Dokumen - Tips Model DV 5 Deluge Pre Trimmed Valve Tyco Fire Offerings Including A Butterfly
Dokumen - Tips Model DV 5 Deluge Pre Trimmed Valve Tyco Fire Offerings Including A Butterfly
Dokumen - Tips Model DV 5 Deluge Pre Trimmed Valve Tyco Fire Offerings Including A Butterfly
The Model DV-5 Deluge Valve is a one-piece valves designed for vertical or horizontal installations and
external resetting. The one-moving-part design makes the valve unique. These valves can be utilized
for deluge, pre-action and special types of fire protection systems, such as foam-water and double
interlock systems. Internal corrosion resistance offered by the Rilsan* T Blue 7443 MAC coating makes
the Model DV-5 suitable for most seawater and brackish water supplies. The external Rilsan* coating is
designed to resist corrosive atmospheres associated with various types of industrial processing plants
and outdoor installations.
The Model DPV-1 valve is a differential valve that can be used to automatically control
the flow of water into a dry pipe fire protection sprinkler system upon operation of
one or more automatic sprinklers. When set for service, the dry pipe sprinkler system is pressurized with
air (or nitrogen). The loss of pressure through an operated automatic sprinkler in response to heat from
a fire permits the Model DPV-1 valve to open and allow a flow of water into the sprinkler system piping.
Applications for dry pipe sprinkler systems include unheated warehouses, parking garages, attic spaces,
loading docks and other areas exposed to freezing temperatures, where water filled pipe cannot be utilized.
The Model AV-1 Alarm valve is also available pre-trimmed. Other trim variations of pre-trimmed Models
DV-5, DPV-1 and AV-1 are available on request.
Refer to Technical Data Sheets TFP1540 & TFP1545 for complete description of all listing criteria,
design parameters,installation instructions, and care and maintenance guidelines.
/ / Easy, out-of-the-box
Features & Benefits: A safer and smarter solution, water supplies. The external
the Model DV-5 Deluge Valve Rilsan* coating is designed to
/ / One internal working part is a pre-trimmed valve that resist corrosive atmospheres
offers numerous cost savings associated with various types
/ / Diaphragm operation in shipping, assembly and of industrial processing plants
/ / Easy handling, operation and testing. Because the valve is and outdoor installations.
maintenance fully assembled and tested,
The Model DV-5 Valve is now
it offers easy installation and
/ / Lightweight ductile iron body available pre-trimmed in all
time savings on the job site.
variations: Deluge Wet / Dry
/ / Corrosion-resistant coating The one-piece valve is / Electric and Remote Reset
designed for vertical or and Remote Reset Pressure
/ / Ideal for most seawater and
horizontal installation and Reducing. Pre-action is
brackish water supplies
external resetting. The one- available in Single Interlock
moving-part design makes this Wet / Dry / Electric and Double
valve unique. The valve can interlock Electric / Electric and
be utilized for deluge, pre- Electric / Pneumatic.
action, and special types of
Standard grooved-by-grooved
fire protection systems, such
pre-trimmed, the Model DV-5
as foam-water and double
Valve include a butterfly valve.
interlock systems.
Ordering is simple with a
Internal corrosion resistance single part number, and on
offered by the Rilsan* T Blue standard variations, valves
7443 MAC coating makes are typically delivered within
the Model DV-5 suitable for two weeks.
most seawater and brackish
Always refer to the Technical Data Sheets for complete description of all listing criteria, design
parameters, installation instructions, care and maintenance guidelines, and our limited warranty.
/ / Fully Assembled
/ / Pre-Tested
/ / Pre-Trimmed
Plug-and-Play Valve
Features & Benefits: The Model DPV-1 Dry Pipe The Model DPV-1 Dry Pipe
Valve is a differential valve that Valve can also be used for
/ / Reduces installation labor can be used to automatically actuation of fire alarms upon
time, cost and risk control the flow of water into system operation. When set for
a dry pipe fire protection service, the dry pipe sprinkler
/ / External reset sprinkler system upon system is pressurized with air
/ / Includes butterfly valve, operation of one or more (or nitrogen).
couplings/flange adapter, automatic sprinklers.
The loss of pressure through
pressure switches and gauges
Dry pipe sprinkler systems are an operated automatic
/ / 250 psi (17,2 bar) used in unheated warehouses, sprinkler in response to
pressure rating parking garages, attic spaces, heat from a fire would permit
loading docks, and other the Model DPV-1 Dry Pipe
/ / Unique offset single-clapper areas exposed to freezing Valve to open and allow a flow
design enabling a simple temperatures, where water- of water into the sprinkler
compact valve filled pipe cannot be utilized. system piping.
