Othermics 2018 06 010
Othermics 2018 06 010
Othermics 2018 06 010
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/geothermics
Keywords: Fracturing during injectivity testing can take place in geothermal wells when the reservoir has low permeability
Transient pressure analysis or when the well has significant skin damage. The transient behavior (pressure falloff) of these wells cannot be
PyTOUGH matched using existing well test analysis methods. At the same time, modelling fracturing in geothermal re-
Injection test servoirs using rock mechanics and commercial finite element software is complicated due to several field un-
Geothermal wells
certainties (e.g. formation height, reservoir permeability and porosity). In addition, rock mechanics data (rock
Fractured wells
stress, strain and Young’s modulus) are normally unknown in geothermal fields. This makes it difficult to develop
Fracture clapping
an appropriate fracture model that matches the field test data.
This study attempts to develop a fracture model without integrating rock mechanics. The model is setup with
a simple grid using the TOUGH2 geothermal reservoir simulator and validated using the advanced pressure
derivative transient analysis. Multiple subsets of fracture geometries were developed to represent the different
stages of fracture closure during pressure falloff. The PyTOUGH code was used to simplify the running of the
different fracture stages.
The results are very promising and provide a clear justification and explanation for the commonly en-
countered fractured well behavior. This model should be of use in matching data from geothermal wells with
similar pressure response.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: s.zarrouk@auckland.ac.nz (S.J. Zarrouk).
Received 12 June 2017; Received in revised form 1 June 2018; Accepted 23 June 2018
0375-6505/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.A. Bakar, S.J. Zarrouk Geothermics 76 (2018) 26–37
Fig. 1. Pressure response of a fractured well during injection test (after Hubbert
and Willis, 1957). Fig. 2. Fall-off pressure response from an injectivity test of Well-25A-33 (data
provided by Mr. Ken Tyler Nevada University).
H.A. Bakar, S.J. Zarrouk Geothermics 76 (2018) 26–37
Fig. 3. Differential pressure (dP) and pressure derivative (dP’) plots of Well 25A-33 during fall-off.
Table 1
Input parameters for the models for well 25A-33.
Parameter Value Unit (SI)
Fracture half-length (Vertical) 100 m
Fracture radius (Horizontal) 100(a) m
Reservoir height 600(m) m
Vertical fracture width 12.5(a) m
Horizontal fracture height 0.05(a) m
Initial reservoir pressure 210(a) bar
Initial reservoir temperature 175(m) °C
Reservoir permeability 0.35(c) mD
Reservoir (matrix) porosity 0.1(a) –
Fracture porosity 0.1(a) –
Injection rate 7.57(m) kg/s
Note: (a) Assumed data, (m) measured data, (c) calculated data.
H.A. Bakar, S.J. Zarrouk Geothermics 76 (2018) 26–37
Fig. 6. Fall-off pressure response of vertical fracture model and field data (Well-
Fig. 5. The grid structure for horizontal fracture model, made from 0.05 m
height fracture layer sandwiched between two reservoir layers each ½ reservoir
from one layer with a vertical fracture chosen using some of the existing
model blocks (Fig. 4), which in the base case equals to 12.5 m (Table 1).
This do not suggest that the actual fracture is 12.5 m wide in real re-
servoirs, but we did not refine the model grid to the real reservoir di-
mensions. This will be further investigated with a mesh refinement
study in Section 5. Fig. 7. Fall-off pressure response of horizontal fracture model and field data
While, in the horizontal model we have added an additional layer (Well-25A-33).
0.05 m wide to represent the fracture layer, which is sandwiched be-
tween two reservoirs layers each ½ reservoir height (Table 1).
The following assumptions were made in this study:
Both vertical and horizontal fracture models were run for full in- Fig. 8. Differential pressure (dP) and pressure derivative (dP') plots of simu-
jection and pressure fall-off period as shown in Figs. 6 and 7 respec- lated data for vertical fracture model and field data.
tively. There are about twenty PyTOUGH runs of multiple models for
each fracture model with changing fracture size and fracture perme- grid used for each model, this will be further investigated in Section 5.
ability to match the measured field data. This pressure response in Figs. 6 and 7 were further analysed using
Overall, the optimized vertical fracture model gives a very good fit the pressure difference and its derivative on the log-log plot of both
to the pressure data as shown in Fig. 6. The optimized horizontal fracture models as shown in Figs. 8 and 9. The pressure derivative result
fracture model meanwhile gave a satisfactory early behavior but poor from the vertical fracture model (Fig. 8) shows a satisfactory match
match in the later time to the field data (Fig. 7). Reasonable matching with the field data in the early period (0.0001–0.1 h) and a good match
of the field data is observed at times between 1.94 h and 2.50 h, while in the later period (0.12–1.50 h). On the other hand, the pressure de-
poor data matched is found from time 2.50 h till 4.00 h. This indicates rivative plots for horizontal fracture model (Fig. 9), gave a relatively
that vertical fracture propagation is more suitable compared to hor- poor match to the field data.
