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Designation: A1070 16

Standard Specification for

Cast and Sintered Alnico Permanent Magnets1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A1070; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope IEC 60404-8-1 Magnetic Materials Part 8: Specifications for

1.1 This specification covers technically important, com- Individual Materials Section 1 Standard Specifications
mercially available, magnetically hard, cast and sintered per- for Magnetically Hard Materials4
manent magnets known commonly as Alnico. 3. Terminology
1.2 Alnico magnets have approximate magnetic properties 3.1 The terms and symbols used in this specification are
of residual magnetic induction, Br, from 0.52 T (5200 G) to defined in Terminology A340, except as noted in 3.2.
1.35 T (13500 G) and coercivity, HcB, from 38 kA/m (475 Oe)
to 175 kA/m (2200 Oe). Their specific magnetic hysteresis 3.2 Terms that are not defined in Terminology A340 but are
behavior (demagnetization curves) can be characterized using in common usage and used herein are as follows.
Test Method A977/A977M. 3.2.1 Recoil permeability, (rec), is the permeability corre-
sponding to the slope of the recoil line. For reference see
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as incremental, relative, and reversible permeabilities as defined
standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical in Terminology A340. In practical use, this is the slope of the
conversions to customary (cgs-emu and inch-pound) units normal hysteresis loop in the second quadrant and in proximity
which are provided for information only and are not considered to the B-axis. The value of recoil permeability is dimension-
standard. less. Note that in producers product literature recoil perme-
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the ability is sometimes represented by the symbol r, which is
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the defined by Terminology A340 as relative permeability.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.2.2 Magnetic characteristics change with temperature.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Two key metrics of permanent magnet performance are re-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. sidual induction, Br, and intrinsic coercive field strength, HcJ.
The change in characteristic over a defined and limited
2. Referenced Documents temperature range can be reversible, that is, non-destructive.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 This change is represented by values called reversible tempera-
A340 Terminology of Symbols and Definitions Relating to ture coefficients. The symbol for reversible temperature coef-
Magnetic Testing ficient of induction is (Br) and for (intrinsic) coercivity is
A977/A977M Test Method for Magnetic Properties of High- (HcJ). They are expressed in percent change per degree
Coercivity Permanent Magnet Materials Using Hyster- Celsius, %/C, or the numerically equivalent percent per
esigraphs Kelvin, %/K. The changes in magnetic characteristics are
2.2 Other Standards: non-linear so it is necessary to specify the temperature range
MMPA Standard No. 0100-00 Standard Specifications for over which the coefficient applies.
Permanent Magnet Materials3 3.2.3 The maximum recommended working temperature,
Tw, of a permanent magnet is a semi-arbitrary value sometimes
assigned by magnet manufacturers to their products. Tw is not
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A06 on
Magnetic Properties and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A06.02 on normative. See Appendix X3 for a more complete discussion.
Material Specifications.
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2016. Published November 2016. DOI: 4. Classification
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
4.1 The classification of Alnico permanent magnets is given
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM in Table 1, and Appendix X1, Table X1.1, with cross-reference
Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on to MMPA Standard No. 0100-00 and IEC 60404-8-1.
the ASTM website.
MMPA Standard No. 0100-00 is now available from the Permanent Magnet
Division of the SMAA (www.smma.org). It was previously available from The Available from International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 3, rue de
International Magnetics Association (IMA). The IMA had been the successor to the Varemb, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 131, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland, http://
MMPA and both organizations no longer exist. www.iec.ch.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

