Pro Catalyst - Material Safety Data Sheet
Pro Catalyst - Material Safety Data Sheet
Pro Catalyst - Material Safety Data Sheet
H = 2
= 2
= 2
PPE = See Section 8
Section I
Manufacturer: Siplast, an Icopal Group Company
(800) 643-1591 or (800) 922-8800
Address: 1000 E. Rochelle Blvd., Irving, TX 75062-3940
Emergency Phone No.: CHEMTREC, (800) 424-9300 (U.S.), (703) 527-3887 (outside of U.S.)
Product Class: Liquid-applied Waterproofing System - Component
Trade Name: Pro Catalyst
Section II - Ingredients
Ingredient Percent TLV/TWA PEL/TWA
Dibenzoyl peroxide 45.00 -55.00 5.000 mg/m3 5.000 mg/m3
CAS #94-36-0
Dicyclohexyl phthalate 45.00 - 55.00 Not established Not Available
CAS #84-61-7
Silicon dioxide, amorphous 1.00 - 2.00 10.000 mg/m3 2.667 mg/m3
CAS #7631-86-9
Appearance and Odor: White, free-flowing powder DOT Category: ORGANIC PEROXIDE TYPED,
with a slight odor. SOLID (DIBENZOYL PEROXIDE, 50%) 5.2, UN3106
Odor threshold (ppm): Not determined PG II
pH Value: Not determined Flash Point: Not determined
Relative Vapor Density (Air=1): Not determined LEL %: N/D UEL %: N/D
Boiling Point/Range: Do not distill (decomposes) Autoignition temperature: Not determined
Evaporation Rate: (Butyl Acetate = 1) Not Extinguishing Media: Use water fog, dry chemical,
determined carbon dioxide, or foam extinguishing agents.
% Volatile by Volume: Not determined Extinguish large fires with large amounts of water
Solubility in H2O: Insoluble spray, fog or foam from a safe/protected position.
Solubility in other solvents: Not determined Special Procedures: As in any fire, prevent human
Vapor Pressure: Not determined exposure to fire, smoke, fumes or products of
Melting point/range: >40°C (104°F) combustion. Evacuate non-essential personnel from
Bulk Density: 620-650 Kg/m3 @ 20°C (68°F) the fire area. Firefighters should wear full-face, self-
Pour Point: Not determined contained breathing apparatus and impervious
Cloud Point: Not determined protective clothing. If possible, move containers from
Autoignition Temperature: Not determined the fire area. If leaking, keep fire-exposed containers
Specific Gravity/Density: Not determined cool with a water fog or spray to prevent rupture due
Partition Coefficient n-octanol/water: Not determined to excessive heat. High-pressure water may spread
Other Information: SADT = 131°F (55°C) Keep product from broken containers increasing
containers tightly closed. Store away from reducing contamination or fire hazard. Dike fire control water
agents and accelerators. for later disposal. Do not allow contaminated water
to enter waterways.
Trade Name: Pro Catalyst
Page Two
Fire and Explosion Hazards: Toxic and flammable Emergency and First Aid Procedures:
vapors may be produced under combustion. Isolate SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing and equipment.
from sources of ignition. This product may form Wash all affected areas with plenty of soap and water
flammable dust-air mixtures. Potential for dust for at least 15 minutes. DO NOT attempt to
explosion may exist. Depending upon conditions, neutralize with chemical agents. Wash any
dusts may be sensitive to static discharge. contaminated clothing before reuse. Obtain medical
This product can produce flammable vapors which advice if irritation occurs.
may travel to a source of ignition and flash back. EYES: Flush eyes with large quantities of running
Hazardous Products of Combustion: Oxides of water for a minimum of 15 minutes. If the victim is
carbon and biphenyl (OSHA PEL=1 mg/m3; ACGIH wearing contact lenses, remove them. Hold the
TLV=1.3 mg/m3) are produced during the eyelids apart during the flushing to ensure rinsing of
decomposition of this product. Flammable gases and the entire surface of the eye and lids with water. DO
vapors may be produced during thermal NOT let victim rub eye(s). Do not attempt to
decomposition. neutralize with chemical agents. Oils or ointments
should not be used at this time. Get medical
Section V - Health Hazard Data attention if eye irritation occurs.
INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If breathing
Summary of Risks: White, free-flowing powder with a becomes difficult, oxygen may be given, preferably
slight odor. with a physician's advice. If not breathing, give
DANGER! artificial respiration. Get medical attention.
ORGANIC PEROXIDE. INGESTION: Immediately give several glasses of
HEAT OR CONTAMINATION MAY CAUSE water. DO NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs,
HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION. keep head below hips to reduce the risk of aspiration.
MAY CAUSE EYE, SKIN AND RESPIRATORY Give fluids again. Have a physician determine if
TRACT IRRITATION condition of patient will permit induction of vomiting or
MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. evacuation of stomach. Never give anything by
Toxic and flammable vapors may be produced under mouth to a person who is unconscious or convulsing.
combustion. Isolate from sources of ignition. This If victim is unconscious, monitor pulse, breathing and
product may form flammable dust-air mixtures. airway. If breathing stops, begin artificial respiration
Potential for dust explosion may exist. Depending immediately. If the heart has stopped, give
upon conditions, dusts may be sensitive to static cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Get medical
discharge. attention immediately.