izontal fracture design for this well. The difference in the results be- It can be identified from Figs. 8 and 9 that the field pressure
tween vertical and horizontal fracture models may also be cause by the
H.A. Bakar, S.J. Zarrouk Geothermics 76 (2018) 26–37
Fig. 11. Fracture radius and fracture permeability over time for horizontal
Fig. 9. Differential pressure (dP) and pressure derivatives (dP') plots of simu-
fracture model.
lated data for horizontal fracture model and field data.
derivative displays two humps and a sharp dip between those humps. Fig. 11 on the other hand gives the fracture radius length and
The first hump represents the quick pressure drop while the fracture is fracture permeability over time for horizontal fracture model. Unlike
still open after injection ceases. The sharp dip in the pressure derivative the vertical fracture model, the fracture radius/length and fracture
is the fracture closing. The later large hump depicts normal pressure permeability decreases over time but the fracture stays open at 2.08 h.
declining before reaching steady (infinite acting) reservoir pressure (i.e. Then, fracture radius grows back to 25 m and remains at that radius
zero slope for the derivative pressure). The vertical fracture model until the end of time, while fracture permeability exhibits an increment
pressure derivative (Fig. 8) has shown close fit to the two humps. Yet at time 2.3 h and stay constant at about 0.95 Darcy.
the sharp dip has satisfactory match. On the other hand, on the hor- It is clear that the model with the vertical fracture is more re-
izontal fracture model pressure response (Fig. 9), no clear hump is presentative of the pressure response of this well rather than a hor-
shown in the pressure derivative plots and the dip is very small. The izontal fracture. However, despite the poor match of the horizontal
field and model data match are also relatively poor. model to the history data (Fig. 7) and the pressure derivative (Fig. 9), it
Fig. 10 shows the fracture half-length and fracture permeability is also indicating there is a fracture clapping effect taking place.
responses over time during pressure fall-off for vertical fracture model.
It can be found that the fracture half-length and permeability decreases 5. Sensitivity analysis
immediately after injection shut down until ISIP at 2.08 h (from the
start of the test). After that, the fracture half-length as well as fracture For the sensitivity analysis, a reference model was set up using the
permeability gradually increase until certain time and return to fracture vertical fracture model described in Section 3. The vertical fracture
closure mode. Fracture half-length and fracture permeability increase model is used because the design is more suitable as it gave a good
after 2.08 h may be due to; fracture closure near the wellbore resulted match for well 25A-33 pressure data compared to the horizontal frac-
in a buildup of pressure in the remaining part of the fracture in contact ture design. The range of parameters used in the sensitivity analysis are
with low permeability rock matrix. This results in a partial re-opening slightly below and above the reference values (Table 1). The sensitivity
of the fracture to allow some flow from the fracture into the borehole of these parameters are summarised in Table 2 and discussed in the
driven by pressure difference. This effectively mean that the fracture following section.
does not fully open or close at the same time, there will be parts of the
fracture that closes, while other parts remain open for longer time. Van 5.1. Fracture half-length
der Baan et al. (2016) reported similar effect while studying hydraulic
fracture propagation and gave it the name “fracture clapping”. The starting open fracture half-length used in the reference model
was 100 m and the range used for the sensitivity study varies from 50 m
to 250 m. The results show that this parameter has no significant effect
on the shape of derivative plots compared with the reference model as
demonstrated in Fig. 12. This indicates that the starting open fracture
half-length has low impact on the modeling results.
The fracture half-length (Fig. 13) and fracture permeability (Fig. 14)
Table 2
Reference model, range tested value and sensitivity result for well 25A-33.
Parameter Reference model Range Degree of
value tested Sensitivity
H.A. Bakar, S.J. Zarrouk Geothermics 76 (2018) 26–37
Fig. 12. Derivative plots of various fracture half-length used in the model of well 25A-33.
The reference model has a fracture porosity of 0.1 (Table 1) and the
5.2. Vertical reservoir/fracture height (thickness) range tested is from 0.15 to 0.3 (Table 2). Results show that the model
is insensitive to this parameter as shown in the derivative plots of
The reference model has a vertical reservoir height of 600 m Fig. 18. This indicates that fracture porosity has no significant effect to
(Table 1) based on the estimated height of the open-hole section of well the data matching. Any practically realistic fracture porosity can be
H.A. Bakar, S.J. Zarrouk Geothermics 76 (2018) 26–37
Fig. 15. Differential pressure (dP) and derivative pressure (dP’) plots of various vertical fracture heights.
The reference model used a reservoir pressure of 210 bar (Table 1),
which was not available from well testing data. A reservoir pressure
range from 200 bar to 220 bar was investigated. The results show that
data matching at the dip and the second hump sections have been af-
fected significantly (Fig. 21). Data fit at the dip area are better as the
reservoir pressure increases from 200 bar to 220 bar, yet slightly off the
field data at 220 bar. Similarly, data matching at the second hump
demonstrate improvement from 200 bar to 215 bar and off the field
data for reservoir pressure of 220 bar. This indicates that this parameter
is important and sensitive to the model.
