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Astm A666 23

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Designation: A666 − 23

Standard Specification for

Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet,
Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A666; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope* Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure
1.1 This specification covers austenitic stainless steels in the Vessels and for General Applications
annealed and normally required cold-worked conditions for A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing
various structural, pressure vessel, magnetic, cryogenic, and of Steel Products
heat-resisting applications. A480/A480M Specification for General Requirements for
Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate,
1.2 The application of this specification, or the use of Sheet, and Strip
material covered by this specification does not automatically A484/A484M Specification for General Requirements for
allow usage in pressure vessel applications. Only annealed Stainless Steel Bars, Billets, and Forgings
conditions of grades specifically approved by the ASME code A941 Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Related
are permitted for pressure vessel use.
iTeh Standards
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
Alloys, and Ferroalloys
E527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the
Unified Numbering System (UNS)
information only. (https://standards.iteh.ai)
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
3. Terminology

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safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 For definitions of terms pertaining to this standard
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- reference should be made to Terminology A941.
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.A666-233.1.2 For definitions of terms pertaining to plate, sheet, and
ASTM strip reference should be made to Specification A480/A480M.
1.5 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- 3.1.3 For definitions of terms pertaining to flat bar reference
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the should be made to Specification A484/A484M.
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
4. Material Test Report and Certification
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. 4.1 In addition to the requirements of Specification A480/
A480M for plate, sheet, and strip or Specification A484/
2. Referenced Documents A484M for flat bar, the cold-worked condition (annealed, 1⁄4 H,
2 1⁄2 H, and so forth) shall be noted.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
A240/A240M Specification for Chromium and Chromium- 5. Chemical Composition
5.1 The steel shall conform to the chemical composition
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel, requirements specified in Table 1, and shall conform to
Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee applicable requirements specified in the current edition of
A01.17 on Flat-Rolled and Wrought Stainless Steel.
Current edition approved March 1, 2023. Published March 2023. Originally
Specification A480/A480M for plate, sheet, and strip or
approved in 1972. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as A666 – 15. DOI: Specification A484/A484M for flat bar.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or 6. Mechanical Properties
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on 6.1 The material shall conform to the mechanical properties
the ASTM website. specified in Tables 2 and 3, or Tables 2 and 4.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

A666 − 23
7. General Requirements each thickness of plate from each heat in a lot annealed in a
7.1 The following requirements for orders for material single charge or under the same conditions in a continuous
furnished under this specification shall conform to the appli- furnace.
cable requirements of the current edition of Specification 9.3 Annealed material produced to Table 2 requirements
A480/A480M or Specification A484/A484M: shall be tested in accordance with Specification A480/A480M.
7.1.1 Definitions,
7.1.2 General requirements for delivery, 10. Test Methods
7.1.3 Ordering information, 10.1 Tension Test:
7.1.4 Process, 10.1.1 The yield strength shall be determined by the offset
7.1.5 Special tests, method as described in Test Methods and Definitions A370. An
7.1.6 Heat treatment, alternative method of determining yield strength may be used
7.1.7 Dimensions and permissible variations, based on the following total extension under load:
7.1.8 Workmanship, finish and appearance, Yield Strength, min. psi Total Extension under Load in 2 in.
7.1.9 Number of tests/test methods, Gauge Length, incl.
45 000 0.0071
7.1.10 Specimen preparation, 75 000 0.0098
7.1.11 Retreatment, 110 000 0.0125
7.1.12 Inspection, 135 000 0.0144
140 000 0.0148
7.1.13 Rejection and rehearing,
7.1.14 Material test report, 10.1.2 The requirement of this specification for yield
7.1.15 Certification, and strength will be considered as having been fulfilled if the
7.1.16 Packaging, marking, and loading. extension under load for the specified yield strength does not
exceed the specified values. The values obtained in this manner
8. Sampling should not, however, be taken as the actual yield strength for
8.1 Tension and bend-test specimens of sheet, strip, and 0.2 %. In case of dispute, the offset method of determining
yield strength shall be used.
iTeh Standards
plate products shall be selected from finished material and shall
be selected in the transverse direction, except in the case of 10.2 Bend Test:
strip under 9 in. (229 mm) in width, in which case tension test 10.2.1 Bend-test specimens shall withstand cold bending
specimens shall be selected in the longitudinal direction.
8.2 Flat bar tension and bend-test specimens shall be se-
without cracking when subjected to either the free-bend
method or the controlled-bend (V-block) method at the condi-

