HAM Methodology - August2020
HAM Methodology - August2020
HAM Methodology - August2020
[Issued in August,2020]
The Government of India has approved the hybrid annuity model (HAM) to increase the pace of
award and construction of national highways apart from de-risking the developers and lenders from
inherent shortcomings associated with conventional toll and annuity-based, design, build, finance,
operate and transfer (DBFOT) model. National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has started
awarding hybrid annuity projects from January 2016.
Bid parameter: Project life cycle cost defined as Net Present Value (NPV) of the quoted bid project
cost plus NPV of the operations and maintenance (O&M) cost for the entire operations period is
the bid parameter. Bid is awarded to the developer quoting lowest NPV for project life cycle cost.
Cash construction support: 40% of the bid project cost shall be payable to the concessionaire by
the authority in five equal instalments linked to physical progress of the project. Concessionaire
shall have to initially bear the balance 60% of the project cost through a combination of debt and
Escalation clause in the project cost: Project cost shall be inflation-indexed (through a Price Index
Multiple) (PIM), which is the weighted average of Wholesale Price Index (WPI) and Consumer Price
Index (CPI) (IW) in the ratio of 70:30. The bid project cost adjusted for variation between the price
index occurring within the reference index preceding the bid date and reference index date
immediately preceding the appointed date shall be deemed to be the bid project cost at the
commencement of construction. Bid project cost shall be changed to variation in PIM on monthly
basis till the achievement of commercial operations date (COD).
Stable cash flow of annuity payments: Semi-annual annuity payments shall be made to the
concessionaire by the Authority on completion of the project for the balance 60% of the final bid
project cost. The annuity payments have been aligned with typical revenue profile for highway
projects. Along with the annuity payments, interest shall be paid in the form of annuity on
reducing balance of th e final construction cost. Interest rate for the same shall be Bank rate + 3%.
Rating Methodology – Hybrid Annuity Road Projects
Assured O&M payouts by authority: O&M payments shall be made to the concessionaire along with
annuity by the Authority, in accordance with the amount quoted which will be inflation-indexed.
Concessionaire shall remain responsible for the maintenance of the project till the end of the concession
Revenue for authority: Toll collection shall be the responsibility and revenue of the authority.
Concession Period: It shall comprise construction period, which shall be project-specific, with a fixed
operations period of 15 years.
Annuity Payments
O&M Payments
40% of Project Cost
Interest payments (on reducing
balance @ Bank Rate + 3%)
by Government All payments are to be made on bi-annual
basis during the 15 years of operations period.
Rating Methodology – Hybrid Annuity Road Projects
Comparison of features in concession agreement of hybrid annuity road projects vis-à-vis conventional
DBFOT annuity road projects:
Particulars Conventional DBFOT project Hybrid annuity project Impact Analysis
Concession period Concession period is fixed from the Concession period includes fixed Positive for
appointed date and it comprises operational period of 15 years developers and
construction and operations from COD. Hence, numbers of lenders as it provides
period. This annuities are fixed at 30 revenue visibility.
arrangement reduces the irrespective of delay in
operations period if there is delay achievement of PCOD. However,
in achievement of provisional Authority can levy damages or
commercial operations date withhold performance securities
(PCOD). For example, concession for the delays attributed to
period is 17 years from the concessionaire.
appointed date which also includes
construction period of 730 days. In
this case, number of annuities to
be received by concessionaire
reduces from 30 to 29 if there is
delay of six months in
achievement of PCOD.
Damages for delays If COD does not occur prior to 91st In the scenario mentioned here, Positive for the
attributed to the day after scheduled project damages amount increases to authority and more
concessionaire completion date (SPCD) unless the 0.2% or 0.3% of the amount of binding on
delay is on account of reasons performance security for delay of developers to
solely attributed to the authority or each day until COD is achieved. complete the project
force majeure, the concessionaire Upon concessionaire failure to pay within stipulated
shall pay damages to the authority damages, the same shall be paid time frame.
in a sum calculated at rate of 0.1% with interest of bank rate + 3% and
of the amount of performance shall be deducted from the
security for delay of each day until annuity payments till the recovery
COD is of entire damages.
Bidding criteria Authority mentions project- Bid project cost is finalized on the Positive for authority
specific Engineering procurement date of declaration of bidder and lenders.
and construction (EPC) cost in the offering lowest project life cycle Nevertheless, this
request for proposal. However, cost (including construction cost requires in-depth
concessionaire can freeze the and O&M cost) and hence the study of project cost by
project cost based on technical project cost cannot be changed bidder based on the
viability on its own as it is not the except variations in PIM and design and
bidding parameter. This results in change in scope. Bid project cost specification of scope
wide deviations in the cost of shall be inclusive of construction of work.
project based on the assumption cost, interest during construction,
and margin estimated by the working capital and physical
developers. contingencies except additional
cost due to variations in PIM,
change in scope, and change in law
or force majeure.
