350735N 1264832E
1 ARP coordinates and site at AD
026° / 1 420 m from THR RWY 04R
2 Direction and distance from city 227°, 5 km from Gwangju City Hall
3 Elevation/Reference temperature 15 m / 32.9 °C
4 Geoid undulation at AD ELEV PSN 24 m
5 Magnetic variation/Annual change 8° W (2020) / 0.093° increasing
Gwangju Airport Branch
(Busan Regional Office of Aviation)
420-25, Sangmu-daero, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, 62425
Aerodrome Operator, Address, Telephone, Republic of Korea
Telefax, AFS
TEL : +82-62-942-3737
Telefax : +82-62-942-5515
7 Types of traffic permitted(IFR/VFR) IFR / VFR
8 Remarks Military Air Base
7 Remarks http://www.airport.co.kr/mbs/gwangju/
3 Capability for removal of disabled aircraft Specialized aircraft recovery equipment available for up to and
including B767-300 size aircraft. 470 ton crane and other accessory
equipment can be provided by airlines and agencies.
Korea Airports Corporation is the co-ordinator for the removal of
disabled aircraft and can be reached at Airport Duty Manager.
(TEL : +82-62-940-0331, 0352)
b. KAC **
- 1 Dump Truck
- 1 Tractor
- 2 Snow Ploughs
- 1 Urea Spreader
5 INS checkpoints INS : Every specified aircraft stands(See Aircraft Parking/Docking Chart)
6 Remarks NIL
1 Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide a. Taxiing guidance signs are the intersections of all TWY and RWY
lines and visual docking/parking guidance and at all holding positions.
system of aircraft stands b. Guide lines at apron.
c. Nose-in guidance at aircraft stands.
4 Remarks NIL
In Area 2
RKJJOB005 Hill 350541.7N 1264538.5E 230 ft/ NIL - Chimney(352 ft) is located
on the left side of final 1.7
RKJJOB006 Hill 350503.4N 1264547.4E 213 ft/ NIL NM away from threshold of
RKJJOB011 Hill 350650.6N 1265016.1E 533 ft/ NIL ∙ Obstacles within the area
that extends from the
RKJJOB012 Hill 350710.1N 1265109.5E 591 ft/ NIL edge of the RWY to the
RKJJOB013 Hill 350915.6N 1265657.7E 1 266 ft/ NIL 90 m from the RWY
RKJJOB014 Hill 350950.0N 1265816.4E 1 470 ft/ NIL
RKJJOB015 Mountain 344944.3N 1264825.1E 2 012 ft/ NIL - Arresting Gears (BAK-14) on
the RWY 04R/22L and RWY
RKJJOB016 Mountain 350727.4N 1270032.2E 3 894 ft/ NIL 04L/22R
RKJJOB017 Mountain 351928.8N 1265308.3E 2 698 ft/ NIL
- Arresting Gears (BAK-12)
RKJJOB018 Mountain 351800.5N 1265144.8E 2 388 ft/ NIL
on the RWY 04L/22R
RKJJOB019 Mountain 352401.0N 1265834.5E 2 408 ft/ NIL
RKJJOB026 Hill 350530.9N 1264920.2E 554 ft/ NIL In RWY 22L/R, 04L/R circling
RKJJOB027 Hill 350650.6N 1265016.1E 533 ft/ NIL area and at AD
In Area 3
6 Flight documentation Aerodrome forecasts (TAF code form), SIGWX charts, WINTEM
Language(s) used charts, SIGMET information in English
7 Charts and other information available Analysis charts (surface and upper air), Prognostic charts, Graphic
for briefing or consultation displays and other model outputs
10 Additional information (limitation of All observation data, model outputs and forecasts produced by
