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Photoreduction of Chromium (VI) in The Presence of Algae,: Chlorella Vulgaris

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Journal of Hazardous Materials B138 (2006) 288–292

Photoreduction of chromium(VI) in the presence of algae,

Chlorella vulgaris
Lin Deng, Hongli Wang, Nansheng Deng ∗
School of Resources and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, PR China
Received 22 February 2006; received in revised form 20 April 2006; accepted 27 April 2006
Available online 10 June 2006

In this thesis, the photochemical reduction of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) in the presence of algae, Chlorella vulgaris, was investigated under
the irradiation of metal halide lamps (λ = 365 nm, 250 W). The affecting factors of photochemical reduction were studied in detail, such as exposure
time, initial Cr(VI) concentration, initial algae concentration and pH. The rate of Cr(VI) photochemical reduction increased with algae concentration
increasing, exposure time increasing, initial Cr(VI) concentration decreasing and the decrease of pH. When pH increased to 6, the rate of Cr(VI)
photochemical reduction nearly vanished. When initial Cr(VI) concentration ranged from 0.4 to 1.0 mg L−1 and initial algae concentration ranged
from ABSalgae (the absorbency of algae) = 0.025 to ABSalgae = 0.180, According to the results of kinetic analyses, the kinetic equation of Cr(VI)
photochemical reduction in aqueous solution with algae under 250 W metal halide lamps was V0 = kC00.1718 A0.5235algae (C0 was initial concentration of
Cr(VI); Aalgae was initial concentration of algae) under the condition of pH 4.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Photoreduction; Chlorella vulgaris; Cr(VI); Kinetic analyses

1. Introduction ical reactions, the photo-initiated electron transfer must occur via
some intermediums, main metals, such as iron(II) and copper(I).
Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) is a priority pollutant and is Many microorganisms of several genera can biosorb while uti-
associated with the development of cancer and various chronic lizing a wide range of substrates at near neutral pH [6]. Hence,
health disorders including organ damage, dermatitis and respi- biological processes may provide an alternative to the conven-
ratory impairment. While, trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) is much tional technique for Cr(VI) removal. Jean-Francios et al. [7]
less toxic than Cr(VI). The chemical reduction of Cr(VI) by var- indicate that senescent algae could photoproduce some reduc-
ious methods is known to dramatically decrease the toxicity and tive radicals that induce photodegradation of organic pollutants.
bioavailability of this metal [1]. It is possible that some oxidative radicals photoproduced from
The prevention of heavy metal contamination in aquatic envi- senescent algae can induce metal photoreduction.
ronments is often performed by conventional methods, which However, little work has been reported on the role of algae
include the addition of chemical for metal precipitation or on the photoreduction of Cr(VI) in aqueous medium. Given
exchange resins to bind them. The use of microbial biomass to that algae are a significant component of environmental sys-
remove metal ions from aqueous environment has gained con- tem, algae may play very important role in the photochemical
siderable interest as a potential alternative method to chemical transformation of metals in aqueous media. This work helps
treatments [2]. us to understand the photochemical behavior of heavy metal
The observation of Kiber and Helz [3] that sunlight chromium in the presence of algae.
can initiate chromium(VI) reduction in natural waters has
motivated research on chromium photoreduction [4,5]. Since 2. Experimental section
chromium(VI) is not substantially reduced by direct photochem-
2.1. Chemicals and reagents

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 27 8768 6550; fax: +86 27 6877 8511. All reagents used in this work were analytical grade and used
E-mail addresses: nsdengwhu@163.com, dlwhu@163.com (N. Deng). without any further purification. K2 Cr2 O7 was used as Cr(VI)

0304-3894/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Deng et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials B138 (2006) 288–292 289

