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Clinical Demo

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 10 (Health)

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a. Identify the different global health initiatives,
b. Appreciate the importance of the different global health initiatives; and
c. Illustrate the situation of the world with free access to health initiatives.
a. Topic: Significance of Global Health Initiatives
b. Reference: SLM
c. Competency: Discuss the significance of global health initiatives (H1OHC-IIa-I)
d. Materials: Television, bond paper, marker, art materials, pictures, laptop, IMs
e. Value Focus: Appreciation
a. Daily routine
b. Classroom Rules
-The teacher will present a picture to the class.
-The learners will answer the following questions:
1. What have you observed in the picture?
2. What is the message of the picture?
3. As a grade 10 learner, how can you help solve the health problems in your community?


-The teacher will group the class into three (3) groups.

-The teacher will show a video clip in the class showing health problems in the world.

-After the video, each group will list at least two (2) global health problems and will give the.

possible concerned health agencies/organizations that will address using a two-column table.

-Unlocking of difficult words. The students will define the following words (English and literacy
1. Interdisciplinary- wide ranging
2. Bolsters- support
3. Inclusive- overall
4. Resilient- strong
5. Sanitation- cleanliness

-The discussion of the topic will be done through group discussion. Each group will be given an
envelope. Inside each envelope are the topics.
Group 1: Global fund
Group 2: Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI)
Group 3: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Group 4: United Nations International Children's Fund (UNICEF)

-Each group will be provided a piece of bond paper and art materials in order for them to perform the
-The three groups will make an illustration of the world enjoying the free access to different global
health initiatives.

Guide questions:

1.What is the importance of the different global health initiatives?

2. Why do you think, people need the access of the global health initiatives?


Criteria Advance Proficient Average Below Average

(30) (20) (10) (5)
Creativity The The The The
drawing/design drawing/design drawing/design drawing/design
demonstrates a demonstrates lacks sincere shows little or no
unique level of originality. originality. evidence of
originality. original thought
Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate Graphics do not
Relevance related to the related to the to the topic. relate to the
topic and make it topic and most topic.
easier to make it easier to
understand. understand.
Effort The The The The
drawing/design is drawing/design is drawing/design is drawing/design is
completed and completed in an completed in an did not finish in a
far exceeded the above average above average satisfactory
requirements for manner, yet more manner, yet more manner
the project could have been could have been
done. done.
Total 90pts

Read the questions about global health initiatives carefully and choose the correct answer by
encircling the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. Which global health initiative designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, Tubercolusis, and Malaria as
a. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)
b. Global Fund
d. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

2. What United Nation agency is responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to
children worldwide?
a. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)
b. Global Fund
d. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

3. Which global health initiative helps countries in achieving sustainable development?

a. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)
b. Global Fund
d. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

4. This global health initiative seeks to bridge the gap between vaccine delivery innovators and
implementing countries?
a. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)
b. Global Fund
d. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

5. How do Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) functions as global health initiative?
a. It seeks to bridge the gap between vaccine delivery
b. It aims to protect and enhance the health of city dwellers
c. It mobilizes and invests to support programs by local experts worldwide.
d. It gives mechanism to sustain programs anchored on noble objective.

6. Why United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is important?

a. It is important because it is committed to the principles of universality and equality.
b. It is important because it reduces the harmful use of alcohol.
c. Through this health initiative, countries will achieve sustainable development because it eradicates
all forms and dimensions of poverty.
d. Through this global health initiative, access to safe water, sanitation hygiene will be provided.

7. Why does global health initiatives created?

a. Because global health initiative covers both medical and non-medical disciplines.
b. Because global health initiatives are shaping the current health condition of the world.
c. Because global health initiatives give understanding of health care in an international and
interdisciplinary context.
d. WHO's Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol

8. How does Global Fund works?

a. Lessens the number of children that misses life-saving vaccinations, treatment, and health
b. It accelerates structural transformations for sustainable development.
c. Ensures that vaccines for immunity are sufficient in target countries.
d. It accelerates the end of AIDS, TB, and Malaria as epidemics.

9. It is an inclusive health system for children to survive and thrive to become a resilient individual.
a. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)
b. Global Fund
d. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

10.It is the most widespread and recognizable social welfare organization in the world.
a. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)
b. Global Fund
d. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Directions: Choose three from the global health initiatives previously discussed and write
them in the first column of the table. Provide corresponding answers to the questions in
column 2 and column 3 by predicting possible scenarios. Copy the table below in your
activity notebook.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


MAPEH Teacher Head Teacher School Head

____________________ ___________________ _______________________

Observer 1 Observer 2 Observer 3

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