Originally Published As
Originally Published As
Originally Published As
Zang, A., Oye, V., Jousset, P., Deichmann, N., Gritto, R., McGarr, A., Majer, E., Bruhn, D. (2014): Analysis of induced
seismicity in geothermal reservoirs – An overview. - Geothermics, 52, p. 6-21.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2014.06.005
Geothermics 52 (2014) 6‐21
doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2014.06.005
Arno Zanga,∗, Volker Oyeb, Philippe Joussetc, Nicholas Deichmannd, Roland Grittoe,
Art McGarrf, Ernest Majerg, David Bruhnc
a German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ), Section 2.6 Seismic Hazard and Stress Field, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
b NORSAR, P.O. Box 53, N‐2027 Kjeller, Norway
c GFZ, International Center for Geothermal Research, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
d Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zürich, Sonneggstrasse 5, CH‐8092 Zürich, Switzerland
e Array Information Technology, 2020 Cedar Street, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA
f U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
g Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Article history: In this overview we report results of analysing induced seismicity in geothermal reservoirs
Received 2 November 2012 in various tectonic settings within the framework of the European Geothermal Engineering
Received in revised form 23 May 2014 Integrating Mitigation of Induced Seismicity in Reservoirs (GEISER) project. In the
Accepted 16 June 2014 reconnaissance phase of a field, the subsurface fault mapping, in situ stress and the seismic
Available online 7 July 2014 network are of primary interest in order to help assess the geothermal resource. The
hypocentres of the observed seismic events (seismic cloud) are dependent on the design of
the installed network, the used velocity model and the applied location technique. During
Keywords: the stimulation phase, the attention is turned to reservoir hydraulics (e.g., fluid pressure,
Fluid‐induced seismicity injection volume) and its relation to larger magnitude seismic events, their source
Key reservoir parameters characteristics and occurrence in space and time. A change in isotropic components of the
Enhanced geothermal systems full waveform moment tensor is observed for events close to the injection well (tensile
Larger magnitude events character) as compared to events further away from the injection well (shear character).
Maximum observed magnitude Tensile events coincide with high Gutenberg‐Richter ‐values and low Brune stress drop
Crustal stress values. The stress regime in the reservoir controls the direction of the fracture growth at
depth, as indicated by the extent of the seismic cloud detected. Stress magnitudes are
important in multiple stimulation of wells, where little or no seismicity is observed until the
previous maximum stress level is exceeded (Kaiser Effect). Prior to drilling, obtaining a 3D
‐wave ( ) and ‐wave velocity ( ) model down to reservoir depth is recommended. In
the stimulation phase, we recommend to monitor and to locate seismicity with high
precision (decametre) in real‐time and to perform local 4D tomography for velocity ratio
( / ). During exploitation, one should use observed and model induced seismicity to
forward estimate seismic hazard so that field operators are in a position to adjust well
hydraulics (rate and volume of the fluid injected) when induced events start to occur far
away from the boundary of the seismic cloud.
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Figure 3. Hydraulic parameters in the reservoir displayed together Figure 4. Observed maximum magnitude of induced seismic events as
with the tectonic stress regime. Maximum inflow is plotted as a func‐ a function of injectivity of the reservoir (ratio of maximum injection
tion of maximum wellhead pressure for fluid‐injection field experi‐ rate and maximum wellhead pressure) computed from Table 2 data.
ments from Fig. 1. Symbols are colour coded according to stress re‐ Line indicates upper boundary trend with one exception, the Rocky
gime prevailing at target depth (red = normal‐, purple = strike‐slip‐, Mountain Arsenal wastewater disposal (#27). Lower limit datum
blue = thrust faulting). Insets indicate elongation of the seismic cloud represents the Groß Schönebeck geothermal site (#7).
in the direction of maximum principal stress. (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of the article.) pathway for fluids, preventing efficient heat exchange. A better
physical understanding of the reservoir‐ and seismicity gener‐
ation process is needed in order to develop techniques to
pumped into the treatment target without fracking the for‐ reduce the probability of occurrence of LME.
