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EASA Module 6 - Detailed Notes

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Clean 6

0 - Material Properties
Hardness -> resisting to penetration,wear or cutting (bu daha çok yüzeyle alakalı
Stress -> force per unit area. SI unit Pascal (Pa) or Newton per square meter N/m2.

1 - Ferrous Metals
Iron-> Demir
Iron + Carbon = Steel
Iron + 2% Carbon -> Cast iron (Steel)
Carbon steel -> Sadece carbon içeren
Alloy steel -> Chromium vs. içeren

Steel Alloy Ingredients

Ingredient Name Ratio Why Where
Carbon General up to Hardening + allows heat
0.8% threatment + tensile strength
Carbon Low 0.1- Safety wire and
Carbon 0.3 seconday
Steel structure
Carbon Medium 0.3- Surface hardness Machining
Carbon 0.5 process needed
Carbon High 0.5- Extreme hard Springs and
Carbon 1.05 cutting tools
Sulphur keep Decreases ductility, machinability
low weldebility. not good thing, need
level increases content
Manganese Strength and hardness. adds
hardenebility. gives carbon-
like effects but less
Silicon de-oxidicer, gives surface
Phorpohorus corrosion resistance,hardness,
strength but less ductile
Nickel impact strength + hardenebility
Chromium corrosion and oxide resistance
+ high temperature strength
(uses with nickel) and also
Ingredient Name Ratio Why Where
Steel Designation
two standard SAE (sociaty of automotive eng. ) or AISI (american instute of
steel & iron)

SAE 4130
Digit One -> Carbon steel or alloy steel 1 = carbon >= 2 other alloys
Second digit -> Main alloy percentage 1 = 1% Chromium modification number 0 ise
boş plain demek
Last two -> Carbon percentage: burada 30 = 0.3%

Number Alloy
1XXX Carbon
41XX Chromium + molybdenum
43XX Nickel + Chromium + molybdenum
52100 Chrome + 1% carbon
93XX Nickel + Chromium + molybdenum 43 gibi ama oranları değişik
9Ni-4Co30C Nickel + cobalt special 0.3 carbon içerir

Steel Types
corrosion resistance steel baş harfleri, alt türleri var

Corrosion resistance,
high temp resistance
strength and tougness

engine most and airframe

Ferritic -> Always magnetic. no carbon. no nickel only 15-30% chrome. little aluminum
no heat-threatment. only pipes, corrosion resistance at hight temps.

Austenic -> No heat only annealing, hardened by cold working, no magnetic, after cold
working slightly become magnetic. Limited usage. maybe sea-water conditions

Martensitic-> Turbine blade. heat-threatable 230-286 ksi tensile. low corrosion

resistance. can be rust.

General Advantages&Disadvantages of CRES

hard to cut, hard machinability
difficult welding, only inert-gas
They can be lose their corrosion resistance under high-temp
high expansion coefficieant, they condcut heat at lower rate

Percipatation (Ageing) Hardened Stainless Steel

also know PH steels
little carbon + 15-17% chrome + 4-5% nickel
15-5PH bu katergoride
özellikleri-> yaşlandırılma ile sertleştirilmiş

high temperatures +. high strength + excellent corrosion resistance

good for marine environment

Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel

also know HHT Steels
en çok bu var
200 ->280 Ksi tensile
4130 ->
300M steel Landing gear +

Steel Heat Threatment

Hardening -> Sertleştirme işlemi Upper critical pointe kadar ısıtlır, aniden
soğutulur, Quecing yapılır water, oil ya da salt( brine) plain carbon için uygulanmaz
çünkü içinde "hardening element" yok. çok sert ama kırılgandır

Tempering -> For: Stress Relief + Reduce Hardness + increase Toughness and Ductility

below its critical range and then cooling rapidly but not queching (200-600 C )
ısıtlıyor + slow cool

Buradaki fark sertlik/kırılganlık çıkılan ısıya göre kontrol ediliyor.

Annealing kadar çok çıkılmıyor ve queching yapılmıyor.
Düşük ısılara çıkılıp, soğutulursa daha sert (ama kırılgan oluyor)

Renge göre ısı tahmini -> 220C yellow - 300C blue (kızılötesinden başlayıp, mor
ötesine gidiyor)
Yellowa çıkıp içince -> hacksaw oluyor
Straw (saman sarısı) -> razor oluyor
300 derece (blue) çıkınca -> woodsaw
290 (parlak blue) olunca screwdriver oluyor.

Annealing -> Internal Stress + softening 10 C / 50 F upper to critical point -> Slow
cool in furnace or salt bath
Normalizing -> Çeliğe işlem yapıldıktan sonra oluşan stessi (external stress) almak
için yapılır -> 38C / 100F up to critical point -> Cool in room

Queching -> Soğutma işlemi -> Sırasıyla Water fast -> oil -> still air -> warm over
Oil quecihing -> Slow cooling
Salt (Brine) -> Fast cooling

Isıya göre çeliğin fazları

Ferrite -> Pure iron-> En düşük, body centeric,0.2% carbon absorb
Austenite-> Face centered -> 2% carbon absorb
Cementite -> Carbide -> Carbon+Iron artık compound olmuş, çok sert/çok kırılgan
Pearlite -> İki aşamalı, yüksek carbonlar için geçerli

Isıl işlemin mantığı, ısıt karbonu yedir, hızlıca soğutursan karbon içinde kısılı
kalıyor çok sert oluyor ama granül ve pocket yarattığı için kırılgan oluyor.

Genel olarak çeliğin kullanıldığı yerler

4330M and 4340M

The most widely-used high-strength steels are 4330M heat-treated to 220-240 KSI and
4340M heat-treated to 275 - 300 KSI. These modified steels are also known as vacuum
remelt steels because of the manufacturing process used to obtain their superior

This process results in increased ductility, fatigue and fracture toughness prop-


For elevated temperature applications up to 900_F, such as aft engine mounts, 9Ni -
4Co - 0.30C steel heat treated to 220-240 KSI is used. The successful use of high-
strength steel is attributed to careful design and stringent material and process


For bar and forging applications at strength levels of 200 KSI or lower, 15-5PH
precipitation hardened stainless steel is currently being used in place of alloy
steel. Manufacturing costs are reduced and improved corrosion resistance is obtained
by using 15-5PH steel.

300 Series

The 300 series austenitic stainless steel sheet materials are used for lower strength
applications where corrosion or hygiene concerns dictate material needs.

4130 - 4340 now rarely used on

300 series on lavotories for hygine and corrosion resistance on wet surfaces

Hydrogen Embrittlement
Hidrojenin yüzeyden grain boundries ve voidlerden nufuz ederek. metalik erkenden
yorulup kırılmasına yol açılyır

400 serisi + alloy steelde oluyor

Welding yüzünden, hydrogen free electrod kullanmak lazım. solventlerde de yol
sadece yüzeye nufuz emişse temizlenebilir. 375F yada 190C kadar bake (ısıtılırsa)
300 serisi, 15-5PH yada aluminyumda olmaz




Yukarıdaki şöyle y kadar derece ısıya x süreden fazla maruz kalınca da oluşuyormuş.

