Ur s10 Rev.7 Feb 2023ul
Ur s10 Rev.7 Feb 2023ul
Ur s10 Rev.7 Feb 2023ul
S10 Rudders, Sole Pieces and Rudder Horns
(Rev.1 S10.1 General
(Corr.1 1.1 Basic assumptions
July 1999)
(Corr.2 1.1.1 This UR applies to ordinary profile rudders, and to some enhanced profile rudders with
July 2003) special arrangements for increasing the rudder force.
May 2010) 1.1.2 This UR applies to rudders made of steel for ships with L ≥ 24m.
Mar 2012) 1.2 Design considerations
May 2015) 1.2.1 Effective means are to be provided for supporting the weight of the rudder without
(Rev.4 excessive bearing pressure, e.g. by a rudder carrier attached to the upper part of the rudder
Apr 2015) stock. The hull structure in way of the rudder carrier is to be suitably strengthened.
Dec 2015) 1.2.2 Suitable arrangements are to be provided to prevent the rudder from lifting.
May 2018) 1.2.3 In rudder trunks which are open to the sea, a seal or stuffing box is to be fitted above
(Rev.6 the deepest load waterline, to prevent water from entering the steering gear compartment and
Sep 2019) the lubricant from being washed away from the rudder carrier. If the top of the rudder trunk is
(Rev.7 below the deepest waterline at scantling draught (without trim), two separate watertight seals /
Feb 2023) stuffing boxes are to be provided.
1.3 Materials
1.3.1 Welded parts of rudders are to be made of approved rolled hull materials.
2. The “contracted for construction” date means the date on which the contract to build the
vessel is signed between the prospective owner and the shipbuilder. For further details
regarding the date of “contract for construction”, refer to IACS Procedural Requirement
(PR) No. 29.
S10 1.3.2 Material factor k for normal and high tensile steel plating may be taken into account
when specified in each individual rule requirement. The material factor k is to be taken as
(cont) defined in UR S4, unless otherwise specified.
1.3.3 Steel grade of plating materials for rudders and rudder horns are to be in accordance
with UR S6.
1.3.4 Rudder stocks, pintles, coupling bolts, keys and cast parts of rudders are to be made of
rolled, forged or cast carbon manganese steel in accordance with UR W7, W8 and W11.
1.3.5 For rudder stocks, pintles, keys and bolts the specified minimum yield stress is not to
be less than 200 N/mm2. The requirements of this UR are based on a material's specified
minimum yield stress of 235 N/mm2. If material is used having a specified minimum yield stress
differing from 235 N/mm2 the material factor k is to be determined as follows:
𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 𝒆𝒆
𝒌𝒌 = � �
ReH = specified minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of material used, and is not to be
taken greater than 0.7σT or 450 N/mm2, whichever is the smaller value.
1.4.1 Slot-welding is to be limited as far as possible. Slot welding is not to be used in areas
with large in-plane stresses transversely to the slots or in way of cut-out areas of semi-spade
When slot welding is applied, the length of slots is to be minimum 75 mm with breadth of 2 t,
where t is the rudder plate thickness, in mm. The distance between ends of slots is not to be
more than 125 mm. The slots are to be fillet welded around the edges and filled with a suitable
compound, e.g. epoxy putty. Slots are not to be filled with weld.
Continuous slot welds are to be used in lieu of slot welds. When continuous slot welding is
applied, the root gap is to be between 6-10 mm. The bevel angle is to be at least 15°.
1.4.2 In way of the rudder horn recess of semi-spade rudders, the radii in the rudder plating
except in way of solid part in cast steel are not to be less than 5 times the plate thickness, but
in no case less than 100 mm. Welding in side plate is to be avoided in or at the end of the radii.
Edges of side plate and weld adjacent to radii are to be ground smooth.
1.4.3 Welds in the rudder side plating subjected to significant stresses from rudder bending
and welds between plates and heavy pieces (solid parts in forged or cast steel or very thick
plating) are to be made as full penetration welds. In way of highly stressed areas e.g. cut-out
of semi-spade rudder and upper part of spade rudder, cast or welding on ribs is to be arranged.