Target Organs: Skin and eye contact are the primary NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Persons with pre-existing skin
routes of exposure to this product. disease may be at an increased risk if exposed
Effects of Overexposure: dermally to this material.
SKIN: Skin contact may cause mild irritation and/or No specific antidote is known. Based on the
an allergic skin reaction in sensitive individuals. individual reactions of the patient, the physician's
EYES: Eye contact may cause mild to moderate judgment should be used to control symptoms and
irritation. clinical conditions.
INHALATION: Inhalation of powder, dust or fumes may
cause irritation to the respiratory system. Section VI - Reactivity Data
This product has a low order of toxicity. No
significant toxic effects are expected from ingestion. Stability: This product is stable at ambient
temperatures but may decompose if exposed to
Carcinogenicity: temperatures above 122°F (50°C).
IRAC: No Conditions to Avoid: The SADT for this product is
NTP: No 131°F (55°C). The SADT (self-accelerating
OSHA: No decomposition temperature) is an experimentally
ACGIH: No derived temperature at which a typical package of the
product will undergo self-accelerating decomposition.
Decomposition can be expected to be hazardous and
uncontrollable. Under no circumstances should this
product be exposed to temperatures near or above
the emergency temperature of 122°F (50°C). Such
an exposure could initiate hazardous decomposition.
Trade Name: Pro Catalyst
Page Three
Contact with incompatible materials such as acids, Skin: Skin contact with this product should be
alkalis, heavy metals, and reducing agents will also minimized through the use of suitable protective
result in hazardous decomposition. clothing and gloves selected with regard for use
Materials to Avoid: This product is incompatible with condition exposure potential.
strong acids, strong oxidizers, strong bases, metal Ventilation Protection: Local exhaust ventilation,
salts, reducing agents and accelerators. enclosed system design, continuous monitoring
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Decomposition devices, process isolation and remote control are
products are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and traditional exposure control techniques which may be
biphenyl. used to effectively minimize employee exposure.
Hazardous Polymerization is not expected to occur Other Information: Safety showers, with quick
under normal temperatures and pressures. opening valves which stay open, and eye wash
fountains, or other means of washing the eyes with a
Section VII - Spill or Leak Procedures gentle flow of cool to tepid tap water, should be
readily available in all areas where this material is
Methods for Cleanup: Remove all sources of ignition handled or stored. Water should be supplied through
from the spill area. Stop source of spill. If tools are insulated and heat-traced lines to prevent freeze-ups
needed, they should be non-sparking. in cold weather.
Evacuate all non-essential personnel. Any person Eye Protection: Indirect vented, dust-tight goggles
entering an area of a significant spill or an unknown should be worn when handling this product.
concentration of a gas, vapor and/or dust should use
a NIOSH-approved, positive-pressure/pressure- Section IX - Special Precautions
demand, self-contained breathing apparatus.
Protective equipment to prevent skin and eye contact Handling: Wear protective clothing when handling
should be worn. Sweep up spilled solid material and this product to avoid eye and skin contact. Wash
place in a chemical waste container for disposal. thoroughly after handling.
Waste Disposal Method: The characteristics of Electrically grounded tanks and containers should
reactivity per RCRA would be exhibited by the always be used as should non-sparking, electrically
unused product if it becomes a waste material. The grounded hand tools and appliances. Ground or
EPA Hazardous Waste Number of D003 would be bond to ground all vessels when transferring to
applicable. prevent the accumulation of static electricity. See
Container Disposal: Containers should be drained of National Electric Code. Emptied container may retain
residual product before disposal. Empty containers product residues. Follow all warnings and
should be disposed of in accordance with all precautions even after container is emptied.
applicable laws and regulations. Storage: To insure product quality, storage
temperature should not exceed 77°F (25°C). To
Section VIII - Special Protection Information insure against possible exothermic self-accelerating
decomposition, storage temperatures must not
Respirator: Use a NIOSH-approved organic vapor exceed 122°F (50°C). This emergency temperature
respirator with dust, mist, and fume filters to reduce is derived from the SADT (see Section 6). Keep
potential for inhalation exposure if use conditions containers tightly closed. Store away from reducing
generate vapor, mist, or aerosol and adequate agents and accelerators.
ventilation (e.g., outdoor or well-ventilated area) is Maximum storage temperature: 77°F (25°C)
not available. Where exposure potential necessitates General Comments: Containers should not be
a higher level of protection, use a NIOSH-approved, opened until ready for use. Use clean non-sparking
positive-pressure/pressure-demand, air-supplied equipment and tools when handling.
When using respirator cartridges or canisters, they
must be changed frequently (following each use or at
the end of the work shift) to assure breakthrough
exposure does not occur.
The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of Siplast's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date
issued. Siplast does not warrant or guarantee their accuracy or reliability, and should not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the use
thereof. User should satisfy himself that he has all current data relevant to his particular use.
Rev 10/07