Banner şunu söylüyor ->

140KSI -> 190-230C -> > 4 hours -> Şüpheli
200KSIO -> 190-230C -> > 18 hours -> Çok şüpheli

Steel Surface Protection

normal stainless steels (CRES) does not need surface protection BUT it's
necessary when contact lightweight alloys
Cadmium plating
Zinc spraying
chromate passivating?
using for prevent galvanic corrosion on CRES

Non-stainless steels

cadmium plating plus a paint finish

phosphating plus a paint finish
aluminium spraying
hard chromium plating
chemical nickel plating
silver plating (not in contact with aluminium).

Steel Surface Hardening

case hardening->sadece yüzeyi sertleştirir, bearingler gibi. aşınmaya dayanım
non-ferrous alloylar için case hardening uygulanmaz
iki method var: carburising and nitriding

Carburising -> Malzemenin yüzeyinde karbon yedirerek high-carbon çeliği (yüksek

karbon çeliği çok serttir) oluşturur. Karbonlama diyebiliriz. 3 tane alt method var.

Pack ->kömürle paketleyip 927C/1700F'e kadar ısıtılır.

Gas-> Carbondioxide üfleyerek, bi yanden ısıtlır.
Liquid-> heated in a (salt) bath of sodium cyanide or barium cyanide (not used in
aircraft work)

Nitridin-> Yüzeyi carburisinge göre daha iyi çıkıyor. Yöntemi, ammonia-rich env.
içinde 1000F/583C'ye kadar ısıtlır.

Working on Steel
Local stress should remove
Any metal removal should be done by hand or slow-speed power tools
Do not intruduce hydrogen if so, bake 190C/375F for 3 hours. be careful about:
shotpeen & paint if there si

2 - Testing
Hardness Testing
Two indentation type: 1/16" Hardened Steel Ball and Diamond cone
Has dial to read. no paper/pen
3 scale: Rockewell A-B-C
Rockwell A: too soft
Rockwell B: 100kg load, 1/16" ball indentation. above B-100 switch to C Scale
Rocwell C: 150 kg load, diamond indentation, for hardened steels, if below C-20
switch to B scale

Riechle Tester
rockwell taşınabilir versiyonu. Çene ve üzerinde dial var

10 mm ball ile
500 kg -> Non-ferrous
3000kg (6.600punds) -> Ferrous
yük uygulanır, ardından çıkan iz büyüteç/mikroskop ile dia ölçülür ve denklemde
yerine oturtulur. Karaköklü falan dehşet sıkıntı bi formulü var amk. Birimi HB
Barcol Tester
25-100 arası Brinell el testerı, copper, brass, aluminyum gibi yumuşak metaller
için. Kadranı var direkt okunuyor. WWII sırasında saha için geliştirilmiş.

Brinell benzeri, 136 derece square tabanlı pyramid indentation var. Büyüteçli
yerden bakıp taban alanı hesaplanarak bulunuyor. Yük x (kara) yüzey alanı =
Vickers veriyor. Birimi MPa
avantajı küçük iz bırakıyor, tek indentör var ve daha kesin sonuç veriyor.

Taşınabilir Rockwell A-B ya da Brinell okunabilir. Elle bastırılıyor. Tek taraflı

çeşitli maddelerden oluşan bir kutu var. alıp malzemenin yüzeyinde çizik
bırakmadığına göre 10'luk scale içinde yer alıyor ama sıkıntı şu bu sadece yüzey
sertliğini ölçebilir. bi de tabi çok değişken. Talc, gypsum, diamond gibi
malzemeler var kutuda

0.1% proof stress -> yield stress
çekiyor, koptuğu andaki uygulamadaki olan kuvvet strengt
Büyük makinaler 1MN (milyon/newton), küçükleri taşınabilir hounsfield
tensometre 20kN güç uyguluyor.
Malzemenin fibrelerinin yönü önemli yüke paralel olması lazım

bir torna gibi bişeye test parçası bağlanıyor eve ucuna rulmanla dengesini
bozacak, yalpa yapacak bişey yerleştiriliyor. makina çalıştırılıyor. sayaç
falanda var
SN curves -> S Stress N Number of Cycles

Impact Testing
IZOD tek taraftan bağlanıyor, çentik atılıp 170J ile vuruluyor (163J)
CHARPY Ortadan çentik + her iki taraf bağla 300 J vuruluyor (272-326J)
Avery-Denison-> Aletin adı, her iki tekniğide yapıyor. kadranı var. izon için
pendulum daha alçaktan bırakılıyor 170J çakıyor. Charpy için daha yüksekten

3 - Non-Ferrous Metals
pure aluminium->99.0% + soft but 1/3 lighter than steel
wrought aluminium -> dövme
cast alumininum -> dökme
heat treatheable -> 2000 serisinden 2024/2011/2017
non-heat treatable 3000 serisi, 5000 serisi, 1000 serisi (1000 malum pure al
olduğu için içinde alloy yok)
Alclad-> clad kaplamalı sheet metal

Aluminium Association of America (AA-Number) 4 digit system
Misal A 2024 T-3511

A -> Alclad olduğunu söylüyor

2 -> Copper alloy
0 -> Not Modified alloy
24 -> Alloy designator
T3 -> Solution heat treated + Aged + cold worked (T-Code listesine bak)
5 -> Mechanical Relieved (See Stress Relieving Codes)
1 -> Kind or stress relievitionn 1 = elongated 2 = compressed
1 -> Formed after stress rele. 0 = no 1 = yes

Alloy List for Wrougt Al (The first digit)

1XXX 99.00% minimum aluminium
2XXX Copper (2024 T3ten hatırla)
3XXX Manganese
4XXX Silicon
5XXX Magnesium
6XXX Magnesium and Silicon
7XXX Zinc
8XXX Other elements
9XXX Unused series

Aluminium -> three times lighter than steel but, when alloyed, can attain steel’s
high strength characteristics.

It is also corrosion-resistant , making it hygienic and long-lasting.

One pound of aluminium has more than twice the electrical conductivity of an
equal weight of copper.
Polished aluminium is highly reflective and is utilized for light and heat
Since the chemical composition of aluminium remains unchanged during remelting,
it is easily and efficiently recycled . Remelting of aluminium scrap requires
only five per cent of the energy needed to produce primary aluminium.

