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DATED : 09TH JUNE, 2023

1. Fabrication Requirements:
A. End Preparation
1. Butt welding ends shall be bevelled. Bevelling shall be done by grinding or
machining and the finished bevel shall be free of nicks or grooves. Prior to welding,
the bevelled surface and the adjacent surface within 6mm of the weld joint shall be
cleaned of all foreign material, rust loose mill scale etc., before being placed in
alignment for welding.
B. Weld Joint Alignment
1. The parts to be welded shall be aligned by suitable means such as external clamps,
yokes etc. Yokes, if used, shall be tack welded using electrodes compatible with the
parent metal. After joint fit-up yokes shall be ground flush.
2. Tack welding shall be done by qualified welders only and shall conform to the
quality of root weld.
C. Nozzles and Piping
1. Pipes below Ø 25mm shall be cut by pipe cutter only: flame cutting is not allowed.
Larger sizes may be flame cut provided edges are prepared by grinding or
machining, after cutting.
2. Bolt holes shall straddle the axis of pipe for all flanged connections.
3. The center line of branch connections shall intersect the centre line of the header.
2. Welding:
A. Welder Qualification
1. Welding shall be carried out by qualified welders. Welder qualification shall be
carried out in accordance with ASME Section IX Welding & Brazing Qualifications.
2. The Contractor shall provide all material, consumables and labour needed for
welder qualification tests. The Contractor shall also arrange and pay for all the test
required at a testing facility acceptable to the Owner.
B. Production Welding Requirements
1. All production welding including repair welding shall be carried out according to
qualified welding procedures and by qualified welders only. The Owner reserves the
right, at any time, to make changes in the welding procedure to ensure production
of acceptable welds.
2. Scale and slag shall be removed from each weld bead and groove before depositing
the next weld bead. Cleaning shall be done by power grinders and wire brushes.
3. Fillet welding shall be done for reinforcing pads, sockets welding fittings and slip-
on flanges. Fillet welds shall be continuous, unless otherwise specified in the
drawings. Size of fillet welds shall be as indicated on the drawings. Where no size is
given, it shall be equal to the thickness of the thinner of the two parts being
4. Arc burns shall be removed by grinding. Grinding shall have a smooth contour.
After grinding, the remaining wall thickness in the area shall not be less than 90% of
the nominal wall thickness.
3. Inspection and Testing:
A. Hydrostatic Testing: The piping shall be tested with water and all welds carefully
inspected for leaks. The pressure shall be raised slowly and steadily until test pressure
is reached. The pressure shall be maintained while a thorough examination is made to
ensure that all welding are sound and show no leaks or undue distortion.
Fahim, Nanji & deSouza (Pvt.) Ltd. Pipe Welding
Consulting Engineers Section 23 05 11 – 1
DATED : 09TH JUNE, 2023

B. Repairs & Welds: Defective welds found during pressure test shall be cut out for a
distance of not less than 25mm on either side of the defect and shall be rewelded.
C. Repeat Pressure Test: Following the execution of any repairs found to be necessary, the
piping shall again be tested in accordance with the above specs.
D. Record: Contractor shall keep a record of all tests performed and shall record the date
of test, test conditions and results. These reports shall be signed by the Owner’s
representative and Contractor’s representatives.
Contractor shall provide all material and labour required for testing.


Fahim, Nanji & deSouza (Pvt.) Ltd. Pipe Welding

Consulting Engineers Section 23 05 11 – 2
Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Techstreet LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2021-03-13 18:47:09 +0000 by University of Toronto User.
No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.
ASME B31.9-2020
(Revision of ASME B31.9-2017)

ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31

Services Piping

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No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.
ASME B31.9-2020

Chapter I
Scope and Definitions

900 GENERAL 900.1.2 Services and Limits

This Building Services Piping Code is a Section of The (a) Services. This Code applies to the following building
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code services, except as excluded in para. 900.1.3:
for Pressure Piping, B31. This Section, herein called the (1) water and antifreeze solutions for heating and
Code, is published as a separate document for conveni- cooling
ence. (2) condensing water
Standards and specifications incorporated by reference (3) steam or other condensate
in this Code are shown in Table 926.1, Mandatory (4) other nontoxic liquids
Appendix I, and elsewhere. It is not considered practical (5) steam
to refer to a dated edition of each standard or specification (6) vacuum
where referenced. Instead, the dated edition references (7) compressed air
are included in Mandatory Appendix III. (8) other nontoxic, nonflammable gases
The user is cautioned that the local building code must (9) combustible liquids including fuel oil
be observed and adhered to when its requirements are (b) Boiler External Piping. The scope of this Code
more stringent than those of this Code. includes boiler external piping within the following limits:
Components of piping systems shall conform to the (1) for steam boilers, 15 psig (103 kPa gage) max.
specifications and standards listed in this Code. Piping (2) for water heating units, 160 psig (1 103 kPa gage)
elements neither specifically approved nor specifically max. and 250°F (121°C) max.
prohibited by this Code may be used, provided they Boiler external piping above these pressure or tempera-
are qualified for use as set forth in applicable chapters ture limits is within the scope of ASME B31.1. Boiler
of this Code. external piping is the piping connected to the boiler
The Code generally specifies a simplified approach for and extending to the points identified in Figure 900.1.2.

University of Toronto User.

many of its requirements. A designer may choose to use a (c) Material and Size Limits. Piping systems of the
more rigorous analysis to develop design and construction following materials are within the scope of this Code,
requirements. When the designer decides to take this through the indicated maximum size (and wall thickness
approach, the designer shall provide to the owner if noted):
details and calculations demonstrating that design, (1) carbon steel: NPS 48 (DN 1200) and 0.50 in. (12.7
construction, examination, and testing are consistent mm) wall
with the criteria of this Code. These details shall be (2) stainless steel: NPS 24 (DN 600) and 0.50 in. (12.7
adequate for the owner to verify the validity and shall mm) wall
be approved by the owner. The details shall be docu- (3) aluminum: NPS 12 (DN 300)
mented in the engineering design. (4) brass and copper: NPS 12 (DN 300) and 12.125 in.
(308 mm) O.D. for copper tubing
900.1 Scope (5) thermoplastics: NPS 24 (DN 600)
(6) ductile iron: NPS 48 (DN 1200)
900.1.1 Coverage and Application. This Code Section
(7) reinforced thermosetting resin (RTR): 24 in. (600
has rules for the piping in industrial, institutional,
mm) nominal
commercial, and public buildings, and in multi-unit resi-
Other materials may be used as noted in Chapter III.
dences, which does not require the range of sizes, pres-
(d) Pressure Limits. Piping systems with working pres-
sures, and temperatures covered in ASME B31.1. This
sures not in excess of the following limits are within the
Code prescribes requirements for the design, materials,
scope of this Code:
fabrication, installation, inspection, examination, and
(1) steam and condensate: 150 psig (1 034 kPa gage)
testing of piping systems for building services. It includes
(2) liquids: 350 psig (2 413 kPa gage)
piping systems in the building or within the property
(3) vacuum: 1 atm external pressure
(4) compressed air and gas: 150 psig (1 034 kPa

