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NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA


(Log CP#606) addresses the subject of this proposal and should AFFIRMATIVE: 27
satisfy the intent of the submitter. NOT RETURNED: 1 Barker
AFFIRMATIVE: 27 (Log #CP1005)
NOT RETURNED: 1 Barker Committee: BLD-STR
5000- 1269 - (Chapter 36): Accept
___________________ TCC NOTE: The Technical Correlating Committee (TCC) directs
that a public comment on this proposal be submitted in the TCC's
(Log #251) name to BLD-STR requesting that the TC:
Committee: SAF-FIR (1) revise the definitions in the proposal for agreement with the
5000- 1267 - (35-7.2): Accept in Principle definitions of the same terms as shown in the draft of Chapter 3 that
SUBMITTER: Michael Gardner, Gypsum Association appears at the end of this report. The draft chapter has been revised
RECOMMENDATION: Insert sentence at the end of paragraph for general compliance with the NFPA Manual of Style.
35.7.2. as follows: (2) correlate the Chapter 36 criteria with the Chapter 8 criteria.
Gypsum board, cement fiber board, batts or blankets of mineral This can best be accomplished through deletion of 36.2.2 and then
wool or glass fiber or other approved noncombustible materials referencing the criteria in
installed in such a manner as to be securely retained in place shall be (3) give consideration to Messrs. Davis', Greenwald's and
permitted as an acceptable fire block. Messersmith's comment on affirmative with respect to numerous
SUBSTANTIATION: Language elaborates on suggested materials issues, especially the need for the task group to continue its work so
that may be used as fireblocking materials beyond those listed. as to be able to provide recommendations to the TC at its ROC-
Defines concept that materials permitted to be used as fireblocking, preparation meeting.
in addition to the lumber and plywood defined in the text, should be SUBMITTER: Technical Committee Structures and Construction
noncombustible materials. RECOMMENDATION: Replace Chapter 36 with the following:
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. Chapter 36 Roof Assemblies and Roof Structures
See Committee Proposal 5000-537 (Log #CP606) for related 36.1 Scope. All roof assemblies and rooftop structures shall comply
committee action. with the requirements of Chapter 36. For the purposes of this
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Committee Proposal 5000-537 (Log chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
#CP606) addresses the subject of this proposal and should satisfy the Roof Assemblies – components above the roof structural framing
intent of the submitter. including one or more of the following: the roof deck, vapor barrier,
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 28 insulation, roof cover, and coatings or toppings.
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: Roof Covering – The membrane, which may also be the roof
AFFIRMATIVE: 27 assembly, that provides weather protection to the building. It shall
NOT RETURNED: 1 Barker collect and shed water, resist fire, wind and impact as described in
this code.
___________________ Sloped Glazing -- Any installation of glass or other transparent,
translucent or opaque glazing material installed at a slope of 15
(Log #749) degrees or more from the vertical plane. Glazing materials in
Committee: SAF-FIR skylights, roofs and sloped walls are included within this definition.
5000- 1268 - (35-7.2): Accept in Principle 36.1.1 Performance Requirements. Roof assemblies and rooftop
SUBMITTER: Rick Thornberry, The Code Consortium Inc./Rep. structures shall provide weather protection and be resistant to
Cellulose Insulation Manufacturers Association (CIMA) exterior fire exposure, interior fire exposure, wind and hail, as
RECOMMENDATION: 35.7.2 Firestopping shall consist of 2 inch required by this chapter.
nominal lumber, or two thicknesses of 1 inch nominal lumber with 36.1.2 Materials and Installations
broken lap joints, or one thickness of 23/32 inch wood structural Materials. All materials used within a roof assembly shall be
panel plywood with joints backed by 23/32 inch wood structural as specified within this chapter or as tested according to standards
panel plywood or one thickness of 3/4-inch particleboard with joints referenced by Table
backed by 3/4-inch particleboard. Gypsum board, cement fire board, Installation. All roof assemblies shall be designed and
batts or blankets of mineral wool or glass fiber or other approved installed according to this code and the manufacturer’s installation
materials installed in such a manner as to be securely retained in instructions and to ensure weather protection for the building.
place shall be permitted as an acceptable firestop. Loose-fill 36.2* Exterior Fire Exposure. Where roof coverings are required by
insulation material shall not be used as a firestop unless specifically section 36.2.2 to be rated as either Class A, B or C for fire resistance
tested in the form and manner intended for use to demonstrate its to exterior fire exposure, they shall be tested according to either
ability to remain in place and to retard the spread of fire and hot NFPA 256 or other approved test methods. The rating shall be
gases. The integrity of firestops shall be maintained. applicable to the type of deck to be used and the maximum slope to
SUBSTANTIATION: This proposal is based on the requirements in be provided.
Section 3-6 of NFPA 501-2000. It provides additional criteria for the A36.2 Exterior Fire Exposure. FM 4470, UL Standard 790, or ASTM
types of materials suitable for use as firestops and prescribes E 108 are considered nationally recognized methods of determining
performance criteria for how they should be installed and retained in roof classifications and have been found to yield equivalent test
place. These requirements are consistent with all of the national methods.
model building codes as well. 36.2.1 The following roof coverings shall be considered Class A
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. without testing:
See Committee Proposal 5000-537 (Log #CP606) for related 1. Brick or masonry
committee action. 2. Clay or concrete roof tile
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The committee proposal 5000-537 3. Exposed concrete roof deck or concrete paver blocks
(Log CP#606) addresses the subject of this proposal and should 4. Copper or ferrous sheets or shingles
satisfy the intent of the submitter. 5. Slate

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Table -- Roofing Materials Standards

Material Description Standard
Acrylic coatings used in roofing BUR Standard ASTM D 6083
Aggregate surfacing BUR Standard ASTM D 1863
Aluminum material standard thickness requirement t > 0.024 inches
Asphalt BUR Standard ASTM D 312
Asphalt ashesive used in roofing BUR Standard ASTM D 3747
Asphalt cements used in roofing BUR Standard ASTM D 2823
Asphalt cements used in roofing BUR Standard ASTM D 3019
Asphalt cements used in roofing BUR Standard ASTM D 4586
Asphalt coatings BUR Standard ASTM D 1227
Asphalt coatings BUR Standard ASTM D 2823
Asphalt coatings BUR Standard ASTM D 4479
Asphalt glass felt BUR Standard ASTM D 2178
Asphalt primer BUR Standard ASTM D 41
Asphalt saturated and asphalt coated organig felt base
sheet BUR Standard ASTM D 2626
Asphalt saturated organic felt (perforated) BUR Standard ASTM D 226
Asphalt-coated glass fiber base sheet BUR Standard ASTM D 4601
Coal-tar cements BUR Standard ASTM D 4022
Coal-tar cements BUR Standard ASTM D 5643
Coal-tar pitch BUR Standard ASTM D 450, TYPE I OR II
Coal-tar saturated organic felt BUR Standard ASTM D 227
Concrete Tiles general product requirements for concrete tiles ASTM C 1167
Copper, Lead-coated material standard ASTM B 101
Copper, metal sheet system material standard 16 oz/sf
Copper, preformed metal shingles material standard 12 oz/sf
Fasteners for asphalt shingles fastener standard ASTM F 1667
general product requirements for asphalt
Fiberglass reinforces asphalt shingles shingles ASTM D 3462
Glass mat, coal tar BUR Standard ASTM D 4990
Glass mat, venting type BUR Standard ASTM D 4897
Insulation, Cellular Glass material standard ASTM C 552
Insulation, Fiberboard material standard ASTM C 208
Insulation, Mineral Fiber material standard ASTM C 726
Insulation, Perlite material standard ASTM C 728
Insulation, Polyisocyanurate, Faced material standard ASTM C 1289
Insulation, Polyisocyanurate, Unfaced material standard ASTM C 591
Insulation, Spray Polyurethane material standard ASTM C 1029
Insulaton, Polystyrene material standard ASTM C 578
Lead, hard material standard 2 lb/sf
Lead, soft material standard 3 lb/sf
Liquid applied coating material standard option ASTM C 836
Liquid applied coating material standard option ASTM C 957
Liquid applied coating material standard option ASTM D 1227
Liquid applied coating material standard option ASTM D 3468
Liquid applied coating material standard option ASTM D 60?

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Table -- Roofing Materials Standards (continued)

impact resistance tests for low slope roof
Low slope roof coverings coverings ASTM D 3746
impact resistance tests for low slope roof
Low slope roof coverings coverings CGSB 37-GP-52M
Mineral surfaced inorganic cap sheet BUR Standard ASTM D 3909
material standards option for mineral surfaced
Mineral surfaced roll roofing rolled roofing ASTM D 224
material standards option for mineral surfaced
Mineral surfaced roll roofing rolled roofing ASTM D 249
material standards option for mineral surfaced
Mineral surfaced roll roofing rolled roofing ASTM D 371
material standards option for mineral surfaced
Mineral surfaced roll roofing rolled roofing ASTM D 3909
Mineral surfaced roll roofing as used as underlayment for concrete tiles ASTM D 249
general product requirements for asphalt
Organically reinforced asphalt shingles shingles ASTM D 225
Preservative-treated tapersawn shakes of SYP treated in
accordance with AWPA Standard C2 material standard CSSB Grade 1 or 2
Slate shingles material standard for slate shingles ASTM C 406
Spray-applie polyurethane foam insulation material standard ASTM C 1029
Steel material standard ASTM A 755
Steel, Aluminum-zinc alloy coated material standard ASTM A 792
Steel, Galvanized material standard ASTM A653
Terne coating of 40 lb per
Terne (tin) and terne coated stainless material standard thickness requirement double base box
Thermoplastic fabrics BUR Standard ASTM D 5665
Thermoplastic fabrics BUR Standard ASTM D 5726
Thermoplastic roof coverings material standard option ASTM D 4434
Thermoplastic roof coverings material standard option CGSB 37-GP-54M
Thermoset single ply roof coverings material standard option ASTM D 4637
Thermoset single ply roof coverings material standard option CGSB 37-GP-52M
Thermoset single ply roof coverings material standard option RMA RP-1
Thermoset single ply roof coverings material standard option RMA RP-2
Thermoset single ply roof coverings material standard option RMA RP-3
Wood shakes of naturally durable wood material standard CSSB Grade 1
Wood shakes of naturally durable wood, FRT material standard CSSB Grade 1
Wood shakes of naturally durable wood, preservative
treated material standard CSSB Grade 1
Wood shakes of naturally durable wood, taper sawn material standard CSSB Grade 1 or 2
Wood shingles material standard CSSB Grade 1, 2 or 3

6. A minimum of 4 lbs/ft2 of gravel or slag embedded in a flood A.36.2.2 For buildings located in a wildland/urban interface,
coat of asphalt or coal tar over built-up roofing (BUR) installed at a additional recommendations for fire classifications of roof coverings
maximum slope of ½” per foot. can be found in NFPA 299.
36.2.2* Roof coverings shall comply with Table 36.2.2. 36.3 Interior Fire Exposure
Exceptions: 36.3.1 Fire Resistive Construction. Where the roof assembly or
1. Single family dwellings and townhouses with a leading roof edge rooftop structure is required by Chapter 7 to have a fire resistance
separated a minimum of 5 feet from property lines shall be permitted to use rating, the installation shall comply with Chapter 8.
non-classified roof coverings. 36.3.2 Above Deck Combustible Components within a Roof
2. One or two story buildings of Type II (000), III (200), and V (000) with Assembly. In Types I and II construction, where above deck
a horizontally projected roof area less than 2000 square feet and with a combustible materials are used as components of the roof assembly,
minimum 10 foot separation from the leading edge of the roof to the property the roof assembly shall be tested according to FM 4450, FM 4470, or
line on all sides of the building shall be permitted to use non-classified roof UL 1256.
coverings. Exception: Structural and lightweight structural concrete roof decks.
3. Agricultural buildings. 36.3.3 Foam Plastic Insulation. Foam plastic insulation shall meet the
requirements of Chapter 47.
36.4 Wind Resistance.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Table 36.2.2 Minimum Roof Covering Classification

I-443 I-332B II-222 II-111 II-000 III-211 III-200 IV V-111 V-000


Table 36.4.2 Wind Resistance Test Standards by Roof Assembly Type

Roof Assembly Type Wind Resistance Test Standard
Built-up Roofing FM 4474, FM 4470, UL 580, UL 1897
Modified Bitumen FM 4474, FM 4470, UL 580, UL 1897
Adhered Single Ply Membranes FM 4474, FM 4470, UL 580, UL 1897
Through-Fastened Metal Deck ASTM E 1592, FM 4474, FM 4470, UL 580, UL 1897
Metal Shingle ASTM E 1592, UL 580
Standing Seam Metal FM 4474, FM 4471 or ASTM E 1592
Mechanically attached single ply FM 4474, FM 4471 or ASTM E 1592

36.4.1 All roof assemblies and flashings shall be designed to withstand 36.5.2 Hail Exposure Maps. Areas subject to a minimum of 2 hail
wind pressures as required by Chapter 37. Wind resistance of roof days with greater than 2” hail in a twenty year period are considered
assemblies and flashings shall be determined by calculation in to have severe hail exposure. Areas subject to a minimum of 2 hail
accordance with the material design standards or tested as required days with greater than 1.5” hail in a twenty year period are considered
by Section 36.4.5. to have moderate hail exposure. See Figure 36.5.2(a) and 36.5.2(b)
36.4.2 Roof assemblies shall be tested for wind resistance in moderate hail map and severe hail map.
accordance with one of the applicable tests listed in Table 36.4.2.
Exception: Roof assemblies installed to meet prescriptive requirements in Figure 36.5.2(a) Moderate hail map.
Section 36.4.3.* Roof Perimeter Flashing. The flashing assembly shall be Figure 36.5.2(b) Severe hail map.
tested and listed according to FM 4435, Roof Perimeter Flashing, or
designed and installed according to ANSI/SPRI ES-1. See combined hail map as shown in the draft at the end of this
A. For additional information see FM Data Sheet 1-49. report.
36.4.3 Prescriptive Wind Uplift Requirements. 36.6 Sloped Roof Covering Underlayment Requirements. Roof Concrete and clay roof tile shall be installed according to coverings designed to be applied to roofs with a minimum slope of 3”
FRSA/NTRMA 07320/1. per foot shall have underlayment installed according to Sections* Loose-laid ballasted roofs shall be designed and installed 36.6.1 through 36.6.4.
according to ANSI/RMA/SPRI RP-4 for roof slopes not exceeding 2 36.6.1 Asphalt Shingles. Underlayment used beneath asphalt shingles
in. per ft. shall meet the requirements of Type I of ASTM D 226, or ASTM D
A. For additional information see FM Data Sheet 1-29. 4689. Asphalt Shingles. Installation of asphalt shingles shall be in 36.6.2 Concrete Tiles. Underlayment used beneath concrete tiles
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and the shall meet the requirements of Type I or II of ASTM D 226.
attachments used throughout the certification testing required by this 36.6.3 Other materials. Underlayments used beneath metal roofing
Section. applied to a supporting substrate, mineral surfaced roll roofing, wood Fiberglass reinforced shingles shall be tested in shakes, wood shingles or slate shingles shall meet the requirements of
accordance with ASTM D 3462. Type I of ASTM D 226. Organically reinforced asphalt shingles shall be tested in 36.6.4 Ice Dam Protection. In regions where the average daily
accordance with ASTM D 225. temperature in January is below 25 degrees Fahrenheit, a self- For roofs located where the basic wind speed required in adhering polymer bitumen sheet meeting the requirements of ASTM
Chapter 37 is 110 mph or greater, asphalt composition shingles shall D 1970 shall be used as underlayment from the eave edge to a point
be tested in accordance with ASTM D3161-99A Standard Test Method at least 24 inches inward from the interior plane of the exterior wall.
for Wind Resistance of Asphalt Shingles using fan-induced method 36.7 Roof/Attic Ventilation. Ventilation to the underside of the roof
modified to 110 mph. deck shall be provided at both a low point (soffit) and high point
36.4.4 Loose gravel or stone surfacing shall not be used on buildings (ridge or gable end) of the roof. The total net area of ventilation
greater than 60 feet in height, or on any building located in a shall be at least 1/150 of the roof area projected on a horizontal
hurricane prone area as defined in ASCE 7. plane, or in accordance with the roof assembly manufacturer’s
36.5 Hail Resistance. installation instructions, whichever is greater.
36.5.1 Impact Resistance Testing for Hail. All roof assemblies 36.8 Roof Flashing Requirements. Flashing and counterflashing shall
installed in locations classified as moderate hail exposure shall be be provided at all junctures of roof vertical surfaces, valleys and
tested and classified as moderate hail (MH) or severe hail (SH) in around all roof penetrations.
accordance to FM 4470, or shall be tested and classified as Class 2 or 36.9 Roof Deck Requirements. Roof decks shall be solidly sheathed
Class 4 in accordance to UL 2218. All roof assemblies installed in except where the roof assembly is specifically designed for a different
locations classified as severe hail exposure shall be tested and system.
classified as severe hail (SH) in accordance to FM 4470, or shall be 36.10 Re-roofing. All re-roofing shall comply with Section 36.10
tested and classified as Class 4 in accordance to UL 2218. unless otherwise cited.
Exception: Roof coverings that are ballasted with concrete paver blocks or large 36.10.1 A maximum of 2 layers of roof covering shall be permitted on
stone ballast, or roof coverings that are covered with a minimum of 4 lbs./ft2 of any roof.
gravel or slag embedded in a flood coat of hot asphalt or coal tar shall be 36.10.2 Re-roofing shall not be installed over areas where the roof
considered acceptable for moderate or severe hail exposure. deck or above deck components are wet. In wet areas the roof
covering and insulation shall be cut out, the roof deck shall be dried,

