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Head restraints, when properly adjusted, provide the most protection when the vehicle is stuck from the:

Inertia is the primary reason that safety belts are important to a driver in a crash. True.
The correct technique when backing up is to steer the car in the opposite direction that you want the back of the car
to move. False.
Your vehicle outside mirrors should be adjusted in a way that the blind spots are reduced. True.
A driver’s field of vision should include: The entire area of the highway and surroundings you can see.
Which of the following is true regarding mirrors? Drivers should glance at their mirrors often while driving.
Air bags are designed to: Be used with safety belts.
A good habit to check your fuel gauge before every trip and refuel when you get down to ___ of a tank. ¼.
In Michigan, a driver’s license is issued by the state and owned by: The state.
Which mirror gives you the best picture of what is happening behind you? Rearview mirror.
Which of the following is the most important part of your vehicle? The tires.
As vehicle technology advances, it is important for drivers to understand their vehicles systems, including: How to
operate and the limitations of technology.
Will the Tire Pressure Monitory Systems always alert you when your tires aren’t at the correct pressure? No, they
typically don’t alert the driver until significant pressure has been lost.
While on a level 1 license, what age must your licensed driving coach be? 21 or older.
Tread worn down to the wear bars means your tires: Need to be replaced.
When the temperature light comes on as you are driving, it usually means that the: Temperature of the engine is
above a safe level
To make small adjustments while parking, use: Idle acceleration
Before exiting your vehicle: Check mirrors and over your shoulder for traffic.
You do not have to stop for an emergency vehicle that is: Travelling on the other side of a divided roadway where
the road is separated by a barrier.
How often should you check the air pressure in your vehicle’s tires? Monthly.
While preforming your pre-driving check, you can accurately determine your tire pressure by: Using a tire pressure
When properly adjusted, head restraints provide the most protection when a vehicle: Is struck from the rear.
What is the dead pedal? A footrest on the floor where you place your left foot while driving.
When should you use your low-beam headlights? At all times.
If the read parking brake light is on, what does this indicate? Your parking brake is activated.
Proper braking requires that the heel of the foot is on the floor in front of the brake and the __ of the foot is on the
pedal. Ball
If you are backing up and want the rear of the vehicle to go left, be aware that the front of the vehicle: Swings in the
opposite direction.
You are parked curbside and are planning to exit the vehicle. Use __ to open the door to avoid dooring a bicyclist.
Your right hand
On a school bus, overhead yellow lights indicate: The red lights will soon flash, and you should prepare to stop.
In Michigan, carrying proof of automobile insurance is required by law to prove that the driver can be ___ damages
caused by a crash. Financially responsible for.
If a large animal appears in your path of travel, concentrate on ____ and maintaining directional control of you
vehicle. Braking.
What documents are you required to show during a traffic stop? License, registration, and insurance.
Regarding the current technology in vehicles, who is responsible for driving? The driver.
If the left turn crash avoidance system detects a potential collision, it may prevent the crash by: Applying the brakes
or giving an audible warning.
You want to back out of an angled parking space on a street with two-way traffic. You should always back out
slowly and look over your ___ shoulder as you back up. Right.
To steer straight forward, look far forward toward the center of your intended path. True
When following a vehicle that blocks your view of the road ahead, it is best to: Follow at a greater distance than
If you must leave the roadway at a high speed and no open space is available, you should: Steer for something soft.
The best way to keep from getting involved in emergency driving situations is to: Continually search for hazards.
A large truck is driving in the middle lane of three lanes of traffic going in the same direction. You want to pass. Is it
best to pass quickly on the right or left? Left.
You can pass a vehicle on the right if the vehicle ahead is making a left turn and you do not have to leave the paved
lane to pass? True
When two vehicles at an uncontrolled intersection from different streets arrive at the same time, the driver on the
___ shall yield to the driver on the ___. Left, Right
Yielding the right of way means: Letting the other person go first.
You should enter a roundabout when there is an adequate gap in: Traffic
If you reach an intersection with stop signs on all four corners at the same time as the person on your left, you have
the right of way. True
The best place to adjust your speed to steer through a curve is ______ the curve. Before.
When you identify a potential hazard, you must: Decide what to do.
When you are looking far and near and side to side you are: Searching.
