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Landscaping With Native Plants in The UAE A Review

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Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture.2017.

doi: 10.9755/ejfa.2017.v29.i10.319


Landscaping with native plants in the UAE: A review

Hasnain Alam1, Jabar Zaman Khan Khattak1, Shaijal Babu Thru Ppoyil2, Shyam Kurup3,
Taoufik Saleh Ksiksi2
Department of Biotechnology, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2Department of Biology, College of Science, United Arab

Emirates University, Al Ain 15551, United Arab Emirates, 3Department of Arid Land Agriculture, College of Food and Agriculture, United Arab
Emirates University, Al-Ain 15551, United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a unique experience in greening the desert. Huge efforts have been done to create green spaces
across the country including afforestation and urban landscaping. Most of the landscaping designs were inspired from western landscapes
comprises mostly of exotic species, which do not reconcile with the environmental conditions of the UAE. The intensive use of exotic
species in artificial vegetation, high water requirements for the UAE greenery, coupled with water shortages and salinity, are causing major
environmental and ecological challenges. Fortunately, the UAE hosts a unique flora and fauna that show remarkable adjustment to harsh
weather conditions. Here we emphasize the use of native plants due to their potential to develop landscapes in saline and water shortage
conditions, leading to reduced water usage for landscaping. The preservation of native biodiversity of the UAE will be an added benefit.
In this article the main aspects of the UAE landscaping efforts, with the associated water resources using native plants in landscaping,
problems in promoting native plants in landscaping and possible solutions are discussed.
Keywords: Landscaping; Native plants; Water shortages; Xeriscaping; UAE

INTRODUCTION releases massive amounts of carbon dioxide (Al-Rashed

and Sherif, 2000).
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is located in the Arabian
Peninsula, covering an area of 82,880 km2 (Yearbook, URBAN LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENTS IN UAE
2010). Since the 1960s, huge development programs are
started due to commercial oil exploration. As a part of Over a short period of time, large areas in the UAE have
this national development and modernization in UAE been transformed from deserts into green lands which
enormous resources are utilized for urban landscaping include tree planting, creation of public parks gardens and
and agricultural development. The UAE has converted the recreational facilities in the cities and along the median and
natural desert into productive agricultural land with the road sides (Yearbook, 2010). Greening of the Emirates is
idea of greening the desert (El-Keblawy and Ksiksi, 2005). actually an active material construction of a nature. Urban
In UAE more than 330,000 ha forest had been planted Landscape of UAE appears difficult to reconcile with the
to promote soil conservation till 2009 (Abdelfattah et al., ecological, social and cultural conditions of the country
2009) and the agricultural land of UAE has reached 75, (Bolleter, 2015).
283 ha (Abu Dhabi Statistics Center, 2015). This artificial
construction of a green nature has been cause of many Threats to UAE Biodiversity
environmental issues also. The UAE has the highest Huge urban landscaping and increasing population has
consumption of water per capita in the world, with the resulted in the endangerment and/or extinction of many
domestic consumption of only 13 per cent, while 80 per plant species in last few decades. The impact of this
cent of water is utilized for different greening projects. This erosion in plant biodiversity has created environmental
large amount of water demand is met by the desalination and socioeconomic problems which subsequently triggered
of sea water that requires large amounts of energy and the need of conservation of plant resources (Arif et al.,

*Corresponding author:
Taoufik Saleh Ksiksi, Department of Biology, College of Science, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain 15551, United Arab Emirates.
E-mail: tksiksi@uaeu.ac.ae

Received: 21 March 2017; Revised: 28 October 2017; Accepted: 31 October 2017;   Published Online: 05 November 2017