Furthermore, concessionaire is
Rating Methodology – Hybrid Annuity Road Projects
Deemed termination No such clauses. In case, appointed date does not Protects the
occur before the 1st anniversary of developer from
the signing of Concession inordinate delay in
agreement, the concession handover of land or
agreement shall be deemed to regulatory clearances
have been terminated by mutual from the authority.
agreement of the parties.
Furthermore, if appointed date
does not occur for the reasons
attributed to concessionaire,
authority shall en-cash
performance security and
additional performance security
as damages thereof.
Project milestone Project milestone linked to Project milestone linked to both Positive for the
financial progress. physical and financial progress. authority and lenders
as it protects them
from any diversion of
funds by developers.
Release of Construction grant, if any, can be Authority shall provide Positive for
construction grant disbursed in the proportionate construction grant to the extent of developers and
form of term loan disbursement 40% of the inflation indexed bid lenders as funding of
after infusion of 100% contribution project cost. Construction grant is the 40% of the project
from sponsors. to be released in the form of five cost from the
equal instalments subject to the authority is expected
achievement of physical progress to reduce the funding
of 10%, 30%, 50%, 75% need.
and 90%, respectively.
Furthermore, NHAI has also
allowed interest bearing advances
in lieu of grant upon achievement
of intermittent milestone.
Rating Methodology – Hybrid Annuity Road Projects
Mobilization Concessionaire can grant Mobilization advances can be Positive for developers
advances mobilization advances to EPC availed from authority up to 10% of as mobilization
contractor from the cost of project. bid project cost @ bank rate of RBI advances are available
No mobilization advance compounded annually during at bank rate. Lowcost
is granted from authority during construction period. Out of 10% mobilization advances
construction period. mobilization advances 5% shall be in the early stage of
available immediately after construction is
appointed date and balance 5% expected to reduce
within 60 days from appointed interest during
date. Mobilization advances shall construction.
be released within one month from
request by concessionaire. Such
mobilization advances are to be
deducted in four equal
instalments from construction
grant by authority. Interest on such
advances shall be recovered as the
5th and final instalment upon
expiry of 120 days
commencing from the recovery
date of the 4th
Delay in handover of Concessionaire is required to In the event the authority is unable Positive for
balance right of way complete the work on all lands for to provide remaining site within developers and
(RoW) post which RoW is granted within 90 180 days from the appointed date, lenders as it provides
appointed date days of appointed date and achieve the remaining site shall be better clarity and
(i.e. handover of PCOD after completing such work. removed from the scope of work mitigates the
80% land) However, final COD cannot be under the provision of change in construction risk to an
issued even though work is delayed scope. Hence, final COD can be extent. However,
due to reasons attributed to the achieved after completing the inordinate delay in
authority. 100% work on the site available to the de-scoping
concessionaire within 180 days despite lapse of 180
from appointed date. days from appointed
date can hamper the
project progress.
Bonus payment on Bonus upto maximum one annuity In the event concessionaire shall Positive for
early completion (six months) shall be paid by achieve COD on 30 or more days developers as bonus
authority along with first annuity prior to scheduled completion payment can be
subject to achievement of final date, authority shall pay bonus received even after
COD (100% completion of work on equal to 0.5% of 60% of bid project completing 100%
the entire project length). cost for 30 days by which COD work on the land
Furthermore, annuity payment preceded SPCD. Thereafter, the available within 180
shall commence only after six bonus shall be calculated on pro- days from the
months from scheduled project rata basis. Bonus shall be due and appointed date.
completion date (SPCD). payable along with the first
annuity payment. Annuity
payment shall commence within
15 days of 180th day from COD.
Rating Methodology – Hybrid Annuity Road Projects
Aggressive bidding, high debt levels and increasing working capital intensity as well as execution challenges
had collectively affected the credit profile of prominent infrastructure developers / sponsors in the past.
Deterioration in the credit profile of some of the large developers has increased the funding risk during
construction phase and reduced participation of developers in DBFOT model.