Cladding & Corrosion Protection

normalde pure aluminium korozyon olmazmış. içinde katılan alloylar yüzünden
oluyormuş. O yüzden dışı pure aluminium (birazda zinc) ile kaplanıyor.
Clad -> thin layer of pure aluminium with 1% zinc
Clad -> The thickness of the clad layers is about 3-5% of the material thickness.
Clad -> permanently welded to the base material in a rolling process at high
temperature or electroplated

Heat Treatmet AL
Şimdi burada üç tane durum var

Solution Heat Threat + Quenching + age hardening T62 yaptı

Solution Heat Threat + Queching + room temp T42 oldu
Yukarıdakiler heat threatment
Annealing : sadece ısıtma + room temp - T0 oldu

Designation Letters

F -> As fabricated
O -> Annealed
H -> Strain hardened (Non heat treatable products only, 1000 gibi, dövülmüş)
W -> Solution heat-treated (Quenching ya da yaşlandırma yok)
T -> heat-treated to produce stable tempers other than F, O, or H

bunun sorusu vardı

Temper Code

T0 -> yumuşak hiç işlem görmemiş AL

1. T1 Cooled from an elevated temperature shaping process and na- turally aged to a
substantially stable condition
2. T2 Annealed
3. T3 Solution heat-treated and cold worked.
4. T4 Solution heat-treated and naturally aged.

T42 Solution heat-treated from 0 temper to demonstrate response to heat-

treatment by the user, and naturally aged to a substan- tially stable condition

5. T5 Cooled from an elevated temperature shaping process and arti- ficially aged
6. T6 Solution heat-treated and artificially aged.

T62 Solution heat-treated from 0 F temper to demonstrate response to heat-

treatment by the user, and artificially aged

7. T7 Solution heat-treated and stabilized

8. T8 Solution heat-treated, cold worked, and artificially aged
9. T9 Solution heat-treated, artificially aged, and cold worked
10. T10 Cooled from an elevated temperature shaping process, cold worked, and
artificially aged

Soft annealing -> 400-454C in furnace & furnace cooling. Bu T0 yapıyor ama State Zero
diyor buna. Uçağa direkt takılmaz rahat şekil verip, daha sonra T42 ya da T62
yapılması lazım.

Hardened (H) Codes

The first number following the “H” indicates the basic operations used during
or after strain hardening:
H1 – Strain hardened only
H2 – Strain hardened and partially annealed
H3 – Strain hardened and stabilized

Stress Relieving Codes (T-Code Devamı)

TX-51 Stress relieved by stretching
TX-510 For extrusions, products that receive no further straightening after
stress- relieving by stretching.
TX-511 For extrusions, products that receive minor straightening after stress-
relieving by stretching.
TX-52 Stress relieving by compressing

Used at firewalls, high pressure tubing, landing gear
titanium is its resistance to corrosive, inorganic chloride, chlorinated organic
compounds, chlorine solutions and moist chlorine gas, oxidizing acids such as
nitric or chromic acids
Strong reducing acids, however, will attack titanium.

The resistance of titanium to corrosion by natural environmental substances is

unequaled by other structural metals. It is completely inert when exposed to stagnant
water, urban atmosphere, marine atmosphere, salt-water spray and sea-water.

The pure titanium -> tensile strength of 50,000 to 90,000 PSI, and the manganese
alloy -> 139,000 PSI

Aluminium in amounts of 3-7% is commonly used as an alloying element. Other

alloying ele- ments include molybdenum, tin, iron, chromium and vanadium.
Alloying + heat treating develop titanium -> 180,000 PSI tensile strength.

yüksek sıcaklıklarda (1000°F (583°C) and above) hızlıca havadaki oksijenle

birleşiyor. Bu yüzden TIG (inert-gas/argon/helyum) ile kaynak yapılıyor
Use low cutting speeds (350/500rpm) + carbide tools
HSS drill use (119/130 degree)
Clean only with MEK
for cooling air or distilated water
Maintain high feed rates

Use plenty of cutting fluid. Coolant carries away heat, washes away swarf and
reduces cutting forces.
Use sharp tools and replace them at the first sign of wear.
Never stop feeding while tool and work are In moving contact. Allowing a tool to
dwell in moving action causes work hardening and promotes smearing, galling,
seizing and total tool breakdown

300 degree alchol & cadmium plated parts can cause titanium emribttlement

titanium yanıyor, tozuna dikkat

Magnesium deli gibi yanıyor, oksijen, azot vs. farketmiyor. Su söndürmüyor,
CO2 , Halon gazı da söndürmüyor. Ortalığın amk. Noble gas lazım: helyum and argon
söndürmek için ya da kum

Good things first,

Non-magnatic (using on instrument casing)

Good strength-to-weight ratio (2/3 of aluminium)
Bad things,
Hard to work, it cracks
No corrosion resistance
It always needed Alloy

A380 teknolojisi, Fiber Glassın adhesive ile undirection bi şekilde aluminium
sheetle beraber kullanılması.
Blast resistant container + ECO3 container
FML (Fibre metal laminated) olarakta biliniyor
örnek olarak aslında airbus cargo panelleri olabilir, üstü aluminium sheet içi
sandwich kompozit.


4B-> subgrade
4/3 -> 4 layer aluminium 3 layer fiber
0.4 -> aluminium thickness in mm (0.2 - 0.5mm range)
High strength
Fatigue resistant
Damage tolerant
Impact and blast resistant • Fire resistant
Thermal isolation

3 - Corrosion

Electrolyde -> moisture, liquids like gallet,lavotary, spill

pollutants in atmosphere, marine condition, airborne salt
For Steel (and brass/bronze) -> Cadmium, zinc aluminium plating
For aluminium anodizing, primer paint
for magnesium, electro-chemical process needed. highly suspectible
anodizing (e.g. chromatic acid anodizing) aslında yüzeyi hızlıca oksitliyor
(Sarı renk) bu katman koruyucu oluyor

Corrosion Type
Galvanic corrosion -> "Two Dissimilar material" elektro-chemmical kozoyon
oluyor. potansiyel fark oluyor, elektron taşınıyor falan. less noble (more
reactive) metal.
Electrochemical corrosion -> potential difference anode katot yüzünden.
galvanic gibi ama bir sıvı "electrolyte" varlığıyla tek materyal kendi başına da
bu türe maruz kalabilir.
Microbial corrosion -> yakıt tankı bakterisi korozyonu. bakteri sülfürik asit
üretiyor ve bu korozyona yol açıyor. sadece bakteri değil fungus ve alglerde yol
Stress corrosion -> tensile kuvveti malzemeyi açtırıyor içine moisture girince
korozyona yol açıyor. bu dinamicte olabilir static loadta olabilir
Pitting corrosion -> dikey olarak dibe doğru gidiyor, aluminium ve magnezyumda
olur. intergrannular korozyona yol açabilir.
Intergrannual corrosion -> Grain lines boyunca oluyor, kat kat açılan korozyon
bu. Kötü ısıl işlem, ya da malzeme üzerinde hatalı çalışma (yüksek ısı maruz
bırakma), clad kaplamada scratch bu tip korozyona yol açar
Exfloation corrosion -> intergrannuların ilerlemiş hali, iyice patlıyor
Fretting corrosion -> Bearinglerde rubbing yüzünden koruyucu katmanın
gitmesiyle oluşuyor, fatique cracke yol açar
Crevice Corrosion -> İki malzeme arasında oluşan minik boşluklarda nem
kalmasıyla oluşuyor. Dissimilar ya da similar olmasından bağımsız hatta bi tanes
non-metal bile olsa da olabilir. Seal kullanmak çözebilir
Filliform Corrosion -> Crevice gibi ama metal ile boya katmanı arasında nem
kalmasıyla oluşuyor. biraz yüzeysel oluyor.
4 - Composites

high strength-to-weight ratio
reduction of parts and fasteners
reduction of wear
corrosion resistance

