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Your WES Reference Number is 5908902


Writing Tips:
#1 - Clear structure & Plan
#2 - Proper Grammer and range of vocabulary
#3 - Use of Complex sentences
#4 - Review

Formal Sample: It is a great honour to be able to state at this time, with the
utmost sincerity, that I have always felt that xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I hope we are able to arrive at a resolution to this problem by end of this week at
the latest, without my having to take any further steps

Thank you for considering my concerns, and I look forward to hearing about the
actions taken to alleviate this situation.

Informal Survey response to Manager:

- I think it's great that you are giving us all a chance to provide some
feedback on this issue.
- I appreciate the opportunity to provide input on this issue.

- level of formality suit the situation
- Slang or abbrevation or informal
- right tone

Speaking Tips:
#1 - Always extract from own life than makeup.
#2 - Concentrate on Grammer, Vocabulary and prompt
#3 - Use own words without repitation
#4 - Test your tone, pace and volume before taking test
#5 - Use full time, informative and complete

Speaking: 8 Tasks in 20 minutes. With 30 sec of prep time and 60 sec of speaking
1. Giving advice. (speaking time - 90 sec)
Imagine as like you are talking in phone to give advice to X. Hi Mary, How
have you been ?
Provide 2 to 3 suggestions [Sentence can start with => If I were you /
Another thing you could do / One final idea is ]
[First of all / Next thing / It might be worth
considering ]
Give practical example or reason for each suggestion
Appropriate tone to be helpful and thoughtful.
End note: Anyway, there’s my two cents (input, advise)

2. Talking about personal experience. (Past Tense)

Include descriptive details
Try to get your listener to feel how you felt.

3. Describe a scene in the picture (Present tense)

Positional prepositions [to, at, next to, beside, behind, between,
below, in front of]
Background / Foreground.

4. Making Predictions (future tense)

Will , Could , Might , Likely that , gonna / going to

5. Comparing and persuading

I would go with /

6. Dealing with difficult situation.

I hope you can understand that...
I think we can all agree that ...
Let's try to look at it this way ...

7. Expressing Opinions (speaking time - 90 sec)

8. Describing an unusual situation

Can finish with expression -> Better to show than tell

Listening Tips:
#1 - Take notes
#2 - Keep listening if you don't understand word / phrase / sentence. Keep moving
if you can't answer
#3 - Few have set time for answer one question. Few have set time for bunch of
question (you can revisit)
#4 - Make sure you answered before moving to next part of listening

Question Types: Overall picture | Specific detail | Inference

Part 1: Problem Solving (2 spk) - 3 parts - each part will have 2-3 questions
[Listen the Question and answer choice appears on the screen] [8 Questions]
Part 2: Daily life conversation (2 spk) - 1 part - 5-6 quns[Listen the Question and
answer choice appears on the screen] [5 Questions]
Part 3: Specialized knowledge (2 spk) - 1 part - [Listen the Question and answer
choice appears on the screen] [6 Questions]
Part 4: Listening to a News Item [One Speaker | 1.5 Minutes | 5 Qns appear] | [All
questions appears on the screen with choices] [5 Questions]
Notes for W questions
Part 5: Video clip (3 spk) [All questions appears on the screen with choices] [8
Part 6: News Item - Multiple points of view (1 spk) [All questions appears on the
screen with choices] [6 Questions]


Reading Tips:
#1 - Skimming & Scanning (not to read every word)
#2 - skip word if you don't understand or no clue with context
#3 - No Penalty

Reading Patern:
1. Reading Correspondence - 11 Qns / 11 Minutes
2. Reading to apply Diagram - 8 Qns / 9 Minutes
3. Reading for Information - 9 Qns / 10 Minutes
4. Reading for View Points - 10 Qns / 13 Minutes