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2010). According to Tourenq (2008) drought is the main adapted to the local environment they have advantage over
threat facing biodiversity along with coastal development exotics plants that they are less likely to become invasive
and urbanization and overexploitation of natural resources (Fiedler, 2006; Stephens et al., 2006). In UAE dates and
(grazing, fishing, hunting, and water extraction). Similarly, Rhodes are two main agricultural plant species grown for
desert ecosystems in the western region of Abu Dhabi fruit and forage purposes respectively (Pitman et al., 2009).
(UAE) has also been subjected to different types of human Alfalfa and Rhodes grass are mostly produced to fulfill the
impacts (e.g. afforestation, grazing and urbanization), shortfall of feed from the rangeland for grazing animals.
leading to the loss of biodiversity (Mousa and Ksiksi, 2009). These introduced species consume huge quantity of sweet
The plants species having coastal habitat are diminishing water, mainly from groundwater water source. Due to
very fast due to rapid urbanization (MOEW, 2015). Gardner combined effects of lowering of groundwater levels and
and Howarth (2009) emphasized the maintaining of accumulation of salts at soil surface have decreased the
standing trees wherever possible while, designing around productivity of land as a consequence, of these farmers
them where necessary. Abu Dhabi city municipality made has to abandon the land (Peacock et al., 2002). According
mandatory the preservation of any existing landscape to the environmental agency Abu Dhabi, Rhodes grass
plantation adjacent to proposed roadway projects. production should be banned and replaced by Chloris gayana
Consultants are directed to do the survey of existing flora or other salt and drought tolerant species which can reduce
and fauna as part of the design survey stage, the results of water requirements by half (Pitman et al., 2009).
this survey are to be agreed with Abu Dhabi municipality,
Parks and Recreation Facilities Division and Environmental Water Requirements for artificial greenery
Agency Abu Dhabi. Road/bridge improvements including UAE has limited fresh water resources with average annual
utility locations shall be designed to minimize removal of rainfall ranges from 80 and 140mm (Sherif et al., 2014).
vegetation. The consultants design shall avoid, wherever Abdelfattah et al. (2009) reported the groundwater potential
possible, those habitat areas that support rare, threatened of both deep and shallow aquifers is about 757.6 km3
or endangered wildlife species (ADM, 2010; ADM 2014). while fresh is less than 7.5 %. The annual groundwater
UAE government continues its efforts in conservation extraction is about 2668 million m3 compared to recharge
of biodiversity and the protection of endangered plant i.e. 350 million m3. During the last three decades the excess
species in the UAE in order to promote environmental pumping of groundwater for irrigation has decreased
sustainability. the groundwater flow by one tenth. Current extraction
rates need to be reduced by at least 25% to achieve
Exotic Species for artificial greenery sustainable development and to mitigate the present severe
Most of the urban landscapes are inspired by western groundwater depletion in the area (Mohamed et al., 2016).
landscape designs primarily focusing on aesthetics. This
artificial greenery has introduced many new species in The main source of water supply for greening the desert is
the country. Green sector of UAE depends mostly on ground water which is 70 % of the total water consumed
imported exotic species (Pitman et al., 2009). Therefore in the country. The green sector in the UAE consists of
UAE biophysical and cultural Landscape can be seen forestry, agriculture and the amenities. The forestry sector
to be exotic (Ouis, 2002). According to Al-Mashhadani is used for the landscaping purposes and amenities which
(2014) greenery at UAE comprised primarily of non-native include parks, gardens and recreational areas while the
species which are used mainly in the landscape. Non-native agricultural sector is focused on crop production (Frenken
plant species need high maintenance and need substantial et al., 2009). From a demand perspective, agriculture is the
support systems to keep them alive. Moreover, these single largest consumer of water by sector, accounting for
exotic plants are mostly introduced from the temperate up to 95% of groundwater usage and total amenity water
and semi-temperate regions to the arid environment of use which was estimated at 547 Mm3/yr. in 2007. The low
UAE and have high irrigation requirements (Frenken water use figures of residential flats relative to villas and
et al., 2009). The purpose of planting exotic species is to shabiyats are also due to the watering of gardens rather
increase the vegetation area and produce more aesthetic than the actual use by the residents (Pitman et al., 2009). As
and green environment in marginal lands such as those declared by the EAD, agriculture in the UAE is living on
with salinity or very drought prone areas. The exotic borrowed time, including palm plantations (Pitman et al.,
species may become invasive and become environmental 2009). The year 2030, could be the first year with no more
risk. Due to this reason we have to focus the indigenous supply from groundwater aquifers. In the UAE, landscaping
plants while selecting plants for our landscapes. Native sector will face challenges, in terms of irrigation resources.
plants have capacity to adapt the hostile arid environmental The potential concern related to the green sector in the
conditions which is an important factor to select them for UAE is that water requirement for green sector is increasing
landscaping (Frenken et al., 2009). As native plants are while the groundwater supply is vanishing. The difference
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between the (incoming) feeding and the (outgoing) potential changes to the climate are the cause for a very
consumption of water from the aquifer has resulted in serious concern to encourage the best planning (Dougherty
certain issues like, dryness of wells, reduction in ground et al., 2009). The predicted increase in temperature will
water recharge, groundwater intrusion with seawater and increase evaporation in the region. Due to this rise in
increase in the water salinity (MOEW, 2015). temperature and changes in rainfall the demand for water
is going to rise even more.
Ground water salinity
Globally 800 Mha of lands are affected by salinity, which Microclimate