Two sided full penetration welding is normally to be arranged. Where back welding is
impossible welding is to be performed against ceramic backing bars or equivalent. Steel
backing bars may be used and are to be fitted with continuously welded on one side to the
S10 heavy piecebevelled edge, see Figure 1. The bevel angle is to be at least 15° for one sided
Figure 1: Use of steel backing bar in way of full penetration welding of rudder side
1.4.4 Requirements for welding and design details of rudder trunks are described in S10.9.3.
1.4.5 Requirements for welding and design details when the rudder stock is connected to the
rudder by horizontal flange coupling are described in S10.6.1.4.
1.4.6 Requirements for welding and design details of rudder horns are described in S10.9.2.3.
1.5 Equivalence
1.5.1 The Society may accept alternatives to requirements given in this UR, provided they
are deemed to be equivalent.
1.5.2 Direct analyses adopted to justify an alternative design are to take into consideration all
relevant modes of failure, on a case by case basis. These failure modes may include, amongst
others: yielding, fatigue, buckling and fracture. Possible damages caused by cavitation are also
to be considered.
1.5.3 If deemed necessary by the Society, lab tests, or full scale tests may be requested to
validate the alternative design approach.
2.1.1 The rudder force upon which the rudder scantlings are to be based is to be
determined from the following formula:
Vmin = (V + 20) / 3
For the astern condition the maximum astern speed as defined in SOLAS
Regulation II-1/3.15 is to be used, however, in no case taken less than:
Vastern = 0.5 V
K1 = factor depending on the aspect ratio λ of the rudder area.
λ = b2 / At
b = mean height of the rudder area, in m. Mean breadth and mean height of rudder
are calculated according to the coordinate system in Fig. 12.
At = sum of rudder blade area A and area of rudder post or rudder horn, if any, within
the height b, in m2.
K2 = coefficient depending on the type of the rudder and the rudder profile according
to Table 1.
Figure 12
Table 1
Profile Type
Ahead condition Astern condition
NACA-00 series Göttingen
1.10 0.80
Flat side
1.10 0.90
1.35 0.90
Fish tail
1.40 0.80
Single plate
1.00 1.00
S10 2.1.2 The rudder torque is to be calculated for both the ahead and astern condition according
(cont) to the formula:
QR = CR r [Nm]
r = c (α – k1) [m]
k1 = Af / A
Af = portion of the rudder blade area situated ahead of the centre line of the rudder
The total rudder force CR is to be calculated according to S10.2.1.1. The pressure distribution
over the rudder area, upon which the determination of rudder torque and rudder blade strength
is to be based, is to be derived as follows:
The rudder area may be divided into two rectangular or trapezoidal parts with areas A1 and A2,
so that A = A1 + A2 (see Figure 23).
Figure 23
r1 = c1 (α – k1) [m]
r2 = c2 (α – k2) [m]
S10 k1 = A1f / A1
k2 = A2f / A2
A1a = portion of A1 situated aft of the centre line of the rudder stock.
A1f = portion of A1 situated ahead of the centre line of the rudder stock.
A2a = portion of A2 situated aft of the centre line of the rudder stock.
A2f = portion of A2 situated ahead of the centre line of the rudder stock.
For parts of a rudder behind a fixed structure such as the rudder horn:
CR2 = CR 𝑨𝑨𝟐𝟐 [N]
The total rudder torque is to be calculated for both the ahead and astern condition according
to the formula:
A1c1 + A2c2
QR min = 0.1CR
3.2 The bending moments, shear forces and torques as well as the reaction forces are to
be determined by a direct calculation or by an approximate simplified method considered
appropriate by each individual society. For rudders supported by sole pieces or rudder horns
these structures are to be included in the calculation model in order to account for the elastic
support of the rudder body. Guidelines for calculation of bending moment and shear force
distribution are given in an annex to this UR.
4.1 The rudder stock diameter required for the transmission of the rudder torque is to be
dimensioned such that the torsional stress is not exceeding the following value:
𝜏𝜏 𝑇𝑇 = 68 / k [N/mm2]
The rudder stock diameter for the transmission of the rudder torque is therefore not to be less
𝒅𝒅𝒕𝒕 = 𝟒𝟒. 𝟐𝟐�𝑸𝑸𝑹𝑹 𝒌𝒌 [mm]
If the rudder stock is subjected to combined torque and bending, the equivalent stress in the
rudder stock is not to exceed 118 / k, in N/mm2.
