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http://www.ayurlog.com July- Sept: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue: 3rd ISSN: 2320-7329
(A peer-reviewed open access Indexed e-journal of Ayurved Since 2013)

Shamana Snehapana: a conceptual study

Karade Ruchika S.*1 Lodha Sheetal G.2
PG Scholar, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma,
R. A. Poddar Medical Ayu College Mumbai, India.
*Corresponding author: Email- ruchikakarade1@gmail.com

Abstract: snehapana in a conceptual as well as in a

clinical manner.
Ayurveda is a holistic approach of
life and in Ayurveda, shodhana and Keywords:
shamana chikitsa are two main aspects of
ayurvedic treatment. In Ayurveda, shodhana Abhyantara Snehapana, Shamana,
therapy is for purification of the body but Shodhana Snehapana.
this therapy is not economical, patient have Introduction: Ayurveda has mainly two
to follow so many diet regimens. In today's aspects of chikitsa i.e shodhana chikitsa
life-style patient is not easily convinced for (purification) and shamana chikitsa
shodhana therapy because of time (pallitative). Shodhana therapy is intended
limitations. Shamana snehapana is a unique for the purification of the body, by which the
and special method of internal accumulated morbid humor responsible for
administration of sneha dravya (unctuous the disease is expelled out to produce an
medicine) mentioned in the classical ideal environment for the proper functioning
ayurveda texts. Shamana snehapana is a of the body.
procedure that pacifies the doshas in their
site without altering their prakrut form. Shamana chikitsa refers to all the ayurvedic
Because of the lack of adequate review and procedures and protocols that reduce,
analysis, this method of administration of suppress, and eliminate disease symptoms.
snehapana (internal administration of lipid) This form of palliative care pacifies the body
is losing its significance and the concept by balancing the three doshas – vata, pitta,
remains unexplored. It is more convenient, and kapha. These treatments are much
economical, less time-consuming, and easy simpler and less severe than shodhana
to carry out OPD-based therapy. This review chikitsa. They are intended to make the
is an attempt to enlighten the Shamana patient recover and feel healthier by
suppressing the disease symptoms. Hence,
while the inherent disease might still be
1 | July-Sept.: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue: 3rd E- ISSN: 2320-7329
present the patient undergoing shamana Those who are having alpa dosha, the
chikitsa can control the symptoms. Hence, disease which is not too chronic state, those
this approach primarily has symptom care as who are not having the capacity to undergo
its focus. vigorous treatment should be given shamana
Snehapana (internal oletion) therapy is an
important method of poorvakarma (pre- What is Shamana Snehapana?
operative procedure) in panchakarma.
Shamana snehpana is a unique type of वपबेि सांशमन स्नेहां अन्नकािे प्रकाांक्षिि: ।
abhyantara snehapana. In this type, Sneha is च. सू. 13/61
given to pacify the doshas and not to expel
out them1. Ashtang Hridaykar Acharya The Samshamana sneha should be
Vagbhata had described a detailed administered in ‘annakala’ (at the time of
description of this procedure. In clinical food intake), in the ‘prakanshita’ state
practice, it is too useful in aspect to treat the (when there is the urge of food intake).3
patients as compared to abhyantara Acharya Chakrapani mentioned annakal as
shodhnartha snehapana regarding its in dviprahara when one feels bubhukshit
complications. This article aims to enlighten (hungry).4
the concept of Shamana snehapana in a
clinical as well as conceptual manner. शमन: िुद्विो$ नन्नो मध्यम मात्रश्च

REVIEW OF LITERATURE: शस्यिे । अ. ह्र. सू. 16/19

What is shamana? Hemadri states that Shamana Snehana

normalizes the aggravated dosha without
शमनो यो रोगस्य शमना योपयुज्यते स्नेह: । शमनो expelling and disturbing the normal dosha.5
हह स्नेहो यत्र तत्रस्थं दोषं कुहपतं सर्व शरीर
व्याहपत्वाच्छमनरूपत्वात शमयहत । Acharya Vagbhata opines that shamana
snehana is the administration of madhyama
अ. ह्र. सू. 16/19- सर्व गसुन्दरा हिका matra of sneha during mealtime (annakala)
on empty stomach (ananno), when one feels
Sneha which pacifies the disease is called
shamana sneha. Sneha pacifies the doshas
all over the body1. Shamana means to pacify Shaman Sneha is administered when there is
the dosha in their swasthana i.e their site. ‘kshudvato’ (urge of food intake), it is
administered ‘ananna’ (without food).
Where should shamana be done?
मध्यम मात्रया स्नेहपाने िु िघभ
ु ोजिनो
ृ धववकारिणाम ।
याममात्रे$न्नाकाांिा भवति ।
नातिक्िेशसहानाां च शमनां हहिमुच्यिे ।।

काश्यप खिि. 2/52 ववशेषतनदे लशय

2 | July-Sept.: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue: 3rd E- ISSN: 2320-7329

