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BLE - Module 4

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Model Question Paper
Active component.
The Electronic component that are capable of amplifying or
processing an electrical signal are called active components.
They require a source of energy to perform their intended functions.

Passive component.
The Electronic component that are not capable of amplifying or
processing an electrical signal are called passive components.
They can be either used to dissipate energy (resistor) or storage
 Linear Elements are the elements that show a linear relationship between voltage
and current. Examples: Resistors, Inductors, and capacitors.
 Non-Linear Elements are those that do not show a linear relation between voltage
and current. Examples: Voltage sources and current sources.

 Unilateral Element: A unilateral element (such as a diode or transistor) conducts

current only in one direction.
 Bilateral Element: An element that conducts current in both directions.

 The equivalent circuit model uses a circuit component to form a specific circuit
network to characterize the operational characteristics of the circuit.
Resistors are passive components that are used to limit the amount of current
or divide the voltage in a circuit.
Unit of resistance is ohm (Ω)

Carbon film -Rheostat
Metal film
• A linear resistor is defined as a two terminal circuit element which satisfies
Ohm's law i.e. the voltage across the resistor is proportional to the
current flowing through it. The linear resistor is also known as Ohmic
resistor. Ohm's law states that, at all times. V=IR.
• Non-linear resistors are those types of resistors where the electric current
flowing through it changes with the exchange in applied voltage or
temperature and does not change according to Ohm's law.
• Variable resistors means that a resistor can change its resistance value
through the control of a person or itself. Fixed resistance means that it
cannot change its value. The fixed resistance has only one value and never
changes (except through temperature, age, etc.).
Electrical resistivity is
a fundamental specific
property of a material
that measures its
electrical resistance or
how strongly it resists
electric current. A low
resistivity indicates a
material that readily
allows electric current.
Resistivity is commonly
represented by the
Greek letter ρ.
SI Base Unit: Ohm meter
• By applying a voltage to a capacitor, an
electric field develops across the dielectric.
• The positive charge Q+ is accumulated on
one plate and negative charge Q- on other
• The capacitance of the capacitor is defined
as the ratio of the charge Q on the parallel
plates to the voltage V applied across it and
is given as: C = Q/V
• Or the quantity of charge on the plates is:
Types of Capacitor
• Fixed capacitors are those whose Capacitance is fixed and not
changing. Fixed capacitor stores a fixed amount of charge.
Based on the dielectric material different types of fixed
capacitors are made. The distance between the parallel sheets is
fixed distance apart in fixed capacitors.
• A variable capacitor is a capacitor whose capacitance may be
intentionally and repeatedly changed mechanically or
• An electrolytic capacitor is a sort of capacitor that utilizes an
electrolyte (gel or fluid) to obtain greater capacitance than the
other type of capacitors.
• Electrolytes are made up of aluminum or tantalum and a few
other metals.
• Almost all the electrolytic capacitors are polarized, which means the voltage of the anode
must always be higher than the cathode.
• Electrostatic capacitor-A capacitor is a device that stores electric energy between a pair
of electrodes on which electric charges (Q in Coulomb) accumulate.
Colour Coding of Capacitors
(1) (3)


20 µF ± 5%, 500V
• Inductors are coil-like structures that used in electronic circuits. The coil is an
insulated wire that is looped around the central core.
• An inductor usually consists of a coil of conducting material, typically
insulated copper wire, wrapped around a core either of plastic, iron or ferrite
cores to form different types of inductors.
• An inductor is a passive component that is used in most power electronic
circuits to store energy in the form of electromagnetic energy when
electricity is applied to it.
• One of the key properties of an inductor is that it opposes any change in the
amount of current flowing through it. This property is called Inductance(L)
and Henry is the SI unit of inductance.
• The inductor is also called a choke, reactor or just coil.
Types of Inductors