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

cleaned, and repaired or replaced as necessary. All above deck accordance with Chapter 11 of the Uniform Plumbing Code taking
components shall be replaced. into consideration the sizes of all components and slope for
36.10.3 The addition of a re-roofing system shall result in horizontal piping and gutters.
performance of the composite assembly that meets the requirements 36.12 Rooftop Structures.
of Sections 36.2, 36.3, 36.4 and 36.5. 36.12.1 Rooftop structures shall be limited to sheltering of
36.10.4 Where re-roofing systems are adhered directly to an existing mechanical equipment or openings in the roof. Rooftop structures
roof system, verify the existing roof system provides wind resistance as used for purposes other than as permitted by this section shall
required by section 36.4. conform to the requirements of this Code for an additional story.
36.10.5 Access shall be provided to spaces created when a new roof 36.12.2 Rooftop structures on buildings of Type I or Type II
assembly is constructed over an existing roof where one of the construction shall be not more than 28 feet in height above the roof,
following conditions applies. and in all other cases shall extend not more than 12 feet above the
1) the existing roof covering is not one of the types identified in roof.
Section 36.2.1 36.12.3 The aggregate area of rooftop structures shall not be more
2) the new roof assembly is of combustible construction. than 33 1/3 percent of the area of the supporting roof.
Exception: 36.12.4 Rooftop structures shall be constructed with walls, floors and
1. Access shall not be required to spaces created when a new noncombustible roof as required for the main part of the building and shall be fire
roof covering is applied on noncombustible structural supports and the protected as required in Chapter 8.
existing roof covering is covered with a limited combustible material. Exception: Where all walls of rooftop structures are set back more than 5 feet
2. Access shall not be required where the space created is protected by an from the building exterior walls, fire resistive ratings required by Tables 7.2
approved NFPA 13 sprinkler system. and 7.3 for the building walls shall not be required for the roof structure.
3. Access shall not be required where the joist channels are firestopped into 36.12.6 Rooftop signs shall be designed to withstand wind loads as
volumes not exceeding 160 cubic feet. required by Chapter 37 and constructed in accordance with the Access shall be provided every 2500 sq. ft. by a readily manufacturer’s instructions.
accessible opening 20" X 30". 36.13 Towers and Spires. Access shall not be required to spaces where the horizontal 36.13.1 Towers and spires, when enclosed, shall have exterior walls as
separation between the existing roof and the new roof is less than 12- required for the building upon which they are constructed. The
inches high and a limited combustible material is applied directly framework of unenclosed towers extending more than 75 feet above
over the existing roof covering when it is not one of the types grade shall be constructed of iron, steel or reinforced concrete. If the
identified in Section 36.2.1. area of the tower or spire is more than 100 square feet in any
36.11 Roof Drainage. The roof slope and drainage capacity shall be horizontal cross section, its supporting frame shall extend direct to
as required by section 36.11. the ground or shall be supported by the structural frame of the
36.11.1 All roofs shall slope at least ¼ in. per ft towards drains. building. The roof covering of towers and spires shall be as required
36.11.2 A primary roof drainage system shall be provided and shall be for the roof of the building.
capable of removing rainwater from the roof at a rate at least equal to 36.13.2 Skeleton towers used as radio and television masts, located on
the rainfall rates of a 100-year mean recurrence interval (MRI), 60 the roof of a building or structure shall be constructed of
minute duration storm. The design rainfall rate (in. per hour) shall noncombustible materials when over 25 feet high and shall be
be determined from the Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix D (2000 supported on a noncombustible framework direct to the ground.
Ed.). 36.14 Sloped Glazing. Sloped glazing shall resist dead, snow, and
Exception: Where controlled-flow drainage systems are acceptable to the wind loading as required by Chapter 37 and shall resist impact loads
authority having jurisdiction, a primary roof drainage system installed as required Chapter 45. The design and installation shall be
according to Section 1108 of the Uniform Plumbing Code (2000 Ed.) shall be according to Chapter 45. Specific types and thicknesses of materials
permitted. Requirements of Section 36.11.3 are still applicable. shall be based on the required allowable loads and factors in Chapter
ANNEX 36.11.2 Appendix D of the 2000 Edition of the Uniform 45.
Plumbing Code (UPC) lists rainfall rates for anywhere between 3 and 36.14.1 Hail Resistance. Locations which are within those areas
10 cities within a given state. For areas not covered by Appendix D, designated as severe hail exposure as defined in Section 36.5, shall be
the 100-year MRI, 60 minute duration rainfall rates from the map in resistant to severe hail impact. Assemblies that meet impact load
the US Weather Bureau, Technical Paper No. 40, 1961, may be used requirements in Chapter 45 shall be considered adequate for severe
to supplement the UPC data. hail exposure as defined in Section 36.5.
36.11.3 A secondary roof drainage system shall be provided and shall 36.15 Light Transmitting Plastics and Skylights.
be capable of removing rainwater from the roof at a rate that is at 36.15.1* General. Skylight assemblies may be glazed with approved
least equal to the rainfall rate of a 100-year MRI, 15 minute duration plastic materials in accordance with Chapter 47.
storm (in. per hour), assuming blockage of the primary system. The A 36.15.1 The approval of thermoplastic light transmitting materials
secondary drainage system shall be completely independent of the without a curb shall include the following considerations:
primary roof drainage system. The roof design load shall be adequate (a) Expansion and contraction
to support the weight of the rainwater up to the height above the (b) Durability
drainage inlet which is required to achieve the secondary drainage (c) Condensation removal
design capacity, taking into consideration potential ponding resulting (d) Effects of sealants and roofing cements
from roof deflection. Where wall scuppers or interior drains are used 36.15.2 Location. Skylights and sloped glazing shall be permitted in
for secondary drainage, the base of the secondary drainage inlets roof construction except where openings through the roof are
shall be a minimum of 2 in. and a maximum of 6 in. above that of the required to be protected. Skylights shall be placed a minimum of 25
primary drainage inlets. feet from all exterior walls required to be fire walls and a minimum of
ANNEX 36.11.3 The design rainfall rate (in. per hour) for the 100- 6 feet from exterior walls required to be fire barrier walls.
year MRI, 15 minute duration storm may be considered to be equal to 36.15.3 Mounting. Where skylights are not supplied as a part of the
twice that of the 100-year MRI, 60 minute duration storm. Gabled roof assembly from the manufacturer, glazing shall be mounted at
roofs that slope a minimum of ¼ in. per ft towards the roof eave with least 4 inches above the plane of the roof on a curb constructed
no gravel stops or parapets and that allow drainage directly over the consistent with the requirements for the type of construction
edge of the roof may be considered to provide adequate primary classification. Edges of plastic skylights and domes shall be protected
and/secondary drainage. by noncombustible material.
36.11.4 All vertical and horizontal piping systems, gutters and wall
scuppers used for roof drainage shall be designed and constructed in

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Exception 1: Curb requirements for skylights may be omitted when used on about 75 mph. The lowest design peak gust wind speed per proposed
roofs with a minimum slope of 3:12 in one and two-family dwellings or on Chapter 37 is 85 mph. As Section of Log #CP1005 is currently
buildings with an unclassified roof covering. written, shingles installed in locations with a design wind speed of 110
Exception 2: Noncombustible edge material is not required where unclassified mph (peak gust or fastest mile?) or less may only be required to be
roof coverings are permitted. tested to an equivalent peak gust wind speed of 75 mph, and locations
36.15.4 Slope. Flat or corrugated plastic skylights shall slope at least with a design peak gust wind speed of 120-150 mph may only be
4:12. Dome-shaped skylights shall rise above the mounting flange a required to be tested to a wind speed of 110 mph.
minimum distance equal to 10 percent of the maximum span of the Regarding Section, refer to comments on my Explanation of
dome but not less than 3 inches. Negative for Proposal 5000-1278 (Log #436).
36.16 Rooftop Heliports. GREENWALD: In Section 36.5.1 the exception would be clearer
36.16.1 Rooftop heliports shall be designed according to NFPA 418 based on the following. Additionally a new ASTM standard is available
and section 36.16. for concrete roof pavers and this is included in the proposed
36.16.2 Design Loads. In addition to the design loads in Chapter 37, language:
the heliport shall be designed to support the weight of the fully Exception: Roof coverings that are ballasted with concrete roof
loaded helicopters and all other equipment related to the operation. pavers blocks complying with ASTM C 1491 or large stone ballast, or
Chapter 2 References: floor coverings that are covered with a minimum of 4 lbs/ft2 of gravel
*ANSI/SPRI ES-1-98, American National Standards Institute/Single- or slag embedded in a flood coat of hot asphalt or coal tar shall be
Ply Roof Institute, Wind Design Standard for Edge Systems Used with considered acceptable for moderate or severe hail exposure.
Low Slope Roofing Systems. MARTIN: While AISI is voting affirmative on this item, we continue
ANSI/RMA/SPRI RP-4, American National Standards to have some reservations with the approach. We look forward to
Institute/Single-Ply Roof Institute, Standard for Ballasted Roof discussing our concerns with the task group this summer as we
Systems. further refine the proposal.
FRSA/NTRMA 07320/1-98 – Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal and MESSERSMITH: 1. In Section 36.4.4, replace “area” with “regions”
Air Conditioning Contractors Association, National Tile Roof because “hurricane prone regions” is the term defined in ASCE 7.
Manufacturers Association, “Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation 2. In Section 36.5.2, the two hail maps are very difficult to read
Manual.” primarily because each map shows four categories of hail days per 20
*FM (Factory Mutual Research) /ANSI (American National years. Since only one category is necessary for enforcing the
Standards Institute) 4450, Test Standard for Class 1 Insulated Steel provisions for each map (i.e., 2 or more hail days per 20 years), I
Deck Roofs. suggest that the shading for less than 2 days be deleted, and the
FM (Factory Mutual Research) 4470, Test Standard for Class 1 Roof shading for 2-4 days, and four plus days be combined. In addition, I
Covers. suggest that the hail maps be superimposed onto maps that show
*FM (Factory Mutual Research) /ANSI (American National county boundaries as is done in ASCE 7 for wind and seismic maps. I
Standards Institute) 4474, Test Standard Evaluating the Simulated further suggest that areas within the moderate and severe hail areas
Wind Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies Using Static Positive follow county boundaries.
and/or Negative Differential Pressures. 3. Section 36.8, will make more sense to me if a comma (,) is
*FM (Factory Mutual Research) /ANSI (American National Standards inserted between “roof” and “vertical.”
Institute) 4880, Test Standard for Evaluating: 4. Section will be clearer if it reads: “... where the
A. Insulated Wall or Wall and Roof/Ceiling Assemblies horizontal separation vertical distance between the existing roof and
B. Plastic Interior Finish Materials the new roof is less than 12-inches high and a...”
C. Plastic Exterior Building Panels 5. Section 36.11.1 should allow the rain water to drain off the edge
D. Wall/Ceiling Coating Systems of the roof in lieu of providing drains. I recommend that it be
E. Interior or Exterior Coating Systems revised to read: “All roofs shall slope at least 1/4 in. per foot towards
* These standards are currently undergoing ANSI canvassing and drains, or the roof eave.
should be completed prior to issue of NFPA 5000. Titles should later 6. Section 36.11.3 Annex note. Not all sloping roofs are gabled
be changed to reflect FM/ANSI dual title. roofs; some may be monoslope. Therefore, I suggest deleting
SUBSTANTIATION: The Technical Committee agreed to use the “Gabled” at the beginning of the second sentence.
Task Group report as the basis of this Chapter. Additional 7. Section 36.12.6 indicates that rooftop signs must be designed to
modifications have been made to the text to incorporate the withstand wind loads of Chapter 37. There are other loads in
committee's actions on Chapter 36 public proposals, including Chapter 37 that also should apply, such as seismic. I suggest the
Proposal 5000-1270 (Log #709), 5000-1271 (Log #710), 5000-1273 section be revised to read: “Rooftop signs shall be designed to
(Log #1205), 5000-1275 (Log #717), 5000-1276 (Log #706), 5000- withstand the windcombination of loads as required by Chapter 37
1277 (Log #859), 5000-1278 (Log #436), 5000-1279 (Log #702), 5000- and...”
1281 (Log #640), 5000-1286 (Log #711), 5000-1285 (Log #492), 5000- 8. The second sentence of Section 36.13.1 indicates “If the area of
1288 (Log #707), 5000-1287 (Log #712), 5000-1289 (Log #705), 5000- the tower or spire is more than 100 square feet in any horizontal cross
1290 (Log #704), 5000-1291 (Log #714), and 5000-1292 (Log #715). section, its supporting frame shall extend direct to the ground or
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. shall be supported by the structural frame of the building.” Since the
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 code to my knowledge does not define the “structural frame,” I am
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: not aware of any other method of supporting a sign, regardless of its
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 cross sectional area, unless it is suspended from a sky-hook. I
ABSTENTION: 1 recommend that this sentence be deleted.
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg 9. Section 36.15.1 uses the non-mandatory word “may”.
COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE: 10. Exception 1 to Section 36.15.3 uses the non-mandatory word
DAVIS: Edit 36.10.4. Add that after verify. “may”.
While many good changes were made, I do have a few concerns that EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
the Task Group and Committee should continue to work on. SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
Regarding Section 36.3, refer to comments on my Explanation of (Log #625).
Negative for Proposal 5000-1275 (Log #717).
Regarding Section, currently ASTM D 3161 requires wind ___________________
testing to a sustained wind speed of only 60 mph, which is
approximately equivalent to a 3 second peak gust wind speed of