Fabrics - Reinforcement Materials


molten silica glass

low cost make

Fibreglass weighs more and has less strength than most other fibre material.

yellow colour, light weight and its excellent tensile strength. Aramid high stress
and vibration (e.g. rotor blades)

Damage to Aramid structural components will, in general, be repaired with

Graphite (carbon fiber)

strong and stiff and is used for its rigid,

manufacture primary structural components like ribs and floor beams. G
is stronger in compressive strength than Kevlar, however it is more brittle than

It has the problem of being corrosive when bonded to aluminium.

Matrix Materials (Adhesive Resins)
two type: thermoset and thermoplastic
Thermoset -> bir kez ısı aldıktan sonra geri dönüş yok
Thermoplastic -> ısı ile tekrar şekil verilebilir. Plexiglass ve acrilic buna
örnektir.> 750F ısı gören yerlerde kullanılmaz

Epoxy resin -> Bir Thermosettir.

hey have good adhesion, strength and resistance to moisture and chemical
properties. They are used to bond non-porous and dissimilar materials, like metal
to composite components.

Prepreg -> Hazır epoxy emdirilmiş gelen kumaş. pahalı.

Cores (Honeycomb)
Honeycomb -> Nomex kahve rengi kağıt gibi olan honeycomb
Foam -> mavi oluyor.
Sytrofoam-> bildiğimiz strafor
Urethane -> polyuratan köpük
Balsa or wood is an option
Aluminium corelarda var

Adhesive vs. Cohesive

Cohesion: Molecules of the same substance sticking together.

Adhesion: Molecules of different substances sticking together.

Plastics Special
Polymerisation-> PVC, Polyetilene, Polycarbonate (ambalaj plastikleri, kova,
Polycondensation-> phenol-formaldehyde (Bakelite), resins (typical thermosets),
polyamides (nylon) and polyester.
Polyaddition-> polyurethanes and epoxies

Adhesives Special

Adhesive is a substance used to bond two or more surfaces together. Most

adhesives form a bond by filling in the minute pits and fissures normally present
even in very smooth surfaces.
distribute the stress at the bonding point,
moisture and corrosion-resistant
eliminates the need for rivets and bolts
The effectiveness of an adhesive depends on several factors:

resistance to slippage and shrinkage

cohesive strength
surface tension -> which determines how far the adhesive penetrates the tiny
depressions in the bonding surfaces.

Synthetic Adhesives->
Thermosetting Adhesives->
Elastomeric Adhesives->
Contact Adhesives->
Solvent Adhesives->
Dispersion Adhesives->
Resin Adhesives->
Film Adhesive-> Bant gibi gel gibi yapışkan -18Cde muhafaza edilir, kür edilmesi
gerekiyor. Prepreg gibi ama yapışkanı transfer ediyosun gibi düşün

Film Adhesive Extended

Foaming Adhesive Film->
Plastic Foams->

Thixotropic Agents-> (thickening) agent, resinler ısı biraz artınca 30C civarların da
su gibi oluyor. koyu bir kıvam bir katkı malzemesi lazım. misal microballoons ya da
aerosil (silica toz)

Micro Balloons-> thickening + light-weight filler için hollow phenolic (kahve rengi
sert şey) balls diameter from about 10 to 300 microns, perfect sphere.

Resin Adhesives Extended

Resin ensures the cohesion of the composite material

thermoset resins ->hardening is irreversible. Alt kategorileri de var: Epoxy +
phenolic resin (polymer resin)
kabin içinde fire-resistance and low-toxic olduğu için tercih edilir, good
mechanical properties.

Fiberglassla kullanılan polymer resinler

Polyester resin
Epoxy resin
Vinyl ester
Phenolic resin.
misal araldite
Hardener Problemlems->Az konulursa güçsüz kür olru hatta sticky kalabilir, kür
tamamlanmaz. Çok olursa kırılgan olur
Mixing Ratios: 1:1 yada 1:10 olabilir, üreticiyi uygula.bu ratio by weight mi
yoksa by volume mu dikkat etmek lazım. densitysi düşükse misal 100:60 yerine
100:65 by volume olabilir.
Cure Temp: Oda sıcaklığı, bazılar yüksek ısı. oda sıcaklığı kür gerekenlerde
ısıtılarak kür süresi kısaltılabilir
epoxiler dermatite yol açabilir, kürlenmiş hali zararlı değildir
pahalı oluyor.
Shelf-life-> resin kutularının max durabildiği süre
Pot-life-> hardener+resin karıştırıldıktan kür olmadan durabilidiği süre

Epoxy Features

Adhesion ->high adhesion to metals, glass, and ceramics

Cohesion ->cohesive strength within the glue line is so great
100% Solids -> phenolics and some other resinous adhesives, epoxies cure without
releasing water or other condensation by-products.
Low Shrinkage
Resistance to Moisture and Solvents
effective barriers to heat and electric current
Can Be Modified
Can Be Cured at Ambient Temperatures ->5 min at room
temperature or lower temperatures
Resistance to Wide Temperature Range-> in high-temperature environ- ments (in
excess of 500F).
thermoplastic resins -> hardening is reversible. compositlerde kullanılmıyor.
inner pan falan işte. geç.

Soru vardı

Resinin içine accelatorü koy. Accelatörün içine resin koyarsan çok az miktar bi
anda reaksiyona gireciği için exothermic reaksiyon sebebiyle patlar.

Composite Inspection
Composite Repair
Paint removal->360 grade sanding (Silicon carbide paper)
Cleaning-> MEK, acetone or isopropile alcohol

Kenar tamiri, kat kat açıp yeni kat atılır.