A1070 16
TABLE 1 Alnico Magnets: Minimum Magnetic Property RequirementsA
NOTE 1... indicates that there is no known published data.
Chemical CompositionC Maximum Energy Residual Induction Coercive Field Intrinsic Coercive
Product Br Strength Field Strength
(BH)max HcB HcJ
Al Ni Co Cu Ti kJ/m3 (MGOe) mT (G) kA/m (Oe) kA/m (Oe)
AL-CI-9/47 ... ... ... ... ... 9.0 (1.1) 550 (5500) 44.0 (553) 47.0 (591)
AL-CI-10/38 12 25 ... 3 ... 9.7 (1.2) 665 (6650) 36.3 (456) 37.8 (475)
AL-CI-12/55 ... ... ... ... ... 11.6 (1.5) 630 (6300) 52.0 (653) 55.0 (691)
AL-CI-12/44 10 19 13 3 ... 12.2 (1.5) 713 (7125) 42.3 (532) 43.8 (551)
AL-CI-17/86 ... ... ... ... ... 17.0 (2.1) 580 (5800) 80.0 (1005) 86.0 (1081)
AL-CA-28/61 8 16 24 3 1 27.9 (3.5) 998 (9975) 59.0 (741) 60.5 (760)
AL-CA-36/148 ... ... ... ... ... 36.0 (4.5) 700 (7000) 140.0 (1759) 148.0 (1860)
AL-CA-37/49 ... ... ... ... ... 37.0 (4.6) 1180 (11 800) 48.0 (603) 49.0 (616)
AL-CA-38/112 ... ... ... ... ... 38.0 (4.8) 800 (8000) 110.0 (1382) 112.0 (1407)
AL-CA-36/164 8 14 38 3 8 35.8 (4.5) 684 (6840) 143.6 (1805) 164.1 (2062)
AL-CA-38/141 7 15 35 4 5 38.0 (4.8) 779 (7790) 124.7 (1568) 140.6 (1767)
AL-CA-39/49 8 14 24 3 ... 39.4 (5.0) 1216 (12 160) 48.4 (608) 48.8 (613)
AL-CA-44/53 ... ... ... ... ... 44.0 (5.5) 1200 (12 000) 52.0 (653) 53.0 (666)
AL-CA-47/51 8 14 24 3 ... 46.6 (5.9) 1264 (12 635) 50.7 (637) 51.0 (641)
AL-CA-58/53 ... ... ... ... ... 58.0 (7.3) 1300 (13 000) 52.0 (653) 53.0 (666)
AL-CA-54/56 8 14 24 3 ... 53.7 (6.8) 1283 (12 825) 55.9 (703) 56.3 (708)
AL-CA-60/112 ... ... ... ... ... 60.0 (7.5) 900 (9000) 110.0 (1382) 112.0 (1407)
AL-CA-65/115 7 15 35 4 5 64.5 (8.1) 1007 (10 070) 113.4 (1425) 114.5 (1439)
AL-CA-72/120 ... ... ... ... ... 72.0 (9.0) 1050 (10 500) 118.0 (1483) 120.0 (1508)
AL-SI-9/47 ... ... ... ... ... 9.0 (1.1) 550 (5500) 44.0 (553) 47.0 (591)
AL-SI-12/55 ... ... ... ... ... 11.6 (1.5) 630 (6300) 52.0 (653) 55.0 (691)
AL-SI-11/43 10 19 13 3 ... 10.7 (1.4) 675 (6745) 41.6 (523) 43.1 (542)
AL-SI-17/86 ... ... ... ... ... 17.0 (2.1) 580 (5800) 80.0 (1005) 86.0 (1081)
AL-SA-21/62 8 15 24 3 1 20.8 (2.6) 893 (8930) 59.7 (751) 62.0 (779)
AL-SA-26/58 ... ... ... ... ... 26.0 (3.3) 900 (9000) 56.0 (704) 58.0 (729)
AL-SA-28/48 8 14 24 3 ... 27.9 (3.5) 1036 (10 355) 46.9 (589) 47.6 (599)
AL-SA-31/111 ... ... ... ... ... 31.0 (3.9) 760 (7600) 107.0 (1345) 111.0 (1395)
AL-SA-29/128 7 15 35 4 5 28.6 (3.6) 703 (7030) 113.4 (1425) 127.8 (1606)
AL-SA-33/150 ... ... ... ... ... 33.0 (4.1) 650 (6500) 135.0 (1696) 150.0 (1885)
AL-SA-34/48 ... ... ... ... ... 34.0 (4.3) 1120 (11 200) 47.0 (591) 48.0 (603)
AL-SA-32/153 7 14 38 3 8 32.2 (4.1) 637 (6365) 136.1 (1710) 152.7 (1919)
Magnetic properties are minimum for +20 2 C (+68 4 F) and for a fully magnetized specimen.
ASTM Designations are of the form MM-TT-XX/YY where:

MM = material (AL = Alnico),

TT = type of processing and orientation (CI = cast isotropic (non-oriented), CA = cast anisotropic (oriented), SI = sintered isotropic (non-oriented),
SA = sintered anisotropic (oriented)),
XX = energy product in k/J/m3 rounded to the nearest integer, and
YY = intrinsic coercivity in kA/m rounded to the nearest integer.
Composition are representative and approximate and are non-mandatory information. The numbers presented here are weight percent.

