the rails

What is the right thing to do in this situation?right

I continue the overtaking manoeuvre at an unchanged speed

I cease the overtaking manoeuvre and move into the right-hand lane
I accelerate and continue the overtaking manoeuvre

You have manoeuvred into the left lane by mistake, but would
like to take a right turn. What is the right course of action?false

I continue driving straight ahead or turn left

I move carefully into the right-hand lane
I drive straight ahead and turn right at the intersection

In which directions are you allowed to continue?right

Straight ahead
To the left
To the right

When are you allowed to cross a level crossing with flashing

lights but no barriers after a train has passed?false
Immediately after the train has passed, even if the flashing red light is
still on
As soon as the oncoming traffic sets off, even if the flashing red light is
still on
When the flashing red light goes out

What do you have to be aware of in this situation?false

The left-hand lane is going to narrow for a distance of 200 m
Including its exterior mirrors, my vehicle is wider than the width
specified in the vehicle documents
In 200 m the width of the left-hand lane is going to narrow

What is the right course of action here?false

I may
- not overtake the moped before the rail crossing
- overtake the moped before the rail crossing once the cyclist is away
- overtake the moped allowing sufficient space to the side

You are approaching a level crossing where the barriers are

open. What do you do?right
Proceed at the same speed as road traffic always has precedence in
such cases
Approach at moderate speed, look along the railway line
Wait in front of the level crossing if you would have to wait on it
because of traffic congestion

One of your tyres bursts while you are travelling at high speed
on an autobahn. What do you do?right
Immediately apply the brakes fully and move over onto the hard
Stop, if possible, on the hard shoulder, switch on hazard warning lights
and place the warning triangle
Throttle down, if necessary, steer against and brake cautiously

You are driving along a forest track and approach a level

crossing without St. Andrew's Cross. What do you do?right
Proceed without taking any special precautions since rail vehicles are
required to wait here
Listen out in case a rail vehicle signals its approach by whistling or
ringing a bell
Proceed at moderate speed and check to see if a rail vehicle is

You are approaching these vehicles. What should you do in this


I remain on the middle lane but without overtaking the white car
I move into the left-hand lane and flash my headlights until the person
in front vacates the lane
I remain on the middle lane and cautiously overtake the white car
When must you wait at this traffic sign?false

When the level crossing cannot be crossed without having to stop on it

When a railway employee is waving a white-red-white flag
When a rail vehicle is approaching

What should you do here?right

I should
- continue driving in my lane
- drive to the left past the damaged road surface
- greatly reduce my speed

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?false

You may only proceed to the right

You may not turn right
You must indicate right

You are driving in the left of two lanes and approaching a

vehicle that has just started to overtake. What do you do?right
Allow the vehicle in front to overtake
Keep an adequate distance behind the vehicle in front
Close up to the vehicle in front, sound your horn and flash your lights

What does this traffic sign indicate?false

An obligatory diversion for vehicles with dangerous goods

The place where the autobahn must be exited
An autobahn section which is normally not used very much

What does this traffic sign indicate?false

The end of the clearway for motor vehicles only
The end of the autobahn
Motor vehicles prohibited

You want to overtake. What is the right thing to do?false

I may
- not overtake
- overtake
- only overtake, if I remain in the right-hand lane while doing so

What must you be aware of when joining the motorway?false

The through-driving traffic has priority
On the merging lane, I may drive faster than the through-driving traffic
The through-driving traffic on the right-hand lane must allow incoming
traffic to merge

Why do you have to wait before the left turn?false

Because of the
- motorbike
- bicycle
- car

What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a truck

with a permissible total mass of 3.0 t on roads with one marked
lane for each direction outside built-up areas?right

Answer: km/h

What must you do when you see this combination of traffic


You must enter to the left

When entering the roundabout, you must give way
You must indicate right to leave the roundabout

What should you do?false

I continue driving
I get in line on the hard shoulder
I stop on my lane and wait for a gap

What must you do if you find yourself in a traffic jam on

motorways and on highways with two lanes travelling in the
same direction?false
I have to
- drive as far to the left as possible in the left-hand lane
- drive as far to the left as possible in the right-hand lane
- drive as far to the right as possible in the right-hand lane

What does this traffic sign indicate?false

A mandatory cycle path

Cyclists crossing the carriageway
A "cyclists prohibited" zone
What should you do here?right

I should
- greatly reduce my speed
- drive to the left past the damaged road surface
- continue driving in my lane

What should you do here?right

I should
- greatly reduce my speed
- drive to the left past the damaged road surface
- continue driving in my lane

Who is required to stop at a level crossing with a red flashing

light in the form of an arrow point to the right?false
Traffic turning right
Traffic moving straight ahead
Traffic turning left

What applies on clearways for motor vehicles only?false

In darkness, you may drive faster than the range of visibility allowed by
dipped headlights
Join the clearway only at crossroads and junctions
No U-turns

On a road with several lanes in one direction, one of the lanes

ends ahead. You are driving on the lane which is coming to an
end. What should you do?false
Always be the first to move over into the through lane
Only move over just before the road starts to narrow by following the
zipper feed-in method
Move into the through lane immediately after you see the first sign
indicating that the road will narrow

Where are U-turns prohibited?right

On autobahns
On farm or forest tracks
On clearways for motor vehicles only

You are driving on an avenue, with a narrow carriageway. What

must you be aware of?right
Conflicts can arise with the oncoming traffic
I may only drive at a speed that allows me to stop within half of my
range of vision
I have to anticipate unevenness at the edge of the carriageway caused
by tree roots