Figs. 22 and 23 show fracture half-length and fracture permeability
responses for the reservoir pressure range tested respectively. While, for
the fracture half-length, most reservoir pressures tested shows that the
Fig. 16. Fracture half-length responses for different vertical fracture/reservoir length reduces since injection ceased until full fracture closure except
heights (100 m, 200 m, 400 m and 600 m (ref)).
for 220 bar, where the fracture remains open. This is a clear indication
that the reservoir pressure is less than 220 bar.
The fracture for reservoir pressure of 200 bar gradually opens for
some time and closes again at the end of the test, similar to the re-
ference model. However, for reservoir pressures of 215 bar and 220 bar,
the fracture slowly open up after the closure point and remain open
until the end of the test.
Fracture permeability (Fig. 23) for the range of reservoir pressure
tested also shows reduction at the early period of fall off, then a slight
increase after closure and finally return to reservoir permeability at the
end of the test. Nevertheless, reservoir pressure for 215 bar and 220 bar
exhibit quite different behaviors at the end of the test, where the
fracture permeability did not return to the initial reservoir perme-
ability. This is because the model show that the fracture remains open
(Fig. 22) even when the test has ended, which is un-realistic. Therefore,
it is important to make sure the initial reservoir pressure used in the
simulation is as accurate as possible.
Fig. 17. Fracture permeability for various vertical fracture heights (100 m,
200 m, 400 m and 600 m (ref)).
5.5. Summary of sensitivity analysis
H.A. Bakar, S.J. Zarrouk Geothermics 76 (2018) 26–37
Fig. 18. Differential pressure (dP) and derivative pressure (dP’) plots for different fracture porosities.
There are several other reported geothermal wells that show similar
pressure response after injection tests as shown above in Well-25A-33.
H.A. Bakar, S.J. Zarrouk Geothermics 76 (2018) 26–37
Fig. 21. Differential pressure (dP) and derivative pressure (dP’) plots of various initial reservoir pressures.
Fig. 22. Fracture half-length responses for various initial reservoir pressures. Fig. 24. Differential pressure (dP) and pressure derivative (dP’) plots for dif-
ferent fracture block sizes of vertical fracture model.
Fig. 23. Fracture permeability responses for various initial reservoir pressures
during fall-off.
Fig. 25. Fracture permeability responses of different fracture block sizes used in
vertical fracture model.
Well-Y from Soda Lake, USA (Fig. 27) and Well-Z from Wairakei, New
Zealand (Fig. 28) are two examples. The log-log plots shown in these
figures were based on measured pressure data recorded during field
injection fall of testing (completion) testing.
H.A. Bakar, S.J. Zarrouk Geothermics 76 (2018) 26–37
Table 3
Input parameters for fracture models of Well Z from Wairakei, New Zealand.
Parameter Value Unit (SI)
Fracture half-length 100 m
Fracture radius 100(a) m
Layer height 340(m) m
Vertical fracture height 340(a) m
Horizontal fracture height 0.05(a) m
Initial reservoir pressure 71.2(a) bar
Initial reservoir temperature 30(m) °C
Reservoir permeability 15(c) mD
Reservoir porosity 0.1(a)
Injection rate 12.53(m) (0 s – 3523 s) kg/s
25.33(m)(3523 s – 6283 s)
37.86(m) (6283 s – 8774 s)
25.33(m) (8774 s – 10,590 s)
37.86(m) (10,590 s – 11956s)
Fig. 26. Fracture half-length responses for various fracture block sizes used in
the model. Note: (a) Assumed data, (m) measured data, (c) calculated data.
Vertical and horizontal fracture models were setup using the same
approach as carried out in Well-25A-33. This is due to no definite in-
dication of a fracture orientation based on the available data. A
PyTough script was written for automating the models and data
matching. The fracture grid diagrams for both models are comparable
to diagrams as shown in Figs. 4 and 5, while the input data for these
models are listed in Table 3.
Fig. 28. The log-log plot of differential pressure and pressure derivative for
Well-Z from Wairakei, New Zealand (Contact Energy Ltd. with kind permis-
There are two humps and a sharp dip in between found in the
pressure derivative plots. These behaviors are similar to Well-25A-33,
which indicate a comparable ISIP and fracture closure is taking place in
these wells. Similar to Well-25A-33 the exact fracture orientation
(vertical or horizontal) cannot be determined without running multiple
TOUGH2 models to this field data. Well-Z pressure data is modelled and
discussed in this work using the same approach applied to Well-25A-33.
Fig. 29. Pressure response of Well-Z for vertical fracture and horizontal fracture
models against field data.
H.A. Bakar, S.J. Zarrouk Geothermics 76 (2018) 26–37
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