Watch: Score Comparison chart

prerogative - சிறப்புரிமை

strides - முன்னேறுகிறது / move forward

diligence - விடாமுயற்சி / அக்கறை
chaotic / chao - குழப்பமான / குழப்பம் [kiyatic]
gratitude - being thankful
creep - feel nervous, uncomfortable, and slightly frightened => It creeps me out
cringe - பயமுறுத்தும் so embarrassing, awkward
Patron - may be a customer of a restaurant, shop, bar, hotel, or other business.
tantrum - கோபம் => My son had a tantrum and banged his fist on the ground. /
Charlie had a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn't buy him any sweets
tranquil - free from disturbance (அமைதியான)
persuade - வற்புறுத்துதல் => He persuaded his friend to go back to school
stern - கடுமையான =>
notorious - இழிவான / kevalam => The company is notorious for paying its bills
Trace, Analyze, Infer, Evaluate, Formulate, Describe, Support, Explain, Summarize,
Compare, Contrast, Predict, appeal, perhaps, intermittent, impediment
hesitate, achieve.
intuitively - உள்ளுணர்வாக
alleviate - lighten, mitigate, and relieve.
scrimmage - a minor battle : practice play between a team's squads or a practice
game between two teams. [சண்டை]

fierce rival - competition between two people or organisations that is quite

rival = competitor, opponent
penultimate - one before last
concisely - in a way that is brief but comprehensive [ சுருக்கமாக]
viable - applicable, feasible, possible, usable, workable, and doable.
livelihood - Livelihood is defined as a set of activities essential to everyday
life that are conducted over one's life span. [வாழ்வாதாரம்]
exert - to put forth (strength, effort, etc.)
surpassed - be or do something to a greater degree (மிஞ்சியது)
proofread - carefully checking for errors in a text before it is published or
shared [சரிபார்த்தல்]
fatigue - tired / A condition marked by extreme tiredness and inability to function
due to lack of energy
erroneous - incorrect
errand - assignment / job / work
lingering - to remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected
caveat - warning [எச்சரிக்கை]
excerpts - part of [She loved to read excerpts of her works in progress out loud]
Flamboyant means showy, [his art is full of vibrant colours and flamboyant designs]

Decade - 10 years
God forbid [expression] - wish that something should not happen.
gone downhill [expression] - something getting worse
A storm in a teacup [expression] - A big fuss about a small problem
Better to show than tell [expression] - A picture is worth 1000 words
Down to earth (friendly, relaxed)
hold your nerve or keep your nerve -> you remain calm and determined in a difficult
He/It winds me up -> Someone or something realy annoys you
I hit the ceiling -> To get very angry and upset

an arm and a leg -> very expensive

Usage example: it cost me an arm and a leg

have a whale of a time [idiom] -> to enjoy yourself very much

Usage examples: We had a whale of a time on holiday.

once in a blue moon -> very rarely

Usage example: He come to see me once in a blue moon

sitting on the fence -> Not making a firm decision between different choices
rescind - The navy rescinded its ban on women sailors [ ரத்து செய்யப்பட்டது ]
souvenir - [நினைவு பரிசு]
pervasive - Playing video games is pervasive among kids. Talking about the weather
is pervasive among adults. [பரவலான]
invasive - tending to spread

unwavering resiliance and commitment.

resilience - the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties;
unwavering - continuing in a strong and steady way [Synonyms: steady, consistent,
staunch, determined ]

redact - to obscure or remove (text) from a document prior to publication or

release. [திருத்தவும்]
groovy - attractive / fashionable / exciting
immaculate - free from flaws or mistakes; perfect.
frowned - to show displeasure with or disapproval of especially by facial
expression [முகம் சுளித்தார்]
peeked - எட்டிப்பார்த்தார்
spooky - strange, unsettling, or frightening [பயமுறுத்தும்]

Perched - sitting on something high or narrow

meticulously - careful (உன்னிப்பாக)
palpable - apparent, certain, conspicuous. (தெளிவாகத் தெரியும்)

kludge - is a workaround or quick-and-dirty solution that is clumsy, inelegant,

inefficient, difficult to extend and hard to maintain.
tranquil - calmness; peacefulness [அமைதி ]
riots - a violent public disorder [கலவரங்கள்]

very happy - Delighted, glad, elated
perplex - dazzle, confused [குழப்பம்]
astonished - amaze, surprise [வியந்தார்]
revive - to restore [புதுப்பிக்க]
skeptical - doubt, suspicious [சந்தேகம்]

monopolize - to acquire or have complete control over.