service etc.) KMA and WAFS are available at the office through Internet link
Designations and surface of THR elevation and highest
Runway True Dimension of RWY and THR coordinates RWY end elevation of TDZ of precision
NR BRG RWY(m) SWY coordinates THR geoid undulation APP RWY
1 2 3 4 5 6
04R 029.92° 2 835 × 45 62/R/B/W/T 350653.08N THR 13.22 m/43.36 ft
Concrete 1264807.41E TDZ 13.94 m/45.73 ft
24.8 m (81 ft)
22L 209.93° 2 835 × 45 62/R/B/W/T 350812.81N THR 14.10 m/46.25 ft
Concrete 1264903.26E TDZ 14.62 m/47.97 ft
24.8 m (81 ft)
04L 029.92° 2 835 × 45 62/R/B/W/T 350656.21N THR 13.42 m/44.02 ft
Concrete 1264800.79E TDZ 13.92 m/45.67 ft
22R 209.92° 2 835 × 45 62/R/B/W/T 350815.94N THR 14.69 m/48.19 ft
Concrete 1264856.64E TDZ 14.69 m/48.20 ft
7. Slope of RWY-SWY
BAK-12 : 2 650 ft
from the RWY
04L/22R threshold
NIL 306 × 300 2 955 × 300 240 × 150
MA-1A : 50 ft
from the RWY
04R/22L threshold
and RWY
04L/22R threshold
APCH Center edge LGT RWY
RWY LEN Color (MEHT) TDZ LGT Length, Spacing Color Color LEN(m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
04R ALSF-1 Green PAPI NIL NIL 2 760 m Red NIL
900 m - Both / 3° 60 m -
LIH (52 ft / 15.8 m) White/Yellow
22L SSALF Green PAPI NIL NIL 2 760 m Red NIL
420 m - Both / 3° 60 m -
LIH (52 ft / 15.8 m) White/Yellow
04L ALSF-I Green PAPI NIL NIL 2 760 m Red NIL
900 m Green Both / 3° 60 m -
LIH (54 ft / 16.5 m) White/Yellow
22R SSALF Green PAPI NIL NIL 2 760 m Red NIL
420 m Green Both / 3° 60 m -
LIH (54 ft / 16.4 m) White/Yellow
1 ABN/IBN location, characteristics and hours of ABN : At the Water tower Building,
operation FLG W/W-G(16~20 FPM*)
Hours of Operation : H24
2 LDI location and LGT NIL
Anemometer location and LGT
3 TWY edge and center line lighting Edge : All TWY
Center line LGT : NIL
4 Secondary power supply/switch-over time Secondary power supply to all lighting at AD
Switch-over time : 15 SEC
5 Remarks NIL
1 Designation and lateral limits Gwangju CTR : A circle, radius 5 NM centered at ARP
2 Vertical limits SFC to 4 000 ft AGL
3 Airspace classification C
4 ATS unit callsign/Languages Gwangju Tower / Korean and English
5 Transition altitude 14 000 ft AMSL
6 Operational hours H24
7 Remarks NIL
Designation Call sign Channel Hours of Operation Remarks
1 2 3 4 5
APP Gwangju Approach 120.475 MHz, 130.0 MHz H24 NIL
228.9 MHz, 265.5 MHz
319.2 MHz
ARR Gwangju Arrival 132.25 MHz, 132.7 MHz H24 NIL
268.0 MHz, 331.4 MHz
281.35 MHz, 366.5 MHz
DEP Gwangju Departure 124.0 MHz, 124.7 MHz H24 NIL
347.2 MHz
TWR Gwangju Tower 118.05 MHz, 236.6 MHz H24 NIL
254.6 MHz
GND Gwangju Ground 121.8 MHz, 275.8 MHz H24 NIL
ATIS Gwangju Airport 128.875 MHz, 234.7 MHz 2100-1300 (UTC) Digital ATIS service available
EMERG 121.5 MHz, 243.0 MHz H24 NIL
Scheduled Inspection Time :
- DEP(124.0 MHz, 124.7 MHz), TWR(118.05 MHz), GND(121.8 MHz), EMERG(121.5 MHz) and ATIS : Every 3rd TUE(1300-1600 UTC) of
the month.