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

(Log #709) which can be generally accepted based on their noncombustible or

Committee: BLD-STR fire resistive properties and positive experience.
5000- 1270 - (36-1): Accept in Principle Note: Supporting material is available for review at NFPA
SUBMITTER: Richard J. Davis, FM Global Headquarters.
RECOMMENDATION: Revise text: COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
36.1 General Scope. All roof assemblies and room structures shall COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This proposal was incorporated into
comply with the requirements of Chapter 36. Section 36.2 in Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005) with
36.1.1 Materials and Installations minor editorial modifications. Materials. All materials used within a roof assembly shall be NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
as specified within this chapter or as tested according to standards VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
referenced by Chapter 36. AFFIRMATIVE: 21 Installation. The installation of the roof assembly shall be ABSTENTION: 1
according to the manufacturer's recommended instructions. Where NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
requirements per Chapter 36, or those of a required listed assembly EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
are more stringent, those requirements shall govern over the SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
manufacturer's recommendations. (Log #625).
36.1.2 Performance Requirements. Roof assemblies and roof
structures shall be resistant to exterior fire exposure, interior fire ___________________
exposure, wind and hail, as required by sections 36.2, 36.3, 36.4 and
36.5, respectively. (Log #491)
SUBSTANTIATION: The current text does not contain any Committee: BLD-STR
guidance with regard to materials and installations. This proposed 5000- 1272 - (36-2.4):
text provides general guidance in this are, defines roof assemblies, TCC NOTE: The Technical Correlating Committee (TCC) directs
and lists various exposures the roof must provide performance that the action on this proposal be changed from "Accept" to
against. "Accept in Principle. See Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005) which
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. revises Chapter 36 to use the term Rooftop Structure rather than
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This proposal was incorporated into Penthouse."
Section 36.1 in Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005) with Further, the TCC directs that a public comment on this proposal be
minor editorial modifications. submitted in the TCC's name to SAF-FUN requesting that the
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 definition of "penthouse" be deleted from Chapter 3 if the term is
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: not used elsewhere in the Code.
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 SUBMITTER: James R. Quiter, Rolf Jensen & Assoc., Inc.
ABSTENTION: 1 RECOMMENDATION: Coordinate this section with definitions in
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg Chapter 3.
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: SUBSTANTIATION: Chapter 3 says a penthouse is not a roof
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 structure. Chapter 3 also says a roof structure is used only for service
(Log #625). and protection of shaft openings. This section says a penthouse can
be used for no other purpose, unless it conforms to requirements for
___________________ an additional story. That leads to the conclusion that a penthouse
must be an additional story, but that has not typically been the intent.
(Log #710) COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept.
Committee: BLD-STR COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee chose to
5000- 1271 - (36-2): Accept in Principle eliminate the definition of penthouse, since it was not used in
TCC NOTE: The Technical Correlating Committee (TCC) directs Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005).
that a public comment on this proposal be submitted in the TCC's NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
name to BLD-STR requesting that the TC correlate the Chapter 36 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
criteria with the Chapter 8 criteria. This can best be accomplished AFFIRMATIVE: 21
through deletion of 36.2.2 and then referencing the criteria in ABSTENTION: 1 NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
RECOMMENDATION: Add new text: SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
36.2 Exterior Fire Exposure. All roof assemblies shall be rated as (Log #625).
either A, B or C for resistance to exterior fire exposure as required
by Chapter 8. Roof assemblies shall be tested according to either ___________________
NFPA 256, FM 4470, UL Standard 790, or ASTM E 108. The rating
shall be applicable to the type of deck to be used (noncombustible or (Log #1205)
combustible) and the slope to be provided. Committee: BLD-STR
Exception: Where the roof top surface is one of the following 5000- 1273 - (36-2.4): Accept in Principle in Part
materials, the assembly shall be considered to have a Class A rating SUBMITTER: Vickie Lovell, InterCode Inc./Rep. Home Ventilating
and testing according to section shall not be required: Inst./Air Movement
Brick, clay or concrete roof tile, exposed concrete roof deck, large RECOMMENDATION: Add the following information to Section
stone ballast gravel or concrete payer blocks (according to section 36.2.4 (Penthouses and roof structures): - proposed) masonry, copper, or ferrous sheets or shingles, “No penthouse, bulkhead, or any other similar projection above the
slate, or a minimum of 4 lbs/ft2 of gravel or slag embedded in a flood roof shall not be used for purposes other than shelter of mechanical
coat of asphalt or coal tar over built-up roofing (BUR). equipment or shelter of vertical shaft openings in the roof.
SUBSTANTIATION: The current text does not provide guidance Provisions, such as louvers, louver blades, or flashing, shall be made
regarding performance against exterior fire exposure. Thsi proposed to protect the mechanical equipment and the building interior from
text refers to all four nationally recognized and virtually identical test the elements. Penthouses or bulkheads used for purposes other than
methods for exterior fire exposure to roofs. It also lists materials this section shall conform to the requirements of this Code for an
additional story.”

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

SUBSTANTIATION: The draft is vague on the protection of the 36.3.3 Thermoplastic Insulation. Where thermoplastic roof
openings and mechanical equipment and a minimum general insulation is used above a steel deck roof, a listed thermal barrier
requirement pertaining to penthouse construction. shall be installed between the topside of the deck and the underside
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part. of the thermoplastic insulation.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The majority of this proposal was Exception: Where acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction,
incorporated into Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), the thermal barrier shall be permitted to be omitted provided that
Section 36.12.4, with minor editoral changes. Penthouse is no longer automatic sprinkler protection is provided directly below the deck in
terminology used in this document. accordance with NFPA 13, or the underside of the deck is covered
Second sentence was not incorporated, because louvers are a design with a listed fire resistive material.
decision and should not be prohibited by the code. SUBSTANTIATION: The current text does not provide guidance
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 regarding performance against interior fire exposure. This proposed
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: text references nationally accepted test standards for fire resistive or
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 limited combustible construction, as required by Chapter 7. It also
ABSTENTION: 1 adds a definition for thermal barrier which is not contained in the
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg current Chapter 3.
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: Note: Supporting material is available for review at NFPA
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 Headquarters.
(Log #625). COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The majority of this proposal was
___________________ incorporated into Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005),
Section 36.3, with minor editoral changes.
(Log #490) However, Section 36.3.3 was not accepted. The Technical
Committee: BLD-STR Committee believed that this was overly restrictive for one particular
5000- 1274 - (36-2.5): Reject building method.
SUBSTANTIATION: If a roof structure is intended only to enclose AFFIRMATIVE: 20
service areas, and is limited to 1/3 of the building area, why does it NEGATIVE: 1
need to be fire protected when a penthouse is not? ABSTENTION: 1
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
to delete the section but instead to modify it. It remains as Section DAVIS: The requirements for using a thermal barrier directly on a
36.12.4, Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005). The term steel deck or an undercoating directly below a steel deck, when
penthouse is no longer used. thermoplastic insulation is used (as proposed in Section 36.3.3 of Log
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 #717), needs to be incorporated into Section 36.3 of Committee
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005) for types I and II construction.
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 Insulated steel deck assemblies using thermoplastic insulation, but
ABSTENTION: 1 without a thermal barrier or undercoating, are listed according to UL
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg 1256, however, the same assemblies have failed the Factory Mutual
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: Research 25 ft high corner test and White House Tests using a burner
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 exposure similar to ISO 9705. As written, Proposal 5000-1269 (Log
(Log #625). #CP1005) allows the use of a combustible roof deck in Type I and II
construction, where it is not allowed per NFPA 220 and the proposed
___________________ Chapter 7 of NFPA 5000. I disagree with the committee’s decision to
move requirements relating to fire performance for foam plastics to
(Log #717) Chapter 47. It is within the scope of Chapter 36 to address fire
Committee: BLD-STR performance of roof assemblies. This issue should be addressed by
5000- 1275 - (36-3): Accept in Principle in Part the Technical Correlating Committee.
TCC NOTE: The Technical Correlating Committee (TCC) directs EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
that a public comment on this proposal be submitted in the TCC's SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
name to BLD-STR requesting that the TC give consideration to Mr. (Log #625).
Davis' explanation of negative with respect to location of material
based on chapter scope for Chapters 36 and 47. ___________________
SUBMITTER: Richard J. Davis, FM Global
RECOMMENDATION: Add new text to read as follows: (Log #706)
36.3 Interior Fire Exposure Committee: BLD-STR
36.3.1 Fire Resistive Construction. Where the roof assembly or roof 5000- 1276 - (36-4): Accept in Principle in Part
structure is required by Chapter 7 to be fire resistive, the assembly or SUBMITTER: Richard J. Davis, FM Global
structure is required by Chapter 7 to be fire resistive, the assembly or RECOMMENDATION: Add new text as follows:
structure shall be as tested according to NFPA 251, ASTM E 119 or 36.4 Wind resistance.
UL 263, for the time period required by Chapter 7. The installation 36.4.1 All roof assemblies shall be designed to withstand wind
shall also comply with Chapter 8. Alternatively to testing, fire resistive pressures as required by Chapter 3i7, and shall meet test or
assemblies or structures shall be designed according to ASCE/SFPE prescriptive requirements per sections 36.4.5, or 36.4.6, respectively.
29-99, Standard Calculation Methods for Structural Fire Protection. 36.4.2 Exterior pressure coefficients for roof deck and above deck
36.3.2 Limited Combustible Construction. Where permitted by components shall be based on a tributary area <= 10ft2 .
Chapter 7 to be of limited combustible construction, the roof 36.4.3 The listed wind rating of the assembly shall not be less than
assembly shall meet the criteria within NFPA 220 for limited the design load multiplied by a safety factor. The safety factor shall be
combustible or shall be satisfactorily tested according to FM 4450, FM as required by the authority having jurisdiction, however, it shall not
4470, or UL 1256. be less than 1.65 in the perimeter and corner areas and 2.0 in the
field of the roof.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

36.4.4 Where opening protectives are not designed to withstand recognized test standards for wind resistance of roofs. Some
wind pressures required by Chapter 37, or windblown debris where prescriptive guidance is also referenced.
required by Chapter 37, the roof design wind pressures shall be as The wind uplift test used in FM 4470 and 4474 can accept nominal
required for "partially enlaced" buildings. sample sizes up to 12 x 24 ft. This is also true of ASTM E 1592. Roof
36.4.5 Wind Test Requirements. assemblies with large tributary areas or spacings between support Roof assemblies utilizing built-up roofing (BUR), modified points (such as standing seam roofs and mechanically attached single-
bitumen, adhered single-ply membranes, or through-fastened (lap ply membranes) require a test assembly of this size for an accurate
seam) metal deck, shall be tested for wind resistance according to FM prediction of the wind pressure resistance. Considerably smaller test
44i74, FM 447i0, UL 580 or UL 1897. assemblies will overstate the implied pressure resistance, as evidenced
Exception: Roof assemblies installed to meet prescriptive by lab tests and field experience.
requirements in section 36.4.6 shall not be required to be tested. Note: Supporting material is available for review at NFPA Standing seam metal roof systems (concealed clip) and Headquarters.
mechanically-attached single-ply roof covers shall be tested for wind COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part.
resistance according to FM 44i71, FM 44i74 or ASTM E 1592. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee chose to
ANNEX 36.4.5 ASTM D 3161, Standard Test Method for Wind- incorporate the majority of this proposal into Committee Proposal
Resistance of Asphalt Shingles (Fan-Induced Method) requires 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), Section 36.4, with only minor editorial
testing shingles at a wind velocity of 60 mph (+/- 5%) for 2 hours. changes.
Other test standards referenced within this section require testing to However, Sections 36.4.2, 36.4.3 and 36.4.4 were not accepted. The
a given pressure for a much shorter duration. Also, ASTM D 3161 Technical Committee agreed that it is not necessary for the roofing
simulates a sustained wind, whereas requirements in Chapter 37 are chapter to specify factors of safety, when they are specified in
based on 3 second peak gusts, which vary from 90-150 mph at the 30 reference materials.
ft reference elevation. While most procedures outlined in ASTM D The Technical Comittee incorporated Section 36.4.5 was
3161 could be followed to test shingles, the fan capacity must be incorporated into the Table 36.4.2.
capable of simulating the higher design velocities required by The Technical Committee did not accept Annex 36.4.5 , since it was
Chapter 37. primarily background information and not necessary to the code.
36.4.6 Prescriptive Wind Uplift Requirements. All FM Data sheets were included as annex materials, since they are Concrete and clay time roofs shall be designed and not consensus documents.
installed according to FRSA/NTRMA 07320/1-98. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 Loose-laid ballasted roofs shall be designed and installed VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
according to ANSI/RMA/SPRI RP-4, or FM Data Sheet 1-29 for roof AFFIRMATIVE: 21
slopes not exceeding 2 in. per ft. The design shall take into ABSTENTION: 1
consideration the required ballast size, density and weight per unit NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
area in. the field, perimeter and corners of the roof. EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: Self-adhering shingles shall be installed using a minimum SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
of four or six-3/8 in. diameter head nails per nominal 3 ft. wide (Log #625).
shingle for portions of the roof in which the wind velocity pressure
required by Chapter 3i7 does not exceed 40 psf, or 60 psf, ___________________
respectively. For installations requiring higher wind pressures, test
data or an engineering analysis shall be provided to substantiate the (Log #859)
design. Committee: BLD-STR
36.4.7 Pea gravel or loose-laid gravel surfacing shall not be used on 5000- 1277 - (36-4.2): Accept in Principle
high-rise buildings, or on any building located in a hurricane prone SUBMITTER: Hugh Patrick Toner, Danrestown, MD
area. RECOMMENDATION: Change 36.4.2(a) to read as follows:
REFERENCED STANDARDS “For monolithic glazing systems, the glazing material of the single
ANSI/SPRI ES-1-98, American National Standards Institute/Single- lite or layer shall be laminated glass with a minimum 30 mil polyvinyl
Ply Roof Institute, Wind Design Standard for Edge Systems Used with butyral (or equivalent) interlayer, wired glass, approved plastics
Low Slope Roofing Systems. meeting the requirements of 47.4.2, heat strengthened glass or fully
ANSI/RMS/SPRI RP-4, American National Standards tempered glass.”
Institute/Single-Ply roof Institute, Standard for Ballasted Roof SUBSTANTIATION: Consistent with currently accepted fire safety
Systems. provision.
*FM (Factory Mutual Research) /ANSI (American National COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
Standards COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This proposal was incorporated into
Institute) 4450, Test Standard for Class 1 Insulated Steel Deck Roofs. Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), Section 36.15, with
FM (Factory Mutual Research) 4470, Test Standard for Class 1 Panel minor editoral changes. The reference was corrected and
Roofs. incorporated.
*FM (Factory Mutual Research) /ANSI (American National NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
Standards Institute) 4474, Test Standard Evaluating the Simulated VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
Wind Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies Using Static Positive AFFIRMATIVE: 21
and/or Negative Differential Pressures. ABSTENTION: 1
FRSA/NTRMA 07320/1-98 - Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal and NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
Air Conditioning Contractors Association, National Tile Roof EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
manufacturers Association, "Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
Manual." (Log #625).
*These documents are currently finishing ANSI canvassing and
should be accepted by ANSI in the first quarter of 2001. ___________________
FM 4450 is already published as a Factory Mutual Research Approval
SUBSTANTIATION: The current text does not provide guidance
regarding performance against wind. This proposed text references
Chapter 37 for design loads, and references various nationally

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

(Log #436)
Committee: BLD-STR
5000- 1278 - (36-5): Accept in Principle in Part
SUBMITTER: William E. Koffel, Koffel Assoc., Inc./Rep. National
Greenhouse Manufacturers Assoc.
RECOMMENDATION: Relocate these provisions to Chapter 47
SUBSTANTIATION: The provisions of light-transmitting plastic roof
panels is commonly found in building codes in the chapter regulating
plastic materials.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee chose to
move the material requirements to Chapter 47 and retain the the
structural requirements in Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log
#CP1005), Section 36.15.
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
DAVIS: See my Explanation of Negative on Proposal 5000-1252
(Log #432).
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
(Log #625).