5. Ordering Information 5.1.7 Marking and packaging requirements.

5.1 Orders for parts conforming to this specification shall 5.1.8 Exceptions to this specification or special require-
include the following information: ments such as plating, coating, or functional testing as mutually
5.1.1 Reference to this specification and year of issue/ agreed upon by the producer and user.
5.1.2 Reference to an applicable part drawing. 6. Chemical Composition
5.1.3 Magnetic property requirements if they are more 6.1 The general chemical composition of Alnico magnets is
stringent than the minimum values listed in the tables.
aluminum, nickel, and cobalt with selected transition metals
5.1.4 Quantity required.
and minor constituents and the balance of the composition
5.1.5 The required magnetization state of the provided
being iron. Approximate chemical compositions for each grade
material (unmagnetized, fully magnetized, magnetized and
are listed in Table 1 and are typical but not mandatory.
thermally stabilized, magnetized and then partially
demagnetizedsee Appendix X3 for an explanation of terms).
7. Physical and Mechanical Properties
This information should appear on the part drawing whenever
possible. 7.1 Typical thermal and physical properties are listed in
5.1.6 Certification of magnetic property evaluation. Appendix X2, Table X2.1.

A1070 16
7.2 Physical density values are given for information pur- 8.4.6 Due to the ease with which the magnetic field of
poses only and are not mandatory. Alnico magnets can be affected, the producer and user should
agree on methods to prevent unintended changes from occur-
7.3 Alnico magnets are used for their magnetic characteris-
ring. These preventive measures may include the use of
tics. The end-use application should not rely on them for
keepers across the magnet poles, spacing within packaging to
structural purposes due to low tensile and flexural strength.
prevent like poles from affecting each other, or other agreed-to
These materials are brittle and can chip or break easily.
Magnetic properties may also be affected by physical stress.
9. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
8. Magnetic Property Requirements
9.1 Dimensions and tolerances shall be as specified on the
8.1 Magnetic properties are listed in Table 1. magnet drawing and must be agreed upon between the pro-
8.2 The values of essential magnetic properties listed in the ducer and user.
table are specified minimum values at +20 6 2 C (+68 6 9.2 Porosity and voids are common in Alnico magnets and
4 F), determined after magnetizing to saturation in closed shall not in themselves constitute reason for rejection unless
magnetic circuit. agreed upon between producer and user. Allowable defects
8.3 The specified values of magnetic properties are valid shall be defined and documented in writing as part of the
only for magnet test specimens with a uniform cross-section ordering or contracting process.
along the axis of magnetization. Properties for anisotropic 9.3 Magnets shall be free of loose chips and surface residue
(magnetically oriented) magnets are measured along the axis of which may interfere with assembly or proper device function.
preferred orientation. 9.4 Chips shall be acceptable if no more than 10 % of any
8.4 Because of the nature of permanent magnet production, surface identified as a magnetic pole surface is removed unless
magnetic testing of each lot is strongly recommended, espe- otherwise agreed to by producer and user.
cially for applications where the magnet performance is closely 9.5 Cracks visible to the naked eye shall not be permitted
specified. Such magnetic property evaluations shall be con- unless otherwise agreed to by producer and user.
ducted in the manner described below. Where the magnet shape
is not suitable for magnetic testing, a specimen shall be cut 10. Sampling
from the magnet using appropriate slicing and grinding 10.1 Unless otherwise agreed to between producer and user,
techniques, paying attention to any magnetic orientation within a lot shall consist of parts of the same form and dimensions,
the magnet. produced from a single furnace melt (cast Alnico) or mixed
8.4.1 The magnetic properties shall be determined in accor- powder batch or sintering run (sintered Alnico), and from an
dance with Test Method A977/A977M, or by using a suitable, unchanged process, without discontinuity in production, and
mutually agreed upon magnetometric method. submitted for inspection at one time.
8.4.2 When magnets are being purchased in the fully 10.2 The producer and user shall agree upon a representa-
magnetized condition, the testing shall determine the magnetic tive number of specimens for testing. Typically, a suitable
properties from the as-received magnetization state, followed number of parts, as mutually agreed upon between producer
by magnetization to saturation and testing of the magnetic and user, shall be randomly selected from each lot. It is
properties from the fully magnetized condition. advisable to test a minimum of two parts from each lot, and
8.4.3 When magnets are being purchased in the unmagne- more if there is reason to suspect that the magnetic properties
tized condition or in an unknown state of magnetization, the are not uniform throughout the lot.
test laboratory shall magnetize the test specimen(s) to satura-
tion in the same orientation as the received specimens 11. Rejection and Rehearing
indicated direction of magnetization and measure the magnetic 11.1 Parts that fail to conform to the requirements of this
properties from this fully magnetized condition. specification shall be rejected. Rejection should be reported to
8.4.4 When magnets are being purchased in a calibrated, the producer promptly and in writing. In case of dissatisfaction
stabilized, or knocked-down condition, magnets should be with the results of the test, the producer may make a claim for
handled with care to prevent exposure to externally applied a rehearing.
fields. Refer to Appendix X3 for an explanation of these terms.
During testing using Test Method A977/A977M and to avoid 11.2 The disposition of rejected parts shall be subject to
changing the magnetization state of the material prior to test, agreement between the producer and user.
the measurement should proceed in the second quadrant only 12. Certification
without attempting to saturate the magnet specimen.
8.4.5 Other test methods may be utilized as agreed to 12.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, the
between producer and user. Such tests may include open circuit user shall be furnished certification that samples representing
magnetization Helmholtz test (refer to Appendix X3), field each lot have been either tested or inspected as directed in this
strength measurements in a defined magnetic circuit or mag- specification and that the requirements have been met.
netic flux density measurements adjacent to the magnet sur- 12.2 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a
face. report of the test results shall include:

A1070 16
12.2.1 Grade of material. ments for air shipment. These requirements may vary depend-
12.2.2 Magnetic test results. ing upon local, national, and international laws. It is the
12.2.3 The results of any other tests stipulated in the responsibility of the producer to ensure packaging meets all
purchase order or contract. relevant regulations. This may require (1) rearranging the parts
within the shipping container, or (2) adding sheets of steel or
13. Packaging and Package Marking other magnetically soft shielding material, or both, or other
13.1 Packaging shall be subject to agreement between the specialized packaging procedures as determined by regulation,
producer and the user. carrier policy, or by agreement between producer and user, to
reduce the magnetic field external to the shipping container
13.2 Parts furnished under this specification shall be in a below the required levels.
container identified by the name or symbol of the parts
producer. 14. Keywords
13.3 Magnetized parts shall be properly labeled as such for 14.1 Alnico magnet; cast Alnico magnet; coercive field
safe handling and shipping purposes. strength; magnetic flux density; magnetic properties; maxi-
13.3.1 Magnetized parts to be shipped via aircraft must be mum energy product; permanent magnet; residual induction;
packaged in an appropriate manner to meet applicable require- sintered Alnico magnet


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 See Table X1.1.

A1070 16
TABLE X1.1 Alnico Magnets: Classification and Grade Cross Reference
NOTE 1... indicates that there is no known published data.
ASTM DesignationA Original MMPA Classification MMPA Brief Designation IEC Brief Designation IEC Code Number
AL-CI-9/47 ... ... Alnico 9/5 R1-0-1
AL-CI-10/38 Alnico 3 1.35/0.50 ... ...
AL-CI-12/55 ... ... Alnico 12/6 R1-0-2
AL-CI-12/44 Alnico 2 1.7/0.58 ... ...
AL-CI-17/86 ... ... Alnico 17/9 R1-0-3
AL-CA-28/61 Alnico 6 3.9/0.80 ... ...
AL-CA-36/148 ... ... Alnico 36/15 R1-1-5
AL-CA-37/49 ... ... Alnico 37/5 R1-1-1
AL-CA-38/112 ... ... Alnico 38/11 R1-1-2
AL-CA-36/164 Alnico 8HC 5.0/2.2 ... ...
AL-CA-38/141 Alnico 8 5.3/1.9 ... ...
AL-CA-39/49 Alnico 5 5.5/0.64 ... ...
AL-CA-44/53 ... ... Alnico 44/5 R1-1-3
AL-CA-47/51 Alnico 5DG 6.5/0.67 ... ...
AL-CA-58/53 ... ... Alnico 58/5 R1-1-6
AL-CA-54/46 Alnico 5-7 7.5/0.74 ... ...
AL-CA-60/112 ... ... Alnico 60/11 R1-1-4
AL-CA-65/115 Alnico 9 9.0/1.5 ... ...
AL-CA-72/120 ... ... Alnico 72/12 R1-1-7
AL-SI-9/47 ... ... Alnico 9/5 R1-0-1
AL-SI-12/55 ... ... Alnico 12/6 R1-0-2
AL-SI-11/43 Alnico 2 1.5/0.57 ... ...
AL-SI-17/86 ... ... Alnico 17/9 R1-0-3
AL-SA-21/62 Alnico 6 2.9/0.82 ... ...
AL-SA-26/58 ... ... Alnico 26/6 R1-1-11