represents 6% of the world’s total land area (FAO, 2000). The climate is the average weather over several years
Though salinity is a natural phenomenon however, divided into main zones with similar characteristics. Within
cultivated agricultural land has become saline due to land a particular region, climate can differ from place to place
clearing or irrigation and sea water intrusion. Globally within a few kilometers distance, forming a small scale
45 Mha land is salt-affected out of the current 230 Mha pattern of climate, called microclimate (Santamouris et al.,
of irrigated land, which is equal to 20 % of irrigated land 1996).
(FAO, 2000). Some estimates being as high as 50% of
agriculture land (Pitman et al., 2009). It is estimated that Micro climate modification
about 10 Mha of agricultural land is vanished annually Vegetation has a strong relationship with the microclimate
due to salinization, of which about 1.5 Mha is irrigated (Masmoudi and Mazouz, 2004). Plants color and surface
land (Khan et al., 2006). Furthermore, the saline areas are characteristic act as a neutralizer to the thermal environment.
increasing at a rate of 10% annually for various reasons. It Decrease of air temperature have been observed during
has been estimated that by the year 2050 more than 50% hot summer days in areas with greenery (Shashua-Bar and
of the arable land would be salinized (Jamil et al., 2011) Hoffman, 2000; Dimoudi and Nikolopoulou, 2003). Air
Groundwater salinity, is one of the problem that sustainable temperature along with greenery is considered to be the
development and greenery is facing. The groundwater most crucial parameter in improving the microclimate due
salinity in the northern part of the UAE has doubled to its multiple benefits (Mahmoud, 2011). Spangenberg
during the period from 1981 to 1993 (Rizk et al., 2007). et al. (2008) observed a small decrease in temperature for
In the southern and northern parts of UAE the salinity tree-aligned streets (1oC), but up to 20 oC lower surface
of groundwater has increased abruptly three folds during temperatures and more than 40C lower mean radiant
the period of 1985 to 1996. Same conditions have been temperatures. Vegetation has proved to enhance the
observed in the central part of UAE where ground water microclimate mainly through shading, reduction of surface
salinity level has doubled (Murad et al., 2007). In UAE temperatures and evaporative cooling (Bradley, 1995). An
seawater intrusion is also a main cause of water salinity in environment of a natural forest can be recreated through
the aquifer especially near the coast. Recently after 2000 increasing urban greenery by tree cover of 30% of the
sea water intrusion extended 8 km inland from the coast ground and 100% green roofs (Spangenberg, 2004).
of the Gulf of Oman (Kunth et al., 2006).
Wilmers (1990) has mentioned that cooling effect of
vegetation is extended to its surrounding built environment
IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN UAE called the background effect (ShashuaBar and Hoffman,
2000; Wong et al., 2007). In Contrast to the Urban Heat
Arab world have started to face the climate change effects Island effect this cooling effect due to vegetation in parks
in form of extreme weather events and higher temperatures and open spaces has been known as, ʻpark cooling island’.
etc. UAE has the highest carbon footprint in the world It can be easily concluded that the higher the ratio of green
according to the published reports. The year 2010 was to build area the greater the air temperature decrease is
reported to be the warmest year in last two centuries in likely to be in the area (Dimoudi and Nikolopoulou, 2003).
the region. In the UAE such climate change poses great Al-Yaqoob (2012) studied the effects of vegetation on the
threat to the desert ecology. It is predicted that increase shape of sand dune formations to help reduce effects of
water shortage and decreased agriculture production will urban heat island in Dubai. Application of trees having a
affect the tourism thereby revenue source also. Now UAE mix of different vegetation types around the urban areas
is determined to take necessary measures to go green and is found to be the most effective strategy in tackling excess
sustainable (Almheiri, 2015). heat in urban areas. Vegetation has an adverse benefit not
only on the reduction of temperatures around the urban
Water status and climate change impacts area but from many of the studies, additional benefits are
Climate change effects on temperature and rainfall can received for user’s comforts when living around or nearby
increase water shortage problem of the country. The vegetation (Picot, 2004). Givoni (1991) revealed the use of
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greenery as an energy saving method due to the reduction the site to comprise native and adaptive drought and/
of cooling loads on the surrounding buildings. Studies done or saline tolerant species including a minimum of 10
by Parker (1989) mentioned that the effect of landscaping different types of species.
(consisted of trees and shrubs) on the cooling loads of the
surrounding buildings was marked by around 50% savings. Achuthan (2009) carried out a study of the LEED text
Version 2.2 in order to identify sustainability elements
Sustainable landscape relevant to the region. The researcher identified six
Sustainable landscaping in general the theory comprises sustainability elements including Water Efficiency in
all the environmental, social and economic elements. Landscaping to the context of Dubai. He recommended
Pitman et al. (2007) defines sustainable landscape as a landscape design should include the plants that consume
healthy and strong landscape that is in harmony with native less water and are better adapted to hot arid climate.
environmental settings containing climate, water, soil and
topography. According to Taheri (2015) urban landscapes
can significantly improve urban ecological footprint with PLANT SELECTION FOR CULTIVATION IN SALT
proper design, careful energy use and plant and material AND DROUGHT CONDITIONS
selections. Advocated practices include selecting sites
to maximize wildlife habitat preservation and managing Presently two types of strategies are adopted for sustainable
storm water on site, preserving and restoring native plant landscaping under adverse drought and saline conditions;
communities. Al-Yaqoob (2012) illustrated the significance engineering the environment by irrigation and drainage
of greenery in reducing surplus heat and creating balanced management to manage increased salt level in soil and
microclimatic conditions in urban areas of UAE, He reduce water loses or by engineering the plants to increase