Rating Methodology – Hybrid Annuity Road Projects
At the same time, developers with strong execution capability and good financial flexibility are better placed
to bag the sizeable opportunity in the road sector. HAM model entails lower sponsor contribution during
construction period considering 40% construction support from authority and hence mitigates the funding
risk to an extent. Furthermore, provision of mobilization advances at bank rate from authority is also
expected to provide some support to concessionaire in the initial phase of construction. CARE expects equity
commitment to be to the extent of 12%-15% of the project cost for HAM projects. However, delay in the tie
up and release of term debt as well as bank guarantee for mobilization advances in current challenging fund
raising environment can impact the project progress and needs to be monitored.
2. Sponsor evaluation
CARE Ratings considers credit strength of sponsor as important parameter for conventional DBFOT projects.
In case of HAM projects, sponsor’s project execution track record and commitment to support the project
in exigencies are also important apart from the sponsor’s financial flexibility in light of thefollowing:
▪ Focus on cost-based bidding requires in-depth assessment of project cost and O&M cost
▪ Cost competency remains crucial to generate envisaged Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
▪ Emphasis on physical progress for release of grant, increases reliance on sponsor
▪ Inflation-indexed bid project cost protects the developers against price escalation to an extent.
Nevertheless, extent of price escalation is difficult to factor at the time of financial closure. Hence, any
variations in cost due to higher-than-envisaged price escalation is required to be funded through the
CARE Ratings considers the following points as a mitigation tool towards evaluation of sponsor risk:
▪ Demonstrated execution track record of sponsor with lower reliance on subcontracting
▪ Sponsor’s track record for completing the projects within envisaged time and cost parameter and
signing of fixed-price EPC contract with reputed EPC contractor or sponsor having good
▪ Sponsors’ track record of supporting the projects in case of exigencies
▪ Ownership of the project Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). SPVs with single sponsor owning majority
stake is considered better as compared to joint ownership
▪ Corporate guarantee of strong sponsor till execution of project and receipt of first annuity
▪ Sponsor’s financial flexibility and creditworthiness
Rating Methodology – Hybrid Annuity Road Projects
Despite non-recourse nature of the debt of the SPV, financial flexibility and execution track record of
sponsor are important in pre-COD phase. Furthermore, the sponsor is required to fund cost overrun, if
any, and shortfall, if any, till receipt of first annuity as per sponsor support agreement entered with the
Project implementation risk is partially mitigated due to availability of 80% length of project before
appointed date. Nevertheless, declaration of appointed date on availability of 80% land on 3G basis
(wherein payment of compensation of is pending to land owner unlike hand over of encumbrance free
80% land on 3H basis) can impact the project progress in case of hindrances or subsequent protest from
the land owner.
Provision of deemed termination and clauses to issue final COD in case of completion of 100% work on
the lands available within 180 days from appointed date also protect the interests of developers and
lenders to a considerable extent. Nevertheless, delay in de-scoping of un-available land even after lapse
of considerable time post 180 days from appointed date can impact the project progress and increase the
construction risk to an extent. NHAI and concessionaire sometimes opt for de-linking of the unavailable
land considering practical difficulties in de-scoping. Under de-linking, provisional COD (PCOD) may be
declared upon completion of 100% work on available land while concessionaire is required to execute the
work on remaining land whenever it is handover by NHAI even post PCOD.
As compared with conventional BOT projects, challenges for developer-cum-EPC contractor to execute
the project within envisaged cost, are greater as the project is awarded under competitive bidding based
on the cost parameter as compared with conventional BOT project awarded based on the parameter of
premium payment/grant offered to the authority. Furthermore, the construction risk increases in cases
where sponsor has limited track record of execution of complex projects.
Construction grant is expected to be disbursed in instalment upon achievement of milestone based on
the physical progress. Moreover, lender would disburse the project loan only upon achievement of
desired project debt/equity by concessionaire. Consequently, working capital requirement for the EPC
contractor or interim funding support from concessionaire till release of grant from the authority and
release of term debt be crucial parameter for assessment. However, relaxation in terms for release of
grant and mobilization advances in recent model concession agreements is expected to provide relief to
EPC contractors and provide cash flow cushion during construction period.
Rating Methodology – Hybrid Annuity Road Projects
CARE Ratings considers the following points for analysis of project implementation risk:
▪ Developer’s track record in execution of large-sized EPC projects
▪ Financial flexibility of sponsor and EPC contractor to fund increase in working capital due to delay in
receipt of construction grant
▪ Availability of Right of Way (RoW) on 3H basis in terms of both length and area
▪ Gap between NHAI Project cost and bid project cost and reasons in case of large variations between
NHAI project cost and bid project cost.