(Log #702)
Committee: BLD-STR
5000- 1279 - (36-5): Accept in Principle in Part
SUBMITTER: Richard J. Davis, FM Global
RECOMMENDATION: Add text to read as follows:
36.5 Hail Resistance. All roof assemblies shall be tested for
resistance to hail as required by Figure 36.1 and section 36.5
Locations between the Eastern and Western Hail Hazard Boundaries
within Fig 36.1 shall be resistant to "severe" hail (minimum 1-3/4 in.
in diameter). Locations to the east of the Eastern Hail Hazard
Boundary or to the west of the Western Hail Hazard Boundary shall
be resistant to "moderate" hail (minimum 1-1/2 in. diameter).
36.5.1 Hail Resistance Testing. Locations required to be resistant to
"moderate" hail shall be tested for moderate hail (MHO) or severe
hail (SH)O according to FM 4470 or shall be tested and listed for 1-
1/2 in. diameter, simulated hailstones according to UL 2218.
Locations required to be resistant to "severe" hail shall be tested
according to FM 4470 for severe hail (SH rating) or shall be tested for
1-3/4 in or 2 in. diameter simulated hailstones according to UL 2218.
Exception: Roof coverings that are ballasted with concrete paver
blocks or large stone ballast, or roof coverings that are covered with a
minimum of 4 lbs./ft2 of pea gravel embedded in a flood coat of hot
asphalt or coal tar shall be considered acceptable for moderate or
severe hail exposure.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

SUBSTANTIATION: The current text does not provide guidance 36.5.7 Skylights shall be separated from each other by a distance of
regarding performance against hail. not less than 4 feet measured in a horizontal plane.
This proposed text differentiates between parts of the country which Exception 1: The separation shall not be required provided the
experience more severe hail than the rest, and references two skylight is serving as an approved fire venting system.
nationally recognized test standards for resistance to various size hail. Exception 2. In one- and two-family dwellings or on buildings with
The proposed Figure 36.1 is adopted from FM Global DS 1-29, an unclassified roof covering, skylights shall be separated from each
"Above Deck Roof Components". That Figure was developed based other by a distance of not less than 16 inches measured in a
on information in a report by the National Bureau of Standards horizontal plane.
entitled, "Building Science Series 23, Hail Resistance of Roofing Exception 3: Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic
Products" as well as FM Global hail loss experience. Several years ago sprinkler system.
the map was rechecked against more recent FM Global loss Add new 36.5.9 as follows:
experience and over 90% of those hail losses were within the severe percentage limitations and separation requirements applicable to
hail hazard boundaries. plastic light-transmitting roof panel installations.
Note: Supporting material is available for review at NFPA SUBSTANTIATION: Consistent with currently accepted fire safety
Headquarters. provisions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
See Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005) for Figure COMMITTEE STATEMENT: While the Technical Committee
36.5.2(a) Moderate Hail Map and Figure 36.5.2(b) Severe Hail Map. agreed with the proponent, they felt that this information should
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The majority of this proposal was reside in Chapter 47.
incorporated into Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), The TCC should forward this to the Materials Technical Committee
Section 36.5. for incorporation into Chapter 47.
However, the Technical Committee chose to use two different hail NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
maps. These maps are based on hail occurance and not on insurance VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
loss experience. The Technical Committee will use these maps in the AFFIRMATIVE: 20
interium until a consensus based map is made available. ABSTENTION: 2
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 DAVIS I disagree with the committee’ action to move skylight
ABSTENTION: 1 requirements to Chapter 47 for reasons discussed for Proposal 5000-
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg 1252 (Log #432) and 5000-1278 (436).
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 (Log #625).
(Log #625).
(Log #640)
(Log #862) Committee: BLD-STR
Committee: BLD-STR 5000- 1281 - (36-5.1): Accept in Principle
5000- 1280 - (36-5): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: W. Lee Shoemaker, Metal Building Manufacturers
TCC NOTE: The Technical Correlating Committee (TCC) directs Association (MBMA)
that a public comment on this proposal be submitted in the TCC's RECOMMENDATION: Add new text as follows:
name to BLD-MAT requesting that the proposed text be Exception: These provisions need not be applied if the building on
incorporated, as necessary, into Chapter 47 as suggested by BLD-STR which the skylight is located is constructed with an exposed steel deck
in its Committee Statement. not less than 26 gage thickness and supported by secondary members
SUBMITTER: Hugh Patrick Toner, Danrestown, MD of either steel bar joists or cold-formed steel members with a
RECOMMENDATION: Change 36.5.1 to read as follows: minimum 16 gage thickness.
6.5.1 General. Skylight assemblies may be glazed with plastic SUBSTANTIATION: The provisions in Section 36.5 would be overly
materials meeting the requirements of 47.4.2 in accordance with this restrictive for typical metal building systems that have successfully
section. integrated skylights. This exception should recognize past
Exception: These The provisions in the paragraphs 36.5.2 to 36.5.9 performance and other code acceptance.
need not be applied . . . COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
Change 36.5.2 to read as follows: COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee modified
(a) 36.5.2 The approval of thermoplastic light-transmitting materials the mounting criteria in Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log
... #CP1005), Section 36.15, which meets the proponent's intent.
Change 36.5.3 to read as follows: NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
36.5.3 Mounting. The glazing shall be mounted at least 4 inches VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
above the plane of the roof on a curb constructed consistent with the AFFIRMATIVE: 21
requirements for the type of construction classification. Edges of ABSTENTION: 1
plastic skylights and domes shall be protected by metal or NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
noncombustible material, or the plastic dome or skylight shall be EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
shown to be able to resist ignition when exposed at the edge to a SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
flame form a Class B brand as described in ASTM E 108 or UL 790. (Log #625).
Change 36.5.4 to read as follows:
36.5.4 Flat or corrugated plastic skylights shall slope at least 4:12. ___________________
Dome shaped skylights shall rise above the mounting flange a
minimum distance equal to 10 percent of the maximum span of the
dome but not less than 3 inches.
Exception: Plastic skylights that pass the Class B Burning Brand Test
specified in ASTM E 108 or UL 790.
Change 36.5.7 to read as follows:

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

(Log #433) The TCC should forward this to the Materials Technical Committee
Committee: BLD-STR for incorporation into Chapter 47.
5000- 1282 - (36-5.5 Exception): Accept in Principle NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
TCC NOTE: The Technical Correlating Committee (TCC) directs VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
that a public comment on this proposal be submitted in the TCC's AFFIRMATIVE: 20
name to BLD-MAT requesting that the proposed text be ABSTENTION: 2
incorporated, as necessary, into Chapter 47 as suggested by BLD-STR NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
in its Committee Statement. EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
SUBMITTER: William E. Koffel, Koffel Assoc., Inc./Rep. National DAVIS: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-1280
Greenhouse Manufacturers Assoc. (Log #862).
RECOMMENDATION: Add a new Exception to 36.5.5 to read as SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
follows: (Log #625).
No. 1:The area of skylight units shall not be limited in buildings ___________________
equipped with an automatic fire suppression system or if the skylight
is serving as an approved fire venting system. (Log #435)
No. 2. Greenhouses that are occupied for growing plants on a Committee: BLD-STR
production or research basis, without public access, shall be exempt 5000- 1284 - (36-5.7 Exception): Accept in Principle
from the area limitations provided they have a minimum separation TCC NOTE: The Technical Correlating Committee (TCC) directs
distance of 4 feet. that a public comment on this proposal be submitted in the TCC's
SUBSTANTIATION: Production greenhouses have a limited name to BLD-MAT requesting that the proposed text be
occupant load and limited fuel load. With the required separation incorporated, as necessary, into Chapter 47 as suggested by BLD-STR
distance to the property line, such buildings will pose minimal risk to in its Committee Statement.
either adjacent properties or occupants. SUBMITTER: William E. Koffel, Koffel Assoc., Inc./Rep. National
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. Greenhouse Manufacturers Assoc.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: While the Technical Committee RECOMMENDATION: Add a new Exception to 36.5.7 to read as
agreed with the proponent, they felt that this information should follows:
reside in Chapter 47. Exceptions:
The TCC should forward this to the Materials Technical Committee 1. (No Change)
for incorporation into Chapter 47. 2. (No Change)
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 3. The separation between roof panels is not required in
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: greenhouses complying with the Exception No. 2 to 36.5.6.
AFFIRMATIVE: 20 SUBSTANTIATION: Production greenhouses have a limited
ABSTENTION: 2 occupant load and limited fuel load. With the required separation
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg distance to the property line, such buildings will pose minimal risk to
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: either adjacent properties or occupants. If the roof panels are not
DAVIS: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-1280 limited in area, it is not necessary to require a separation distance
(Log #862). between panels.
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
(Log #625). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: While the Technical Committee
agreed with the proponent, they felt that this information should
___________________ reside in Chapter 47.
The TCC should forward this to the Materials Technical Committee
(Log #434) for incorporation into Chapter 47.
5000- 1283 - (36-5.6 Exception): Accept in Principle VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
TCC NOTE: The Technical Correlating Committee (TCC) directs AFFIRMATIVE: 20
that a public comment on this proposal be submitted in the TCC's ABSTENTION: 2
name to BLD-MAT requesting that the proposed text be NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
incorporated, as necessary, into Chapter 47 as suggested by BLD-STR EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
in its Committee Statement. DAVIS: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-1280
SUBMITTER: William E. Koffel, Koffel Assoc., Inc./Rep. National (Log #862).
Greenhouse Manufacturers Assoc. SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
RECOMMENDATION: Add a new Exception to 36.5.6 to read as (Log #625).
Exceptions: ___________________
No. 1. The aggregate area of skylight may be increased 100%
provided the skylight is serving as an approved fire venting system. (Log #492)
No. 2. The aggregage area is not limited in greenhouses that are Committee: BLD-STR
occupied for growing plants on a production or research basis, 5000- 1285 - (36-5.8): Accept
without public access, shall be exempt from the area limitations SUBMITTER: James R. Quiter, Rolf Jensen & Assoc., Inc.
provided they have a minimum separation distance of 4 feet. RECOMMENDATION: Add a new first sentence:
SUBSTANTIATION: Production greenhouses have a limited “Skylights and sloped glazing shall be permitted in roof construction
occupant load and limited fuel load. With the required separation except where openings through the roof are required to be
distance to the property line, such buildings will pose minimal risk to protected. Where exterior walls openings...”.
either adjacent properties or occupants. SUBSTANTIATION: Before you can state a specific case where
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. skylights are not permitted, there should be a general statement
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: While the Technical Committee describing where they are permitted.
agreed with the proponent, they felt that this information should COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept.
reside in Chapter 47.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This proposal was incorporated into exterior wall, they shall conform to the requirements for fire
Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), Section 36.15. resistance for the exterior wall of the building.)
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 (Log #625).
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg ___________________
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 (Log #712)
(Log #625). Committee: BLD-STR
5000- 1287 - (36-7): Accept in Principle
___________________ SUBMITTER: Richard J. Davis, FM Global
(Log #711) 36.7 36.3 Towers and Spires. (existing text from section 36.3.)
Committee: BLD-STR 36.7.1 36.3.1 Towers and spires, when enclosed, shall have exterior
5000- 1286 - (36-6): Accept in Principle in Part walls as required for the building upon which they are constructed.
SUBMITTER: Richard J. Davis, FM Global The framework of unenclosed towers extending more than 75 feet
RECOMMENDATION: Revise text: above grade shall be constructed of iron, steel or reinforced concrete.
36.6 36.2 Penthouses and Roof Structures. If the area of the tower or spire is more than 100 square feet in any
36.6.1 36.2.1 Penthouses or other projections above the roof in horizontal cross section, its supporting frame shall extend direct to
buildings or structures above the roof in buildings or structures of the ground or shall be supported by the structural frame of the
Type I or Type II construction shall be not more than 28 feet high building. The roof covering of towers and spires shall be as required
above the roof when used as an enclosure for tanks or for elevators for the roof of the building.
that run to the roof, and in all other cases shall extended not more 36.7.2 36.3.2 Skeleton towers used as radio and television masts,
than 12 feet above the roof. located on the roof of a building or structure shall be constructed of
36.6.2 36.2.2 Where penthouse walls are set back less than 5 feet noncombustible materials when over 25 feet high and shall be
from the exterior wall, they shall conform to the requirements for fire supported on a noncombustible framework direct to the ground.
resistance of the exterior wall of the building. SUBSTANTIATION: Editorial. Renumbered to reflect proposed
36.6.3 36.2.3 The aggregate area of penthouses and other roof added subjects. No text changes are proposed.
structures shall not be more than 33 1/3 percent of the area of the COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
supporting roof. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This proposal was incorporated into
36.6.4 36.2.4 No penthouse, bulkhead or similar projection above Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), Section 36.13, with
the roof shall be used for any purpose other than shelter of minor editorial modifications.
mechanical equipment or shelter of vertical shaft openings in the NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
roof. Penthouses or bulkheads used for purposes other than VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
permitted by this section shall conform to the requirements of this AFFIRMATIVE: 21
Code for an additional story. ABSTENTION: 1
36.6.5 36.2.5 Roof structures shall be constructed with walls, floors NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
and roof as required for the main part of the building and shall be EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
fire protected as required in Chapter 8. SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
36.6.6 36.2.6 Roof signs shall be designed to withstand wind loads as (Log #625).
required by Chapter 37 and constructed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. ___________________
SUBSTANTIATION: The proposed text provides general guidance
and guidance regarding performance against wind for roof signs. (Log #707)
Other sections are simply renumbered to coincide with proposed Committee: BLD-STR
added subjects. The last portion of section 36.6.1 is proposed to be 5000- 1288 - (36-8): Accept in Principle in Part
deleted based on committe discussion during the initial meeting. SUBMITTER: Richard J. Davis, FM Global
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part. RECOMMENDATION: Revise text as follows:
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee 36.8 (formerly 36.4) Sloped Glazing.
incorporated the majority of the proponent's modifications into 36.8.1 36.4.1 Sloped glazing includes any installation of glass or
Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), Section 36.12, with other transparent, translucent or opaque glazing material installed at
editorial changes. a slope of more than15 degrees or morefrom the vertical plane.
However, the committee chose to keep the 12 foot limits. Glazing materials in skylights, roofs and sloped walls are included
Otherwise, the only other limitation was for Type I and II within this definition.
construction. 36.8.2 Sloped glazing shall resist dead, snow, and wind loading as
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 required by Chapter 37 and shall resist impact loads as required
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: Chapter 45. The design and installation shall be according to
AFFIRMATIVE: 20 Chapter 45. Specific types and thicknesses of materials shall be based
NEGATIVE: 1 on the required allowable loads and factors in Chapter 45.
ABSTENTION: 1 36.8.3 Locations which are within those areas designated as "severe
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg hail" exposure as defined in Section 36.5 (proposed), shall be
EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: resistant to severe hail impact.
DAVIS: The proposed Section 36.6.2 was not incorporated into Exception No. 1: Assemblies that pass test requirements for
Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), but according to the "Human Impact Load" in section 45.5 (proposed) shall be considered
committee statement it was intended to. Also, Section 36.12.5 of 5000- adequate for "severe hail" exposure as defined in Section 36.5.
1269 (Log #CP1005) is missing from the ROP ballot and presumably Exception No. 2: Hail resistance shall not be required within
was intended to include the content of proposed Section 36.6.2 of individual dwelling units in One and Two Family Dwellings, within
Log #711. This should be included in Proposal 5000-1269 (Log dwelling units of Apartment Occupancies or in Residential Board and
#CP1005) (Where penthouse walls are set back less than 5 feet from Care Occupancies.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Exception No. 3: Hail resistance shall not be required for

