RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, (Doi:: 10.1109/JERM.2020.3026588
RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, (Doi:: 10.1109/JERM.2020.3026588
RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, (Doi:: 10.1109/JERM.2020.3026588
(2020) Implantable
antennas for bio-medical applications. IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics,
RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, (doi:
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Take-Home Messages
• Implantable sensors are pivotal to telehealth systems enabling continuous monitoring of a patient’s vital health
signs wirelessly.
• Antennas are an integral element of these systems whose design is a complex task due to harsh and highly
volatile in-body environment and requirements of robust and reliable performance while offering miniature
structure, patient safety and biocompatibility.
• A comprehensive critical review on the antenna design for implantable medical devices highlighting
requirements, challenges, antenna types and human body effects on their performance shows that slotted patch
antennas operating at higher frequencies can serve the purpose optimally.
• The slotted patch antenna designed in the light of recommendations made offers a small size of 7.5×5×0.25
mm3 with a -10 dB bandwidth of 25 MHz, a near-omnidirectional pattern and a gain of 1.7 dBi.
• The paper can serve as a reference for the antenna designers working in the field of implantable devices
providing state-of-the-art, current advancements, requirements, challenges as well as design rules.
Abstract—Biomedical telemetry has gained a lot of attention with the development in the healthcare industry. This technology has
made it feasible to monitor the physiological signs of patient remotely without traditional hospital appointments and follow up routine
check-ups. Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) play an important role to monitor the patients through wireless telemetry. IMDs
consist of nodes and implantable sensors in which antenna is a major component. The implantable sensors suffer a lot of limitations.
Various factors need to be considered for the implantable sensors such as miniaturization, patient safety, bio-compatibility, low
power consumption, lower frequency band of operation and dual-band operation to have a robust and continuous operation. The
selection of the antenna is a challenging task in implantable sensor design as it dictates performance of the whole implant. In this
paper a critical review on implantable antennas for biomedical applications is presented.
Keywords—Implantable medical devices, Implantable sensors and antennas, Body centric wireless networks, Biomedical telemetry.
art and recent developments. This paper attempts to provide frequency bands of 403-405 MHz, 433.1-434.8 MHz, 868-
a comprehensive review of the requirements and challenges 868.6 MHz, 902.8-928.0 MHz and 2.4-2.48 GHz as shown
and various techniques employed to meet them in the field of in Fig. 2 [22]. It exhibits a radiation efficiency of 80% with
implantable antennas. Following the introduction in this sec- a bandwidth of 168.85% whereas the gain of the antenna is
tion, the paper is divided in seven sections. Section II briefly not reported. A flexible antenna using Poly-dimethyl Siloxane
highlights the use of implantable sensors in medical devices. (PMDS) with ✏r =2.8 as base material is proposed by Fu et al.
Section III discusses various types of antennas being used in [23]. The overall dimensions of the antenna are 11⇥11⇥2 mm3 .
such implantable sensors and compare their performance in The antenna center frequency is 2.42 GHz with realized gain
a critical way. Antenna design requirements and challenges of -20.8 dBi. It has a bandwidth of 10.4% while the efficiency
based on the reviewed types are summarised in Section IV is not reported. The antenna measurements were taken using
along with possible solutions. Section V details the effects of single layer tissue model having dimensions of 150⇥150⇥90
human body presence on the antenna parameters. Section VII mm3 with ✏r = 37.88 and =1.44 S/m at 2.42 GHz.