When making a right turn in an urban setting you should signal your intention to turn at least __ ahead of the turn.
100 feet or ½ a block.
A flashing yellow turn arrow tells you oncoming through traffic has a: green light.
Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a business district is: 25 mph
A broken yellow line means that passing is allowed when it’s: clear
You approach an intersection where you plan to turn right. The signal light is red. Before turning you must: Wait for
traffic to clear.
The best advice for drivers when heavy fog occurs is: Try not to drive until the fog has lifted.
If the oncoming driver at night fails to use low-beam headlights, you can attempt to reduce glare by: Frequently
looking to the right edge of the road.
Motorcycle operators: Have the right to use a full traffic lane.
If you see a pedestrian with a white cane or a guide dog waiting to cross at a corner, you should pull up to the
crosswalk and stop so the person can hear your: Engine.
A large truck is driving in the middle lane of three lanes of traffic going in the same direction. If you want to pass, it
is best to pass on the: Left
When driving in the far right lane of an expressway, you should expect merging vehicles at entrance ramps. True.
Ample space to the front, rear, and sides of your vehicle can help to improve: Visibility.
Why should you check your rearview mirror after a turn? To ensure you choose an appropriate gap in traffic.
In inclement weather, is it safe to use cruise control? No, it is not.
The “Dutch Reach” provides a systematic way for a driver to ensure the safety of __ before they exit the vehicle. A
Which type of vision gives you a sense of what speed you are travelling? Peripheral vision.
While driving on open roadways, you should: Search areas further ahead than in the city.
Which of the following is an unsafe location to pull over for a traffic stop? On the left shoulder of the freeway.
To search the entire traffic scene, a driver needs to pay attention to the areas to: The front, rear, and sides of the
What is the importance of making a blind spot check to the left or right before changing lanes? It covers areas not
visible in the inside rearview mirror.
Unless otherwise marked, a Michigan Left has how many turn lanes? One.
Where should you stop your vehicle at an intersection controlled only by a stop sign? Before your vehicle enters the
What is the danger of braking and turning at the same time? You overload a single tire in the front.
To steer a vehicle smoothly and precisely, look: Toward your intended path of travel.
When making a right turn at an intersection onto a two-way street, you should: Turn from the lane closest to the
right curb unless the turn is allowed from other lanes.
A parked car is on your right. What lane position should you move to? Left of center.
What is the visual cue that it is safe to re-enter your lane when passing? As you pass the vehicle, you can see their
entire front end in your rearview mirror.
How much space should you give bicyclists when you pass them? At least 3 feet.
When traffic is slow and heavy and you must cross railroad tracks before reaching the intersection, you should: Wait
until you can completely cross the tracks before proceeding.
The overwhelming majority of crashes are the result of: Human error
You are under 21 and walking home from a party where you consumed alcohol. What could you be charged with?
Minor in Possession.
How should you hold the steering wheel in an off-road recovery situation? Both hands on the wheel with a firm grip.
When approaching loose gravel on the road, you should ___ speed before the gravel. Reduce
The best way to prevent skidding on a slippery road surface is to: steer and brake smoothly and gradually.
If your vehicle begins to lose traction, you should slow gradually and (apply or not apply) the brakes. Not apply.
If the left front tire blows out while you are driving, your vehicle will pull sharply to the left. True
If you experience sudden brake failure while driving, you should first: Rapidly pump the brake.
If you must stop suddenly and your vehicle is not equipped with ABS, you should: Pivot your foot from the
accelerator to the brake pedal and press firmly, stopping just short of locking wheels.
The closer you pass by an object, the __ your speed should be. Slower
If you are in the far-right lane on a freeway, and want to change lanes into the middle lane, be especially aware of:
Vehicles in the far left lane wanting to change lanes also.
What is the largest cause of crashes while driving in fog? Drivers driving too fast for the visibility ahead.
What challenges does city driving have? There is limited visibility due to buildings, traffic, etc.
On a rural road, it is more difficult to recover from an error because: speeds are higher, and the roads are narrower.
What is the most common type of crash in a construction zone? Read-end crashes.
If you experience a vehicle breakdown, what is the top priority? Pulling off the roadway as soon as safely possible.
What benefits do roundabouts offer? There is a reduction in serious injury and fatal crashes.