commercial or detached noncombustible greenhouses used (Log #704)
exclusively for growing plants and not open to the public, provided Committee: BLD-STR
that the height of the greenhouse at the ridge does not exceed 30 5000- 1290 - (36-11): Accept in Principle
feet (9.1m) above grade. SUBMITTER: Richard J. Davis, FM Global
Note: Delete sections 36.4.2 through 36.4.5 as this is covered in RECOMMENDATION: Revise text to read as follows:
Chapter 45. 36.11 Re-roofing. All re-roofing shall comply with section 36.11.
SUBSTANTIATION: This proposed text references design loads in 36.11.11 Recovering shall not be permitted over a roof that has
Chapter 37 and other considerations in Chapter 45. already been recovered once.
A requirement for hail resistance is proposed, however, several 36.11.2 Re-roofing shall not be installed over areas in which the roof
exceptions are also proposed. Many glazing products have already deck or above deck components are wet. In wet areas the roof
passed human impact load tests, which re considered at least as covering and insulation shall be cut out, the roof deck shall be dried,
stringent as available hail damage tests. Also, since occupancies cleaned and repaired or replaced as necessary, and above deck
within Exceptions No. 2 and 3 are proposed for exemption form components shall be replaced.
section 45.8 (with the Exception of "Small Facilities", which is not 36.11.3 The addition of a re-roofing system shall result in
defined in Chapter 45 or 3), this proposal seems consistent. Most performance of the composite assembly that meets the requirements
other text is proposed to be deleted as this information will be of sections 36.2, 36.3, and 36.4.
addressed in the revision of Chapter 45. 36.11.4 Where re-roofing systems are adhered directly to an existing
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part. roof system, it shall be verified that the existing roof system provides
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The majority of this proposal was wind resistance as required by section 36.4.
incorporated into Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), 36.11.5 Where a new roof assembly is installed above an existing
Section 36.14. roof cover so as to create a combustible concealed space, protection
The Technical Committee did not incorporate Exceptions 2 and 3 shall be provided within the space. Protection shall consist of either
into Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), Section 36.14. automatic sprinkler protection according to NFPA 13, or the
They agreed that the hail requirements for sloped glazing should provision of a noncombustible material directly on top of the existing
apply to all buildings. roof cover.
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 Exception: Where the existing roof cover is one of the types
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: described in the Exception to section 36.2, no additional protection
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 shall be required.
ABSTENTION: 1 SUBSTANTIATION: The current text does not provide guidance for
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg re-roofing. The proposed text addresses most general concerns that
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: arise when an existing roof is either provided with a new cover above ,
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 or the above deck components are removed and replaced with a new
(Log #625). roof system.
___________________ COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This proposal was incorporated into
(Log #705) Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), Section 36.10, with
Committee: BLD-STR editorial modifications which improved the clarity of the proposal.
5000- 1289 - (36-10): Accept in Principle in Part NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
RECOMMENDATION: Add text to read as follows: AFFIRMATIVE: 21
36.10 Roof Perimeter Flashing. The roof perimeter flashing shall ABSTENTION: 1
be designed to resist wind loads as required by Chapter 37 for NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
perimeter and corner areas, as applicable. The flashing assembly EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
shall be tested according to ANSI/SPRI ES-1-98 or listed by Factory SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
Mutual Research. (Log #625).
36.10.1 Prescriptive Method. As an alternative to testing according
to section 36.10, the roof perimeter flashing shall be permitted to be ___________________
designed and installed according to FM Data Sheet 1-49.
SUBSTANTIATION: The current text does not provide guidance (Log #714)
regarding performance of roof perimeter flashing against wind. The Committee: BLD-STR
proposed text provides reference to two nationally recognized test 5000- 1291 - (36-12): Accept in Principle
methods, as well as a prescriptive method for securement. SUBMITTER: Richard J. Davis, FM Global
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part. RECOMMENDATION: Add new text:
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The majority of this proposal was 36.12 Roof Drainage. The roof slope and drainage capacity shall be
incorporated into Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), as required by section 36.12.
Section 36.4, with minor editorial modifications. 36.12.1 All roofs shall slope at least 1/4 in. per ft. toward interior
However, the Technical Committee chose to include the roof drains, or to drainage provided at the eave of the roof.
prescriptive method in the annex, because FM Data sheets are not 36.12.2 A primary roof drainage system shall be provided and shall
consensus based documents. be capable of removing rainwater from the roof at a rate at least equal
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 to the rainfall rates of a 100-year mean recurrence interval (MRI), 60
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: minute duration storm. The design rainfall rate (in. per hour) shall
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 be determined from the Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix D (2000
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg Exception: Where controlled-flow drainage systems are acceptable
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: to the authority having jurisdiction, a primary roof drainage system
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 installed according to section 1108 of the Uniform Plumbing Code
(Log #625). (2000 Ed.) shall be permitted. Requirements of Section 36.12.3 are
still applicable.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

ANNEX 36.12.2 Appendix D of the 2000 Edition of the Uniform EXCEPTION: An an alternative to testing, fire resistive assemblies
Plumbing Code (UPC) lists rainfall rates for anywhere between 3 and or structures shall be designed according to ASCE/SFPE 29-99,
10 cities within a given state. For areas not covered by Appendix D, Standard Calculation methods for Structural Fire Protection.
the 100-year MRI, 60 minute duration rainfall rates from the map in 36.13.3 Design Loads. In addition to the design loads in Chapter
the US Weather Bureau, Technical Paper No. 40, 1961, may be used 37, the heliport shall be designed to support the weight of the fully
to supplement the UPC data. loaded helicopters and all other equipment related tot he operation.
36.12.3 A secondary roof drainage system shall be provided and SUBSTANTIATION: This proposed text references NFPA 418 which
shall be capable of removing rainwater from the roof at a rate that is covers fire related concerns, including required fire resistance
at least equal to the rainfall rate of a 100-year MRI, 15 minute ratings. This text also references acceptable test methods and design
duration storm (1n. per hour), assuming blockage of the primary standards for providing this fire resistance, which are not covered in
system. The secondary drainage system shall be completely NFPA 418. This text also references Section 30.9, which covers
independent of the primary roof drainage system. The roof design landing areas; and Chapter 37, which covers other design loads.
load shall be adequate to support the weight of the rainwater up to COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
the height above the drainage inlet which is required to achieve the COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This proposal was incorporated into
secondary drainage design capacity, taking into consideration Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), Section 36.16, with
potential ponding resulting from room deflection. Where wall minor editorial modifications.
scuppers or interior drains are used for secondary drainage, the base NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
of the secondary drainage inlets shall be a minimum of 2 in. and a VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
maximum of 6 in. above that of the primary drainage inlets. AFFIRMATIVE: 21
ANNEX 36.12.3 The design rainfall rate (in. per hour) for the 100- ABSTENTION: 1
year MRI, 15 minute duration storm may be considered to be equal to NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
twice that of the 100-year MRI, 60 minute duration storm Gabled EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
roofs that slope a minimum of 1/4 in. per ft. towards the roof eave SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
with no gravel stops or parapets and that allow drainage directly over (Log #625).
the edge of the roof may be considered to provide adequate primary
and/secondary drainage. ___________________
36.12.4 All vertical and horizontal piping systems gutters and wall
scuppers used for roof drainage shall be designed and constructed in (Log #597)
accordance with Chapter 11 of the Uniform Plumbing Code taking Committee: BLD-STR
into considerations the size of all components and slope for 5000- 1293 - (Chapter 37): Accept in Principle in Part
horizontal piping and gutters. SUBMITTER: James A. Rossberg, American Society of Civil
SUBSTANTIATION: The current text does not provide guidance Engineers
regarding roof drainage. The proposed text provides guidelines for RECOMMENDATION: Delete Chapter 37 “Strucutral Design” in its
normal (primary) drainage. it also, provides guidelines for the entiretly and replace with the following:
installation of an emergency system. This proposal deals with the Chapter 37 Structural Design
most common causes of roof collapse due to rain load. Those causes 37.1 GENERAL
are, blockage of primary drains, or overtaxing of primary drains due 37.2 DEFINITIONS
to an intense, short duration storm. T he proposed secondary system 37.3 OCCUPANCY CATEGORY
can drain a 100 year MRI, 15 minute duration storm with the primary 37.4 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS
drains blocked. With both the primary and secondary drains open, 37.5 DEAD LOADS
the combined system is capable of draining a 100 MRI, 5 minute 37.6 LIVE LOADS
duration rainfall which often causes roof collapse. 37.7 ROOF LOADS
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. 37.8 SNOW LOADS
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This proposal was incorporated into 37.9 WIND LOADS
Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), Section 36.11, with 37.10 EARTHQUAKE LOADS
minor editorial modifications. 37.11 LATERAL SOIL LOADS
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg 37.1 GENERAL
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: 37.1.1 Scope: Provisions of this chapter shall govern the structural
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 design of buildings, structures, and portions thereof regulated by this
(Log #625). code.
37.1.2 Structural Design: Buildings, structures, and portions thereof
___________________ shall be designed and constructed to support, within the limitations
specified in this code, all loads set forth in Chapter 37 and elsewhere
(Log #715) in this code, combined in accordance with Section 37.14. Design
Committee: BLD-STR shall be in accordance with Strength Design, Load and Resistance
5000- 1292 - (36-13): Accept in Principle Factor Design, or Allowable Stress Design methods as permitted by
SUBMITTER: Richard J. Davis, FM Global the applicable material chapters.
RECOMMENDATION: Add new text: Basic Requirements: The basic requirements of strength,
36.13 Rooftop Heliports. serviceability, self-straining forces, and analysis shall be in accordance
36.13.1 Rooftop heliports shall be designed according to NFPA 418, with Section 1.3 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
and sections 30.9 and 36.13 of this document. General Structural Integrity: The requirements for general
36.13.2 Where the roof assembly or roof structure is required by structural integrity shall be in accordance with Section 1.4 of ASCE 7
NFPA 418 to be fire resistive, the assembly or structure shall be as listed in Chapter 2.
tested according to NFPA 251, ASTM E 119 or UL 263, for the time Rationality: Any system or method of construction to be used
period required by NFPA 418. The installation shall also comply with shall be based on a rational analysis in accordance with well-
Chapter 8. established principles of mechanics. Such analysis shall result in a

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

system which provides a complete load path capable of transferring 3. Wind exposure - if more than one wind exposure is utilized, the
all loads from their point of origin to the load-resisting elements. wind exposure and applicable wind direction shall be indicated; and In-situ Load Tests: The code official is authorized to require 4. Wind design pressure (P) - if more than one exposure is utilized, P
an engineering analysis or a load test, or both, of any construction for each exposure shall be indicated.
whenever there is reason to question the safety of the construction for Earthquake design data: The following information related to seismic
the intended occupancy. Engineering analysis and load tests shall be design shall be shown, regardless of whether seismic loads govern the
conducted in accordance with Section xxx of Chapter 17. lateral design of the building: Preconstruction Load Tests: Materials and methods of 1. Mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response
construction which are not capable of being designed by approved acceleration at short periods (Ss) and at 1 second (S1).,
engineering analysis or which do not comply with the applicable 2. Seismic Use Group and Occupancy Category,
material design standard listed in Chapter 2, or alternative test 3. Seismic Importance Factor (I),
procedures in accordance with Section 17xx, shall be load tested in 4. Site Class.
accordance with Section 17xx. Special loads: Special loads which are applicable to the design of the Deflections: building, structure, or portions thereof shall be indicated General. The deflections of structural members shall not Restrictions on Loading: It shall be unlawful to place, or cause or
exceed the more restrictive of the limitations of Sections permit to be placed, on any floor or roof of a building, structure or
through See Section 9 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2 for portion thereof a load greater than is permitted by these
drift limits applicable to earthquake loading. requirements.
Deflection of structural members over span, l, shall not exceed Occupancy Permits for Changed Loads: Plans for other than
that permitted by Table residential buildings filed with the building official with applications Reinforced Concrete. The deflection of reinforced for permits shall show on each drawing the live loads per square foot
concrete structural members shall not exceed that permitted by ACI of area covered, for which the building is designed, and occupancy
318 listed in Chapter 35. permits for buildings hereafter erected shall not be issued until the Steel. The deflection of steel structural members shall not floor load signs, required by, have been installed.
exceed that permitted by AISC ASD, AISC LRFD, AISI CFSD, ASCE 3, 37.5 DEAD LOADS
ASCE 8-SSD-LRFD/ASD, and the standard specifications of SJI 37.5.1 Weights of materials and construction: In determining dead
Standard Specifications, Load Tables and Weight Tables for Steel loads for the purposes of structural design, the actual weights of
Joists and Joist Girders listed in Chapter 35 as applicable. materials and constructions shall be utilized. In the absence of Masonry. The deflection of masonry structural members definite information, any values assumed by the designers shall be
shall not exceed that permitted by ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 listed subject to approval of the code official.
in Chapter 35. 37.5.2 Weights of fixed service equipment: In estimating dead loads Aluminum. The deflection of aluminum structural members for the purpose of structural design, the weight of fixed service
shall not exceed that permitted by SAS 30 listed in Chapter 2. equipment such as plumbing stacks and risers, electrical feeders, and
37.2 DEFINITIONS (to be determined) heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and fire protection systems,
37.3 OCCUPANCY CATEGORY: For the purposes of determining shall be included whenever such equipment is supported by
the loads for use in the structural design thereof, all buildings and structural elements.
other structures shall be assigned an occupancy category in 37.5.3 Partition loads: The actual weight of all permanent partitions
accordance with Table 37.3. shall be included in the dead load for the purposes of structural
37.4 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS: Construction documents design. Floors in office buildings and other buildings where partition
shall show the size, section, and relative locations of all structural locations are subject to change shall be designed to support, in
members with floor levels, column centers and all offsets fully addition to all other loads, a uniformly distributed dead load equal to
dimensioned. The design loads and other information pertinent to 20 pounds per square foot of floor area.
the structural design required by Sections 37.3.2 through 37.3.7 shall 37.6 LIVE LOADS
be clearly indicated on the construction documents for all parts of 37.6.1 General: The live loads assumed for the purposes of design
the building or structure. shall be the greatest load produced by the intended uses and
Floor live load: The uniformly distributed, concentrated and impact occupancies but in no case less than the loads required by this
floor live load utilized in the design shall be indicated for all floor section. Floors and other structural elements of buildings in the
areas (Section 37.5.0). Live load reduction of the uniformly locations specified in Table 4-1 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2 shall be
distributed floor live loads (Section 37.5.9), if utilized in the design, designed to support the uniformly distributed live loads prescribed in
shall be indicated. Section 37.6.2 or the minimum concentrated loads prescribed in
Roof live load: The roof live load utilized in the design shall be 37.6.3 whichever produces the greater stresses.
indicated for all roof areas (Section 37.7). Loads not specified: The code official shall approved the
Roof snow load: The ground snow load (Pg) shall be indicated required live load for any occupancy not specifically provided for in
(Section 37.7.7). In areas where the ground snow load (Pg) exceeds this section.
10 pounds per square foot (psf), the following additional information Live loads posted: The live loads for which each floor or
shall also be provided, regardless of whether snow loads govern the portion thereof of a commercial or industrial building is or has been
design of the roof: designed shall have such design live loads conspicuously posted by
1. Flat-roof snow load (Pf) the owner in that part of each story in which they apply, using durable
2. Snow exposure factor (Ce) metal signs and it shall be unlawful to remove or deface such notices.
3. Snow load importance factor (I) The occupant of the building shall be responsible for keeping the
Wind load: The following information related to wind loads shall be actual loads below the allowable limits.
shown, regardless of whether wind loads govern the lateral design of
the building:
1. Basic wind speed (mph),
2. Wind importance factor (I) and Occupancy Category,

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Deflection Limits1,2,3,4,5

Construction Deflection Limit

Load Case: L S or W D + L6

Roof members:7

Supporting plaster ceiling l/360 l/360 l/240

Supporting non-plaster ceiling l/240 l/240 l/180

Not supporting ceiling l/180 l/180 l/120

Floor members: l/360 - l/240

Exterior walls and interior partitions:

With brittle finishes l/240 - -

With flexible finishes l/120 - -

Farm buildings: - - l/180

Green houses: - - l/120

Concrete structural members shall be governed by ACI 318.
For structural roofing and siding made of formed metal sheets, the total load deflection shall not exceed l/60. For secondary
structural members to which formed metal roofing or siding is attached, the live load deflection shall not exceed l/150 for roofs and
l/90 for walls. For roofs this exception only applies when the metal sheets have no roof covering.
The above deflections do not ensure against ponding. Roofs not having sufficient slope or camber to assure adequate drainage shall
be investigated for ponding.
Flexible, foling and portable partitions under six feet in height are not governed by the provisions of this section..
See Section XXXX for glass supports.
For wood structural members having a moisture content of less than 16 percent at time of installation and used under dry
conditions, the deflection resulting from L + 0.5D may be substituted for the deflection resulting from L + D.
See also Section 37.xxx for rain and ponding requirements and Section XXXXX for roof drainage requirements.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Table 37.3
Occupancy Category of Buildings and Other Structures
for Wind, Snow and Earthquake
[Pete - this table needs to made consistent with 7-98]

Nature of Occupancy Occupancy


Buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the I
event of failure including, but not limited to:
• Agricultural facilities
• Certain temporary facilities
• Minor storage facilities

All buildings and other structures except those listed in Categories I, III and IV II

Buildings and other structures that represent a substantial hazard to human life III
in the event of failure including, but not limited to:
• Buildings and other structures where more than 300 people congregate in
one area
• Buildings and other structures with elementary school, secondary school or
day-care facilities with capacity greater than 250
• Buildings and other structures with a capacity greater than 500 for colleges or
adult education facilities
• Health care facilities with a capacity of 50 or more resident patients but not
having surgery or emergency treatment facilities
• Jails and detention facilities
• Power generating stations and other public utility facilities not included in
Category IV
• Buildings and other structures containing sufficient quantities of toxic or
explosive substances to be dangerous to the public if released