presents the design and analyses of a miniaturized implantable Shah et al. have proposed a meandered line implantable
antenna aimed to meet the discussed key requirements in antenna for intracranial pressure monitoring at 915 MHz and
earlier sections. Finally conclusions are made in Section VIII. 2.45 GHz [24]. The antenna has a volume of 8⇥6⇥0.5 mm3
and uses Rogers 6010 as the substrate. For biocompatibility, it
II. I MPLANTABLE S ENSORS AND A NTENNAS is encapsulated in ceramic alumina. Human skin tissue model
with dimensions of 200⇥200⇥200 mm3 is used to test the
Various implantable sensors are presented in the literature. performance. The antenna has a gain and bandwidth of -28.5
A wireless implantable device based on magnetoelectric (ME) dBi and 9.84% at 915MHz and -22.8 dBi and 8.57% at 2.45
antennas named as NanoNeuro Radio Frequency Identification GHz while efficiency is not reported. A meander line antenna
(RFID) is proposed in [17] for neural recording. An array of for pacemaker application operating at 402.5 MHz with a
ME antennas is used in this sensor because of their smaller size bandwidth of 33.5% is proposed by Samsuri et al. in [25].
enabling miniaturization of the sensor. The ME antennas can The antenna is designed on FR-4 substrate with ✏r =4.7 and tan
also harvest energy which increases the sensor lifetime. A dual =0.025 having a size of 30.5⇥21.02⇥6.4 mm3 . The antenna
band antenna is designed based on impulse radio technology structure and surface current density is shown in Fig. 3 [25].
for wireless capsule endoscopic image transmission system Maity et al. have proposed a microstrip patch antenna
in [18]. The antenna is fed by a battery powered radio with fractal geometry in [26]. The antenna has a volume of
transceiver. The antenna received power is used to estimate 11.44⇥11.44⇥0.275 mm3 and Silicon with ✏r =11.7 is used
the image transmission requirement of the system. In [19], as the substrate. Gain and efficiency of the antenna are not
a miniaturized four element Multiple Input Multiple Output reported while the bandwidth is 1.5%. The geometry and
(MIMO) antenna with EBG for implantable medical devices radiation pattern of the antenna are shown in Fig. 4 [26].
is proposed. The antenna is tested in pork slab and operates in
the ISM band with dimensions of 18.5⇥18.5⇥1.27 mm3 and
a peak gain of -15 dBi. Utilization of implantable antenna for B. Wire Antennas
oral cancer detection is presented in [20] employing a Planar A circularly polarized (CP) helical implantable antenna for
Inverted F Antenna (PIFA). The CST voxel model Katja is ingestible capsule application is proposed in [27]. The antenna
used to design the human mouth. Resonant frequency showed operates at 2.4 GHz with a gain of -19.83 dBi and bandwidth
a considerable shift when a malignant tissue is detected. An of 290 MHz. The 3D capsule model and reflection coefficient
implantable RFID sensor tag for continuous glucose moni- of the antenna are given in Fig. 5 [27].
toring is discussed in [21]. This sensor system is powered
by an inductive link and consists of multiple units including
RFID tag, ferrite antenna, glucose sensor, potentiostat, Analog-
to-Digital converter (ADC), temperature sensor and a digital
baseband for signal processing. The glucose sensor has a range
of 0-30 mm. It is evident that implantable antennas play a
pivotal role in these applications as implantable sensors have
a large dependency on the antennas.
Xin et al. have designed a 3 cm long helical antenna in is 14.2⇥16.64⇥0.254 mm3 . The antenna offers a gain and
[28]. To achieve the dual resonance, two non-equally spaced bandwidth of -29.1 dBi and 31% . The efficiency of antenna
helical copper foil layers are used. The antenna is tested in is not reported. The antenna is tested using muscle phantom
a 28⇥16⇥28 cm3 phantom model with ✏r =56.05 and =0.52 having dimensions of 100⇥100⇥100 mm3 with ✏r =52.74 and
S/m at 30 MHz. The gain of the antenna is -67 dBi while the =1.74 S/m. The geometry and reflection coefficient of the
impedance bandwidth is 48.21%. Geometry and S11 curve of antenna are illustrated in Fig. 8 [30].
the antenna are shown in Fig. 6 [28]. In [31], a conformal patch antenna operating at 2.48 GHz
A 50 ⌦ coaxial probe fed conical spiral antenna operating is presented by Ketavath et al. The high permittivity substrate
at 450 MHz with a bandwidth of 10 MHz is presented in employed has ✏r =10.2 with tan=0.008 making the overall
[29]. The gain and efficiency of the antenna are not listed. A dimensions of the antenna as 24⇥22⇥0.07 mm3 . The antenna
liquid phantom with ✏r =56 and =0.83 S/m is used for the gain and bandwidth are -19.7 dBi and 24%. The geometry and
measurements. The antenna design and reflection coefficient S11 of the proposed antenna are illustrated in Fig. 9 [31].
are shown in Fig. 7 [29].