अ ह्र सू 16/ 19 अरुणदत्त Regarding the posology of shamana
snehapana there is quite a controversy
सवाांगसुन्दि हिका between Acharya Charaka and Vagbhata.
Charaka has not mentioned clearly about the
The dosage of the sneha should be of
dose of shamana sneha. Vagbhata has
madhyama matra (The dose that gets
mentioned that the madhyama matra sneha
digested in a four yama i.e in twelve hours).7
which gets digest within 12 hours is the
उपचािस्िु शमने कायां: स्नेहे ववरिक्िवि ।
more suitable dose for shamana sneha,
whereas for shodhana purpose Vagbhata
अ. ह्र. सू. 16/29 added that matra should “bahu” means
uttama matra6 but for shamana purpose,
During shamana snehana, pathya and madhyama matra should be used.
apathya prescribed in connection with the
virechana are to be followed.8 Dhoompana Sharangdhara relatively has determined the
is contraindicated after snehapana as per dose depending upon the digestive capacity
Acharya Chakrapani.9 of a person.11 Sneha for a person of good
digestive capacity is one pala, for the person
Vangsena told to avoid the abhishyandi of medium digestive property is 3 karsha,
ahara, rukshana, and divaswapa.10 and person of poor capacity will be 2 karsha
which is considered as pradhana,
madhyama, and hraswa matra
According to Acharya Charaka, shamana respectively. A close and critical analysis
snehapana is a procedure by which a certain of the compadia would appear that there is a
dose of accha sneha is administered during gradual decrease in the dose of shamana
annakala when one feels hungry without sneha with the evidence of age (Table no 1).
taking a meal. This may be due to a decrease in the strength
and power of digestion of the people with
IMPORTANCE OF SHAMANA the advancement of age.
In the present day, the person cannot
Though the Acharyas explained shamana withstand such a high dose of sneha. Hence
sneha they did not define it clearly. But it is a favour to adopt the principle
Arundatta, the commentator of Ashtang
Sharangdhara that the dose of sneha should
Hridaya stated that “Rogascha shamana be decided as heena, madhyama, or uttama
yopa yuchyate sneha” which normalizes the matra depending upon the condition of
aggravated doshas all over the body is called dosha, kala, agni, and vyadhi of the
shamana sneha. Arundatta states that it patient.11
should be administered when doshas are in
relay to kupitavastha.1 Arundatta has mentioned that shamana
sneha can give two times a day.
MATRA OF SHAMANA SNEHAPANA: “Ratrarambhye” i.e.in night at mealtime and

3 | July-Sept.: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue: 3rd E- ISSN: 2320-7329

“Ratriyamardhegate” i.e in the morning 1.30 SHAMANA SNEHAPANA VIDHI:
hr after administering sneha.1
The administration of sneha in three
The author of the Ayurvediya Panchakarma different stages. Purvakarma, pradhana
Vigyana Dr. H. S. Kasture has written the karma and paschat karma.
administration of sneha as 6 tolas in 3
divided doses in a day for shamana i. Purvakarma- For Shamana
snehapana is no specific preparatory
regimen is needed. But care should
Table no. 1 – Shaman Sneha dose for be taken about sama and
madhyama matra niramavastha of the patients before
giving shamana sneha. In
Charaka Not samavastha snehapana is
mentioned contraindicated. Doshas have
Vagbhata Madhyama Digest permeated throughout the dhatus of
matra within 12
the body such an attempt seldom
Vangsena10 1 ½ pala 60 ml gives the desired effect.
Chakrapani14 3 karsha 30 ml Shamana sneha should be
Sharangdhara12 3 karsha 30 ml administered when the doshas are in
Bhavprakasha15 3 karsha 30 ml paripakwa avastha, “paripakweshu
Dr. H. S. 6 tola 60 ml in 3 dosheshu sarpihi panam
Kasture13 dose 17
yathaamrutam”. Ashtang Sangraha
and Hridayam advised mrudu or
In present clinical practice, it is seen that laghu bhojan prior night of shamana
snehapana.1 Because his previous
shamana sneha is administered in very little
food should digest completely and
amount like 10-15 ml two times a day.
should feel hunger (bubhukshita).
KALA PRAKARSHA IN SHAMANA Then only he is fit for shamana
SNEHA: snehapana. When the patient is not
having a proper appetite the
There is no standard duration for shamana is administered sneha will not be able
mentioned by Acharyas regarding the to do its desired effect and may lead
duration of administration but Kashyapa, to doshotklesha. So, one must be
while describing the effects of snehana very careful about the appetite while
considers the vyadhi shamana laxanas like administering shamana sneha.
karnakshi pranabalam, smriti kesha ojasam, Pachana may be given for 3-5 days
before shamana sneha.
shanteesha vyadhinam at the prior factor.16
The observation of Kashyapa suggests that
ii. Pradhana karma- The Samshamana
Shamana Sneha should be continued till the
sneha should be administered in
alleviation of the disease irrespective of any ‘annakala’ (at the time of food
time limitations. intake), in the ‘prakanshita’ state
(when there is urge of food intake).