Copyrighted material licensed to University of Toronto by Techstreet LLC, subscriptions.techstreet.com, downloaded on 2021-03-13 18:47:09 +0000 by
No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.
ASME B31.9-2020

Chapter VI
Inspection, Examination, and Testing

936 INSPECTION AND EXAMINATION 936.4.1 Visual Examination. Visual examination is

observation of the portions of materials, components,
936.1 General joints, supports, and other piping elements that are or
can be exposed to view before, during, or after manufac-
Inspection applies to quality assurance functions
ture, fabrication, assembly, or erection. This examination
performed by the owner, or for the owner by persons
includes verification of Code and engineering design re-
other than the manufacturer, fabricator, or erector. Exam-
quirements for materials and components, dimensions,
ination applies to quality control functions performed by
joint preparation, alignment, joining practices, supports,
personnel employed by the manufacturer, fabricator, or
assembly, and erection.
erector of the piping.
936.1.1 Quality System Program. A quality system 936.5 Type and Extent of Required Examination
program is not required by this Code. If a system is Unless otherwise specified in the engineering design,
required by the engineering design, the program in the type of examination shall be visual examination in
Nonmandatory Appendix A or a similar program accept- accordance with the method in para. 936.4.1.
able to the owner may be used. If the degree of examination and inspection or the basis
for rejection is to be more rigorous than required by this
936.2 Required Inspection
Code, it shall be a matter of prior agreement between the
Prior to initial operation, it is the owner’s responsibility fabricator or installer and the purchaser.
to verify that all required examination and testing have
been completed and to inspect the piping, or have it 936.6 Acceptance Criteria
inspected, to the extent necessary to satisfy the owner Imperfections or indications revealed by examination
that it conforms to all applicable requirements of this shall be evaluated in accordance with the criteria in
Code and the engineering design.

University of Toronto User.

paras. 936.6.1 through 936.6.10. They are acceptable
936.2.1 Access to the Work. The owner and the unless they exceed the specified limitations. Those that
owner’s representatives shall have access to any place exceed the stated limits are defects, and the work shall
where work concerned with the piping is being be repaired or replaced in accordance with the appro-
performed. This includes manufacture, fabrication, priate requirements in Chapter V.
assembly, erection, examination, and testing of the piping. 936.6.1 Girth Welds and Groove Welds. Limitations on
936.2.2 Rights of Owner. The owner and the owner’s imperfections are as follows:
representatives shall have the right to audit any examina- (a) Cracks. None permitted.
tions, to inspect the piping using examination methods (b) Lack of Fusion. The length of unfused areas shall not
specified in the engineering design, and to review all certi- be more than 20% of the circumference of the pipe, or of
fications and records. the total length of the weld, and not more than 25% in any
6 in. (152 mm) of weld.
936.3 Responsibility for Examination (c) Incomplete Penetration. The total joint penetration
shall not be less than the thickness of the thinner of the
Inspection does not relieve the manufacturer, fabri-
components being joined, except that incomplete root
cator, or erector of responsibility for performing all
penetration is acceptable if it does not exceed the
required examinations and preparing suitable records
lesser of 1∕32 in. (1 mm) or 20% of the required thickness,
for the owner’s use.
and its extent is not more than 25% in any 6 in. (152 mm)
936.4 Methods of Examination of weld.
(d) Undercut and Reinforcement. Undercut shall not
The methods described herein shall be performed by exceed the lesser of 1∕32 in. (1 mm) or 121∕2% of wall thick-
competent personnel. ness. Thickness of weld reinforcement shall not exceed 3∕16
in. (4.8 mm).

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No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.
ASME B31.9-2020

(e) Concave Root. Concavity of the root surface shall not 936.6.9 Solvent-Cemented, Adhesive, and Heat-
reduce the total thickness of the joint, including reinforce- Fusion Joints. Limitations on imperfections in solvent-
ment, to less than the thickness of the thinner of the cemented, adhesive, and heat-fusion joints are as follows:
components being joined. (a) Internal protrusion shall not exceed 50% of wall
(f) Excess Root Penetration. The excess shall not exceed thickness for solvent-cemented and 25% for adhesive
the lesser of 1∕8 in. (3.2 mm) or 5% of the inside diameter of and heat-fusion joints.
the pipe. (b) There shall be no visible unfilled or unbonded areas.
(g) Weld Surfaces. There shall be no overlaps or abrupt
936.6.10 Hand Lay-Up Joints. Limitations on imper-
ridges and valleys.
fections in hand lay-up joints are as follows:
936.6.2 Fillet Welds. Limitations on imperfections in (a) There shall be no visible evidence of lack of bonding.
fillet, socket, and seal welds are the same as in (b) The length of the laid-up joint shall be at least the
para. 936.6.1 for cracks, lack of fusion, undercut, and lesser of 4 in. (102 mm) or the nominal diameter of the
weld surfaces. pipe.
(c) The thickness of the laid-up joint shall be at least
936.6.3 Brazed and Soldered Joints. Limitations on
equal to the wall thickness of the thinner pipe.
imperfections in brazed and soldered joints are as follows:
(a) Penetration of filler metal inside the pipe shall not
exceed 100% of the wall thickness. 937 LEAK TESTING
(b) There shall be no visible unfilled joint space.
937.1 General
(c) There shall be no visible evidence of excessive over-
heating. Prior to initial operation, each piping system shall be
tested for leakage. Hydrostatic testing in accordance
936.6.4 Threaded Joints. Limitations on imperfec-
with para. 937.3 shall be employed if possible. Pneumatic
tions for ASME B1.20.1 threaded pipe joints are as follows:
testing may be used in lieu of hydrostatic testing only in
(a) No more than six and no fewer than two threads
accordance with the limitations in para. 937.4. Initial
shall be visible after makeup of the joint.
service testing may be used within the limitations of
(b) There shall be no severe chipping or tearing of
para. 937.5.
visible threads.
936.6.5 Caulked and Leaded Joints. Limitations on 937.2 Preparation for Testing
imperfections in caulked and leaded joints are as follows: 937.2.1 Exposure of Joints. All joints including welds
(a) The finished joint shall be within 1∕4 in. (6.4 mm) of shall be left uninsulated and exposed for examination
the rim of the bell. during the test.
(b) In the finished joint, the spigot shall be centered in