nal direction. Document

lected from the finished material and shall be in the longitudi-
tion specified by Table 3 or Table 4, respectively. Specimens
shall be bent around a diameter equal to the product of the bend
factor times the specified thickness of the test specimen. The
8.3 Corrosion samples, if required, shall be taken from choice of test method for materials in conditions other than
material after final annealing and descaling and prior A666-23
to cold annealed shall be at the option of the seller.
10.2.2 Free-bend test specimens shall be bent cold, either by
9. Number of Tests pressure or by blows. However, in the case of dispute, tests
shall be made by pressure.
9.1 For cold-worked product produced in coil form, one 10.2.3 Controlled-bend (V-block) test specimens shall be
tension test shall be made from each end of each coil. One bend bent cold by means of V-blocks or a mating punch and die
test shall be made from one end of each coil. having an included angle of 45° and with proper curvature of
9.2 For cold-worked flat bar and plate products, two tension surface at the bend areas to impart the desired shape and
test and one bend test shall be made on each size of flat bar and diameter of bend to the specimen.

A666 − 23
TABLE 1 Chemical Composition RequirementsA
Composition, %B
TypeD Carbon E
Manganese Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Chromium Nickel Other

S20100 201 0.15 5.5–7.5 0.060 0.030 0.75 16.0–18.0 3.5–5.5 N 0.25
S20103 201LF 0.03 5.5–7.5 0.045 0.030 0.75 16.0–18.0 3.5–5.5 N 0.25
S20153 201LNF 0.03 6.4–7.5 0.045 0.015 0.75 16.0–17.5 4.0–5.0 N 0.10–0.25
Cu 1.00
S20200 202 0.15 7.5–10.0 0.060 0.030 0.75 17.0–19.0 4.0–6.0 N 0.25
S20400 ... 0.030 7.0–9.0 0.040 0.030 1.00 15.0–17.0 1.50–3.00 N 0.15–0.30
S20500 205 0.12–0.25 14.0–15.0 0.060 0.030 0.75 16.5–18.0 1.00–1.75 N 0.32–0.40
S21460 XM–14G 0.12 14.0–16.0 0.060 0.030 0.75 17.0–19.0 5.0–6.0 N 0.35–0.50
S21904 XM–11G 0.04 8.0–10.0 0.060 0.030 0.75 19.0–21.5 5.5–7.5 N 0.15–0.40
S30100 301 0.15 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0–18.0 6.0–8.0 N 0.10
S30103 301LF 0.03 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0–18.0 6.0–8.0 N 0.20
S30153 301LNF 0.03 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0–18.0 6.0–8.0 N 0.07–0.20
S30116 ... 0.15 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00–1.35 16.0–18.0 6.0–8.0 N 0.20,
Mo 1.00
S30200 302 0.15 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 17.0–19.0 8.0–10.0
S30400 304 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 18.0–20.0 8.0–10.5 N 0.10
S30403 304L 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 18.0–20.0 8.0–12.0 N 0.10
S30451 304N 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 18.0–20.0 8.0–10.5 N 0.10–0.16
S30453 304LN 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 18.0–20.0 8.0–12.0 N 0.10–0.16
S31600 316 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 16.0–18.0 10.0–14.0 Mo 2.00–3.00
S31603 316L 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 16.0–18.0 10.0–14.0 Mo 2.00–3.00
S31651 316N 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 16.0–18.0 10.0–14.0 Mo 2.00–3.00
N 0.10–0.16
Types XM–10 and XM–19, which appeared in Specification A412, do not appear as XM–10 is no longer produced and XM–19 is covered in Specification A240/A240M.
Maximum unless otherwise indicated.
Designation established in accordance with Practice E527 and SAE J 1086.
Unless otherwise indicated, a grade designation originally assigned by the American Iron and Steel Institute.
iTeh Standards
Carbon analysis shall be reported to nearest 0.01 % except for the low-carbon types, which shall be reported to nearest 0.001 %.
Common name, not a trademark, widely used, not associated with any one producer.
Naming system developed and applied by ASTM.

TABLE 2 Tensile Property RequirementsA

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Tensile Strength, min
psi MPa psi
Yield Strength,C min
Elongation in
2 in. or 50 mm, Brinell
Hardness,D max
Rockwell B
min, %