▪ Gap between Lowest bidder (L1), L2 and L3 bidders
▪ Achievement of financial closure and status of funds deployment by sponsor and lender
▪ Status of clearances including forest clearance
▪ Complexity of the project road in terms of presence of structural work and terrain
▪ Stage of project progress and current project progress against stipulated progress
▪ Status of de-scoping or de-linking of unavailable land and its impact on project progress
▪ Status of approval of Extension of Timeframe (EOT) by NHAI, if any
▪ Details of damages levied in case of delay in achievement of project milestones or PCOD, if any.
CARE Ratings considers the following aspects as potential mitigants w.r.t project implementation risk:
▪ Demonstrated track record of EPC contractor in executing large-sized projects
▪ Good financial flexibility of sponsor and EPC contractor
▪ Availability of more than 80% land on 3H basis or in terms of length available for execution basis and
timely de-scoping of unavailable land
▪ Presence of fixed price EPC contract
▪ Sponsor support undertaking to fund cost overrun and any cash deficit during under-construction
phase (including due to delay in release of grant)
▪ Corporate guarantee of sponsor till COD and receipt of first annuity
▪ Reasonable gap between NHAI project cost and bid project cost as well as L1 and L2
▪ Presence of minimal structural work
During operational phase, cash flow is assured in the form of annuity payments from Concessioning
Authority on semi-annual basis covering 60% of the project cost along with interest at bank rate + 3%.
Rating Methodology – Hybrid Annuity Road Projects
5. O&M risk:
O&M risk is also partially offset due to fixed payment in the form of annuity which is also indexed to inflation
movements with the base year considered as the year of bidding. However, developers would still face the
risk of sharp increase in the O&M cost due to more than envisaged wear and tear of the project stretch.
Increase in O&M cost other than inflation indexation during operational period and consequent breach of
performance obligations by developers in light of their lower contribution can result in deduction of annuity
payments. Hence, aggressive bidding in O&M cost due to front loading of EPC cost can result in moderate
debt coverage indicators in the operational period. This risk increases in case of sponsors with moderate to
weak credit profile.
O&M cost of the stretch depends on the traffic, terrain and quality of road construction. O&M cost increases
for the stretches dominated by heavy vehicles and highways falling under higher economic resilience area.
O&M expenses generally remains lower for the state highways with relatively lower traffic. In case the road
stretch is present in zones of high precipitation, possibilities of moisture percolating to bituminous layer is
higher which in turn results in higher O&M and major maintenance expenses. Quality of road construction
depends on design capacity of the road vis-à-vis actual traffic on the stretch and roughness index (ranges
between 2000 mm/km and 2500 mm/km; lower the better). Furthermore, O&M cost is expected to be
significantly lower in case of rigid pavement as compared to flexible pavement.
CARE Ratings considers the following points for analysis of O&M risk:
▪ Difference of O&M cost between L1, L2 and L3 and justification for wide variations; if any
▪ Adequacy of gap between bid project cost and completion cost in case projects are awarded with
lower O&M annuity
▪ Comparison of O&M and MM cost with other projects
▪ Inflation assumption on O&M annuity in the operational phase
▪ CARE Ratings also considers fixed price O&M contract with experienced contractor post COD and
experience of sponsor in managing operations of BOT projects as some of the effective strategies to
mitigate O&M risk. Furthermore, cash flow cushion during operational period improves despite lower
bidding in O&M annuity in case total project cost considered for financial closure (i.e., completion
cost) is considerably lower than bid project cost. Further, cash flow cushion also varies based on actual
completion cost post COD as against inflation indexation assumed, if any in base case business model.
6. Interest rate risk:
As per model concession agreement, Interest annuity shall be paid on reducing balance of bid project cost.
Interest rate for the same shall be Bank rate + 3%. Hence, non-linear transmission of bank rate over lending
rate and variable nature of annuity receipt shall impact the underlying debt coverage indicators. However,
inflation indexed completion cost provides partial relief from the credit perspective wherever adequate
Rating Methodology – Hybrid Annuity Road Projects
O&M assumptions and cost of project financed by lender is structured at BPC or less than BPC (without
assuming inflation). Contrarily, CARE views with caution projects which are structured at cost higher or equal
to BPC along with aggressive O&M bidding.
The rating outcome is ultimately an assessment of the fundamentals and the probabilities of change in the
fundamentals. CARE Ratings analyses each of the above factors and their linkages to arrive at the overall
assessment of credit quality of an issuer.
[For previous version please refer “Rating Methodology –Hybrid Annuity Road Projects” issued in August 2019]
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partners/proprietor and the financial strength of the firm at present. The rating/outlook may undergo change in case of withdrawal of
capital or the unsecured loans brought in by the partners/proprietor in addition to the financial performance and other relevant factors.
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