AL-SA-28/48 Alnico 5 3.9/0.63 ... ...
AL-SA-31/111 ... ... Alnico 31/11 R1-1-12
AL-SA-29/128 Alnico 8 4.0/1.7 ... ...
AL-SA-33/150 ... ... Alnico 33/15 R1-1-13
AL-SA-34/48 ... ... Alnico 34/5 R1-1-10
AL-SA-32/153 Alnico 8HC 4.5/2.0 ... ...
The ASTM designation conforms to the requirements of this specification. MMPA and IEC designations are included for reference only. ASTM designations are of the form
MM-TT-XX/YY where:

MM = material (AL = Alnico),

TT = type of processing and orientation (CI = cast isotropic (non-oriented), CA = cast anisotropic (oriented), SI = sintered isotropic (non-oriented),
SA = sintered anisotropic (oriented)),
XX = energy product in kJ/m3 rounded to the nearest integer, and
YY = intrinsic coercivity in kA/m rounded to the nearest integer.


X2.1 See Table X2.1.

TABLE X2.1 Alnico Magnets: Typical Thermal and Physical Properties
NOTE 1... indicates that there is no known published data.
(Br)%/CB (HcJ)B Recoil TcD TwE Density Tensile Transverse Hardness Thermal Ex- Resistivity
ASTM PermeabilityC Strength Rupture pansion
DesignationA %/C %/C (rec) C C g/cm MPa MPa HRC 10-6/C 10-6m
(lb/in.3) (ksi) (ksi)
AL-CI-9/47 0.02 ... 7 750 550 6.80 (0.245) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-CI-10/38 0.04 0.04 7 760 450 6.90 (0.249) 83 (12) 152 (22) 45 13.0 0.60
AL-CI-12/55 0.02 ... 7.5 ... 550 7.00 (0.253) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-CI-12/44 0.03 0.02 7 810 450 7.10 (0.256) 21 (3) 50 (7.2) 45 12.4 0.65
AL-CI-17/86 0.02 ... 7.5 ... 550 7.10 (0.256) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-CA-28/61 0.02 +0.03 4.2 875 500 7.40 (0.267) 159 (23) 310 (45) ... 11.4 0.50
AL-CA-36/148 0.02 ... 2 ... 550 7.30 (0.263) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-CA-37/49 0.02 ... 4 ... 550 7.30 (0.263) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-CA-38/112 0.02 ... 2 ... 550 7.30 (0.263) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-CA-36/164 0.025 0.01 2 860 550 7.30 (0.263) 69 (10) 207 (30) 50 11.0 0.50
AL-CA-38/141 0.025 0.01 2 860 500 7.20 (0.260) 69 (10) 207 (30) 50 11.0 0.50
AL-CA-39/49 0.02 +0.01 2.2 890 500 7.30 (0.263) 37 (5.4) 69 (10) 50 11.3 0.47
AL-CA-44/53 0.02 ... 3 ... 550 7.30 (0.263) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-CA-47/51 0.02 +0.01 2 890 500 7.30 (0.263) 36 (5.2) 69 (10) 50 11.3 0.47
AL-CA-58/53 0.02 ... 3 ... 550 7.30 (0.263) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-CA-54/56 0.02 +0.01 2 890 500 7.30 (0.263) 34 (5.0) 55 (8) 50 11.3 0.47
AL-CA-60/112 0.02 ... 2 ... 550 7.30 (0.263) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-CA-65/115 0.025 ... 1.5 860 500 7.30 (0.263) 48 (7.0) 55 (8) 50 11.0 0.50