mation. Computing the injectivity index II is the most common It was first proposed by McGarr (1976) that the total mo‐
way of analysing performance of injection wells. The computa‐ ment of an induced seismic cloud is proportional to the vol‐
tion includes injection rate, injection pressure corrected for ume of injected fluid, see Fig. 1. However, the actual amount of
bottom hole flow conditions, and far‐field reservoir pressure seismicity (or the proportionality factor) can vary substantial‐
(e.g., Economides and Saputelli, 2005). In the following, the ly between different reservoirs for similar injected fluid vol‐
simple injectivity definition I is used instead of the injectivity umes. Using a completely different approach of pressure diffu‐
index II because of lack of data. In Fig. 4, reservoir injectivity I sion theory, Shapiro et al. (2007, 2010) obtained a similar
is plotted as a function of maximum observed seismic magni‐ result in which the total number of induced events is propor‐
tude. Apart from the data collected at the Rocky Mountain tional to the injected fluid volume. In addition, they describe
Arsenal wastewater disposal site (Fig. 4, #27), disposal wells the proportionality factor, the seismogenic index, as a function
are characterized by lower injectivities ( 1.5) compared to of measurable seismological quantities and rock properties.
most EGS sites. This seems counter intuitive to what one Combining these considerations with the assumption that
would desire in a wastewater disposal well but may be ex‐ seismicity always follows a Gutenberg–Richter‐type magni‐
plained by the fact that for EGS sites the injectivity computa‐ tude distribution leads to a probabilistic estimate of the max‐
tion is conceptually problematic. This is because one has to imum expectable magnitude.
correct for dynamic (fluid‐driven) fractures, which is required The conclusion is that the probability of a LME generally
in EGS stimulation. In our simple approach, EGS sites (Fig. 4, increases with injected volume, even though there are signi‐
squares) indicate a wide range of injectivity values from 0.32 ficant regional differences. For this reason, we shall differenti‐
(Fig. 4, #4, Paralana) to 6.25 (Fig. 4, #5, Rosmanowes) with ate between long‐term injection operations (e.g., wastewater
LME ranging from −1 to 3.7 (Fig. 4, #7 and #1). For compari‐ disposal (triangles in Figs. 1, 3 and 4) or CO2 disposal) where
son, the observed maximum seismic magnitudes in large (net) volumes may accumulate over time, and the short‐
wastewater disposal range from 3.3 (Fig. 4, #20) to 5.7 (Fig. 4, term stimulation operations at the beginning of an EGS project
#30). The solid line is an upper boundary to most of the data, (squares in Figs. 1, 3 and 4). Most of the LME reported in the
except for the wastewater disposal at Rocky Mountain Arsenal literature have occurred either after long‐term fluid injection
(Fig. 4, #27). The Groß Schönebeck datum (Fig. 4, #7) indi‐ (Ake et al., 2005; Frohlich et al., 2011, McGarr, 2014), or as a
cates the lower limit. result of reservoir impoundment (Gupta, 2002, 2011), both of
One major topic addressed by a number of papers is the which can bring pre‐existing fractures in the shallow crust
characterization of LME, coupled with the investigation of closer to failure. Of the short‐term stimulation activities, EGS
strategies to assess and, ideally, mitigate seismic hazard asso‐ stimulations have generally shown a much higher propensity
ciated with stimulation operations. As seismicity is induced in to produce LME, compared, e.g., to hydraulic fracturing in the
the process of enhancing or creating the permeability, it is oil‐ and gas industry. Shapiro et al. (2010) find significantly
important not to induce or to trigger LME, which may not only higher seismogenic indices for geothermal stimulations in
cause damage at the surface, but also might lower the efficien‐ crystalline rocks than for comparable operations in sedimen‐
cy of the geothermal system through the creation of high‐ tary formations. Similarly, Evans et al. (2012) suggested that
permeability pathways. If a LME occurs, it may create a master injection into sedimentary rocks tends to be less seismogenic
A. Zang et al. / Geothermics 52 (2014) 6‐21
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hazard of a given site will result in an underestimation (lower Increasing the area of fluid pressure will increase during
limit value only). Many efforts have been made to anticipate stimulation with increasing injection time. Consequently (as‐
the size and rate of occurrence of earthquakes. In the structur‐ suming constant injection pressure), the observed seismicity
al geological approach, the maximum magnitude is inferred migrates away from the injection well.