Core tamiri, core kadar açılır, yeni kor eklenip, extradan tamir katları atılır

Bleeder Fabric -> Absorbe excessive resing

Breather Fabric -> Enhance air circulation
Release Fabric -> Teflon, parçanın yapışmadan çıkması için. Türleri var, Yüzey finişi
için önemli Peel Ply'da deniyor. Perforated Parting Film FEP gibi türleri var. Şıkır
şıkır ambalaj plastiğine benziyor. Heat blanketten büyük kesmek lazım
Caul Plate -> ısı ve basıncın yüzeye eşit dağılması için breather ve heat blanket
arasına yerleştiriliyor. Düz yüzeyler için ideal 0.016" bir sac aslında. Complex
şekillerin kendi toolu var. bir tür kalıp gibi bişey
Heater Blankent -> Kiremit rengi silicon şey. Isıtıcı (350F/175C). Tamir alanından 2"
daha fazla olması lazım en az
Thermocouple -> Isı ölçer proplar heatbondera data gönderir
Vacuum valve -> Paketi delip, atlı üstlü bağlarız, vakum hattını bağlarız

Inspection Techniques

tap testing (delamination)

visual or optical inspection (DVI & GVI)
bond tester or resonator
thermography (disbonding delamination)
holography (yüzey problemleri, dent)
acoustic emission
Ultrasonics (türlü düzensizlikler)

5 - Fasteners
Screw Threads
Screw Nomenclature
form -> dişlinin kontürü, formu işte ya amk
crest -> diş ucu
root -> diş kökü
pitch -> iki diş arası mesafe (crest to crest)
flank -> diş yanağı, slope yaptığı yer
thread angle -> dişin açısı, iki flankın birbirine açısı
major diameter -> diş ucundan ölçülen çap
minor diameter -> diş kökünden ölçülen çap
pitch diameter -> major/minor ortası, diş ortasından ölçülen çap, also known
effective diameter
depth -> internal/female thread'te diş derinliği
lead -> bir tam tur döndürüldüğünde axial olarak ilerlediği mesafedir
single thread -> tek başlangıçlı vida
multiple thread -> birden çok başlangıçlı 2-4 vs. burgulu
TPI -> Threads per inch, bir inçteki diş sayısı

Thread Standards
4 standards -> British Standard (BS), British Association (BA), American National
(AN) and ISO

British Standard

Has sub standards BSW, BSF, BSP

Also known Whitworth, V formation, TPI: 26 threads per inch
BSW -> Whitworth (Standard Coarse) -> General Purpose
BSF -> Fine (Whitworth but finer) -> Vibration resistance + Hi TPI (check
BSP -> Pine (Fine pitch Whitworth) -> Strong connection + Pressure tight joint
Whitworth -> 55 degree

British Association

Only available under 1/4 diameter, 47.5 degree, V formation

Using for smaller electrical & mechanical parts. Numerical sizes 0->10 Thread angle
47.5deg, metric + #0 biggest size

AN (American National)
ANF and ANC sub types
ANF -> Fine, 14 TPI
ANC -> Coarse

ANC + ANF -> 60 degree

AN Clerence Codes

Class 1 is a loose
Class 2 is a free
Class 3 is a medium
Class 4 is a close
Class 5 is a tight

Unified (ISO)
UNC, UNF & UNEF sub types
UNC -> Unified National Coarse
UNF -> Unified National Fine , 12 TPI
UNEF -> Unified National Extra Fine

Unified 60 degree

Determination of Unified threads

Example 1: 10-32 10 is diameter so 3/16 32 is TPI

Numaralı olanları numara x 0.013" + 0.060" ile major diametresi hesaplanır.
Numaralı olanlara "aught" size deniyor.
Example 2: 1/4-28 TIP is 28, dia 1/4
Çap büyüdükçe TPI azalıyor, diş sıklığı yani 2" vida (yuh), 4.5 TPI

Standards Quick Reference

Standart Thread Angle
BS (whitworth) 55 deg
( ) g
BA Thread
47.5 degAngle
ANC/ANF 60 deg
Unified 60 deg

Standards List

Standard Name Code

American National Fine ANF
American National Coarse ANC
Unified National Fine UNF
Unified National Coarse UNC
British Association BA
British Standard Fine BSF
ISO Metric M

General Standard List

Standart Name Code

Military Standard MS
National Aerospace NAS
Air Force Navy AN
Society of Automobile Engineers SAE
American National Standards Institute ANSI
American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM
International Organization for Standardization ISO
British Standards Institute BSI

Thread Pitch

Kaba diş, pitch (iki diş arası mesafe) mesafesi uzun


İnce diş formu, sıkı.

Screw Pitch Gauges

Pitch of thread ölçüyor, tarak gibi üstüne koyursun. yaprak şey gibi

Thread Profile
V form -> most common
Square thread -> Square, no angle
Buttress -> One side 45 degree, other 90 degree, saw teeth
Acme thread -> Squarish

Bolts & Studs and Screws

Bolt Installation
Vidanın somun dışında kalan kısmı max. 1/32 in (0.8 mm) olmalı.
2 diş çıkmalı ve max 3 washer kullanılabilir

Specification and Identification

By Material

Steel (Nickel alloy) (AN) -> Raised cross

Aluminum -> Double raised dash
CRES -> Single dash, lower corner
Close tolerance steel (NAS) -> Cross inside triangle
Alloy steel tolerance -> Small upper side cross

Stud = saplama, iki tarafıda diş, kafa yok.

Installation & Removal

Kendi söküm/takım aparatı + ters iki somun & açık ağız yapılabilir., ezi-out
(ters kılavuz) ile de çıkarılabilir. Ama cortlar tabi
Stud box -> spesific tool for install
Stud installation/removal tool -> spesific tool for install/remove
Stud removal tool -> removal
Locknut -> remove/install with using 2 nut technic without tool
Ezi-out -> remove with drill out center

Self Tapping Screws

Akıllı vida, anca kargo konteynerlerinde falan vardır heralde?

4 types
non-self-locking nuts ,
locking nuts,
high-temperature self-locking nuts ,
low-temperature self-locking nuts

Non Self-Locking Nuts

Hex-head. has holes for Used with cotter pin or wire locking

Shear Castle Nut -> Used only for shear load on clevis bolts


cadmium-plated nickel steel

corrosion-resistant steel
2024 aluminium alloy

Castle Nut -> standard airframe bolts + shear or tensile loads. Same materials
available with shear castle

Slotted Engine Nut -> aircraft engine and heat-treated steel

Wing Nut -> Remove/install by hand + Brass or cad-plated steel

Self-Locking Nuts
Lock nuts -> Altı tırtıklı böylece açılmıyor.
Nyloc Stiffnuts -> Sonunda nylon var, sıkınca sıvanıyor, only low-temp!
Oddie Stiffnuts -> Kara somun, kesik 6 kanatlar vidayı sıkıştırıyor
Aerotight and Philidas Stiffnuts -> Diş yapısını değiştirdikleri için kitleniyor
Anchor Nut -> Kulaklı somun, çeşitleri : oddie stiffnut, nylock ve ağzı daralan
(dişleri daha da sıkan) ,
Types: strip, floating, nylock sabit

High-Temperature Self-Locking Nuts

used temperatures exceed 120°C (25O°F)

Materials: CRES or silver-plated CRES
Silver-plated should NOT used on aluminum

Low-Temperature Self-Locking Nuts

Use below 121°C (250°F).