Zhang et al. have proposed a differentially fed antenna for
ingestible capsule system in [32]. Polyimide with ✏r =3.5 and
C. Conformal Antennas tan=0.008 is used as substrate with thickness of 0.15 mm.
A conformal CP implantable antenna operating at 2.45 GHz The antenna operates at 915 MHz with a gain of -21 dBi and
and using Rogers RO6010 as substrate with ✏r =10.2 and
tan=0.0023 is discussed in [30]. The size of the antenna
Fig. 5: (a) Structure of helical antenna for ingestible capsule Fig. 8: (a) Geometry of implantable CP conformal antenna (b)
(b) Reflection coefficient of the antenna [27]. Reflection coefficient of the antenna [30].
(a) (a)
Fig. 9: (a) Geometry of implantable conformal patch antenna Fig. 12: (a) Top and side view of the implantable CP ring
(b) S11 curve of the antenna [31]. antenna (b) Radiation pattern of the antenna at 2.45 GHz [34].
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Fig. 10: (a) Reflection coefficient of differentially fed im-
plantable antenna in flat and conformal form (b) Radiation Fig. 13: (a) Structure of implantable spiral antenna (b) Reflec-
patterns of the antenna at 915 MHz [26]. tion coefficient with different ground planes [35].
bandwidth of 8.9%. Efficiency of the antenna is not reported. A triband spiral shaped implantable antenna with slotted
The reflection coefficient and radiation pattern of the antenna ground operating at 402 MHz, 1.6 GHz and 2.45 GHz (Fig.
are depicted in Fig. 10 [32]. 13) is discussed by Shah et al. [35]. The size of the antenna is
A hexagon bow-tie patch antenna using Al2 O3 with ✏r =9.8 7⇥6.5⇥0.377 mm3 while Rogers RT/Duroid 6010 with ✏r =10.2
as substrate operating at 2.45 GHz is proposed by Mahalak- and tan=0.0035 is used as superstrate and substrate. The gain
shmi et al. in [33] as shown in Fig. 11. The antenna has of the antenna at the three frequencies is noted to be -30.5 dBi,
dimensions of 10⇥10⇥1 mm3 and offers a gain of -14.5 dBi. -22.6 dBi, -18.2 dBi, respectively while it has a bandwidth of
36.8%, 10.8% and 3.4% respectively. Efficiency of the antenna
D. Spiral Antennas is not reported.
Smantha et al. have proposed a dual band CP antenna having
A CP ring antenna is proposed by Xu et al. [34]. The a size of 10⇥10⇥0.6 mm3 in [36]. The antenna is operating
antenna operates at 2.45 GHz with a size of ⇡⇥52⇥1.27 mm3 . at 902 MHz and 2.45 GHz and makes use of Rogers 3010 as
It uses Rogers 3010 with ✏r =10.23, tan=0.0035 and thickness reactive impedance substrate with ✏r =10.2 and tan=0.0035.
of 0.635 mm as substrate (Fig. 12). The antenna is tested using The antenna gain, bandwidth and efficiency at 920 MHz are
muscle tissues with ✏r =52.7 and =1.74 S/m. It offers a gain -29.33 dBi, 12.2% and 2.6% while these parameters at 2.45
of 22.7 dBi and bandwidth of 12.4 %. The efficiency of the GHz are -21.0 dBi, 123% and 3.8% as given in Fig. 14. Skin
antenna is not reported. mimicking gel is used to test the antenna.