from the largest potentially active fault in the geothermal A dynamic fracture‐growth approach is the discrete frac‐
reservoir (e.g., Majer et al., 2007). Assigning a maximum ture network model by Yoon et al. (2014) (see Fig. 8). In this
earthquake magnitude to a given fault is based on empirical hydromechanical coupled model of fluid injection in a natural‐
relations between magnitude and fault parameters such as ly‐fractured reservoir, fractures are present before stimula‐
length, width and displacement, as discussed by Wyss (1979) tion (Fig. 8a, lineaments), and new fractures can be formed
and Wells and Coppersmith (1994). indicated by induced seismic events during (Fig. 8b, grey dots)
In Fig. 7, an earthquake fault relationship, after Leonard and after stimulation treatment (Fig. 8c, red dots). The fractur‐
(2010), is shown modified for maximum observed magnitudes ing process operates in mixed‐mode. This means that pre‐
at geothermal sites (green stars) and tectonic earthquakes existing fractures can behave as tensile cracks (mode I) or
(red stars). Formulas used to prepare this figure and refer‐ hydroshears (mode II), but also new fractures can form from
ences are listed in Table 3. Earthquake magnitude, fault size existing ones, e.g. as wing cracks (mode I) from existing shear
and rupture energy increase from left to right (Fig. 7). Differ‐ crack tips (mode II). The goal is to identify the size and overall
ent rows indicate peak ground velocity (PGV), peak ground orientation distribution of existing and newly created frac‐
acceleration (PGA) and their relation to macroseismic intensi‐ tures during EGS stimulation and operation, and their relation
ty and moment magnitude, and their scaling with fault‐related to the three principal stresses in order to optimize reservoir
parameters like slip ( ), rupture length ( ) and rupture ener‐ productivity and to reduce induced seismicity at the same
gy. For a geothermal reservoir, the problem is to downscale time. Dynamic fracture distributions allow computation of
these empirical relations to the much smaller size of fractures seismic moment tensors and radiated seismic energy for com‐
expected to be created or reactivated, about 50–500 m in parison with hydraulic energy injected into the EGS system
length (Section 3 and Fig. 7, green stars). This downscaling can (Zang et al., 2013). Seismic catalogues for various stimulation
be performed by a number of ways and should take into ac‐ scenarios in dynamic fracture growth models can be used for
count non‐linearity that may exist in the scaling laws (Douglas hazard assessment of specific sites and stimulation treatments
and Jousset, 2011). Although typical reservoir faults may not (Hakimhashemi et al., 2013, 2014).
be detectable by 3D seismic reflection they might be able to In approach (2), the probability of occurrence of an earth‐
generate seismicity with local magnitudes between 3 and 4, quake with a chosen is derived from the magnitude‐
depending on the stress drop (Evans et al., 2012). frequency distribution of earthquakes, the Gutenberg–Richter
Apart from this structural geological approach, there are law. This requires an earthquake catalogue that spans a wide
other methods to estimate the maximum magnitude: (1) The range of magnitudes. In addition, a truncation of the Guten‐
deterministic approach, (2) the probabilistic approach, and (3) berg–Richter relation and thus the definition of the locally
the empirical approach. In the deterministic approach, the valid value generally need additional assumptions about
generation and propagation of fluid‐filled fractures when a the tectonics and rock mechanical processes that cause the
geothermal reservoir is simulated must take into account earthquakes. To this end, Shapiro et al. (2010) modified the
geometry, rock properties and in situ stresses. In this ap‐ Gutenberg–Richter law by introducing a tectonic potential,
proach, fracture distributions can be prescribed (Bruel, 2007; and computed a characteristic scalar quantity of reservoir
Baisch et al., 2010; Wassing et al., 2014), or dynamic crack fluid stimulation, the seismogenic index (cf. Section 3). The
growth models can be used (Hazzard and Young, 2004). For seismogenic index may vary between different wells of the
example, in Baisch et al. (2010), crack distributions are pre‐ same field or even within one well for different stimulation
scribed and slip occurs on critically stressed slider‐spring scenarios. In order to guide reservoir operations, we recom‐
patches. This model consists of a subvertical fault zone (3 km mend computing indices to quantify seismic reservoir behav‐
× 3 km in size) with constant pore pressure (48 MPa), which is iour as a function of time, in particular in the stimulation and
subdivided into smaller slip patches (20 m × 20 m in size) and production phase of a reservoir.
intersected by a well at a depth of 4.8 km (Soultz‐sous‐Forêts Hakimhashemi et al. (2013) used a hybrid approach for
scenario). By analysing hydraulic overpressure distributions computing induced seismicity. They started from a geo‐
inside the fault zone as a function of radial distance to the mechanical model (approach 1) and applied probabilistic
injection well, Baisch et al. (2010) identified the slip patches of techniques to compute seismic hazard (approach 2). To our
LME with zones of increasing overpressurization after shut‐in. knowledge this was the first attempt to link approaches (1)
In this model, therefore, LME were explained by non‐ and (2). Time‐dependent Gutenberg–Richter ‐value and ‐
stationary fluid pressure conditions during EGS injections. value curves computed from synthetic seismic catalogues of
After pumping stops, the pressure diffusion continues and the stimulated reservoirs allow estimation of maximum hourly
outer boundary of the reservoir, depicted by the seismic cloud, occurrence rates of induced seismic events for a given reser‐
becomes subject to higher in situ pressures than before. This voir and fixed stimulation strategy. As opposed to the tradi‐
may cause a larger spatial area concurrently to become over‐ tional probabilistic seismic hazard assessment approach
critically stressed, which tends to result in larger magnitude (PSHA), this method is called forward induced seismic hazard
events. Since moment magnitude is proportional to the loga‐ assessment (FISHA).