DME unserviceable
- RDL 000 clockwise 060 beyond 33 NM
below 6 000 ft AMSL
- RDL 088 clockwise 110 beyond 28 NM
below 8 000 ft AMSL
- RDL 111 clockwise 140 beyond 22 NM
below 10 000 ft AMSL
- RDL 141 clockwise 190 beyond 14 NM
below 9 000 ft AMSL
- RDL 191 clockwise 270 beyond 36 NM
below 5 000 ft AMSL
- RDL 271 clockwise 290 beyond 30 NM
below 8 000 ft AMSL
- RDL 291 clockwise 359 beyond 28 NM
below 8 000 ft AMSL
1. Airport Regulations
a. Take-off or landing will not be allowed if friction test result is less than the standard as below.
- Standards
․ RCR : 7
․ SFT : 0.25
b. Civil aircraft shall make touchdown between 500 ft and 3 000 ft from runway threshold except under significant
weather conditions or EMERG.
c. All aircraft should taxi at speeds of less than 15 kt on taxiway to ensure safety. But, pilots may request high
speed taxi and if approved by ATC, aircraft should taxi at speeds of less than 30 kt.
1. IFR Procedure
Circling not Authorized in West of the RWY 04R/22L and RWY 04L/22R.
Apply the published take-off weather minima of the Standard Instrument Approach used.
2. RADAR Procedures
ATC will provide PAR or ASR approach when VOR/DME approach is not usable or efficient.
a. RWY 04R
1) Weather minima
2) Missed Approach Procedure : Climb HDG 038° to 800 ft, then climbing right turn HDG 057° maintain 5 000 ft then
expect radar vector.
b. RWY 04L
1) Weather minima
CAT GS/TCH(ft)/RPI(ft) DA(ft)/VIS(m) HAT Ceiling(ft)
FULL 3.0° / 50 / 952.53 246 / 730 200 200
A, B, C, D
ALS INOP 3.0° / 50 / 952.53 246 / 1 220 200 200
2) Missed Approach Procedure : Climb HDG 038° to 800 ft, then climbing right turn HDG 057° maintain 5 000 ft then
expect radar vector.
c. RWY 22R
1) Weather minima
CAT GS/TCH(ft)/RPI(ft) DA(ft)/VIS(m) HAT Ceiling(ft)
FULL 3.0° / 50 / 963.02 248 / 1 220 200 200
A, B, C, D, E
ALS INOP 3.0° / 50 / 963.02 248 / 1 220 200 200
2) Missed Approach Procedure : Climb to 5 000 ft on HDG 210° then expect radar vector.
a. RWY 04R
1) Weather minima
2) Missed Approach Procedure : Climb to 1 300 ft on HDG 038º, then climbing right turn HDG 057º to 5 000 ft, then
expect radar vector.
b. RWY 04L
1) Weather minima
560 / RVR 1 220 560 / RVR 1 680
FULL 514(600-¾) 514(600-1)
ALS INOP 560 / RVR 1 830 560 / 1⅜
514(600-1¼) 514(600-1⅜)
2) Missed Approach Procedure : Climb to 1 300 ft on HDG 038º, then climbing right turn HDG 057º to 5 000 ft, then
expect radar vector.
c. RWY 22L
1) Weather minima
2) Missed Approach Procedure : Climb to 5 000 ft on HDG 210º, then expect radar vector.
d. RWY 22R
1) Weather minima
2) Missed Approach Procedure : Climb to 5 000 ft on HDG 210°, then expect radar vector.