A CP loop antenna is proposed by Xu et al. in [37]. The
substrate and superstrate material for this antenna is 0.635
mm Roger 3010 with ✏r =10.2 and tan =0.0035. The size
of the antenna is 13⇥13⇥1.27 mm3 with center frequency of
915 MHz (Fig. 15). The antenna has a gain of -32 dBi and
bandwidth of 18.2%. It is tested in skin tissue model, minced
pork and skin mimicking gel.
(a) (b)
E. Slot Antennas
Fig. 11: (a) Structure of the implantable bow-tie antenna (b) A coplanar waveguide fed triangular slot antenna is pro-
S11 curve of the antenna [33]. posed in [38]. The antenna has a size of 10⇥10⇥0.65 mm3
(a) (b) (b)
Fig. 14: (a) Geometry of implantable dual band CP antenna Fig. 17: (a) Geometry of implantable flexible metamaterial
(b) Radiation pattern of the antenna at 920MHz (c) Radiation antenna (b) Reflection coefficient [39].
pattern at 2.45 GHz [36].
Fig. 15: (a) Structure of implantable loop antenna (b) Reflec- Fig. 18: (a) Geometry of implantable broadband PIFA antenna
tion coefficient [37]. (b) Radiation pattern of the antenna at 402 MHz [41].
with a resonant frequency of 2.45 GHz as shown in Fig. 16. is -27 dBi and it exhibits a bandwidth of 1.53%. The antenna
Al2 O3 is used as substrate and the antenna is tested in liquid is tested using skin phantom (✏r =41.35 and =0.87 S/m).
phantom showing a peak gain of -6 dBi and a bandwidth of
8.2%. The radiation efficiency of antenna is 0.4%.
A wideband flexible antenna is presented in [39] by Das F. Planar Inverted F Antennas (PIFA)
et al. The antenna is designed on Kapton polyimide substrate
A compact broadband implantable PIFA having a size of
having ✏r =2.91 and tan =0.005. Rogers 6010 with ✏r =10.2
23⇥16.4⇥1.27 mm3 and operating at 402 MHz is proposed in
and tan=0.0023 is used as superstrate. A metamaterial array
[41]. The substrate has ✏r =10.2 and tan=0.0023. A gain of
is used at the top of the superstrate to enhance the gain. The
-34.9 dBi and bandwidth of 52 MHz is being achieved by the
antenna has dimensions of 10⇥10⇥0.4 mm3 operating at 2.45
antenna as sown in Fig. 18.
GHz as illustrated in Fig. 17. It offers a bandwidth of 57%,
a gain of -9 dBi and efficiency of 2.3%. A CP implantable Luo et al. have designed a PIFA with slotted ground plane
slot antenna operating at 915 MHz is discussed in [40]. The in [42]. The antenna makes use of 0.635 mm thick layer
antenna size is 15⇥15⇥1.27 mm3 and it uses Rogers 3010 of Rogers 3010 (✏r =10.2 and tan=0.005) as substrate and
(✏r =10.2 and tan=0.0035) as substrate. Gain of the antenna superstrate with an overall size of ⇡ ⇥ 5.352 ⇥1.34 mm3 . The
antenna resonates at 402 MHz and 2.45 GHz Fig. 19. The gain
and bandwidth of the antenna at 402 MHz are -41 dBi and
41% while these parameters are -21.3 dBi and 27.8% at 2.45
GHz. Minced pork is used for the measurements.
TABLE II: Comparative analysis of antenna miniaturization TABLE III: Electric properties of human body tissues at 403
techniques MHz and 2.45 GHz bands [86], [87].