University of Toronto User.

the bell within 1∕8 in. (3.2 mm). 937.2.2 Temporary Supports. Piping designed for
(c) The joint shall be made in a continuous pour. vapor or gas may be provided with temporary supports
if necessary to support the weight of test liquid.
936.6.6 Flanged Joints. Flanged joints shall meet the
following: 937.2.3 Expansion Joints. Expansion joints that cannot
(a) The flange faces shall be parallel within 1 deg, and sustain the reactions due to test pressure shall be provided
the force required to align pipe axes shall not exceed 10 lbf with temporary restraint, or they may be isolated from
(44.5 N) multiplied by the nominal pipe size (NPS). A testing.
larger force may be used when approved by the engineer. 937.2.4 Equipment Not Subject to Testing. Equipment
(b) Nuts and bolts shall be fully engaged. Nuts are that is not to be subjected to the test pressure shall be
considered fully engaged when the bolt is flush with isolated from the piping. If a valve is used to isolate
the nut surface. the equipment, its closure shall be capable of sealing
936.6.7 Flared, Flareless, and Compression Joints. against the test pressure without damage to the valve.
Limitations on imperfections in flared, flareless, and Flanged joints at which blinds are inserted to isolate
compression joints are as follows: equipment need not be tested.
(a) There shall be no cracks in flare or tube end. 937.2.5 Precautions Against Overpressure. If the test
(b) Tube ends shall be cut square (visual). pressure is to be maintained for a period of time during
(c) Tube ends shall be free of distortion or grooves that which the test fluid is subject to thermal expansion or any
would hinder assembly or sealing. other source of overpressurizing during the test, precau-
(d) Negligible force shall be required to align ends. tions such as the installation of a relief device shall be
936.6.8 Mechanical and Proprietary Joints. Imperfec- taken to avoid excessive pressure.
tions in mechanical and proprietary joints shall be within
the limitations established by the manufacturer.

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ASME B31.9-2020

937.3 Hydrostatic Testing (e) Traces of a test liquid would be detrimental to the
intended use of the piping.
937.3.1 Test Medium. Water at ambient temperature
shall be used as the test medium except where there is risk 937.4.2 Test Medium. The gas shall be nonflammable
of damage due to freezing. Another liquid may be used if it and nontoxic.
is safe for workmen and compatible with the piping. 937.4.3 Preliminary Test. Prior to application of full
937.3.2 Vents and Drains. Vents shall be provided at pneumatic test pressure, a preliminary test of not
high points in the system to release trapped air while more than 10 psig (69 kPa gage) shall be applied to
filling the system. Drains shall be provided at low reveal possible major leaks. (This preliminary test is
points for complete removal of the test liquid. not subject to the limitations in para. 937.4.1 and may
be used in conjunction with hydrostatic testing or
937.3.3 Preliminary Check. The system shall be exam- initial service testing.)
ined to see that all equipment and parts that cannot with-
stand the test pressure are properly isolated. Test 937.4.4 Pneumatic Test Pressure
equipment shall be examined to ensure that it is tight
and that low-pressure filling lines are disconnected. (a) Except as limited in (b), the test pressure shall not
exceed 1.25 times the design pressure. Pressure shall be
937.3.4 Hydrostatic Test Pressure applied in several stages, allowing time for the system to
reach equilibrium at each stage.
(a) Minimum Pressure. Except as limited in (b), a piping (b) The test pressure shall not exceed the maximum
system shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure allowable pneumatic test pressure for any vessel,
that at every point in the system is not less than 1.5 times pump, valve, or other component in the system under test.
the design pressure.
(b) Maximum Pressure. The test pressure shall not 937.4.5 Examination for Leakage. After the prelimin-
exceed the maximum test pressure for any vessel, ary test, pressure shall be raised in stages of not more than
pump, valve, or other component in the system under 25% up to full pneumatic test pressure, allowing time for
test. A check shall be made to verify that the stress equalization of strains and detection of major leaks at each
due to pressure at the bottom of vertical runs does not stage. Following the application of test pressure for at least
exceed either of the following: 10 min, the pressure may be reduced to design pressure
(1) 90% of specified minimum yield strength and examination shall be made for leakage of the piping.
(2) 1.7 times the SE value in Mandatory Appendix I Leaks may be detected by soap bubble, halogen gas,
(for brittle materials) scented gas, test gage monitoring, ultrasonic, or other
suitable means. If leaks are found, pressure shall be
937.3.5 Examination for Leakage. Following the appli- vented, appropriate repair or replacement shall be
cation of hydrostatic test pressure for at least 10 min, ex-

University of Toronto User.

made, and the pneumatic test repeated until no
amination shall be made for leakage of the piping and at all leakage is found.
joints and connections. If leaks are found, they shall be
eliminated by tightening, repair, or replacement, as appro- 937.5 Initial Service Leak Test
priate, and the hydrostatic test repeated until no leakage is
found. 937.5.1 General. For gases and steam and condensate
service not over 15 psig (103 kPa gage), and for nontoxic,
937.4 Pneumatic Testing noncombustible, nonflammable liquids at pressures not
over 100 psig (689 kPa gage) and temperatures not
937.4.1 General. Compressed gas poses the risk of over 200°F (93°C), it is permissible to conduct the
sudden release of stored energy. For that reason, pneu- system testing with the service fluid as outlined in
matic testing shall be used only within the following para. 937.5.2.
(a) The piping system does not contain cast iron pipe or 937.5.2 Service Testing. A preliminary test with air at
plastic pipe subject to brittle failure. low pressure (para. 937.4.3) may be used. In any event, the
(b) The system does not contain soldered or solvent piping system shall be brought up to operating pressure
cement joints over NPS 2 (DN 50). gradually with visual examination at a pressure between
(c) The test pressure does not exceed 150 psig (1 034 one-half and two-thirds of operating pressure. A final ex-
kPa gage). amination shall be made at operating pressure. If the
(d) The system will be used in gas service, or for other piping system is free of leaks, it will have met the require-
reasons cannot be filled with water. ments of this paragraph.

