The Action Plan
The Action Plan
The Action Plan
Action Plan
Problems Objectives Solution Expected
Ecourage They are
1. Effects of To define the students who has motivated and
mental health to impact of mental encountered bad has positive
the students health to the mental health outlook in life and
school students' school and teach them they can do their
performance. performance to surround to school
the people who performances
can give them better.
positivity and set
boundaries to the
To determine the Help students to Students will
2. Lack of interest reasons of the motivate and value themselves
in attending class students why the make them and it help to
students are realize that they improve resilience
absent in class are capable to do and the ability to
things and make succeed in school
them feel that it's and life to the
okay not to be students.
Promote social Emotional and
3. Depression To overcome and emotional mental and
and anxiety of the anxious feelings competency and behavior health
students. and have a good build resilience. support achieve
mental health On the other better
through changing hand, educating academically.
usual habit and staff, patents ,
having optimistic and students on
outlook symptoms of and
help for mental
health problems
can also give
impact for the
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