/ / Ductile iron construction
reduces overall size of valve
and trim for easy handling
Nominal Valve Sizes
87 lbs* 90 lbs* 121 lbs* 175 lbs*
Available N/A Not Available
* Nominal weight of valve and trim combined.
2-1/2” (DN65)
(180 mm)
(230 mm)
(380 mm)
(235 mm) Model QRS
Groove x Groove Electronic Accelerator
(Details provided in TFP1100)
P/N: 52-310-3-925
20-7/16" Specify: Model QRS Electronic
WEIGHT: 87 lbs (520 mm)
16-1/8" Dry Pipe Accelerator
(409,6 mm)
3” (DN80) 2-1/2 or 3 INCH Package
Flange x Flange (Switch only)
P/N: 52-310-3-060 P/N: 52-312-3-000
WEIGHT: 208 lbs
1/2" NPT
Always refer to the Technical Data Sheet TFP1020 for complete description of all Listing criteria, design
parameters, installation instructions, care and maintenance guidelines, and our limited warranty.
TheTyco Resilient Seated Gate Valve is one of the lightest, most durable
Resilient gate valves on the market today. Superior materials and design make
Seated Gate it easy to operate and built to last. Valve components are designed
Valves to be either inherently corrosion resistant or protected with fusion-
bonded polyester resin coating for a long, reliable service life and
enhanced UV protection for exposed installations. Stringent testing
helps ensure Tyco gate valves meet the highest standards, and every
Key Benefits: valve is hydrostatically tested before leaving the factory.
// Superior material and design
// Easy to operate
// Long-term dependability
The gate sealing design combines wedge and compression mechanisms to achieve low torque, drop tight
sealing. The stem seal arrangement incorporates five separate O-rings to provide a lifetime seal. Available
end connections include flange-by-flange, flange-by-groove and groove-by-groove configurations. The
FM Approved and UL Listed valves conform to other international standards including: BS 5163, EN 1074,
EN1171 and ISO 7259. OS&Y gate valve sizes range from 2 to 12 inches (DN50 – DN300) with a maximum
operating pressure of UL-300 psi (20,87 bar) and FM-232 psi (16 bar). Non Rising Stem Post Indicator
Gate Valves require the use of an indicator post in order to operate. Valve sizes range from 4 to 12 inches
(DN100 – DN300) and offer a maximum operating pressure of UL-300 psi (20,7 bar) and FM-232 psi (16 bar).
Indicator Post
The adjustable indicator post is designed for buried applications, such as
underground water supplies, and is used with 4 to 12 inch (DN100 to DN300)
Non Rising Spindle, Resilient Seated PIV Gate Valves. Buried valves commonly
are used in fire protection systems to control water supply to automatic
sprinklers, water spray deluge, foam-water deluge or standpipe systems.
The indicator post features a telescoping stem that can be adjusted to its final position in the field and is
available in four different lengths. The appropriate post type for a particular application depends on the
size of the valve and trench depth. The posts are normally used with clockwise closing valves but may be
ordered for use with counterclockwise closing valves.
Wall indicator posts are utilized in applications such as interior water systems and for the above ground
actuation of gate valves. Both types of indicators provide external visual indication of the open or shut
status of the valve as well as a locking mechanism to secure the position.
Refer to Technical Data Sheets TFP1540 & TFP1545 for complete description of all listing criteria,
design parameters, installation instructions, and care and maintenance guidelines.
// Fusion-bonded polyester
resin coating inside
and out
Features & Benefits: Used in fire protection The stem seal arrangement
systems for on/off operation, incorporates five separate
/ / Lightweight ductile iron body Tyco Resilient Seated Gate O-rings designed to provide
and bonnet Valves incorporate high a lifetime seal. Available
strength stainless steel stems, end connections include
/ / Lower operating torque, dezincification resistant flange-by-flange, flange-by-
designed for a higher
copper alloy components, groove and groove-by-groove
life cycle
high-grade elastomers and configurations.
/ / Replaceable or repairable quality coating systems. The
The FM Approved and UL
stem seals lightweight ductile iron body
Listed valves conform to
weighs less than conventional
/ / Multiple configurations and other international standards
cast iron valves, which allows
operation modes including: BS 5163, EN 1074,
for easier handling on site and
EN1171 and ISO 7259. Non
reduces shipping costs. A fully
Rising Stem Post Indicator
encapsulated EPDM ductile
Gate Valves require the use
iron wedge is intended to
of an indicator post in order
achieve bubble-tight sealing.
to operate. Valve sizes range
Components that are not
from 4 to 12 inches (DN100 –
designed to be inherently
DN300) and offer a maximum
corrosion resistant are coated
operating pressure of UL-300
with a thermally applied
psi (20,7 bar) and FM-232 psi
fusion-bonded epoxy.