3. VFR Procedure
All aircraft approaching and landing at GWANGJU Airbase should contact GWANGJU APP(#5 : 319.2 MHz, #C2 : 130.0
MHz) and follow the VFR approach procedure when entering GWANGJU TCA or maintaining altitude at or above 8 500
ft and 30 NM from airbase. After arriving at the VFR Entry Point or the runway insight, contact the Control Tower on
CH 2(FREQ 254.6 MHz) or CH B(FREQ 118.05 MHz) and land as the tower instructed.
광주기지에 접근 착륙하려는 모든 항공기는 광주 접근관제구역에 진입 시나 광주기지로부터 거리 고도 이 30 NM, 8 500 ft
상에서 광주 접근 관제소 와 교신하여 요구하고자 하는 접근절차에 따라 접근한다
(#5 : 319.2 MHz, #C2 : 130.0 MHz) VFR .
VFR입항지점이나 활주로를 육안확인하면 관제탑으로 이양하여 관제탑 의 지시에 따라 (#2 : 254.6 MHz, #B : 118.05 MHz)
착륙한다 .
a. Jet aircraft
a) Aircraft approaching from north will pass through the JANGSUNG(R 360/10 NM) at 6 500 ft, OVERSTATION at
5 000 ft, and then South T.P(R 187/9 NM) at 4 000 ft for Initial.
북쪽에서 접근하는 항공기는 장성 을 로 통과하여 (R 360/10 NM) 6 500 ft OVERSTATION 을 5 000 ft 로 경유한 후
를 로 경유하여 한다
South T.P(R 187/9 NM) 4 000 ft Initial .
b) Aircraft approaching from southwest/southeast will pass through the WOLCHUL Mountain(R 200/23 NM) at 7 500 ft/
6 500 ft and then South T.P(R 187/9 NM) at 4 000 ft for Initial.
남서 남동에서 접근하는 항공기는 월출산
/ (R 200/23 NM) 을7 500 ft/6 500 ft로 경유한 후 South T.P(R 187/9 NM) 를
로 경유하여 한다
4 000 ft Initial .
c) Aircraft approaching from east will pass through the MUDEUNG Mountain(R 100/10 NM) at 6 500 ft and then
South T.P(R 187/9 NM) at 4 000 ft for Initial.
동쪽에서 접근하는 항공기는 무등산 (R 100/10 NM) 을
6 500 ft 로 경유한 후 South T.P(R 187/9 NM) 를4 000 ft 로경
유하여 한다 Initial .
d) Aircraft approaching from east will pass through the WEST P.T(R 325/10 NM) at 6 500 ft, OVERSTATION at 5 000
ft, and then South T.P(R 187/9 NM) at 4 000 ft for Initial.
서쪽에서 접근하는 항공기는 WEST P.T(R 325/10 NM) 을
6 500 ft 로 통과하여 OVERSTATION 을5 000 ft 로 경유한
후 를
South T.P(R 187/9 NM) 4 000 ft 로 경유하여 Initial 한다
a) Aircraft approaching from east will pass through the JANGSUNG(R 360/10 NM) at 6 500 ft, OVERSTATION at 5 000 ft,
and then North T.P(R 072/10 NM) at 5 000 ft for Initial.
북쪽에서 접근하는 항공기는 장성 을 로 통과하여 (R 360/10 NM) 6 500 ft OVERSTATION 을 5 000 ft로 경유한 후
를 로 경유하여 한다
North T.P(R 072/10 NM) 5 000 ft Initial .
b) Aircraft approaching from southwest/southeast will pass through the WOLCHUL Mountain (R 200/23 NM) at
7 500 ft/6 500 ft, South T.P(R 187/9 NM) at 5 000 ft, and then North T.P(R 072/10 NM) at 5 000 ft for Initial.
남서 남동에서 접근하는 항공기는 월출산
/ 을
(R 200/23 NM) 7 500 ft/6 500 ft 로 경유하여 South T.P(R 187/9 NM) 5 를
로 경유한 후
000 ft 를
North T.P(R 072/10 NM) 5 000 ft 로 경유하여 한다
Initial .
c) Aircraft approaching from east will pass through the MUDEUNG Mountain(R 100/10 NM) at 6 500 ft and then
North T.P(R 072/10 NM) at 5 000 ft for Initial.