Power Piping
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 831


Copyright © 2007 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ~

No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME B31.1-2007


Chapter I
Scope and Definitions

100 GENERAL 100.1.2 Pm-ver piping systems as covered by this

Code apply to all piping and their component parts
This Power Piping Code is one of several Sections of except as excluded in para. 100.1.3. They include but
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code for are not lilnited to steam, \vater, oil, gas, and air services.
Pressure Piping, B31. This Section is published as a sepa-
(A) This Code covers boiler external piping as defined
rate document for convenience.
below for power boilers and high tenlperature, high
Standards and specifications specifically incorporated
pressure water boilers in which: steam or vapor is gener-
by reference into this Code are shown in Table 126.1. It
ated at a pressure of more than 15 psig [100 kPa (gage)];
is not considered practical to refer to a dated edition of
and high temperature water is generated at pressures
each of the standards and specifications in this Code.
exceeding 160 psig [1 103 kPa (gage)] and/or tempera-
Instead, the dated edition references are included in an
tures exceeding 2S0 o P (120°C).
Addenda and will be revised yearly.
Boiler external piping shall be considered as that pip-
ing which begins where the boiler proper terminates at
100.1 Scope
(1) the first circumferential joint for welding end
Rules for this Code Section have been developed con- connections; or
sidering the needs for applications which include piping (2) the face of the first flange in bolted flanged
typically found in electric power generating stations, in connections; or
industrial and institutional plants, geothermal heating
(3) the first threaded joint in that type of connec-
systems, and central and district heating and cooling
tion; and which extends up to and induding the valve
or valves required by para. 122.1.
(07) 100.1.1 This Code prescribes requirements for the The terminal points themselves are considered part
design, materials, fabrication, erection, test, inspection, of the boiler external piping. The terminal points and
operation, and maintenance of piping systems. piping external to power boilers are illustrated by Figs.
Piping as used in this Code includes pipe, flanges, 100.1.2(A), 100.1.2(B), and 100.1.2(C).
bolting, gaskets, valves, relief devices, fittings, and the Piping between the terminal points and the valve or
pressure containing portions of other piping corn.po- valves required by para. 122.1 shall be provided with
nents, whether manufactured in accordance "\vith Stan- Data Reports, inspection, and stamping as required by
dards listed in Table 126.1 or specially designed. It also Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
includes hangers and supports and other equipment All welding and brazing of this piping shall be per-
items necessary to prevent overstressing the pressure formed by manufacturers or contractors authorized to
containing components. use the appropriate symbol shovvn in Figs. PG-10S.1
Rules governing piping for miscellaneous appurte- through PC-10S.3 of Section I of the ASME Boiler and
nances, such as water columns, remote water level indi- Pressure Vessel Code. The installation of boiler external
cators, pressure gages, gage glasses, etc., are included piping by mechanical means may be performed by an
within the scope of this Code, but the requirements for organization not holding a Code symbol stamp. How-
boiler appurtenances shall be in accordance \vith Section ever, the holder of a valid S, A, or PP Certificate of
I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, PC-60. Authorization shall be responsible for the documenta-
The users of this Code are advised that in some areas tion and hydrostatic test, regardless of the method of
legislation may establish governmental jurisdiction over assembly. The quality control system requirements of
the subject m.atter covered by this Code. However, any Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
such legal requirement shall not relieve the owner of shall apply. These requirements are shm-vn in Appendix J
his inspection responsibilities specified in para. 136.1. of this Code.

Copyright © 2007 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ~

No reproduction may be made of tbis material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.1-2007

The valve or valves required by para. 122.1 are part backing ring: backing in the form of a ring that can be
of the boiler external piping, but do not require ASME used in the welding of piping.
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I inspection ball joint: a component which permits universal rota-
and stamping except for safety, safety relief, and relief tional movement in a piping system.
valves; see para. 107.8.2. Refer to PG-l1.
Pipe connections meeting all other requirements of base metal: the metal to be welded, brazed, soldered,
this Code but not exceeding NPS .)j may be welded to or cut.
pipe or boiler headers without inspection and stamping branch connection: the attachment of a branch pipe to the
required by Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure run of a main pipe with or without the use of fittings.
Vessel Code. braze zvelding: a method of welding whereby a groove,
(B) Nonboiler external piping includes all the piping fillet, plug, or slot ,·veld is made using a nonferrous filler
covered by this Code except for that portion defined metal having a melting point belmv that of the base
above as boiler external piping. metals, but above 84()oF (450°C). The filler metal is not
100.1.3 This Code does not apply to the following: distributed in the joint by capillary action. (Bronze weld-
ing, formerly used, is a misnomer for this term.)
(A) economizers, heaters, pressure vessels, and
components covered by Sections of the ASME Boiler brazing: a metal joining process wherein coalescence is
and Pressure Vessel Code produced by use of a nonferrous filler metal having a
(B) building heating and distribution steam and con- melting point above 840 0 P (450°C) but Imver than that
densate piping designed for 15 psig [100 kPa (gage)] or of the base metals joined. The filler metal is distributed
less, or hot water heating systems designed for 30 psig between the closely fitted surfaces of the joint by capil-
[200 kPa (gage)] or less lary action.
(C) piping for hydraulic or pneumatic tools and their butt joint: a joint between two members lying approxi-
components downstream of the first block or stop valve mately in the same plane.
off the system distribution header
component: component as used in this Code is defined
(D) piping for marine or other installations under
as consisting of but not limited to items such as pipe,
Federal control
piping subassemblies, parts, valves, strainers, relief
(E) towers, building frames, tanks, mechanical equip- devices, fittings, etc.
ment, instruments, and foundations specially designed component: a component designed in
accordance with para. 104.7.2.
(07) 100.2 Definitions
standard component: a component manufactured in
Some commonly used terms relating to piping are accordance with one or more of the standards listed in
defined below. Terms related to \velding generally agree Table 126.1.
with AWS A3.0. Some welding tenns are defined with covered piping systems (CPS): piping systems on which
specified reference to piping. For welding terms used condition aSSeSS111ents are to be conducted. As a mini-
in this Code, but not shown here, definitions of AWS mum for electric power generating stations, the CPS
A3.0 apply. systems are to include NPS 4 and larger of the main
anchor: a rigid restraint providing substantially full fixa- steam, hot reheat steam, cold reheat steam, and boiler
tion, permitting neither translatory nor rotational dis- feedwater piping systems. In addition to the above, CPS
placement of the pipe. also includes NPS 4 and larger piping in other systems
that operate above 750°F (400°C) or above 1,025 psi
annealing: see heat treatments. (7100 kPa). The Operating Company may, in Hs judg-
arc welding: a group of welding processes wherein coales- ment, include other piping systems determined to be
cence is produced by heating with an electric arc or arcs, hazardous by an engineering evaluation of probability
with or without the application of pressure and with or and consequences of failure.
without the use of filler metal. defect: a flaw (imperfection or unintentional discontinu-
assembly: the joining together of tvm or more piping ity) of such size, shape, orientation, location, or proper-
components by bolting, welding, caulking, brazing, sol- ties as to be rejectable.
dering, cementing, or threading into their installed loca- discontinuity: a lack of continuity or cohesion; an inter-
tion as specified by the engineering design. ruption in the normal physical structure of material or
autmnatic welding: welding with equipment which per- a product.
forms the entire welding operation without constant employer: the owner, manufacturer, fabricat01~ contract01~
observation and adjustment of the controls by an opera- assembler, or installer responsible for the welding, braz-
tor. The equipment mayor may not perform the loading ing, and NDE performed by his organization including
and unloading of the work. procedure and performance qualifications.