S20100 201–1E 75 000 ASTM

51538 000A666-23
260 40 217 95
Class 1
S20100 201–2 E
95 000 655 45 000 310 40 241 100
Class 2
S20103 201L 95 000 655 38 000 260 40 217 95
S20153 201LN 95 000 655 45 000 310 45 241 100
S20200 202 90 000 620 38 000 260 40 241 ...
S20400 ... 95 000 655 48 000 330 35 241 100
S20500 205 115 000 790 65 000 450 40 241 100
S21460 XM–14 105 000 725 55 000 380 40 ... ...
S21904 XM–11
Sheet 100 000 690 60 000 415 40 ... ...
and Strip
Plate 90 000 620 50 000 345 45 ... ...
S30100 301 75 000 515 30 000 205 40 217 95
S30103 301L 80 000 550 32 000 220 45 241 100
S30153 301LN 80 000 550 35 000 240 45 241 100
S30200 302 75 000 515 30 000 205 40 201 92
S30116 ... 75 000 515 30 000 205 40 217 95
S30400 304 75 000 515 30 000 205 40 201 92
S30403 304L 70 000 485 25 000 170 40 201 92
S30451 304N 80 000 550 35 000 240 30 217 95
S30453 304LN 75 000 515 30 000 205 40 217 95
S31600 316 75 000 515 30 000 205 40 217 95
S31603 316L 70 000 485 25 000 170 40 217 95
S31651 316N 80 000 550 35 000 240 35 217 95
1⁄16 HardF

Tensile Strength, min Yield Strength, min Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %
Type psi MPa psi MPa <0.015 in. $0.015 to >0.030 in.
#0.030 in.
S20100 201
Plate, Sheet 95 000 655 45 000 310 40 40 40
and Strip

A666 − 23
TABLE 2 Continued
Flat Bar 75 000 515 40 000 275 ... ... 40
S20103 201L 100 000 690 50 000 345 40 40 40
S20153 201LN 100 000 690 50 000 345 40 40 40
S20500 205 115 000 790 65 000 450 40 40 40
S30100 301 90 000 620 45 000 310 40 40 40
S30103 301L 100 000 690 50 000 345 40 40 40
S30153 301LN 100 000 690 50 000 345 40 40 40
S30200 302
Plate, Sheet 85 000 585 45 000 310 40 40 40
and Strip
Flat Bar 90 000 620 45 000 310 ... ... 40
S30400 304
Plate, Sheet 80 000 550 45 000 310 35 35 35
and Strip
Flat Bar 90 000 620 45 000 310 ... ... 40
S30403 304L 80 000 550 45 000 310 40 40 40
S30451 304N 90 000 620 45 000 310 40 40 40
S30453 304LN 90 000 620 45 000 310 40 40 40
S31600 316
Plate, Sheet 85 000 585 45 000 310 35 35 35
and Strip
Flat Bar 90 000 620 45 000 310 ... ... 40
S31603 316L 85 000 585 45 000 310 35 35 35
S31651 316N 90 000 620 45 000 310 35 35 35
1⁄8 HardF

Tensile Strength, min Yield Strength, min Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %
Type psi MPa psi MPa <0.015 in. $0.015 to >0.030 in.
#0.030 in.
S20100 201 100 000 690 55 000 380 45 45 45
S20103 201L 105 000 725 55 000 380 35 35 35
S20153 201LN 110 000 760 60 000 415 35 35 35
S20500 205 115 000 790 65 000 450 40 40 40
iTeh Standards
100 000
110 000
110 000
100 000
100 000
100 000

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S30451 304N 100 000 690 55 000 380 37 37 37
S30453 304LN 100 000 690 55 000 380 33 33 33
S31600 316 100 000 690 55 000 380 30 30 30
S31603 316L 100 000 690 55 000 380 25 25 25
S31651 316N 100 000 690 55 000 380 32 32 32
Tensile Strength, min
⁄ Hard

Yield Strength, min Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %

Type psi MPa psi MPa <0.015 in. $0.015 to >0.030 in.
#0.030 in.
S20100 201 125 000 860 75 000 515 25 25 25
S20103 201L 120 000 825 75 000 515 25 25 25
S20153 201LN 120 000 825 75 000 515 25 25 25
S20200 202 125 000 860 75 000 515 12 12 ...
S20400 ... 140 000 965 100 000 960 20 20 20
S20500 205 125 000 860 75 000 515 45 45 45
S21904 XM-11 130 000 895 115 000 795 15 15 ...
S30100 301 125 000 860 75 000 515 25 25 25
S30103 301L 120 000 825 75 000 515 25 25 25
S30153 301LN 120 000 825 75 000 515 25 25 25
S30200 302 125 000 860 75 000 515 10 10 12
S30400 304 125 000 860 75 000 515 10 10 12
S30403 304L 125 000 860 75 000 515 8 8 10
S30451 304N 125 000 860 75 000 515 12 12 12
S30453 304LN 125 000 860 75 000 515 10 10 12
S31600 316 125 000 860 75 000 515 10 10 10
S31603 316L 125 000 860 75 000 515 8 8 8
S31651 316N 125 000 860 75 000 515 12 12 12
1⁄2 Hard