동쪽에서 접근하는 항공기는 무등산 (R 100/10 NM) 을 6 500 ft로 경유한 후 North T.P(R 072/10 NM) 를 5 000 ft 로
경유하여 한다 Initial .
d) Aircraft approaching from west will pass through the WEST P.T(R 325/10 NM) at 6 500 ft, OVERSTATION at 5 000
ft, and then North T.P(R 072/10 NM) at 5 000 ft for Initial.
서쪽에서 접근하는 항공기는 WEST P.T(R 325/10 NM) 을 로 통과하여
6 500 ft OVERSTATION 을 5 000 ft 로 경유한
후 를
North T.P(R 072/10 NM) 5 000 ft 로 경유하여 Initial한다 .
VFR approaching aircraft should contact GWANGJU APP(#5 : 319.2 MHz, #C2 : 130.0 MHz) prior to 30 NM from airbase
and request clearance for approach and land. When entering within 10 NM radius, maintain at or below 2 000 ft.
VFR로 접근하는 항공기는 기지접근 30 NM 밖에서 광주 접근관제소 (#5 : 319.2 MHz, #C2 : 130.0 MHz) 와 교신하여 접
근 착륙 인가를 요구하고 기지 반경
ž 10 NM 이내 진입 시 이하를 유지한다
2 000 ft .
1) Aircraft approaching from northeast of the airbase will pass through North T.P(R 072/10 NM), and enter the
downwind at 1 000 ft via outside of GWANGJU CITY.
기지 북동쪽에서 접근하는 항공기는 North T.P(R 072/10 NM) 를 거쳐 광주 시내 외곽을 경유 Downwind 1 000 ft 로
진입한다 .
2) Aircraft approaching from southwest of the airbase will pass through South T.P(R 187/9 NM), and enter the
downwind at 1 000 ft.
기지 남서쪽에서 접근하는 항공기는 South T.P(R 187/9 NM) 를 거쳐 Downwind 1 000 ft 로 진입한다
c. Helicopter
All helicopters landing at GWANGJU airbase should request landing clearance to Control Tower(121.8 MHz) and use
the west pattern. If overflight over the R14 is required, pilot must verify R14 active time with the control tower.
광주기지에 착륙을 하려는 모든 헬기는 관제탑 에 착륙인가를 요구하고 서쪽 장주 사용을 원칙으로 하며
(121.8 MHz) ,
상공 비행이 필요시는 반드시 관제탑에 사용 여부를 확인한다
R14 R14 .
1) Helicopters approaching from the north and northeast will fly along Hanam Industrial Complex Outer road via B
P.T(GWANGJU T.G R 010/7.7 NM), and pass over the A P.T(Gwangju Woman's University R 001/2.5 NM),
SONGJEONG overpass to land at the airbase. Otherwise, fly along Route 13 via E P.T(GWANGSAN I.C R 020/6
NM) and then over SONGJEONG overpass to land at the base.
북쪽 북동쪽에서 접근하는 헬기는
, 광주 를 경유하여 하남산단 외곽도로를 따라 비행하여
B P.T( T.G R 010/7.7 NM)
A P.T( 송정 고가도로 상공을 통과후 기지로 접근 착륙하거나
R 001/2.5 NM), 광산 , E P.T( I.C R 020/6 NM)
를 경유하여 번 국도를 따라 비행하여 송정 고가도로 상공을 통과 후 기지로 접근 착륙한다
13 .
2) Helicopters approaching from the south or southeast will fly over C P.T(NAJU R 225/6.5 NM) and SONGJEONG
overpass to land at the base.