How can you reduce your risk while driving in snow? Brake, accelerate, and steering gently.
A good indication that hydroplaning can occur is when: water is standing on the roadway.
When it’s raining, your choice of speed should be influenced the most by the: Amount of traction.
Why should you clear snow and ice off from your entire vehicle before driving? Snow or ice could come loose while
you’re driving and cause hazards for other drivers.
On a rural road, utility lines, mailboxes, and reflectors give clues to the location of: driveways.
You may turn right from a lane other than the far right lane: When there is a sign or marking permitting the turn.
Broken white lines: Separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.
A traffic-control officer’s signal: Is the only one to follow, regardless of traffic signals.
When a school bus with its red light flashing is stopped on your side of the road, you must: Stop until the lights stop
The exit ramp you want to use is entirely blocked by traffic. You should: Use the next exit ramp.
You are planning to cross or turn at an intersection, Do not enter: Unless complete passage through is available.
You might yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle by: Driving to the right edge of the road and stopping.
The first thing you should do before deciding to pass on a two-lane road is: Make sure it is legal and the left lane is
clear of oncoming traffic.
When exiting an expressway: Search early for your exit.
When should you yield your legal right of way? When it helps prevent crashes.
You are the first vehicle at an intersection. Which is the best position to take when waiting to make a left turn at a
traffic signal that does not have a turn light? Wheels straight while partially in the intersection.
When merging onto an expressway, you should be driving: At or near the same speed as the expressway traffic.
Each time you drive, make a routine pre-driving check of: Tires, lights, and controls.
When another driver is tailgating your vehicle, it is best to allow a greater space area to the __ of your vehicle.
To make a left turn from a one-way street to a two-way street, you should turn from: The far left lane.
When approaching a crosswalk on a red traffic signal where a blind pedestrian is waiting to cross, you must stop: At
the crosswalk and wait for the pedestrian to cross the street.
On a sharp curve, you should use your brakes to slow your vehicle: Before you enter the curve.
When you are following a motorcyclist, you should: Increase your following distance.
If the oncoming driver at night fails to use low-beam headlights, you can attempt to reduce glare by: Frequently
looking to the right side of the roadway.
Before entering a four-way intersection from a stop, you should look: Left, right, ahead, and left again.
After putting your vehicle in park, check to see that __ to avoid problems when you return. Accessories and lights
are turned off.
What method is the safest and easiest to make a turnabout? Backing into a driveway or alley on the right.
You’re intending to go straight at the next intersection. Facing a green traffic light, a funeral procession is crossing
from left to right. You: Must yield to the entire procession before proceeding.
What is the benefit of intersections that utilize a Michigan Left? They are safer and move traffic more efficiently
than traditional left turns.
What should you do if your headlights fail? Try the dimmer switch, turn on your hazard lights, and pull over as soon
as it’s safe.
When approaching an unprotection railroad crossing without lights or barricades, you should: Reduce your speed,
search, and listen.
Before turning at a T intersection from a stop, you should look: Left, right, and left again.
Unless traction of the tires on the road is great enough to overcome ___, the car will slide to the outside of the turn.
Warning signs warn drivers: Potentially hazardous conditions are ahead.
Who yields the right-of-way when drivers enter a travel lane from a parking lane? The driver entering the travel lane
from the parking lane.
When is it legal to turn left on a red traffic signal? If you are turning onto a one-way street and there is no sign
prohibiting the turn.
You are driving on a freeway and approaching a construction zone. The speed limit may reduce to ____ mph when
workers are present yet allow traffic to return to the normally posted speed when the workers are absent. 45.
Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a rural area is: 55mph.
It is prohibited to pass on the right: If you are crossing a solid white line.
Guide signs provide: Information.
How can you reduce your risk of hydroplaning? Drive at lower speeds.
When driving in a parking lot, searching the ground around vehicles can assist with __. Identifying a potential
hazard ahead.
While driving, a trash can blows into your path. __ is the first step in organizing your driving brain to avoid hitting
the trash can. Perceive
If the rear tire blows out, you may experience: Traction loss
When preparing to parallel park, position your vehicle __ from the vehicle you will park behind. 2 to 3 feet away.

This traffic sign means: School zone.

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