When must you indicate?right

When you leave the roundabout
When you enter the roundabout

Who is allowed to drive a motor vehicle on this road?false

Persons delivering goods

What does this traffic sign combination indicate?false

A rail crossing
- which I may cross at a maximum speed of 10 km/h
- which I may approach at a maximum speed of 10 km/h

- over which rail traffic may pass at a maximum speed of 10 km/h

What vehicles are subject to the recommended speed on

- Trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 3.5 t
- motorbikes
- cars

What must you be aware of when using navigation systems and

road maps?false
Even up-to-date contents may differ from reality
All navigation systems can update themselves automatically
The contents may become outdated just a short time after purchase

What do you have to be aware of in this traffic situation?false

I may
- cross the lane marking in order to overtake
- cross the lane marking if oncoming traffic permits this
- not cross the lane marking

What are the special conditions when driving along tree-lined

avenues in the cold season?right
Wet leaves as well as white frost, black ice and snowy surfaces are
particularly dangerous above all on cambered roadways
White frost and black ice occur more frequently and more unexpectedly
on cobbled roadways than on other roadways
Tree-lined avenues are particularly safe in winter because the treetops
protect the road from snow
What do you have to be aware of in this situation?false

The speed should be adjusted due to the visibility

Judging distances is made more difficult because of the constant
changing of light and shadows
The constant changing of light and shadows makes it more difficult to
detect other road users in good time

What must you reckon with here?false

The vehicle travelling in front of you can be blown to the right

When overtaking, your vehicle is pulling to the right when you enter the
slipstream of the truck
Your vehicle could be blown to the left by the strong side wind

What does this traffic sign indicate?false

A bridle-path, which may not be used by other road users
A path, which may not be used by riders
A bridle-path, which riders are required to use

What does this traffic sign indicate?right

The start of a traffic-calming zone

A footpath
A prohibition on cycles and mopeds

You want to overtake the blue car. What is the right course of

- do not overtake, because a motorbike is in moving in the blind spot
- overtake at a substantially higher speed
- overtake while maintaining the speed driven
On what roads does the recommended speed of 130 km/h
On vehicle roadways not inside a built-up area, with at least two
marked lanes for each direction
On vehicle roadways not inside a built-up area, with separate
carriageways for each direction

A lane terminates on a road with several lanes heading in the

same direction. What should you do when driving on the
I have to
- drive past the vehicles on the terminating lane
- allow traffic on the terminating lane to merge in accordance with the
alternate merging procedure
- make eye-contact and then decide according to the situation

You are driving in a merging lane. What should you do?false

Accelerate appropriately, do not pull up if possible, merge while
observing the right of way
Drive past to the right of slower-moving vehicles driving on the through-
lane and merge in before them
Always drive to the end of the merging lane, pull up there and then
enter lane
What must you do here?false

Check your speed again and, if necessary, brake
Brake only on the bend so as not to obstruct traffic following behind

A traffic jam is building up here. What is the correct procedure?


Drive as far as possible to the right in order to leave room for a channel
on the left
If possible, switch on hazard warning lights to warn vehicles following

Drive as far as possible to the left in order to leave room for a channel
on the right

You are driving on the autobahn in light traffic. How long are
you allowed to stay in the left-hand lane?false
As long as is necessary to overtake other vehicles
As long as you are driving behind a vehicle which is overtaking in the
left-hand lane
All the time, provided no other vehicle wants to overtake you

What applies on autobahns?false

In darkness, under no circumstances drive faster than the range of
visibility allowed by dipped headlights
No reversing
No stopping on the roadway and hard shoulder

What does this traffic sign indicate?false

Federal road (Bundesstrasse) 22

A diversion for autobahn traffic when required
An underground station

What is the right course of action now?false

I carefully cross the tracks
I wait at the tracks
I wait in front of the level crossing

What could cause a fast travelling motor vehicle suddenly to

veer sideways on a dry straight road?false
It is suddenly hit by a gust of strong side wind
A burst tyre
Sudden headwind

What is the recommended speed that applies to cars and

motorcycles on autobahns?right

Answer: km/h

You are approaching a level crossing with half barriers and

flashing lights. The red light is flashing but the barrier is still
open. What do you do?right
If no rail vehicle is in sight, cross the level crossing
Proceed as long as the half barrier is open
Wait in front of the St. Andrew's Cross

What must you remember when you see this traffic sign?false

Residents may drive motor vehicles in this pedestrian precinct

You may not drive a motor vehicle in this pedestrian precinct
You may drive a motor vehicle at walking speed in this pedestrian

You want to continue driving straight ahead. What should you


I move into the right-hand lane now
I change lanes just before the narrowing of the road

What must you be aware of here?right

I have to
- give the car right of way
- continue to break
- indicate when entering the roundabout

What must a motor vehicle's maximum speed, determined by
its construction, be at least if you want to use this road?false

81 km/h
51 km/h
61 km/h

What do these traffic signs indicate?right

A diversion avoiding the level crossing

The direction from which a train could come
A level crossing on the road turning right

What does this traffic sign combination indicate?right

A rail underpass
A rail crossing
A train station

Why do you have to pay particular attention here?false

Because the road surface is uneven
Because oncoming traffic could cut the corner
Because it is not clear which direction the road will take

A traffic jam has formed on a three-lane autobahn. Where must

the channel for emergency vehicles be formed?right
Between the middle and right-hand lanes
Between the left-hand and the middle lanes
On the hard shoulder


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