a. Personal Pronoun
1. As Subject
Example: I am a doctor
They study hard
He always comes to school on time
2. As Object
Example: Mother gives me some many
You dream of her
It is him you need
b. Possessive Pronoun
1. As adjective (followed by noun)
Example: This is my book
He is my friend
It is my house
2. As pronoun
If the pronoun is separated from its noun with to be (not followed by noun)
Example: This car is mine
That book is yours
These motorcycle are theirs
If the pronoun preceded by “of”
Example: A friend of mine is sick
That cat of yours is hungry
c. Reflexive Pronoun
1. A pronoun that is used to refer to the subject or object a sentence or used for
emphasis (intensive pronoun)
2. The use of reflexive pronoun
a) For intensifying a subject
Example: We ourselves will lead the meeting
We will lead the meeting ourselves
b) For intensifying an object
Example: I saw the thief himself
They want us to lead the discussion ourselves
3. Special meaning of reflexive : “…..self/selves” means not to anybody else (dirinya
sendiri, bukan orang lain)
Example: Ali’s sister is too young after herself
“by ….. self/selves” mean alone without anyone else (sendiri tanpa orang lain)
Example: when her servant went home, she must look after the baby by self