Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Julito Añora2
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Cebu Institute of Technology –
Cebu City, Philippines
evaluation, this research endeavors to shed light on the
potential of innovative technologies like the Seabin to
I. INTRODUCTION safeguard our oceans for future generations.
The concerning levels of pollution evident in the
oceans has spurred the development of inventive In the subsequent sections, the group will delve
measures to address environmental deterioration. Just as into the theoretical underpinnings of ocean pollution,
there are waste bins on land, the ocean should also have explore the operational mechanics of the Seabin device,
waste bins to collect garbages from the surface of the analyze its environmental impact, and discuss
water. The seabin is a floating rubbish bin engineered to implications for marine conservation efforts. Through this
combat this issue by efficiently collecting plastic, debris, comprehensive examination, the group targets to inspire
and other pollutants from the water's surface. people in greater awareness and action in addressing the
global challenge of ocean pollution.
The motivation for this study arises from the
pressing need to address the detrimental effects of ocean RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
pollution. The group decides to create the seabin device The purpose of this study is to comprehensively
to collect trash, paper, plastics, oil, fuel and detergents evaluate the efficacy and implications of Seabin
floating on the water surface that contaminates our technology in removing surface trash from water bodies,
marine ecosystem. Crucially, its design ensures the safety considering environmental impact, waste composition,
of marine life by collecting only surface debris without cost-effectiveness, public perception, obstacles, and
causing harm. optimization strategies
The research is guided by a set of specific
Each Seabin device works independently, objectives aimed at comprehensively investigating Seabin
floating up and down with the tide, removing wastes from technology and its implications. Firstly, the study
the water 24 hours a day. Water is sucked inside thanks to endeavors to assess the efficiency of Seabin technology in
a submersible water pump. The water is then pumped removing surface debris across diverse water bodies.
back into the ocean leaving litter and debris trapped in the Additionally, it aims to analyze the impact of
catch bag to be to be disposed away properly. The size of environmental variables such as currents and water
the Seabin and the catch bag have been designed for a temperature on the operational performance of Seabin
safe working load of one person, when this is full, the devices. Moreover, the research seeks to quantify and
worker simply replaces the catch bag with another one. categorize the types and volumes of waste collected by
The Seabin floating rubbish bin can be installed in an Seabin technology, discerning between organic matter,
unused corner of seashores, ports docks, yacht clubs and plastics, and other pollutants. Furthermore, it aims to
commercial ports. conduct a comparative analysis of the cost-effectiveness
of Seabin technology against conventional methods of
The strategic positioning is set in places that are water surface cleaning. The study also aims to gauge
known to become clogged with trash and debris, enabling public and stakeholder perceptions regarding the long-
the wind and the currents to push the debris directly to the term viability of Seabin technology in enhancing water
Seabin. quality. Moreover, it endeavors to identify potential
challenges and constraints associated with the installation
By studying the Seabin's efficacy in reducing and maintenance of Seabin devices across various aquatic
ocean pollution, the group aims to contribute to a deeper environments. Lastly, based on the research findings,
understanding of sustainable solutions for preserving our recommendations will be formulated to enhance the
marine ecosystems. Through empirical analysis and deployment strategies of Seabin technology. Through
these defined objectives, the research aims to provide subsequently properly disposed of. The Seabin can
valuable insights into the effectiveness and implications also capture a proportion of oil and contaminants that
of Seabin technology in mitigating ocean pollution and are floating on the surface of the water. The Seabin
safeguarding marine ecosystems. Project is experimenting with 24-volt submersible
water pumps that can be powered by alternate energy
II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK sources. Depending on the geographical region and
In this research endeavor, our focus is on current technologies available, this might be done
developing a Magnetic Levitation Control System that with solar, wave, or wind power. As part of a three-
leverages analog input signals for enhanced precision and pronged approach to the present global littering
real-time control. The significance of magnetic levitation problem, the Seabin Project has devised a three-
in diverse applications underscores the importance of pronged approach. The elements listed below are
refining and advancing control strategies. To establish a being developed concurrently with the product.
theoretical foundation, we delve into the electromagnetic Although the following elements are given in order
principles governing magnetic levitation and elucidate the of significance, they are all equally important.
role of analog input in providing dynamic control signals.
The proposed system's architecture encompasses key 1.2 Catch Bag
components such as sensors, actuators, and control units, Hessian fibre, sometimes known as burlap, is
with a distinct emphasis on integrating analog input used to make the Seabin catch bag. Hessian fibre
devices, such as potentiometers or analog sensors, to is made from jute, a plant belonging to the Corchorus
facilitate nuanced control. The control algorithm, a genus that is primarily produced in Asia. Our catch
crucial element of this framework, interprets analog input bags are made from a sustainable and
signals to dynamically adjust the magnetic field strength, environmentally friendly crop and material. Hessian
ensuring the system's stability during levitation. fibre, sometimes known as burlap, is used to make
A detailed modeling and simulation process, the Seabin catch bag. Hessian fibre is made from
incorporating analog input dynamics, serves to predict jute, a plant belonging to the Corchorus genus that is
and analyze the system's behavior under varying primarily produced in Asia. Our catch bags are made
conditions. The experimental setup involves specifying from a sustainable and environmentally friendly crop
hardware components, emphasizing the importance of and material. Jute is a sustainable and
analog input device calibration for accuracy. Data environmentally beneficial crop and material for our
collection during experiments enables an analysis of the catch bags because it requires very little fertiliser and
correlation between analog input variations and levitation pesticides. Burlap is a 100% biodegradable,
performance. Results and discussions will showcase the recyclable, and compostable material.
practical implications of employing analog input in
magnetic levitation control, while identifying challenges The fabric is ideal for the Seabins catch bag
and limitations faced during the research. The conclusion because it allows water to pass through the mesh
summarizes key findings, highlighting the role of analog pores, catching plastics as small as 5mm and smaller.
input, and proposes avenues for future research, including
potential optimizations and alternative control strategies.
This theoretical framework provides a structured
approach to investigating magnetic levitation using
analog input, encompassing theoretical principles, system
design, control algorithms, and experimental validation.
The Seabin collects all marine waste by moving
up and down with the tide. The Seabin comes with a
submersible water pump which is capable of displacing
32L per minute i,e 0.5hp pump. Water is pulled in from
the surface and sent through a catch bag inside the
Seabin. The item is immediately inserted into a 110/220V
outlet. The water is then pumped back into the body of
water leaving litter and debris trapped in the mesh placed
inside the main body which is later disposed away
properly. Each Seabin is estimated to filter over 2 million
litres of water each year.
1.1 Seabin
The Seabin is a trash can that floats on the water
and can be found at marinas, docks, yacht clubs, and
commercial ports. Water is drawn in from the surface
and filtered via the catch bag inside the Seabin. The
water is then pumped back into the marina, trapping
litter and debris in the catch bag, which is