starting space
4 game figures
( = Mexica )
2 – 4 players
10 years and up 4 scoring markers
M. Kiesling / W. Kramer 4 rule summary cards
Illustration / Design:
Franz Vohwinkel / KniffDesign
English translation/editing: Anna & Jay Tummelson
Ravensburger Spiele® Nr. 26 256 4
land space
scoring track
bank of
Calpulli tiles Before the first game, carefully remove
the tiles, bridges, chips, and summary
cards from their frames.
Beginning with the oldest player (or the A player need not use all 6 action
player chosen by the players using any points during a turn, but they do
method they desire), each player, in expire at the end of his turn.
clockwise order, places his Mexica on 6 AP
one of the 4 starting spaces. Play then The actions, that use action points
continues in clockwise order. are described below. In addition
to these, a player can do the
On a player’s turn, he may take the following for no AP cost:
following actions:
• build a district
• place canal tile • found a district.
• build/move bridges
• move Mexica The game is played in two
• build building parts. When the initial 8
• acquire actions chips. Calpulli tiles have been
placed in districts founded by
These actions cost specific numbers of the players and one player
action points (AP). has built all 9 of his initial
set of buildings, the first
Per turn each player has 6 AP he may part of the game is
use. Players should carefully plan how complete and the players
they use their action points as with score their positions in the
each action, they spend their limited city.
action point resource.
After scoring the first part of the
The individual actions may be done in game, the players take their remaining
any order and each action may be done buildings, place the remaining Calpulli
several times during a turn, with some tiles on the board and play the second
limitations described later. part of the game. The game ends after
the second scoring.
A Calpulli tile shows the following information:
At the beginning of the game, the land • A player my build a district, whether
spaces all connect to form a very large his Mexica is in the district or not.
In the course of the game, the players • A district that has been built, but not
play canal tiles to partition the city into yet founded, (that is, a district
smaller districts of specific sizes. These without a Calpulli tile, see below), is
smaller districts will be completely unprotected and may be further
surrounded by water (canal or lake). To subdivided by players playing canal
be surrounded, it is sufficient for canal tiles.
tiles to touch just at their corners. In
the game many small districts will be
built and the original large single
district will become ever smaller.
A player may found a district that has The bank of face-up Calpulli tiles
been built by placing a Calpulli tile in shows which size districts may be
the district. Two requirements must be founded. Players should keep these
met to found a district: sizes in mind when they build districts.
It is not important that a player have
• There must be an appropriate his Mexica in a district when he builds
Calpulli tile in the Calpulli tile bank. it. He must, however, have his Mexica
A Calpulli tile is considered in the district to found it. Thus he can
appropriate when its turquoise choose to build a district around his
number exactly matches the number Mexica or build a district and then
of land spaces in the built district. move his Mexica to it. In either case, he
Thus, a founded district can be is able to found the district because his
recognized by its Calpulli tile. Mexica is in it.
• The player founding a district must Once a Calpulli tile has been placed, it
have his Mexica in the district he is may not be moved, either within the A player plays canal tile X, building a district
of 6 spaces. He then founds the district by
founding. district or to another district.
placing the #6 Calpulli tile in it (his Mexica is
The space, where a Calpulli tile lies is in the district). He scores 3 points for this.
When a player founds a district, he blocked: players may not build
scores the points shown by the yellow buildings on the space or move their As no other players have their Mexica in this
number on the founding Calpulli tile. If Mexica to or through the space! district, no other players score for the
founding of this district.
there are Mexica from other players in
the district when it is founded, they The sacred site and the starting spaces
each score the points shown by the may be included in a founded district.
white number on the founding Calpulli These spaces count as normal spaces
tile. when determining the size of the
The players move their scoring markers district. However, the Calpulli tile may
forward on the scoring track one space not be placed on any of these five
for each point scored. spaces.
• Building a bridge costs 1 AP. • Buildings, Calpulli tiles, and Mexica • A bridge may not be placed next to
• A bridge may only be built on a may be placed on the land spaces at another bridge. Thus, bridges may
canal tile. the entrances to a bridge. In this not be strung together to cross
• Each bridge has two entrances. Both way, access to the bridge may be multiple canal tiles
entrances must lead to a land space. temporarily or permanently blocked • When there are no more bridges in
Thus, a bridge cannot be built next the bridge supply, players may move
to a canal tile or the lake. unoccupied bridges from any canal
tile to any place where a bridge may
be legally built for 1 AP.