recommended that while designing the landscape we should their salt and drought tolerance. However, large areas of
try to mesh with the existing surroundings, linking back saline land cannot be managed in this way (Patane et al.,
to the area’s historic characteristics for additional visual 2013). Most of the possible solutions are much expensive
benefits. Cost of maintenance of vegetation in different in term of money, energy and time duration. So long term
forms and energy savings should be explored. Effects of effective method is the utilizing salt and drought tolerant
orientation of vegetation should also be analyzed. plant species which can be most feasible and economic
solution (Ahmad, 1999). Complex mechanisms of a biotic
Sustainable landscaping and smarter cities in UAE stress resistance in plants make difficult to produce stress
The leadership of Abu Dhabi is progressing with the tolerant varieties (Wang et al., 2003). Salt tolerance has
principles and imperatives for sustainable development, been studied in all types of plants ranging from grasses,
through “Estidama” which is a design methodology for herbs, shrubs to tree species, Choice of the plant group and
constructing and operating buildings and communities species in most of the cases is site specific. Plant species
more sustainably, while recognizing the unique regional should also be screened under localized conditions as in
needs. Abu Dhabi 2030 urban master plan developed by most cases different response is expected. Example is the
Department of economic development and urban planning introduction of saltbushes (Artiplex sp.) and band blue
council also focused sustainability as a core principle. bushes (Maireana sp.) from Australia to Pakistan under
Pearl Rating systems (PRS) system is design guidance ACIAR project 8619. Species that performed well in
and detailed requirements for rating projects according Australia and were expected to show the same response in
to the four pillars of Estidama (Moktar, 2012). Natural Pakistan under identical saline conditions but did not show
system of PRS focused on mitigating the negative impacts the same response (Ismail, 1998). The best way to utilize
of construction activities on the local environment by the degraded land is to domesticate the wild native species
conserving, preserving and restoring the regions critical rather than to increase the salt tolerance of plant species.
natural environments and habitats. NS-3: Ecological One of the successful approach is to select the wild species
Enhancement in the category Natural Systems have rating that have genetic tolerance to salt stress and have some
system as below; economic and landscape potential. Thus a new policy
is proposed to promote arid landscaping and maximum
Enhance the ecological value of the site by planting native use of water for the conserving amenity planting. This
or adaptive species: approach has been successful to save water in the arid cities
1 Credit Points: 50% plants specified for planting on of south western USA. It also helped to increase beauty
the site to comprise native and adaptive drought and/ and aesthetic value of desert cities. The adoption of an arid
or saline tolerant species including a minimum of 5 landscape policy would reduce the energy requirements by
different types of species. more than half and maintenance costs of the landscape
2 Credit Points: 70% plants specified for planting on design (Pitman et al., 2009).
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Native plants in landscaping including Utah (Mee et al., 2003), Arizona (McPHERSON
There is no universally accepted definition of native plants. and Haip, 1989), New Mexico (Spinti et al., 2004) Idaho
The U.S. fish and wildlife service defines native as “with (Quinn, 2009), Missouri (Anonymous, 2015), Hawaii
respect to a particular ecosystem, a species that, other than (Tamimi, 1996; Ricordi et al., 2014), North America (Flint,
as a result of introduction, historically occurred or currently 1997), Southeastern United States (Brzuszek et al., 2007) and
occurs in that ecosystem” (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California (Keator, 1994); Reid et al., 2008; Bornstein et al.,
2001), whereas, the U.S. national park service defined native 2005) have used native plants in landscaping transitionally
plants as “all species that have occurred or now occur as irrespective of the government policy. Ochoa et al. (2009)
a result of natural processes on lands designated as units found native species have great ability to adapt to abiotic
of the national park system. Native species in a place are stresses and he also developed a guide for use of native
evolving in concert with each other” (U.S. National Park species of Spain with ornamental value for landscaping
Service, 2000). Regardless of the variation in terminology, and xerogardening in semiarid regions. By promoting native
generally native plants usually include plants that are found plants landscape architects have not only created a vernacular
to occur in distinct natural places without the aid of, or landscape, but also helped to find solutions to rising summer
introduction by humans. Naturally, native plants species temperatures and excessive use of borrowed water (Crewe,
that have grown accustomed to local climate conditions are 2013). Native species are also found to be better suited to
the best when designing xeriscape, as they are enabled with difficult or unique site conditions (Brzuszek et al., 2007).
high efficiency of water consumption and minimization Gardening with native and indigenous plants due to their
of maintenance time and cost (ADM, 2011). Karim et al. water use efficiency and all other associated ecological,
(2006) have screened 170 different plants in the UAE (tree, cultural and landscape benefits getting importance since
shrubs and grasses) which are salt resistant along with their last few decades. Native pants are always well adapted to
description, distribution and uses (Karim et al., 2006). soil climate and environment need less maintenance less
use of pesticide and fertilizer.
Different landscape plant species are mostly considered
as drought tolerant based upon anecdotal observations Usually introduced ornamental plants are difficult to
and performance in landscape (Garci et al., 2004; Levitt acclimatize, need care and utilize enormous quantities of
et al., 1995). During plant selection for a specific sites irrigation water in addition to other production inputs.
indigenous species are mostly preferred as drought tolerant Contrary native plants are best adapted to local climatic and