Buildings and other structures designated as essential facilities including, but not IV
limited to:
• Hospitals and other health care facilities having surgery or emergency
treatment facilities
• Fire, rescue and police stations and emergency vehicle garages
• Designated earthquake, hurricane, or other emergency shelters
• Communications centers and other facilities required for emergency response
• Power generating stations and other public utility facilities required in an
• Buildings and other structures having critical national defense functions Critical distribution of live loads: Where structural members 37.6.3 Concentrated loads: Provision shall be made in designing
are arranged so as to create continuity, members shall be designed floors and other structural elements of buildings for a concentrated
using the loading conditions which would cause maximum shear and load as set forth in Table 4-1 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. Unless
bending moments. Where uniform floor loads are involved, otherwise specified, the indicated concentrated load shall be assumed
consideration may be limited to full dead load on all spans in to occupy an area of 2.5 square feet and shall be so located as to
combination with full live load on adjacent spans and alternate spans. produce the maximum stress conditions in the structural members.
For roof loads this requirement shall be satisfied in accordance with 37.6.4 Truck and bus garages: Minimum live loads for garages
Section having trucks or buses shall be as specified in Table 37.6.4, but shall
37.6.2 Uniform Live Loads: The minimum uniformly distributed not be less than 50 psf.
live load in pounds per square foot shall be as set forth in Table 4-1 of
ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. The live loads in Table 4-1 are the
minimum loads to be used for the occupancies listed.. Where the
building will be subjected to greater live loads, such loads shall be
utilized for design.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Table 37.6.4
Uniform and Concentrated Loads

Loading Class a Uniform Load Concentrated load b

foot of lane) For For shear
moment design

H20-44 and HS20-44 640 18,000 26,000

H15-44 and HS15-44 480 13,500 19,500

Note a: An H loading class designates a two-axle truck with a semi- 1. Where the clear height is not over 30 inches between the bottom
trailer. An HS loading class designates a tractor truck with a semi- chord and any other member of the truss, or
trailer. The numbers following the letter classification indicate the 2. Where a clear height of greater than 30 inches as defined in item
gross weight in tons of the standard truck and the year the loadings 1, does not exist for a horizontal distance of more than 12 inches
were instituted. along the member.
Note b: See Section for the loading of multiple spans. 37.6.7 Loads on handrails, guards, grab bars and vehicle barriers: Truck and bus garage live load application: The All required handrails, guards, grab bars, and vehicle barriers shall be
concentrated load and uniform load shall be uniformly distributed designed and constructed to the structural loading conditions in
over a 10-foot width on a line normal to the centerline of the lane Section 4.4 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
placed within a 12-for-wide lane. The loads shall be placed within 37.6.8 Impact loads: The live loads specified in Section 37.6.2
their individual lanes so as to produce the maximum stress in each include allowance for impact conditions. Provisions shall be made in
structural member. Single spans shall be designed for the uniform the structural design for occupancies and loads which involve
load in Table 37.-xx and one simultaneous concentrated load vibration and impact forces as required in Section 4.7 of ASCE 7
positioned to produce the maximum effect. Multiple spans shall be listed in Chapter 2.
designed for the uniform load in Table 37.-xx on the spans and two 37.6.9 Reduction in live loads: The minimum required design live
simultaneous concentrated loads in two spans positioned to produce load reduction shall be in accordance with Section 4.8 of ASCE 7
the maximum negative moment effect. Multiple span design loads, listed in Chapter 2.
for other effects, shall be the same as for single spans. 37.6.10 Crane Loads: All craneways and supporting construction
37.6.5 Residential attics with joists: A live load shall be applied to shall be designed and constructed to comply with Section 4.10 in
joists only in those portions of the attic space having a clear height of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
42 inches or more between joist and rafter in conventional rafter 37.6.11 Interior walls and partitions: Interior walls and partitions,
construction. Joists shall be designed, however, to sustain the including their finish materials, shall have adequate strength to resist
imposed dead load or 10 psf, whichever is greater, uniformly a horizontal load of not less than 5 psf.
distributed over the entire span. 37.7 ROOF LOADS:
A further dead-load reduction to a minimum of 5 psf or the actual 37.7.1 General: The structural supports of roofs and marquees shall
dead load, whichever is greater, applied to joists in conventional be designed to resist wind and, where applicable, snow and
rafter construction is permitted under either or both of the following earthquake loads, in addition to the dead load of construction and
conditions: the appropriate live loads as prescribed in this section. The live loads
1. Where the clear height is not over 30 inches between joist and shall be assumed to act vertically upon the area projected upon a
rafter in conventional construction. horizontal plane.
2. Where a clear height of greater than 30 inches, as defined in item Distribution of loads: Where uniform roof loads are involved
1, does not exist for a horizontal distance of more than 12 inches in the design of structural members arranged so as to create
along the member. continuity, consideration may be limited to full dead loads on all
37.6.6 Residential attics with trusses: A live load shall be applied to spans in combination with full roof live loads on adjacent spans and
those portions of the bottom chord of not less than two adjacent on alternate spans.
trusses with the same web configuration containing a rectangle 42 Exception: Alternate span loading need not be considered where the
inches high or greater by 2 feet wide or greater, located within the uniform roof load is 20 psf or more or where load combinations
plane of the truss. The rectangle shall fit between the top of the including snow load result in larger members or connections.
bottom chord and the bottom of any other truss member, provided 37.7.2 Minimum roof live loads: Ordinary roofs, either flat, pitched
each of the following criteria are met: or curved, shall be designed for the live loads as specified in Section
1. The attic area is accessible by a permanent stairway, pull-down 4.9 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
stairway, or scuttle opening meeting the size specifications of Section 37.7.3 Overhanging eaves: In other than occupancies in Use Group
xxx, and R-3, and except where the overhang framing is a continuation of the
2. The truss shall have a bottom chord pitch less than 2 in 12. roof framing, overhanging eaves, cornices and other roof projections
Bottom chords of trusses shall be designed for the greater of the shall be designed for a minimum uniformly distributed live load of 60
actual imposed dead load of 10 psf, uniformly distributed over the psf.
entire span.
A ceiling dead load of 5 psf or the actual dead load, whichever is
greater, uniformly distributed over the entire bottom chord of trusses
applies to either or both of the following conditions:

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

37.7.4 Rain loads: Rain loads, utilized in the combination of loads 37.8 SNOW LOADS
specified in Section 37.12.0 shall be calculated in accordance with 37.8.1 General: All buildings and other structures shall be designed
Section 8 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. For roofs with a slope less to resist the design snow loads. Design snow loads shall be
than one-fourth unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (1/4:12), the determined in accordance with Section 7 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter
design calculations shall include verification of the prevention of 2, but the design roof load shall not be less than that determined by
ponding instability in accordance with Section 8.4 of ASCE 7 listed in Section 37.7.
Chapter 2. Roofs with provisions for controlled drainage shall be 37.8.2 Ground snow loads: The ground snow loads to be utilized in
designed in accordance with Section 8.5 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter determining the design snow loads for roofs are given in Figure
2., or Figure 7-1 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2, for the
37.7.5 Special purpose roofs: Where occupied for incidental contiguous United States and Table 37.8.2, or Table 7-1 of ASCE 7
promenade purposes, roofs shall be designed for a minimum live listed in Chapter 2, for Alaska. Snow loads are zero for Hawaii,
load of 60 psf and 100 psf where designed for roof gardens or except in mountainous regions as approved by the code official.
assembly or educational occupancies. 37.8.3 Flat-roof and low-slope snow loads: The snow load, Pf, on a Landscaped roofs: Where roofs are to be landscaped, the roof with a slope equal to or less than 5 (1 in./ft = 4.76) shall be
uniform design live load in the landscaped area shall be 20 psf. The calculated in accordance with Section 7.3 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter
weight of the landscaping materials shall be considered as dead load 2. The snow exposure factor shall be determined from Table 37.8.3.
and shall be computed on the basis of saturation of the soil. 37.8.4 Snow load importance factor: The snow load importance Fabric awnings and canopies: Where awnings and canopies factor, I, shall be determined from Table 37.8.4.
are covered with a fabric material, such awnings and canopies shall be Occupancy category: For the determination of the snow load
designed for a uniform live load of 5 psf as well as for snow loads and importance factor, buildings and other structures shall be assigned an
wind loads as specified in Sections 37.7 and 37.8. occupancy category in accordance with Table 37.3. Special purpose roofs: Roofs to be utilized for other special
purposes shall be designed for appropriate loads, or as otherwise
Table 37.8.2
Ground Snow Loads, pg, for Alaskan locations.
Location pg pg pg
Location Location
lb/ft2 (kN/m2) lb/ft2 (kN/m2) lb/ft2 (kN/m2)
Adak 30 (1.4) Galena 60 (2.9) Petersburg 150 (7.2)
Anchorage 50 (2.4) Gulkana 70 (3.4) St Paul Islands 40 (1.9)
Angoon 70 (3.4) Homer 40 (1.9) Seward 50 (2.4)
Barrow 25 (1.2) Juneau 60 (2.9) Shemya 25 (1.2)
Barter Island 35 (1.7) Kenai 70 (3.4) Sitka 50 (2.4)
Bethel 40 (1.9) Kodiak 30 (1.4) Talkeetna 120 (5.8)
Big Delta 50 (2.4) Kotzebue 60 (2.9) Unalakleet 50 (2.4)
Cold Bay 25 (1.2) McGrath 70 (3.4) Valdez 37. (7.7)
Cordova 100 (4.8) Nenana 80 (3.8) Whittier 300 (14.4)
Fairbanks 60 (2.9) Nome 70 (3.4) Wrangell 60 (2.9)
Fort Yukon 60 (2.9) Palmer 50 (2.4) Yakutat 150 (7.2)

Table 37.8.3
Snow Exposure Factor, Ce

Exposure of roof*
Terrain Category Fully Exposed Partially Exposed Sheltered
A (see Section 37.8.4) N/A 1.1 1.3
B (see Section 37.8.4) 0.9 1.0 1.2
C (see Section 37.8.4) 0.9 1.0 1.1
D (see Section 37.8.4) 0.8 0.9 1.0
Above the treeline in
windswept mountainous areas. 0.7 0.8 N/A
In Alaska, in areas where trees do not exist within a 2-
mile (3 km) radius of the site. 0.7 0.8 N/A

The terrain category and roof exposure condition chosen shall be ** Obstructions within a distance of 10 ho provide "shelter," where ho
representative of the anticipated conditions during the life of the is the height of the obstruction above the roof level. If the only
structure. obstructions are a few deciduous trees which are leafless in winter, the
* Definitions "fully exposed" category shall be used except for terrain category "A."
Partially Exposed: All roofs except as indicated below. Note that these are heights above the roof. Heights used to establish
Fully Exposed: Roofs exposed on all sides with no shelter** afforded the Terrain Category in Section 37.8.4 are heights above the ground.
by terrain, higher structures or trees. Roofs that contain several large
pieces of mechanical equipment or other obstructions are not in this
Sheltered: Roofs located tight in among conifers that qualify as

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Table 37.8.4 37.9.4 Exposure Category: The appropriate wind exposure category
Importance Factor, I (Snow Loads) shall be determined for each side of the building or structure
consistent with the site terrain in accordance with Section 6.5.6 of
Occupancy I ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
Category 37.9.5 Importance factor: Buildings and other structures shall be
assigned a wind load importance factor (I) in accordance with Table
I 0.8 37.9.5.
II 1.00
III 1.1 Table 37.9.5
IV 1.2 Importance Factor, I (Wind Loads)

Occupancy I
37.9 WIND LOADS Category
37.9.1 General: All buildings, structures, and parts thereof shall be
designed to withstand the appropriate wind loads prescribed herein.
Decreases in wind loads shall not be made for the effect of shielding I 0.87
by other structures. Wind pressures shall be assumed to act normal to II 1.00
the surfaces considered. III 1.15 Determination of wind loads: Wind loads on every building IV 1.15
or structure shall be determined by the provisions of Section 6 of
ASCE 7 listed in chapter 2. Occupancy category: For the determination of the wind load
Exceptions: [Pete - we need to add other exceptions to this list including the importance factor, buildings and other structures shall be assigned an
AISI and AFPA prescriptive documents] occupancy category in accordance with Table 37.3.
1) Provisions of SBCCI SSTD 10-93 shall be permitted for applicable 37.10 EARTHQUAKE LOADS
Group R2 and R3 buildings. 37.10.1 General: All buildings and portions thereof, shall be
2) ANSI/NAMM FP 1001 Specification for Design Loads of Metal designed and constructed to resist the effects of earthquake motions
Flagpoles. as prescribed by Section 9 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
3) Wind tunnel tests conducted in accordance with Section 6.6 of 37.10.2 Seismic Use Group: All buildings and other structures shall
ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. be assigned to a Seismic Use Group as specified in Table 37.10.2 Limitations: The design provisions of Section 37.9 take into corresponding to its occupancy category as determined from Table
consideration the load magnification effect caused by gusts in 37.3.
resonance with along-wind vibrations of flexible buildings and other Table 37.10.2
structures but do not include allowances for across-wind loading, Seismic Use Group
vortex shedding, or instability due to galloping or flutter. For
buildings or other structures sited such that the channeling effects or Occupancy Seismic Use Group
buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructions, or for those buildings Category
and other structures having unusual geometric shapes or response
characteristics, wind loads shall be based on wind tunnel tests or
nationally recognized data. Wind loads during erection and construction: Adequate I X
temporary bracing shall be provided to resist wind loading on
structural components and structural assemblages during the II X
erection and construction phases. Minimum wind loads: No part (component, cladding, or
fastener) of a building or structure shall be designed for less than 10 III X
psf. Overturning and sliding: The overturning meoment due to IV X
wind loads shall not exceed two-thirds fo the dead load stabilizing
moment unless the building or structure is anchored to resist the
37.10.3 Importance factor: Buildings and other structures shall be
excess moment. Where the total resisting force due to friction is
assigned a seismic importance factor (I) in accordance with Table
sinsufficient to prevent sliding, anchorage shall be provided to resist
the excess sliding force. Uplift resistance: Roof deck and framing shall be anchored
Table 37.10.3
to supporting construction and the supporting construction,
Seismic Importance Factor
including the foundation, shall be anchored where required to resist
the wind uplift load. A maximum of two-thirds of the dead load shall
Seismic Use Group I
be considered in determining the resistance to the uplift load. Uplift
in excess of the total reduced dead load shall be resisted by
foundation anchorage. I 1.0
37.9.2 Definitions (to be determined)
37.9.3 Basic wind speed: The basic wind speed, in miles per hour, II 1.25
for the determination of the wind loads shall be determined by
Figure 37.9.3 or Figure 6-1 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. Basic wind
speed for the special wind regions indicated in Figure 37.9.3, near III 1.5
mountainous terrain, and near gorges, shall be in accordance with
local jurisdiction requirements. Basic wind speeds determined by the 37.10.4 Spectral response accelerations: The mapped maximum
local jurisdiction shall be in accordance with Section 6.5.4 of ASCE 7 considered earthquake spectral response accelerations shall be
listed in Chapter 2. determined at short periods (Ss) and at 1 second (S1) from the
Spectral Acceleration Maps 1 through 32.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