(16 bar).
The gate sealing design
combines wedge and
compression mechanisms
to achieve low torque, drop
tight sealing.
# Description Material
12 15 2
10 1 Wedge Nut Bronze
11 13
2 Stem Stainless Steel
3 Bonnet Screw Black Oxide Carbon Steel
14 14
4 Sealing Gasket EPDM
18 17
16 Bushing Nylon
Valve Size 4 6 8 10 12
Inches (DN) (100) (150) (200) (250) (300)
Face to face (L) 9.00 10.50 11.50 13.00 14.00
Inches (mm) (229) (267) (292) (330) (356)
Centre Height (CL1) 13.07 17.17 20.47 24.41 26.38
Inches (mm) (332) (436) (520) (620) (670)
4.500 6.500 8.625 10.750 12.750
OD type 1
Grooved version (OD) (114,3) (165,1) (219,1) (273,1) (323,9)
Inches (mm) 4.500 6.625 8.625 10.750 12.750
OD type 2 (114,3) (168.3) (219,1) (273,1) (323,9)
70.5 103.6 169.7 240.3 295.4
Flanged-Flanged (32) (47) (77) (109) (134)
Weight 55.1 83.8 134.5 202.8 262.4
Lbs. (Kg) (25) (38) (61) (92) (119)
48.5 75.0 123.5 180.8 235.9
Grooved-Grooved (22) (34) (56) (82) (107)
# Description Material
1 Cotter Pin Carbon Steel
16 2 Screw Pin M16 Zinc Coated Carbon Steel
FBE Coated Carbon Steel
11 12 10 # Description Material
1 Connect Cap FBE Coated Ductile Iron
2 Cotter Pin Carbon Steel
20 Target "OPEN" . . . . . . .
22 Extension Rod . . . . . . .
7 Screw M6 Zinc Coated Carbon Steel
9 8 Stem Nut Bronze
19 Gasket NBR
Always refer to the Technical Data Sheet TFP1545 for complete description of all Listing criteria, design
parameters, installation instructions, care and maintenance guidelines, and our limited warranty.
Features & Benefits: Used in fire protection The stem seal arrangement
systems for on/off operation, incorporates five separate
/ / Lightweight ductile iron body Tyco Resilient Seated Gate O-rings designed to provide
and bonnet Valves incorporate high a lifetime seal. Available
strength stainless steel stems, end connections include
/ / Lower operating torque, dezincification resistant flange-by-flange, flange-
designed for a higher
copper alloy components, by-groove and groove-by-
life cycle
high-grade elastomers and groove configurations. In
/ / Replaceable or repairable quality coating systems. The addition, the Tyco OS&Y Gate
stem seals lightweight ductile iron body Valve incorporates a unique
weighs less than conventional design feature that provides
/ / Multiple configurations and cast iron valves, which allows a backup sealing device for
operation modes for easier handling on site and the O-ring stem. This can be
reduces shipping costs. A fully activated with the valve under
encapsulated EPDM ductile full working pressure in the
iron wedge is intended to unlikely event of future leakage
achieve bubble-tight sealing. past the primary seals.
Components that are not
The FM Approved and UL
designed to be inherently
Listed valve conforms to
corrosion resistant are coated
other international standards
with a thermally applied
including: BS 5163, EN 1074,
fusion-bonded epoxy.
EN1171 and ISO 7259. OS&Y
The gate sealing design gate valve sizes range from 2 to
combines wedge and 12 inches (DN50 – DN300) with
compression mechanisms a maximum operating pressure
to achieve low torque, drop of UL-300 psi (20,87 bar) and
tight sealing. FM-232 psi (16 bar).
# Description Material
16 1 Wedge EPDM Coated Ductile Iron
2 Wedge Nut Cold Forged Copper Alloy
10 3 Stem Pin Stainless Steel AISI 420
4 Sealing Gasket EPDM-70
13 5 Sealing O Rings NBR
8 6 Stem Guide Copper Alloy
7 Stem O Rings NBR
20 6
8 Compression Washer Stainless Steel AISI 420
18 18
4 5
14 9 Top Gland FBP Coated Ductile Iron
3 10 Fixing Washers Copper Alloy
11 Top Nut Copper Alloy
12 Hand Wheel FBP Coated Ductile Iron
Always refer to the Technical Data Sheet TFP1540 for complete description of all Listing criteria, design
parameters, installation instructions, care and maintenance guidelines, and our limited warranty.