• A player may only move his Mexica • Along the water, a player can move However, the Mexica must end his
and may move it to any empty his Mexica from bridge to bridge. movement along the water at an
adjacent (not diagonal) land space. The cost for each move is 1 AP. The unoccupied bridge. It still costs 1 AP
The cost is 1 AP per space. player can move his Mexica along per bridge moved to or through. The
• During his turn, a player may move both the canals and the lake. In this player may then move from the
his Mexica to and from a space. way, a player can move a long bridge as normal. ➅
• Opponents’ Mexica, buildings, and distance for just 1 AP. ➁ ➂ • A player cannot end the movement
Calpulli tiles are obstacles to Mexica • To move from bridge to bridge, the of his Mexica on an occupied bridge.
movement and may not be moved to canals and lake between them must Only one Mexica may occupy a
or through. be connected adjacently. Water bridge, or any other space on the
• A player may only move his Mexica spaces (canals or the lake) that touch board, at a time.
from or onto a bridge at one of the only at corners are not connected • By paying 5 AP, a player may move
entrances. If, as in ➀ below, his adjacently. ➃ ➄ his Mexica to any empty land space
Mexica is not next to an entrance, he • An occupied bridge is not an or bridge on the board.
must move it around to the entrance. obstacle to a Mexica moving along
(exception: 5 AP-jump, see below) the water.
➀ ➁ ➂
The player must pay 3 AP to move his Mexica The player moves his Mexica to the bridge In the above situation, the player can move
to the bridge next to where it stands. before it, then along 2 further bridges, and his Mexica along the canals and the lake. This
finally to space Y. This costs him 4 AP. costs only 3 AP.
➃ ➄ ➅
The player wants to move his Mexica to space In the same situation as that to the left, the Player A wants to move his Mexica to Y, but
Y; this costs him 4 AP. He cannot move his player first spends 1 AP to place canal tile X to cannot move there using the bridge where
Mexica from bridge to bridge because the connect the two canals. Now he can move his player B’s Mexica stands (such a move would
canals the bridges cross are not connected - Mexica along the water to the bridge next to cost only 2 AP). So, he places a bridge for 1 AP
they only touch at the corners. Y. The total cost of this “move” to Y, including as shown, moves to this bridge and then on to
placing the canal tile is 3 AP. Y for a total cost of 4 AP.
The player wants to move to Y.
He places canal tile X (1 AP), builds a bridge
(1 AP) on it, moves his Mexica from the bridge
he is on to the adjacent bridge (1 AP) and
over the lake to the just built bridge (1 AP)
and then to space Y (1 AP). For these actions,
it costs 5 AP.
• Each building has a value of 1, 2, 3 • A player may only build buildings in • A player may build a building at the
or 4. The value corresponds to the the district where his Mexica is entrance to a bridge (see building A
height (number of levels) of the standing. A player may only build below).
building and is also displayed on the buildings on empty land spaces, but • A player may surround a Mexica with
top of the building. To build a may build anywhere in the district. buildings, Calpulli tiles, and canals
building, a player pays the value of Although players may move their (see Mexica B below). This Mexica
the building in action points. Mexica to the sacred site and may now only move by building a
starting spaces, they may not build bridge next to it or by spending 5 AP
buildings there. to move to any empty land space or
• A player may build buildings in non bridge.
founded districts.
• Only 1 building may be built on each Note: players may not surround a
land space. Buildings may not be Mexica in the first round of the game.
stacked on each other.
• Once a building is built, it may not
be moved or removed.
A player may acquire an action chip for On a turn, a player is limited in using If there are no more action chips is the
1 AP. He places the chip in his play action chips only to the number he has. supply, a player may not use this action
area. A player may acquire at most 2 A player may acquire as many action to acquire an action chip.
action chips in a turn. On a later turn, if chips as he wants and are available to
the player wants to use more than 6 him. When used, the chips are returned
AP, he may use the action chips he has to their supply next to the board.
acquired. For each extra AP, the player
must use 1 action chip.