by the public (Haehle and Brookwell, 2004; Hostetler soil conditions, use of native plants in landscape projects
et al., 2003). Landscape designs with the maximum use of can be highly beneficial in conserving limited resources.
native or drought tolerant species which require minimal Natural landscaping is an opportunity to reestablish and
supplemental irrigation after establishment has the potential diverse native ecosystem while at the same time provides
to outclass the exotic species in landscape (Montague a natural look to parks and gardens reflecting the national
et al., 2007; Haehle and Brookwell, 2004: Hostetler et al., heritage and culture (Bhat et al., 2009). As water scarcity
2003). However, species performance is unknown in problem has reached at alarming level, trend is shifting
maintained landscapes (Anella, 2000). It is also well known towards water efficient landscaping. Therefore, use of
that some wild species are more salt tolerant than their drought tolerant native plants is getting more attention
cultivated relative’s e.g. ornamental characteristics of wild (Paine et al., 1992).
and cultivated Limonium spp. differ by salinity (Morales
et al., 2001). Scheiber et al. (2008) also emphasized on the In Tucson, Arizona thousands of trees were planted early
importance of selecting plant material already adapted to in the twentieth century and the city became an arborescent
environmental conditions of a landscape. Native plants also oasis. Tucson is wholly dependent on groundwater, and due
assist to restore wild life habitat by providing food, shelter to declining groundwater supplies in 1988 the city adopted
and other ecological parameter and increase the overall a water conservation landscape ordinance that restricted
biodiversity of a given landscape (Fiedler, 2006; Stephens the use of turf and mandates planting of low water using
et al., 2006). Native plants also found to attract and retain native species. The lush green vegetation of trees was
greater numbers of natural enemies and are used as habitat replaced by desert landscaping. Perceived water shortage
management in Biological control (Fiedler, 2006; Fiedler has boost up the adoption stone mulch and arid-adaptive
and Landis, 2007a; Fiedler and Landis, 2007b). plants in Arizona which will be informative for other cities
facing similar water shortages (Mcpherson and Haip, 1989).
Various studies have been carried out advocating use of
native plants for landscaping. Many countries including Functional benefits associated with native plants
China (Zheng and Chen, 2008) and Oman (Hopkins and Native Plants of UAE have been used in traditional
Al-Yahyai, 2015) and different states of USA in particular medicine long ago in the UAE but ethnobotanical literature
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about most of species is rare. Zayed Complex for Herbal (Yabiku et al., 2007; Spinti et al., 2004; Hooper, 2003;
Research and Traditional Medicine did publication about Larson et al., 2009; Hilaire et al., 2010).
medicinal plants which enlisted only 29 species, including
some non-indigenous (El-Ghonemy, 1993). Sakkir et al.
(2012) analyzed the medicinal status of UAE flora. He
listed a total of 132 plants (nearly 20% of total species)
It is assumed that common people think indigenous plant
which are traditionally used in the UAE for the medicinal
look shaggy and weedy (Crewe, 2013; Reid et al., 2008;
Uren et al., 2015) which don’t seems true in case of UAE.
Indigenous rangeland grasses such as Cenchrus ciliaris, Native plant species including Prosopis cineraria (UAE
Pennisetum divisum, Panicum turgidum and Coelachyrum piercei National tree), Date palm, Moringa peregrina, and many
are also important sources of feed for grazing camel and other native species are commonly found in lawns of
sheep. These grasses survive with very little water and have UAE national’s houses which showed the interest of UAE
excellent adaption to the harsh desert environment, which people in native plants and also proves the suitability of
make them ideal choices for sustainable forage production, these plant species in landscape (Crewe, 2013). A landscape
thus reducing the use of scarce fresh water resources project is completed to beautify Sheikh Zayed Street, by
(Osman et al., 2008) introducing the native plants on large scale. This pioneering
project is compatible with Abu Dhabi 2030 vision to
Native plants can help restoring wild life habitat by create a sustainable city that promotes comfortable and
providing food, shelter and other ecological processes. sustainable transport routes. The soft landscape design
Indigenous plants may increase native biodiversity when takes advantage of the native flora, by encouraging the
used to restore degraded habitats (Osman et al., 2008; use of native plant species, to reduce water consumption
Stephens et al., 2006). For restoration and preservation and economize maintenance costs (Al-Mashhadani, 2014).
purpose, native plants are of vital importance in dealing Adopting the policy of cultivation of native plants that
with the impacts of noxious weeds. Native plants are able are tolerant to dry conditions to beautify Abu Dhabi has
to cultured landscapes transition into natural areas (Potts et preserved native plants species that are disappearing due
al., 2002). Native shrubs and trees have critical importance to urbanization (ADM, 2011). Most of native plants are
in the desert ecosystem as they provide shade shelter and not only xerophytic in nature but also belong to halophytes
habitat for indigenous wildlife. They also have an important which can tolerate high level of salinity (Western, 1989)
cultural association and are aesthetically pleasing in the like Zygophyllum qatarense and Salsola drummondi (El-Keblawy
landscape. and Ksiksi, 2005). Native plants in the UAE are thought to
be a possible biotic solution for water shortage and sustain
Public behavior to adopt Native plants in iandscaping the landscaping beauty. Indigenous plants are only way to
Gardening with indigenous species increasingly save the future of the green sector in the country (Shahin
demanded due to the biological and cultural functions and Salem, 2014).
associated with it (McMahan, 2006). Indigenous plants
are considered as an emerging market in the UAE. Native plants of UAE
Demand and sales can be increased by many ways UAE’s desert ecosystem is very simple, having a low
(Hamill, 2005). Costumer behavior can be changed by biodiversity with low rainfall and high temperatures.
labeling a plant as labeling invasive or native. Plant can However this country has habitats which host species that