Technique Pros Cons Tissue Conductivity(S/m) Permittivity
High One of the commonly Can convert the input 403 MHz 2.45 GHz 403 MHz 2.45 GHz
Permittivity used techniques for size power of the antenna into Small intestine 1.9 3.17 66 54.4
Dielectric reduction. surface waves resulting in Stomach 1 2.2 67.5 62.1
Substrate lower efficiency. Colon 0.86 2 62.5 53.8
PIFA Compact size implantable Results in low gain as cur- Skin 0.69 1.46 0.69 38
Structures antenna can be designed rents at adjacent arms can- Muscle 0.79 1.74 57.1 52.7
using this structure at cels each other affecting far
lower frequencies. PIFA field radiation.
has low backward
radiation. M ACOR (✏r = 6.1; tan = 0.005). However, it is difficult
Current Slows the current flow The current on the edges to drill and make round cuts in ceramic substrates [74],
Path which makes the may cancel each other due
Lengthen- physically small antenna to phase shift which [75]. The materials used for biocompatible encapsulation are
ing into an electrically large affects the antenna Zirconia (✏r = 29; tan ⇡ 0), Silastic MDX-4210 Biomedical-
radiator. performance. Grade Base Elastomer (✏r = 3.3; tan ⇡ 0) and PEEK
High The easiest technique to The antenna would incur
Frequency reduce the size of the more losses due to (✏r = 3.2; tan = 0.01) [76], [77], [78]. Zirconia is a better
Use antenna. interference at higher candidate for bio-encapsulation due to its electromagnetic
frequencies. properties. Its loss tangent is very low and permittivity
Inductive Loading helps in This technique may lead
/Capacitive impedance mismatch and to low antenna gain.
value is very high which helps to reduce power loss by
Loading minimize frequency shift concentrating the near field of antenna inside the capsulation.
while keeping size small. The advantage of PEEK and Silastic MDX-4210 is that they
Engineering Helps in size reduction by The radiated signal from
Ground creating slots in ground the edges of ground slot
have simple fabrication and are easy to handle.
Plane plane. may lead to
compatibility problem if
not controlled. D. Implantable Antenna Fabrication Methods
Fabrication of the implantable antennas needs utmost level
of care due to their intended usage. There are a number
of different fabrication methods being proposed in literature
S A = S AR ⇥ TP (1) including antennas embroidered on fabric, polymer composites
encapsulation, microfluidic antennas, photolithograpy and 3D
Where Tp denotes the pulse duration. The electromagnetic printed antennas [79], [80], [81]. In [82], conductive fabric
power absorbed by the body tissue can raise temperature of was embedded with PDMS. Fabricating the antenna using the
the tissue. The temperature of the human body tissue near conductive fabric along with PDMS (acting as the substrate
the implanted device should not increase more than 1-2 0 C [?]. and a protective encapsulation simultaneously) allows for an
easier realization and more robust flexible antenna structure
2) Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP): A high level than the conventional fabrication methods. An ultra wideband
of EIRP of the implantable antenna can be harmful to the antenna is fabricated using the same technique to achieve the
human body and will interfere with nearby radio devices. flexibility and robustness in [83].
The standardized limit of EIRP for an implantable antenna
operating in MedRadio band is -16 dBm and -20 dBm for
ISM band [?], [8]. If the implantable antenna is used for data
telemetry, the input power should be limited to avoid damage Human body is an integral part of the IMDs. It is very lossy
to the tissues. If the implantable antenna acts as a receiver, the medium where electric properties of the tissues change with
external source power should adhere to these standards. the change in operating frequency as given in Table III [1],
[78], [84]. The high conductivity and permittivity of the human
body tissues causes attenuation loss inside human body which
C. Biocompatibility is given by [85], [86]:
Biocompatibility is also an important factor for implantable
antennas to ensure the safety of the human subject. A L↵ = 20log10 (e↵L ) (2)
direct contact of the antenna with the human body tissues
would get it short circuited because the body tissues Where ↵(N p/m) is the attenuation constant and L(m) is the
are electrically conductive. Two approaches are used distance travelled by the signal in the human body tissue. The
commonly to ensure the biocompatibility. One, is to use attenuation constant is expressed as [85]:
the biocompatible material for antenna fabrication and the r
other, is to encapsulate the antenna with a biocompatible ↵=! (1 + ( )2 1) (3)
superstrate [73]. Some of the biocompatible materials used 2 !✏
for the implantable antenna design are Ceramic Alumina Where !(rad/m) and µ(H/m) are angular frequency and
(✏r = 9.4; tan = 0.006), Teflon (✏r = 2.1; tan = 0.001) and permeability of human body tissue whereas ✏ and are
permittivity and conductivity, respectively. The permeability |H|(A/m) is magnetic field, d is distance in meters, Ii is
and permittivity are complex quantities. Non-magnetic nature input current in amperes and represents skin depth. It can be
of body tissues makes imaginary part of the permeability as seen that if the magnetic field inside the human body increases,
zero. Apart from the attenuation loss, losses due to reflections the gain of the implantable antenna also increases [91].