4 | July-Sept.: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue: 3rd E- ISSN: 2320-7329

The sneha should be in accha form with sneha dravyas viz. ushna jala
i.e only sneha.18 Food should not be for ghrita, yusha for taila, and
taken until sneha is digested. manda for vasa and majja sneha.19
iii. Paschat karma- the physician should Peyadi krama- After digestion
take care of three things in paschat patient should follow sequence of
karma. Anupana, peyadi krama regimens as a part of post-operative
(sneha viriktavata), pathya-pathya, care.
diet regimen. Pathya- apathya- Ushna jala
Anupana- Particular anupana should (lukewarm water), bramhacharya,
be selected and given along with kshapashaya (avoid day sleep).
snehadravya. Because it helps in Vyayama, uccha achana, vega
break down, softening, digestion, avarodha, shoka, krodha, hima and
proper assimilation, and instant atapa should be avoided.
diffusion. It is energies the patient
Shamana snehapana can be given in
and gives a sense of pleasure.
Charaka has mentioned a particular diseases like kushtha20, vatarakta21,
type of anupana dravyas in respect Sthaulya22, vatashthila (BPH), etc.
Table no 2- Difference between various snehapana

Criteria Shodhana Shamana Brimhana

Purpose Doshotklesha Doshashamana Brimhana
Form Accha Accha Accha
Dose Uttama Madhyama Alpa
Time and method of Morning Annakale Any time with food
administration Akshudhit (empty Kshudhit
Duration Maximum 7 days Till vyadhi shamana Till samyaka
Table no 3- Difference between Shodhana and Shamana snehapana

Shamana Sneha Shodhana Sneha

Less time consuming per day More time consuming per day
Economical Costly
Less no of Drug in less quantity More no of drug required in more quantity.
No need for Paricharaka Paricharaka is needed.
No strict diet regimen Parihara vishaya is important
The total duration of therapy is more The total duration of therapy is less.
Recurrence of vyadhi may be possible. Mulacchedana of doshas so no recurrence after

Practical consideration of Shamana  Shaman Sneha should administer in

Snehapana: the morning between 8.45 am to 10.
am, when the patient feels hungry.
5 | July-Sept.: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue: 3rd E- ISSN: 2320-7329
 It should start from 30 ml and can be Chaukhambha Surbharati
increased up to 60 ml as per classics. Publication, Reprint ed. 2009, 85.
It is a madhyama matra and should 5. Pt. Sastri Hari Sadashiv, Vagbhata,
be digested within 12 hrs max. with Sarvangsundara commentary by
Practically it is seen that Sneha has Arundatta and the Ayurvedarasayana
digested in 3 hrs and given in divided commentary by Hemadri, Ashtang
dose. Hridaya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba
 Though it is administered in achha Surbharati Prakashan, Reprint ed
form, it can be given with anupana, 2017, 248.
like with mudga usha. 6. Pt. Sastri Hari Sadashiv, Vagbhata,
 If shaman sneha is administered after with Sarvangsundara commentary by
shodhna it gives better results. Arundatta and the Ayurvedarasayana
 Commonly ghrita and taila both can commentary by Hemadri, Ashtang
be used as Shamana Sneha. Hridaya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba
 It can be a prime treatment in disease Surbharati Prakashan, Reprint ed
to pacify doshas. 2017, 247.
 Shamana snehpana having no strict 7. Pt. Sastri Hari Sadashiv, Vagbhata,
diet regimens and easy to carry out with Sarvangsundara commentary by
hence can be given at the OPD level. Arundatta and the Ayurvedarasayana
commentary by Hemadri, Ashtang
Hridaya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba
1. Pt. Shastri Hari Sadashiv, Vagbhata, Surbharati Prakashan, Reprint ed
with Sarvangsundara commentary by 2017, 248.
Arundatta and the Ayurvedarasayana 8. Pt. Sastri Hari Sadashiv, Vagbhata,
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Hridaya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Arundatta and the Ayurvedarasayana
Surbharati Prakashan, Reprint ed commentary by Hemadri, Ashtang
2017, 247. Hridaya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba
2. Sharma Hemraj, Vriddhajivaka, Surbharati Prakashan, Reprint ed
Kashyapa, Kashyapa Samhita, 2017, 249.
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Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridhabala, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Surbharati
Charak Samhita, Varanasi, Publication, Reprint ed. 2009, 86.
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Publication, Reprint ed 2019, 85. Vangasen Samhita, Varanasi,
Prachya Prakashan, Reprint ed 2010,
4. Jadhavji Trikamaji Acharya, 779.
Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridhabala, 11. Dr. Tripathi B. Sharangdhara, with
Charak Samhita, AyurvedaDeepika Deepika Hindi commentary,
commented by Chakrapani, Varanasi, Sharangdhara Samhita, Varanasi,

6 | July-Sept.: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue: 3rd E- ISSN: 2320-7329

Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 18. Pt. Sastri Hari Sadashiv, Vagbhata,
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Conflict of Interest: Non DOI: Source of funding: Nil

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Shamana Snehapana: a conceptual study
Karade Ruchika S., Lodha Sheetal G.
Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science- 2021; (09) (03):01- 07

7 | July-Sept.: 2021|Volume: 09th |Issue: 3rd E- ISSN: 2320-7329

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