get more customer interest if labeled native (Curtis et show unique physiological, behavioral and morphological
al., 2009). Customers are also willing to pay more for features to survive under harsh environmental conditions
native/noninvasive plants compared with non-native or (Tourenq and Launay, 2008). These features have enabled
invasive plants (Yue et al., 2011; Helfand et al., 2006). plants species found in the UAE ecosystems to cope with
For instance, for plants labeled as Nevada Grown about higher levels of salinity and high temperature that may
one third of Nevada customers were ready to pay 20% reach up to 50 0C during summers.
more (Curtis et al., 2009). Consumers are also concerned
about the environment and they are ready to pay more The flora of UAE, has received very little attention and
for environmental friendly products (Russo and Fouts, unfortunately very little scientific literature is available
1997; Laroche et al., 2001; Yue et al., 2011). In drought on the flora of UAE. Undoubtedly, the local Bedouin
affected areas due to watering restrictions public has (nomadic Arab of the desert) had traditional knowledge of
shown great interest in native plants (Brzuszek et al., many plants, but this was also not documented (Jongbloed
2010). In addition to this, desert landscape and native et al., 2003). Despite the extreme arid conditions, UAE
plants are preferred over non-native plants by public have more than 700 vascular plant species from diverse
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habitats (Sakkir et al., 2012). Sir Wilfred Thesiger was in other Arab countries with similar arid conditions and
the first botanist to collect plants specifically from the flora which can be useful. Despite the harsh environmental
region for scientific identification and research purpose conditions, UAE have diverse flora having which can be
in the 1950s. Until now, the flora of Eastern Saudi used for all requirements of any landscape.
Arabia (Mandaville, 1991) remains a source of reference,
relating it to desert ecosystems of UAE. There has been Examples of few species which can be selected for different
an upsurge in botanical activities during last two decades, landscape needs are below
but much basic research still need to be done (Hellyer and
Aspinal, 2005). Scientific work about habitats vegetation Shade trees
and flora of the UAE begun recently and Jongbloed et al. Prosopis cineraria, Moringa peregrina, Acacia Arabica,
(2003) and Western (1989) were the first publications on Acacia ehrenbergiana, Acacia tortilis, Boswellia sacra,
the wild plants of the UAE (Boer and Al Ansari, 1999). Ziziphus spinachristi, Vitex-agnus castus, Tecomella
Western (1989) was the first to document 501 plants undulata, Haloxylon persicum, Tamarix aphylla, Ficus
species for the UAE. Later on Roshier et al. (1996) and carica.
Boer and his co-workers (Booer and Al Ansari, 1999)
published many articles. Many new plants species have Hedges
been reported by Karim (1991) Karim (1995) Boer (1997) Atriplex halimus, Dodonea viseosa, Vitex-agnus castus,
Baer and Eschmann-Grupe (1996) Feulner (1997). The Pluchea dioscoridis
first volume of the flora of the Arabian Peninsula and
Socotra by A.G. Miller and T.A. Cope appeared in 1996 Shrubs
(Miller et al., 1996). To collect record and analyze the Aerva javanica, Atriplex leucoclada, Calligonum comosum,
traditional medicinal plants, UAE has established Zayed Haloxilon salicarnicum, Lawsonia innermis, Leptadenia
complex for herbs research and traditional medicine in pyrotechnica, Ochradenus arabicus, Pluchea dioscoridis, Salvadora
1996 (Correa, 2002). A first comprehensive checklist of persica, Tamarix nilotica.
species (bryophytes, ferns, flowering plants) appeared
in 2000, authored by M. Jongbloed, R. Western and B. Grasses
Boer. In April, 2003, Jongbloed et al. (2003) published Canchrus cilraris, Cymbopogon commutatus, Penicum antidotale,
the comprehensive guide to the wild flowers of the UAE Penicum turgidum, Pennisetum divisum, Coelachyrum piercii.
which encouraged the research on flora of the country
(Jongbloed et al., 2003). Many new species are still being Ground covers
reported which are summarized in Table 1 and total number Alhagi graecorum, Carnulaca aucheru, Convolvulus virgatus,
of plant taxa reported from UAE reached to 820 (Shahid Crotalaria aegyptiaca, Dipterygium glaucum, Heliotropium
and Rao, 2016a). bacciferum, Heliotropium curassavicum, Rhazya stricta, Rhynchosia
minima, Salsola imbricate, Senna italica, Tribulus arabicus,
Current knowledge about flora of UAE is at primary Zygophyllum mandaveli, Pulicaria glutinosa.
stages so to promote the native plants in landscaping for
sustainable greenery, there is a great need to perform Native plantation in forest and landscapes of UAE
more research on this subject (Shahin and Salem, 2014). According to World Map of Desertification (UNEP, 1997)
Unfortunately, there is no current germplasm bank center UAE is at risk of desertification. In contrast to combating
and no database for UAE flora available in UAE. Even desertification, UAE has adopted policy of greening the
there is no clear list for total native and indigenous plant desert. Huge deserts areas have been transformed into
species and recommended species for landscaping, which green lands over a short period in the UAE (Abdelfattah
is the great obstacle in promoting the flora of UAE flora et al., 2009). The concept of ”desert greening” was a great
for landscaping. Therefore, more efforts have to be done, motivator to turn the arid desert into green paradise (Ouis,
to establish a national germplasm data bank and national 2002). UAE made great efforts to increase forest area to
data center, in order to conserve and sustain the available approximately 318.36 thousand hectares in 2011 (MOEW,
flora. In addition, more attention should be given in 2015). The dominated agricultural land of UAE is in Abu
improving the germplasm collection and storage (Shahin Dhabi was 75, 283 ha (Abu Dhabi Statistics Center, 2015).
and Salem, 2014). Forest of UAE now comprises of following native and
adoptive species.
Species suitable for landscape
UAE flora is rarely studied but landscape experts used Acacia ehrenbergiana Hayne, Acacia nilotica (L.)Delile Garath,
traditional knowledge of UAE nationals to select plants to Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne, Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce,
use them for their landscape projects. Studies are also done Ziziphus spina christi (L.) Willd, Salvadora persica ., Phoenix
Emir. J. Food Agric ● Vol 29 ● Issue 10 ● 2017 735
Alam, et al.: Landscaping with native plants