Tensile Strength, min Yield Strength, min Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %
Type psi MPa psi Mpa <0.015 in. $0.015 to >0.030 in.
#0.030 in.
S20100 201 150 000 1035 110 000 760 15 18 18
S20103 201L 135 000 930 100 000 690 22 22 20
S20153 201LN 135 000 930 100 000 690 22 22 20
S20500 205 150 000 1035 110 000 760 15 18 18
S30100 301 150 000 1035 110 000 760 15 18 18
S30103 301L 135 000 930 100 000 690 20 20 20
S30153 301LN 135 000 930 100 000 690 20 20 20

A666 − 23
TABLE 2 Continued
S30200 302 150 000 1035 110 000 760 9 10 10
S30400 304 150 000 1035 110 000 760 6 7 7
S30403 304L 150 000 1035 110 000 760 5 6 6
S30451 304N 150 000 1035 110 000 760 6 8 8
S30453 304LN 150 000 1035 110 000 760 6 7 7
S31600 316 150 000 1035 110 000 760 6 7 7
S31603 316L 150 000 1035 110 000 760 5 6 6
S31651 316N 150 000 1035 110 000 760 6 8 8
3⁄4 Hard

Tensile Strength, min Yield Strength, min Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %
Type psi MPa psi MPa <0.015 in. $0.015 to >0.030 in.
#0.030 in.
S20100 201 175 000 1205 135 000 930 10 12 12
S20500 205 175 000 1205 135 000 930 15 15 15
S30100 301 175 000 1205 135 000 930 10 12 12
S30200 302 175 000 1205 135 000 930 5 6 6
Full Hard
Tensile Strength, min Yield Strength, min Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %
Type psi MPa psi MPa <0.015 in. $0.015 to >0.030 in.
#0.030 in.
S20100 201 185 000 1275 140 000 965 8 9 9
S20500 205 185 000 1275 140 000 965 10 10 10
S30100 301 185 000 1275 140 000 965 8 9 9
S30200 302 185 000 1275 140 000 965 3 4 4
Super Full Hard
Tensile Strength, min Yield Strength, min Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %
Type psi MPa psi MPa <0.015 in. $0.015 to >0.030 in.
#0.030 in.
S30100 301 270 000 1860 260 000 1790 ... ... ...
S30116 ... 270 000 1860 260 000 1790 ... ... ...
This specification defines minimum properties only and does not imply a range. Depending on the work hardening characteristics of the particular grade, either the yield

iTeh Standards
or the tensile strength can be the controlling factor in meeting the properties. The noncontrolling factor normally will exceed considerably the specified minimum.
Unless otherwise indicated, a grade designation originally assigned by the American Iron and Steel Institute.
Yield strength shall be determined by the offset method at 0.2 % in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370. Unless otherwise specified (see Specification

A480/A480M Ordering Information), an alternative method of determining yield strength may be based on total extension under load of 0.5 % (see 10.1.1).
Either Brinell or denoted Rockwell Hardness scale is permissible. For thin materials, see Specification A480/A480M (17.2.1) and Test Methods A370 (18.1.2) on
superficial testing.
Type 201 is generally produced with a chemical composition balanced for rich side (Type 201-1) or lean side (Type 201-2) austenite stability depending on the properties
required for specific applications.
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Annealed material that naturally meets mechanical properties may be applied.

TABLE 3 Free Bend Requirements

Annealed A666-23
and ⁄ and ⁄ Hard 1 16 18

UNS Designation Type
Thickness #0.050 in.
Included Bend Angle,° Bend Factor
Thickness >0.050 to #0.1874 in.
Included Bend Angle,° Bend Factor

S20100 201 180 1 180 1

S20103 201L 180 1 180 1
S20153 201LN 180 1 180 1
S20200 202 180 1 180 1
S20400 ... 180 1 180 1
S20500 205 180 1 180 1
S21460 XM-14 180 1 180 2
S21904 XM-11 180 1 180 1
S30100 301 180 1 180 1
S30103 301L 180 1 180 1
S30133 301LN 180 1 180 1
S30200 302 180 1 180 1
S30400 304 180 1 180 1
S30403 304L 180 1 180 2
S30451 304N 180 1 180 1
S30453 304LN 180 1 180 2
S31600 316 180 1 180 2
S31603 316L 180 1 180 2
S31651 316N 180 1 180 1
1⁄4 Hard

Thickness #0.050 in. Thickness >0.050 to #0.1874 in.

UNS Designation Type
Included Bend Angle,° Bend Factor Included Bend Angle,° Bend Factor

S20100 201 180 1 90 2

S20103 201L 180 1.5 135 1.5
S20153 201LN 180 1.5 135 1.5
S20200 202 180 2 90 2
S20400 ... 180 1 90 2
S20500 205 180 1 90 2

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