Public Policy
Public Policy
Public Policy
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7 O N
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1 PUBLIC POLICY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 PUBLIC POLICY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. The act of refusing to obey laws or com- B. focusing on selected issues
ply with regulations to peacefully express C. detecting bias
disapproval of the government.
D. evaluating sources
A. guerrilla warfare
B. civil disobedience 5. Boundaries established by rivers, oceans,
deserts, mountains, etc.
C. Satyagraha
A. Political boundaries
D. graffiti
B. Physical boundaries
E. suffrage
C. Cultural boundaries
2. open to all persons D. Geographic boundaries
A. public
6. Which theory holds that policies result
B. private from conflict and struggle among political
3. Which branch has the power to reduce the interest groups?
jurisdiction of the federal courts? A. Rational-choice theory
A. Legislative B. Policy
B. Executive C. Group theory
C. Judicial D. Pluralism
D. none of above 7. There is a high correlation between a per-
4. Virginian Pilot:Meet the candidates run- son’s party identification and the liberal-
ning for mayor!According to the headline, conservative ideology of his or her par-
what role is the media playing in the elec- ents.
tion process? A. True
A. identifying candidates B. False
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B
8. What is the happens after the bill is sent 13. Which principle of government does this
out of committee? picture represent?
18. “Acche Din aane wale hain” is a now- 23. This letter is an example of-
famous tweet by PM Modi. Perhaps, A. Demonstrating
unknowingly, Modi was inspired by the
B. Lobbying
slogan (Happy Days are here again) of
one of America’s greatest Presidents, who C. Policymaking
was elected 4 times, and led the country D. Campaigning
through one of the toughest times. Who
is the US President? 24. Which of the following is NOT an exam-
ple of a linkage institution influencing the
A. Abraham Lincoln
policy making process?
B. Franklin D Roosevelt
A. the president delivering the State of
C. Thomas Jefferson the Union Address
D. Calvin Coolidge B. the Sierra Club lobbying the Environ-
mental Protection Agency
19. A 12 month period, October through
September, for planning the federal bud- C. the outcome of a congressional elec-
get tion.
A. Mandatory Spending D. coverage by the national media on the
housing crisis
B. federal budget
C. fiscal year 25. Running for office is one way citizens can-
D. appropriations A. make donations to an interest group
B. offer a forum for expressing opposing
20. A satisfaction that people believe they will
enjoy if a policy is adopted
C. gather data to draw attention to issues
A. Benefit
B. Legitimacy D. participate in politics to influence pub-
lic policy
C. Elite View
D. Power 26. What is the term for a theory that argues
that interest group activity brings repre-
21. Institution in which society makes and en- sentation to all and interest groups com-
forces its public policies pete and counterbalance one another?
A. Government A. interest group
B. Political Party B. pluralism
C. Interest Groups C. interest groups
D. Civic Issue D. purposive incentives
18. B 19. C 20. A 21. A 22. B 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. A
27. Private sector activity consists of actions 32. Former Presidential candidate, Bernie
taken by individuals, nonprofits, or corpo- Sanders, proclaimed he would raise taxes
rations to fulfill a public need. Examples significantly and end private healthcare
B. the president
C. Congress
D. the Secretary of Defense
30. the power of the media to influence how
events and issues are interpreted
A. agenda setting
B. gatekeeping
A. March on Washington
C. framing
B. militant movements
D. priming
C. Montgomery Bus Boycott
31. Learning process that focuses on internal D. Brown v. Board of Education
mental activity, including insight, informa-
tion processing, memory and perception. 35. Prior to 9/11, the Secret Service was
A. Critical thinking theory part of the US (a) Department, then in
2002 the US Government created (b),
B. Conceptual learning theory which added the Secret Service to their (c)
C. Communication learning theory agency
D. Cognitive learning theory A. a Treasury
27. B 28. A 29. C 30. C 31. D 32. B 33. A 33. C 33. E 34. C 35. A 35. B 35. C
B. b DHS C. bias
C. c executive D. media
D. State
41. Individuals may not always be consistent
E. CIA in their opinions about public policy. For
F. judicial example, a person may hold conserva-
tive views about the economy and liberal
36. Which statement is NOT a reason why peo- views about society.
ple should recycle?
A. True
A. It reduces are and water pollution
B. False
B. It saves landfill space Explanation:Individuals can hold different
C. It fun to keep trash inside a house opinions on different aspects of public pol-
icy. In this case, the person holds conser-
D. It saves natural resources
vative views about the economy and lib-
37. What is the advantage of participating in eral views about society. This highlights
the European Union (EU)? the true statement.
A. Eliminated tariffs and increase of free 42. Why did abandoning the gold standard re-
trade sult in a decline in the value of the United
B. Low tariffs and no embargos States dollar?
C. High tariffs and no free trade A. people begin hoarding dollar bills so
the value would decline
D. Embargoes, tariffs, and quotas
B. your currency was able to be printed
38. when did Karnataka state was renamed thus reducing its value
A. 1963 C. Americans did not want to use fiat cur-
B. 1973 rency so the value declined
C. 1983 D. businesses prefer to be paid with
D. 1993 Goldust dollars for Less valued
39. Which of these are ways the Media plays 43. Any law or rule created in response to a
a role in setting the public agenda? social condition is known as a
A. Holding government officials account- A. player
able to the public B. public policy
B. Offering a forum in which one view- C. rule of law
point is communicated.
D. board decision
C. It has NO influence
D. none of above 44. which is not an international issue that
would require local government to make
40. The term for the set of tools and organi- policy decisions?
zations that communicate important issues A. issues concerning a pandemics or act
to the public is the of terrorism
A. opposing viewpoints B. economic development in response to
B. watchdog the emerging global economy
47. What programs does the FICA tax cover? 53. The government decides how much money
Americans must pay in federal taxes.
A. Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid
A. Foreign Policy
B. The National Defense Budget B. Domestic Policy
C. An endowment for education 54. In government, the public agenda refers to
D. Also known as an unemployment tax A. the book the government must take as
48. There are 2 types of legal system in the a hall pass to the bathroom
world B. the issues the government will guaran-
A. society law tee to take action on
B. common law C. a list of items to be be discussed
C. civil law D. a to-do list of issues thatmuch of the
D. sharia law public agrees are a priority
49. Officials in a government department are 55. An election in which only registered party
defined as members may participate is the
A. elected people A. open primary
B. appointees B. runoff primary
C. bureaucrats C. closed primary
D. leaders D. blanket primary
56. What is the biggest factor on if someone 61. Which of the following statements is true?
can influence public policy?
A. Effort
B. Family Ties
C. Money
D. Peanut Butter
57. True or False. Government officials do
NOT use the media to communicate with A. Contractionary monetary policy would
the public. increase government revenue slow down
A. True the economy.
B. False B. Contractionary fiscal policy would de-
crease the reserve requirement slow
58. During a recession, the Fed should use down the economy.
A. an expansionary policy C. Contractionary fiscal policy would lead
B. a contractionary policy to an increase in the national debt.
59. Payments made by individuals and busi- D. Contractionary monetary never works
nesses based on income received.
62. An example of bias is
A. a tv station showing the commercials
of only one candidate.
B. charging more for certain products
during a pandemic.
C. limiting membership in a club to only
people who pay their dues.
D. voting for candidates in two different
A. property tax parties.
B. real estate tax 63. He wrote “Wealth of Nations” and pio-
C. sales tax neered laissez-faire capitalism
D. income tax A. Daddy Marx
60. The money that people pay to the govern- B. Friedrich Engels
ment. C. Adam Smith
D. Ron Swanson
67. Is defined as the integration of health care 73. groups of people with similar interests
sciences, computer science, information sci- who seek to influence public policy (MADD,
ence, and cognitive science to assist in the NRA, PETA )
management of health care information. A. Interest Groups
A. Telehealth B. International Issues
B. Health Information C. Lobbying
C. Healthcare Science D. Forum
D. Healthcare Informatics
74. Select the BRANCH and LEVEL of govern-
68. There are FOUR main ways that govern- ment that this group of people should ad-
ment works to solve problems. dress in order to effectively influence pub-
lic policy Business owners in the United
A. True States want the President to negotiate a
B. False new trade treaty with Asian countries.
75. Political spending by corporations, associ- C. To apply the government’s policy to the
ations, and labor unions is a form of pro- problem
tected speech under the 1st Amendment. D. To determine if a policy was effective
A. United States v. Lopez and why or why not
B. Marbury v. Madison 80. What is the term for a person who is em-
C. Buckley v. Valeo ployed by an interest group or corporation
D. Citizens United v. Federal Election to influence legislators and their policy de-
Commission cisions?
A. Lobbyist
76. Who has the sole power of introducing
bills to Congress? B. Executive Departments and Indepen-
dent Agencies
A. the President
C. Grassroots Organization
B. members of Congress
D. Interest Groups
C. the Supreme Court
D. American citizens 81. Step of public policy process which recog-
nizes a specific problem (civic issue)
77. Level 3Which action could the Fed take to
A. Agenda setting
reduce the problem of recession?
B. Formulation
C. Implementation
D. Evaluation
79. What is the role of Congress in policy adop- D. increasing the reserve requirement
tion? 84. style of decision-making focuses on rela-
A. To approve a policy proposal through tionships more that the task. it evalu-
the lawmaking process ate the feeling of others as part of their
B. To develop pertinent and acceptable decision-making process
proposed courses of action A. analytical
A. Intelligence
B. Diplomacy
C. Economic Sanctions
A. Republic
D. Military aid
B. Totalitarian
88. Way the government addresses public pol-
icy issues by limiting or controlling peo- C. Theocracy
ple’s behaviors D. Democracy
A. Regulations
93. Why should voters carefully evaluate in-
B. Provisions formation presented in ads and campaign
89. What is the U.S. minimum wage? speeches?
94. List the steps to address a public policy 98. High levels of unemployment, high infla-
problem in order:1. (a) ; 2. (b) ; 3. (c) tion =?
; 4. (d) ; 5. (e) . A. Expansion
A. a identify problem B. Stagnation
B. b conduct research C. Recession
C. c develop options D. Increases
D. d identify responsible agency
99. Social contract is an agreement between
E. e determine action needed
A. people and the government
95. A major shift from previous policies B. kids and their parents
A. environmental impact statements C. people and other countries
B. national debt D. None of the above
C. incrementalism
100. The executive branch influences the bud-
D. federal budget get in all of the following ways except:
96. This model is more related to the legisla- A. The President signing the budget
tive system than to the bureaucratic sys- B. Advice and analysis provided by the
tem, which attempts to exert pressure on OMB
the government to enact policies that can-
C. The President appointing the head of
not distinguish between public or group in-
the Federal Reserve
D. The President influencing Congress to
A. Institutional model
favor his/her budget
B. group model
101. What are the ways government imple-
C. Rational model
ments public policy? (select all that apply)
D. Model of incremental change
A. Fines
E. System model B. Action
97. This type of tax hits lower income families C. Regulation
the hardest b/c they pay higher taxes. D. Watching “Hamilton”
A. Progressive
B. Regressive
C. Proportional
D. Realist A. 35 million VND
A. Stayed the same 116. Gave African American men the right to
B. gone down vote.
A. Forum 117. As China’s strength and international sta-
B. Lobbying tus rise, the international status of other
major powers in the world also rises.
C. Pandemic
D. Interest Groups A. right
B. wrong
112. Which political perspective believes in
limited government and promoting free en- 118. How do lobbyists help government offi-
terprise? cials to function more effectively?
A. Liberal opinion A. by setting the public agenda
B. Moderate opinion B. by funding public election campaigns
C. Individual ideologies C. by selecting candidates for public of-
D. Conservative opinion fice
Explanation:Conservative opinion be- D. by providing information on public is-
lieves in limited government and promot- sues
ing free enterprise.
119. If TIME magazine publishes a third report
113. Making public policy requires you to have
on COVID-19, it is
A. identifying candidates
A. good writing
B. good arguments B. broadcasting different points of view
121. What are the main results of policy anal- C. A national vote
ysis? D. The President
130. Unpaid, voluntary efforts by private in- 134. What is an example of privatization of
dividuals to deal with a crisis, solve a government services?
community problem, or help the underpriv- A. Habitat for Humanity
ileged is known as
B. The American Red Cross
C. Trash collection
D. Food banks
Explanation:Privatization of government
services can be seen in examples like
trash collection, where private companies
are contracted to provide this service in-
stead of it being directly managed by the
A. multiple perspectives government.
B. community service 135. High levels of Employment, Low levels of
C. public policy solutions inflation
D. helpful persuasion A. Expansion
B. Recession
131. What is the term for social conditions
C. Extension
that allow for all citizens of the commu-
nity to meet basic needs and achieve ful- D. Development
136. What is the main focus of policy analy-
A. Direct Financial Assistance sis?
B. Interest Groups A. Recommend appropriate policies
C. Deregulation B. Analyze the formation, substance and
impact of policies
D. Common Good
C. Support the government in decision
132. What type of government allows the cit- making
izens for vote in elections for its leaders? D. Criticize existing policies
A. democracy 137. A system in which significant state pow-
B. monarchy ers, such as taxation, lawmaking, and se-
curity, are devolved (shared) to regional
C. dictatorship
or local bodies.
D. oligarchy A. Federalism
133. A term for increasingly interconnected B. Sovereignty
lines of business and trade around the C. Rational Legal Legitimacy
D. State
A. Overseas Economic Development E. Unitary States
B. Global Economy
138. is a resource that can be replaced
C. International Commerce quickly.
D. Prestige Worldwide A. natural resource
140. United States trade policy toward China 145. Which branch of government has the
is an example of Foreign Policy power to convene houses of Congress?
A. True A. Legislative
B. False B. Executive
C. Judicial
141. “ the view that people behave as
they do because they believe that perform- D. none of above
ing their chosen actions has more benefits
than costs.”This statement refers to 146. In what year did visa facilitation emerge
as a tool for EU negotiations with third
A. Rational Choice Theory world countries?
B. Elite Theory A. 1980s
C. Institutional Theory B. 1996
D. Group Theory C. 2000s
142. This is a letter that is a suggestion to D. none of above
someone who can do something about it.
147. What is solution to reducing unemploy-
A. Email ment
B. Proposal letter
A. Changes in the education system
C. Request for Proposal
B. Make job training more accessible
D. Petition
C. Introduction of new governmental
143. Anarchy measures
A. is a country where leaders are elected D. All of the above
only by men
148. Leader of political party in power in the
B. a country where the leaders are white house
elected by everyone
A. Party Chief
C. a country where the leaders are anar-
chs B. Chief of state
A. U.S. Constitution
B. The state
C. Federal Laws
D. 10th Amendment
B. Voters in Mexico
A. True
C. Voters in Canada B. False
152. Market theory assumes people are (a) A. supply of money and credit;
and (b). B. Foreign governments
C. supplying payments services to the 160. A court must keep a of the crime and
public through depository institutions like all evidence.
banks, credit
A. Carried out in very large markets 164. How long can a President be in office?
B. Taking place without currency A. unlimited terms
C. Limited by availability & demand B. 3 terms/12 years
D. conducted without consumer protec- C. 1 term/4 years
tions D. 2 terms/8 years
165. is the process of identifying potential pol- 170. President Obama sends troops to Canada
icy options that could address your prob- to deal with the maple syrup shortage.
lem and the comparing those options to Obama is performing what role when he
choose the most effective, efficient and does this:
feasible one A. Chief of State
A. public policy
B. Commander in Chief
B. policy adoption
C. Chief Diplomat
C. policy analysis
D. Chief Executive
D. none of above
171. with the U.S. Foreign Service depart-
166. What is the first step of the Public Policy
ment handle relations between countries.
A. Diplomats
A. Identify the problem
B. Research B. Politicians
C. Level of Government C. Stewards
D. Best Alternative D. Spies
167. How many members are in the House of 172. The legal system of Malaysia was mod-
Representatives? eled after the English legal system which
A. 100 practices parliamentary democracy and
is ruled by a Constitutional Monarchy,
B. 250 with His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan
C. 435 Agong(the King) presiding ceremonially as
D. 535 the Head of the country
175. In the U.S. free enterprise system one of A. allow more airtime to the popular
the primary roles of the government is to- party
A. Debt
B. Deficit
A. watchdog C. Surplus
B. investigative D. Expansionary
C. agenda-setting
181. This kind of policy is used by government
D. score-keeping at the federal, state, and local levels to
178. What else belongs in the chart above? regulate economic growth
A. Fiscal policy
B. Physical policy
C. Monetary policy
D. Tariffs
E. 26th Amendment C. sanctions
D. collapse
183. What is an example of a policy problem?
A. A situation that produces needs and 188. A political system is an absolute monar-
for which relief from government action is chy when (pick 2)
B. A choice government makes in re-
sponse to a political issue or public con-
C. A pattern of action over time
D. Those things that governments actu-
ally do
D. Common Good 196. An item that goes up by 10% over the av-
erage price in the past 30 days is always
192. are any individual or group that is directly
price gouging
or indirectly, formally or informally, affil-
iated with or affected by the policy pro- A. True
cess at ant stage. they can include gov- B. False
ernments, businesses, NGOs, civil society
organizations and communities as well as 197. Which department is responsible for ad-
individuals ministering flu shots?
A. resource A. Education
B. institutions B. Health
C. actors
C. Police
D. none of above
D. Traffic
193. Choose the correct option
198. Government officials use the to com-
municate with the public.
A. media
B. Congress
C. General Assembly
A. F D. citizens
B. G
199. If someone tells you that you cannot
C. H work for another technology company for
D. J the next 10 years in the US. Would that
be an enforceable non-compete clause?
194. Since the passage of the Americans with
A. Yes
Disabilities Act, the law has been ex-
panded. Who has expanded it? B. No
200. a setting to discuss issues of public inter- 206. These laws deal with crimes that are con-
est/differences sidered “Offensive to society.”
A. bias A. Criminal
B. forum B. Civil
C. mass media C. Equity
D. lobby D. Common
201. What is a renewable resource?
207. 1) The following conserves energy. Car-
A. An object you can reuse pooling
B. An object you cannot reuse A. True
C. Fossil fuels B. False
D. Oil
208. Term referring to attempting to influence
202. True or false, to battle inflation Congress a public official on an issue
should use Expansionary Fiscal Policy?
A. Ideology
A. True
B. Liberal
B. False
C. Lobbying
203. Voting, campaigning and running for of-
D. Conservative
fice are all ways citizens can
A. participate in politics 209. What is the term for public policy that
B. be accountable for their actions reduces limitations when people feel that
rules are too restrictive?
C. detect bias
A. Common Good
D. none of above
B. Deregulation
204. Which of these is a way that the mass
C. Interest Groups
media influence the public agenda
A. By airing reality shows and contests D. Direct Financial Assistance
B. By briefly mentioning a story on televi- 210. The media helps shape public opinion and
sion news shows as a result, has what effect on the policy-
C. By giving lengthy coverages to the is- making process?
sue A. Helps set the national agenda so
D. By interviewing experts on the issue Congress can focus on making laws that
the public cares about
205. Councils are to cities and towns as Board
B. Helps the public learn about candi-
of Supervisors are to-
dates running for office
A. school boards
C. Helps members of Congress grow
B. states their reputation
C. nations D. Helps the president nominate cabinet
D. counties members
211. What is the role of the Secretary of State 217. What does the word Consensus Building
in relation to other nations? mean?
A. declaring war A. A process of settling differences
D. Temporary Assistance for Needy Fam- 226. The following is guided by a nurse’s
ilies knowledge base built on formal and infor-
mal educational preparation, evidence and
222. Below is a graph about high school grad-
research, and previous experience.
uation rates in the United States. Which
long term domestic policy goal is reflected A. Planning
in the graph? B. Assessment
C. Data Collection
D. Implementation
231. What is the primary goal of political par- 236. Rules and laws are made to keep people
ties? safe
A. True
B. Courteous B. lobbyist
C. Accountable 247. What is the largest expenditure on the
D. Patriotism US budget?
E. Responsible
A. Military
B. Social Security
C. Welfare
D. Education
A. Offer a forum for opposing viewpoints
248. What is the name of Virginia’s Legisla-
B. Hold government officials accountable tive branch?
C. Focus attention on select issues A. General Assembly
D. Regulate media use B. General Congress
250. An Interest Group is 255. The highest court in the land is the
A. individual (or group) that creates a A. Cole County Court
D. Important activities or missions of the 259. Ceremonial of symbolic head of the gov-
government ernment
E. general form of government A. Commander in Chief
B. False B. swing state
271. Which government organization is the 277. A/an (a) is an effect on an individual out-
most instrumental in altering U.S. tax pol- side of a market exchange.