Nimble - moving with ease; agile; active; rapid [Ex, Nimble learner]
admire - to respect and approve of someone or their behaviour [ரசிக்கிறது]
regret - to feel sorry about a situation, especially something sad or wrong or a
mistake that you have made: [வருத்தம்]
Reluctant - hesitation, or unwillingness. [Ex: I was having such a good time I was
reluctant to leave]


Writing Task 1:
Dear …,
1. Hopefully, you and (family member/friend) are in great spirits! My apologies for
not being in touch, but I am making up for it via this letter; at least I hope so!
2. Exclamations, basic words, complex sentences, informal but not slang vocab,
3. Exclamations, basic words, complex sentences, informal but not slang vocab,
4. Exclamations, basic words, complex sentences, informal but not slang vocab,
5. I am hoping this letter finds you well. Do get back to me whenever you get a
chance. Can’t wait to see you soon!
Best Regards,

Brainstorm 2-3 minutes:

B1 - friend has been sad/good way to meetup
B2 - when/where
B3 - bring some food/be ready to shout ‘surprise’

Dear Bob,
1. Hopefully, you guys are in great spirits! My apologies for not being in touch
with you all, but I am making up for it via this letter; at least I hope so!
2. I can’t stop but continuously think of how morose Hannah has been since she has
started feeling homesick. Not only will a surprise party cheer her up, it will also
be an awesome way to catch up with you all!
3. How does this Saturday evening past 6 pm sound; or is that too close to working
hours? Recently, I have been falling in love with Queen’s Park, and I mentally
cannot picture a better spot!
4. If you guys can take care of the food and drinks, that will take a lot of
pressure off my mind. Finally, and this is a must, when Hannah shows up, we all
have to toss our introverted natures aside and shout ‘SURPRISE!’
5. I am hoping this letter finds you well. Do get back to me whenever you get a
chance. Can’t wait to see you guys soon!
Best Regards,

Dear …,
1. The purpose of my writing today is to inform you about/lodge a complaint…
2. To begin with, … On top of that…
3. Complex sentence. Example/Connector.
4. Overall, considering the above, given the aforementioned scenario, based on
what I have provided you today, conclusively…..
5. I am looking forward to seeing how my suggestions translate into prompt actions
from your side. Your kind cooperation would be most appreciated. OR (in different
cases). Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Furthermore, an
open line of communication, from your side, in this case would greatly help out.
Full name

B1: stutter/bullying me
B2: demotivating/mental stress (migraines)
B3: give warnings/separate our work cubicle

Dear Mr. Harry,

1. The purpose of my writing today is to lodge a complaint about certain office

behaviour that I find quite inappropriate and unethical.
2. To begin with, my inborn stuttering dilemma exposes me to a good amount of
ridicule which, unfortunately, has become a focal point for some of my colleagues
to use against me. On top of that, the verbal offences have now transitioned into
physical ones as things are being hurled at me repeatedly.
3. Given that I am surrounded by my colleagues 24/7, it culminates in an extremely
toxic working atmosphere for me. For instance, my doctor has been pointing out
warning signs of early depression since this began; this is on top of my existing
suicidal thoughts.
4. Considering the above, I am pleading you to start warning them for the sake of
my mental health. In case that seems to be cumbersome, please move them away from
my current cubicle.
5. I am looking forward to seeing how my suggestions promptly translate into
actions from your side. Your kind cooperation would be most appreciated.
Sean Zad

Writing Task 2:
Template 1:
The action/topic/idea of ..... has sparked recent debate and controversy.
I opine that ..... is a more apropos option due to ...

Conspicuously, since ..., .... Furthermore, ... For example, ...