남쪽 남동쪽에서 접근하는 헬기는
, C P.T( 나주 R 225/6.5 NM) 를 경유하여 송정 상공을 통과 후 기지로 접근 착륙한다 .
a) RWY 04 : All helicopters approaching from the northeast can cross 5 NM[G P.T(SAMGAK-DONG R 060/7.5 NM)
↔ E P.T(GWANGSAN I.C R 020/6 NM)] on departure corridor at 700 ft after received clearance
from the control tower.
북동쪽에서 진입하는 모든 헬기는 이륙회랑 지점 삼각동 5 NM [G P.T( R 060/7.5 NM) ↔E P.T( 광산 I.C
에서 고도 로 관제탑의 허가를 득한 후 횡단할 수 있다
R 020/6 NM)] 700 ft .
b) RWY 22 : All helicopters flying from the southeast to west of base can cross the departure corridor 6.5 NM[D
P.T(SONGNIMJE R 187/7 NM) ↔ C P.T(NAJU R 225/6.5 NM)] at 700 ft after received clearance
from the control tower.
남동쪽에서 서쪽으로 비행하는 모든 헬기는 이륙회랑 지점 송림제 6.5 NM [D P.T( R 187/7 NM) ↔ C
P.T(나주 에서 고도 로 관제탑의 허가를 득한 후 횡단할 수 있다
R 225/6.5 NM)] 700 ft .
4) When entering the control zone from other areas, contact the Control Tower prior to entering 5 NM radius and
follow instructions from the tower for landing.
기타 구역에서 관제구에 진입 시는 반경 5 NM밖에서 관제탑을 호출하여 관제탑 지시에 의거 진입하여 착륙한다 .
All VFR departing aircraft should notify the tower of planned flying direction when on the ground and obtain permission
for departure. Change frequency to DEP(347.2 MHz, 124.0 MHz) then take-off to climb along the departure corridor, fly
in the desired direction and leave VFR Pattern with the approval of the DEP controller. The helicopter should leave
VFR pattern with the approval of the Tower(236.6 MHz, 118.05 MHz).
However, Hot Scramble Departure aircraft stationed in Gwangju should take-off with remaining on #2(254.6 MHz), and
contact MCRC when reaching safe altitude.
로 이륙하는 모든 항공기는 지상에서 이륙하고자 하는 방향을 관제탑에 통보하고 이륙허가를 득한 후 주파수를
로 변경 이륙하여 이륙회랑을 따라 상승 후 원하는 방향으로 비행하여
DEP(347.2 MHz, 124.0 MHz) , 관제사의 인가를 DEP
받아 장주 이탈하고 헬기는 관제탑 의 인가를 받아 장주이탈한다
(236.6 MHz, 118.05 MHz) .
단 광주기지에 주둔해 있는
, 이륙 항공기는 주파수를 유지하여 이륙 상승한 후 안전고도가
Hot scramble #2(254.6 MHz)
유지되면 에 한다
MCRC Contact .
a. JET ( 제트항공기)
1) All VFR departing jet aircraft should climb along the departure corridor and leave the VFR pattern in the desired direction.
VFR 로 이륙하는 모든 제트 항공기는 이륙회랑을 따라 상승 후 원하는 방향으로 장주 이탈한다 .
c. Helicopter (헬기)
The Helicopter must take off at the designated place(the Army Air Corps, in front of the U.S. Army station, TWY in
front of Gate 4).
헬기이륙은 지정된 장소 육군 항공대 미군 주기장 앞
( , , GATE 4 TWY)앞 에서 실시함을 원칙으로 한다 .
※ Departure corridor crossing flight should cross the corridor after take-off as the same as helicopter landing procedure.
※ 이륙회랑 횡단비행은 헬기 착륙절차와 동일하게 이륙 후 횡단한다 .
3.3 Any aircraft that intends to use a procedure other than the above procedures, follow the local procedures of
GWANGJU airbase and obtain approval from the ATC controller.
