ASTM B998 17 HIP of Aluminum Alloy Castings
ASTM B998 17 HIP of Aluminum Alloy Castings
ASTM B998 17 HIP of Aluminum Alloy Castings
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: 8998 - 17
~uI 17
Copyright © ASTM International , 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700 , West Conshohocken , PA 19428-2959 . United States
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c0 8998-17
5.1.2 The quantity in pieces. should be kept free of all surface contaminants which may be
5.1.3 Alloy. detrimental to the material being treated or to the autoclave
5.1.4 Temperature, pressure, hold time, including toler- components.
ances. 7.3 Instrumentation:
7.3.1 A minimum of three thermocouples should accom-
6. Equipment pany the material during treatment. They should be located in
6.l Autoclave: the hottest, coldest, and nominal temperature the castings. An
6.1.l Autoclaves should be of the inert gas pressurization alternate instrumentation plan may be used with prior approval
type, internally heated, cold wall pressure vessel. from the purchaser.
6.2 Fixtures: 7.4 Pressure Environment:
6.2.1 Suitable jigs, trays, or other fixtures should be pro- 7.4.1 Equipment-All pressure recording equipment should
vided as necessary for proper handling and positioning of parts be calibrated in accordance with the instrument manufacturer's
to be hot isostatic pressed. All fixtures should be made of instructions.
suitable material which is compatible with the parts to be 7.4.2 Pressure-The chamber pressure during treatment
treated. should be as specified on the drawing or applicable specifica-
6.3 Temperature Measurement and Control Devices: tion. During the heat up and hold, the chamber pressure should
6.3.l Temperature Measurement-Temperature measuring be continuously monitored and data should be recorded at a
and recording devices should be provided for the autoclave . maximum interval of no more than five (5) minutes.
The devices should be of the potentiometric type, should use 7.5 Thermal Treatment:
thermocouple sensors, and should provide permanent records 7.5.1 The times and temperatures for the thermal cycle
of the temperature during the entire treatment. should be as specified on the drawing, applicable specification,
6.3.2 Temperature Control-A sufficient number of suitable or in Table l. Note that HIP is a solid state process and should
temperature control devices should be provided and properly always occur below an alloy's solidus temperature or below
arranged in the autoclave to assure the required temperature any incipient melting temperature, whichever is lower. The
control in the working zone. The devices should be of the temperatures should be continuously monitored and data
potentiometric type and should use thermocouple sensors. should be recorded at an interval that is no greater than five (5)
6.4 Pressure Measurement Devices: minutes. The use of multipoint recorders with a periodic
6.4.1 Pressure measurement devices should be accurate to recording of five (5) minutes maximum per thermocouple is
within ±2 % at the specified operating pressure for parts being permitted.
processed. The device should be capable of continuously 7.6 Inert Gas Purity:
monitoring and recording the pressure throughout the process. 7 .6.1 Prior to hot isostatic pressing, the inert gas purity
emanating from the autoclave should be greater than 99.70 %
7. General by volume and should satisfy the impurity limit requirements
7.1 All HIP equipment qualifications should be the respon- provided in Table 2.
sibility of the hot isostatic pressing HIP Vendor. The Vendor The inert gas emanating from the autoclave, before
should be responsible for any testing required for HIP equip- hot isostatic pressing, which meets the impurity requirements
ment and should sign all necessary forms which certify that of7 .6.l , should give a dew-point of -50°F, (-46°C) (66 ppm) or
qualification, in accordance with this guide, has been attained. colder at ambient temperature and pressure. Methods of gas dilution, replenishment, reuse, and
7.2 Cleaning:
purification are allowed.
7.2.1 Castings to be treated, including fixtures, should be
7.6.2 Indication of conformance to the requirements for gas
delivered to the Vendor clean and free of all surface contami-
purity should be determined by on-line gas analysis of the
nants which may be detrimental to the material being treated or
process gas.
to autoclave components. Prior to subsequent processing
cycles the Vendor should ensure that fixtures, jigs, or tooling 7.7 Inspection and Tests:
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c0 8998-17
TABLE 2 Allowable Inert Gas Impurities After thermal equilibrium is reached, the maximum
PPM (VolNol)
temperature variation of any load thermocouple should not
Present deviate from the selected control temperature by more than
Nitrogen 0.0050 50
Hydrogen 0.0125 125 ±25 °F (::t:::14
Oxygen 0.0025 25 Qualification Procedure-Qualification procedure
Hydrocarbons(Methane,CH4 ) 0.0025 25
for temperature uniformity should be documented, using a
furnace load containing a representative production load of
parts. Furnace qualification should conform to the require-
7.7.1 All inspections or tests required by the drawing or
ments of AMS 2750 using customer accepted temperature
applicable specifications should be performed. The results of
uniformity survey(s) done by the HIP vendor. After initial
these inspections or tests should meet the requirements of the
qualification the furnace should be requalified at least every six
drawing or applicable specifications.
(6) months using an agreed upon procedure between purchaser
7.8 Records: and HIP vendor.
7 .8. 1 All records and test results for each hot isostatic
8.3 Temperature Measurement and Control Qualification:
pressing treatment should be maintained for purchaser surveil-
lance as required by the customer, contract , or purchase order . 8.3.1 Instruments-The temperature control system should
These records should include at least the following informa- have an accuracy of ±0.5 % of the maximum operating
tion : temperature. The temperature accuracy of each instrument
( a) Purchaser identification of parts or material treated. should be determined in accordance with the equipment
(b) Part or material alloy designation . manufacturer's recommendations . After the initial
( c) Autoclave identification . qualification, all instruments should be requalified at least
( d) Loading procedures and part placement. every 90 days.
(e) Instrumentation procedures including thermocouple 8.3.2 Thermocouples-Before each use, all thermocouples
type and placement. should be capable of meeting the temperature/electromotive
(f) Pressure records . force requirements of Specification E230/E230M tables for
(g) Temperature records . special grade wire as determined by suitable test methods and
(h) Pressure media. requalification intervals.
(i) Gas analysis records. 8.4 Pressure Indicating Instrument Qualification-All pres-
(j) Dew-point measurement records . sure indicating instruments should be checked in accordance
(k) Test results. with the equipment manufacturer's recommendations . The
equipment's performance should be within the limits supplied
8. Quality Assurance Provisions
by the equipment manufacturer. After the initial qualification,
8.1 General: each instrument should be requalified at least every 90 days or
8.1.1 All HIP equipment qualifications should be the re- the controlling specification requirement.
sponsibility of the hot isostatic pressing HIP Vendor. The
Vendor should be responsible for any testing required for HIP 8.5 Process Qualification:
equipment and should sign all necessary forms which certify 8.5.1 Castings should be processed only by a HIP source
that qualification, in accordance with this guide, has been approved by the purchaser.
attained. 8.5.2 If required, before production processing, detailed
process procedures and results of test samples may be submit-
8.2 Autoclave Qualification:
ted to the purchaser for approval.
8.2.1 Temperature Uniformity:
8.2.l.l All autoclaves should be qualified for working zone 8.5.3 Process procedures should include the same informa-
tion as required in 7.8.1.
temperature uniformity prior to use for production hot isostatic
pressing . All autoclaves should be requalified at least once per
year after initial qualification. Qualification may be performed 9. Keywords
on a production load in accordance with The procedure 9.1 aluminum casting; autoclave; densification; HIP; HIP-
for qualification, requalification , and qualification after major ing; hot isostatic pressing; internal voids; inert gases; porosity ;
change are all the same. pressure ; thermal couple; thermal treatment
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Universityof Edinburgh(University of Edinburgh)pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductionsauthorized.
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