Nevertheless, ... may serve a valuable purpose/should not be overlooked/may land

more pros. Due to ...,....
Another indisputable fact is that.... (semicolon)

Based on the aforementioned reasoning, I still stand by my stance. That is, ... is
not a suited option considering ...

The idea of employing punishment has sparked recent debate and controversy. I opine
that life imprisonment is a more apropos option due to certain social factors.
Conspicuously, since life imprisonment allows offenders to survive, it is a less
harsh way to chastise them which speaks to human rights and ethics.
Furthermore, it gives room to maintain and effectively grow family bonds. For
example, since these criminals are not put to death penalty, they can still
family visits, keeping their relationships and the spirit of love alive, as long
as they live.

Nevertheless, capital punishment may not serve a valuable purpose.

Due to the reputation of our country, it is imperative that we are not seen as
barbaric, nonetheless, this outdated method will accomplish exactly that.
Another indisputable fact is that putting criminals to sleep permanently may be
seen as an easy way out compared to a lifetime of imprisonment; this may not deter
criminals from offences.
Based on the aforementioned reasoning, I still stand by my stance. That is, capital
punishment is not a suited option considering the complications.

Template 2:
The action/topic/idea of ..... has sparked recent debate and controversy.
I opine that ..... is a more apropos option due to ...

Conspicuously, since ..., .... Further to this/What’s more...

Weirdly enough/Interestingly enough/Surprisingly enough, ...

Due to ... (semicolon)

Based on the aforementioned reasoning, I still stand by my

stance. That is, ... is clearly more feasible considering ...

The idea of employing punishment has sparked recent debate and controversy. I
(personally) opine that death penalty is a more apropos option due to the
optimistic current and future outlook.
Conspicuously, since capital punishment simply ends a life, the expenditures of
that person do not need to be accounted for. Further to this, their food, shelter
or any therapeutic supplies would not be a source of draining budgets since they
themselves will cease to exist. This kind of thinking or approach towards
criminals may be seen as amoral in a plethora of cultures, nevertheless, the
practicality of the given measures and resulting savings, in terms of fiscal
numbers, is quite significant.
Interestingly enough, the concept of reward and punishment applies here. Due to
such a brutally applied penalty, criminals will perceive it as an apparent
deterrent to crime; valuing their lives over existing urges to commit crime will
aid in inevitably lowering crime rates.
Based on the aforementioned reasoning, I still stand by my stance. That is,
capital punishment is clearly more feasible considering monetary and crime-related

10 WORDS to Use:
Based on
Before all else

Speaking 1
Hi Maria. How’s life? It’s been an eternity since I last spoke with you!
Listen, I heard that you were going through/dealing with/etc. I thought I would
provide my input to you based on my own experience.
For your own sake, I really think you should take my suggestions into account.
Let me know how it goes!
Take care!
Speaking 2
There are many and one of them is…
To begin with… (1 point)
Given that… (1-2 points)
Speaking 3
The picture clearly portrays…
Not only does the foreground show…., the background clearly has…
Speaking 4
Most likely, in the next little while,…
I can also reasonably assume that
Speaking 5
Hi/Hey/Hello… Nice to see you again!
I gotta say, you are putting me in a tough spot by making me choose between…
However, it’s clear as day that … has..
(Use words like more suitable/highly beneficial/comparatively/ comparing/as
compared to/nonetheless/nevertheless…)

Did I make enough sense to convince you at this point? Let me know!

Speaking 6
Hi ….
Look, this will be an uncomfortable discussion, but let me just be candid,…
I understand it’s hard/tough/unprecedented but I need you to understand…
Sorry if this sours your day but I only have the best of intentions for you
(depending on the question).
Speaking 7
The topic/idea/question/action of… has been a source of heightened controversy. I
feel that the wisest choice would be to support … and I will explain exactly why.
To finish up, it is an indisputable fact that…
Speaking 8
Hello, …. How are you doing?
I have some news/something to tell you/something interesting that I needed to bring
Describe the picture
With that said,….

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