𝟔𝟔 𝟒𝟒
𝒅𝒅𝒄𝒄 = 𝒅𝒅𝒕𝒕 �𝟏𝟏 + [mm]
𝟑𝟑(𝑴𝑴⁄𝑸𝑸𝑹𝑹 )𝟐𝟐
S10 For a spade rudder with trunk extending inside the rudder, the rudder stock scantlings shall be
checked against the two cases defined in Annex S10.3.
4.3 Before significant reduction in rudder stock diameter are granted due to the application
of steel with specified minimum yield stress exceeding 235 N/mm2, the Society may require the
evaluation of the rudder stock deformations. Large deformations of the rudder stock are to be
avoided in order to avoid excessive edge pressures in way of bearings.
The section modulus and the web area of a horizontal section of the rudder blade are to be
such that the following stresses will not be exceeded:
b) In way of the recess for the rudder horn pintle on semi-spade rudders
Note: The stresses in b) apply equally to high tensile and ordinary steels.
The thickness of the rudder side, top and bottom plating is not to be less than:
S10 The thickness of the nose plates may be increased to the discretion of each Society. The
(cont) thickness of web plates is not to be less than the greater of 70% of the rudder side plating
thickness and 8 mm.
The rudder plating in way of the solid part is to be of increased thickness per S10.5.3.4.
5.3.1 Solid parts in forged or cast steel, which house the rudder stock or the pintle, are to be
provided with protrusions, except where not required as indicated below.
These protrusions are not required when the web plate thickness is less than:
- 10 mm for web plates welded to the solid part on which the lower pintle of a semi-spade
rudder is housed and for vertical web plates welded to the solid part of the rudder stock
coupling of spade rudders.
5.3.2 The solid parts are in general to be connected to the rudder structure by means of two
horizontal web plates and two vertical web plates.
5.3.3 Minimum section modulus of the connection with the rudder stock housing.
The section modulus of the cross-section of the structure of the rudder blade, in cm3, formed
by vertical web plates and rudder plating, which is connected with the solid part where the
rudder stock is housed is to be not less than:
𝐻𝐻𝐸𝐸 −𝐻𝐻𝑥𝑥 2 𝑘𝑘
𝑊𝑊𝑠𝑠 = 𝑐𝑐𝑠𝑠 𝑑𝑑𝑐𝑐 3 � � 10−4 [cm3]
𝐻𝐻𝐸𝐸 𝑘𝑘𝑠𝑠
= 1.0 if there is no opening in the rudder plating or if such openings are closed by
a full penetration welded plate.
HE = vertical distance between the lower edge of the rudder blade and the upper edge
of the solid part, in m.
HX = vertical distance between the considered cross-section and the upper edge of
the solid part, in m.
The actual section modulus of the cross-section of the structure of the rudder blade is to be
calculated with respect to the symmetrical axis of the rudder.
S10 The breadth of the rudder plating, in m, to be considered for the calculation of section modulus
(cont) is to be not greater than:
b = sV + 2 Hx / 3 [m]
Where openings for access to the rudder stock nut are not closed by a full penetration welded
plate, they are to be deducted.
Figure 3 4 Cross-section of the connection between rudder blade structure and rudder
stock housing, example with opening in only one side shown
5.3.4 The thickness of the horizontal web plates connected to the solid parts, in mm, as well
as that of the rudder blade plating between these webs, is to be not less than the greater of the
following values:
tH = 1.2 t [mm]
S10 where:
t = defined in S10.5.2.
= dc, as per S10.4.2, for the solid part housing the rudder stock.
= dp, as per S10.7.1, for the solid part housing the pintle.
The increased thickness of the horizontal webs is to extend fore and aft of the solid part at least
to the next vertical web.
5.3.5 The thickness of the vertical web plates welded to the solid part where the rudder stock
is housed as well as the thickness of the rudder side plating under this solid part is to be not
less than the values obtained, in mm, from Table 2.
The increased thickness is to extend below the solid piece at least to the next horizontal web.
The mainpiece diameter is calculated according to S10.4.1 and S10.4.2 respectively. For spade
rudders the lower third may taper down to 0.75 times stock diameter.
5.4.3 Arms
The thickness of the arms is not to be less than the blade thickness
ta = tb [mm]
C1 = horizontal distance from the aft edge of the rudder to the centreline of the rudder
stock, in m.
em = mean distance, in mm, of the bolt axes from the centre of the bolt system.