AL-CA-72/120 0.02 0.01 2 ... 550 7.30 (0.263) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-SI-9/47 0.02 ... 7 750 550 6.80 (0.245) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-SI-12/55 0.02 ... 7.5 ... 550 7.00 (0.253) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-SI-11/43 ... ... 6 810 450 6.80 (0.245) 448 (65) 483 (70) 45 12.4 0.68
A1070 16

AL-SI-17/86 0.02 ... 7.5 ... 550 7.10 (0.256) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-SA-21/62 ... ... 4 860 540 6.90 (0.249) 379 (55) 689 (100) 45 11.4 0.54
AL-SA-26/58 0.02 ... 4.5 ... 550 7.10 (0.256) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-SA-28/48 ... ... 4 860 540 6.90 (0.249) 345 (50) 379 (55) 45 11.3 0.50
AL-SA-31/111 0.02 ... 3 ... 550 7.10 (0.256) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-SA-29/128 ... ... 2 860 540 7.00 (0.253) 345 (50) 379 (55) 45 11.0 0.54
AL-SA-33/150 0.02 ... 2 ... 550 7.10 (0.256) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-SA-34/48 0.02 ... 4 ... 550 7.30 (0.263) ... ... ... ... ...
AL-SA-32/153 ... ... 2 860 540 7.00 (0.253) 345 (50) 379 (55) 45 11.0 0.54
Designations are MM-TT-XX/YY where:

MM = material (AL = Alnico),

TT = type of processing and orientation (CI = cast isotropic (non-oriented), CA = cast anisotropic (oriented), SI = sintered isotropic (non-oriented), SA = sintered anisotropic (oriented)),
XX = energy product in kJ/m3 rounded to the nearest integer,
YY = intrinsic coercivity in kA/m rounded to the nearest integer.
(Br) is the reversible temperature coefficient of induction and (HcJ) is the reversible temperature coefficient of (intrinsic) coercivity.
Recoil permeability is nonmandatory and approximate, based upon IEC specification IEC 60404-8-1 and manufacturer information. The value of recoil permeability is dimensionless. Note that in producers product
literature recoil permeability is sometimes represented by the symbol r which is defined by Terminology A340 as relative permeability.
Tc = Curie temperature. Curie temperature is most commonly reported in C as shown in the table.
Tw = maximum recommended working temperature. Working temperature is most commonly reported in C as shown in the table. See Appendix X3.
A1070 16