Copyright © 2007 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made of this material \vithout written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 631.1-2007

Chapter VI
Inspection, Examination, and Testing

136 INSPECTION AND EXAMINATION (B) The Owner's Inspector shall have not less than 10
years experience in the design, manufacture, erection,
136.1 Inspection
fabricabon, or inspection of power piping. Each year of
136.1.1 General. This Code distinguishes between satisfactorily completed work toward an engineering
examination" and inspection. Inspection is the
degree recognized by the Accreditation Board for Engi-
responsibility of the Owner and may be performed by neering and Technology shall be considered equivalent
employees of the Owner or a party authorized by the to 1 year of experience, up to 5 years total.
Owner except for the inspections required by para.
l (C) In delegating the performance of inspections, the
136.2. Prior to initial operation, a piping installation shall Owner is responsible for determining that a person to
be inspected to assure compliance with the engineering whom an inspection function is delegated is qualified
design and with the material, fabrication, assembly, to perform that function.
examination, and test requirements of this Code.
136.2 Inspection and Qualification of Authorized
136.1.2 Verification of Compliance. Compliance
Inspector for Boiler External Piping
with the requirements of this Code shall be verified by
an Authorized Inspector when a Code stamp is required 136.2.1 Piping for which inspection and stamping
by Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel is required as determined in accordance with para.
Code. The rules of this Code and the quality control 100.1.2(A) shall be inspected during construction and
system requirements of Appendix A-300 of Section I of after completion and at the option of the Authorized
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code shall apply. Inspector at such stages of the work as he/she may
The quality control system requirements are shown in designate. For specific requirements see the applicable
Appendix J of this Code. The duty of the Inspector shall parts of Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
be as defined in PG-90, Section I, of the AS.ivIE Boiler and Code, PG-104 through PG-113. Each manufacturer, fabri-
Pressure Vessel Code. Data Report Forms are included in cator, or assembler is required to arrange for the services
the Appendix of ASME Section I for use in developing of Authorized Inspectors.
the necessary inspection records. The Inspector shall The inspections required by this Sec-
assure himself/herself that the piping has been con-
tion shall be performed by an Inspector employed by
structed in accordance with the applicable requirements
an ASME accredited Authorized Inspection Agency.
of this Code.
136.2.2 Certification by stamping and Data
136.1.3 Rights of Inspectors. Inspectors shall have
Reports, where required, shall be as per PG-l04, PG-l05,
access to any place where work concerned with the
PG-l09, PG-110, PG-UI, and PG-112 of Section I of the
piping is being performed. This includes manufacture,
fabrication, heat treatment, assembly, erection, examina- ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
tion, and testing of the piping. They shall have the right
136.3 Examination
to audit any examinatiorl, to inspect the piping using
any appropriate examination method required by the 136.3.1 General. Examination denotes the func-
engineering design or this Code, and to review all certifi- tions performed by the manufacturer, fabricator, erector,
cations and records necessary to satisfy the Owner's or a party authorized by the Owner which include non-
responsibility as stated in para. 136.1.1. destructive examinations (NDE), such as visuat radiog-
raphy, ultrasonic, eddy current, liquid penetrant, and
136.1.4 Qualifications of the Owner's Inspector
magnetic particle methods. The degree of examination
(A) The Ovvner's Inspector shall be designated by the
and the acceptance standards beyond the requirements
Owner and shall be an employee of the Owner, an
of this Code shall be a matter of prior agreement between
employee of an engineering or scientific organization,
the manufacturer, fabricator, or erector and the Owner.
or of a recognized insurance or inspection company
acting as the Owner's agent. The Owner's Inspector shall 136.3.2 Qualification of NDE Personnel. Personnel
not represent nor be an employee of the piping manufac- who perform nondestructive examination of '\-velds shall
turer, fabricator, or erector unless the Owner is also the be qualified and certified for each examination method
manufacturer, fabricator, or erector. in accordance with a program established by the