rithm of the source area times the average slip, can be Gischig and Wiemer (2013) used a 2D flow model with
estimated from the maximum size of the induced seismic non‐linear pore pressure diffusion in combination with a
cloud as a function of time from the start of the injection (See stochastic seed model. The transient pressure field was used
approach (3) below). This is based, however, on the assump‐ to trigger seismicity at randomly distributed seed points. A
tion that the rupture surface of the largest event is limited by differential stress normal distribution was assigned at each
the size of the stimulated rock volume at a particular time, and seed point, which is a potential seismic hypocentre. As in
estimated in this way is highly sensitive to the adopted previous models, Mohr–Coulomb failure was assumed as well
source model and assumed static stress drop. According to the as an inverse relationship between stress drop and ‐value
model by Baisch et al. (2010), the maximum magnitude is (Scholz, 1968). Random seismic magnitudes were assigned
controlled by the area over which fluid pressure increase from ‐values corresponding to stress drop values at seed
brings the state of stress of the rock mass close to failure. points. These are the main assumptions of Gischig and Wiemer
A. Zang et al. / Geothermics 52 (2014) 6‐21
Figure 7. Earthquake fault scaling relationship. Rows indicate ground motion parameters, macro‐seismic intensity (EMS) and earthquake mo‐
ment magnitude in relation to fault properties ( , ) and energy of the rupture process. Selected EGS seismicity (green stars) and tectonic earth‐
quakes (red stars) are shown in depth section. The boundary between intensity IV (dark green) and intensity V (light red) is indicated by a
change in colour. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)
(2013), who generated synthetic seismic catalogues to repro‐ alone. The hybrid approach by Hakimhashemi et al. (2013)
duce the Basel induced seismicity data. combining deterministic, coupled hydromechanical reservoir
At this stage, we rely on the synthetic induced seismicity models with forward induced seismic hazard assessment
catalogues from Yoon et al. (2013, 2014) because their hydro‐ (FISHA) seems promising.
mechanically coupled model approach using dynamic fracture McGarr (2014) argued that maximum seismic moments, or
growth and interaction principles (Fig. 8) captures basic phys‐ moment magnitudes, for a given fluid injection activity can be
ical principles of the natural fracturing process operating in estimated based on five plausible assumptions. (1) The for‐
situ during the development of a geothermal field, and in addi‐ mation is either seismogenic or there is hydraulic communica‐
tion reproduce main features of observed seismic catalogues tion between the injection interval and seismogenic regions of
monitored in EGS stimulation (post shut‐in larger magnitude the crust. The seismogenic regions, which are often Precambri‐
events, development of induced seismic cloud in the direction an crystalline basement formations, contain numerous pre‐
of maximum principal stress, magnitude‐frequency distribu‐ existing faults, some of which are well oriented for failure in the
tions of events for different injection scenarios). ambient state of stress (e.g., Townend and Zoback, 2000). (2)
In the empirical approach (3), the size of the activated geo‐ Before injection, faults in the vicinity of the injection wells that
thermal reservoir is determined by the extent of the hypocen‐ are well oriented for slip in the ambient stress field are stressed
tre distribution of the induced events in hot‐dry‐rock projects to within a seismic stress drop of failure. (3) The rock mass is
– the so‐called seismic cloud (Fehler et al., 2001). In a critically fully saturated before injection begins. (4) The seismic response
stressed crust, however, the maximum possible event released to injection is a Gutenberg and Richter (1954) earthquake distri‐
during fluid injection into the reservoir cannot be captured bution log , where is moment‐magnitude. (5) The
with either a deterministic or empirical approach using the induced earthquakes are localized to the region where the crust
moment release – volumetric expansion hypothesis by McGarr has been weakened due to fluid injection (Hubbert and Rubey,
(1976). Instead one needs to take into account crack interac‐ 1959). This last assumption seems plausible, but it is, nonethe‐
tion processes either by prescribed shear avalanche (Baisch less, difficult to prove that it always applies.
et al., 2010), or mixed‐mode crack growth models (Yoon et al., If these assumptions all apply, then it is straightforward to
2013), in order to account for larger, dynamic moment release show that the maximum seismic moment and the maximum
than predicted by the fluid volume injected (seismic cloud) moment magnitude depend almost entirely on the total vol‐
alone. In addition, in such critically stressed environments, the ume of fluid injected up to the time of the occurrence of the
influence of remote triggering is much higher (Jousset and largest event (McGarr, 2014).