281. This cartoonists believes the United C. Shaping attitudes and beliefs
States economy is headed for D. Proposing legislation
Explanation:The media influences public
opinion by giving selective attention to is-
sues, providing information to policymak-
ers, and shaping attitudes and beliefs.
286. Which of the following is NOT a strategy
for evaluating media?
A. Separating fact from opinion
A. Expansion B. Identifying propaganda
B. Peak C. Evaluating sources
283. policy as rational choice in competetive 288. It is an intentional course of action fol-
situation lowed by a government institution or a
government official for resolving an issue
A. game theory
of public concern.
B. elite theory A. public policy
C. group theory B. state policy
D. none of above C. nation policy
284. The American Dollar bill is an example of D. direct policy
A. Commodity Currency 289. A list of issues that government officials
B. Representative Currency feel are the most important is called what?
C. Fiat Currency
D. Public Currency
291. In 1941, when Stalin sent a team of ar- 296. Which is NOT an example of mandatory
chaeologists to open the tomb of this 14th spending?
century warlord and nobleman X, the team
was greeted with an inscription:“Whoever
opens my tomb will unleash an invader
more terrible than I” The same year, Adolf
Hitler invaded Russia. Who is the warlord
A. Genghis Khan
B. Vlad The Impaler A. Military
C. Caligula B. Social Security
B. to pay black people less than white
305. Who elects the President of the United
C. to return a slave. States?
D. to segregate schools.
C. Executive branch and state level D. Drawing the map for the political ben-
efit of one party or group
D. Executive branch and state level
315. What is the main purpose of the legisla-
310. What is the significance of interest tive branch?
groups in terms of their goals, methods,
A. Make law
and influence?
B. Enforce laws
A. They promote voter interest and partic-
ipation C. Interpret laws
317. To favor one side over another 322. Step in the public policy process in which
decisions are made at the government
A. symbolism
B. Bias
A. Agenda setting
C. Propaganda B. Formulation
D. slogans C. Adoption
ing process? 323. 1) What is the source of almost all energy
A. Deciding which issues should be part on earth?
of the public agenda A. Sun
B. Working on formulating policies B. Earth
C. Getting policies adopted C. Air
D. Evaluating policies D. Water
319. In order to influence another nations de- 324. Quantity regulation is more flexible and
cisions, what has the US often done? more efficient than market incentives but
provides greater certainty of outcomes.
A. Provided economic relief or punish-
ment A. TRUE
B. Made countries sit together and talk
C. Encouraged NATO membership 325. What type of political party system does
the United States have?
D. Had our President declare war
A. One-Party
320. What do Republicans believe in? B. Two-Party
A. Liberty C. Multi-Party
B. Economic prosperity D. Oligarchy
C. Preserving American values and tradi- 326. In the US free enterprise system one of
tions the primary roles of the government is to
D. All of the above
A. employ a majority of the workforce
321. What are the different types of public pol-
B. guarantee that investors profits are
A. Economic, Environmental, Social, Polit- C. ensure the safety of products through
ical regulation
B. Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Admin- D. provide news sources of funding for
istrative technology startups
C. Regulatory, Distributive, Redistribu-
327. A political organization that seeks to in-
tive, Constituent
fluence the government based on a civic
D. Local, National, International, Private issue (one policy topic)
338. The study of public policy prior to the 343. Public policy is anything a government
1960s emphasizes what? chooses to do or not to do
A. Causes and effects of the policy A. False
B. Structure of policy-making institutions B. True
C. public policy process 344. 1) The following conserves energy. Leav-
D. Behavior of those involved in determin- ing lights on when you leave the room
ing public policy A. True
E. Behavior of those with authority to B. False
make policy decisions
345. If businesses participate in an event by
339. Some former have gone on to be Pres- temporarily sponsoring goods that earn
ident of the United States. money for a cause, what type of solution
is taking place?
A. Prime Ministers of a foreign country
A. Short-term Solution
B. Secretaries of State
B. Long-term Solution
340. Requirements for President:-35 years 346. LEDAC stands for what?
old-Resident for 14 years-What is missing
from the list above? A. Legal Executive Dangerous Council
341. are often as set factors affecting the in- 347. What is common good?
teractions between policy actors and hence A. doing things for yourself only
the greater or lesser capacity of policy-
B. doing things for your family
making systems to adopt and implement
effective responses to policy problems C. working for what is best for a group of
A. institutions
D. none of above
B. resource
C. actors 348. Party in Government includes
A. Party leaders
D. none of above
B. Elected officials & candidates
342. Which of the following fits the classifica- C. Members of the party
tion of an excise tax?
D. none of above
A. An additional tax on alcohol.
349. The Second Amendment right to keep and
B. An additional tax on phone bills
bear arms for self defense is applicable to
C. An additional tax on tires the states
D. All of the these A. Gideon v. Wainwright
A. Identifying problems and issues A. God has chosen all government rulers
354. National Policy for persons with disabili- 359. Policy is a product of the system. Is the
tieds was framed in the year policy consistent with which model?
A. 2003 A. group model
B. 2004 B. System model
B. Be informed
365. Who is the father of political science
C. Speak up and vote
A. Aristotle
D. Respect other’s rights
B. Socrates
361. Once a candidate has been nominated, C. Plato
they must then before being elected.
D. Karl Marx
A. campaign
366. The government uses media to
B. caucus
A. transmit sensitive information to other
C. detente
D. filibuster
B. offer people the chance to communi-
362. The Federal Reserve can increase , cate with the public
which makes banks more selective when C. provide support for opposing parties
loaning out money isses
A. Reserve Requirements D. communicate with the public
B. Percentage/Earnings Ratios 367. The 3 factors that are used to predict who
C. Dividends will vote are age, income and
D. Blue Chip Stocks A. Education
363. laws or rules for the community or nation B. Where you live
that are to protect the rights of individu- C. Home Ownership
als, and promotes the general welfare of D. Gender
the people
A. policymaker 368. Inflation is a general decrease in price?
C. agenda B. False
370. What is the definition of public policy ac- B. Public policy making is not always
cording to James Anderson? done step by step.
374. To regulate means TO MONITOR and CO- 379. Who is responsible for proposing public
OPERATE policy?
A. True A. Local business owners
B. False B. Government officials, legislators, and
375. The Weakness of Process model
C. Teachers and students
A. Process model can interrupt the policy
cycle. D. Celebrities and influencers
380. Imagine the country is going through 384. The United States implemented the Open
a tough economic phase. When would Door policy with which foreign country?
the government typically use expansion- A. Russia
ary fiscal policy?
B. Mexico
A. During a period of recession
C. England
B. When the country is experiencing D. China
demand-pull inflation
385. Which of the following groups are most
C. When the government has a budget
surplus likely to vote Republican (according to sta-
tistical voting patterns)?
D. During a period of economic stability
A. Rural Residents
381. Headquartered in New York City, the B. College Students
190 member nations of the following orga- C. Seniors (65+)
nization work together to promote peace
D. Female
and to help solve economic, social, cultural,
and humanitarian problems 386. Which branch can appoint additional fed-
A. World Trade Organization eral judges to the courts as a check on the
B. European Union
A. Legislative
C. United Nations
B. State
D. Kyoto Protocol
C. Executive
382. Maintaining internal well-being by imple- D. Judicial
menting good rule of law, strengthening
387. A politician accepts expensive gifts from
security in the country, and answering to
a campaign supporter. Two television net-
the demands of the citizens are the demer-
works run hour-long exposés about the
its of public policy.
politician’s bad behavior. The politician
A. True returns the gifts and resigns from office.
B. False What role of the media is at work here?
A. gatekeeper
C. Not mentioned
B. watchdog
D. none of above
C. agenda setter
383. Which is the main problem in today’s D. business
388. What is public policy?
A. The various aftermaths of the Iraq
War. A. A response to a problem that is iden-
tified by government, individuals or other
B. The situation on the Korean Peninsula community organizations.
is tense.
B. A response to a problem identified by
C. The continuation and escalation of the government.
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
C. A response to a problem identified by
D. all right. individuals in the community.
399. Means of communication that are reach- B. Money set aside for Bureaucratic
ing the public, including newspapers and agencies
magazines, radio, television (broadcast,
cable, and satellite), films, recordings, C. Money to fund entitlement programs
books, and electronic communication. D. Money only given to states through
block grants
A. internet
B. news 404. Will we likely ever see prices stay
the same if we promote true economic
C. gossip
D. media A. It’s not likely that demand will in-
400. Which choice would most likely write a crease by exactly the same amount as the
letter to a government official? LRAS increases however it is likely.
B. Demand always increases at the same
A. Media
rate as technology increases
B. Individual
C. Our insatiable appetite for more
C. Interest Group causes prices to go up faster than sup-
D. none of above ply ever grows.
D. none of above
401. The primary function of peers as social-
ization agents is to 405. The disadvantages of the Gold Standard
Act included:
A. Challenge our ingrained perspectives
from childhood A. The gold stock may not grow fast
enough to support a growing economy.
B. Encourage us to explore new ways of
thinking B. People may suddenly decide to convert
their currency into gold, thereby draining
C. Reinforce existing beliefs and behav- the government’s gold reserves
C. The price of gold is likely to change dra-
D. Prompt us to conform to societal matically over time if it is not fixed.
D. All of these
402. How do interest groups influence public
406. What policy refers to the extension of
policy? (Select all)
one nation’s power over another and is
A. identifying issues driven largely by economic interests?
B. making political contributions A. imperialism
C. lobbying government officials B. Truman Doctrine
416. Regulations that control the behavior of A. Banks depositing their reserves with
companies or industries the Federal Reserve.
A. Social regulations B. Banks investing their reserves in the
B. Economic regulations stock market.
C. Banks loaning out reserves to con-
417. Which of the following influences public sumers.
opinion and public policy?
D. Banks loaning out reserves to other
A. news organizations like Fox News
B. citizens who register to vote and cam-
421. Anika, Avery, and Mason are having a
paign for a candidate
debate about public policies. Can you help
C. a major outbreak of Canine Influenza them by identifying some examples of pub-
that has spread from South Africa into lic policies?
other countries, including the US A. Social media policy
D. All of the above B. Some examples of public policies in-
418. What are actions of the gov’t as they clude healthcare policy, environmental
deal with public issues called? policy, education policy, and transporta-
tion policy.
A. public process
C. Space policy
B. public opinion
D. Fashion policy
C. public policy
422. Which policy would help fight inflation?
D. public identity
A. Expansionary
419. Which propaganda technique is being B. Contractionary
used below?”Everyone is voting for Adam
Jones and you should too!” 423. One’s opinion about the role of govern-
A. stacked cards ment is primarily affected by
C. bandwagon B. ideology
A. public agenda
433. Now that you have knowledge of types 438. Public policy laws protect the rights of in-
of public policy, what jobs are available to dividuals to make a living and do business
you? in a market economy
A. lobbyist A. True
B. government worker B. False
C. politician
439. Scenario:The economy is experiencing
D. I can do anything now! high inflation. What type of policy might
The Federal Reserve use to tackle this?
434. What step in the public policy process is
for brainstorming ideas/solutions? A. Easy Money Policy
443. Which countries are not included in the 447. What are some of the BLM focus?
G20’s new “troika” mechanism?
A. Police brutality
452. What is the name of the legislative A. Public health concerns during a pan-
branch of Ohio’s state government? demic
A. Governor General B. Economic success of a Virginia dairy
B. Supreme Court farm
453. What is the purpose of the Judicial ism
458. What are some challenges that people in
A. Make the law
poverty face?
B. Enforce the law
A. lack of access to health care
C. Interpret the law
B. education
D. Obey the law
C. food insecurity
454. Expansionary periods are an indicator of D. all of the above
Economic growth periods?
A. TRUE 459. Which step in the policymaking process
do key issues become priorities for public
455. What is the term for the course of ac- A. agenda setting
tion/stance the government takes in re-
B. policy adoption
sponse to an issue or problem?
C. policy evaluation
A. Public Policy
B. Social Regulations D. issue identification
A. small contributions from individuals
470. “Common or public good” means
B. large contributions from individuals
C. political action commitees
D. self financing
478. When developing a plan of action to ad- 482. This was created after World War II to
dress an issue, what would you do after promote worldwide cooperation, but it has
identifying causes of the problem? no military authority.
D. ask the military to police the city 493. What are groups of people who work
together for similar interests or goals
488. Once the candidate wins the nomination called?
they give an speech.
A. Direct Financial Assistance
A. negative
B. Interest Groups
B. acceptance
C. Deregulation
C. concession
D. Common Good
D. artistic
494. What type of government is being de-
489. The media’s role in the government is to scribed? Fidel Castro held total authority
do what over the citizens of Cuba and punished any
A. Create specific legislation citizen that opposed him.
B. Veto Bills A. democracy
C. Give only “true” reports on govern- B. monarchy
ment officials C. dictatorship
D. Act as a Government Watchdog D. oligarchy
490. What is povertry itself? 495. What kind of laws are enacted by
A. When you don’t have money Congress?
B. When your basic needs aren’t met A. Criminal
C. When your begging in th streets B. Statutory
B. Political Party 503. If the FED feared the economy was grow-
C. Interest Groups ing to rapidly it would
509. When a media outlet only publishes or C. evaluate the source
shows one side of an issue, it is:
D. listen to nly one type of media
A. displaying bias
E. identify propaganda
B. setting public policy
514. #3-2
C. evaluating sources
A. Legislative Branch
D. holding government officials account-
able B. Executive Branch
C. Judicial Branch
510. When new laws are actually enforced,
this is the stage. D. none of above
A. implementation 515. Everyone in a community has to follow
B. adoption the same
C. debate A. rules
D. formulation B. laws
511. How many electoral votes does Ohio 516. Where do most monies for charity come
get? from?
A. 10 A. average individual citizens
B. 150 B. The government
C. 18 C. some came from large corporations.
D. 21 D. Foreign governments
512. Choose the correct option 517. All of the following are ways that individ-
uals influence and help shape public policy
A. attending meetings
B. demonstrating
C. going on hunger strikes
D. running for office
B. write letters to law makers 523. Why is public policy study important?
C. collect large political contributions A. To gain knowledge about its origins
A. Negotiation and bargaining. A. ON THAT
B. Political ideology. B. ANCC
C. Interest group strength. C. Free of
D. Resource availability. D. RHIA
E. All of the points.
532. Newspapers often run candidates views
528. The President has a role in the lawmak- side-by-side during elections. This is an
ing process, what can he/she do? Choose example of?
the best answer A. identifying propaganda
A. sign/veto laws
B. separating fact from opinion
B. propose state legislation
C. detecting bias
C. determine laws are unconstitutional
D. broadcasting different points of view
D. none of above
533. The Federal Reserve System designed in
529. Why is clean water important? the manner described above resulted in the
A. All life on Earth depends on clean wa- creation of-
ter to live and grow. A. a decentralized system of banks
B. We need clean water for recreational B. One large depository for U.S. Currency
C. Reserve bank satellite locations
C. We need bodies of water for trans-
D. New methods for printing money
D. We need water to regulate the temper- 534. Who helps shape legislation?
ature on Earth. A. Congress
530. Which role of the President is being dis- B. Senators
played in this picture? C. The people and interest groups
D. The President
545. is when action is taken to address a pub- 549. The National Council on Disability helped
lic problem. at this stage, the design of a to formulate the public policy for the Amer-
policy proposal is put into effect and the icans with Disabilities Act.
policy is implemented by the respective A. True
government departments and agencies, in
conjunction with other organizations as re- B. False
quired 550. During an expansion, the Fed should use
A. policy adoption
B. policy implementation A. an expansionary policy
C. public policy B. a contractionary policy
D. none of above 551. What do you need when starting public
546. Create opportunities for nurses to help policy?
shape policies that will drive the imple- A. identify a problem
mentation of technology to support a B. look at problem’s effects
cost effective, accessible, patient-centered
C. develop a strategy
and continuity-of-care model to improve
health outcomes in the country. D. All of the above
A. Scope of Nursing 552. What was the purpose of the Chicago
B. Health Policy Freedom Day Boycotts in 1963?
C. Legislative Initiatives A. To resist subpar conditions in schools,
including teaching materials, discrimina-
D. Nursing Practice
tory staff, etc.
547. #3-5 B. To resist school dress code and expose
A. Legislative Branch the lack of freedom of speech in schools
B. Executive Branch C. To protest against segregation in
schools in Chicago
C. Judicial Branch
D. To resist child labor and expose inhu-
D. none of above
mane working conditions.
548. Choose the correct option
553. a personal view, attitude or judgement
A. fact
B. truth
C. opinion
D. none of above
554. What is a meeting of party members to
select that party’s delegates or nominees?
A. Chief Citizen A. primary
B. Party Chief B. debate
C. Chief Legislator C. campaign
D. Chief Diplomat D. caucus
565. After debating the bill, what is the next 570. A person who tries to influence legisla-
step in the lawmaking process? tion on behalf of a special interest group
is called a
A. The bill is voted on
B. The bill turns into a law A. judge.
C. The bill is re-introduced B. lobbyist.
D. The bill is signed by the President (na- C. staffer.
tional laws) or Governor (state laws)
D. whip.
566. The president is supposed to represent
ALL people in the U.S. He/she should lis- 571. Interest groups, such as the NRA, influ-
ten, help, and support everyone ence public policy in all of the following
ways EXCEPT:
A. Chief Legislator
B. Chief of Party
C. Chief Citizen
D. Commander in Chief
583. Level 2Increasing the reserve require- 587. Which action is an example of political
ment has which of the following results: lobbying?
A. the governor gives special advice to
legislative members
B. a mayoral candidate holds a campaign
rally for registered voters
C. the local newspaper exposes corrupt
practices in election campaigns
D. a health group asks legislators to pass
tougher antipollution laws
A. More is lent out and more is paid in in- 588. In the 4 stages of public policy, where
terest does the “debate” stage usually occur?
B. More is lent out and less is paid back
A. Legislative
in interest
B. Executive
C. Less is lent out and more is paid in in-
terest C. Judicial
D. Less is lent out and less is lent in inter- D. none of above
589. when did India got independence
584. events that change the perception of
A. August 17, 1947
problems or indicate that something is
wrong B. August 15, 1947
A. problem stream C. August 16, 1947
B. policy stream D. August 18, 1947
C. politics stream 590. Which of the following is true of Conser-
D. window of opportunity vative view on government?
585. Means of communication that reaches a A. active role of government
large audience B. middle ground between limited and ac-
A. Ideology tive
B. Mass media C. limited role
C. Lobbying D. economic opportunity promoted
D. Political Party
591. Which government type occurs when a
586. S5:Attempting to get a legislator to intro- military group overthrows the standing
duce, vote for or against a bill, is known government and puts themselves in power
as what? instead?
A. Gerrymandering A. Dictatorship
B. Due Process B. Monarchy
C. Lobbying C. Oligarchy
D. Debating D. Junta
592. When the media broadcasts a debate, FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE.”
how are they helping to set the public This reflects money’s function as
596. Printed on a Federal Reserve note is this C. Minerals, Oil, Coal, Natural Gas
statement:“THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER D. Only Sunlight and Wind
601. A political system is a constitutional 605. Duties you have to do, Responsibilities
monarchy when (pick 2) you should do.
A. True
B. False
A. An article listing the Republican candi-
A. There is a king or queen, but their
dates running for president
power is limited
B. Decisions are mostly made by elected B. An editorial endorsing the Republican
officials nominee
C. Power only passes within one family C. A news column in favor of the Republi-
D. A king or queen stays in power by force can nominee
602. Which of the following is a way Congress D. A political cartoon against the Republi-
influences foreign policy? can nominee
A. Congress nominates high-ranking mili-
607. The law governs how we make decisions
tary officials.
every day. These decisions include how
B. Congress commands the armed we interact and behave in a social set-
forces. ting, as well as how businesses and organ-
C. Congress approves executive agree- isa�ons operate
A. True
D. Congress passes appropriation bills
regarding military spending. B. False
603. Who plays an important role in elections 608. Communication aimed at convincing oth-
by emphasizing selected issues? ers of a particular idea or position
A. political party
A. Propaganda
B. candidate
B. Bias
C. individual
D. mass media C. slogan
610. Which type of tax system does the US 614. Special interest groups have more influ-
currently use? ence over candidates because
B. public opinion seats in the House are redivided up to the
C. forum states based on their populations. This is
D. political cartoon
A. Reapportionment
620. Using taxes and spending to help the B. Divide and Conquer
economy grow is what?
C. Mixing it up
A. Fiscal Policy
D. The New Order
B. Negotiation
625. actions of the government as they deal
C. Persuasion
with public issues
D. Monetary Policy
A. mass media
621. Of the following political socialization B. forum
agents, which has the greatest impact on
C. lobby
forming political beliefs?