Fiber ve Nylon çeşitleri var. Eğer elle sıkabiliyorsan, lenger olmuştur tekrar
kullanılmaması lazım.
Locking insert ile kitliyor?

Heli-Coil Inserts

Yapının kendisine açılan dişler aşınmasın diye kullanılır. genelde döküm

yapılar, motor accessories gibi
Inserting Key & Prewind Inserting tool ile yerleştiriliyor, tang kısmı
(insert'ün altındaki çıkıntı) tutarak vidalanıyor, sonra bu çük kesiliyor tang
break off tool ile


Drill -> Thread tapping -> GO/NOGO gauge check -> Fitting insert
+ tang removal not always necessary
Kör deliklerde tang sökülür. karga burunla kıvıra kıvıra içine düşürmeden, ya
da zımba ile ya da break-off tool (üçgen ağızlı zımba gibi bişey)

Locking Devices

cotter (split) pins
locking plates
snap-rings (circlips)
self- -locking nuts

Wire Locking
The double-twist -> most common method
The single-wire -> small screws in a closely-spaced closed geometrical pattern
extremely difficult to reach.

Spring Washer -> yay, çok sert, iterek kitliyor, vibration için
Shakeproof Washer -> tırtıklı
Tab Washer -> Kama gibi somundaki yerine oturuyor, yerinin olması lazım.
Plate Washer -> hex kafayı direk tutuyor, yine yapıda yeri olması lazım
Split-pins -> Yapıyı boydan boya geçiyor, tek kullanımlık çünkü bükülmesi lazım
Center Punching/Burring -> Zımbayla vida somun arasını çakıp yapıyı değiştirme
Circlips -> Sekman gibi bişey , kendi toolu ile oturtuluyor

Quick Release Fasteners

Pip-pin -> bildiğimiz pin, fan cowl supportunun vardı misal. iki versiyonu var
Ring-pull dedent -> single ball, tek çekim
Double acting -> Ortası çekilince serbest bırakıyor, safety
Camlock -> 737 fwd kargo, aft panelleri gibi
Dzus -> camlockla aynı mantık, daha basiti, paneller, avionic compta bolca var
Airlock -> kulaklı somun gibi ama quick release, vidası kamalı yive geçip

Cotter Pins
yukarıda var


Solid Rivets

Aluminum Alloys

1100 -> A -> No heat threatment -> Too soft -> Furnishing & fairings -> No marking
2117 -> AD -> No threatment need -> structural use -> small dimple
2017 -> D (BACR) -> string to fuselage skin -> raised dot
2024 -> DD -> Icebox rivets -> two raised dashes -> 15 min usage or refrigate
5056 -> B -> 5% magnesium -> raised cross -> Shear head rivets are also available.


CRES -> F -> Rivets of this material are used for fastening corrosion- -resistant
steel sheets for such applications as fire- -walls and exhaust shrouds. They do not
have any marking on their head
Titanium -> T -> raised V or T -> for fastening Steel Alloy and Titanium Alloy
Monel -> M -> two recessed dimples or a raised r
Thin sheet rivet -> havşa açılamayacak kadar ince yerde kullanılır
Tank sealing rivets -> CLOSE TOLERANCE RIVETS -> special manufactured AD and DD
rivets are used in the tank area as sealing rivets


1/16 -1
3/32 -1.5
1/8 -2
3/16 -3
1/4 -4
5/16 -5
3/8 -6
7/16 -7
1/2 -8
9/16 -9
5/8 -10
11/16 -11

Heat Threatment of Aluminum Rivets

This process is called Solution Annealing.

annealed at 495C for a certain time + quenched in 20C cold water.
ductile for about 20 to 180 minutes. Alloys, which are not used directly after
the solution annealing process, have to be stored at −18C. rivets can be stored
for up to 7 days. At -20C the storage time can be increased up to 20 days.
As soon as the rivets are removed from the freezer, the autonomous hardening
process of the material begins (opposite table).

Special Rivets

Cherry-Buck Titanium Shear Pin

Two different material in one piece system

Head and cylindrical shaft: Ti6Al4V (AMS 4967)
Tapered part of the shaft: Ti/Cb (AMS 4982)
The upper part of the rivet is heat treated up to 95 KSI, to carry high shear
The lower, tapered, ductile part (Titan/Columbium) forms the closing head.
This rivet is used as a substitute for Hi Lok and Lockbolts in the production
of the passenger floor frame of the A330/340 for riveting robots, and saves up to
40% of weight without any loss of shear strength!

Hi-lok & Hi-Lite

Pin - collar system. Pin (threaded) fasteners are usually installed in

interference-fit holes.
eğer steel • stainless steel • titanium ise clerance fit olmalı, heralde
korozyon yapıyor stresten

aluminium alloy collars -> (ASNA2O28, DAN11, NSA5075 and NSA5O75W) are used

an out-of-parallel condition up to 3.0 degrees is ac- ceptable.

CRES collars -> (ABS0258, ASNA2036, DAN12, HL73, HL86 and and HL87)

an out-of-parallel condition up to 0.5 degrees only is acceptable

Hi-lite, gripten(shank) dişe geçişi kısmı kısaltılmış hali 15% tasarruf var


hayvansı presice "special dimensional tolerances"+ interference, kendi kiti

var, çakıyor, cold work yapmış oluyor.


Stresi yapıya dengeli yaymaya yarıyor.

pre-lubricated, for tension or shear loads, wrong install -> can cause fatigue
Konik biçiminde 48:1 oranında daralıyor

Taper Lock Codes & Spesifications

H = H-11 Steel Alloy, 220 - 240 KSI

HB = H-11 Steel alloy, 240 - 260 KSI
HC = H-11 Steel Alloy, 260 - 290 KSI
CB = A-286 Heat Resistant Alloy, 110 KSI min. shear
V = 6Al4V Titanium Alloy, 95 KS

Huckbolt (typo:Lockbolt)

Hi-lok benzeri ama Collar vidalanarak sıvanıyor. Hi-lok gibi anahtarla

Wet install + prelubricated geliyor. çekme perçinle karıştırma, arkaya access

Blind Rivets
Cherry Lock Blind Rivet
Two type : Standard Cherrylock and Cherrylock Bulbed
100°countersink head or a protruding head.

tabanca yada el çeker, uçları perçine uygun olmalı, pin çapına göre

Cherrylock (or ’Wiredraw’)

head types:

100°Countersunk (shallow) (for thin-sheet applications).