Copyright © 2007 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made of this material·without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME B31.1-2007

employer of the personnel being certified, which shall the ASlvlE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Visual exam-
be based on the fonowing minimum requirements: inations may be conducted, as necessary, during the
(A) instruction in the fundamentals of the nonde- fabrication and erection of piping components to pro-
structive examination method. vide verification that the design and WPS requirements
(B) on-the-job training to familiarize the NDE person- are being met. In addition, visual examination shall be
nel with the appearance and interpretation of indica- performed to verify that all completed welds in pipe
tions of weld defects. The length of time for such training and piping components comply with the acceptance
shall be sufficient to assure adequate assimilation of the standards specified in (A) below or with the limitations
knowledge required. on imperfections specified in the material specification
(C) an eye examination performed at least once each under which the pipe or component was furnished.
year to determine optical capability of NDE personnel (A) Acceptance Standards. The following indications
to perform the required examinations. are unacceptable:
(D) upon completion of (A) and (B) above, the NDE (A.l) cracks - external surface.
personnel shall be given an oral or written examination (A.2) undercut on surface which is greater than
and performance examination by the employer to deter- ~2 in. (1.0 mm) deep.
mine if the NDE personnel are qualified to perform the (A.3) weld reinforcement greater than specified in
required examinations and interpretation of results. Table 127.4.2.
(E) certified NDE personnel whose work has not (A.4) lack of fusion on surface.
included performance of a specific examination method (A.5) incomplete penetration (applies only when
for a period of 1 year or more shall be recertified bv inside surface is readily accessible).
successfully completing the examination of (D) abov~ (A.6) any other linear indications greater than X6 in.
and also passing the visual examination of (C) above. (5.0 mm) long.
Substantial changes in procedures or equipment shall (A.7) surface porosity \vith rounded indications
require recertification of the NDE personnel. having dimensions greater than X6 in. (5.0 mm) or four
As an alternati ve to the preceding program, the or more rounded indications separated by 1/16 in.
requirements of ASME Section V, Article 1 may be used (2.0 mm) or less edge to edge in any direction. Rounded
for the qualification of NDE personnel. Personnel quali- indications are indications which are circular or elliptical
fied to AVvS QC1 may be used for the visual examination with their length less than three times their width.
of welds. 136.4.3 Magnetic Particle Examination. Whenever
required by this Chapter (see Table 136.4), magnetic
136.4 Examination Methods of Welds particle examination shall be performed in accordance
(07) 136.4.1 Nondestructive Examination. Nondestruc- with the methods of Article 7, Section V, of the AS ME
tive examinations shall be performed in accordance with Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
the requirements of this Chapter. The types and extent (A) Evaluation of Indications
of mandatory examinations for pressure welds and (AJ) Mechanical discontinuities at the surface will
welds to pressure retaining components are specified be indicated by the retention of the examination
in Table 136.4. For welds other than those covered by medium. All indications are not necessarily defects;
TabJe 136.4, only visual examination is required. Welds however, certain metallurgical discontinuities and mag-
requiring nondestructive examination shall comply with netic permeability variations may produce similar indi-
the applicable acceptance standards for indications as cations which are not relevant to the detection of
specified in paras. 136.4.2 through 136.4.6. As a guide, unacceptable discontinuities.
the detection capabilities for the examination method (A.2) Any indication which is believed to be nonrel-
are shown in Table 136.4.1. Welds not requiring examina- evant shall be reexamined to verify whether or not actual
tion (i.e., RT, UT, MT, or PT) by this Code or the engi- defects are present. Surface conditioning may precede
neering design shall be judged acceptable if they meet the reexamination. Nonrelevant indications which
the examination requirements of para. 136.4.2 and the would mask indications of defects are unacceptable.
pressure test requirements specified in para. 137. NDE (A.3) Relevant indications are those which result
for P-Nos. 3,4, 5A, and 5B material welds shall be per- from unacceptable mechanical discontinuities. Linear
formed after post\veld heat treatment unless directed indications are those indications in which the length is
otherwise by engineering design. Required NDE for more than three times the width. Rounded indications
welds in all other materials may be performed before are indications which are circular or elliptical with the
or after postweld heat treatment. length less than three times the width.
(A.4) An indication of a discontinuity may be larger
136.4.2 Visual Examination. Visual examination as than the discontinuity that causes it; however, the size
defined in para. 100.2 shall be performed in accordance of the indication and not the size of the discontinuity
with the methods described in Section V, Article 9, of is the basis of acceptance or rejection. -

Copyright © 2007 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME.
Table 136.4 Mandatory Minimum Nondestructive Examinations for Pressure WeLds or Welds to Pressure-Retaining Components
Piping Design Conditions and Nondestructive Examination
Temperatures Between 350°F
(175°C) and 750°F (400°C)
~ Temperatures Over 750°F Inclusive, With All Pressures
.g \) (400°C) and at All Over 1,025 psig [7 100 kPa
(3 .g Type Weld Pressures (gage)] All Others
§" ';;;
8-. ~
§ .....
Butt welds (girth and longitudi-
nal) [Note (1)]
RT or UT for over NPS 2.
MT or PT for NPS 2 and
RT or UT for over NPS 2
with thickness over % in.
Visual for all sizes and
th ickn esses
s @ less [Note (2)]. (19.0 mm). VT for all sizes
,~ ~ with thickness % in.
('t> --....J (19.0 mm) or less.

('t>..... Welded branch connections (size RT or UT for over NPS 4. RT or UT for branch over NPS 4 VT for all sizes and
o ('t>
indicated is branch size) [Notes MT or PT for NPS 4 and and thickness of branch over th icknesses

(3) and (4)] less [Note (2)]. % in. (19.0 mm)
MT or PT for branch NPS 4
~. »
~ § and less with th ickness of
$. C/J
.... · 0
branch over % in. (19 mm) FT1

ao \0 VT for all sizes with branch

a.q· VJ
thickness 3~, in. (19.0 mm) or ;....
o~ S, less N
~ ~ .......
~ g Fillet, socket, attachment, PT or MT for all sizes and VT for all sizes and VT for all sizes and
::f go
('t> ~
and seal welds th icknesses [Note (5)] th icknesses th ickn esses

aq (a) All welds shall be given a visual examination in addition to the type of specific nondestructive examination specified.
s· (1)
(b) NPS - nominal pipe size.
(c) RT - radiographic examination; UT - ultrasonic examination; MT - magnetic particle examination; PT - liquid penetrant examination; VT - visual examination.
r:/)' (d) For nondestructive examinations of the pressure retaining component, refer to the standards listed in Table 126.1 or manufacturing specifications.

