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ECE 028 Module 1

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Eyes able to follow a moving object

automatically generated to increase
adrenaline heart rate and oxygen intake in times of
able to pick up an object and place it at a
predetermined location
pancreas regulated blood sugar
consists of subsystems and processes
(or plants) assembled for the purpose of
Control System
obtaining a desired output with desired
performance, given a specified input.
transient response
two major measures of performance
steady-state error
power amplification
remote control
Reasons for building control systems
convenience of input form
compensation for disturbances
invented the water clock operated by
Ktesibios having water trickle into a measuring
container at a constant rate
Denis Papin (1681) invented the safety valve
invented a purely mechanical tempera-
Cornelis Drebbel in Holland
ture control system for hatching eggs
applied speed control to a windmill; in-
creasing winds pitches the blades farther
Edmund Lee (1745) back, so that less area was available,
as the wind decreased, more blade area
was available
improved the idea of Edmund Lee by
William Cubitt (1809) dividing the windmill sail into movable
invented the flyball speed governor to
James Watt
control the speed of steam engines

ECE 028 Module 1
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_dofktt

in this device, two spinning flyballs rise

as rotational speed increases, a steam
valve connected to the flyball mechanism
flyball speed governor
closes with ascending flyballs and opens
with the descending flyballs, thus regu-
lating the speed
published the stability criterion for a
James Clerk Maxwell (1868) third-order system based on the coeffi-
cients of the differential equation
using suggestion from William King-
don Clifford that was ignored earlier by
Edward John Routh (1874)
Maxwell, was able to extend the stability
criterion to fifth-order systems
a paper entitled A Treatise on the Stabil-
Routh-Hurwitz ity of a Given State of Motion submitted
by Routh
extended the work of Routh to nonlinear
systems in his 189 doctoral thesis, enti-
Alexandr Michailovich Lyapunov
tled The General Problem of Stability of
using a gyro to sense a ship's motion and
applying power generated by the ship's
Henry Bessemer (1874)
hydraulic system, moved the ship's sa-
loon to keep it stable
his theoretical development applied to
the automatic steering of ships that
Nicholas Minorsky led to what we call today proportion-
al-plus-integral-plus-derivative (PID), or
three-mode, controllers
developed the analysis of feedback am-
H.W. Bode and H. Nyquist
developed a graphical technique to plot
the roots of a characteristic equation of
Walter R. Evans a feedback system whose parameters
changed over a particular range of val-
ues known as root locus
ECE 028 Module 1
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_dofktt

input represents a desired response

output actual response
converts the form of the input to that used
input transducer
by the controller
controller drives a process or a plant
reference other term for input
sensitivity to disturbance
Disadvantages of open-loop system
inability to correct for the disturbances
cannot compensate for any disturbances
open-loop system
that add to the controller's driving signal
measures the output response and con-
output transducer or sensor verts it into the form used by the con-
the return path from the output to the
feedback path
summing junction
the resulting signal when the output sig-
actuating signal
nal is subtracted from the input signal
the process by which a system's perfor-
mance is determined
the process by which a system's perfor-
mance is created or changed
responds to an input by undergoing a
transient response before reaching a
A control system is dynamic
steady-state response that generally re-
sembles the input
producing the desired transient response
Three major objectives of systems analy-
reducing steady-state error
sis and design
achieving stability
this response resembles the input and is
steady-state response usually what remains after the transients
have decayed to zero
impulse infinite at t = 0 and zero elsewhere

ECE 028 Module 1
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_dofktt

represents a constant command, such

as position, velocity, or acceleration; typi-
step input
cally, its command it of the same form as
the output
used to inject energy into the system
so that its natural response may be ob-
impulse tained, this can be used to determine
what the transfer function of an unknown
system is
used to analyze steady-state and tran-
sient performance
used to determine the steady-state and
transient behavior from frequency re-
sinusoid sponse measurements, can also be
used to determine the transfer function of
an unknown system
ramp input represent a linearly increasing command
can also be used to test a physical sys-
Sinusoidal input
tem to arrive at a mathematical model


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