D. public policy
A. Demographics
B. School 626. Individuals and Interest Groups can pass
C. Peer Groups
A. True
D. Political Leaders
B. False
622. Which of the following is defined as a
country’s actions, words, or beliefs to- 627. When Mrs. Holmes campaigns for a can-
ward/about other countries? didate she supports, she is
A. making a political contribution
B. using propaganda
C. separating fact from opinion
D. participating in politics
629. What was one issue the U.S. was consid- 634. Which role of the media is portrayed
ering after the Spanish-American War? when CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS
present air debates between the Demo-
638. If you wanted to get the government to C. In response to how well the economy
establish stronger regulations on the pollu- is doing (economic policy)
tion created by big business, which is the D. In response to how the president is be-
correct government body to contact to ex- having (behavioral policy)
press your opinion and to bring about the
outcome in your favor? 643. Determine whether or not sources are
A. Your local city council trustworthy and/or believable
C. US Congress B. Bias
C. The OMB
have control over
D. jamar and his family
A. federal law
659. Who appoints ambassadors and negoti- B. foreign policy
ates treaties?
C. international trade
A. Congress
D. education
B. The Attorney General
C. The President 664. Which example below is an action an in-
dividual can do to participate in politics?
D. The Supreme Court
A. debate
660. Under due process, you have the right to B. vote
have your in court.
C. broadcast different points of view
A. boss
D. hold officials accountable
B. accuser
C. mom 665. Which act addresses discrimination
against individuals with disabilities in
D. dad work and public spaces?
661. According to Poister which of the follow- A. Individuals with Disabilities Act
ing is the basis of Policy Evaluation?
B. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
A. effectiveness
C. Americans with Disabilities Act
B. inadequacy
D. none of above
C. improper
666. What does NHS stand for?
D. impurity
A. National Healthy Services
662. Level 3Which of the following is a benefit
B. National Health Service
of government regulations?
C. Nationally Health Service
D. National Healthily Service
E. National Health Servicess
668. Monetary policy is best described as: D. Drawing the map for the political ben-
A. The government’s policy toward taxing efit of one party or group
677. Before candidates can be elected, they B. Products and People Product & people
must be by their parties C. Goods and Services goods and ser-
A. campaigned vices
B. nominated D. Institusi dan perkhidmatan institution
C. educated and services
other nations or groups. A. Joining a special interest group that
supports a cause they care about
A. True
B. Expressing opinions by protesting
B. False against government actions
679. Refers to a system of laws, regulatory C. Providing a forum in which opposing
measures, plans of action, and funding pri- candidates for office can express their
orities concerning a civic issue viewpoints.
A. Consensus D. Participating in politics by voting for a
B. Ideology
C. Public Policy 684. A public policy at the local level could be
which of the following?
D. Agenda setting
A. A policy dealing with the operation of
680. Public Agenda is influenced by the media the military.
in which of the following ways?
B. A policy dealing with the operation of
A. focusing attention on selected issues waste collection.
B. voting C. A policy dealing with the operation of
C. running for public office the post office.
D. using propaganda D. A policy dealing with the funding of the
education system.
681. A list of the principles that a political
party supports in order to appeal to the 685. a list, plan, outline of things to be done
general public for the purpose of having A. interest
the party’s candidates voted into office.
B. agenda
A. Public Ideology
686. Interest groups concentrate on one issue
B. Plank
A. true
C. Party Platform
B. false
D. Political Ideas
687. How can individuals influence public pol-
682. What links empire and the market as ma- icy? (Select 2)
jor producing institutions? What is the
relationship that ties the government and A. Saving and investing money
market as a main producing institution? B. Join interest groups
A. Currency value & product Currency C. Participate in politics (vote, campaign,
value & product seek office)
697. Print media lost its political influence to 702. Because the Electoral College has differ-
which other media type 1st? ent numbers of electors in each state,
sometimes candidates will campaign in the
A. Bloggers
larger states and skip over the small, less
B. Radio significant states. CE.5f
C. Television A. True
D. All the choices are correct B. False
698. What are the two due process amend- 703. How many days prior to elections does
ments? voter registration close?
A. 5th A. 29 days
B. 14th B. 20 days
C. 21 st C. 22 days
D. cat
D. 25 days
699. Which is true about PACs?
704. non-excludable and nonrival; may not
A. They can spend unlimited money on necessarily be a physical good that you can
campaigns hold in your hands is referring to
B. They do not have to disclose donors A. Market Failure
C. They are limited in the amount they can B. Public Good
C. Private Good
D. They are regulated by the IRS not FEC
D. None of the Above
700. Public policy is made by a variety of
actors, including elected officials, govern- 705. The government agency that enforces
ment bureaucrats, interest groups, and cit- and regulates election laws.
izens. A. Federal Election Commission (FEC)
A. True B. PACs (Political Action Committees)
B. False C. Super PACs
C. Love you D. Electoral College
D. none of above
706. An organization created to press for laws
701. What causes economic growth? and policies their members favor
A. * Savings, so Supply of Loanable A. Political Action Committee
Funds, so real interest rate, so Capital
B. Interest Group
Investment, so Capital Stock, therefore
LRAS and PPC both. C. Public Forum
B. Increased labor productivity D. Constituent
717. What does the word Compromise mean? 722. Level 2Individual banks within our bank-
ing system create money when they
A. A process of settling differences
through a discussion of issues often takes
place involves a series of meetings in or-
der to discuss solutions to a conflict.
B. A process of inducing others into ac-
cepting a point of view by means of rea-
soning and argumentation
C. A process of making concessions to
settle differences A. loan out their reserves.
D. A process of working toward achieving B. print physical currency.
general agreement within a group C. issue bonds.
D. hold extra reserves.
718. The President makes an official order on
how he specifically wants a law to be car- 723. To supervise the implementation of the
ried/not carried out is Constitution, laws and resolutions of the
A. Judicial Order National Assembly; To supervise the activ-
ities of the Government, the Supreme Peo-
B. Congressional Order ple’s Court is the duty of which of the fol-
C. Execute Order lowing agencies?
D. Government Order A. Government
B. National Assembly
719. Short video or audio clips of approxi- C. Supreme People’s Procuracy
mately 10 seconds
D. Standing Committee of the National As-
A. Political Speeches sembly
B. Debates 724. bills specify how much money will go
C. Sound bites to different agencies according to the bud-
D. Talking heads
725. Who shares power according to the prin- 730. What is public policy?
ciple of federalism? A. The study of domestic issues and so-
735. A political scientist who in 2009 became 740. The president makes a patriotic speech on
the first-ever woman to receive the pres- the 4th of July
tigious Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic A. Chief of Party
Sciences for her research in analyzing eco-
nomic governance, with a focus on manag- B. Chief Diplomat
ing finite common-pool resources within a C. Chief Executive
community. D. Chief of State
A. Joan Robinson
741. What are powers that describe what
B. Edith Abbott Congress CANNOT do?
C. Elinor Ostrom A. implied powers
D. Carmen Reinhart B. denied powers
736. the public policy was created in 2011 C. expressed powers
A. false D. fake powers
B. true 742. #10
746. A policy in which one small group benefits C. Through public outcry
and another small group pays
D. By mediating among interest groups
749. What type of government is ruled by 754. Which of the following is NOT a job of
force? interest groups?
A. Theocracy A. donate money to candidates that sup-
B. Democarcy port them
C. Dictatorship B. identify issues of concern
D. Monarchy C. lobby
750. Ceremonial head of government D. vote on new laws
A. Party Chief
B. Chief of state 755. A group of people with a common goal
or interest who work to influence govern-
C. Commander in chief ment about a set of issues is called
D. Chief executive
A. citizens
751. How can interest groups and lobbyists
B. interest group
shape the congressional agenda?
A. By setting agenda priorities C. politicians
B. By forcing items onto the agenda D. governors
761. The belief in Manifest Destiny and
spreading our beliefs westward would
A. Sweden, Greenland
B. Sweden, Iceland
C. Denmark, Iceland
D. Denmark, Greenland
774. Which branch of government has the 779. This protects people from discimination in
power to interpret laws? employment based on a disability
A. Legislative A. An IEP
B. Executive B. Americans with Disabilities Act
C. Judicial C. Fair Employment Act
D. none of above D. Equal Hire Act
775. What is the term for a set of rules aimed 780. It is a category of public policy that in-
at controlling behaviors that directly af- volves the allocation of services and ben-
fect public health, safety, welfare, rela- efits to particular segments of the popula-
tionships, or the environment? tion.
A. Social Regulations A. constituent policy
B. Economic Regulations B. redistributive policy
784. If the Fed wants to increase the cost of 789. Individuals and organizations can do
loans, then it should adjust which of the following to support candi-
B. official authorization granted by a 793. What state has the largest number of
polity to a foreigner that allows them to electoral votes?
enter, remain within, or leave its territory
C. used to verify one’s country of citizen-
ship. If traveling outside your country, it
is used to regain entry into your country
of citizenship.
D. none of above
A. Caucus
A. Interest groups have more members
than political parties. B. Direct Primary
B. Interest groups have platforms ad- C. General Election
dressing all issues of public concern.
D. National Convention
C. Interest groups are organized to elect
their candidates to political office
801. Keeping things or people Separate
D. Interest groups attempt to influence
government directly on particular issues. A. prejudice
795. Citizens should participate politically in B. union
their communities by doing all of the fol-
lowing except: C. confederate
A. Sign a petition D. segregation
B. March at a rally
C. Go to a debate 802. Term which refers to seeking to influence
a public official on an issue.
D. Go to church
A. Lobbying
796. Which one of these is a public policy?
A. Healthcare for the poor/disabled B. Ideology
B. Parliament C. Public policy process
C. Rule of One
D. Political process
D. none of above
812. In this model, the political system decides B. members of interest groups
on various policies. To allocate benefits in C. members of Congress
D. voters and citizens
A. Incremental change model
818. An election to choose a political party’s
B. Rational model
candidates for an elective office.
C. Process model A. general election
D. Institutional model B. primary election
E. System model
819. The International Monetary Fund and the
813. A political party’s candidates for presi- World Bank were made to assist
dent and vice president. A. rich nations
A. ballot B. nations that join the UN
B. ticket C. poor nations
C. vote D. the United States
D. election 820. Scenario:The economy is experiencing
high inflation. What type of policy might
814. The goals of policy involve national Congress use to tackle this?
security and promotion of international
trade. A. Expansionary Policy
B. Contractionary Policy
A. domestic
B. foreign 821. This type of money is valuable because it
is made of something valuable.
815. This type of interest group advocates for A. Commodity money
certain types of people such as lawyers,
doctors, and teachers: B. Representative money
C. Fiat money
A. Professional Interest Group
D. none of above
B. Economic Interest Group
C. Single-Issue Interest Group 822. Which type of politics involves widely
distributed benefits and costs?
D. Public Interest Group
A. Majoritarian politics
816. Which of the following items would be B. Client politics
mandatory spending in the Federal bud-
C. Interest group politics
D. Bureaucratic politics
A. National Parks
B. Medicare 823. What is the last step in the public policy
process in which the effectiveness of the
C. National defense policy is determined?
D. Corporate Subsidies A. Policy Formulation
817. Who, of the following, can officially in- B. Problem Recognition
troduce a bill in Congress? C. Policy Evaluation
A. the president D. Budgeting
B. false A. 2
B. 4
826. Public policy is only concerned with do-
C. 6
mestic issues.
D. 8
A. True
B. False 832. The Governor of Ohio is similar to the
President of the United States because
C. Enough for me the primary responsibilities of both include
D. none of above
827. Check all the ways people can influence A. enforcing laws and maintaining order.
the government B. raising taxes.
A. Writing letters to government officials C. declaring war.
B. Run for office D. interpreting laws and sentencing crim-
C. Protest
D. Sign a petition 833. This type of money is considered legal
tender and gets its value from the people’s
828. ways of getting information to large num- faith in the government.
bers of people A. Commodity money
A. lobby B. Representative money
B. mass media C. Fiat money
C. propaganda D. none of above
D. forum
834. expressing opinions (lobbying, demon-
829. Refers to organization that performs re- strating, writing letters)
search and advocacy concerning topics such A. ways individuals influence public pol-
as social policy, political strategy, eco- icy
nomics, military, technology, and culture. B. ways interest groups influence public
A. Researchers policy
835. #1-3 Branch:Executive, Gov’t. Level: 840. How is a bill passed from the Senate to
the House or from the House to the Sen-
A. National
A. With approval from the president
B. State
B. With 2/3 majority vote in Congress
C. Local
C. With simple majority vote (more than
D. none of above 1/2) in Congress
836. Which of the following statements best D. With 100% approval
describes a mean-tested program? 841. Taxes, education, healthcare, and the
A. A person is eligible for a benefit by law economy involve which type of policies?
because they meet the requirement.
B. A person must pay more money in
taxes because they have a higher income.
C. A person receives a benefit for meet-
ing certain requirements, one of which in-
cludes financial need.
D. A person has been released from fed-
eral prison early because the president A. domestic policies
has initiated clemency. B. presidential policies
837. amount of deposits that banks are re- C. diplomacy policies
quired to keep on hand D. military policies
A. monetary policy 842. It is a type of policy analysis that refers
B. money creation to either the historical analysis of past
policies or the evaluation of a new policy
C. reserve requirements as it is implemented.
D. prime rate A. descriptive policy analysis
838. What type of interest groups focus on B. prescriptive policy analysis
one issue? C. predictive policy analysis
A. Single Issue Groups D. prospective policy analysis
B. Public Interest Groups 843. Which was an outcome of the U.S.
C. Labor Union Groups Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board
of Education (1954)?
D. Public Policy
A. Administrators may limit the content of
839. Who will be replaced by the robots? student publications.
844. Which of the following is NOT a way in B. A newspaper column about radio
which Congress influences foreign policy? newscast
A. wind, solar, hydro, biomass, geother- 851. What is the step after “Multiple Perspec-
mal tives”?
B. wind, oil, hydro, biomass, geothermal A. Research
C. wind, solar, hydro, uranium, geother- B. Implement Plan
mal C. Choose Best Alternative
D. wind, solar, coal, biomass, geothermal D. Pros/Cons
847. Which federal agency leads most Ameri- 852. How do PACs (political action commit-
can foreign policy decisions? tees) help candidates?
A. Department of Homeland Security
B. Department of Treasury
C. Department of State
D. Department of Justice
C. Views common in the general public 853. The Legislative Branch consists of:
D. Someone who is a voting member of a A. Congress which is broken into the
community or certain area House of Representatives and Senate
854. A group of people with a common inter- 859. Boundaries based on traits like language.
est in a public issue. A. Geometric Boundary
A. Lobbyists B. Physical Boundary
B. Interest groups C. Cultural Boundary
C. Public agenda D. Linear Boundary
D. Public policy 860. Participating in politics (voting, cam-
paigning, seeking office)
855. What does Inflation do to the value of
money? A. ways individuals influence public pol-
A. Makes it go up.
B. ways interest groups influence public
B. Makes it go down. policy
C. Makes it stay the same. 861. The primary role of a third party is to:
D. none of above A. To help the best candidate win the elec-
856. What is the name of leader House of Rep-
resentative? B. To keep the best candidate from win-
A. Senate Pro Temp
C. To inform the public about the short-
B. Vice-President comings of the other parties.
C. Speaker of the House D. To introduce new ideas or to push for
a particular issue.
D. President
862. How is public opinion often measured?
857. Civil rights activist who refused to sur-
render her seat to a white passenger on a A. politicians
segregated bus in the USA. B. policy
A. Rosa Parks C. politics
B. Rose Park D. polls
867. What is the purpose of policy formula- 872. Application of the policy by the govern-
tion? ment’s administrative machinery is done
during the of policy-making process.
A. To craft an acceptable course of action
A. Policy adoption
B. To apply the government’s policy to the
problem B. Policy implementation
A. Regulating local advertisements 879. What are requests or calls for action or in-
action by government on some matter by
B. Investing in new technology
individuals, groups, or others?
C. Gathering national data A. Material policy
D. Attempting to influence new laws B. Redistributive policy
case helped to segregate America specifi-
cally in schools and at public facilities? 880. Pollution and storm run-off in Richmond
may end up
A. “justice for all”
A. in the Chesapeake Bay
B. “one nation, undivided” B. in the Blue Ridge Mountains
C. “separate but equal” C. in the Atlantic Ocean
D. “whites only, blacks only” D. in the Pacific Ocean
876. What is the purpose of easy money policy 881. Fee charged to borrow money
A. To increase the amount of money in the A. Inflation
economy to fight unemployment B. Interest
B. To decrease the amount of money in C. Discount rate
the economy to fight inflation D. Reserve requirement
C. To sell bonds on the open market
882. An issue is
D. To increase the national deficit A. individual (or group) that creates a
plan of action to achieve a goal, to solve
877. Which is an example of lobbying? an issue [policymaker → lawmaker]
A. The governor talks before the House of B. government response to public issues
C. a conflict or a matter to be debated
B. President Trump campaign rally
D. groups of people who work together
C. A health group asks the president to for similar interests or goals
pass a law for healthier school lunches
883. Which branch of government has the
D. The Washington Post talks about a power to apply laws to specific cases?
politician accepting bribes for votes
A. Legislative
878. What are elected officials doing when B. Executive
they use the media to hold news confer- C. Judicial
D. none of above
A. Giving an opinion poll
884. Ms. B’s dog that you hear bark some-
B. Enforcing laws times is named
C. Communicating with the public A. Spongebob
D. Passing laws B. Cocoa Puff
893. The lawmaking body in local government 897. The government works to solve problems
refers to which of the following terms? through REGULATION and ACTION.
A. mayor-council A. True
B. advisory committee B. False
C. board commission
898. An ordinance has been created by the leg-
D. city council islative body of the county to establish a
curfew for minors. Which legislative body
894. Which of the following statements is
would create this ordinance?
something a person opposed to U.S. impe-
rialism would say? A. Board of supervisors
A. “We have a responsibility to the world B. City council
to make it safer and freer.” C. General Assembly
B. “Our British forefathers warned D. House of Representatives
against it-let’s listen to them.”
C. “Getting involved could protect our 899. What does a lobbyist do?
economic interests abroad.”
D. “It is not our place to interfere in an-
other country’s affairs.”
C. Political factors and international 904. Which of the following term refers to
treaties when a city has the power to write and
amend its own laws?
909. Which of the following usually happens 915. Way to address a civic issue through
during natural disasters and crisis’? the instructional actions & procedures in-
A. Obstruction of Justice volved with the government carrying out
its’ functions
B. Price Fixing
A. Political process
C. Price Gouging
B. Public Policy process
D. Non-Competes
916. A lobbyist is
910. Party in the Electorate includes
A. A person who lobbies on behalf of a
A. Party leaders
special interest group
B. Elected officials & candidates
B. Someone who always represents the
C. Members of the party will of the people
D. none of above C. An elected official
911. The President can serve a maximum of D. none of above
two year terms.
917. Political organization that seeks to win
A. 2 elections in order to control the govern-
B. 4 ment
C. 6 A. Interest Groups
D. 8 B. Political Parties
912. Select an influence on a person’s perspec- 918. What is the first stage of the policy-
tive making process?
A. Education A. Policy adoption
B. Types of Apps used B. Policy evaluation
C. Favorite Genre of Books C. Policy implementation
D. Style of Clothing Worn D. Problem recognition and definition
913. is a process of making preferred policy 919. What do government agencies value and
option legitimized/legalized review to collect useful perspectives and
A. policy adoption information?
B. public policy A. demographic information
C. decision making B. public comments
D. none of above C. polls
D. The government’s policy toward stock C. Overturned the 1st Amendment in cer-
market regulation tain cases
931. Why are canned food drives held?
D. Ratify treaties with other nations
A. to help state agencies distribute bene-
fits 936. Which of these is a function of a free
B. to help county officials meet their obli- press?
gations A. to promote the actions of business
C. to help city administrators fulfill their leaders
responsibilities. B. to strengthen the public image of the
D. to help private community groups sup- president
port those in need C. to inform citizens of the actions of the
932. What is the step in the policy making pro-
cess when a governor signs a policy into D. to provide advertising for the political
law? party in power
A. agenda setting 937. The president gives a speech each year to
B. policy formulation update Americans on ongoing issues and
laws he’d like Congress to pass. This
C. policy adoption
speech is called
D. policy evaluation
A. American Speech
933. In terms of diplomatic relations with ma- B. State of the Union
jor countries, which country will President
C. Executive Speech
Xi Jinping visit for the first time?
