Organic Electronics - Photo Detectors and Diodes
Organic Electronics - Photo Detectors and Diodes
Organic Electronics - Photo Detectors and Diodes
• A photodetector is a transducer that converts photons
to an electric current.
hν > Eg
The energetics of exciton dissociation
kD – rate for the exciton recombination, it also refers rate for the
thermally generated excitons.
Here, N is the exciton density with value N0 at Equilibrium
(in the absence of illumination source)
JD – Refers Dark current, JT, refers total current.
Photocurrent, jph = jT - jD
Internal Quantum Efficiency
• We can define the internal quantum efficiency
(ηext) as the ratio of the number of electrons
generated per photon absorbed in the device
active region, which differs from external
quantum efficiency (ηext) by ignoring reflections
from the surface of absorption in electronically
inactive areas of the sample. This can be
expressed as the ratio of rates:
External Quantum Efficiency
For a light with wavelength λ, the external quantum efficiency of
photoconductor can be expressed as follows;
3. Dark Current : Dark current is the small current that flows through
the photosensitive devices, such as photocoductors, photodiodes,
and photomultiplier tubes etc. in the absence of incident light, when
no photon is entering in the device.
7. Gain-Bandwidth (g∆f);
When a photo- diode is reverse biased, the width of depletion layer increases as
compared to forward biased and a small reverse current (dark current) flows
through the diode. Now, when the light is incident on the junction, electron-hole
pairs are generated in depletion layer in a big amount (due to broad
depletion layer) and these charge carriers can easily cross the barrier, hence
contribute to current across the diode. We can say that in reverse bias, diode changes
the incident light to current, more significantly due to broad depletion layer i.e.
photocurrent is significant in reverse bias as compared to the forward
bias current.
Q. Why is a photo-diode invariably reverse biased, when it is used as
a photo-detector?
• Step 3. At the HJ, the electron transfers from the donor to the
acceptor, and the hole remains in the donor. The new state
originating from exciton dissociation is the polaron pair (PP), or CT
state. Processes that occur in step 1–3 are collectively known as
photoinduced charge transfer.
• Step 4. Finally, the electron and hole are dissociated from the
bound PP state via thermal excitation. The free polarons drift away
from the junction and are collected in the external circuit.
Driving force for the charge transfer
• The driving force for the charge transfer is the offset in
energies between the LUMOs and HOMOs of the two
layers, whose magnitude is determined by the energy gaps
and the HOMO–LUMO energy difference, ∆EHL.
Short Circuit Vs Reverse Bias Condition
in OPD
• The energy level diagram in Fig. 7.6 represents
the equilibrium condition where Va = 0. This is
known as short circuit operation.
Advantages of HJ
There is minimal charge recombination within the
depletion region following exciton dissociation since
electrons and holes are rapidly swept to the
contacts by the applied and internal fields (resulting
from Va and the built-in voltage, Vbi, respectively).
Ag – Silver (Cathode)
• For these reasons, photodiodes are preferred for almost all sensitive
detection applications.
For PT, an additional photoconductive gain can be realized by using the three-terminal
structure and applying an additional electrical bias. Further introduced hybrid-layered
structures can facilitate charge separation and transportation, thereby improving the
device performance.
Organic Solar Cells (OSC)
or Photovoltaics (OPV)
Solar cells Basics
A solar cell converts solar irradiance into electrical energy.
For solar cells, the materials, the details of the active region, and
the contacts must be optimized for power rather than current
Device Structure of OSC
The design of an OSC comprises a layer stack of two electrodes with a
sandwiched photoactive layer in between.
The history of the active layer design began with single layer, then double
layer (bilayer heterojunction), and today intermixed layers (bulk
heterojunction (BHJ) of donor and acceptor, Fig. 17.1) are widely used.
BHJ largely improves the charge separation and transport by its nanoscale
morphology in the range of the diffusion length of the excitons.