위 절차 외의 이ž착륙 절차에 따라 이ž착륙하고자 하는 항공기는 광주 국지절차를 준수하며 항공교통관제사의 인가를 받아야 한다.
4.1 IFR
1. General
a. No person may take off unless two-way radio communications can be maintained with the Air Traffic Control.
b. On recognition of communication failure during flight, squawk 7600 and if necessary to ensure safe altitude, climb
to Minimum Safe Altitude or above to maintain obstacle clearance. Then comply with following procedure.
2. VFR condition
If the failure to radio communication occurs in VFR conditions, or if VFR conditions are encountered after the failure,
a pilot shall continue the flight under VFR and land as soon as practicable based on the runway in use.
3. IFR condition
If the failure occurs in IFR condition, or if the requirements specified in paragraph 2 of this section cannot be met, a
pilot shall continue the flight according to the following procedures.
Change : Establishment of VFR procedure NR. 3.2, 3.3 and Information of item numbers(3, 3.1 → 4, 4.1).
A I P RKJJ AD 2 - 15
Republic of Korea 28 JUL 2022
4.2 VFR
RK R129
장성 도로
R 360/10 NM 고속
6 500 ft ·대
R 325/10 NM
6 500 ft “B” 광주 T.G
R 010/7.7 NM
1 000 ft
700 ft
RK R14 무등산
R 100/10 NM
6 500 ft
3 NM
1 700 ft
“C” 나주
R 225/6.5 NM
700 ft “D” 송림제
R 187/7 NM
700 ft
The birds' feeding areas consist of surrounding farmland and greens along the river and they frequently move to get
their habitat (located QDR 300°, 5 000 m from end of RWY 22R). In the winter, the ducks frequently move at the
rise and the set of sun and the lapwings frequently fly before sunset. In the summer, the egrets at the rise of sun
and the snipes at the set of sun fly most frequently.
The flying heights are various such as from the ground to 600 m.
The control tower is going to provide the information on the activity of birds and estimated height to the pilots if it is
possible. At the same time, the pilots are informed to turn on the landing light in the process of taking off, approach
for landing, climbing, and descending as far as the designed limit of aircraft facility allows.
To eliminate the birds, we are using the blank cartridge, signal gun, and loudspeaker. As well, we are operating
several equipments including explosive sounds, alarm, sky dancer. For environmental management, we are carrying
out various activities simultaneously to prevent the installation of rubbish dump and wastewater treatment plant, and
to limit the kinds of trees and the farming in the airport.
3. Use extreme caution, field is surrounded by high angle firing range(RK R14).
ATC Surveillance Minimum Altitude Chart - ICAO ························································································ RKJJ AD CHART 2-19
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 04R - ILS/DME ······················································································ RKJJ AD CHART 2-20
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 04R - LOC/DME ··················································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-21
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 04R - RNP ····························································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-22
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 04R - VOR/DME ··················································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-23
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 04R - PAR ····························································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-24
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 04R - ASR ····························································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-25
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 04L - RNP ······························································································ RKJJ AD CHART 2-26
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 04L - VOR/DME ···················································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-27
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 04L - PAR ······························································································ RKJJ AD CHART 2-28
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 04L - ASR ······························································································ RKJJ AD CHART 2-29
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 22L - LOC/DME ···················································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-30
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 22L - RNP ······························································································ RKJJ AD CHART 2-31
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 22L - VOR/DME ···················································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-32
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 22L - ASR ······························································································ RKJJ AD CHART 2-33
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 22R - RNP ····························································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-34
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 22R - VOR/DME ··················································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-35
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 22R - PAR ····························································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-36
Instrument Approach Chart - RWY 22R - ASR ····························································································· RKJJ AD CHART 2-37
Change : Information of procedure names(IPSAE → LILVI, MUJIN → MARYO, NOVEM → ARIMU, XEROX → XEMIX, FRISA → ORUSA).
Effective : 1600UTC 19 APR 2023