D. none of above
B. Russia 938. Which is not a way individuals can influ-
ence public policy?
C. Germany
A. Obtaining a job
D. Japan
B. Using social media
934. Which of the following is the most influ- C. Joining interest groups
ential role of the media in the policymaking
process? D. Voting
A. Sets the national agenda 939. What is it called when individuals try to
B. Helps politicians make their reputa- get legislators to introduce or vote a cer-
tions tain way on a bill?
B. Problem identification, policy formula- 955. Who is the leader for the state of Ohio?
tion, policy implementation, and policy ter- A. President
B. Governor
C. Agenda setting, problem identification,
C. Congress
policy implementation, and policy evalua-
tion. D. Judicial
D. Agenda setting, policy formulation, 956. A government where the citizens have
policy monitoring, and policy termination. some individual rights.
950. What is the role of interest groups in the A. limited government
democratic process? B. unlimited government
A. To promote the public interest 957. If you feel a playground in your neighbor-
B. To influence government officials hood is unsafe, what action may a citizen
C. To carry out research and write policy take that best addresses their issue?
proposals A. Writing letters to officials
D. To mobilize grassroots support B. Attending a city council meeting
C. Attending a school board meeting
951. Belief system that feels the government
should not change policies (political, eco- D. Sending signed petitions by voters
nomic, or social); keep things the same 958. Public policy is fixed and unchanging.
A. Radical A. True
B. Liberal B. False
C. Conservative Explanation:Public policy is constantly
D. Reactionary evolving and changing as new issues
arise, and as new approaches and solu-
952. The central bank was established primar- tions are developed. Policies can also
ily to protect against control by which change due to changes in leadership or
country? shifts in public opinion.
A. China 959. Involves choosing possible solution to a
B. Japan problem with intuitive or reasoned process
C. German A. Critical thinking
D. England B. Reasoning
C. Decision making
953. The cartoon shows that the media should
D. Remedy
A. Believe everyone’s opinions
B. Always tell the truth 960. The most common form of nominating
candidates for office in the United States
C. Never be biased
D. Evaluate sources
A. the caucus
954. Who is in charge of fiscal policy? B. the petition
A. Government C. the convention
B. Federal Reserve D. the direct primary
961. This final step in the public policy pro- 965. How do interest groups try to influence
cess is when a group determines whether policy?
a plan is working after it has been in place
964. What are the two major political parties 969. What type of government is it if the
in the United States? leader inherits his/her position?
A. Democratic and Republican A. democracy
B. Whig and National Republican
B. monarchy
C. Democratic-Republican and Demo-
cratic C. dictatorship
D. Republican and National Republican D. oligarchy
970. Spending set by the government through 974. A representative democracy is considered
appropriations bills including, operating a
expenses and salaries of government em-
A. Rule of One
B. Rule of Few
A. federal budget
C. Rule of Many
B. national debt
D. None of the Above
C. discretionary spending
D. incrementalism 975. You can’t resist a political add because
they use propaganda, which is “mind con-
971. How many principles of action has the trol”.
People’s Party announced? So that the A. True
country can change in the direction that is
considered correct and appropriate. B. False
A. 5 things 976. What are two major political parties in
B. 6 things the United States?
C. 7 things A. Libertarian and Republican
979. How many years does the President 984. Individuals and interest groups can influ-
serve for? ence public policy by
A. Easy Money Policy 985. How would you describe U.S. foreign pol-
icy after World War II?
B. Tight Money Policy
A. Stay out of world affairs.
981. In the executive cabinet, the Secretary of B. Intervene when others are in trouble.
is responsible for shaping foreign pol-
icy with the president. C. Stop communism from spreading.
D. none of above
A. Defense
B. Treasury 986. Is this public policy? The Supreme Court
has used the doctrine of incorporation to
C. Commerce apply the Bill of Rights to the States.
D. State A. Yes
982. Check all the ways individuals can influ- B. No
ence public policy. 987. The US federal debt is made up of
A. Vote A. Stocks and bonds
B. Run for Office B. money loaned to foreign countries
C. Write letters or blogs C. many past years deficit spending
D. Attend/ speak at public meetings D. revenues exceeding expenditures
E. Link up with others who share similar 988. Medium of Exchange is what people are
views willing to accept in exchange for goods &
983. Based on the government system in the
United States, which individual activity is
used to directly influence legislative deci- B. FALSE
989. shifts in public opinion or leadership that
A. watching political debates on televi- lead to change
sion A. problem stream
B. discussing political issues at work B. policy stream
C. collecting opinions for a yearbook C. politics stream
D. gathering signatures for a petition D. window of opportunity
990. What does the Americans with Disabili- B. Proportional Tax Rate
ties Act (ADA) do?
C. Regressive Tax Rate
A. It protects only a certain number of
D. There is no federal income tax
those who are disabled.
B. Prevent discrimination against individ- 995. How does government spending impact
uals with a disability. GDP?
C. It protects only those who are in A. Government spending has no impact
wheelchairs. on GDP
D. It protects Native Americans from dis- B. Government spending decreases GDP
C. Government spending increases GDP
991. This is a photo of the Staircase of Insti-
D. Government spending only impacts in-
tute of Arts, Chicago. Who is being com-
996. What are the three different levels of
government in our country?
A. Local, state, and national
B. Executive, judicial, and legislative
C. mayors, judges, and the supreme
A. Swami Vivekananda D. none of above
B. Martin Luther King
C. Osho 997. Where the average total cost curve for
a natural monopoly crosses the demand
D. Pablo Picasso curve:
992. The stand the government takes about
a problem or an idea for improvement is
A. public policy
B. bias
C. publicity
D. public opinion
A. the marginal revenue curve is rising
993. Which policy would help fight unemploy-
B. the marginal revenue curve also
crosses the demand curve
A. Expansionary
C. the average total cost curve is rising
B. Contractionary
D. the marginal cost curve is below the
994. What tax rate is used by the federal in- average total cost curve
come tax? E. the average total cost curve is below
A. Progressive Tax Rate that average variable cost curve
1009. Select both examples of major economic 1013. Laws that limit money given to candi-
theories defining market economies. dates is known as
A. Voter Registration Laws
B. Campaign Finance Reform
C. Political Action Laws
D. Platform Reform Laws
1014. Law relating to the interpretation of the
A. entitlement programs
B. policy adoption
C. mandatory spending
A. Neoliberalism D. constitutional law
B. Skepticism
C. Feminism 1015. If the president makes the decision to
send military troops to another country,
D. Progressivism he/she is
E. Altruism
A. Chief of State
1010. During an expansionary phase of the B. Chief Executive
business cycle the government could Imple-
ment a contractionary Physical policy in or- C. Commander in Chief
der to D. Chief Citizen
A. create jobs
B. smoke spending 1016. What is the difference between a bill
and a law?
C. encourage investment
D. address any inflation issues A. A bill becomes a law after the presi-
dent signs it
1011. The primary agent pf public policy-
B. A law becomes a bill after the presi-
making is the government
dent signs it
A. False
B. True 1017. The mayor of a city and the city council
are often in conflict about how to spend
C. Not sure
money and who should be appointed to
D. none of above head city departments. This is an exam-
1012. During an expansion what would you do ple of which of the following plans?
to prevent inflation? A. council-member-at-large plan
A. Lower the RRR, Lower the DR, Buy B. strong-mayor plan
C. weak-mayor plan
B. Raise the RRR, Raise the DR, Sell
Bonds D. council-manager plan
1018. Generally believes that the role of gov- 1023. Select amendments that are found in the
ernment should be active and that eco- first amendment?
nomic opportunity should be promoted.
D. public policies that protect the environ- 1032. In which role is the President the Head
ment. of Government?
A. Chief Legislator
1028. What document/Act/legislation cre-
ated special education and the IEP B. Chief Diplomat
A. Individuals with Disabilities Education C. Chief of State
Act D. Commander-in-Chief
B. Civil Rights Act 1033. How many people are looking for work
C. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act per year?
D. Americans with Disabilities Act A. two point three million
B. two thousand million
1029. Select an influence on a person’s per-
C. two hundred million
D. two point one million
A. Video Games
B. Personal Situation 1034. If the GPD is low, the country will have
a higher percentage of people living below
C. Public Transportation the poverty line.
D. The Weather A. true
1046. Process of influencing others to take 1051. Which of the following finalizes the U.S.
your point of view by reasoning or argu- budget?
A. Office of Management and Budget
A. Persuasion
B. the Department of Treasury
B. Negotiation
C. The Supreme Court
C. Compromise
D. Congress
D. Consensus Building
1052. A consumer tax on a specific good is
1047. Which of the following refers to the a(n):
largest source of revenue for the United
A. Excise tax
B. Payroll tax
A. custom duties
C. Income tax
B. individual income taxes
D. Progressive tax
C. corporate income taxes
D. national sales tax 1053. The head of the executive branch at the
federal level is the
1048. Which branch of government has the
A. President
power to impeach a federal judge?
B. Governor
A. Legislative
C. Mayor
B. Executive
D. Commissioner
C. Judicial
D. none of above 1054. Who shapes the public agenda in Vir-
ginia’s state and local governments?
1049. Why did the author choose to study pub-
A. Elected officials and individual citizens
lic policy?
B. Regional authorities
A. To make a difference in the world
C. Federal agencies
B. To gain a better understanding of gov-
ernment D. Interest groups and the media
Explanation:Elected officials and individ-
C. To pursue a career in politics
ual citizens, along with interest groups
D. To explore the field of international re- and the media, shape the public agenda
lations in Virginia’s state and local governments.
1050. Why must voters carefully evaluate the 1055. What statement about public opinion is
information presented in the media before true?
A. It influences public officials
A. to identify candidates
B. It is generally unchanging
B. to emphasize selected issues
C. It is mostly uniform on most issues in
C. to make reasoned, informed choices the United States
D. to hold gov’t officials accountable D. It is not important to democracy
1056. What is the name of the current Queen A. Boston Tea Party
of England? B. Banana Republic
1060. ID this luxury brand 1065. Choose a way a citizen may influence
their government effectively.
A. Complain to friends
B. Write a letter to officials
C. Make a meme
D. Create a video on an app
1067. Finding dead fish in a body of water is
an indicator of eutrophication. This means business
B. Anybody who takes an interest in a
A. There are not enough nutrients in the business
water C. Anybody who works for the business
B. The flow rate of water has increased D. Anybody who buys from the business
C. There is an excess of nutrients in the
water 1072. interest rate that banks charge each
other for loans
D. There was too much oxygen in the wa-
ter A. federal funds rate
1075. Check all that are a type of tax. 1081. What phase are you in when you are
A. Federal Income surveying the community to see if the Pub-
lic Policy has or has not solved the prob-
1086. Which of the following statements D. complex systems with many depart-
would be considered a fact? ments, rules, and people in the chain of
A. School lunch from the CMS cafeteria is command.
1091. What book did John Locke write?
B. School lunch from the CMS cafeteria is
affordable. A. Common Sense
C. School lunch from the CMS cafeteria B. The Federalist Papers
has improved since last year.
C. The Pamphlet
D. School lunch at CMS needs to have
more choices. D. Two Treatises of Government”
1087. If the President vetoes a bill, what are 1092. Provides money to pay for health care
the three options that could happen next? for illness, injury, or, in some cases, pre-
ventative care
A. Bill dies
B. Bill is sent back to Congress for edits A. automobile insurance
C. Bill is overridden with a 2/3 majority B. disability insurance
vote in both houses C. health insurance
D. Bill is overturned by Secretary of State
D. personal insurance
1088. Which group of people has an important
role in implementing the policy? 1093. Generally, there are four main major
branches of any government, the execu-
A. Public policy student
tive, the legislature, judiciary and the pres-
B. government ident
C. population A. True
D. government officer
B. False
E. All correct.
1094. Choose the answer that is represented
1089. What are the main characteristics of pol- by the graphic organizer.
icy analysis?
A. Synthesize information to provide pol-
icy recommendations
B. Using raw data to analyze policy out-
C. Follows strict scientific procedures A. Stock Exchange
1098. During a economic expansion, the Fed- 1103. Something strongly encouraged of all
eral Government should use U.S. citizens
A. an expansionary fiscal policy A. Duty
B. a contractionary fiscal policy B. Responsibility
1099. Which is not an influence that the media 1104. What is the responsibility of the judicial
has on public policy and policymakers? branch in public policy?
C. Determining legality of the public pol- 1110. The Keynesian economic principle calls
icy for
D. Debating the public policy in Congress A. The government to increase its spend-
ing when times are rough.
1105. are set standards, principles, and proce-
dures that must be followed in society B. The government to decrease its spend-
ing when times are rough.
A. laws
C. The government to raise taxes when
B. policy
times are rough.
C. adoption D. The government to stay out of the
D. none of above economy as much as possible.
1116. What two factors are considered in the Civil penalties are usually fines or other
concept of “The Overton Window”? forms of payments for doing something
wrongCriminal Penalties can be:Jail time,
A. Wetlands/environmental impact probation, or community service
B. Holidays/religious beliefs
1120. To make our community a better place
C. Risk/Benefit
we can (pick all that apply)
D. Fines/Regulations
A. Break the law
1117. A political system is a dictatorship when B. Volunteer and help others
C. Pick up trash around our community
D. Donate items to people who may need
1123. Which Indian state launched the ‘Udaan 1128. An opinion article written in a newspa-
project’ to ensure access of schooling and per by someone who works at the news-
scholarships to rural girls? paper company is called an
A. Gujarat A. political cartoon
B. Rajasthan B. editorial
C. Sikkim C. interview
D. Madhya Pradesh D. internal document
1124. A plan of action by the government to 1129. The President travels abroad for a peace
solve a problem is called? summit between Russia and Georgia
A. Labor Union A. Chief Executive
B. Lobbying B. Chief of Party
C. Public Policy C. Chief Diplomat
D. Issued-Based Platform D. Chief Legislator
1125. Lobbyists spend millions of dollars ev- 1130. Which of these groups is not an interest
ery year in order to group?
A. Regulating climate change A. AARP
B. Make money B. NRA
C. Influence new laws C. Democratic Party
D. Create political parties D. NOW
1126. “ the process through which a pol- 1131. What is it called when individuals try to
icy and the problem it is intended to ad- get legislators to introduce or vote a cer-
dress are acknowledged to be of public in- tain way on a bill?
terest.”This stage refers to
A. Demonstrating
A. Stage 1 of Process Model:Agenda Set-
B. Lobbying
C. Interest groups
B. Stage 2 of Process Model:Policy For-
mulation D. PACs
C. Stage 3 of Process Model:Policy Adop- 1132. A mother is interested in finding a foot-
tion ball league for her children.
D. Stage 4 of Process Model:Policy Imple-
C. Public Library 1137. John and Mary are young parents. John
D. The City Manager. is 22 and Mary is 21, and they have three
children ages 1, 2, and 3. The 3-year-old
1134. Joe Biden’s slogan “Build Back Better” 1138. Family, friends, polls, media, and inter-
and Donald Trump’s slogan “Make Amer- est groups all influence
ica Great Again” are examples of what A. public interests
propaganda technique?
B. public opinion
A. name calling
C. forums
B. glittering generalities D. lobbying
C. bandwagon
1139. Process of making concessions on both
D. plain folks sides to settle differences
1135. Social Security funding is in danger in A. Persuasion
the future because: B. Negotiation
A. Taxation is theft C. Compromise
B. American’s a living longer that Soc. D. Consensus Building
Sec. initially assumed
1140. Which Union Ministry launched its new
C. Too much money is in the Social Secu- website on S3WaaS platform (Secure,
rity fund Scalable and Sugamya Website as a Ser-
D. The President withdrew Soc. Sec. vice)?
funding via Ex. Order A. Ministry of Law and Justice
party C. only party members
C. registering to vote as a member of the D. only elected officials
1148. “Live at 5. Find out who is running for
D. working on the campaign of a party governor.”What is the role of media dur-
candidate ing the election process based on the info
1143. Public Policy can never be biased to
those who created or influenced the poli- A. detecting bias
cies. B. evaluating sources
A. True C. focusing on selected issues
B. False D. identifying candidates
C. Not mentioned
1149. Political action committees were formed
D. none of above to do which of the following?
1144. Candidates for the larger political par- A. allow interest groups to pay lobbyists
ties are chosen at party meetings called B. allow interest groups to contribute
money to candidates and campaigns
A. school C. assign volunteers to groups that need
B. assemblies them
C. parties D. fund the mass media
D. conventions
1150. The first step in policy making process?
1145. Choose the methods by which individu- A. Agenda setting
als may provide input on a public policy is-
B. Program evaluation
sue at the state level.
C. Policy formulation
A. Initiative
D. Implementation
B. Referendum
C. Recall 1151. What does the government use to con-
trol or monitor behavior?
D. Collect signatures
A. Public Announcements
1146. The editorial page of a newspaper,
which prints letters to the editor, is one B. Public Curfews
way mass media broadcasts C. Public Policy
A. different points of view D. Regulations
1152. How do individuals influence public pol- B. It ensures equal opportunities for all
icy? citizens
1154. Public policy is interpreted and applied B. call for a meeting with the President of
by only the public actors who have diverse the United States
perceptions of issues, solutions, and their C. support a candidate to be nominated
own objectives. to the Ohio Supreme Court
A. True D. attend a decision about to be delivered
B. False by the US Supreme Court
1162. Which person is a member of the Execu- B. working with the media to spread false
tive Branch? statements about candidates who oppose
A. Governor their views.
1163. What is the significance of public policy 1168. Head of the executive branch of govern-
in international relations? ment
A. It determines the outcome of diplo- A. Party Chief
matic negotiations
B. Chief of state
B. It influences the balance of power
C. Commander in chief
among nations
D. Chief executive
C. It affects how countries interact with
each other 1169. Accoding to monetarist theory, inflation
D. It shapes global economic and social happens when:
policies A. There isn’t enough money being
1164. The Department of Labor keeps records
on unemployment in the US. Is this an ex- B. The government prints too much
ample of foreign or domestic policy? money
A. Domestic C. Budget deficits exceed GDP
B. Foreign D. Demand exceeds supply
1165. Who was the Brown vs. the Board of 1170. Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Locke
Education case named after? would all support:
A. A little girl
B. A school in Topeka, Kansas
C. A city in Topeka, Kansas
D. The color of skin of those being dis-
criminated against
1172. Organizations created to press for laws 1177. “What the government chooses to do or
and policies their members favor- not do” is the definition of whose public
A. Lobbyists policy?
B. Interest groups A. Thomas R. Dye
C. Public agenda B. Ira Sharkansky
D. Public policy C. James Anderson
D. Charles Jacob (Charles Jacob)
1173. An oligarchy is
E. David Easton
A. where the leaders of the country are
the same race of people 1178. Focuses attention on specific issues
B. a country where a group of people rule A. Media
the country, often like a group dictator-
B. Interest Groups
C. a country where oligarchs rule the C. Individuals
country D. Politicians
D. a country where everyone votes for 1179. What does PAC stand for?
the leaders using the single transferrable
vote system A. Politics Authorizing Committee
B. Politics and Commutators
1174. What was one policy adopted by the
U.S. after the Spanish-American War? C. Political Action Committee
A. Made Panama a protectorate. D. Political Artifact College
B. Established the League of Nations. 1180. All of the following are steps in the nat-
C. Formed NATO. uralization process except:
D. Started the Marshall Plan. A. 18 years old
B. Legal Resident for 5 years
1175. One of these is NOT a role of the media
during an election. C. Read, Write, Speech English
A. Identify the candidates D. Obey Laws
B. Show different points of view E. Pass Naturalization Test
C. Emphasize selected points of view 1181. A burden that people believe they must
D. Identify Propaganda fear if a policy is adopted
D. Individuals are allowed to influence
A. policy adoption
B. public policy
C. policy makers 1189. Wind, geothermal, and solar energy are
all what type of energy resources?
D. none of above
A. cheap
1184. How many members are in Congress?
B. potential
A. 100
B. 270 C. renewable
C. 435 D. chemical
D. 535 1190. Is this public policy? European govern-
1185. Research suggests that the overriding ments shut down their countries as they
bias in the news is one toward stories that notice a mutation in Coronavirus which is
causing surges.