source. The water employed in the irradiation experiments was 2.4. Analyses
doubly distilled. The pH of the aqueous solutions was adjusted
with HCl or NaOH. Samples were withdrawn from the cylindrical reactor at
proper intervals (e.g. 0.5, 1.0 h) by a 10 mL glass tube. Before
analysis the samples were centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 20 min,
2.2. Algae
and the supernatant fraction was analyzed for the remaining
Cr(VI). Hexavalent chromium was determined by colorimet-
The algae used in the experiments were Chlorella vul-
ric technique with diphenylcarbazide (DPC) in acid solution as
garis obtained from the Wuhan Hydrobiology Institute of Chi-
described in the standard methods (APHA, 1993) for the exam-
nese Academy of Sciences (Wuhan, PR China). The algae
ination of water and wastewater. The absorbance was measured
were grown in axenic culture medium at 25 ◦ C using a
at 540 nm with a 722 spectrophotometer. The standard meth-
24 h light cycle in a culturing room equipped with con-
ods detection limit was 0.004 mg L−1 . The calibration equa-
stant temperature air-conditioner. The room light intensity
tion for Cr(VI) was ABSCr(VI) = 1.99CCr(VI) , R = 0.99948 (n = 6,
was 2000 lux). The axenic culture medium (0.25 g NaNO3 ,
Rc = 0.97406), where CCr(VI) was the concentration of Cr(VI)
0.075 g K2 HPO4 ·3H2 O, 0.175 g KH2 PO4 , 0.025 g NaCl,
in the range of 0.04–0.2 mg L−1 . All vitreous apparatus were
0.005 g FeCl3 ·6H2 O, 0.1 g Fe-EDTA, 0.075 g MgSO4 ·7H2 O,
dipped in HNO3 /water (the volume ratio was 1:1) overnight.
0.025 g CaCl2 ·H2 O, 0.286 mg H3 BO3 , 0.181 mg MnCl2 ·4H2 O,
Error. All the experiments were triplicate. The results pre-
0.022 mg ZnSO4 ·7H2 O, 0.0079 mg CuSO4 ·5H2 O, 0.0039 mg
sented were the mean values with a total error less than 5%.
(NH4 )6 Mo7 O24 ·4H2 O, 0.5 mL soil extract in 1 L of distilled
water) was adjusted to pH 7.0 by 0.1 M Na2 CO3 . Under the
condition the algae were growing in a logarithmic growth 3. Results and discussion
phase and the density of algae was high (normally 12–14
days), the algae were taken for use in experiments after being 3.1. ABSalgae versus algae concentration change
To remove colloidal ferric hydroxide particles that might have The algae concentrations were determined by a 722 spec-
been adsorbed on the algae cells, a modified version of the pro- trophotometer. Fig. 1 showed ABSalgae versus algae con-
cedure [8] was used in experiments. This procedure involved centration change. The calibration equation for algae was
washing the cells by gentle agitation for 30 min with 0.01 M n(/109 ) = 0.63 + 36.49ABSalgae , R = 0.9974 (n = 5, Rc = 0.9912,
aqueous ascorbic acid adjusted to pH 3.0. Then the algae were p = 0.001), where the algae concentrations were in the range of
washed with double-distilled water three times. The cell count- 8.0 × 108 to 2.25 × 1010 cells L−1 . One sets Dixon tests were
ing was carried out under inverted microscope at 400× and the done to evaluate the data quality, but there was no distinct varia-
density of algae (cells L−1 ) was calculated. Thus, the algae were tion in one sets Dixon tests. All vitreous apparatus were dipped
prepared for subsequent use. Different concentrations of algae in HNO3 /water (the volume ratio was 1:1) overnight.
were gained through diluting washed algae with double-distilled
water. 3.2. Control experiments

In order to investigate the effects of algae on the photore-

2.3. Photoreduction reaction procedure duction of Cr(VI), a blank test on irradiated reaction solution
containing Cr(VI) of 1.0 mg L−1 concentration under contin-
Irradiation experiments were carried out in a cylindrical uous purging nitrogen gas without algae was carried out. As
reactor (20 cm length, 10 cm diameter, 1.0 cm wall thickness),
with a 250 W metal halide lamp (λ ≥ 365 nm, Changzhou
Shangzi Lamp Co. Ltd., China) placed in cooling trap for main-
taining constant temperature at 20 ± 2 ◦ C by water circulation.
The cylindrical reactor was not sealed in the uppermost part.
The cylindrical reactor was placed in a box. HCl and NaOH
were used to adjust the pH values of solutions. The cylindrical
reactor containing solutions was kept in the dark before and after
irradiation. A desired amount of K2 Cr2 O7 and harvested algae
were added into the reactor. The reaction mixture solutions
containing algae inside the cylindrical reactor were maintained
in suspension by means of purging 99.999% nitrogen gas.
At regular intervals, a 10 mL aliquot of the suspension was
withdrawn and through centrifugation. The determined Cr(VI)
concentration was compared with that of a blank filtrate from an
identical suspension kept in the dark. The photobiological activ-
ity was evaluated by the decrease of Cr(VI) concentration after
irradiation. Fig. 1. ABSalgae vs. algae concentrations change.
290 L. Deng et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials B138 (2006) 288–292

Fig. 3. PH effect on photoreduction of Cr(VI) solution with algae

(ABSalgae = 0.200, C0 = 1 mg L−1 ).