Table 1: New species added to Flora of UAE since 2003

S. No. Species Family Reference
1 Cutandia dichotoma Poaceae (Brown et al., 2006)
2 Aristida mutabilis Poaceae (Gairola et al., 2013)
3 Boerhavia erecta Nyctaginaceae (Gairola et al., 2013)
4 Chaenorhinum rubrifolium Plantaginaceae (Gairola et al., 2013)
5 Centaurium tenuiflorum Gentianaceae (Gairola et al., 2013)
6 Echiochilon callianthum Boraginaceae (Gairola et al., 2013)
7 Limonium stocksii Plumbaginaceae (Gairola et al., 2013)
8 Gamochaeta pensylvanica Asteraceae (Shahid, 2014)
9 Verbesina encelioides Asteraceae (Shahid, 2014)
10 Silene arabica Caryophyllaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2014a)
11 Vaccaria hispanica Caryophyllaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2014a)
12 Datura ferox Solanaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2014b)
13 Oldenlandia corymbosa Rubiaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2014b)
14 Bromus diandrus Gramineae (Shahid and Rao, 2015)
15 Lolium multiflorum Gramineae (Shahid and Rao, 2015)
16 Diplotaxis erucoides Cruciferae (Shahid and Rao, 2015)
17 Alternanthera sessilis Amaranthaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2015)
18 Amaranthus lividus Amaranthaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2015)
19 Commelina benghalensis Commelinaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2015)
20 Kickxia elatine Scrophulariaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2015)
21 Cyperus eremicus Cyperaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2015)
22 Sphaeralcea bonariensis (Cav.) Griseb. Malvaceae (Gairola et al., 2015)
23 Parthenium hysterophorus L. Asteraceae (Mahmoud et al., 2015)
24 Bidens pilosa L. Asteracea (Mahmoud et al., 2015).
25 Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Wight Fabaceae (Mahmoud et al., 2016a)
26 Trifolium repens L. Fabaceae (Mahmoud et al., 2016a)
27 Glinus lotoides Molluginaceae (Mahmoud et al., 2016b)
28 Senna occidentalis Fabaceae (Mahmoud et al., 2016b)
29 Arenaria deflexa Decne. Caryophyllaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2016a)
30 Cyperus longus L. Cyperaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2016a)
31 Eleusine indica L. Poaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2016a)
32 Chenopodium carinatum R.Br. Chenopodiaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2016a)
33 Iphiona mucronata (Forssk.) Asch. and Schweinf. Asteraceae (Shahid and Rao, 2016a)
34 Medicago lupulina L. Leguminosae (Shahid and Rao, 2016a)
35 Gossypium herbaceum Malvaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2016b)
36 Hibiscus trionum Malvaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2016b)
37 Sida spinosa Malvaceae (Shahid and Rao, 2016b)

dactylifera L., Eucalyptus camaldulensis Schlecht., Azadirachta Dhabi public realm design manual (2010) at least 80%
indica (L.), Cassia italica (Mill.) F.W. Atriplex spp., Haloxylon of the total proposed landscape areas in public realms
salicornicum (Moq.) Bunge ex Boiss., Simmondsia chinensis projects should consists of locally occurring, drought
(Link.)C.K., Calligonum comosum, Leptadenia pyrotechnica tolerant plant species. During the recent years a strong
(Forssk.), Haloxylon persicum Bunge, Zygophyllum qatarense drive has been raised for intensive use of native plants in
Hadidi (Abdelfattah, 2009). the landscaping. Municipal authorities are focusing more on
water conservation landscapes in all govt. projects. Hence
According to Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi list now landscaping with native plants can be observed in all
the average percentage of selected NPS in ornamental major road sides and median strip in Al Ain. Data regarding
landscape projects for 2010 to 2012 in Abu Dhabi city is total projects completed dominated with native plants
between 35 -37% (Al-Mashhadani, 2012). Accordingly, and their impact on water conservation in city landscape
at the mid 2013 the ADMA had adopted a strategy projects is yet to be evaluated.
of introducing the native plant species in landscaping
projects and issued a guide “Introducing of native plants Promotion of native plants market
in landscape projects in Abu Dhabi Emirate”. This guide Several reports have been published about trends in
directs the concerned stakeholders to begin introduction native plant markets, customer preference and problems
of native plants in landscaping projects. According to Abu faced by native plants growers and landscape architects.
736 Emir. J. Food Agric ● Vol 29 ● Issue 10 ● 2017
Alam, et al.: Landscaping with native plants

Top concerns included: Propagation, issues of genetic with distinct morphological characters suitable for desert
variability, maintenance in landscapes and on restoration landscaping. Most of the native plants recommendation
sites, cultural and other information, availability of retail seems to be based on anecdotal observations as many of
quality native plant material, lack of commercially available them are not available in the market. Regeneration of native
seeds, and finally, public perceptions that often hinder species is not well known and propagation techniques for
acceptance of projects that incorporate native plants (Potts most of native species are not developed and only few are
et al., 2002). Major concerns limiting the Florida native available in the local market, so recommending native plants
wildflowers market included lack of shared knowledge, in the landscapes without proper production technology
concerns about plant material origin and source and seed may exploit the population in the natural habitat.
processing issues and limited seed supply (Kauth and
P´erez, 2011). Most of the native plants growers face So before going to commercial plantation, research should
much difficulty in seed conditioning, breaking dormancy, be carried out to recommend best suitable technique for
testing seed viability, and maintaining seed viability (Kauth the commercial production and recommendation should
and Perez, 2011). Most of the native plants grower collect be made based on that. Educational programs should be
the seed/plants from wild (Neufeld, 2010) which can started to increase the awareness in the public about native
be threat to wild populations and habitats especially in plants and provide technical and scientific information
case of rare plants species. Lack of scientific research on to landscape architects and contractors through nursery
propagation techniques is a limiting factor for involvement catalogs, plant lists etc. This can assist in the selection
of nurserymen and other green industry professional in of suitable plants for landscape designs. Market surveys
more difficult to propagate species so specific propagation should be carried out to know the issues and problems
guidelines would be extremely valuable for nurseries and faced by the nursery owners, native plants growers and
other green industry professionals (Potts et al., 2002). For landscape architects regarding native plants.
landscape architect non-availability of plants, undefined
maintenance requirements and difficulty in selection of
plants for a site are the major constraints faced and that may CONCLUSION
inhibit the use of native plants (Tamimi, 1996). Important
factors which limit the use of native plants is desired plant Landscaping with native plants can be the alternative
species and plant vigor, followed by customers’ perceptions way for sustainable greenery under extreme conditions
of native plant aesthetics. Customer’s unfamiliarity with with low/saline water with many other ecological and
native plant care and limited knowledge about specific economic benefits. Green sector in UAE depends
native plant use is also the matters of concern (Hooper, completely on exotic species and irrigation water mostly
2003; Ricordi et al., 2014). from nonrenewable ground resources.