A. are humanitarian A. Yes
B. will draw the largest audience B. No
C. put the president in a good light
1191. What is the happens after the bill is in-
D. favor liberals troduced by a representative or senator?
1186. Select 2 objectives of Public Policy A. It is signed by the president, becoming
A. to make and analyze governmental ac- a law
tion B. It is sent to a committee
B. to enact the law C. Sent to the other chamber for debate
C. to enforce the law
D. Voted on by the full house of Congress
D. none of above
1192. Privatization is the transfer of owner-
1187. Process of inducing others into accept- ship from the private sector to the public
ing a point of view by means of reasoning sector.
and argumentation
A. True
A. Negotiation
B. Consensus Building B. False
Explanation:Privatization is the transfer
C. Compromise of ownership from the public sector to the
D. Persuasion private sector.
1193. Function in which the party ensures the 1198. A policy in which almost everybody ben-
good performance of its’ candidates efits and a small group pays
B. To disregard the law 1209. What is the role of linkage institutions
in policymaking?
C. Free speech
A. To serve as political channels through
D. Due process which people’s concerns become political
issues on the policy agenda
1204. Scenario:The economy is experiencing
high unemployment. What might the Fed- B. To manipulate the supply of money to
eral Reserve do to the interest rate? keep inflation in check
A. Increase C. To develop support for a specific policy
B. Decrease
D. To apply the government’s policy to the
1205. The use of Ping-Pong balls in the NBA problem
Draft Lottery is a version of using a
1210. is a material that is found in nature
A. Random Sample and that is used by living things.
B. Public Agenda A. nonrenewable resource
C. Lobbying B. natural resource
D. Public Opinion Poll C. renewable resource
1206. Whom should you contact if you are up- D. none of above
set about an ordinance that establishes a
1211. To understand how a policy is imple-
curfew in your city?
mented in a community, it is important
A. your city council member to understand which community group or
B. your Ohio Senator or Ohio House mem- government agency is responsible for deal-
ber in the General Assembly ing with the problem?
1220. Naturalized citizens have all the same 1225. Speech creating a “clear and present
rights as natural born citizens except the danger” is not protected by the 1st
ability to do what? Amendment
A. Run for President or Vice President. A. Schenck v. United States
B. Go into the Military B. Roe v. Wade
C. Vote C. United States v. Lopez
D. Work in the government D. Engel v. Vitale
1221. Extended the right to privacy to a 1226. If you give the judge $30, 000 to rule
woman’s decision to have an abortion in your favor, that is an example of
A. Roe v. Wade A. Price Fixing
B. Griswold v. Connecticut B. Price Gouging
C. Wisconsin v. Yoder C. Obstruction of Justice
D. McDonald v. Chicago D. Non-Compete
1222. Constitutional protection against unfair 1227. Who interprets the constitutionality of
government actions is called what? acts, orders, and laws?
1223. Foreign aid are economic regulations are 1228. Footage shows the man, George Floyd,
considered what type of foreign policy groaning and repeatedly saying
tool? A. I’m not guilty
A. Diplomatic B. Please, let me go
B. Military C. “I can’t breathe”
C. Economic D. none of above
D. Unconventional
1229. The “platform” that a group or party
E. Domestic has refers to what?
A. The statement of their principles and
1224. #1-1 Branch:Legislative, Gov’t. Level:
B. The statement of their annual profits
A. National
C. The amount of followers they have on
B. State
C. Local
D. How they are able to speak to a large
D. none of above crowd of people
1230. A survey of public opinion. 1236. If you don’t pay taxes but still get to
A. sampling error drive on public roads, this could be an ex-
ample of what kind of problem.
1242. Which house of Congress must a bill A. the winner in a statewide election will
pass through in order to become a law? earn all electoral votes
A. Both B. the state can split the electors be-
tween the top two candidates
B. House of Representatives
C. the winner of the primary election will
C. Senate win the general election
D. Neither D. the winner of the presidency will take
1243. Many agencies have been created to en- all the power of the executive branch
force regulations. For example, the 1248. What are Taxes?
enforces the Clean Air Act and the Clean
Water Act. A. A Sum of money that the Federal gov-
ernment pays its citizens for good behav-
A. local government ior.
B. Environmental Protection Agency B. A Sum of Money that the State Man-
(EPA) dates its Businesses pay in order to sup-
C. State governors port the cleaning of their parking lot.
D. Federal government C. A Sum of Money that the Federal Gov-
ernment charges its citizens to clean up
1244. Gabriel Almond proposed that “political their messes.
system is a set of interactions of having
structures, each of which performs its func- D. A sum of money that the State or Fed-
tions in order to keep it like an on-going eral Government mandates its citizens
concern.”True or False? pay in order to support the government it-
self and all of its services.
A. True
B. False 1249. Favoring one view or another
A. Propaganda
1245. Which political party in the United
States had the longest continuous exis- B. Public opinion
tence? C. Lobbyist
A. Democrats D. Bias
B. Federalists 1250. The largest portion of “uncontrollable
C. Progressives spending” in the federal budget is
D. Republicans A. interest on the national debt.
C. lobbying and joining interest groups 1260. making political contributions (donating
D. registering, but not voting money)
1256. What is the term for the transfer of gov- A. ways individuals influence public pol-
ernment functions or property into private icy
hands? B. ways interest groups influence public
A. Policy access policy
1261. When a news article can be fact checked C. Less room for animals to hunt and find
with other reliable and accurate sources, shelter
we can say there is D. Birds find seeds and insects on plowed
A. collaboration fields
B. coavailablilty 1266. When the government takes money
C. corroboration from one group and transfers it to another
D. copiloting (ex. food stamps), this is known as:
1262. According to Friedrich and Knoepfel et
al., what is the main focus in studying pub-
lic policy?
A. Thoughts and intentions of the govern-
B. Actions taken by the government
A. Distributive
C. Problems and concerns faced by the
government B. Redistributive
1279. What is the meaning of “consequence”? 1283. This theory focuses on the organiza-
tion and interdependence of relationships
A. Risk
within interacting parts.
B. Shortcut
A. Information theory
C. Postpone B. Communication theory
D. Effect C. Systems theory
1280. What is foreign policy? D. Open theory
1284. Which of the following statements is an
A. Many eligible voters in the United
States do not vote.
B. Special-interest groups have too much
influence on laws.
A. a country’s relations with other na- C. Interest groups try to convince people
tions to support their points-of-view.
B. international trade policy D. The United States is currently a two-
C. sending diplomats to global confer- party system.
1285. How is public policy defined?
D. protection of overseas interests
A. In terms of political ideology
1281. What are 3 ways that we can influence B. In terms of economic growth and de-
public policy? velopment
A. Vote for who we feel is the best candi- C. In terms of individual rights and free-
date doms
B. Protest in marches and rallies if D. In terms of a common goal or purpose
change needs to occur
1286. What is the job of the judicial branch?
C. Read the news and stay informed on
current issues A. To interpret the laws and determine if
they are fair
D. Join an interest group to cause change
B. To make the laws
or to keep freedoms secure
C. To enforce the laws
1282. The main goal of a lobbyist is to
D. To make up rules for our government
A. elect members of Congress
1287. What is the meaning of “shortcut”?
B. increase public awareness of a prob-
lem facing the nation A. cut down
1288. Stages in Process are not necessarily se- A. Treaty ratification requires approval
quential or even distinct. The production by two-thirds of the Senate.
process is rarely that systematic.True or
C. only at the national level of gov’t
1298. Fiat money has value simply because D. at the local, state, and national levels
the government says it does? of gov’t
A. TRUE 1304. Someone who speaks or acts on behalf
B. False of an organization at a meeting or confer-
1299. One way the Federal Reserve can
counter unemployment and stimulate A. Delegate
spending is by B. Incumbent
A. selling securities C. Political Consultant
B. decreasing the discount rate D. Candidate
C. tightening monetary policies 1305. An organization that coordinates candi-
D. increasing the reserve requirement dates to compete in a particular country’s
1300. The framers of the Constitution felt that
media served as an informal check on the A. a political movement
power of the government. B. a grassroots campaign
A. True C. a poll
B. False D. a political party
1301. We would expect that in a community 1306. Which of the following DOES NOT de-
with mounting air and water pollution scribe one way that an individual can in-
problems, the fluence public policy?
A. economy of the region would decline. A. strike for higher wages and better ben-
B. unemployment rates would drop. efits at a company
D. health care would become less impor- C. participate in politics by voting, cam-
tant. paigning, and running for office
D. express opinions by lobbying, writing
1302. This political group stresses that indi- editorials, and demonstrating
vidualsshould be responsible for their own
well-being andshould not rely on govern- 1307. 1) Name one advantage of using solar
ment assistance. energy.
A. Liberals A. It is inexpensive to begin using
B. Conservatives B. It will be around for millions of years
1312. One advantage to using a debit card is 1317. Racial and ethnic groups vote in similar
that it allows theuser to patterns.
A. build a strong credit score A. True
B. repay credit card debts faster B. False
1318. A political debate aired on television is 1323. Which of the following doesn’t typically
an example of how the media impact policy/political agendas?
A. shows bias A. Pressures by unfriendly foreign na-
B. determines who the winner will be tions
1319. Public Policy is public because public pol-
icy is related to the public interests, which 1324. Being an informed citizen does not have
affect all of us in some way such as ad- an impact on how government works.
dressing the environment, civil rights, eco- A. TRUE
nomic freedom, or the promotion of per-
sonal morality. B. FALSE
C. Citizens United v. Federal Elections 1328. Of the following, what is the BEST defi-
Commission nition for public policy
D. Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of A. How the president deals with societal
2002 issues
A. Idealism
A. Public Parks
B. Realism
B. Public Library
C. Liberalism
C. Public Transportation
D. Isolationism
D. City Clerk
1330. How are individuals who write letters
1334. Vietnam’s growth in 2020 was the high-
to their congressman influencing public pol-
est in Asia. Is this true or false?
A. True
A. Being informed
B. False
B. Expressing their opinions
C. Influencing laws 1335. When one person’s consumption does
not hinder anyone else’s consumption of
D. Making a contribution
the good is the definition of what?
1331. The course of action the government A. Public Good
takes in response to an issue or problem
B. Public Policy
is called
C. Nonrival
D. Rival
D. the State of Ohio and order
1338. The media remains neutral in their re- C. Free education policy for 15 years
porting about politics, therefore, citizens D. Tax policy
have no obligation to evaluate the media.
E. Land reform policy
A. False
B. True 1344. The democratic party released a com-
mercial showing their candidate helping
1339. There are some rights that a regula- out in the community. Since voters know
tion cannot interfere with because theyare they are favoring one side or a slanted
rights guaranteed by the point of view, they can evaluate this ad
A. Bill of Rights by
B. United States Constitution A. not voting in this election
C. County Charter B. making a political contribution to the
D. Articles of Confederation other candidate
1347. The writings of the enlightenment 1352. One role of Mass Media in elections is
philosophers in Europe encouraged later A. Emphasizing selected issues
political revolutions through their support
A. Socialism C. voting
C. Act as a bonding agent
D. Act as a watchdog
1373. Which of the following is an action of C. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
the Federal Reserve that strongly influ- D. state legislatures
ences local economies?
A. it can raise or lower property taxes 1378. convince public officials to agree with a
certain viewpoint
B. it can provide stimulus money for job
A. propaganda
B. bias
C. it can require Banks to provide savings
C. lobby
accounts to the community
D. you can make loans cheaper or more D. interest group
expensive by adjusting interest rates
1379. School sponsorship of religious activi-
1374. Refers to action taken by government ties (teacher led / directed prayer) vio-
to address a particular public issue to pro- lates the establishment clause
tect and benefit the populations A. Tinker v. Monks
A. Public Policy B. Engel v. Vitale
B. Community Policy C. Wisconsin v. Yoder
C. Health Policy D. Schenck v. United States
D. Private Policy 1380. ? comprised of regulative,
1375. “Models “ Policies are best ex- normative and cultural cognitive elements
plained by all models combinedtogether. that, together with associated activities
and resources, provide stability and mean-
A. are competitive but not complemen- ing to social life.This statement refers to?
A. Institutional theory
B. are not competitive but complemen-
tary B. Systen Theory
C. Group Theory
C. are unique but not complementary
D. Public Choice Theoyr
D. are not unique but complementary
1381. How are individuals who write letters
1376. Which of the following would keep
to their congressmen influencing public pol-
someone from being qualified to vote in
A. Directly influencing laws
A. being 18 years old
B. Demonstrating
B. Being a convicted felon
C. Expressing their opinions
C. Being resident of Virginia
D. Making a contribution
D. Living in Virginia less that 5 years
1382. Governments take many actions to im-
1377. According the the U.S. Constitution, plement a public policy. Identify the ap-
who in the federal government is given the propriate branch and government level to
power to impeach a federal government address each public policy issue. People
official? want the Environmental Protection Agency
A. House of Representatives to pass regulations to punish polluters.
B. the President A. Legislative branch and local level
C. The President and Governor
D. The President and Vice President
1395. Candidates are most likely to invest 1400. Cyber warfare is considered what type
their time and money into what kind of of foreign policy tool?
states? A. Diplomatic
A. safe states B. Military
B. swing states C. Economic
A. International Investors
B. Federal Reserve
C. State and local governments
A. Republic
D. Private Investors
B. Absolute Monarchy
1403. “Candidate Jones Lied About His Taxes” C. Theocracy
What role does the media have by posting
D. Dictatorship
this headline?
A. giving a contribution 1407. How does public policy impact society?
B. broadcasting different points of view A. Public policy can impact society by
shaping laws, regulations, and govern-
C. holding gov’t officials accountable
ment actions that affect the well-being of
D. offering a forum for opposing view- individuals and communities.
B. Public policy has no impact on society
1404. Which of the following most closely re- C. Public policy only impacts the econ-
sembles a Republican viewpoint? omy, not society
A. Government should be less involved in D. Public policy only impacts the govern-
social programs. ment, not society
B. A.Government should be quite in- 1408. These laws include more serious crimes
volved in everyday lives of Americans. such as felonies or less serious crimes such
C. A.Government involvement in the as misdemeanors.
economy is the best way to keep the econ- A. Criminal Laws
omy thriving.
B. Civil Laws
D. A.Government should regulate busi-
ness to ensure the best chance of success C. Military Laws
for that business. D. Juvenile Laws
1409. Social Security is primarily funded by: 1414. In the real world, consumers and busi-
A. A payroll tax nesses often (a) information for their own
B. Estate taxes
C. Capital gains taxes
D. the President’s salary
one narrow topic:
A. Single-Issue Interest Group
B. Public Interest Group
C. Professional Interest Group A. a hide
D. Economic Interest Group B. give
C. find
1411. Government officials use the media to
communicate with the public. D. negotiate for
A. True 1415. Public policy is always in the best inter-
B. False ests of the public.
A. True
1412. What does the word Persuasion mean? B. False
A. A process of inducing others into ac- C. Really?
cepting a point of view by means of rea-
D. none of above
soning and argumentation
B. A process of working toward achieving 1416. The zero to forever strategy seeks to
general agreement within a group guarantee early childhood development
1418. Which of the following is NOT a forum 1423. An example of a public policy at school
that mass media provides for opposing is the dress code.
viewpoints? A. True
1421. #1-1 Branch: , Gov’t. Level:State 1428. Which one of these is NOT a federal gov-
ernment created national volunteer pro-
A. Legislative grams:
B. Executive A. AmeriCorps
C. Judicial B. Peace Corp
D. none of above C. Salvation Army
1422. If the Federal Reserve wanted to stim- D. Senior Corps
ulate the economy (make it grow), they 1429. concerned with the administrative reor-
might ganization of congressional agencies
A. Sell Treasury bonds A. Substantive policy
B. Buy Treasury bonds B. Constituent Policy
C. Spend more money C. Distributive Policy
D. Spend less money D. Redistributive policy
1430. This image shows the medias role in pol- 1434. The IRS or Social Security Administra-
icy by tion can create which kind of laws?
A. Criminal
B. Civil
C. Common
D. Administrative
1435. “Corporations can’t be trusted to treat
A. Providing a forum people fairly they need to be regulated in
order to protect workers.”
B. holding government officials account-
able A. Liberal
C. identifying candidates B. Conservative
D. publishing editorials
1436. Which activity uses more electricity?
1431. What does PAC’s stand for?
A. Riding a bike
A. Political Action Committees
B. PartisanAction Committee B. Reading a book
1432. The map above illustrates what concept 1437. identifying the issues
designed to give political advantage to a
particular group? A. ways individuals influence public pol-
B. ways interest groups influence public
1433. The US House of Representatives can 1439. If a school provides incentives to stu-
pass what kind of laws? dents for completing all assignments,
A. Criminal what type of solution are they implement-
B. Civil ing?
A. The decisions and actions taken by gov- 1454. It is a policy determination that is based
ernment to address a particular issue or on a lack of complete policy analysis.
problem. Therefore it is necessary to change addi-
B. The implementation and management tional details.
of policies and programs by government A. leadership model
agencies and officials.
B. System model
1449. What is the highest court in the federal C. Incremental change model
judicial branch?
D. Rational model
A. The Ohio Supreme Court
B. The Supreme Court of the United 1455. What are the challenges in implement-
States ing public policy?
C. United States District Court A. Challenges may include resistance
from stakeholders, lack of resources, con-
D. The Court of Common Please flicting interests, and difficulty in achiev-
1450. An intentional news leak for the pur- ing consensus.
pose of assessing the political reaction to B. Abundance of resources
that news is called a(n)
C. Easily achieving consensus
A. press conference
D. Lack of interest from stakeholders
B. trial balloon
C. talking head 1456. Tradable permits or carbon credits pro-
vide incentives for firms to develop tech-
D. media event nologies that are more polluting.
1451. Under due process, you have the right A. TRUE
to a fair
A. trial Explanation:Tradable permits or carbon
B. judgement credits provide incentives for firms to de-
velop technologies that are less polluting.
C. lawyer
D. criticism 1457. Public agenda is
1452. what is the last step in public policy A. individual (or group) that creates a
plan of action to achieve a goal, to solve
A. what is the most effective choice an issue [policymaker → lawmaker]
B. goal or purpose B. government response to public issues
C. pros and cons C. groups of people who work together
D. what is the cause of the problem for similar interests or goals
1453. #1-3 Branch: , Gov’t. Level:Local D. the public issues on which the people’s
attention is focused
A. Legislative
B. Executive 1458. Protest and terrorism are the same.
C. Judicial A. True
D. none of above B. False
C. To determine if a policy was effective 1465. Interest groups make political contribu-
and why or why not tions to the candidate they support.
D. To develop support for a specific policy A. TRUE
1461. What type of government has a king or
1466. How does the media influence public
queen whose powers are limited by a bill
A. Gives money to political parties
A. democracy
B. Regulates the type of media people
B. absolute monarchy
C. constitutional monarchy
C. Focuses attention on certain issues
D. dictatorship
D. Tells people who to vote for
1462. Study the political cartoon. What rates
are being cut as shown in the political car- 1467. Select the ways citizens can evaluate
toon? the media:
A. Separate fact from fiction
B. Detect Bias
C. Evaluate sources
D. ALL of the above
1469. These usually impact government by 1474. When all people pay the same amount
identifying issues ignored by the two ma- in taxes, it is referred to as a:
jor parties.
A. Third-Parties
B. Interest Groups
C. Supreme Court Cases
D. Executive Departments
1470. Air strikes and ground invasions are con-
sidered what type of foreign policy tools? A. Progressive tax
A. Diplomatic B. Regressive tax
B. Military C. Proportional tax
C. Economic D. Realist tax
D. Unconventional 1475. Guaranteed the right to an attorney for
E. Domestic the poor or indigent
A. Schenck v. United States
1471. What type of government is based on
the power of religious authority? B. Miranda v. Arizona
1488. Examine the list below and choose 1493. Who might be able to provide helpful in-
the one that DOES NOT belong on the sights on issues relating to the U.S. mili-
list of strategies for evaluating campaign tary bases around the world?
speeches and advertisements. A. Dept of State
A. Detect bias:Is something favored over B. Dept of Treasury
something else?
C. Dept of Defense
B. Identify propaganda:Is it an effort to
mold one’s opinion? D. Dept of Justice
C. Evaluate sources:author, publisher, 1494. An organization that raises money to
qualifications donate to political campaigns is a
D. Survey:Take a neighborhood opinion A. political action committee
poll B. interest group
1489. The role of the media is to present infor- C. campaign fundraiser
mation about the world to the public. D. none of the above
A. True 1495. What type of public policy is happening
B. False when the U.S. Congress creates the budget
each year?
1490. Which of the following is a sign of an
A. Economic Policy
inaccurate poll?
B. Social Policy
A. clear wording
C. Foreign and Defense Policy
B. small sampling error
D. none of above
C. confusing interpretation
D. representative sample 1496. Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire
were all
1491. What is the first step in the lawmaking A. Scientists studying gravity
B. Developers of the scientific method
A. A bill is introduced by a representative
C. Sea Captains who explored North
or senator
B. A bill is worked on in a committee
D. Enlightenment philosophers who ideas
C. Sent to the other chamber for debate contributed to the French Revolution
D. Voted on by the full house of Congress 1497. Under Ohio’s first plan of government
1492. Each is a phase of creating a Public Pol- (Constitution of 1802) how were state
icy except: judges selected?