~ (e) Acceptance standards for nondestructive examinations performed are as follows: MT -

UT - see para. 136.4.6.
see para. 136.L1.3; PT - see para. 136.4.4; VT - see para. 136.4.2; RT - see para. 136.4.5;

(1) The thickness of butt welds is defined as the thicker of the two abutting ends after end preparation.
(2) RT may be used as an alternative to PT or MT when it is performed in accordance with para. 136.4.5.
(3) RT or UT of branch welds shall be performed before any nonintegral reinforcing material is applied.
(4) In lieu of volumetric examination CRT, Ul) of welded branch connections when required above, surface examination (PT, Ml) is acceptable and, when used, shall be performed at the
lesser of one-half of the weld thickness or each %
in. (12.5 mm) of weld thickness and all accessible final weld surfaces.
(5) Fillet welds not exceeding Vt. in. (6 mm) throat thickness which are used for the permanent attachment of non pressure retaining parts are exempt from the PT or MT requirements of
the above Table.
ASME B31.3-2012
(Revision of ASME B31.3-2010)

Process Piping
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31

ASME B31.3-2012

flammable: for the purposes of this Code, describes a gas metal-arc welding (GMAW): an arc-welding process
fluid which under ambient or expected operating condi- that produces coalescence of metals by heating them
tions is a vapor or produces vapors that can be ignited with an arc between a continuous filler metal (consum-
and continue to burn in air. The term thus may apply, able) electrode and the work. Shielding is obtained
depending on service conditions, to fluids defined for entirely from an externally supplied gas, or gas mixture.
other purposes as flammable or combustible. Some variations of this process are called MIG or CO2
welding (nonpreferred terms).
fluid service: a general term concerning the application
of a piping system, considering the combination of fluid gas tungsten-arc welding (GTAW): an arc-welding process
properties, operating conditions, and other factors that that produces coalescence of metals by heating them
establish the basis for design of the piping system. See with an arc between a single tungsten (nonconsumable)
Appendix M. electrode and the work. Shielding is obtained from a
(a) Category D Fluid Service: a fluid service in which gas or gas mixture. Pressure may or may not be used
all of the following apply: and filler metal may or may not be used. (This process
has sometimes been called TIG welding.)
(1) the fluid handled is nonflammable, nontoxic,
and not damaging to human tissues as defined in gas welding: a group of welding processes wherein
para. 300.2 coalescence is produced by heating with a gas flame or
(2) the design gage pressure does not exceed flames, with or without the application of pressure, and
1 035 kPa (150 psi) with or without the use of filler material.
(3) the design temperature is not greater than 186°C groove weld: a weld made in the groove between two
(366°F) members to be joined.
(4) the fluid temperature caused by anything other heat affected zone: that portion of the base material which
than atmospheric conditions is not less than −29°C has not been melted, but whose mechanical properties or
(−20°F) microstructure have been altered by the heat of welding,
(b) Category M Fluid Service: a fluid service in which brazing, soldering, forming, or cutting.
the potential for personnel exposure is judged to be heat treatment: terms used to describe various types and
significant and in which a single exposure to a very processes of heat treatment (sometimes called postweld
small quantity of a toxic fluid, caused by leakage, can heat treatment) are defined as follows:
produce serious irreversible harm to persons on breath- (a) annealing: heating to and holding at a suitable
ing or bodily contact, even when prompt restorative temperature and then cooling at a suitable rate for such
measures are taken. purposes as: reducing hardness, improving machinabil-
(c) Elevated Temperature Fluid Service: a fluid service ity, facilitating cold working, producing a desired micro-
in which the piping metal temperature is sustained structure, or obtaining desired mechanical, physical, or
equal to or greater than Tcr as defined in Table 302.3.5, other properties
General Note (b). (b) normalizing: a process in which a ferrous metal is
(d) High Pressure Fluid Service: a fluid service for heated to a suitable temperature above the transforma-
which the owner specifies the use of Chapter IX for tion range and is subsequently cooled in still air at room
piping design and construction; see also para. K300. temperature
(e) High Purity Fluid Service: a fluid service that (c) preheating: see preheating (separate term)
requires alternative methods of fabrication, inspection, (d) quenching: rapid cooling of a heated metal
examination, and testing not covered elsewhere in the (e) recommended or required heat treatment: the applica-
Code, with the intent to produce a controlled level of tion of heat to a metal section subsequent to a cutting,
cleanness. The term thus applies to piping systems forming, or welding operation, as provided in para. 331
defined for other purposes as high purity, ultra high (f) solution heat treatment: heating an alloy to a suit-
purity, hygienic, or aseptic. able temperature, holding at that temperature long
(f) Normal Fluid Service: a fluid service pertaining to enough to allow one or more constituents to enter into
most piping covered by this Code, i.e., not subject to solid solution, and then cooling rapidly enough to hold

the rules for Category D, Category M, Elevated the constituents in solution

Temperature, High Pressure, or High Purity Fluid (g) stress-relief: uniform heating of a structure or por-
Service. tion thereof to a sufficient temperature to relieve the
major portion of the residual stresses, followed by uni-
full fillet weld: a fillet weld whose size is equal to the
form cooling slowly enough to minimize development
thickness of the thinner member joined.
of new residual stresses
fusion: the melting together of filler material and base (h) tempering: reheating a hardened metal to a tem-
material, or of base material only, that results in perature below the transformation range to improve
coalescence. toughness

ASME B31.3-2012

(i) transformation range: a temperature range in which strength determined in a notched specimen divided by
a phase change is initiated and completed the strength determined in an unnotched specimen, and
(j) transformation temperature: a temperature at which can be obtained from either static or dynamic tests.
a phase change occurs NPS: nominal pipe size (followed, when appropriate,
High Pressure Fluid Service: see fluid service. by the specific size designation number without an inch
High Purity Fluid Service: see fluid service. symbol).