Although promotion and adoption of native plant has been Excessive use of water for irrigation and increasing
slow, customers are willing to buy and plant native species population demand can be the reasons of extreme water
(Gagliardi and Brand, 2007; Yue et al., 2011). Demand shortage in UAE in the near future. This water shortage
can be increased much more by educating consumer’s is the limiting factor for the landscaping and greenery.
nurserymen and landscape designers about native plants. Native plants have different qualities due to which they
For successful implementation and promotion of native can be used as fodder, medicine, landscaping, afforestation,
wildflowers and native plant market, education of both sand stabilization, wind break and alternative crops in
professionals and the customers is critical. In addition drought and saline conditions, all of which can contribute
Woosaree (2000), Meyer (2005) and Peppin et al. (2010) to sustainable greenery and maintaining specific unique
suggested that educating consumers regarding the use of and traditional desert landscape of UAE. Using native
native plants would bring awareness to the native plant plants will not only reduce water requirement but also the
market. Studies should be carried out to develop viable maintenance, fertilizer and pesticide cost of any landscape
and faster propagation methodologies of native plants. project. Moreover landscaping with native plants will also
The potential of native plants to be used in landscaping conserve the Indigenous flora through utilization. More
due to their growth habits and their water use efficiency as studies should be carried out to identify best suitable local
compared to exotic species and its effect on water sources plants and techniques for their commercial production
and ecology is still need to be assessed. All the available and recommendation should be made based on that.
landscape plants should be evaluated for their physiological, Educational programs should be started to increase the
morphological and horticultural properties to make best awareness among the public about native plants and
use of this hidden natural treasure. To ensure sustainable provide info to Landscape architects and contractors
landscaping we need to identify stress tolerant plants through nursery catalogs, plant lists etc. to help them select
Emir. J. Food Agric ● Vol 29 ● Issue 10 ● 2017 737
Alam, et al.: Landscaping with native plants

suitable plants for their landscape designs. Through this we Vegetation Covered Sand Dune Mounds within the Landscape
can improve our landscape plans with maximum utilization Around Urban Structures in the UAE, Ph.D. Dissertation. The
British University in Dubai (BUiD), Dubai.
of native species so it is more suitable in desert background
Anella, L. 2000. Debunking native myths. Am. Nurseryman. 15: 39-40.
and also represent horticultural heritage of UAE. We can
Anonymous. 2015. Landscaping with Native Plants a Gardener’s
make future designs more sustainable and traditional giving Guide for Missouri, Shaw Nature Reserve, Missouri Botanical
a specific identification of national landscape. Garden.
Arif, I. A., M. A. Bakir, H. A. Khan, A. H. Al-Farhan, A. A. Al- Homaidan,
A. H. Bahkali, M. Al-Sadoon and M. Shobrak. 2010. A brief
ACKNOWLEDGMENT review of molecular techniques to assess plant diversity. Int. J.
Mol. Sci. 11: 2079-2096.
The authors are grateful to Engr. Anwar Sajad and Engr. Boer, B. and F. Al Ansari. 1999. The vegetation and flora of the United
Elyasa Abdel Razig Mohamed of Salamat Native Plants Arab Emirates-a review. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on the
Nursery and Barari Forest Management for their technical Conservation of the Flora of the Arabian Peninsula. NCWCD &
IUCN, Riyadh. pp. 63-77.
guidance and helps for this study.
Baer, B. and G. Eschmann-Grupe. 1996. A botanical excursion in the
UAE. Tribulus. 6: 22-25.
Authors’s contributions
Bhat, N., M. Suleiman and M. Abdal. 2009. Selection of crops for
HA - Conception, designing, literature searching and sustainable utilization of land and water resources in Kuwait.
data extraction, drafting of the manuscript; SBTP - World J. Agric. Sci. 5: 201-206.
Analysis and interpretation of data, drafting of the Boer, B. 1997. New wetland plants for the UAE: Potamogeton
manuscript; JZ KK and SK - critically reviewed and pectinatus L. and Zannichellia palustris L. Tribulus. 7: 22-23.
modified the manuscript; TSK - Conception, designing Bolleter, J. 2015. Charting the potential of landscape urbanism in
and coordinating the review. Dubai. Landscape Res. 40: 621-642.
Bornstein, C., D. Fross and B. O’Brien. 2005. California Native Plants
for the Garden. Cachuma Press Los Olivos, CA, USA.
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