Rivet sleeves are available in four different materials: -

5056 aluminium alloy
•2017 aluminium alloy
•A-286 CRES

Bulbed Cherrylock only diameters 1/64" oversize from the normal nominal sizes.
Head types available are:

•Unisink (a combination of countersunk and Universal)
156°Countersunk (for honeycomb materials)
Rivet sleeves are available in three different materials:
-5056 aluminium alloy
•Inconel 600

Cherry Max Blind Rivet

Cherry max için Havasız elle çekme tabancası "the G750A"

Olympic-Lok Rivets

Bizim dandik çeketo, kulaklı somun için.götü "stem" düşüyor. cherry maxlerde
içinde kalıyor. FOD muhabeti falan
cherrymax ya da huck tabancalar bunu çekmiyor

Head Styles

Universal (protruding)
100°flush countersunk
100°flush shear.
Materials -> 2017−T4 A-286 5056 Monel.
Lock spindles are made from the same material as their sleeves.


It is used when it is necessary to attach anything with a screw to thin sheet

Vida için insert.


yüksek load taşıyan çekme,

The Jo-Bolt is a high-strength blind fastener for structural areas, when
access to one side of the work is impossible but also higher loads must be
carried. For example: Torsion Boxes of Door Areas Airbus A300/A310.

The Jo-Bolt consists of three factory-assembled parts:

a nut/collar made of aluminium alloy or alloy steel

a threaded alloy steel bolt
a sleeve made of steel
The head styles available
100−degree flush head
hexagon protuding head.

Determination of Fastener Length (Blind Fasteners)

grip ölçer

6 - Pipes & Unions

AN -> with flare
MS -> No-flare

MS-> military standard

AN-> Air Navy
Extruded tube material of various non-corrosive steels, aluminium and titanium
alloys is available.
Their dimensions are determined by the ”external diameter”in 1/8" increments
and the ”wall thickness”.

Working Pressure

1500 PSI -> hi-pressure

< 1500 PSI -> medium pressure

Suction & Return line 50-70 PSI -> low pressure
A380 has 5076 PSI (350 bar) due to weight saving.

Aluminum Alloys -> Medium and low pressure lines are preferably made of aluminium
alloys for weight-saving
Titanium Alloys -> used due to reasons of weight or as ”flexible metal pipes”
instead of hoses.

Stell should use -> danger of fire, and in the landing gear area, where there
is danger of being hit by stones

All pipes are marked with drawing or part number, inspection stamp, test stamp
and date of manufacture.
System identification is also marked on each pipe within a system. There are
two methods of system identification. The colour/symbol system and the code
system that is based on the ATA 100 numbering system.
Both methods identify the pipe by applying tape to the pipe near it’s ends.

Tubes and Pipes/Tube Assemblies

Material aluminium and titanium alloys & cadmium-plated or stainless steel


MS Fitting

MS-connection is suitable for all types of media (e.g. oil, fuel, water and
some aircraft manufacturers allow these repairs only temporarily.
The advantage MS-Fitting is, that no special tools are necessary for the

Swage Fitting / Harrison Type

works up to 5000 PSI

Non-Permanent Harrison -> need a special tool, vibration-resistant,well suited for

thin-walled tubes
Permanent Sierracin/Harrison -> swaged from outside by a special tool

Permaswage Fitting

the sleeve is squeezed (360° ) onto the prepared pipe end with a special
hydraulically driven tool.
Materials -> Aluminum 6061−T6, CRES or titanium
6061−T6 up to 1500 PSI,
CRES up to 3000 PSI
Titanium up to 4000 PSI.

The advantage -> can be made quickly,light, and good seal.

Disadvantage -> cannot be separated, which can be very problematic at disassembly

Due to the silicone-seals, permaswege-fittings must not be used in oxygen-

systems, fire-endangered areas of engines and APU’s.

Flare Type

Ağız açılıyor, ara fiting buna uygun olduğu için sızdırmıyor

Adds strength + supports the tube to prevent vibration concentrating on the
complicated to manufacture + relatively vibration resistant.


standard flare angle -> 37° degree and

vehicle-type flares -> 45° degree. (are not interchangeable)

Single Flare

çan gibi açık hali

Impact-Type -> Çekiçle vurark
Roll-Type -> Kenarları sıvayarak
Single flares must be manufactured to certain tolerances to ensure a strong,
leak-free joint. The flaring tool used for aircraft tubing has male and female
dies ground to produce a flare of 35°to 37°

Double Flare
Single'ın kenarlarının içe kıvrılmış hali

Flared Fittings

In two standards, not interchangeable . "AC" is old one


V-Band Clamps

Ductlardaki dev kelepçe bu

There must be a certain amount of slack between both fittings because hoses
reduce their length by between 2% and 4% and expand in diameter when under
yani diyor ki boruyu biraz uzun tut, çünkü basınç yiyince 2%-4% çapı
genişliyor, boyu kısalıyor.
Tensile stress on the fittings is unsafe and therefore not permitted
They must not twist when the end-fittings are tightened.Twisted hoses have a
shortened life and can be damaged or buckle when there is movement. End-fittings
can loosen off.
The inner diameter of hoses is usually given 1/16"

Working Pressure
Low pressure: up to 600 PSI
Medium pressure: up to 3000 PSI
High pressure: 3000 PSI

Lay lines -> twist olup olmadığını görmek için boru boyunce atılan çizgi
Borular üç katmalı, iç, orta (güçlendirme), dış (etkenlere karşı koruma)

Inner layer

Neoprene (for petroleum-based fluids)

Buna-N (better suited for petroleum-based fluids)
Butyl (phosphate ester-base hydraulic fluid (Skydrol)
Teflon (compatible with almost every fluid carried).

Reinforcement layers

polyester fabric
carbon steel wire braid
stainless steel wire braid
Outer Layer

The protective outer cover is usually made of rubber impregnated fabric or

stainless steel braid. It is put over the reinforcement to protect from physical
damage or heat.

Re-useable Fittings
quick release boru ucunu kastediyor

Hose Installation
Inspect the hose for:

Check the hose identification tag for:
part number
cure date (within limits)
assembly date (within limits)
When fitting a hose assembly, it is important:
not to twist it, thereby placing it under undue strain. Check the lay line
printed along the hose length
that it is subjected to the minimum of flexing during operation
that it is supported at least every 24 inches
that it is not stretched tightly between its fittings
that the minimum bend radius is observed.

Protective Sleeves
Use for protect from wear (from abrasion) or extreme heat.
Materials -> heat shrink , nylon spiral wrap , Teflon.

Flareless Fittings

MS fittings are made of aluminium alloy or steel.

