Standard Specification For Heat Stability of Steam Turbine Shafts
Standard Specification For Heat Stability of Steam Turbine Shafts
Standard Specification For Heat Stability of Steam Turbine Shafts
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
A472/A472M − 07 (2022)
1 and 5 are to be located outside of the heating chamber. 7.2 First Cold Measurements—Take measurements on each
Preferably, the gland areas/packing seal areas are inside the band after rotation is started but prior to heating. If the runout
heating chamber. exceeds 0.002 in. [0.05 mm] at any band, continue rotation for
4.5 The test bands shall be machined with the forging 1 h. If runout continues to exceed 0.002 in. [0.05 mm], recenter
running on centers except in the cases of forgings weighing the forging or remachine the bands until the runout does not
over 125 000 lb [56.7 metric tons] the machining shall be exceed 0.002 in. [0.05 mm] in any band. Refer to the last
performed with the forgings running on steady rests. Readings measurements as the official first cold measurements.
shall be taken with the forging running on centers except in the 7.3 Hot Measurements—Take measurements on all bands
cases of forgings weighing over 125 000 lb [56.7 metric tons] hourly during the heating cycle until the forging has been
where readings may be taken with the forgings running on heated to the specified temperature. When three consecutive
steady rests. Between readings, the forgings may be rotated on hourly deflection measurements at the specified temperature
steady rests. check within 0.0005 in. [0.013 mm], cooling may commence.
Refer to the last of these measurements as the official hot
5. Surface Preparation measurements.
5.1 Remove oil, grease, dirt, and other foreign material from 7.4 Second Cold Measurements—After cooling in accor-
the surface of the forging prior to the heat stability test. A dance with 6.4, take measurements on all bands at half-hour
suitable coating may be applied to provide uniform emissivity. intervals until two consecutive deflection measurements check
6. Heating and Cooling within 0.0005 in. [0.013 mm]. Refer to the last of these
measurements as the official second cold measurements.
6.1 Place the forging in the heating chamber and rotate the
forging at a speed of 2 r ⁄min to 4 r/min. 8. Interpretation of Results
6.2 Place thermocouples in contact with the forging at each 8.1 The forging shall be acceptable if the movement of its
test band within the heating chamber. Shield the thermocouples center is not greater than 0.001 in. [0.025 mm] when deter-
from the heat source. mined by the difference between the official hot and the official
6.3 Apply heat uniformly to avoid localized overheating. cold second measurements. This movement shall be deter-
Heat the forging at a rate not exceeding 200 °F ⁄h [110 °C ⁄h] to mined for each band as follows:
the stability test temperature specified by the purchaser. Main- 8.1.1 From the official hot measurements at position A
tain the specified testing temperature until the forging is heated subtract the official cold measurement for position A.
uniformly. A uniform temperature condition shall be consid- 8.1.2 Repeat the procedure for positions B, C, and D.
ered to exist when three consecutive hourly deflection mea- 8.1.3 For each of these four results, numerically total the
surements taken at the test temperature are within 0.0005 in. greatest plus value and the greatest minus value without regard
[0.013 mm]. To consider a uniform test temperature condition to sign. The maximum deflection in any band as indicated by
to exist, it is also necessary that the axial thermal expansion be these totals shall not exceed 0.002 in. [0.05 mm].
consistent within 0.010 in. [0.25 mm] for three consecutive 8.2 In case of changes in measurements in bands 1 and 5,
hourly readings at the test temperature. suitable corrections may be made to results obtained from
6.4 After uniform test conditions as described in 6.3 have bands 2, 3, and 4. The corrected figures shall be within the
been reached, cool the forging, while rotating, to below 100 °F requirements of 8.1.3.
[40 °C]. The heating chamber may be opened during cooling, 8.3 If the forging does not meet the requirements of the
but the cover shall not be removed until the temperature of the stability test, it may be retested, stress relieved before retest or
forging is less than 500 °F [260 °C]. After the forging has completely reheat treated before retest.
cooled to approximately room temperature, rotate it for at least
2 h before the second cold measurements (see 7.4) are 9. Report
9.1 The forging supplier shall report to the purchaser the
7. Stability Measurements official first cold measurements, the hourly measurements
7.1 Use an indicator located outside the heating chamber to during heating and holding at specified temperature, the official
measure to the nearest 0.0005 in. [0.013 mm]. Actuate the hot measurements and the official second cold measurements,
indicator by a rod with one end contacting the forging at test as well as the temperature of the forging when these measure-
bands described in 4.2 or 4.3. Take measurements at each test ments were obtained. The report shall include the calculated
band at positions A, B, C, and D. For each band, the indicator change in measurements as determined under 8.1.3.
may be set to zero for the minimum deflection at one of the
positions A, B, C, or D or the figures may be reduced to 10. Keywords
minima by subtraction. 10.1 emissivity; heat stability; rotor forgings; steam turbines
A472/A472M − 07 (2022)
The following supplementary requirements shall only apply when specified individually by the
purchaser in the contract or purchase order.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 This specification determines whether a forging will these rotors will normally be stable during a subsequent test),
be stable at elevated temperatures and sets go/no go limits for non-uniform heat treatment, and machining off the forging
acceptance. Instability is typically caused by one of several centerline. Rotors that do not meet the go/no go limits are
factors including non-uniform emissivity (see Supplementary considered unstable and are normally subject to further review,
Requirement S1) or relief of residual stresses (in both cases retested, or even re-heat treated and retested.
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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