A. Nominated by the President; approved
A. Agenda Setting
by the Senate
B. Policy Formulation
B. Appointed by the Governor
C. Policy Adoption
C. Elected by the people
D. Policy Implementation D. Appointed by a majority vote of the leg-
E. Policy Payments islative branch
1498. Most people read news from sources B. Inform & activate supporters
that agrees with their political ideology.
C. Bonding agent
1502. How is the number of representatives 1507. What is the best title for the chart?
A. total people in United States
B. 2 per state
C. based on each state’s population A. Voters in an election
D. none of above B. Responsibilities of a lobbyist
1503. Function that includes keeping voters C. Legislators in the lawmaking process
aware of issues through campaigning D. The president leading the executive
A. Nominate candidates branch
1508. The legislative branch at the federal B. The amount that the Federal Reserve
level is the Bank is required to lend out.
A. General Assembly C. The amount that the Federal Reserve
Bank is required to take out of circulation.
B. U.S. Congress
D. The amount that commercial banks are
C. city council required to keep and not lend out
D. none of above
1512. #1-2 Branch:Legislative, Gov’t. Level:
1509. To yield the best economic outcome for
a buyer and a seller, they would both need A. National
B. State
C. Local
D. none of above
1513. Refers to the use of information tech-
nologies in relation to any nursing func-
tions and actions of nurses.
A. Nursing Informatics
B. Nursing Information
1525. Is this public policy? Governor Hogan 1530. This type of money consists of a certifi-
provides economic relief for small busi- cate or token that can be exchanged for an
ness. item of value.
A. Yes A. Commodity money
B. No B. Representative money
C. Fiat money
1526. If and economy experiences a dramatic
rise in prices, which fiscal policy action D. none of above
could be taken?
1531. This case reverses a trend of expanding
A. Selling securities on the open market federal power and limits the government’s
B. Raising interest rates ability to act pursuant to the Commerce
C. Reducing government spending
A. Marbury v. Madison
D. Raising reserve requirements
B. New York Times v. United States
1527. Type of government ruled by one leader.
C. Mc Cullouch v. Maryland
Usually a King.
D. United States v. Lopez
A. Anarchy
B. Monarchy 1532. Shakuntala Express was a passen-
ger train that runs between Yavatmal
C. Democracy
and Murtijapur in Maharashtra. Having
D. Oligarchy started operations in 1902, what was
unique about this train?
1528. What type of interest groups want bet-
A. India’s only private operated train
ter wages and working conditions for
workers? B. Shortest possible route in India
A. Single Issue Groups C. The train covers all geographic fea-
tures (mountains, plateau, desert etc)
B. Public Interest Groups
D. The train can carry only one passenger
C. Labor Union Groups
D. Public Policy 1533. After the APEC meeting in Beijing, the
leaders of China and the United States
1529. What is common law? met alone, and the establishment of in-
A. laws that are determined by the out- stitutional economic relations between the
comes of court cases that have occurred two countries was the start of negotia-
previously tions on a bilateral investment protection
agreement between China and the United
B. laws that are actions that are naturally States. Who are the two leaders?
considered as right or wrong
A. Xi Jinping and Trump
C. laws that are passed in response to
B. Xi Jinping and Obama
concerns of the public
C. Jiang Zemin and Walker Bush
D. laws refers to codes or regulations
that all branches of the military share D. Hu Jintao and Walker Bush
1534. Which statement describes a character- 1539. What does it mean to lobby?
istic of the checks and balances provided A. A measurement of how much the sam-
for in the U.S. Constitution?
1543. A group of people chosen for a specific 1548. What factors contribute to the success
job or task of an interest group?
A. Lobbyists A. Size and resources
B. Public Agenda B. Commitment of members to the
C. Committee group’s goals
D. Media C. Strong leadership
D. All of the above
1544. What do you call a group of people who
work to get Congress to pass laws to sup- 1549. Which of these is NOT a monetary policy
port their intersts? tool?
A. Lobbyists A. Discount rate
B. Congressmen
B. Balance Accounts
C. Presidents
C. Open Market Operation
D. Patriots
D. Reserved Requirements
1545. It is a type of policy that refers to the
impositions of restrictions or limitations 1550. Which branch makes the laws?
on the behavior of individuals and groups A. Executive
that reduce the freedom or discretion to
B. Legislative
act among those regulated.
C. Judicial
A. redistributive policy
B. distributive policy D. none of above
1553. What are numerical indicators of social, 1558. Which of the following is NOT a role of
political, or economic phenomena, such as Chief Executive?
birth rates, voter turnout, or employment
B. True C. Conservative
D. Reactionary
1555. The Federal Reserve
1560. -focusing attention on selected issues-
hold government officials accountable
government communicates with public The
media influences public policy in many
ways. Which way is missing from the
chart above?
A. influences the money supply and inter- A. participating in politics
est rates in the economy to keep inflation B. appointing government officials
low and stable
C. appealing to the public directly
B. assures healthy and safe working con-
D. offering a forum for opposing view-
ditions for workers/employees
C. protects public health by assuring
foods and medical products are safe 1561. In a direct democracy
D. enforces laws which makes it illegal to A. People vote on policy issues
discriminate against job applicants or em- B. Representatives make and decide on
ployees policy issues
1556. The national personal income tax is a C. A central government controls policy
tax. D. none of above
A. Proportional
1562. Which of the following bureaucratic in-
B. Regressive
stitutions is primarily responsible for co-
C. Progressive ordinating American intelligence activities
D. Benefits Recieved abroad?
A. Department of Defense
1557. Violating a law might be a crime or
might carry CIVIL RIGHTS. B. Federal Bureau of Investigation
A. True C. Federal Communications Commission
B. False D. Central Intelligence Agency
1563. Which of the following is the EARLIEST 1567. Boundaries established by rivers,
example of American politicians trying to oceans, deserts, mountains, etc. are based
shape public opinion? on
A. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address A. Geometric features
B. Abolitionist newspapers published in B. Physical features
the years before the Civil War C. Human features
C. the publication of The Federalist Pa- D. Access to Natural Resources
1568. What is in Bahasa of “Head of Public
D. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fireside chats Policy for the Indonesian Employers’ Asso-
1564. The main purpose of a Political Action
Committee is to A. Chair of Public Policy of the Indonesian
Employers’ Association
A. Chose a candidate to run for office
B. Chair of Political Policy of the Indone-
B. Bring new issues to the front of candi- sian Employers’ Association
dates attention
C. Chair of Public Policy of the Indonesian
C. Raise public opinions of key issues Workers Association
D. Raise money for candidates who sup- D. Chairman of General Policy of the In-
port their views donesian Traders Association
1565. Which foreign policy strategy has the 1569. Which renewable resource gets its di-
US promoting democracy? rect energy from the sun?
A. Geothermal
B. Solar
C. Wind
D. Hydrogen
1575. Public concerns can make their way onto 1580. The causes of rising inflation that my
the government’s agenda through: group mentioned in the presentation were:
A. The increase in the price of petrol
A. Media coverage.
B. Prices of imported goods increased
B. Interest group lobbying.
C. The loosening of monetary policy by
C. Citizen protests. the government
D. All D. All of the above options are correct
1581. What is the purpose of the executive 1585. The largest portion of “uncontrollable
branch? spending” in the federal budget would be
A. Make laws A. Entitlement spending.
B. enforce laws B. Spending on national defense.
C. Interpret laws C. Interest on the national debt.
D. Make everyone happy D. Salaries of federal bureaucrats.
1582. Public policy does not always achieve its 1586. What are interest groups that start at
goals. This can be due to a variety of fac- the community level and influence pub-
tors, such as poor planning, inadequate re- lic policy through community participation
sources, or unforeseen obstacles. called?
A. True A. Lobbyist
B. False B. Grassroots Organization
C. Take care C. Interest Groups
D. none of above D. Executive Departments and Indepen-
dent Agencies
1583. SS.7.C.2.12Above are views for and
against a town ban on motorcycle traf- 1587. Individuals can influence policy in all the
fic.Which conclusion can be drawn from following ways EXCEPT
these views? A. Campaigning
B. Registering to vote
C. Voting
D. Writing letters to their representa-
A. Most people enjoy riding motorcycles.
B. There are multiple perspectives on 1588. The right to vote.
public issues. A. Suffrage
C. Motorcyclists generally fail to respect B. Caucus
other people.
C. Disenfranchise
D. Motorcycles are safer than most other
forms of transportation. D. Civil Disobedience
1584. Media can also provide a forum for op- 1589. Linda is allowed to vote for the Pres-
posing viewpoints-it is important for en- ident of the United States while living
gaged citizens to be able to detect or in Washington, D.C. for the first time in
favor a view over another, and opinion in 1964.
media reporting. A. 15th Amendment
A. bias B. 19th Amendment
B. media C. 23rd Amendment
C. agenda D. 24th Amendment
D. opposing viewpoints E. 26th Amendment
1590. T/F:The 3rd stage of making and shap- D. Bill Weld, a Republican challenger to
ing public policy is policy adoption Pres. Trump:“The President has commit-
ted treason.”
1599. #6 A. Demonstrating
A. A B. Petitioning
B. B C. Lobbying
C. C D. Campaigning
D. D
1604. Ideology that favors extreme change
1600. Meetings where party leaders and sup- back to an earlier, more conservative,
porters select candidates through discus- state
sions and consensus
A. Radical
A. Primary election
B. Liberal
B. Caucus
C. Electoral College C. Conservative
D. Party D. Reactionary
1601. After being introduced, what is the next 1605. human, technical, material and financial
step in the lawmaking process? resources are need for policy change. a
A. The bill is voted on lack of appropriate resources makes imple-
menting policy extremely difficult
B. The bill is debated
A. actors
C. The bill is worked on in committees
B. institutions
D. The bill is reviewed by the President
(national laws) or Governor (state laws) C. resource
A. Karl Marx
B. Wilson
C. Hegel
D. Mills
1618. What does the term Volunteerism 1624. The reponse of local governments to
mean? the Secretary of State’s speech reference
above might be
A. To promote peace and order
A. to build a structure at the water’s edge
B. Right to bare arms
to prevent flooding
C. It is the practice of offering your time B. to lower punishments for polluters
and services to others without payment.
C. to run ads discouraging flood insur-
D. To promote justice and equality
ance for citizens
1619. Interest groups focus on one specific in- D. to discourage the use of wind energy
terest 1625. Rule by one
A. true
B. false
1621. Belief system that feels government A. Dictatorship and Constitutional Monar-
should fix unfair policies chy
A. Radical B. Dictatorship Communism
B. Liberal C. Dictatorship Absolute Monarchy
C. Conservative D. Absolute Monarchy Republic
D. Reactionary 1626. Level 2In order to help the economy
grow, the FED may the reserve re-
1622. What is a “con”? quirement, allowing banks to loan more
A. advantage people money so that they spend more
B. disadvantage
decisions D. Family
B. A king or queen is in charge of making 1642. Which of the following groups, based
all the rules upon the readings, tends to be more lib-
C. All citizens vote on decisions eral in American politics?
D. There is a king or queen, but they’re A. White Americans
power is limited. B. Darker skinned Americans
1638. Which era can be considered the golden C. Women
age of state enterprises? In what period D. Men
did it happen?
1643. Reading the paper or a political article
A. Coup d’etat 1947 shows that you are being what type of
B. Coup of 1866 voter?
C. Coup of 1957 A. ignorant
D. coup d’etat 1958 B. negligent
C. informed
1639. The main goal of an interest group is to:
D. partisan
1644. What do you call a group of people who
work to get Congress to pass laws to sup-
port their interests?
A. Interest group
B. Constituents
C. Appealing directly through media
D. Approving or vetoing legislation
A. Decreasing government spending
B. Lowering interest rates 1662. Collection bins or containers with the re-
cycling symbol indicate policies to
C. Raising interest rates
A. Protect the environment by recycling
D. Selling bonds to investors
B. Securing our border
1657. The James River empties into the
C. Protecting our rights
Any pollution or sediment in the river will
end up here, too. D. Create an economy
A. Pacific Ocean 1663. “Candidate Williams Lied About His
B. Hudson Bay Past Criminal History.”This headline
demonstrates which role of the media
C. Chesapeake Bay
when setting the public agenda?
D. Gulf of Mexico
A. offering a forum in which opposing
1658. Groups of individuals that work to- viewpoints are communicated
gether to promote a cause like PETA, B. holding gov’t accountable to the public
GreenPeace, NRA are called
C. broadcasting different viewpoints
A. political parties
D. emphasizing selected issues
B. Congress members
C. electors 1664. A limited government is created to-
1660. What type of interest group works to 1665. Public policy is a broader term that en-
benefit all or most of society? compasses all of the policies and actions of
a government, including those that are not
A. Economic Interest Group directly related to government agencies or
B. Private Interest Group programs.
A. True
B. False
1675. A woman wants to report cars speeding B. County Department of Transportation.
in a school zone. Who do you call? C. The Federal Bureau of Investigations.
D. The US Military.
1683. A treaty is legally binding and must be take money out or put money into the econ-
approved by 2/3 of the US Senate. omy’s money supply quickly (2 correct an-
swers and you must choose both)
1685. which is the capital city of India 1690. Capital-intensive has been marked by
the investment trend that has resulted in
A. Bangalore
B. Bombay A. Fewer jobs created
C. Calcutta B. Many jobs created
D. New Delhi C. Artificial Intelligence used
1686. Which one of these is NOT a responsibil- D. Machinery used
ity of U.S. citizen?
1691. Which feature of the unwritten consti-
A. Serving in the community tution is part of the system of checks and
B. Influencing government balances?
C. Serving in the military A. The President’s Cabinet
D. Voting B. Approving Treaties
1693. In what year certification and exami- 1698. A person whose job it is to influence offi-
nation of nursing informatics as scope of cials and convince them to vote a particular
practice were established? way on proposed laws-
A. 1985 A. Lobbyist
B. 1989 B. Candidate
C. 1995 C. Campaign assistant
D. 1999
D. Policymaker
1694. Which is true about the effect of the
Buckley v. Valeo ruling? 1699. Is this public policy? “Congress has re-
cently passed a new stimulus bill support-
A. Led to rise of SuperPACs
ing millions of Americans.”
B. Led to increase use of soft money
A. Yes
C. Ended express advocacy ads
B. No
D. Led to decrease in campaign spending
1695. What is the sub-discipline of public pol- 1700. Which of the following is an example of
icy that focuses on countries interacting? public policy?
A. Foreign policy A. Laws and regulations implemented to
reduce air pollution
B. Domestic policy
C. Economic policy B. Tax breaks for wealthy individuals
1696. What is the role of news media in a rep- D. Private company’s employee dress
resentative democracy? code
1703. Amount of money the federal govern- 1708. Large businesses and labor unions hire
ment expects to receive and authorizes to talk to government officials about
government to spend for a fiscal year (12 issues that affect their industries
tricting decisions trolling and curbing unemployment?
A. Baker v. Carr A. Public policy plays a minor role in con-
B. Shaw v. Reno trolling unemployment
C. Mc Donald v. Chicago B. Public policy plays a very important
role in controlling unemployment
D. Citizens United v. Federal Election
Commission C. Public policy is only an intermediary in
the problem of solving unemployment
1712. What are controls on the behavior of
companies and industries in order to pro- D. Only workers can solve unemployment
tect consumers and workers called? for themselves
1732. S4:Local governments exercise all of the 1737. In which situations is government in-
following powers EXCEPT tervention necessary in the market? On
which situation acquire government inter-
A. Writing ordinances.
vention in the market?
B. Educating children.
A. Positive market surplus Positive sur-
C. Regulating how land is used. plus
D. Raising an army. B. The products provided can increase
people’s income. Could uplift people’s in-
1733. Process of settling differences through come from provided product
a discussion of issues C. Failure in the market Market failure
A. Persuasion D. Market profits increase by 30% Market
B. Consensus Building profits increase to 30%
C. Negotiation 1738. what is inflation?
D. Compromise A. governments use of taxing, monetary,
and spending powers to manipulate the
1734. Which scenario demonstrates how the economy
mass media commonly influence public pol- B. consistent increase in prices
icy & the public agenda?
C. increasing public spending and cutting
A. Lobbying members of Congress taxes stimulates the economy
B. Interviewing different politicians D. trade of goods and services between
about proposed legislation countires without restrictions (tariffs,
C. Discussing the lifestyle of a politician’s quotas)
family 1739. Which of the following favors lowering
D. Writing letters to a congressman taxes to stimulate the economy?
A. Socialism
1735. Special interest groups influence public
policy by doing all of the following EX- B. Supply-Side Economics
CEPT: C. Monetarist Economics
A. making political contributions D. Demand-Side Economics
B. identifying issues 1740. #5-4 The President asks the Environ-
mental Protection Agency to issue rules
C. conducting judicial reviews
regulating coal-fired energy plants.
D. lobbying government officials
A. State
1736. When policy makers are coming up with B. National
ideas and strategies for a policy, then this
1741. Which of the following is not an ex-
is known as?
pressed power of Congress?
A. policy formulation A. Raise an army and navy
B. policy implementation B. Collect taxes
C. policy evaluation C. Establish post offices
D. policy identification D. Establish schools
1742. Charles recently wrote a letter to his C. Pressure from various interest groups
local Congressman concerning a company D. Environment of country society
that is dumping toxic chemicals into a lo-
1750. “The accumulation of all powers, legisla- 1754. Derek is a Black man going to vote in
tive, executive, and judiciary, in the same the election this November. He wants to
hands, whether of one, a few or many make his opinion matter through voting!
may justly be pronounced the very defini-
A. 15th Amendment
tion of tyranny “Which feature of the
U.S. Constitution was included to address B. 19th Amendment
the concern expressed by James Madison? C. 23rd Amendment
A. Electoral College D. 24th Amendment
B. Bill of Rights E. 26th Amendment
C. Checks and Balances
1755. The U.S. government was given the au-
D. Amendment Process thority to collect income taxes with the
passage of the
1751. What is public policy?
A. Dodd-Frank Act
A. A set of rules for how businesses are
run B. Sixteenth Amendment
1758. Shrimp and seafood industries in Florida 1762. Washington wanted the US to keep to
are concerned about the freshwater supply themselves during peace war, which pol-
from Georgia. If the freshwater supply is icy did he support?
B. #4 Policy Implementation 1772. Declared that all people born in the U.S.
C. #2 Policy Formulation are citizens and are guaranteed equal pro-
tection of the law.
D. #5 Policy Assessment/Evaluation
A. 14th Amendment
1767. Public policies are often first presented B. 15th Amendment
as campaign promises by a politician that
later become law. This stage is known as C. 19th Amendment
B. promises 1773. An organization, usually representing
an interest group or corporation, that
C. formulation
raises money with the goal of supporting
D. implementation or defeating candidates, parties, or legis-
1768. What legislative body creates ordi-
nances for counties? A. PACs (Political Action Committees)
A. House of Representative B. Super PACs
B. City council 1774. What type of economy does the United
C. Board of Supervisors States have?
D. General Assembly A. Traditional
B. Free Market
1769. Which one these is Not a duty of an
United States citizen? C. Command
A. Obey the law D. Mixed
B. Defend the nation 1775. Significance of public policy doesn’t in-
C. Serve on a jury clude?
D. Speak about politics A. it has time frame
B. it is what is actually done
1770. The official endorsement of a candidate
for office by a political party. C. it is not purposive
A. Nomination D. it is purposive
B. Caucus 1776. Function which includes selecting a can-
C. Primary didate for office
1786. Which of the following demonstrates Citizens in those states want the Environ-
the media offering a forum for opposing mental Protection Agency to monitor pollu-
viewpoints? tion levels and press charges if companies
A. A headline about a government offi- are violating anti-pollution laws.
cial’s mishandling of state funds A. legislative; state
B. A press conference regarding a contro- B. executive; state
versial decision made by the governor C. judicial; national
C. A news story on a local school’s plan D. executive; national
for improving test scores
1791. Which branch of government has the
D. A debate is held between the candi-
check of pardon and reprieves?
dates running for mayor
A. Legislative
1787. Government to public policies in In-
B. Executive
stitutionalism/ Institutional model.Choose
3 correct answers. C. Judicial
A. Grants Legitimacy D. none of above
B. enables Universality 1792. If the economy is slowing, the FED will
C. imposes coercion try to encourage economic growth by
Planning for the public safety in the event A. Issue an executive order by the Presi-
of an act of terrorismThis list may require dent banning flag burning.
policy decisions by- B. Congress passes a law banning flag
A. Local jury burning.
B. Local government C. Ratification of an Amendment to the
C. Local community centers Constitution banning Flag Burning.
1811. Which economic indicator would most 1816. What action would the Federal Reserve
likely suggest an upcoming recession? take to control inflation?
