5 Ham Me Mill Styles
5 Ham Me Mill Styles
5 Ham Me Mill Styles
2 | Schutte Hammermill
Hammer Mills: Five Key Styles
Hammer mills are just one type of machinery among the larger category of size reduction
equipment which also includes: shredders, jaw crushers, ram-fed grinders, roll mills, ball
mills and more.
Among hammer mills, there are several styles to choose from. However, for each the
functionality remains basically the same:
• Material is fed into the grinding chamber
• Contact with moving hammers, and the mill’s interior component, as well as particle on
particle collisions reduce the material’s size
• Material remains in the grinding chamber until is able to pass through the screen or
Schutte Hammermill | 3
Hammer Mill Comparison
4 | Schutte Hammermill
Hammer Mill Comparison
Schutte Hammermill | 5
61 Depot Street | Buffalo, NY 14206
Five hammer mill styles | Rev Feb 2019