Rohmer, 2012). If no seismicity is observed, approaches (2) For most projects the maximum magnitude earthquake is
and (3) are inapplicable, and ambient seismic vibration stud‐ observed to be much lower than estimated on the basis of
ies need to be taken into account. injected fluid volume (see Fig. 1). For instance, the rock mass
In summary, induced seismic hazard assessment should may respond to injection by deforming aseismically because of
not rely on either deterministic or probabilistic methods its material properties.
Table 3.
List of parameters, formulas and references used to compute earthquake fault scaling relationship shown in Fig. 7.
Parameter Unit Formula Reference
Peak ground velocity, PGV cm/s 5.11 2.35 log Faenza et al. (2010)
Peak ground acceleration, PGA cm/s2 1.68 2.58 log
EMS Intensity, 0.667 0.30 log 0.10 Grünthal et al. (2009)
Displacement, cm log 0.833 log 1.07 Leonard (2010)
Fault length, km 1.67 log 4.32
EMS, European Macroseismic Scale; moment magnitude; epicentral intensity; focal depth of earthquake.
A. Zang et al. / Geothermics 52 (2014) 6‐21
5. Discussion
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A. Zang et al. / Geothermics 52 (2014) 6‐21
proves the depth resolution of the models. High quality crystalline rocks (e.g., Basel, Cooper Basin, Soutz‐sous‐
of the velocity model is vital, because it determines the Forets). While in hard rock dilatant shear may be the
accuracy of hypocentre locations, source parameters and dominating failure mechanism (mode II) in EGS stimula‐
their temporal changes in EGS operations. tion, in sedimentary formations sub‐critically stressed
(3) Background seismicity should be monitored prior to any tensile cracks (mode I) may be chiefly generated instead.
stimulation activity to obtain a baseline to evaluate The width of the fluid‐driven damage zone in naturally
changes in the seismicity rate during stimulation. In the fractured crystalline rock is expected to be wider than
absence of induced seismicity, ambient seismic vibra‐ that for sedimentary formations. If so, the seismic cloud
tions can help in determining structural features and induced by EGS stimulation should be narrower in weak
temporal changes in reservoir properties. Such data compared to hard rocks (under the assumption of the
need to be acquired before the first stimulation, such same seismic resolution).
that baseline data are available for comparison at a later (10) Concerning seismic hazard potential at EGS sites, several
stage. approaches were discussed. In the structural geology
(4) Local geological structures and seismic velocities should approach, the maximum magnitude is inferred from the
be mapped during the first stimulation phase of a geo‐ largest potentially active fault in the geothermal reser‐
thermal reservoir. Fracture mapping is recommended voir using an earthquake‐fault relationship. Determinis‐
down to the reservoir depth. In the stimulation phase, tic fracture model approaches use prescribed slip patch‐
new fractures are created. Careful seismic monitoring is es in slider spring models, or dynamic mixed‐mode frac‐
needed to maintain control of this permeability‐ ture models. Both models allow reproducing LME in the
enhancing process. Continuous monitoring of induced post shut‐in phase of EGS stimulations. As opposed to the
seismicity is required from the beginning of the stimula‐ traditional, probabilistic seismic hazard assessment
tion experiment to detect runaway fracturing, also along (PSHA) approach, we recommend to apply the hybrid
buried faults. technique FISHA (forward induced seismic hazard as‐
(5) Due to the nature of EGS sites (engineered fracture net‐ sessment) combining deterministic fracture models with
works), these systems are characterized by higher injec‐ probabilistic forward computations.
tion rates (up to 100 l/s) compared to most wastewater
disposal wells (injection rate < 20 l/s). Reservoir injec‐
tivity (ratio of maximum inflow to maximum wellhead Acknowledgements
pressure) indicates low values ( 1.5) for waste water
disposal sites and values up to 6.3 at EGS sites where This work was supported by the European Union funded
creation of new fractures is desired. project GEISER (Geothermal Engineering Integrating Mitiga‐
(6) During the EGS stimulation phase, larger magnitude tion of Induced Seismicity in Reservoirs, Grant no.: 241321‐2).
events (LME) occur often after shut‐in at greater dis‐ We acknowledge the permission of Stefan Baisch (Q‐con Geo‐
tances from the injection well. The probability of a LME thermal Reservoir Engineering, Bad Bergzabern, Germany) to
increases with injection volume, even though there are use field data from the Basel SERIANEX study. We thank
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