Fig. 2. Effects on the photoreduction of Cr(VI) with irradiation time 3.3. Effect of pH on the photoreduction of Cr(VI) in
(C0 = 1 mg L−1 , pH 4, ABSalgae = 0.18).
aqueous solution with algae

shown in Fig. 2, the results showed that the homogeneous photo- The photoreduction experiment was performed in Cr(VI)
biological reaction of Cr(VI) after 180 min irradiation was small aqueous solutions at several pH values between 3 and 6. As
to be negligible, which was in agree with a previous report [9]. shown in Fig. 3, there was a decrease in the photoreduction effi-
Another blank test on a reaction solution containing Cr(VI) of ciency of Cr(VI) with increasing pH. At pH 3, up to 87.93%
similar concentration as above with algae under purging nitrogen of Hg(II) was removed from the suspension after 180 min light
gas without irradiation was also carried out. A decrease of Cr(VI) irradiation. At pH 3, only 9.0% Hg(II) was removed from the
concentration also could be negligible. And, still some tests on suspension after 180 min light irradiation. Effect of pH on the
reaction solutions containing Cr(VI) concentration 1.0 mg L−1 photoreduction of Cr(VI) demonstrates that pH could play an
with algae under purging nitrogen gas (or air) with irradiation important role in the photochemical reduction of Cr(VI) in aque-
were carried out. The experimental data also showed that a ous solution with algae. There were two reasons. First, the redox
greater photoreduction was observed under purging N2 com- potenti(al) of Cr(VI) increases with increasing pH and it is easy
pared to that under purging air. to be reduced. The reason of pH effect is due to the formation
Algae cell walls, mainly containing polysaccharides, proteins of different Cr(VI) complexes (HCrO4 − versus CrO4 2− ), the
and lipids, offer many functional groups, which have been shown chart of Cr(VI) conformation distribution is shown in the paper
to sequester metal ions [10,11]. In addition, the cell wall struc- [13]. In contrast to Cr(III), Cr(VI) is highly soluble. At low
tures of algae contain a large quantity of hydroxyproline and concentrations, Cr(VI) is present in water as diprotic chromic
rich glycoprotein, with arabinose, mannose, galactose, and glu- acid (H2 CrO4 , pKa1 = 0.81, pKa2 = 6.49). Thus, in natural water
cose being the predominant sugars [12]. The functional groups supplies two Cr(VI) oxyanion species predominate, monovalent
and surface properties of algae that were illuminated with metal HCrO4 − below pH 6.5 and divalent CrO4 2− above pH 6.5. An
halide lamp have a higher level of performance for reduction. additional Cr(VI) species, dichromate (Cr2 O7 2− ), predominates
In our previous study, some free electrons and small dissolved at concentrations greater than 1 g L−1 [13]. Redox potential of
organic matter could be induced in aqueous solution with algae. HCrO4 − is higher than that of CrO4 2− , and easy to be reduced.
The results suggested that algae had an important influence on And second, the algae releases more free electrons and acidic
the environmental photoreduction of Cr(VI). The rate of pho- organic matters during the processes of irradiation on acid con-
toreduction increased with increasing light exposure time and dition.
with increasing algae concentration. As could be seen, Cr(VI)
photoreduction appeared to slowly decrease over time. The light 3.4. Effects of algae concentration on the photoreduction of
irradiation of algae could have important consequences for its Cr(VI)
subsequent photoreductive reactivity, including a decrease in its
ability to further participate in photoreductive reactions. Natural To test the effects of algae on the photoreduction of
algae with a large number of chlorophylls will be able to absorb Cr(VI), suspensions of algae at three initial concentrations,
some photons, which increases the likelihood of photoreduc- ABSalgae = 0.025, 0.100 and 0.180, at pH 4.0, were illumi-
tive reactivity resulting in the transformation of excited species. nated under metal halide lamps up to 180 min. As shown in
However, as irradiation continues over time, the light irradia- Fig. 4, the rate of Cr(VI) photochemical reduction increased
tion of algae chlorophylls leads to less light absorbance due to with algae concentration increasing. After 180 min irradiation,
the destruction of certain chlorophylls that would render it less 45% of Cr(VI) was removed from the suspension when the ini-
reactive. tial algal concentration was ABSalgae = 0.180; 35% of Cr(VI)
L. Deng et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials B138 (2006) 288–292 291

Fig. 4. Photoreduction of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution with different concentra- Fig. 5. Effects of initial concentrations of Cr(VI) on the photoreduction of Cr(VI)
tions of algae (C0 = 1 mg L−1 , pH 4). in algal suspensions (ABSalgae = 0.200, pH 4).