X3.1 Helmholtz Measurement stabilized as exposure in the application to the defined (a)
temperatures or (b) fields will cause minimal-to-no additional
X3.1.1 An identical pair of solenoid coils connected elec-
trically in series and separated by a distance determined by the
diameter of the coils creates a region within it of uniform X3.2.3 In the event an application requires magnets to
magnetic field either as generated by a current in the coils or by provide a specific magnetic field strength and within a narrow
moving a magnet into or out of the uniform region to produce tolerance range, it may be necessary to treat the magnets,
a voltage across the coil. This effect was quantified and defined usually magnetically, to a reverse magnetic (knock down) field
by Hermann von Helmholtz and the coil (the pair of coils) thus of suitable magnitude. The intent of the reverse field is to
constructed is referred to using his name, Helmholtz coil, and knock down each magnet sufficiently to fall within a specific
the measurement of a magnets open circuit magnetization is a range of magnetic output. Stronger magnets will require a
Helmholtz measurement. greater knock down field; weaker magnets will require a
smaller knock down field. The result of treating the magnets is
X3.1.2 In the common form of the test, a Helmholtz coil is to reduce the variability of magnetic output within and among
connected to the input of an integrating fluxmeter. A magnet is batches of magnets. In so doing all magnets will undergo some
then inserted into the center of the coil, the fluxmeter is zeroed, level of demagnetization. Magnets thus treated are said to be
the magnet is extracted (along the axis of the coil) to a distance calibrated.
sufficient so that additional changes to the fluxmeter output are
X3.2.4 In either of the above cases, the treated magnets will
immeasurable, and the fluxmeter output is recorded. An alter-
have experienced some level of knock down. Furthermore,
native extraction method is to remove the magnet from the side
there are times when magnets will require demagnetization in
of the coil pair producing the same measurable flux output. A
part or totally. Alnico and ferrite magnets can be demagnetized
frequently used alternative is to rotate the magnet on axis
with relative ease by exposure to a ringing AC field or by
within the coil producing an output twice as great as simple
extracting the magnet from an AC field. Accomplishing this for
extraction. This larger value may be used as-is for comparative
Neo and SmCo magnets is difficult due to their great resistance
readings or divided by two for computation of magnetic
to demagnetization (high intrinsic coercive field strength). Neo
magnets can be thermally treated above their Curie
X3.1.3 Advantages of the Helmholtz measurement method temperature, typically between 310 to 350 C depending upon
include that it is a non-destructive test and that it is relatively composition. SmCo can also be demagnetized by treatment
easy and fast to perform. It is commonly used to measure above the Curie temperature of ~825 C, but exposure to such
magnets after stabilization or calibration treatment. When the a high temperature may require a controlled thermal treatment
volume of the magnet is known, the fluxmeter output can to fully restore magnetic properties. In any event, when a
provide a measure of the magnets open circuit intrinsic magnet has been partially or totally demagnetized it is said to
induction, often symbolized by Bdi. In addition to calibration of have been knocked down.
the integrating fluxmeter, the Helmholtz coil must be
X3.3 Maximum Recommended Working Temperature,
calibrated, that is, a coil constant needs to be established to
permit accurate output.
X3.3.1 The maximum recommended working temperature
X3.2 Magnetic Condition Calibrated, Stabilized, of a permanent magnet is a semi-arbitrary value sometimes
Knocked Down assigned by magnet manufacturers to their products. Tw is not
normative. It is generally a function of the linearity of the
X3.2.1 It is often the case that a magnet can become normal hysteresis loop in the second quadrant at the specified
partially demagnetized in handling, assembly, or in use. There temperature. In one interpretation, it is the maximum tempera-
are also three common adjustments to the magnetic output ture at which the normal hysteresis loop is linear in the second
made to meet application requirements. quadrant. In a less demanding interpretation, the normal loop
X3.2.2 Magnets that are exposed to extreme temperatures must be linear only to the maximum energy operating point on
may experience partial demagnetization. This can be mini- the normal hysteresis loop. As the normal curve of Alnico is
mized by pre-treating the magnets thermally in an oven at a not linear, the maximum working temperature is determined by
temperature providing equivalent knock down to that experi- the second limiting criterion as follows.
enced in use. To prevent partial demagnetization from exposure X3.3.2 The maximum working temperature is an indication
to magnetic fields, a demagnetizing field of predetermined field of the temperature a material can sustain without experiencing
strength is applied to the magnet (an opposing or demagnetiz- structural or metallurgical change which might adversely affect
ing field). Magnets treated by either method are said to be magnetic or mechanical properties.

A1070 16


X4.1 Several alternative abbreviations of magnetic proper- X4.2 Origin of i in the abbreviation is a priori referring to
ties are or have been in general use. Residual induction is the intrinsic (B-H versus H) characteristic while the absence
without confusion shown as Br. However, normal coercive of i refers to the normal (B versus H) characteristic. The
field strength is variously shown as Hc, Hcb, bHc, HcB. intrinsic characteristic and curve is increasingly referred to as
Intrinsic coercive field strength, although not usually used with polarization with abbreviation J.
Alnico magnet properties, is shown as Hci, iHc, jHc, or HcJ.
The CGS terms appear settled on Br, Hc, and Hci while SI X4.3 Abbreviations used within this specification conform
abbreviations are Br, HcB, and HcJ. The modifying letters are to Terminology A340. ASTM standards are living documents
often, for convenience, not subscripted. and it is recommended to refer to the most recent version.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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