1812. favoring one side or point of view 1817. This is a short form of correspondence
to someone who can do something about
A. public policy
the issue.
B. interest group
A. Email
C. bias
B. Memo
D. propaganda
C. Resolution
1813. Accountable means D. All of the above
A. To be responsible for the conse- 1818. What are the key components of public
quences of ones’ actions policy?
B. To depend on others A. Rules, regulations, restrictions
C. To be reliable in any situation B. Goals, strategies, decisions, and ac-
D. none of above tions
1814. A policy in which almost everybody ben- C. Ingredients, recipes, cooking methods
efits and almost everybody pays D. Tools, equipment, materials
A. Majoritarian Politics 1819. Mrs. Smith was in the House of Repre-
B. Entrepreneurial Politics sentatives for several years before losing
an election. Now she works for the Ameri-
C. Pork-Barrel Legislation
can Dairy Council and tries to influence leg-
D. Client Politics islators’ votes on agricultural bills.What is
the title of Mrs. Smith’s current job?
1815. Taxes, education, healthcare, and the
economy involve which type of policies? A. lobbyist
B. lawmaker
C. regulator
D. plaintiff
1820. A famous actor promoting a certain
brand of car in a television commercial is
an example of which of the following pro-
paganda techniques?
A. domestic policies A. bandwagon
B. presidential policies B. plain-folks appeal
C. diplomacy policies C. name-calling
D. military policies D. testimonial
A. 21
B. political action committee
B. 35
C. poll
C. 16 1/2
D. interest group
D. 18
1828. A government that has complete control
1823. #6-Can veto a bill passed by the U.S.
over every aspect of its citizens’ lives.
A. Legislative A. limited government
Explanation:American political per- 1837. What are policies that affect the general
spective falls into three broad cate- welfare of the people called?
gories:Liberal, Conservative, and Moder-
A. makes laws
B. carries out laws 1849. This term refers to the fact that within
the Electoral College system a candidate
C. decides the meaning of the laws gets all of the electoral votes within a
D. none of above state.
A. winner-take-all
1844. Larry offers Tom $80, 000 to divorce
his wife. Tom accepts, but then does not B. proportional representation
leave his wife. Is this agreement legally C. two party system
enforceable? D. libertarianism
A. Yes
1850. Who are the main sponsors of political
B. No action committees (PACs)?
1845. A proposed environmental protection A. think tanks
program offers benefits and costs which B. third parties
will be shared by a large number of people. C. interest groups
The type of politics that will most likely be
involved is D. grassroots organizations
1853. An example of expansionary fiscal pol- 1858. A monopoly typically causes dead-
icy would be weight loss due to
1855. When John gives $100 to the candidate C. low quantity of output
that he supports, he is D. high input prices
A. influencing public policy E. high production
B. donating political contributions
1859. Which principle of government does this
C. lobbying picture represent?
D. identifying issues
1861. Why does the United States give other 1866. This ideology seeks to keep in place eco-
countries money for education, poverty, nomic, political, and social structures in so-
and crisis? ciety.
A. to influence them to view the US favor- A. Liberal
ably B. Moderate
B. to make sure no other countries help C. Conservative
C. because we like to give money away D. Radical
D. to set them example for all other na-
tions of the world 1867. In 2012, was China’s GDP close to that
of three European countries?
1862. Similarity between interest groups and A. Spain
political parties
B. Germany
A. Seek change in the government
C. U.K.
B. Nominate candidates
D. France
C. Focus on policy
D. Cover a wide variety of issues 1868. What does the word Negotiation mean?
A. A process of inducing others into ac-
1863. How might a person or an organization cepting a point of view by means of rea-
engage with government to try to influ- soning and argumentation
ence public policy?
B. A process of settling differences
A. campaign for candidates through a discussion of issues often takes
B. lobby members of a legislature place involves a series of meetings in or-
C. hold public protests or demonstrations der to discuss solutions to a conflict
1872. “What most people think or believe C. Using your insurance to help pay for
about an issue” refers to what? something
D. none of the above
1879. Which theory holds that public policies 1883. Public policy solutions can come from
are a political system’s responses to de- which of the following groups?
mands from its environment? A. Local Governments.
A. Policy outputs B. State Governments.
B. Rational-choice theory C. Individuals, private/public companies
C. Pluralism and all levels of government.
1884. The Green Party caring about the envi-
1880. Who actually casts the official votes for ronment is an example of
the president?
A. a single issue party
B. a grassroots party
C. a socialist party
D. an environmental party
come together and agree not to offer to C. Appoint a new Chief Economic Advisor
complete the job for less than $500, 000. D. Admit that taxation is theft
This violates, which public policy?
1898. In the , every vote counts the same 1904. All of the following are ways interest
and the majority wins. groups influence public policy EXCEPT
A. electoral college A. Identify issues for lawmakers
B. popular vote B. Make political contributions
1899. Scenario:The economy is experiencing C. Lobby government officials
high inflation. Which tool would be most D. Pay for people to go to college
appropriate for Congress to address this?
1905. This model involves the assumption that
A. Increase taxes
promotion to leadership status is slow.
B. Increase government spending
A. Institutional model
C. Decrease taxes
B. System model
D. Do nothing
C. leadership model
1900. Which of the following is not a way the D. Rational model
media influences public policy?
E. Process model
A. Focus attention on selected issues
B. Offering a forum for opposing view- 1906. -Congress overrides a Presidential Veto-
points The Supreme Court rules that a state law
is unconstitutional. These actions are ex-
C. Holding government officials account- amples of
A. delegated powers
D. Pay for lobbyist
B. checks and balances
1901. An example of a duty of a U.S. citizen
C. the power of the President
A. Paying taxes
D. Popular sovereignty
B. Voting
C. Volunteering 1907. Which description does not fit for what
special interest groups do?
D. Understanding the government
A. 1
1902. Any political party that challenges the B. 3
two major parties; Also known as a minor
party. C. 4
A. Third Party D. 2
B. Superdelegates 1908. Which is not a benefit of studying public
C. Incumbents policy?
D. Interest Groups A. Have knowledge and understanding
about the origins of the government.
1903. seeking to influence legislators to vote
B. Makes you aware of the various pro-
for or against a bill
cesses of the policy
A. campaigning
C. Know the guidelines for developing the
B. lobbying country in the future.
C. policy making D. Know the efficiency of the government
D. participating in running the country.
A. racial discrimination 1918. Select the ways that individuals can par-
B. racial prejudice ticipate in politics:
1919. Proposer of the legislative agenda 1924. Who is responsible for policy implemen-
A. Party Chief
A. The bureaucracy
B. Chief Legislator
B. The media
C. Commander in chief
C. Interest groups
D. Chief Diplomat
D. The president
1920. What is a government?
1925. In Citizen United v. FEC the Supreme
A. an organization that keeps order, sets
Court ruled
rules, and provides services for a society
A. corporations & unions can spend un-
B. adding territory to a country
limited amounts on campaigns
C. a society with a culture
B. Corporations and unions cannot use
D. a system where people produce, sell express advocacy
and buy goods
C. Corporations and unions are allowed
1921. Turmoil and tension have had a serious to coordinate with candidates
impact on world peace, stability and devel- D. Campaign contributions are not pro-
opment. In how many ways? tected by the 1st amendment
A. from four aspects
1926. Select the three types of money gener-
B. From two aspects ally used in the United States.
C. From three aspects
D. from five aspects
1923. Medicaid differs from Medicare because 1927. What type of interest group works to
Medicaid provides: benefit all or most of society?
A. Medical assistance to the poor A. Economic interest groups
B. Medical assistance to the elderly B. Public interest groups
C. Medical assistance to only children C. Private interest groups
D. Medical assistance to veterans D. Federal interest groups
1928. What type of government has a king B. The Electoral College casting ballots
or queen that holds all of the country’s C. a political party adopting a platform
1937. Which type of interest group promotes D. The means by which the government
business, labor, and trade organizations? makes decisions
A. Ideological Interest Group 1942. What is public policy?
B. Economic Interest Group A. Ideas that help make the country a bet-
C. Single-Issue Interest Group ter place
D. Public Interest Group B. Discussions about how to make things
more available for everyone
1938. An organized effort by a political party C. Actions the government takes in re-
or candidate to attract voter support in an sponse to issues
D. The separation of power between fed-
A. Political Campaign eral and state levels of government
B. Political Platform
1943. What is the purpose of policy evalua-
C. National Convention tion?
D. Media Consolidation A. To determine if a policy was effective
and why or why not
1939. This model involves a collection of indi-
viduals whose common attitudes and inter- B. To identify the problem that requires
ests create a claim over other groups in government action
society. C. To develop support for a specific policy
A. Institutional model
D. To apply the government’s policy to the
B. System model
C. leadership model
1944. Commodity Money is
D. group model
A. money whose value consists of objects
E. Process model that have value in themselves
1940. The unbiased media influences public B. function of an asset that can be saved,
policy in all the following ways EXCEPT retrieved and exchanged at a later time
C. no value in themselves but can be ex-
A. broadcasts opposing points of view changed for something of value
B. accurately reports candidate’ voting D. Money that has value simply because
records. the government said it is acceptable
C. tells people who to vote for. 1945. Which one of the following aspects is
D. focuses attention on selected issues. not relevant to Institutional Theory?
A. Decision and action taken by an individ-
1941. Ideology ual
A. A group of people who seek to control B. Creates order, stability and pre-
the government by winning elections dictability
B. A belief system C. Newcomers are taught ‘how things
C. A group of people who share a com- have always been done here
mon idea and seek to influence the gov- D. Institutions are long lasting and have
ernment a normative explanation
1946. Which government type allowed people 1952. The General Assembly is a bicameral leg-
to vote for officials to represent them in islature. What are the two houses?
C. Libertarian
1959. Scenario:The economy is experiencing D. Green
high unemployment. Which tool would be
most appropriate for the Fed to address 1964. In 2020, Vietnam is one of the countries
this? with the weakest reduction in operating in-
terest rates compared to other countries in
A. Sell on the open market
the region.Is this statement true or false?
B. Buy on the open market
A. True
C. Increase the interest rate
B. False
D. Do nothing
1965. Based on the data collected, which
1960. When the media only shows/publishes source of alternative energy is most effi-
one side of an issue, the media is cient?
A. Coal
B. Wind
A. displaying bias
C. Natural gas
B. offering a forum
D. Solar
C. evaluating sources
1966. What type of government is being de-
D. holding government officials account-
scribed? “Today is Coronation Day! The
prince will become the country’s king !”
1961. A primary in which only registered mem- A. democracy
bers of a particular political party can vote.
B. monarchy
A. Closed Primary
C. dictatorship
B. Open Primary
D. oligarchy
1962. As a business, the media seeks primar- 1967. Which of the following is NOT a help-
ily to ful thing political parties do for their can-
A. Sensationaize the news didate?
B. Confuse the public A. raise money
1975. #12
A. A
B. B
A. Decreasing government spending C. C
B. Lowering interest rates D. D
1976. Level 1Spending that is an optional part 1980. When a TV channel hosted a debate be-
of fiscal policy, in contrast to entitlement tween Clinton and Trump, what role was
programs for which funding is mandatory. the media fulfilling?
A. Discretionary Spending
A. Focus attention on select issues
B. Entitlement Spending
B. Offer forum for opposing viewpoints
C. Supply
C. Hold government officials accountable
D. Aggregate Supply
D. Entertainment
1977. Select ALL the ways Individuals can in-
fluence public policy. 1981. NEDA stands for
A. participating in politics by seeking of- A. National Economy in Developing Ad-
fice dress
B. joining interest groups B. National Economic Drive Association
C. declining to vote C. National Economic Development Au-
D. express their opinions through letters thority
or demonstrations D. National Ecology and District Arm
1978. Increasing public attention to specific 1982. Unlike Kingdon and Anderson, Birkland
problems is a core feature of the media’s sees not only the government involved in
power. considering seriously for problems to enter
A. gate-keeping the policy agenda but also
B. agenda-setting A. businesses
C. investigative B. non-governmental organizations
D. watchdog C. the community
1993. What has been considered and debated 1997. “We recommend that the Finance De-
due to postponing regional election in partment should cease to control the in-
2020? ternal finances of X. The X should be re-
sponsible for earning their own income and
A. health and economy
for providing such revenues as is required
B. economy and democracy to meet the interest on debt incurred”-
C. heath and democracy Acworth Commission 1921. What did this
lead to the creation of? (ID X)
D. health, economy and democracy
A. Defense Budget
1994. Leah has three children, and she can’t B. Public Broadcasting Budget
find work. She already receives Tempo- C. Railway Budget
rary Assistance for Needy Families and
D. Education Budget
she receives food stamps. However, her
youngest daughter needs to get her vacci- 1998. When the media tells us about politi-
nations, and those programs do not help cians accepting bribes what role are they
with the doctor bills. Which program fulfilling?
would aid Leah?
A. Social Security
B. Head Start
C. Medicaid
D. Low Income Housing
1995. Which term means “having two A. Focus attention on select issues
B. Offer a forum for opposing viewpoints
A. Bicameral C. Communicate with the public
B. Bipartisan D. Hold government officials accountable
C. Two-party 1999. What is Commodity Money?
D. Two-housal A. Item that have no value in themselves
B. Inconvertible paper money made legal
1996. Imagine you are the finance minister.
tender by a government decree
What would you consider as fiscal policy?
C. Item that have value in themselves
A. Discretionary changes in government other than being used as a monetary unit
spending and taxes
D. What people are willing to accept in ex-
B. Changes in government spending and change for goods and services
taxes initiated by the president
2000. The act of setting someone or something
C. Changes in government spending and apart from others.
taxes that occur without congressional ac-
tion A. morals
B. conform
D. Deliberate changes in government
spending and tax collections designed to C. wrath
achieve full employment D. segregation
A. True D. Wealth
B. Deals with a specific rule, or law that A. an item that appears in the news
was designed to solve a problem in the B. a topic or problem on which citizens
community. disagree what should be done
C. Make the lives of citizens much harder C. a subject for debate
D. Carry out the laws passed by the leg-
D. another word for kleenex
islative branch so that problems can be
solved in the community. 2016. S1:Who would you speak to discuss
an ordinance written for Montgomery
2011. Gave women the right to vote.
A. 19th Amendment
A. Mayor
B. 15th Amendment
B. Superintendent
C. 24th Amendment
C. County Administrator
D. 26th Amendment
D. Board of Supervisors
2012. Race based school segregation violates
the Equal Protection Clause 2017. The power to declare war is held by:
A. Brown v. Board of Education A. Congress
B. Baker v. Carr B. President
C. Tinker v. Monks C. The Supreme Court
D. McCullouch v. Maryland D. shaggy
2013. A community organization can handle 2018. My parents haven’t decided whom to
problems in the community instead of gov- vote for in the next election. They said
ernment getting involed? they want to make a “reasoned choice
A. True among the candidates.” I guess that
B. False means they’ll
A. donate to the candidate
2014. What would be the most effective way
for a special-interest group to try to in- B. join a political party
fluence the outcome of a presidential elec- C. evaluate information
D. get out of the electorate
A. to conduct a public opinion poll
2019. The views of ordinary citizens is known
B. to hire a lobbyist
C. to hold a primary election
D. to run television advertisements
2015. An issue or a public issue is
A. propaganda
B. lobbying
2023. Which party is often represented by the D. Making sure money is being used the
elephant symbol? right way
2029. The president is free to negotiate with C. The need to have control and balance
foreign heads of state, however: between each other.
A. must seek senate approval for all D. Each party has an unequal period of of-
treaties fice.
B. cannot enter into executive agree- E. The need to guarantee people’s rights
ments with them and freedoms
C. Congress appoints ambassadors to
2034. This is a group of like-minded people
foreign states
brought together to support candidates.
D. the Supreme Court usually declares
A. interest group
treaties unconstitutional
B. primary
2030. Mr. Holmes writes a letter to his repre-
sentative to influence him to vote against C. political party
a proposed law. Which vocab word best D. caucus
describes what Mr. Holmes is doing here?
2035. Global organizations, negotiations, and
A. using name calling propaganda
treaties are considered what type of for-
B. submitting a newspaper editorial eign policy tool?
C. creating a political cartoon A. Diplomatic
D. lobbying an official B. Military
2031. An expansionary policy means that the C. Economic
Fed is attempting to D. Unconventional
A. increase the size of the nation’s money E. Domestic
B. decrease the size of the nation’s 2036. open market operations, the discount
money supply rate, and reserve requirements are used
by the Federal Reserve to most directly af-
2032. When a population grows, the demand fect the
for resources- A. amount of taxes collected
A. Shrinks B. minimum wages of workers
B. Grows C. cost of doing business overseas
C. Stays the Same
D. supply of money in the economy
D. none of above
2037. In this type of government, there is one
2033. Why is the idea of separating the polit- single ruler and citizens have little to no
ical branch from the executive branch? involvement.
A. The performance of each party’s du- A. Democracy
ties requires them to be successful or ef-
B. Autocracy
C. Oligarchy
B. Each party has a desire to acquire indi-
viduals with different qualities. D. none of above
C. President Trump hiring the head of the A. to figure out the tax rate on US citizens
F.B.I. B. to create quotas on trade
C. to create a budget for the federal gov- D. Risk analysis, decision tree analysis,
ernment regression analysis
D. to decide on what monetary policy ac-
tions should be taken 2052. What is the first step in the policy for-
mulation process?
2047. Issues that merit action, as determined
by the public or those in power A. Conducting a cost-benefit analysis
B. public policy C. Evaluating the policy outcomes
C. policy adoption D. Identifying the issue or problem
D. policy evaluation
2053. #5-2 The governor decides to propose
2048. Grit is a salary increase for members of the Na-
A. the ability to set short term goals and tional Guard.
achieve them through hard work
A. State
B. the ability to set long term goals and
persevere to achieve them. B. National
2049. People who share a point of view about 2054. During a contraction / recession, the
an issue and unite to support that belief Federal Government should use
are called what?
A. an expansionary fiscal policy
A. Political party
B. Interest group B. a contractionary fiscal policy
2055. The collection of opinions or attitudes of
D. Mass media a population is called
2050. What step in the public policy process A. personal opinion
involves selecting one specific plan?
B. publicity
A. Agenda Setting
C. public opinion
B. Policy Adoption
C. Policy Implementation D. public policy
D. Policy assessment/evaluation
2056. According to the Multiple Streams
2051. What are some techniques used in policy Model, ‘three separate streams simultane-
analysis? ously engage in activities toward a certain
direction.’ Where does that certain direc-
A. Interview analysis, survey analysis,
tion lead to
observation analysis
B. Pie chart analysis, bar graph analysis, A. achieving policy goals
line graph analysis B. arranging the policy agenda
C. Cost-benefit analysis, stakeholder
C. to a window of opportunity
analysis, SWOT analysis, and scenario
planning D. better new policies
2066. Lower levels government are encour- 2070. This ideology believes the government
aged, and trained to be more self reliant must take action to change economic, po-
through litical, or social policies seen as unfair.
A. unitary A. Liberal
B. centralization B. Moderate
C. Decentralization C. Conservative
D. national government D. Radical
2067. How many U.S. House of Representa- 2071. Contemporary China is actively explor-
tives are there? ing a diplomatic path with Chinese charac-
A. 100 teristics. How many diplomatic paths are
B. 2 per state
A. a diplomatic path
C. 510
B. Two paths to diplomacy
D. 435
C. Three diplomatic paths
2068. What is the definition of public policy? D. Four diplomatic paths
A. Local community events
2072. Which is the correct formula of unem-
B. International trade agreements ployment rate?
C. Private decisions made by individuals A. U = Unemployed people
× 100
Labor Force
D. Laws, regulations, and actions taken
people × 100
Labor Force
B. U = Unemployed
by government to address issues affect-
ing the general public C. U = Unemployed people
Population × 100
2075. Select all of the ways the media play an 2080. An anarchy is when:
important role in setting the public agenda.
A. A government is led by only one person
2076. :Elections host a secret ballot and 2081. Way to address a civic issue through ac-
people vote for the candidate they want quisition of governmental power & influ-
to represent their party encing government decision making
A. primary election A. Political Process
B. caucus B. Public Policy Process
C. acceptance speech
2082. The policy agenda is
D. electoral college
A. A schedule of bills before congress
2077. Under due process, you have the right B. Priorities to which gov’t officials de-
to have a represent you even if you vote time and energy
can’t afford one.