at the boundary between tissues are calculated as [85]:
j!µ A. Human Body Effects on Antenna Radiation Efficiency
⌘= (4)
+ j!✏ Antenna radiation efficiency and antenna radiated power are
⌘2 ⌘1 affected by the loss in the human body tissues. The radiation
= (5) efficiency of implantable antennas is given as [8]:
⌘2 + ⌘1
Pr ad
Lr = 20log10 () (6) ⌘= (13)
Psour ce
Where is the reflection coefficient at tissue boundary and ⌘
Where Pr ad is the radiated power and Psour ce is the
is the intrinsic impedance. It can be noted that losses are more
source power. In case of implantable antennas, the source
at higher frequencies due to which MICS and MedRadio bands
power consists of three power components which are reflected,
are preferred for data transmission by implantable devices.
absorbed and radiated powers (Psour ce = Pre f + Pabs + Pr ad ).
Lower frequencies of ISM band can also be used.
Due to the near field coupling in the implantable antennas,
The reflection of the transmitted signal also occurs at the
the absorbed power is larger than the reflected power which
boundary between free space and the outer layer of the skin as
would result in low radiation efficiency and radiated power.
both mediums have different impedances and electromagnetic
The absorbed power is expressed as [8]:
properties. Signal power received by the external receiver is
calculated by [1], [57], [88]: π
Pabs = ✏0 ✏r |E | 2 dV (14)
2 v
PRX = PT X + GT X + G RX L P e P M LT X M LRX (7)
An increase in the absorbed power also increases the
Where P(dBm) is power, G(dB) is gain and M L(dB) is specific absorption rate which affects the antenna radiation
impedance mismatch loss. L p (dB) is path loss and e P (dB) is efficiency. The SAR is given by [93]:
polarization mismatch loss. Gain of the implantable antennas
is usually negative because of the lossy nature of the human PL |E | 2
body tissues. The path loss can be calculated as follows [89]: S AR = = (15)
⇢ ⇢
d 4⇡d0 2
L p = 10nlog( ) + 10log( ) +S (8) Where ⇢ (kg/m3 ) is mass density and E(V/m) is electric
d0 0 field. Radiation resistance and loss resistance can be used to
Where n is component of path loss and it depends on the represent the radiation efficiency as [88]:
environment. For non line of sight propagation, n = 3 is used
while for line of sight propagation, n = 1.5 is used (for free Rr ad
space propagation, n = 2 is used. d0 is the reference distance, ⌘= (16)
Rr ad + RL
(m) is the wavelength and S is the random scatter around the
mean. Free space antenna gain G is given as [90]: Where Rr ad and RL are radiation and loss resistances in
ohms, respectively. If the antenna radiation resistance in-
4⇡U creases, the antenna radiation efficiency also increases. The
G= (9)
Pin antenna radiation resistance Rr ad is given by [91]:
Where U is the radiation intensity in watt per unit solid
angle. Pin is the total input power in watts. The gain of a Pr ad
Rr ad = (17)
conductive medium (G con ) is given by [91], [92]: Ii2
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