hygienic clamp joint: a tube outside-diameter union con- orbital welding: automatic or machine welding in which
sisting of two neutered ferrules having flat faces with the electrode rotates (orbits) around the circumference
a concentric groove and mating gasket that is secured of a stationary pipe or tube.
with a clamp, providing a nonprotruding, recessless oxygen-arc cutting (OAC): an oxygen-cutting process that
product contact surface. See also para. U315.3(b). uses an arc between the workpiece and a consumable
indication, linear: in magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, electrode, through which oxygen is directed to the work-
or similar examination, a closed surface area marking piece. For oxidation-resistant metals, a chemical flux or
or denoting a discontinuity requiring evaluation, whose metal powder is used to facilitate the reaction.
longest dimension is at least three times the width of oxygen cutting (OC): a group of thermal cutting processes
the indication. that severs or removes metal by means of the chemical
indication, rounded: in magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, reaction between oxygen and the base metal at elevated
or similar examination, a closed surface area marking temperature. The necessary temperature is maintained
or denoting a discontinuity requiring evaluation, whose by the heat from an arc, an oxyfuel gas flame, or other
longest dimension is less than three times the width of source.
the indication. oxygen gouging: thermal gouging that uses an oxygen
in-process examination: see para. 344.7. cutting process variation to form a bevel or groove.
inspection, Inspector: see para. 340. packaged equipment: an assembly of individual pieces or
joint design: the joint geometry together with the required stages of equipment, complete with interconnecting pip-
dimensions of the welded joint. ing and connections for external piping. The assembly
may be mounted on a skid or other structure prior to
listed: for the purposes of this Code, describes a material
or component which conforms to a specification in
Appendix A, Appendix B, or Appendix K or to a stan- petroleum refinery: an industrial plant for processing or
dard in Table 326.1, A326.1, or K326.1. handling of petroleum and products derived directly
from petroleum. Such a plant may be an individual gaso-
manual welding: a welding operation performed and con-
trolled completely by hand. line recovery plant, a treating plant, a gas processing
plant (including liquefaction), or an integrated refinery
may: a term which indicates that a provision is neither having various process units and attendant facilities.
required nor prohibited.
pipe: a pressure-tight cylinder used to convey a fluid or
mechanical joint: a joint for the purpose of mechanical to transmit a fluid pressure, ordinarily designated
strength or leak resistance, or both, in which the mechan- “pipe” in applicable material specifications. Materials
ical strength is developed by threaded, grooved, rolled, designated “tube” or “tubing” in the specifications are
flared, or flanged pipe ends; or by bolts, pins, toggles, treated as pipe when intended for pressure service.
or rings; and the leak resistance is developed by threads Types of pipe, according to the method of manufacture,
and compounds, gaskets, rolled ends, caulking, or
are defined as follows:
machined and mated surfaces.
(a) electric resistance-welded pipe: pipe produced in
miter: two or more straight sections of pipe matched and individual lengths or in continuous lengths from coiled
joined in a plane bisecting the angle of junction so as skelp and subsequently cut into individual lengths, hav-
to produce a change in direction. ing a longitudinal butt joint wherein coalescence is pro-
nominal: a numerical identification of dimension, capac- duced by the heat obtained from resistance of the pipe
ity, rating, or other characteristic used as a designation, to the flow of electric current in a circuit of which the
not as an exact measurement. pipe is a part, and by the application of pressure.

Normal Fluid Service: see fluid service. (b) furnace butt welded pipe, continuous welded: pipe
produced in continuous lengths from coiled skelp and
normalizing: see heat treatment. subsequently cut into individual lengths, having its lon-
notch-sensitive: describes a metal subject to reduction in gitudinal butt joint forge welded by the mechanical pres-
strength in the presence of stress concentration. The sure developed in passing the hot-formed and edge-
degree of notch sensitivity is usually expressed as the heated skelp through a set of round pass welding rolls.

ASME B31.3-2012


See Fig. M300.



(12) Fig. M300 Guide to Classifying Fluid Services

Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Col. 5

Fluid Service to High Pressure Fluid Service No Is the fluid No Is the fluid flammable? No Can exposure to the fluid,
be classified designated by owner? See toxic? See definition in para. caused by leakage, be
paras. 300(e) and K300(a). 300.2. damaging to human tissues,
Yes as defined in para. 300.2?
Can a single exposure, caused by
Review the criteria in Yes Is the fluid leakage, to a very small quantity Yes
Col. 3. Do the condi- toxic? of the fluid, produce serious No
tions for Category M irreversible harm as defined under
Fluid Service apply? Category M Fluid Service?
No Is the design gage pressure 1,035 kPa
See para. K300.1.4. (See fluid service, para. 300.2.) No
(150 psi) or less, with design temperature
not greater than 186⬚C (366⬚F) inclusive?
Design and construct
No per Chapter IX rules Yes
for High Pressure Considering experience, service Yes Is the fluid temperature, caused by anything
Yes Fluid Service. conditions, and location involved, other than atmospheric conditions, less than -29⬚C (-20⬚F)?
will design per Base Code or Yes
Chapter VII sufficiently protect No
The Code makes no personnel from exposure to very

provision for this Fluid Ser- small quantities of the fluid in Base Code (Chaps. I–VI) applies to Base Code (Chaps. I–VI) applies to
vice; see para. K300.1.4. the environment? metallic piping; Chapter VII metallic piping; Chapter VII
applies to nonmetallic and applies to nonmetallic and
ASME B31.3-2012

nonmetallic-lined piping. Chapter X nonmetallic-lined piping. Chapter X

No applies to High-Purity Fluid Service. applies to High-Purity Fluid Service.

Can occurrence of severe

No Category M Fluid Service, subject
cyclic conditions1 be Design and construct per Code
to the owner’s designation.
prevented by design? rules for Normal Fluid Service and No Category D Fluid Service
See para. 300(d)(4). High-Purity Fluid Service, subject
See para. M300(e). designated by the owner?
to the owner’s designation.
See paras. 300(d)(7) and U300(c). Yes

Design and construct per Chapter VIII If occurrence of severe cyclic conditions1 cannot be prevented Piping elements limited
rules for Category M Fluid Service and by design, then to Category D Fluid
Chapter X for High-Purity Fluid Service, (a) for metallic piping, special requirements must be met. Service may be used.
subject to the owner’s designation. (b) for nonmetallic and nonmetallic-lined piping, the Code makes See para. 300(d)(5).
See paras. 300(d)(7) and U300(c). no provision for such service. See para. A300(e).

(a) See paras. 300(b)(1), 300(d)(4) and (5), and 300(e) for decisions the owner must make. Other decisions are the designer’s responsibility; see para. 300(b)(2).
(b) The term “fluid service” is defined in para. 300.2.
(1) Severe cyclic conditions are defined in para. 300.2. Requirements are found in Chapter II, Parts 3 and 4, and in paras. 323.4.2 and 241.4.3.

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