37.10.5 Site Class: The Site Class shall be determined in accordance designed for the reduced live load shall be posted with the approved
with Section of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. load. Placards shall be of an approved design.
37.11 LATERAL SOIL LOADS: In the absence of a geotechnical soil SUBSTANTIATION: Chapter 37 as presently written is severly
analysis, the soil loads of Table 5-1 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2 shall outdated and incomplete.
be the design lateral soil load. Note: Supporting Material is available for review at NFPA
37.12 FLOOD LOADS: All buildings and other structures located in Headquarters.
areas prone to flooding as defined on the flood hazard map (see COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part.
Chapter XX) shall be designed, constructed, connected and COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Committee Proposal 5000-1294 (Log
anchored to resist the loads from flooding associated with the design #CP1004) uses the proponent's text as a base chapter. Additional
flood. Design flood loads shall be determined in accordance with modifications have been made to the text in order to incorporate the
Section 5.3 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. Committees's actions on Chapter 37 public proposals. See
37.13 OTHER MINIMUM LOADS Committee Proposal 5000-1294 (Log #CP1004) for further
37.13.1 General: In addition to the other design loads specified in information.
this chapter, buildings and other structures shall be designed to resist NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
the loads specified in this section. VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
37.13.2 Hydrostatic uplift: All foundation slabs and other footings AFFIRMATIVE: 21
subjected to water pressure shall be designed to resist a uniformly ABSTENTION: 1
distributed uplift equal to the full hydrostatic pressure. The loads NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
shall be determined in accordance with Section 5.3 of ASCE 7 listed EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
in Chapter 2. SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
37.13.3 Hydrodynamic loads: All buildings and other structures (Log #625).
subjected to water velocities in excess of 3 feet per second shall be
designed to resist the hydrodynamic forces resulting from the water ___________________
velocity. The design hydrodynamic loads shall be determined in
accordance with Section 5.3 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. (Log #CP1004)
37.13.5 Heliport and helistop landing areas: In addition to other Committee: BLD-STR
design requirements of this chapter, heliport and helistop landing or 5000- 1294 - (Chapter 37): Accept
touchdown areas shall be designed for the maximum stress induced TCC NOTE: The Technical Correlating Committee (TCC) directs
by the following: that a public comment on this proposal be submitted in the TCC's
1. Dead load plus actual gross weight of the helicopter plus snow name to BLD-STR requesting that the TC:
load. (1) clarify what definitions are to be taken from ASCE 7 and placed
2. Dead load plus two single concentrated impact loads in Chapters 3 and 37. The note on this subject that accompanies 37.2
approximately 8 ft apart applied anywhere on the the touchdown pad is incomplete.
(representing each of the helicopter•s two main landing gear, (2) give consideration to Mr. Greenwald's explanation of negative
whether skid type or wheeled type), having a magnitude of 0.75 times with respect to which Section 37.11 represents the technical
the gross weight of the helicopter. Both loads acting together total committee's intent.
1.5 times the gross weight of the helicopter. (3) give consideration to Messrs. Martin's and Messersmith's
3. The dead load plus a uniform live load of 60 psf. comment on affirmative with respect to numerous coordination and
37.14 LOAD COMBINATIONS: All buildings and other structures editorial issues.
shall be designed using the provisions of Section 2 of ASCE 7 listed in SUBMITTER: Technical Committee Structures and Construction
Chapter 2. Either Section 2.3 or 2.4 of ASCE 7 Section 2 shall be RECOMMENDATION: Replace Chapter 37 with the following file:
used exclusively for proportioning elements of a particular Chapter 37
construction material throughout the structure. STRUCTURAL DESIGN
37.15.1 General: Existing structures to which additions are being 37.2 DEFINITIONS
made or undergoing repair, or a change of occupancy, shall comply 37.3 OCCUPANCY CATEGORY
with Section 37.13.2 through 37.13.5. 37.4 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS
37.15.2 Additions: The addition to an existing structure shall not 37.5 DEAD LOADS
increase the forces in any structural element of the existing structure 37.6 LIVE LOADS
by more than 5 percent, unless the increased forces on the element 37.7 ROOF LOADS
are still in compliance with this code for new structures. The addition 37.8 SNOW LOADS
shall not decrease the strength of any structural element of the 37.9 WIND LOADS
existing structure to less than that requried by this code for new 37.10 EARTHQUAKE LOADS
structures. 37.11 LATERAL SOIL LOADS
37.15.3 Repairs: Where repairs are made to structural elements of an 37.12 FLOOD LOADS
existing structure, and uncovered structural elements are found to be 37.13 OTHER MINIMUM LOADS
unsound or otherwise structurally deficient, such elements shall be 37.14 LOAD COMBINATIONS
made to conform to the requirements for new structures. 37.15 EXISTING BUILDINGS
37.15.4 Existing live load: Where an existing structure heretofore 37.1 GENERAL
approved is altered or repaired, the minimum design loads for the 37.1.1 Scope. Provisions of this chapter shall govern the structural
structure shall be the loads applicable at the time of erection, design of buildings, structures, and portions thereof regulated by this
provided that the public safety is not endangered thereby. code.
37.15.5 Change of occupancy: Any existing structure heretofore 37.1.2 Structural Design. Buildings, structures, and portions thereof
approved, in which there is not a change of occupancy to an shall be designed and constructed to support, within the limitations
occupancy requiring greater floor live loads, is permitted to be specified in this code, all loads set forth in Chapter 37 and elsewhere
continued in use for the originally approved live loads, provided that in this code, combined in accordance with Section 37.14. Design
the structure is structurally safe and adequate for the proposed shall be in accordance with Strength Design, Load and Resistance
occupancy, and the public safety is not endangered thereby. If the Factor Design, or Allowable Stress Design methods as permitted by
approved live load is less than required by Section 37.6, the areas the applicable material chapters.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA Basic Requirements. The basic requirements of strength, See also Section 37.7.4 for rain and ponding requirements and
serviceability, self-straining forces, and analysis shall be in accordance Section 36.12 for roof drainage requirements.
with Section 1.3 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. Deflection of structural members other than those 1- and 2- Family Dwellings. One and Two Family Dwellings specified in Section through over span, l, shall
are permitted to be designed and constructed in accordance with the not exceed that permitted by Table
following reference documents subject to the limitations therein: 37.2 DEFINITIONS (Pull from ASCE 7-98 and place in Chapter
• Concrete 37.)
• Masonry 37.3 OCCUPANCY CATEGORY. For the purposes of determining
• Steel the loads for use in the structural design thereof, all buildings and
• Wood other structures shall be assigned an occupancy category in
• SSTD-10 accordance with Table 37.3.
37.4.1 Construction documents shall show the size, section, and General Structural Integrity. The requirements for general
relative locations of all structural members with floor levels, column
structural integrity shall be in accordance with Section 1.4 of ASCE 7
centers and all offsets fully dimensioned. The design loads and other
listed in Chapter 2.
information pertinent to the structural design required by Sections Load Path. Any method of construction to be used shall through shall be clearly indicated on the
result in a system which provides a identified, continuous load path
construction documents for all parts of the building or structure, as
capable of transferring all loads from their point of origin through
the load-resisting elements to the ultimate point of support. Floor live load. The uniformly distributed, concentrated and In-situ Load Tests. The code official is authorized to require
impact floor live load utilized in the design shall be indicated for all
an engineering analysis or a load test, or both, of any construction
floor areas (Section 37.6). Live load reduction of the uniformly
whenever there is reason to question the safety of the construction for
distributed floor live loads (Section 37.6.7), if utilized in the design,
the intended occupancy. Engineering analysis and load tests shall be
shall be indicated.
conducted in accordance with Chapter 38. Roof live load. The roof live load utilized in the design shall Preconstruction Load Tests. Materials and methods of
be indicated for all roof areas (Section 37.7). Live load reduction of
construction which are not capable of being designed by approved
the uniformly distributed roof live loads (Section 37.6.7), if utilized in
engineering analysis or which do not comply with the applicable
the design, shall be indicated.
material design standard listed in Chapter 2, or alternative test Snow load. The ground snow load (Pg) shall be indicated
procedures in accordance with Chapter 38, shall be load tested in
(Section 37.7). In areas where the ground snow load (Pg) exceeds 10
accordance with Chapter 38.
pounds per square foot (psf), the following additional information Deflections.
shall also be provided, regardless of whether snow loads govern the General. The deflections of structural members shall not
design of the roof:
exceed the limitations of Sections through See
1. Flat-roof snow load (Pf);
Section 9 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2 for drift limits applicable to
2. Snow exposure factor (Ce);
earthquake loading.
3. Snow load importance factor (I) and occupancy category; Reinforced Concrete. The deflection of reinforced
4. Thermal Factor (Ct).
concrete structural members shall not exceed that permitted by ACI Wind load. The following information related to wind loads
318 listed in Chapter 2.
shall be shown (Section 37.9), regardless of whether wind loads Steel. The deflection of steel structural members shall not
govern the lateral design of the building:
exceed that permitted by AISC ASD, AISC LRFD, AISI CFSD, ASCE 3,
1. Basic wind speed (mph);
ASCE 8-SSD-LRFD/ASD, and the standard specifications of SJI
2. Wind importance factor (I) and Occupancy Category;
Standard Specifications, Load Tables and Weight Tables for Steel
3. Wind exposure - if more than one wind exposure is utilized, the
Joists and Joist Girders listed in Chapter 2 as applicable.
wind exposure and applicable wind direction shall be indicated; Masonry. The deflection of masonry structural members
4. Wind design pressure (P) - if more than one exposure is utilized, P
shall not exceed that permitted by ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 listed
for each exposure shall be indicated;
in Chapter 2.
5. Building classification as: Enclosed, Partially Enclosed or Open; Aluminum. The deflection of aluminum structural members
a. Protection of Openings
shall not exceed that permitted by SAS 30 listed in Chapter 2.
6. Topographic Factor, Kzt. Glazing. See Chapter 45 for requirements on glazing Earthquake design data. The following information related
supports. to seismic design shall be shown (Section 37.10), regardless of Wood. The deflection of wood structural members shall whether seismic loads govern the lateral design of the building:
not exceed that permitted by the NDS and LRFD listed in Chapter 2. 1. Mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response Roof Deflection. All roofs shall be designed with sufficient acceleration at short periods (Ss) and at 1 second (S1),
slope or camber to assure adequate drainage after the dead load 2. Design earthquake spectral response acceleration at short periods
deflection due to initial set and long-time deformation has taken (SDS) and at 1 second (SD1),
place, except that roofs shall be permitted to be constructed level if 3. Seismic Use Group and Occupancy Category;
the dead load deflection pockets due to initial set and long-time 4. Seismic Importance Factor (I);
deformation are not over 1/2 in. deep below the drainage invert and 5. Site Class;
at no point deflect more than 1/2 in. for a 5-psf live load on all or 6. Seismic Design Category;
alternate spans. Cantilever members drained at the unsupported end 7. Basic Seismic Force Resisting System; and
shall not be required to meet the deflection requirements. Roofs with 8. Analysis procedure.
a slope of less than 1/4 in. per foot shall be designed to prevent
instability from ponding loads.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Deflection Limits1

Construction Deflection Limit

Load Case: L S or W2 D+L

Roof members:

Supporting plaster ceiling l/360 l/360 l/240

Supporting non-plaster ceiling l/240 l/240 l/180

Not supporting ceiling l/180 l/180 l/120

Floor members: l/360 - l/240

Exterior walls:

With brittle finishes l/240 -

With flexible finishes l/120 -

Interior walls and partitions3:

With brittle finishes l/240 -

With flexible finishes l/120 -

Farm buildings: - - l/180

Greenhouses: - - l/120

For structural roofing and siding made of formed metal sheets, the total load deflection shall not exceed l/60. For secondary
structural members to which formed metal roofing or siding is attached, the live load deflection shall not exceed l/150 for roofs and
l/90 for walls. For roofs this exception only applies when the metal sheets have no roof covering.
The wind load is permitted to be taken as .7 times of the components and cladding load for the purpose of the deflections limits
here in.
Interior partitions shall be determined in accordance with 37.6.9.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Table 37.3
Occupancy Category of Buildings and Other Structures
for Wind, Snow and Earthquake

Nature of Occupancy Occupancy


Buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of failure including, but I
not limited to:
Agricultural facilities
Certain temporary facilities
Minor storage facilities

All buildings and other structures except those listed in Categories I, III and IV II

Buildings and other structures that represent a substantial hazard to human life in the event of failure III
including, but not limited to:
Buildings and other structures where more than 300 people congregate in one area
Buildings and other structures with day-care facilities with capacity greater than 150
Buildings and other structures with elementary school, secondary school or day-care facilities with
capacity greater than 150
Buildings and other structures with a capacity greater than 500 for colleges or adult education
Health care facilities with a capacity of 50 or more resident patients but not having surgery or
emergency treatment facilities
Jails and detention facilities
Power generating stations and other public utility facilities not included in Category IV
Buildings and other structures containing sufficient quantities of toxic or explosive substances to be
dangerous to the public if released including, but not limited to:
Petrochemical facilities
Fuel storage facilities
Manufacturing of storage facilities for hazardous chemicals
Manufacturing or storage facilities for explosives

Buildings and other structures that are equipped with secondary containment of toxic, explosive or other IV
hazardous substances (including, but not limited to double wall tank, dike of sufficient size to contain a spill,
or other means to contain a spill or a blast within the property boundary of the facility and prevent release of
harmful quantities of contaminants to the air, soil, ground water, or surface water) or atmosphere (where
appropriate) shall be eligible for classification as a Category II structure.
In hurricane prone regions, buildings and other structures that contain toxic, explosive, or other hazardous
substances and to not qualify as Category IV structures shall be eligible for classification as Category II
structures for wind loads if these structures are operated in accordance with mandatory procedures that are
acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and which effectively diminish the effects of wind on critical
structural elements or which alternatively protect against harmful releases during and after hurricanes
Buildings and other structures designated as essential facilities including, but not limited to:
Hospitals and other health care facilities having surgery or emergency treatment facilities
Fire, rescue and police stations and emergency vehicle garages
Designated earthquake, hurricane, or other emergency shelters
Communications centers and other facilities required for emergency response
Power generating stations and other public utility facilities required in an emergency
Ancillary structures (including, but not limited to communications towers, fuel storage tanks,
cooling towers, electrical substation structures, fire water storage tanks or other structures housing or
supporting water or other fire-suppression material or equipment) required for operation of Category IV
structures during an emergency
Aviation control towers, air traffic control centers and emergency aircraft hangars
Water storage facilities and pump structures required to maintain water pressure for fire
Buildings and other structures having critical national defense functions