4. Iron core inductor

General uses of resistors
In-circuit function-The current flow in a circuit can be controlled by using resistors. like
changing the speed of the motor, musical tone pitch, the loudness of the amplifier, etc.
Voltage drop-When resistors are connected in series, the voltage drops across each resistor to
ensure that the device has the desired potential values.
Heating applications- the filament of devices like heater, toaster, electric stove, microwaves,
etc glows due to high temperature. This is because the metal filament acts as a resistor, and as
current passes through it, it generates heat.
In circuits containing LEDs and Transistors- Semiconductor devices like LEDs and
transistors are sensitive to input current values. Hence, resistors are used in the circuit to
regulate the input value of the current.
Temperature control- According to the joules law of heating, heat is directly proportional to
resistance, the square of the current, and time[H = I2Rt]. This can be used to control the
temperature by varying current and time factors.
For protection as fusible resistors-Fusible resistors are used to protect from short-circuiting.
When the power exceeds the prescribed limit, then the fuse burns and saves the other
components in the circuit. When the power is below the limits, it functions as a normal
General uses of capacitors
• Capacitors are used for storing energy, which can be used by the device whenever they need
additional power. A capacitor can be used in place of batteries as an alternative component
to store energy. Usually, capacitors are used as energy storing devices in applications where
a burst of power is desired.
• Capacitor is used for the operation of fan. Here, a capacitor typically aids at initiating the
rotatory motion of the fan blades and is also responsible to sustain the spinning motion of
the moving blades.
• One of the major applications of capacitors lies in signal filtering and manipulation. The
process of signal filtering implies removing ripples and spikes from the original input signal
and generating a smoothened signal as output. The signal filtering property of capacitors can
be utilized for the purpose of noise filtering, which is why capacitors are often used in
certain audio equipment and gadgets such as loudspeakers, microphones, woofers etc.
• AC to DC converters are used in almost all electronic gadgets, decides, and circuits
including mobile phones, computers, chargers, televisions, industrial machines, consumer
electronic gadgets, etc. AC to DC conversion typically involves transforming a pulsating
signal into a steady signal by passing the signal through an electronic circuit.
General uses of Inductors
1. Tuning Circuits-With the help of inductors, the tuning circuits can set the desired
frequency. Various electronic devices, like radio tuning circuits, use capacitors along with
the inductors to modify the frequency and select desired multiple channels of frequency.
2. Sensors- The inductive proximity sensors operate reliably and are contactless sensors.
The proximity sensors mechanism can be found in traffic lights to detect traffic density.
3. Store Energy in a Device-Inductors can store energy for a small period of time or
temporarily because the energy is being stored as a magnetic field goes when the power
supply is removed (functions just like electromagnets). Inductor uses are found in computer
circuits where power supplies can be switched.
4. Induction -The inductors can also control the speed of the motor.
5. Transformers-We can design a transformer with a combination of multiple inductors
These are used in decreasing/increasing the power transmission as step down/step-up
transformers, respectively.
6. As Filters-Inductors, when combined with capacitors, can be used as filters.
In the Periodic Table of the Elements, germanium (atomic number 32) &
silicon (atomic number 14).
The space-charge region in p-n junction diode is called the depletion region
because it has positive ions fixed on n-side and negative ions fixed on p-side of the
diode. This depletion layer has no mobile charges i.e. no free charges to move
within this layer.
Forward Biased P-N Junction Diode
When we connect the external voltage source (battery) across the
semiconductor diode in such a way that the p-type is connected to the
positive terminal of the battery and the n-type is connected to the negative
terminal, then the semiconductor diode is said to be forward-biased
Reverse Biased PN Junction Diode
When positive terminal of the external voltage source (battery) is connected to
the N side and the negative terminal is connected to P side, then the junction
diode is said to be connected in reverse bias condition.
Reverse Breakdown Mechanisms (If the reverse biased
applied to the PN junction diode is increased, at a particular point
junction break down occurs, reverse I rises sharply)

a) Zener breakdown occurs when the electric field is sufficiently high to

pull an electron out of a covalent bond (to generate an electron-hole pair).
 Occurs in heavily doped PN junction diode.
 Breakdown voltage is less than 6V - when a reverse voltage of 6V or
less is applied across a Zener diode, it cause large electric field to appear
across the narrow depletion region, which is strong enough to break the
covalent bonds and valence electrons enter into the conduction band.
Temperature coefficient of breakdown voltage is negative- Breakdown
voltage decreases with increase in temperature.
 Carriers are generated by electric field---phenomenon is called field
ionization or Zener breakdown.
b) Avalanche breakdown
• Occurs in reverse biased diode.
• When the reverse voltage applied is increased, and the minority carriers tend to
accelerate. These minority charge carriers (electrons and holes) gain sufficient
kinetic energy (by the E-field) which in turn collide with the stationary atoms,
causes breaking of covalent bonds, resulting in the generation of more number
of free electrons which jump into conduction bands. This phenomenon is called
carrier multiplication.
Occurs in lightly doped semiconductor diode
 Breakdown voltage is more than 6V
Temperature coefficient of breakdown voltage is positive
 Charge Carriers are generated by collision- carrier multiplication
Operation of a NPN Transistor
Operation of a PNP Transistor
Operation of a PNP Transistor
NPN Transistor CB Configuration
NPN Transistor CC Configuration
Relation between α, β and γ
Tutorial 1
1. For the samples given below specify the nominal value, tolerance, maximum and minimum value.

(a) A resistor coloured Brown, Black, Brown , Gold

(b) A resistor coloured Brown, Black, Brown , Red, Silver

(c) A capacitor with code 104K

2. In a particular transistor the collector current is 5.6mA and the emitter current is 5.75mA. Determine the
value of α.

3. Determine the value of β if α = 0.99.

4. A transistor has α = 0.98. If emitter current of the transistor is 2mA, determine the base current and gain
factor β.

5. A BJT has a collector current of 4mA and base current of 20µA. Determine the value of β.

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