C. The issues the public considers impor-
A. judge
B. a parent
D. A linkage institution between people
C. new suit/outfit and gov’t
D. lawyer
2083. sudden and rare major event that
2078. How does the media influence public encourages support of a public policy
opinion? ex:natural disaster
A. Tells people who to vote for A. agenda
B. Focuses attention on certain issues B. politics stream
C. Gives money to political parties
C. indicator
D. Regulates the type of media people
use D. focusing event
2079. Select all of the strategies used to eval- 2084. What are the characteristics of public
uate media. policy?
A. separate fact from opinion A. Random and arbitrary actions
B. separate needs from wants B. Independent decision
C. detect bias C. Intentional action to achieve a specific
D. identify propaganda goal
E. evaluate sources D. Private and limited action
2085. How can an individual influence public 2089. What is the first step in the policymak-
policy? ing process?
A. Identifying problems and issues
B. Setting the public agenda
C. Formulating policies
D. Implementing policies
2090. The fiscal policy measures taken by the
government in 2020, are:
A. Call the local office and complain
A. Tax easing
B. Join interest groups
B. Electricity bill discount
C. Make signs to post in your home
C. Support social security package
D. Take a written test
D. None of the options are correct
2086. School lunch regulations mandate nutri-
2091. Which of the following type of tax is col-
tious meals.
lected by state and local governments but
A. Regulation not by the federal government?
B. Provision A. Tariffs
2087. Public Policy: B. Sales tax
A. always stays the same C. Excise tax
B. always changes D. Income tax
A. Direct Democracy
B. Communism
C. Representative Democracy
D. Dictatorship A. Demonstrating
2103. What is NOT one of the benefits of D. To set standards for large groups of
studying public policy? people
A. Gaining a better understanding of how 2109. Regulations cannot violate:
public policy is made
A. The Constitution
B. Identifying the causes and effects of
B. Common Sense
public policy
C. Promoting social justice and equity Explanation:
D. Economic growth The rights given to you in The US Constitu-
2104. Two original political parties tion are the foundation of our country.The
judicial system (Judges) is in charge of
A. Democrats and Republicans reviewing Public Policy to make sure they
B. Whigs and Anti-Federalists are constitutional.
C. Federalists and Anti-Federalists 2110. It is said to be a combination of laws,
D. Republicans & Whigs regulations, actions, policies and a lot of
other factors concerning a given topic
2105. What is the job of the Legislative
A. Public Policy
B. Public School system
A. Make laws
C. Public employees
B. Enforce laws
D. Public Cemetery
C. Explain laws
D. Judicial Review 2111. What is the traditional color of the
Democratic Party?
2106. The government enforces federal laws A. Blue
and sends convicted criminals to jail.
B. Red
A. Foreign Policy
C. Green
B. Domestic Policy
D. Yellow
2107. Created to allow the free movement of
2112. The policy of giving economic and mil-
goods between Canada, Mexico, and the
itary assistance to other countries is
US by lessening and eliminating tariffs
known as
A. nation buildiing
B. domestic aid
C. foreign policy
D. Discretionary Spending
D. foreign aid
2108. What is the role of government in public 2113. SS.7.C.2.12What is one way that citi-
policy? zens can directly influence public policy?
A. To take actions that benefit the public A. by becoming better informed about is-
B. To enforce laws made by elected offi- sues
cials B. by watching more news programs on
C. To regulate how businesses are run television
B. Democratic parties, Republican par- 2126. States may gain or lose congres-
ties, Whig parties, and National Republi- sional representation as population levels
can parties change. This process is called:
C. Regional parties, bipartisan parties, A. gerrymandering
socialist parties, and offshoot parties B. redistricting
D. Major parties, minor parties, indepen- C. realignment
dent parties, and interest groups
D. reapportionment
2123. What is the best title for the illustra-
tion? 2127. TRUE/FALSE:Interest groups DO NOT
raise money to support candidates who
share the interest group’s point of view.
A. True
B. False
C. Voters B. by signing a petition to be sent to
D. The President Congress
2142. What are the dimensions of public policy C. by joining a neighborhood watch group
according to Bridgman and Davis? D. by volunteering to work in a senior cit-
A. Policy as a means to achieve goals izen center
B. Policy as legal action 2146. Which of the following best defines en-
C. Policy as hypothesis titlement programs?
D. All the answers above A. federal benefits that must be paid by
law to all citizens who meet eligibility re-
2143. Public policy is a set of rules or laws, quirements
created by an individual and used to gov-
ern a state, that affects the public which B. increasing or decreasing the money
is important and controversial. supply in an attempt to control demand
A. True C. decreasing taxes so that people will
have more money to spend in the economy
B. False
D. taking various amounts of money from
C. Not mentioned
people based on their incomes
D. none of above
2147. If the president appoints someone to be
2144. If your Civics teacher decides to run for a judge, he is fulfilling what role?
mayor of Leesburg, how is she trying to
influence public policy? A. Chief Diplomat
B. Chief Legislator
C. Chief of Party
D. Chief Executive
2158. Defined as a state or condition in gov- 2163. Which department or agency would
ernment where there is dispersal of power oversee the treaty making process?
from the center.
A. Dept of Defense
A. Local Government
B. Dept of Treasury
B. Centralization
C. Dept of State
C. National Government
D. Decentralization D. Dept of Justic
2159. A state that does not consistently vote 2164. Public policy is important because
either Democratic or Republican in presi-
dential elections; Also known as a Swing A. It shapes the world we live in.
State. B. It determines how our resources are
A. Battleground State allocated.
B. Partisan State C. It has a significant impact on individual
C. Primary State lives.
D. Caucus State D. All points
2160. What is the responsibility of Congress? 2165. Public policies created to fix an existing
A. To make laws problem
B. To enforce laws A. Proactive
C. To interpret laws B. Reactive
D. To promote peace and order
2166. Who are the main sponsors of political
2161. The stand the government takes about action committees (PACs)?
a problem is called “government action”.
A. True A. interest groups
2177. Public policies that impact productivity 2182. The requirement for a majority vote in
and labor force participation affect ? order to win in the electoral college favors
A. real GDP per capita
B. economic growth
C. medium chain triglycerides
D. blood moon total lunar eclipse
2178. How does the economic outline shape
A. Freedom State Policy A. Third Parties
B. Entrepreneurial state policy B. One Party System
C. Welfare state policy C. Two Party System
D. State monopoly policy D. Three Party System
2179. Spending about which lawmakers are 2183. #5-1 The Federal Trade Commission is-
free to make choices, such as defense and sues regulations as to what can be broad-
education cast by television stations.
2181. Both the President of the United States D. The House of Representatives
and the Governor of the State of Ohio are 2186. Any time there is a pandemic, terrorist
limited to serving terms (with each attack, or natural disaster, who needs to
term being 4 years). respond and come up with solutions?
A. 1 A. the National (Federal) government
B. 8 B. State governments
C. 2 C. Local governments
D. 4 D. All are correct
2187. A public policy can be defined as a law 2192. The War Powers Act requires that:
or funding to address a problem in society.
A. The Prez seek Congressional approval
2198. Which one of these are Not Factors That
Affect Demand for Money? A. Executive Department
A. General level of income (As income B. Legislative Department
rises, so does the demand for cash).
C. Administrative agencies
B. Who the President is
D. Interest Groups
C. Cash needed on hand (Cash makes
transactions easier). 2204. An institution that makes and enforces
D. Price levels in the economy (As prices laws and public policies.
rise, so does the demand for cash).
A. Political Party
2199. Which of the following positions of B. Interest Groups
authority regulates the circumstances of
early learning for students with precocious C. Government
intellectual development? D. Ideological Spectrum
A. Prime Minister
2205. What is the most plentiful fossil fuel?
B. Principal of the place where pre-
school students are accepted A. Oil
C. Director’s Department of Education B. Natural Gas
and Training
C. Petroleum
D. Minister of Education and Training
D. Coal
2200. Social Security helps 51 million people
A. Regulation 2206. Select ALL instruments of Foreign Policy
listed below:
B. Provision
A. deterrence
2201. Which of the following best completes
the graphic? B. military force
A. Suburbs A. Bias
B. Rural areas B. Ideology
C. Farms
C. Public Policy
D. Urban areas
D. Consensus
2208. #21-Can propose an amendment as a
way to overrule an unpopular judicial de-
cision. 2213. Which factors have social scientists ar-
gued exert the strongest influence on po-
A. Legislative Branch litical socialization?
B. Executive Branch
A. Civic participation, the media, and fam-
C. Judicial Branch ily
D. none of above
B. School, peer groups, and civic partici-
2209. Which political party believed we need pation
higher taxes and more government in-
volvement in social programs? C. Family, school and the media
A. Republican Party D. School, religion, and the media
B. Democratic Party
C. Communism 2214. Trust in government has generally
since the 1950s.
D. Green party
2210. If the UN is involved, which foreign pol- A. decreased
icy tool is most likely being used (espe- B. stayed the same
cially first)?
C. increased
D. fluctuated with public mood
2216. What does a Board of Supervisors and 2221. The following are list of guided founda-
a City Council have in common? tional documents in nursing informatics as
A. They both provide local legislation for a special practice, Except.
residents A. Scope and Standard of Practice
B. They both Interpret civil legislation B. Social Policy
C. They both create amendments to the C. Biographical Data
state constitution
D. Code of Ethics
D. They both approve charters from resi-
dents 2222. is a system of money.
A. currency
2217. Place where public issues can be
discussed- B. characteristic
A. Community C. symbol
B. Lobby D. supply
C. Debate 2223. A dictator controls education.
D. Forum A. true
2218. What was U.S. policy after World War B. false
2224. Which branch is mainly in charge of for-
A. Lead the world to peace. eign and defense policy?
B. Focus on U.S. first, not world. A. Legislative
C. Focus on the Caribbean. B. Executive
D. Join the League of Nations. C. Judicial
2219. Which name is not the ministerial name D. none of above
of the current administrative apparatus of
the Socialist Republic of Vietnam? 2225. To show prejudice in favor or against
A. Ministry of Irrigation
A. Fact
B. Ministry of Education
B. Bias
C. Ministry of Justice
C. Credibility
D. Ministry of Industry and Trade
D. Opinion
2220. Janet Wilson was a lawyer for many
years. Now she works for the National Or- 2226. Ken is struggling to pay his bills since
ganization of Women convincing lawmak- he got hurt at work. He is thankful that
ers to vote on womens’ rights laws. What when he goes to vote this November, he
is her job? doesn’t have to pay a poll tax.
A. campaign worker A. 15th Amendment
B. adviser to the president B. 19th Amendment
C. lobbyist C. 23rd Amendment
D. Supreme Court justice D. 24th Amendment
2227. Scenario:The economy is experiencing 2231. The Vatican City, where the Pope lives,
high unemployment. What type of policy is an example of
might Congress use to tackle this?
2236. Is this public policy? Baltimore County 2241. Group of people who share the same
Executive provides stricter Coronavirus re- views about the way power and govern-
strictions. ment should be used in the country or so-
A. Yes ciety
B. No A. Government
B. Society
2237. SS.7.C.2.12Juan and Maria have no-
C. Political Party
ticed that all the frogs in their local pond
have been very quiet recently. When they D. Communists
went to the pond, they could no longer
hear any of them. Then they saw a few of 2242. What term refers to a relaxation of ten-
them were dead. To which agency should sion between nations?
they probably report this problem? A. containment
A. Florida Department of Education B. open door
B. Florida Department of Elder Affairs C. imperialism
C. Florida Department of Veterans Affairs D. detente
D. Florida Department of Environmental 2243. Select the ways individuals can affect
Protection public policy? (Choose all correct answers)
2238. What type of government is ruled by a A. participate in politics
single person who has total control of all B. focus public attention
aspects of the citizens’ lives?
C. offer a forum for opposing viewpoints
A. democracy
D. join interest groups
B. monarchy
2244. What is public policy?
C. dictatorship
A. President writes laws
D. oligarchy
B. Citizens take over writing policy
2239. How are individuals who campaign for C. What the government does about a
candidates influencing public policy problem
A. Lobbying D. What the people do about a problem
B. Being informed
2245. The Virginia Constitution requires each
C. Participating in politics locality to elect all of the following EXCEPT
D. Identifying issues
A. Sheriff A. Parents
B. Manager B. School Committee
2253. The People’s Party announced which 2257. What is growing rapidly?
principle of action was the first?
A. Entrepreneurs
A. Security must be maintained in the
country. B. the artificial intelligence system or Ar-
tificial Intelligence (AI)
B. The people must have equal rights.
C. The people must be free and indepen- C. machinery or robots
dent. D. Layoffs (PHK) in the future
D. All independence must be preserved.
2258. Which policy is an important policy that
2254. Which branch of government has the
every country must set?
power to declare an act of congress uncon-
stitutional? A. Social Security Policy
A. Legislative B. foreign policy
B. Executive
C. Housing policy
C. Judicial
D. Policy to protect and preserve forests
D. none of above
E. Drug prevention and suppression pol-
2255. Which of these is the first step in the
policymaking process?
A. agenda setting 2259. Which amendment lowered the voting
B. policy adoption age to 18?
C. policy evaluation A. 15th
D. issue identification
B. 19th
2256. What is the purpose of Checks and Bal-
C. Gand
D. 26th
D. 20 years A. promote the harvesting of natural re-
2273. What case established the federal gov-
ernment’s control over interstate trade? B. improve human welfare and protect
the natural world.
A. Marbury v. Madison
C. ensure access to natural resources for
B. Brown v. Board industry.
C. McCulloch v. Maryland
D. measure the impact of industrial
D. Gibbons v. Ogden wastes on the environment.
2274. is a resource that, when it is used 2278. Under due process, every citizen is inno-
up, will not exist again during a human life- cent until proven
A. worthy
A. natural resource
B. interesting
B. renewable resource
C. innocent
C. nonrenewable resource
D. guilty
D. none of above
2279. What CAN’T happen if a bill is vetoed
2275. a place to express your views-can be
by the president?
digital (the internet), paper (newspapers),
or an actual place (town hall meetings) A. The bill goes back to Congress for re-
A. Pandemic
B. Issues B. The bill is overridden with 2/3 majority
vote in both houses
C. Forum
C. The president is impeached for making
D. Lobbying a bad decision
2276. What problem was the ordinance (city D. The bill simply dies and never becomes
law) meant to address? a new law
B. New York Times Co. v. United States D. All of the above
C. Mc Donald v. Chicago 2297. What type of public policy occurs when
D. Citizens United v. Federal Election the federal government sets standards for
Commission public schools?
A. Economic Policy
2293. The US Constitution gives the “Power
of the purse” (power to tax collect $, etc.) B. Social Policy
to: C. Foreign and Defense Policy
D. none of above
A. Immigration B. Sampling
2301. What is the primary goal of political par- B. Holding government officials account-
ties? able to the public.
B. Sell more government bonds C. China
C. Increase the required reserve ratio D. Developing countries
D. Convert to Socialism 2318. FCC policy of allowing political oppo-
2313. Headline-”CDC Warns the Flu Virus Will nents equal campaign time on the air
Be the Worst In VA History.” What is A. New York Times Rule
the role of the media in setting the public B. JFK and Nixon
C. Political Socialization
A. identifying candidates
D. Equal Time Doctrine
B. broadcasting different points of view
C. holding officials accountable 2319. S1:Who is/are the leader(s) of the ex-
ecutive branch for a town or city?
D. focusing public’s attention on selected
issues A. Governor
B. Mayor
2314. In the electoral college system, the
of the state is most important when decid- C. Chairman
ing who wins. D. Senator
A. importance
2320. What are elected officials doing when
B. size they use the media to hold news confer-
C. population ences?
D. wealth A. Communicating with the public
B. Giving an opinion poll
2315. Choose a way a citizen may influence
their government effectively. C. Enforcing laws
A. Refuse to vote D. Passing laws
B. Take photos of things that cause issues 2321. Requiring Virginia children to be vacci-
C. Write a blog nated relates to which issue?
D. Gather voter signatures and send a pe-
A. local
B. national
C. state
A. enforce local laws (ordinances) D. county
C. Each participant is hand selected ac- C. Five
cording to political views.
D. Six
D. Accurately reflects the population
2335. How is the United Nations funded?
2330. a survey taken to measure public opin-
ion A. voluntary dues given by countries
A. public opinion B. taxes
B. poll C. every country gives 1 million dollars a
C. propaganda
D. it is not funded and will soon dissolve
D. mass media
2331. Negotiation/compromise with peers to 2336. A man was caught on tape robbing a gas
harmonize goals or to teach mutually ac- station. He was arrested, brought to trial,
ceptable decisions and found guilty of burglary.
2332. What is the role of parties in the politi- 2337. One must listen to both political party
cal process and public policy development? platforms in order to:
A. To promote voter interest and partici- A. Attendparty meetings.
pation B. Identify the differences between the
B. To build coalitions based on shared be- two parties
liefs C. discuss politics regularly with one’s
C. To get their candidates elected to of- neighbors
fice D. influence the opinion of others
D. To translate objectives into laws and
policies 2338. How many phases are there in creating
a public Policy?
2333. Compelling Amish students to attend
A. 2
school past the 8th grade violates the Free
Exercise Clause of the 1st Amendment B. 3
A. Wisconsin v. Yoder C. 4
B. Engel v. Vitale D. 5
2339. Ministries are the highest bodies in the B. guards human rights and the environ-
federal administrative machinery. Each mental resources of the world.
ministry is responsible for formulating,
2350. The Federal Reserve System designed in A. religious movements
the manner described above resulted in the B. public health concerns
creation of
C. public safety
A. Reserve Bank satellite locations
D. policy to protect the environment
B. a decentralized system of banks
C. new methods for printing money 2356. Required government spending by per-
D. one large depository for US currency manent laws
A. fiscal year
2351. An election to choose between different
parties candidates for local, state, or na- B. discretionary spending
tional office. C. mandatory spending
A. General election D. national budget
B. Primary election
2357. A voter writes to the state legisla-
C. Class election ture asking that Election Day polling be
D. Electoral College extended by two hours on Election Day.
Which government agency is responsible
2352. China uses its foreign exchange re- for carrying out this public policy?
serves to drive global growth and at the
same time uses capital exports to drive A. A community organization that pro-
the elimination of excess production capac- motes free and fair elections.
ity. What is this strategy? B. The state elections commission that is
A. one stone two bird responsible for conducting elections.
B. One Belt, One Road C. A private company that has been hired
to conduct the election.
C. go out
D. None of the above.
D. Reform and Opening
2353. When a private market fails to produce 2358. Which is NOT an ethical consideration in-
a good at the level society wants is called volved in public policy-making?
Market Failure. A. Transparency
A. True B. Accountability
B. False C. Fairness
2354. Bargaining for numerical strength D. Justice
A. command E. Economic situation
2359. Of the following, which group typically 2364. What is an organized group of people
has the lowest voter turnout? who share a common goal and actively at-
tempt to influence lawmakers?
2369. A homeowner is concerned that the 2373. Which elections see the best voter
neighbor’s dog is barking at night. Which turnout?
agency or community group would be re-
A. Presidential elections
sponsible for handling this issue?
B. Local elections
A. The Florida Highway patrol.
C. Off-year elections
B. The Federal Bureau of Investigations.
D. Special elections
C. The County Animal Services Office.
D. The ASPCA. 2374. Vaccine procurement policy What model
is it related to?
2370. What does the term lobbying mean?
A. System model
A. Having two houses
B. Institutional model
B. Powers that are set aside for the
C. leadership model
D. Model of reasoning
C. Prohibiting the government from act-
ing unfairly E. Incremental change model
D. Seeking to influence legislators 2375. What is the Federal Funds Rate?
2371. Policy comes from the preferences and
needs of a number of individuals who have
legitimate authority under the law.
A. leadership model
B. group model
C. Institutional model
A. The interest rate that commercial
D. Rational model banks charge the Federal Reserve Bank
for loans
2372. What is an example of a renewable re-
B. The interest rate that commercial
banks charge each other for loans
C. The interest rate that commercial
banks charge individuals for loans.
D. The interest rate that individuals
charge commercial banks for deposits.
2377. What happens when the president ve- 2379. Which of the following is a consequence
toes bill? of the rise of television broadcasting?
D. S/he lets his cabinet review it B. Individuals have a greater need for
political parties to help them make deci-
2378. In the acronym P.E.T.E what does the P sions.
C. Groups have greater access to spread
A. People their issues and messages to the public.
B. Phone
D. Congress has received more televi-
C. Political Process sion coverage compared to the other two
D. Public health and safety branches of government.