6.1.2 The thickness of the coupling flanges, in mm, is not to be less than the greater of the
following formulae:
S10 t f = 0.9d b
6.1.3 The width of material between the perimeter of the bolt holes and the perimeter of the
flange is not to be less than 0.67 db.
6.1.4 The welded joint between the rudder stock and the flange is to be made in accordance
with Figure 4 5 or equivalent.
6.1.5 Coupling bolts are to be fitted bolts and their nuts are to be locked effectively.
6.2.1 The diameter of the coupling bolts, in mm, is not to be less than:
m = 0.00043 d3 [cm3]
6.2.3 The thickness of the coupling flanges is to be not less than the bolt diameter, and the
width of the flange material between the perimeter of the bolt holes and the perimeter of the
flange is to be not less than 0.67 db.
6.2.4 Coupling bolts are to be fitted bolts and their nuts are to be locked effectively.
Cone couplings without hydraulic arrangements for mounting and dismounting the coupling
should have a taper c on diameter of 1:8 - 1:12.
The diameters d0, in mm, and du, in mm, are shown in Figure 5 6 and the cone length, ℓc, in
mm, is defined in Figure 5b7b.
The cone coupling is to be secured by a slugging nut. The nut is to be secured, e.g. by a
securing plate.
The cone shapes are to fit exactly. The coupling length ℓ, in mm, is to be, in general, not less
than 1.5d0.
For couplings between stock and rudder a key is to be provided, the shear area of which, in
cm2, is not to be less than:
𝑎𝑎𝑠𝑠 =
𝑑𝑑𝑘𝑘 𝑅𝑅𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒1
𝑑𝑑𝑡𝑡 3
𝑄𝑄𝐹𝐹 = 0.02664
Where the actual diameter dta is greater than the calculated diameter dt, the diameter dta is to
be used. However, dta applied to the above formula need not be taken greater than 1.145 dt.
The effective surface area, in cm2, of the key (without rounded edges) between key and rudder
stock or cone coupling is not to be less than:
𝑎𝑎𝑘𝑘 =
𝑑𝑑𝑘𝑘 𝑅𝑅𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒2
ReH2 = specified minimum yield stress of the key, stock or coupling material, in N/mm2,
whichever is less.
6.3.3 The dimensions of the slugging nut are to be as follows (see Figure 56):
height: hn ≥ 0.6 dg
6.3.4 Push up
It is to be proved that 50% of the design yield moment is solely transmitted by friction in the
cone couplings. This can be done by calculating the required push-up pressure and push-up
length according to S10.6.4.2 and S10.6.4.3 for a torsional moment Q'F = 0.5QF.
6.3.5 Notwithstanding the requirements in S10.6.3.2 and S10.6.3.4, where a key is fitted to
the coupling between stock and rudder and it is considered that the entire rudder torque is
transmitted by the key at the couplings, the scantlings of the key as well as the push-up force
and push-up length are to be at the discretion of the Society.
6.4 Cone couplings with special arrangements for mounting and dismounting the
6.4.1 Where the stock diameter exceeds 200 mm, the press fit is recommended to be effected
by a hydraulic pressure connection. In such cases the cone is to be more slender, c ≈1:12 to
In case of hydraulic pressure connections, the nut is to be effectively secured against the rudder
stock or the pintle.
For the safe transmission of the torsional moment by the coupling between rudder stock and
rudder body the push-up pressure and the push-up length are to be determined according to
S10.6.4.2 and S10.6.4.3 respectively.
The push-up pressure is not to be less than the greater of the two following values:
preq1 = 2
10 3 [N/mm²]
d πμ0
6M b 3
preq 2 = 10
2d m
𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟2= 6𝑀𝑀𝑐𝑐
𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑑𝑚𝑚
QF = design yield moment of rudder stock, as defined in S10.6.3.2 in Nm.
Mbc = bending moment in rudder stock at the top of the cone coupling (e.g. in case of
spade rudders), in Nm.
For spade rudder with trunk extending inside the rudder, the coupling shall be checked against
the two cases defined in Annex S10.3
S10 It has to be proved by the designer that the push-up pressure does not exceed the permissible
surface pressure in the cone. The permissible surface pressure, in N/mm², is to be determined
(cont) by the following formula:
0.95R eH (1 − 𝛼𝛼 2 )
𝑝𝑝perm = − 𝑝𝑝𝑏𝑏 [N/mm²]
√3 + 𝛼𝛼 4
S10 where:
(cont) 3.5𝑀𝑀𝑏𝑏𝑐𝑐
𝑝𝑝𝑏𝑏 = 103 [N/mm²]
𝑑𝑑𝑚𝑚 ℓ2
ReH = specified minimum yield stress of the material of the gudgeon, in N/mm2.
