J Matpr 2021 02 102-H1-Sensibilidad
J Matpr 2021 02 102-H1-Sensibilidad
J Matpr 2021 02 102-H1-Sensibilidad
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Stirred tank reactors are used routinely in chemical processing industries. Mixing and dispersion in such
Received 4 January 2021 reactors depends on the geometry of the reactor and impeller. In addition, CFD simulations are an impor-
Received in revised form 30 January 2021 tant tool for characterizing flow and turbulence. Towards this end, the flow field inside a stirred tank
Accepted 4 February 2021
reactor is simulated by means of ANSYS Fluent CFD package. Computational geometry and mesh are gen-
Available online xxxx
erated in ANSYS. Simulations are conducted using the Multiple Rotating Frame (MRF) technique in con-
junction with the k turbulence model. MRF is a computationally efficient technique, however the
solution may depend on the size of the inner domain near the impeller. Therefore, it is important to val-
Stirred tank
Multiple rotating frame
idate the technique by comparison with the experimental data. In this work, the model is implemented in
CFD ANSYS Fluent and the simulated velocity profiles are assessed against the experimental profiles available
in the literature. The simulations do describe the overall features of the flow well, however some discrep-
ancies are noted. Suggestions for extending this work for proper evaluation of the MRF technique and var-
ious turbulence models are given. Once properly validated, the technique can be used for realistic
evaluation of the effect of reactor and impeller geometry on mixing and turbulence.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Technological Advancements in Materials Science and Manufacturing.
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Technological Advancements in Materials Science and
Please cite this article as: G. Mittal and R. Issao Kikugawa, Computational fluid dynamics simulation of a stirred tank reactor, Materials Today: Proceedings,
G. Mittal and R. Issao Kikugawa Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
2. Computational modelling
2.1. Geometry
Fig. 4. Mesh display in selected plans; [A] Vertical plane; [B] Horizontal impeller plane.
for complex flows and allows improved solution for coarse as well
as fine near-wall meshes. Impeller is modelled using the MRF
approach. MRF is a steady state approach which renders a situation
which is transient with respect to the fixed frame of reference, into
steady with respect to a reference frame that moves with the rotor.
The computational domain is broken into several fluid/solid
domains. The zones which include the rotors are solved by using
the equations for moving reference frame. In contrast, the equa-
tions for stationary frame are used in the non-moving zones. Effec-
tively, the grid remains static for computational purpose. In this
model the impeller stays at the same position, this means that
the position of the baffles relative to the blades does not change.
Thus, this method is not recommended when the interaction of
the impeller and baffles is significant. This is similar to freezing
the movement of the rotor at a particular spot and perceiving the
instantaneous flow field in that particular position.
As shown in Fig. 2, the computational domain is allocated into a
zone around the impeller and an outside zone. The inner zone
involving the impeller has 4.2 cm height and 7 cm as radius. A Fig. 5. Profiles of axial velocities for different levels of grid refinement, at z/R = 0.2.
rotating frame of reference is used for the inside zone around the
rotor, and a fixed frame for the flow outside the rotor zone.
The governing equations for momentum and turbulence are 3.2. Simulated flow field
discretized using the second-order upwind scheme and solved
using the SIMPLE method. Simulations are done for an rpm of The general features of the simulated flow field are presented in
212, which corresponds to a Reynolds number in the turbulent Fig. 6, which shows velocity vectors and contours of turbulence
region based on Re ¼ ND2 q=l. A no slip condition is given to all intensity.
surfaces, including the rotor, shaft, baffles and cylinder. The con- The intake flow to the rotor originates from the top and from
vergence is confirmed by monitoring residues. the vertical periphery. The rotor develops high speed flow under
the impeller in the downward direction. After impinging at the
bottom of the rank, the fluid moves along the bottom surface and
finally moves upward along the cylindrical surface. As pointed
out by Ranade et al. [4], there is a distinct cone like zone under
3. Results
the rotor where speed is small and flow occurs in the upward
direction. Intense turbulence is noted particularly in the region
3.1. Mesh independence
below the impeller.
In order to confirm mesh independence, simulations were con-
ducted using grids in the range of approximately 200,000 to 3.3. CFD simulations vs experiment
600,000. The differences between the simulations from the coars-
est and finest grids used were not enormous. As an example, pro- CFD simulations were assessed using the data from Ranade
files of axial velocity in radial direction for a selected plane for the et al. [4]. Ranade et al. [4] measured mean velocities using LDA
coarsest and finest grid using the MRF approach is shown in Fig. 5. for the pitched blade impeller simulated here and provided exten-
The horizontal planes in the reactor are defined based on Z/R ratio, sive experimental data. Simulated and experimental axial velocity
where Z axis is directed axially downward in the reactor with ori- curves for various Z/R ratios are shown in Fig. 7. A positive value of
gin at the centre of the rotor and R is the radius of the tank. Z/R Z/R corresponds to downstream side of impeller (i.e. towards the
ratio spans from 1.33 at the reactor top to 0.66 at the bottom. bottom) and a negative value corresponds to upstream.
Furthermore, all subsequent simulations were done with a grid For Z/R = 0.366, the flow is in the downward direction for r/
of approximately 600,000. R < 0.7 and in upward direction for r/R > 0.7. This is due to the cir-
G. Mittal and R. Issao Kikugawa Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 6. (a) Velocity vectors (b) turbulence intensity on a plane at 45° to baffles.
Fig. 7. Simulated and experimental axial velocity profile along radius, at z/R = 0.366, z/R = 0.2, z/R = 0.366, z/R = 0.53.
culation vortex set up by the downward pumping impeller. The cir- 1. As Z/R increases, the peak axial velocity in the downward direc-
culation can be clearly noted in Fig. 6. For Z/R = 0.366, simula- tion decreases monotonically for the experimental data,
tions match the trend of experimental data very well, however whereas it first increases and then decreases in simulations.
velocities are slightly underpredicted. In Fig. 7, the plots for Z/ Significant discrepancies in simulations are noted at Z/R of
R = 0.2, 0.366 and 0.533 represent velocity profiles progressively 0.2, and the agreement becomes very good as Z/R increases.
downstream of the impeller. Certain features can be noted in the 2. As Z/R increases, the radial location of the peak axial velocity (in
experimental and simulated data. These are as follows: the downward direction) moves outward. This trend is noted in
both experimental and simulated data.
G. Mittal and R. Issao Kikugawa Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
3. The disagreement close to impeller (Z/R = 0.2) could be due to CRediT authorship contribution statement
the size of the inner computational zone, which was set to a
height of 4.2 cm and radius of 7 cm. The MRF model assumes Gaurav Mittal: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing -
that the unsteady effects are negligible at the interface of the reviewing & editing. Rafael Issao Kikugawa: Investigation.
inner and outer zones. A different choice of the inner zone could
lead to better agreement with the experimental data and needs Declaration of Competing Interest
to be explored.
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
4. Concluding remarks
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
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