Aluminium alloy fittings can be identified visually by their yellow anodised

Letter&Number Code Flareless Fittings

MS21900-4 No Letter -> carbon steel

MS21900-8-D -> (D) aluminium alloy
MS21900-8-S -> (S) CRES

4 and 8 is size in sixteenths of an inch -> 4/16 so 1/4

Flared Fittings

AN -> 37 degree
& MS ready.

Letter&Number&Color Code of Flared Fittings

Material Color Letter Code

Aluminum Blue D
Steel Black None
Brass Natural (yellowish) B
AN819 (AluminumBrass) Sleeves Cadmium-Plated Z

AN816-5-3D -> 5 diameter | 3 thread diameter | D Material (Aluminum)

Non Interchangeable


Quick Disconnect Couplings

ease and speed when connecting and disconnecting fuel systems + They also help
to eliminate vapour loss and other hazards caused by exposed fuel.

Quick Disconnect Couplings

Screw Type -> A distinct clicking noise is heard as the teeth engage.
Inst-o-Matic Push/Pull Type -> Kenarını çekip çıkardığımız
Quick-Threading/Indicating Type -> Vidalı ama dev dişleri var, kolay takılıyor
Full Grip Push/Pull -Type -> iki yarım bir birine iterek
Straight Flow Ball Valve Type -> itip çevirerek
Ball Lock Type -> hangarda hava/vakum aldığımız hortumların ucu işte amk
GASEOUS OXYGEN QUICK DISCONNECT -> Kamalı yuvaya girip dönüyor

7 - Springs
Compression Springs
Basıyorsun -> geri atıyor normal pozisyonuna dönmeye çalışıyor

Extension Springs
Çekiyorsun -> Uzuyor geri poziyonuna küçülüyor

Torsion Springs
Axial olarak geri dönmeye çalışıyor, çıkıntısı var onu taktıryorsun
Wireform Springs
tam "spring" formunda değil, her hangi bir formda kullanım yerine göre tel

Spring Materials
high carbon -> not satisfactory for high or low temperatures or for shock or
impact loading
alloy steel -> higher and lower temperature
stainless steel -> up to 650°F .
non-ferreous -> excellent resistance to corrosion, electrical components and in
sub-zero temperatures, expensive
high-temp alloy wire (Nickel-based) -> nonmagnetic + gyroscopes, chronoscopes,
indicating instruments + electric resistance
flat high carbon spring steels -> watchs,instruments, highly susceptible to
hydrogen embrittlement

8 - Bearings
Bearings typically have to deal with two kinds of loading, radial and thrust.
pivot bearings or axial bearings -> accept forces in a longitudinal direction
bearings or roller bearings -> accept forces at right-angles to the drilling

Sliding & Plain Bearings

hard wearing materials, such as cast iron, phosphor- -bronze, white metal or
special plastics.
copper tin alloys,copper tin zinc casting alloys, lead tin alloys, cast iron,
drypowdered metals, phosphor−bronze, white metal or special synthetics.
resistant to push forces
suitable for both slow and fast rotational journal speeds.
require continuous maintenance
high starting resistance (inertia)

Anti-Friction Bearings

chromium steel chromium nickel steel. They are hardened and ground. The
rolling element and the tracks of the rings are polished.
Steel plate or brass plate is usually used as material for the cages

Axial Bearings
Axial bearings or longitudinal bearings accept forces that act in the direction of
the axis of the shaft.

Axial bearings can be subjected to low radial forces.

Radial Bearings
- desc Also kwon as self aligning bearing

Radial bearings can accept forces that act radially to the shaft axis.
With the exception of roller bearings and pin bearings, radial bearings can be
subjected to low axial forces

Ball Bearings

Gets radial loads but moderate trust (axial- shaftın kaktırması ) loads

Needle Roller Bearings

used at space restricted areas

Spherical Roller Bearings

Cylindrical Roller Bearings

Tapered Roller Bearings

Gets axial (trust) and radial loads

Trust Bearings

Gets sideloads (axial, load which comes from shaft)

9 - Transmissions
Trim Control
Gear Types
Gear Units
Friction Gears & Cone Pulley
Transmission Components Control Mechanism
Push Rods
Rotary Selectors

10 - Control Cables
Cable Terminals
Cable Components
Pressure Seals
Cable Turnbuckles
ince tension ayarı için kullanılyor.
iki türü var biri clip type, diğer safety wire atılan type. Clipi kendine özel
şekli var.

Cable Tension Regulator

değişen ortam ısısına göre kendi kablo tansiyonunu kendi ayarlıyor. büyük
uçaklarda var. yuvarlak, yay yükünü kabloya veriyor. yaydaki genleşme direk olara
kabloya aktarılıyor.

Flexible Remote Control Systems


11 - Electric Cables & Connectors

By Conduction Materials
By Insulation
Aromatic Polymide
By Strands

By Temperature


Coaxial: HF signal carry, Ucu BNC, C, HN, LN olabilir

Quadraxial Cable: 4'lü AWG 24 data ethernet transfer kablos
High Tension
Spark plugs
Fire Alarm System Cables
1100 derece 15 dakika dayanması lazım.
Thermocouple Cables
Isı ölçer, tipi Alumel- cromel önceden copper-constantandır. eskiden bu değerler
kokpiten ölçülürmüş ama bikaç milivolttan ibaret olduğu için şimdi ECU üzerinde
Insulation Materials
Conduction Materials
Wire shielding
The wires leading to spark plugs are shielded, for otherwise the high energy
ignition pulses would lead to malfunctions in various aircraft systems.

Current Capacity
The current capacity of wires is directly dependent on the conductor material, the
insulation and the wire size. The way it is installed (in free air or in harnesses)
indirectly also affects the maximum current.

When the maximum current flows, the wire is heated. Releasing this heat into the
surrounding air is much easier with wires in free air than it is with wires in

AWG -> American Wire Gauge : Size küçüldükçe taşıyabildiği akım büyüyor. Size ile

Calculating the diameter of a wire in inches, based on its AWG number, is:

d n = 0.005 inch × 92 39


\(d n \) is the diameter in inches

\(n\) is the AWG size

The formula to calculate the cross-sectional area of the wire is:

π 2
An = × dn


is the cross-sectional area in square inches

\(A n \)

\(π\) is approximately 3.14159

\(d \) is the diameter in inches


Metric gauge -> AWG'nin tersi, büyüdükçe büyüyor size

Manufacturerer Identification
Her 150-500mm'de bir

Specification (wire type)


Country of Origin

Year of manufacture

Wire size (AWG)

System Wire Indetification
Splices & Terminals
Fiber Optics

12 - Wood and Fabric

Insp. of Wooden Structure

Look for detorioration (çürüme)


Chemical reactions due to glue, heat, moisture

Mechanical forces -> timber shrinkage
Microbioligical growth, fungus
Oil due to engine
Fuel leaks
Blocked water draniage holes

Insp. Outside

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