α = dm /da
da = outer diameter of the gudgeon, in mm, see Figure 5 6 and Figure 5a7a. (The
least diameter is to be considered).
The outer diameter of the gudgeon in mm shall not be less than 1.25 d0, with d0 defined in
Figure 56.
The push-up length𝛥𝛥ℓ, in mm, 𝛥𝛥ℓ is to comply with the following formula:
Note: In case of hydraulic pressure connections the required push-up force Pe, in N, for the
cone may be determined by the following formula:
𝑃𝑃𝑒𝑒 = 𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑑𝑑𝑚𝑚 𝜋𝜋 ℓ � + 0.02�
The value 0.02 is a reference for the friction coefficient using oil pressure. It varies and depends
on the mechanical treatment and roughness of the details to be fixed. Where due to the fitting
procedure a partial push-up effect caused by the rudder weight is given, this may be taken into
account when fixing the required push-up length, subject to approval by the Society.
𝑑𝑑𝑝𝑝 = 0.35�𝐵𝐵𝑘𝑘𝑝𝑝
7.2 Couplings
7.2.1 Tapering
Pintles are to have a conical attachment to the gudgeons with a taper on diameter not greater
1:8 - 1:12 for keyed and other manually assembled pintles applying locking by slugging nut.
1:12 - 1:20 on diameter for pintles mounted with oil injection and hydraulic nut.
The required push-up pressure for pintle in case of dry fitting, in N/mm², is to be determined by
preq1 as given below.
The required push-up pressure for pintle in case of oil injection fitting, in N/mm², is to be
determined by the maximum pressure of preq1 and preq2 as given belowfollowing formula:
𝐵𝐵1 𝐵𝐵𝑑𝑑0
𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟1 = 0.4 2 ℓ [N/mm²]
𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟2 = 103 [N/mm²]
ℓ2 𝑑𝑑𝑚𝑚
ℓa = length between middle of pintle-bearing and top of contact surface between cone
coupling and pintle in m, see Figure 79)
S10 The required push-up length, Δℓ1, is to be calculated similarly as in S10.6.4.3, using the required
(cont) push-up pressure as defined above, and properties for the pintle.
7.3 The minimum dimensions of threads and nuts are to be determined according to
The length of the pintle housing in the gudgeon is not to be less than the pintle diameter dp. dp
is to be measured on the outside of liners.
The thickness of the pintle housing is not to be less than 0.25 dp.
S10.8 Rudder stock bearing, rudder shaft bearing and pintle bearing
Liners and bushes are to be fitted in way of bearings. For rudder stocks and pintles having
diameter less than 200 mm, liners in way of bushes may be provided optionally. The minimum
thickness of liners and bushes is to be equal to:
S10 The thickness of any liner or bush, in mm, is neither to be less than:
𝑡𝑡 = 0.01√𝐵𝐵
The bearing surface Ab (defined as the projected area: length x outer diameter of liner) is not
to be less than:
Ab = P / qa [mm2]
The allowable surface pressure qa for the various combinations is to be taken as reported in
Table 3. Higher values than given in the table may be taken in accordance with makers’
specifications if they are verified by tests:
1) Indentation hardness test at 23°C and with 50% moisture, are to be carried out according
to a recognized standard. Synthetic bearing materials are to be of an approved type.
2) Surface pressures exceeding 5.5 N/mm2 may be accepted in accordance with bearing
manufacturer's specification and tests, but in no case more than 10 N/mm2.
The length/diameter ratio of the bearing surface is not to be greater than 1.2.
With metal bearings, clearances should not be less than db / 1000 + 1.0, in mm, on the diameter.
The section modulus around the vertical z-axis is not to be less than:
Zz = Mb k / 80 [cm3]
The section modulus around the transverse y-axis is not to be less than:
Zy = 0.5 Zz
As = B1 k / 48 [mm2]
σb = Mb / Zz(x) [N/mm2]
𝜏𝜏 = B1 / As [N/mm2]
Mb = B1 x [Nm]
When the connection between the rudder horn and the hull structure is designed as a curved
transition into the hull plating, special consideration is to be given to the effectiveness of the
rudder horn plate in bending and to the stresses in the transverse web plates.