The first part of the game ends and the The player with the If a player has his Mexica on one of the
players score their positions when: highest valued four starting places during scoring, he
buildings in a district scores an extra 5 points. Otherwise, the
• the first 8 districts have been scores points equal to location of a player’s Mexica plays no
founded. This means that all 8 the turquoise number role in the scoring.
Calpulli tiles that were placed in the on the Calpulli tile.
Calpulli bank at the beginning of the After the scoring, turn the Calpulli tiles
game have been placed in districts The player with the face-up. These remain where they are
on the board and second highest valued for the second part of the game.
• at least 1 player has built all 9 of buildings in a district
his initial buildings. scores points equal to
the yellow number on
Once the above condition is reached, the Calpulli tile.
the current round is played to the end
so all players have the same number of The player with the
turns. third highest valued Example
buildings in a district
Now the players score all founded scores points equal to In a founded 13 district
districts. Built, but not founded districts the white number on player A:
are not scored in this first scoring. the Calpulli tile. a value 4 building = 4
a value 3 building = 3
To mark the districts as they are scored, The fourth highest player scores 0. sum of values = 7
turn the Calpulli tile in the player B:
district up-side-down. Players move their scoring markers a value 4 building = 4
forward on the scoring track to record a value 3 building = 3
3 value 1 buildings = 3
When scoring a district, their points.
first determine the value sum of values = 10
of all players’ buildings If two or more players tie for first player C:
in the district. second or third place, each scores all 2 value 3 buildings = 6
To determine the value of a the points for this place. sum of values = 6
player’s buildings, sum the If two players tie for first, there is no
player D:
values of the player’s buildings in the second place, but there is a third place. a value 1 building = 1
district. If three players tie for first, there is no
sum of values = 1
second or third place. If two or more
players tie for second, there is no third Player A scores 7 points, player B
place. scores 13 points, player C scores 4
points, and player D scores 0.
After the first scoring is If, during the game, the players reach a
complete, place the point where they agree that one or
remaining 7 Calpulli tiles in the Calpulli more of the available Calpulli tiles
bank in ascending order from the upper cannot be used because they cannot
left corner. found districts of the sizes required by
Each player places his remaining 9 those tiles (there are probably no more
buildings in his play area. If a player canal tiles left and no districts of that
has buildings left from the first part of size), they remove these tiles from the
the game, these are also available to game.
be used in the second part. The same Of course, it is possible to
player starts the second part of the build a district for which
game as started the first part. All rules there is no available
are the same as in the first part of the Calpulli tile.
The second part of the game ends and The player with the most valuable The game ends after the second
the players score their positions when: buildings in each built district, scores 1 scoring. The winner is the player whose
point for each space in the district. scoring marker has moved furthest
• all districts, that can be founded, along the scoring track.
have been founded and The player with the second most
• at least one player has built all his valuable buildings in each built district, If two or more players tie for victory,
buildings. scores half the points, rounded up, the player among them with the
scored by the player with the most most action chips is the winner.
Once the above condition is reached, valuable buildings.
the current round is played to the end
so all players have the same number of The player with the third most valuable
turns. buildings in each built district, scores
half the points, rounded up, scored by
First score all founded districts (as in the player with the second most
the first scoring). All founded districts valuable buildings.
are scored, even those scored during
the first scoring. The fourth player scores nothing.
Next score built districts (those If a player has his Mexica on one of the
without Calpulli tiles). This is different four starting places during scoring, he
from the first scoring. scores an extra 5 points.
Player A
• first places 1 canal tile (X) for 1 AP,
• then builds, also for 1 AP, a bridge
(bridge A),
• next moves his Mexica over bridge A
for 2 AP,
• builds a value 1 building for 1 AP,
• finally takes an action chip for 1 AP.
Player B
• first places 2 canal tiles (X) for a
total of 2 AP,
• then builds, for 1 AP, a bridge
(bridge B),
• next builds a value 2 building for 2
AP, and
• finally moves his Mexica for 1 AP
to the bridge.
Player C
• first places the 4 shaded canal tiles
for 4 AP and founds the district he
just built using the number 8 Calpulli
tile, placing it in the district for 0 AP,
• and finally builds a value 2 building
for 2 AP.