There are two main types of canals - alluvial and non-alluvial. Alluvial canals are developed through flat, plain areas with silt deposits, while non-alluvial canals pass through hard foundations. Canals can also be categorized based on their alignment - watershed, contour, or side-slope. The main components of a canal irrigation system are the main canal, branch canals, distributaries, minors, and watercourses. Water losses through canals can be significant, ranging from 25-50%, primarily through seepage and to a lesser extent, evaporation.
There are two main types of canals - alluvial and non-alluvial. Alluvial canals are developed through flat, plain areas with silt deposits, while non-alluvial canals pass through hard foundations. Canals can also be categorized based on their alignment - watershed, contour, or side-slope. The main components of a canal irrigation system are the main canal, branch canals, distributaries, minors, and watercourses. Water losses through canals can be significant, ranging from 25-50%, primarily through seepage and to a lesser extent, evaporation.
There are two main types of canals - alluvial and non-alluvial. Alluvial canals are developed through flat, plain areas with silt deposits, while non-alluvial canals pass through hard foundations. Canals can also be categorized based on their alignment - watershed, contour, or side-slope. The main components of a canal irrigation system are the main canal, branch canals, distributaries, minors, and watercourses. Water losses through canals can be significant, ranging from 25-50%, primarily through seepage and to a lesser extent, evaporation.
There are two main types of canals - alluvial and non-alluvial. Alluvial canals are developed through flat, plain areas with silt deposits, while non-alluvial canals pass through hard foundations. Canals can also be categorized based on their alignment - watershed, contour, or side-slope. The main components of a canal irrigation system are the main canal, branch canals, distributaries, minors, and watercourses. Water losses through canals can be significant, ranging from 25-50%, primarily through seepage and to a lesser extent, evaporation.
Canals are categorized as alluvial and non-alluvial canals.
• Alluvial Canals The soil which is formed due to the transport and deposition of silt along with water in an area over a period of time is called alluvial soil. In the deltaic regions, a river carries heavy charge of silt which gets deposited on the adjacent land as and when the river overflows on the floodplains during flooding. Such areas are flat with plain surfaces and no hard foundations are there. The canals which are developed through such zones are called alluvial canals. • Non-alluvial canals The canals passing through hard foundations and rocky areas are called non-alluvial canals. The river passing through such areas do not change its course. Canal Alignment
There could be three types of canal alignments.
• Watershed or Ridge canal • Contour canal • Side-slope canal Watershed or Ridge Canal
• A canal which is aligned along any natural
watershed or ridge line is called watershed canal. It saves the cost of construction of cross drainage works as no drain crosses a ridge canal. These are normally developed in plain and flat areas where land slopes are mild. Contour Canal • A contour canal follows a contour except for giving the required longitudinal slope to the canal. • A contour canal irrigates the land only on one side of the canal because the land on the other side is at a higher level. • As the drainage water always flows at right angles to natural ground contours, so the contour canal will have to cross maximum number of drains, thus necessitating the construction of a large number of cross-drainage works. • In hilly areas, watershed canal is not possible and therefore contour canals are constructed in such areas. Side-Slope Canal • It is the one which is aligned at right angle to the natural ground contours i.e. along the side slopes as shown in the Fig. As it runs parallel to the natural drains, so it will not encounter drains and hence will avoid construction of cross drainage works. Distribution System for Irrigation Canals
• A canal system is comprised of the following
1. Main Canal 2. Branch Canal 3. Distributaries 4. Minors 5. Watercourses Gross Command Area (GCA)
• It is the total area bounded within the irrigation
boundary of a project which can be economically irrigated without taking into account the quantity of available water. It includes both cultivable as well as un-cultivable areas. For example ponds, residential areas, roads, reserved forests are the un-cultivable parts of the gross command area. Culturable Command Area (CCA) • It is also termed as cultivable command area. • It includes cultivable part of the GCA. It covers pasture and fallow lands which can be made cultivable. • All of the CCA may not be cultivated at the same time. • It may be taken as 80% of the GCA. Intensity of Irrigation • The entire cultivated portion of CCA is not irrigated at one time in a season to avoid intensive irrigation of a particular area which might cause water logging and salinity issues.
• The percentage of CCA proposed to be irrigated in a
particular season is called seasonal intensity of irrigation. Sometimes it is calculated over the whole year by adding the crops to be irrigated in the entire year and termed as annual intensity of irrigation. Net and Gross Sown Areas • The area which is sown only once in a particular year is termed as net sown area. • If the area sown more than once in a year is added up in net sown area, then the total area obtained is termed as gross sown area. Net and Gross Irrigated Areas • The area which is irrigated during one season in a particular year is termed as net irrigated area. • If the area irrigated more than once in a year is added up in net irrigated area, then the total area obtained is termed as gross irrigated area. Area to be irrigated & Time Factor • Area to be irrigated in one particular season/year and is obtained by multiplying CCA by seasonal/annual intensity of irrigation.
• The ratio of actual operating period of a distributary
to the crop period is termed as time factor of the distributary. It is less than one. It is to avoid over- irrigation and thus to prevent water logging and salinity. Capacity Factor • Capacity factor of a canal is the ratio of mean supply discharge in a canal during a particular season/period to its designed full capacity. • The capacity factor is 0.9 to 0.95 for Kharif (summer ) season because canals run to almost their full designed capacities during hot summer season and it is 0.6 to 0.7 for Rabi(winter) season because water demand reduces to 2/3rd of the full capacity during winter. The cropped area in Rabi is thus increased to enhance capacity factor Full Supply Coefficient: • It is the design duty at the head of the canal. i.e. the number of hectares irrigable per cumec of the canal capacity at its head is called full supply coefficient. FSC= [Area estimated to be irrigated during base period /design full supply discharge at canal head] Water Losses in Canal • The water losses through canals could be as high as from 25 to 50%. It includes both evaporation and seepage losses through the canal periphery. • Evaporation Losses These losses are very small as compared to seepage losses and normally range up to 2 to 3% of the total losses. These depends upon temperature, wind velocity, humidity. In summer these losses might go up to 7% of the total inflow. • Seepage Losses These could be percolation losses and absorption losses. In percolation, there exists a zone of continuous saturation from the canal to the water table and a direct flow is established. The entire water lost from the canal joins the groundwater storage. The water loss depends upon head difference b/w canal water and groundwater. Absorption: In it a small saturated zone exists around the canal section and is surrounded by the zone of decreasing saturation. The zone just above the water table is saturated by capillarity. The rate of seepage loss is independent of seepage head H but depends only upon the water head h i.e. the distance b/w water surface level of canal and bottom of saturation zone plus the capillary head hc. Factors Affecting Seepage Losses • Type of seepage i.e. whether percolation or absorption • Soil permeability • Canal condition as seepage through a silted canal will be less than that of an un-silted canal • Water velocity in the canal more the velocity less will be losses. • Silt carried by the canal, more the silt less will be losses • Canal cross-section and its wetted perimeter
The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire, Volume II The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire, Volume II The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire, Volu (PDFDrive)
The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire, Volume II The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire, Volume II The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire, Volu (PDFDrive)