The bending moments and shear forces are to be determined by a direct calculation or in line
with the guidelines given in Annex S10.5 and Annex S10.6 for semi spade rudder with one
elastic support and semi spade rudder with 2-conjugate elastic support respectively.
The section modulus around the horizontal x-axis is not to be less than:
Zx = Mb k / 67 [cm3]
At no section within the height of the rudder horn is the equivalent stress to exceed 120 / k, in
N/mm2. The equivalent stress is to be calculated by the following formula:
σb = Mb / Zx [N/mm2]
𝜏𝜏 = B1 / Ah [N/mm2]
𝜏𝜏 𝑇𝑇 = MT 103 / 2 AT th [N/mm2]
The thickness of the rudder horn side plating is not to be less than:
t = 2.4 Lk [mm]
The rudder horn plating is to be effectively connected to the aft ship structure, e.g. by
connecting the plating to side shell and transverse/ longitudinal girders, in order to achieve a
proper transmission of forces, see Figure 8911.
Brackets or stringer are to be fitted internally in horn, in line with outside shell plate, as shown
in Figure 8911.
Transverse webs of the rudder horn are to be led into the hull up to the next deck in a sufficient
Strengthened plate floors are to be fitted in line with the transverse webs in order to achieve a
sufficient connection with the hull.
The centre line bulkhead (wash-bulkhead) in the after peak is to be connected to the rudder
Scallops are to be avoided in way of the connection between transverse webs and shell plating.
The weld at the connection between the rudder horn plating and the side shell is to be full
penetration. The welding radius is to be as large as practicable and may be obtained by
The requirements in this section apply to trunk configurations which are extended below stern
frame and arranged in such a way that the trunk is stressed by forces due to rudder action.
The steel used for the rudder trunk is to be of weldable quality, with a carbon content not
exceeding 0.23% on ladle analysis or a carbon equivalent CEQ not exceeding 0.41%.
Plating materials for rudder trunks are in general not to be of lower grades than corresponding
to class II as defined in UR S6.
S10 The weld at the connection between the rudder trunk and the shell or the bottom of the skeg is
(cont) to be full penetration.
For rudder trunks extending below shell or skeg, tThe fillet shoulder radius r, in mm, (see Figure
91012) is to be as large as practicable and to comply with the following formulae:
r = 0.1dc / k
The radius may be obtained by grinding. If disk grinding is carried out, score marks are to be
avoided in the direction of the weld. The radius is to be checked with a template for accuracy.
Four profiles at least are to be checked. A report is to be submitted to the Surveyor.
Rudder trunks comprising of materials other than steel are to be specially considered by the
- the equivalent stress due to bending and shear does not exceed 0.35 ReH.
- the bending stress on welded rudder trunk is to be in compliance with the following
σ ≤ 80 / k [N/mm²]
For calculation of bending stress, the span to be considered is the distance between the mid-
height of the lower rudder stock bearing and the point where the trunk is clamped into the shell
or the bottom of the skeg.
S10 Annex
The evaluation of bending moments, shear forces and support forces for the system rudder–
rudder stock may be carried out for some basic rudder types as outlined in AnnexS10.2-
B3 = Mb / ℓ30 [N]
B2 = CR + B3 [N]
The maximum moment, MRC, in top of the cone coupling as shown in Figure A1 is applicable
for the connection between the rudder and the rudder stock.
Figure A 1
For spade rudders with rudders trunks The moments, in Nm, and forces, in N, for the two
cases defined above may be determined according to Figure A2 a) and b), respectively.
Figure A2 a)
Full rudder force CR = CR1+CR2 and total rudder torque QR = QR1 + QR2 with rudders
stock bending moment Mb = MCR2 - MCR1
Figure A2 b)
Rudder force CR2 corresponding to rudder torque QR2 acting at rudder blade area A2
with rudders stock bending moment Mb = MCR2
CG1Z : Vertical position of the centre of gravity of the rudder blade area A1 from base.
CG2Z : Vertical position of the centre of gravity of the rudder blade area A2 from base.
CR = CR1 + CR2
B2 = CR + B3
Figure A 2
For rudders supported by a sole piece the length ℓ20 is the distance between lower edge of
rudder body and centre of sole piece and I20 the moment of inertia of the pintle in the sole piece.