disappeared at initial algal concentration ABSalgae = 0.100 and Table 1

18.9% of Cr(VI) was removed from the suspension when the Kinetics analysis of initial concentrations of algae affecting the photoreduction
of Cr(VI) (C0 = 1 mg L−1 , pH 4)
initial algal concentration was ABSalgae = 0.025. A higher algal
concentration results in a faster photoproduction of free elec- ABSalgae R A = A0 + a e−t/b V0 = a/b
trons and small dissolved organic matters. The dissolved organic 0.200 0.99218 0.73 + 0.75 e−t/94.5 0.0079
matters, like humic and fulvic acid, can serve as photosensitizers 0.085 0.99507 0.76 + 0.59 e−t/113.3 0.0052
and accelerate the photoreduction of Cr(VI) [14–17]. 0.025 0.98026 1.09 + 0.52 e−t/184.3 0.0028

Rc = 0.9507, n = 7, α = 0.001.
3.5. Effects of initial concentrations of Cr(VI) on the
photoreduction of Cr(VI) in algal suspensions Table 2
Kinetics analysis of initial concentrations of Cr(VI) affecting the photoreduction
The influence of initial Cr(VI) concentration on the photore- of Cr(VI) (ABSalgae = 0.200, pH 4)
duction of Cr(VI) with the algae was examined by irradiating the C0 (mg L−1 ) R A = A0 + a e−t/b V0 = a/b
suspensions of algae at pH 4.0 with initial concentrations (C0 )
0.73 + 0.75 e−t/94.5
of Cr(VI) at 1.0, 0.8, 0.4 mg L−1 , respectively. The experiments
1.0 0.99218 0.0079
0.8 0.99643 0.44 + 0.65 e−t/82.9 0.0078
were conducted to study effects of different concentrations of 0.4 0.99521 0.049 + 0.37 e−t/54.3 0.0068
initial Cr(VI) on Cr(VI) photoreduction. As shown in Fig. 5,
Rc = 0.9507, n = 7, α = 0.001.
metal halide lamps (250 W) could evidently induce the photore-
duction of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution with algae. The photore-
duction rate of low concentration Cr(VI) decreased faster than initial concentration of algae, a linear relationship was achieved.
that of the high concentration Cr(VI) in aqueous solution with Under the condition the initial photoreduction rate of Cr(VI)
algae. Under the condition, with initial concentration (C0 ) of could be expressed by ln V0 = −3.953 + 0.5235 ln Aalgae with a
Cr(VI) increasing, the reduction rate decreased. correlation coefficient R = 0.9997. Because the initial photore-
duction rate plotted as a function of initial concentration of algae
3.6. Kinetics analysis could also be expressed by the equation V0 = k1 Abalgae , the ini-
tial photoreduction rate of Cr(VI) under the condition could be
Fig. 4 data were fitted by an equation A = A0 + a e−t/b with expressed by the equation V0 = 0.0192A0.5235 algae . Fig. 5 data were
the initial concentrations of suspensions of algae a ranging form fitted by the equation A = A0 + a e −t/b with the initial concen-
ABSalgae = 0.025 to ABSalgae = 0.200, at pH = 4.0. As shown in trations of Cr(VI) ranging form 0.4 to 1.0 mg L−1 , at pH 4.0,
Table 1, the rate of Cr(VI) photochemical reduction increased as shown in Table 2. When the initial photoreduction rates as
with algae concentration increasing. When the initial photore- listed in Table 2 were plotted as a function of initial concen-
duction rates as listed in Table 1 were plotted as a function of tration of Cr(VI), a linear relationship was achieved. Under

Table 3
Initial rate of the photoreduction of Cr(VI) kinetics analysis equation (pH 4)
Variable parameter R Initial rate fitted equation RC , n, α

Aalgae 0.99965 V0 = 0.0192A0.5235

algae 0.9995, 3, 0.02
C0 (mg L−1 ) 0.98739 V0 = 0.00799C00.1718 0.9877, 3, 0.10
Aalgae , C0 (mg L−1 ) 0.99595 V0 = 0.01881C00.1718 A0.5235
algae 0.9912, 5, 0.001
292 L. Deng et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials B138 (2006) 288–292

ical reduction in aqueous solution with alga under 250 W MHL

was V0 = kC00.1718 A0.5235
algae under the condition of pH 4.


This work was financed by the Natural Science Foundation of

PR China (no. 20477031) and NSFC-RFBR cooperation project
(2004–2005). Authors gratefully acknowledge the reviewers of
this article.


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