Recombination losses of the charge carriers are successfully decreased in BHJ.
An additional buffer layer between the active layer and the electrodes serve
as charge selective transport layer, either blocking holes or electrons.
Device Structure of OSC
-Typical Planar Bilayer Structure
A bulb is connected
to the photovoltaic diode
Device Structure of OSC
Common types of heterojunctions used for OSC
BHJ largely improves the charge separation and transport by its nanoscale
morphology in the range of the exciton diffusion length ( typical range 4-20
This efficiency bottleneck was eliminated by the introduction of the BHJ and mixed HJ
architectures, where excitons dissociate throughout the active region volume.
Bulk and mixed HJs are nanostructured aggregates of donor and acceptor molecules
that present a large interface area where excitons can dissociate without having to
diffuse long distances from their origin.
However, the inherent disorganization of random structures in bulk and mixed HJs
can impede charge conduction to the contacts due to the circuitous and often
discontinuous paths between the charge point of origin to its respective contact.
1. Exciton generation
2. Exciton diffusion
3. Exciton dissociation
4. Charge carrier transport
2. Exciton diffusion: The generated exciton diffuses inside the donor phase to the
interface of the donor and acceptor material.
3. Exciton dissociation: The exciton dissociates into a free electron and hole at the
interface of donor and acceptor material.
4. Charge carrier transport: The free charge carriers are separated by an internal
electric field caused by electrodes with different work functions. They are
transported through the donor and acceptor material, where the electrons are
collected at the cathode and the holes at the anode. The photocurrent is generated
by short circuiting or applying a load to an external circuit.
m n
The open circuit voltage (VOC) is the intercept of the J–V characteristics with the V-
axis. Short circuit current density (JSC) is the intercept of the j–V characteristics
with the j-axis.
(Note: Some figure J is given in small case j, both are referring current density)
J–V characteristics of organic solar cells
What does the terms Jsc and Voc refers?
If you start applying a voltage, a forward bias, it will start compensating for that
reverse photocurrent and eventually, you will reach point where the current goes to
zero. At this point, it is referred to as an open-circuit voltage Voc because even with
applying a voltage, there is no current. It is as if the system or the electric circuit is open.
In the dark, the system works as a normal diode: it has a forward bias after a given
threshold and creates a large current, while a reverse bias gives negligible current.
J–V characteristics of organic solar cells
where jM and VM are the corresponding current and voltage at the MPP.
Fill factor (FF)
It is convenient to define the cell figure of merit, the fill
factor, FF, as the ratio of the areas of the rectangles
defined by jSC and VOC to that at PM,
You want to have a fill factor as large as possible. But often, the fill
factor will end up being around 40-60%. In the most efficient cases, it
is possible to reach up to 80-85%.
Power conversion efficiency (PCE or ηP)
The power conversion efficiency (PCE or ηP) is the ratio of the
electrical power generated by the cell to the optical power
density incident from the sun, Popt. Thus
Clearly, we seek designs that have the highest fill factor, that is, that
conform most closely to a diode whose ideality factor, n 1
Fullerene Thin Films as Photovoltaic
• Carbon is a unique element existing in a wide variety
of stable forms ranging from insulator/semiconducting
diamond to metallic graphite.
In particular,
an ITO/PEDOT:PSS/tetracene (80 nm)/C60(30 nm)/BCP/Al cell
Voc = 0.58 V Jsc = 7mA/cm2, FF= 0.57 and η = 2.3% under a simulated
AM 1.5 sunlight of 100mW/cm2.
Advantages and disadvantages of OSC
Note: Organic solar cells (OSC) are also called organic photovoltaics (OPV)
• Numerical Problems
Figure shown below illustrates the fourth
quadrant J–V characteristics under 1 sun,
AM1.5G illumination of three subcells used in a
multijunction solar cell.
Make a table that lists the JSC, VOC, FF, JM, VM,
and PM of each cell