Figure A 3
Z = 1 / (fb + ft) [kN/m] for the support in the rudder horn (Figure A 4).
In = moment of inertia of rudder horn around the x-axis, in cm4, (see also Figure A
ft =
de 2 ∑ u i t i 3.14 × 10 8 FT2 ) [m/kN]
ui = breadth, in mm, of the individual plates forming the mean horn sectional area.
Rudder horn
Figure A 4
Figure A 5
S10 Annex S10.6 Semi spade rudder with 2-conjugate elastic support
(cont) Data for the analysis
K11, K22, K12 : Rudder horn compliance constants calculated for rudder horn with 2-conjugate
elastic supports (Figure A 6).The 2-conjugate elastic supports are defined in terms of horizontal
displacements, yi, by the following equations:
y1 = - K12 B2 - K22 B1
y2 = - K11 B2 - K12 B1
y1, y2 : Horizontal displacements, in m, at the lower and upper rudder horn bearings,
B1, B2 : Horizontal support forces, in kN, at the lower and upper rudder horn bearings,
λ3 e2 λ
K11 = 1.3 +
3EJ1h GJ th
λ3 λ2 (d λ ) e 2 λ
K 22 = 1.3 + +
3EJ 1h 2 EJ 1h GJ th
λ3 λ2 (d λ ) λ(d λ ) (d λ)3 + e 2d
K12 = 1.3 + + +
3EJ1h EJ1h EJ1h 3EJ 2h GJ th
J1h : Moment of inertia of rudder horn about the x axis, in m4, for the region above the
upper rudder horn bearing. Note that J1h is an average value over the length λ (see Figure
A 6).
S10 J2h : Moment of inertia of rudder horn about the x axis, in m4, for the region between the
upper and lower rudder horn bearings. Note that J2h is an average value over the length
(cont) d - λ (see Figure A 6).
J th =
∑ ut i
i i
FT : Mean of areas enclosed by outer and inner boundaries of the thin walled section of
rudder horn, in m2.
ui : Length, in mm, of the individual plates forming the mean horn sectional area.
Note that the Jth value is taken as an average value, valid over the rudder horn height.
The bending moment acting on the generic section of the rudder horn is to be obtained, in Nm,
from the following formulae:
• between the lower and upper supports provided by the rudder horn:
MH = FA1 z
S10 z : Distance, in m, defined in Figure A 7, to be taken less than the distance d, in m, defined
in the same figure.
dlu : Distance, in m, between the rudder-horn lower and upper bearings (according to
Figure A 6, dlu = d - λ ).
The shear force QH acting on the generic section of the rudder horn is to be obtained, in N,
from the following formulae:
QH = FA1
QH = FA1 + FA2
The torque acting on the generic section of the rudder horn is to be obtained, in Nm, from the
following formulae:
MT = FA1 e(z)
For a generic section of the rudder horn, located between its lower and upper bearings, the
following stresses are to be calculated:
𝜏𝜏 𝑇𝑇 : Torsional stress, in N/mm2, to be obtained for hollow rudder horn from the following
𝑀𝑀𝑇𝑇 10−3
𝜏𝜏 𝑇𝑇 =
2F 𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡𝐻𝐻
S10 For solid rudder horn, 𝜏𝜏 𝑇𝑇 is to be considered by the Society on a case by case basis.
For a generic section of the rudder horn, located in the region above its upper bearing, the
following stresses are to be calculated:
𝜏𝜏𝑆𝑆 =
𝜏𝜏 𝑇𝑇 : Torsional stress, in N/mm2, to be obtained for hollow rudder horn from the following
𝑀𝑀𝑇𝑇 10−3
𝜏𝜏 𝑇𝑇 =
For solid rudder horn, 𝜏𝜏 𝑇𝑇 is to be considered by the Society on a case by case basis where:
MT : Torque, in Nm.
FT : Mean of areas enclosed by outer and inner boundaries of the thin walled section of
rudder horn, in m2.
tH : Plate thickness of rudder horn, in mm. For a given cross section of the rudder horn,
the maximum value of 𝜏𝜏 𝑇𝑇 is obtained at the minimum value of tH.
For the generic section of the rudder horn within the length d, the following stresses are to be
σB =
Figure A 6
Figure A 7
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