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA Special loads. Special loads which are applicable to the Critical distribution of live loads. Where structural members
design of the building, structure, or portions thereof shall be are arranged so as to create continuity, members shall be designed
indicated. using the loading conditions which would cause maximum shear and
a. Flood Loads. For buildings and structures, located wholly or bending moments. Where uniform floor loads are involved,
partly within the flood hazard area established in Section 100.3.2, the consideration may be limited to full dead load on all spans in
following information related to flood loads shall be shown, combination with full live load on adjacent spans and alternate spans.
regardless of whether flood loads govern the design of the foundation For roof loads this requirement shall be satisfied in accordance with
or building: Section
1. Flood hazard zone(s) and boundaries, as shown on the flood 37.6.2 Uniform Live Loads. The minimum uniformly distributed live
hazard map load in pounds per square foot shall be as set forth in Table 4-1 of
2. Design Flood Elevation (DFE) ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. The live loads in Table 4-1 are the
3. For buildings or structures located wholly or partly within areas minimum loads to be used for the occupancies listed. Where the
subject to high velocity wave action (V zones), the elevation of the building will be subjected to greater live loads, such loads shall be
bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest utilized for design. This includes but is not limited to the following:
floor, excluding piles and columns Provision for Partitions. In office buildings or other
4. For buildings or structures located entirely within flood hazard buildings, where partitions will be erected or rearranged, provision
areas not subject to high velocity wave action, the elevation of the top for partition weight shall be made, whether or not partitions are
of the lowest floor shown on the plans, unless the specified live load exceeds 80 lb/ft2.
5. The pre-development and proposed post-construction ground Reviewing Stands, Grandstands and Bleachers. Footboards
elevations adjacent to the building or structure shall be designed to resist 120 pounds per linear foot.
6. Dimensions and locations of flood openings, as permitted by Reviewing Stands, Grandstands, Bleachers, and Supporting
Section Structures. Reviewing Stands, Grandstands, Bleachers, and
7. For floodproofed areas below the DFE, as permitted by Section Supporting Structures shall be designed to resist a horizontal swaying force applied to the seats, in a direction parallel to the length of the
a) elevation to which the building or structure is floodproofed, seats, of 24 lb/linear ft (36 kg/linear m) of seats and, in a direction
b) description of floodproofing techniques, and perpendicular to the length of the seats, of 10 lb/linear ft (15
c) lateral and buoyant flood loads during the design flood kg/linear m) of seats. Sway loads shall not be required to be applied
8. For breakaway walls, as permitted by Section in both directions simultaneously.
a) description of breakaway wall construction and the attachment 37.6.3 Concentrated loads. Provision shall be made in designing
to the foundation, floors and other structural elements of buildings for a concentrated
b) flood loads against the breakaway wall during the base flood, load as set forth in Table 4-1 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. Unless
and otherwise specified, the indicated concentrated load shall be assumed
c) load to which the breakaway wall and/or its attachment are to occupy an area of 2.5 square feet and shall be so located as to
designed to fail produce the maximum stress conditions in the structural members.
37.5.1 Weights of materials and construction. In determining dead Stage Floors. Stage floors shall be designed to support not
loads for the purposes of design, the actual weights of materials and less than a 2000 pound concentrated load on a 1 ft2 area, at any point.
constructions shall be used, provided that in the absence of definite This need not be applied simultaneously with the required uniform
information, values approved by the authority having jurisdiction load.
shall be used. 37.6.4 Truck and bus garages. Minimum live loads for garages having
37.5.2 Weights of fixed service equipment. In determining dead trucks or buses shall be as specified in Table 37.6.4, but shall not be
loads for the purpose of design, the weight of fixed service less than 50 psf.
equipment, such as plumbing stacks and risers, electrical feeders, and 37.6.5 Handrails, guards, grab bars and vehicle barriers. All required
heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems shall be included. handrails, guards, grab bars, and vehicle barriers shall be designed
37.5.3 Permanent Partition loads. The actual weight of all permanent and constructed to the structural loading conditions in Section 4.4 of
partitions shall be included in the dead load for the purposes of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
structural design. For guards in Industrial and Storage occupancy
classifications, in areas that are not accessible to the general public
37.6 LIVE LOADS and that have an occupant load no greater than 50, it shall be
37.6.1 General. The live loads assumed for the purposes of design permitted to design guards for the same loads as for one- and two-
shall be the greatest load produced by the intended uses and family dwellings.
occupancies but in no case less than the loads required by this 37.6.6 Impact loads. The live loads specified in Section 37.6.2
section. Floors and other structural elements of buildings in the include allowance for impact conditions. Provisions shall be made in
locations specified in Table 4-1 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2 shall be the structural design for occupancies and loads which involve
designed to support the uniformly distributed live loads prescribed in vibration and impact forces as required in Section 4.7 of ASCE 7
Section 37.6.2 or the minimum concentrated loads prescribed in listed in Chapter 2.
37.6.3 whichever produces the greater stresses. 37.6.7 Reduction in live loads. The minimum required design live
A37.6.1 The following information is extracted from ASCE 7 listed in load reduction shall be in accordance with Section 4.8 of ASCE 7
Chapter 2 and is reprinted with the permission of ASCE. Insert Table listed in Chapter 2.
4-1. 37.6.8 Crane Loads. All craneways and supporting construction shall Loads not specified. The code official shall approved the be designed and constructed to comply with Section 4.10 in ASCE 7
required live load for any occupancy not specifically provided for in listed in Chapter 2.
this section. 37.6.9 Interior walls and partitions. Interior walls and partitions, Live loads posted. The live loads for which each floor or including their finish materials, shall have adequate strength to resist
portion thereof of a commercial or industrial building is or has been a horizontal load of not less than 5 psf. Flexible, folding and portable
designed shall have such design live loads conspicuously posted by partitions under six feet in height are not governed by the provisions
the owner in that part of each story in which they apply, using durable of this section.
metal signs and it shall be unlawful to remove or deface such notices.
The occupant of the building shall be responsible for keeping the
actual loads below the allowable limits.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

Table 37.6.4
Uniform and Concentrated Loads

Loading Class a Uniform Load Concentrated load b

foot of lane) For For shear
moment design

H20-44 and HS20-44 640 18,000 26,000

H15-44 and HS15-44 480 13,500 19,500

Note a: An H loading class designates a two-axle truck with a semi-trailer. An HS loading class designates a tractor
truck with a semi-trailer. The numbers following the letter classification indicate the gross weight in tons of the
standard truck and the year the loadings were instituted.
Note b: See Section for the loading of multiple spans. Truck and bus garage live load application. The concentrated load and uniform load shall be uniformly
distributed over a 10-foot width on a line normal to the centerline of the lane placed within a 12-for-wide lane. The
loads shall be placed within their individual lanes so as to produce the maximum stress in each structural member.
Single spans shall be designed for the uniform load in Table 37.6.4 and one simultaneous concentrated load
positioned to produce the maximum effect. Multiple spans shall be designed for the uniform load in Table 37.6.4
on the spans and two simultaneous concentrated loads in two spans positioned to produce the maximum negative
moment effect. Multiple span design loads, for other effects, shall be the same as for single spans.

37.7 ROOF LOADS: Special purpose roofs. Roofs to be utilized for other special
37.7.1 General. The structural supports of roofs and marquees shall purposes shall be designed for appropriate loads, or as otherwise
be designed to resist wind and, where applicable, snow and approved.
earthquake loads, in addition to the dead load of construction and 37.8 SNOW LOADS
the appropriate live loads as prescribed in this section. The live loads 37.8.1 General. All buildings and other structures shall be designed
shall be assumed to act vertically upon the area projected upon a to resist the design snow loads. Design snow loads shall be
horizontal plane. determined in accordance with Section 7 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter Distribution of roof live loads. Where uniform roof live 2, but the design roof load shall not be less than that determined by
loads are involved in the design of structural members arranged so as Section 37.7.
to create continuity, consideration may be limited to full dead loads 37.8.2 Ground snow loads. The ground snow loads to be utilized in
on all spans in combination with full roof live loads on adjacent spans determining the design snow loads for roofs shall be determined in
and on alternate spans. accordance with Section 7.2 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
37.7.2 Minimum roof live loads. Ordinary roofs, either flat, pitched A37.8.2 The following information is extracted from ASCE 7 listed in
or curved, shall be designed for the live loads as specified in Section Chapter 2 and is reprinted with permission of ASCE. Insert Section 7.2,
4.9 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. the ground snow load map, and Table 7-1.
37.7.3 Overhanging eaves. For occupancies other than 1 and 2- 37.8.3 Flat-roof and low-slope snow loads. The snow load, Pf, on a
Family Dwellings, and except where the overhang framing is a roof with a slope equal to or less than 5 (1 in./ft = 4.76) shall be
continuation of the roof framing, overhanging eaves, cornices and calculated in accordance with Section 7.3 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter
other roof projections shall be designed for a minimum uniformly 2. The snow exposure factor shall be determined from Table 7-2 of
distributed live load of 60 psf. ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
37.7.4 Rain loads. Rain loads, utilized in the combination of loads A37.8.3 The following information is extracted from ASCE 7 listed in
specified in Section 37.12 shall be calculated in accordance with Chapter 2 and is reprinted with the permission of ASCE. Insert Table
Section 8 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. For roofs with a slope less 7-2.
than one-fourth unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (1/4:12), the 37.8.4 Snow load importance factor. The snow load importance
design calculations shall include verification of the prevention of factor, I, shall be determined from Table 7-4 of ASCE 7 listed in
ponding instability in accordance with Section 8.4 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
Chapter 2. Roofs with provisions for controlled drainage shall be A37.8.4 The following information is extracted from ASCE 7 listed in
designed in accordance with Section 8.5 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter Chapter 2 and is reprinted with the permission of ASCE. Insert Table
2. Rain loading shall comply with Chapter 36. 7-4.
37.7.5 Special purpose roofs. Where occupied for incidental Occupancy category. For the determination of the snow load
promenade purposes, roofs shall be designed for a minimum live importance factor, buildings and other structures shall be assigned an
load of 60 psf and 100 psf where designed for roof gardens or occupancy category in accordance with Table 37.3.
assembly or educational occupancies. 37.9 WIND LOADS Landscaped roofs. Where roofs are to be landscaped, the 37.9.1 General. All buildings, structures, and parts thereof shall be
uniform design live load in the landscaped area shall be 20 psf. The designed to withstand the appropriate wind loads prescribed herein.
weight of the landscaping materials shall be considered as dead load Decreases in wind loads shall not be made for the effect of shielding
and shall be computed on the basis of saturation of the soil. by other structures. Fabric awnings and canopies. Where awnings and canopies Determination of wind loads. Wind loads on every building
are covered with a fabric material, such awnings and canopies shall be or structure shall be determined by the provisions of Section 6 of
designed for a uniform live load of 5 psf as well as for snow loads and ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
wind loads as specified in Sections 37.8 and 37.9.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

As an alternative the following standards shall be permitted subject to A37.10.2 The following information is extracted from ASCE 7 listed
the limitations therein: in Chapter 2 and is reprinted with the permission of ASCE. Insert
1) ANSI/NAAMM FP 1001 Specification for Design Loads of Metal Section 9.1.3 and Table 9.1.3.
Flagpoles. 37.10.3 Importance factor. Buildings and other structures shall be
2) Wind tunnel tests conducted in accordance with Section 6.6 of assigned a seismic importance factor (I) in accordance with Table
ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. 9.1.4 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
3) Antennas. ANSI/EIA-222-F A37.10.3 The following information is extracted from ASCE 7 listed
4) Bleachers and Grandstands per 37. in Chapter 2 and is reprinted with the permission of ASCE. Insert Limitations. The design provisions of Section 37.9 take into Table 9.1.4.
consideration the load magnification effect caused by gusts in 37.10.4 Maximum Considered Earthquake Ground Motions. The
resonance with along-wind vibrations of flexible buildings and other maximum considered earthquake ground motions shall be as
structures but do not include allowances for across-wind loading, represented by the mapped spectral response acceleration at short
vortex shedding, or instability due to galloping or flutter. For periods, SS, and at 1 sec, S1, obtained from Figures through
buildings or other structures sited such that the channeling effects or of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructions, or for those buildings 37.10.5 Site Class. A Site Class shall be determined in accordance
and other structures having unusual geometric shapes or response with Section of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
characteristics, wind loads shall be based on wind tunnel tests or 37.10.6 Design earthquake spectral response acceleration. Design
nationally recognized data. earthquake spectral response acceleration at short periods (SDS) and Minimum wind loads. No part (component, cladding, and at 1 second (SD1) shall be determined in accordance with Section
fastener) of a building or structure shall be designed for less than 10 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
psf. 37.10.7 Seismic Design Category. The seismic design category shall Grandstands and Bleachers. Uplift wind pressures shall be be determined in accordance with Section 9.4.2 of ASCE 7 listed in
assumed to be acting vertically on the gross horizontal projection of Chapter 2.
“closed deck” grandstands, the understructure of which is 37.11 LATERAL SOIL LOADS. In the absence of a geotechnical soil
unenclosed. Uplift wind pressures equal to 60 percent of these values analysis, the soil loads of Table 5-1 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2 shall
shall be assumed to be acting vertically on the gross horizontal be the design lateral soil load.
projection of “closed deck” grandstands, the understructure of which 37.12 FLOOD LOADS. All buildings and other structures located in
is enclosed at the perimeter with solid walls. areas prone to flooding as defined on the flood hazard map (see
37.9.2 Basic wind speed. The basic wind speed, in miles per hour, for Chapter 100) shall be designed, constructed, connected and
the determination of the wind loads shall be determined in anchored to resist the loads from flooding associated with the design
accordance with Section 6.5.4 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. flood. Design flood loads shall be determined in accordance with When referenced documents are based on fastest mile wind Section 5.3 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.
speeds, the three second gust wind velocities of ASCE 7 Figure 6.1
shall be converted to fastest mile wind velocities using Table 37.9.3.

3-second Gust 85 90 100 105 110 120 125 130 140 145 150 160 170
Fastest Mile 70 75 80 85 90 100 105 110 120 125 130 140 150

A37.9.2 The following map is Figure 6-1 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 37.12.1 Flood Hazard Areas. Construction of buildings and
2 and has is reprinted here with the permission of ASCE. Insert maps. structures located wholly or partly within flood hazard areas
37.9.3 Exposure Category. The appropriate wind exposure category established by Section 100.3.2, including substantial improvements
shall be determined for each side of the building or structure and restoration of substantial damage, shall:
consistent with the site terrain in accordance with Section 6.5.6 of (1) be designed, constructed, connected and anchored to prevent
ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. Exposure B shall be assumed unless flotation, collapse or permanent lateral movement due to the action
demonstrated that a different exposure is appropriate. of loads during the design flood, including hydrostatic loads,
A37.9.3 The following information has been extracted from ASCE 7 buoyancy, hydrodynamic loads, impact loads, and associated wind
listed in Chapter 2 and is reprinted with the permission of ASCE. loads.
Information regarding the application of the exposures for the Exception: For tanks, that have been designed and constructed to prevent
determination of wind loads may be found in ASCE 7. Additional floatation, collapse and lateral movement when empty, anchorage shall not be
information to assist in the determination of the appropriate required.
exposure is contained in the Commentary of ASCE 7. Insert Section (2) be constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damages during the design flood,
37.9.4 Importance factor. Buildings and other structures shall be (3) be constructed with materials resistant to flood damage below the
assigned a wind load importance factor (I) in accordance with design flood elevation (Note: This Code does not require materials
Section 6.5.5 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. above the design flood elevation to be flood damage resistant).
A37.9.4 The following information is extracted from ASCE 7 listed in A.37.12. The requirements described in this section represent the
Chapter 2 and is reprinted with the permission of ASCE. Insert Section basic performance requirements of the National Flood Insurance
6.5.5 and Table 6-1 from ASCE 7. Program (NFIP). More detailed guidance for translating these Occupancy category. For the determination of the wind load objectives into practice can be found in a series of reports and
importance factor, buildings and other structures shall be assigned an Technical Bulletins by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
occupancy category in accordance with Table 37.3. (available on FEMA’s web site at www.FEMA.gov). For example,
37.10 EARTHQUAKE LOADS guidance on flood damage resistant materials (requirement 4) can be
37.10.1 General. All buildings and portions thereof, shall be found in Technical Bulletin 2-93, Flood-Resistant Materials Requirements
designed and constructed to resist the effects of earthquake motions for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas, and in Technical
as prescribed by Section 9 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. Bulletin 9-99, Corrosion Protection for Metal Connectors in Coastal Areas.
37.10.2 Seismic Use Group. All buildings and other structures shall Other Technical Bulletins cover topics on flood openings, breakaway
be assigned to a Seismic Use Group in accordance with Section 9.1.3 walls, free-of-obstruction requirements, floodproofing, and elevator
of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. installation in floodprone areas.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

result of atmospheric icing shall be determined in accordance with AFFIRMATIVE: 20
Section 10 of ASCE 7. NEGATIVE: 1
37.14.1 General. In addition to the other design loads specified in NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
this chapter, buildings and other structures shall be designed to resist EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE:
the loads specified in this section. GREENWALD: Section 37.11 is no longer valid. Proposal 5000-1320
37.14.2 Hydrostatic uplift. All foundation slabs and other footings (Log #195) was approved as the provisions for Section 37.11.
subjected to water pressure shall be designed to resist a uniformly COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE:
distributed uplift equal to the full hydrostatic pressure. The loads MARTIN: • Revise TOC to reflect the subchapter headings. Section
shall be determined in accordance with Section 5.2 of ASCE 7 listed 37.13 Ice Loads is missing.
in Chapter 2. • Several locations in the CP state that a section, table or map from
37.14.3 Heliport and helistop landing areas. In addition to other ASCE 7 is to be inserted. These should all be done prior to
design requirements of this chapter, heliport and helistop landing or submitting the ROP for public comment.
touchdown areas shall be designed for the maximum stress induced • Section 37.1.2 proper reference is 37.15 not 37.14.
by the following: • For Steel the reference for Prescriptive framing is as
1. Dead load plus actual gross weight of the helicopter plus snow follows: Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel
load. Framing, North American Steel Framing Alliance (NASFA-
2. Dead load plus two single concentrated impact loads Prescriptive).
approximately 8 ft apart applied anywhere on the the touchdown pad • Section The deflection limits should be stated such that
(representing each of the helicopter’s two main landing gear, the limits shall not exceed the more restrictive of those in Table
whether skid type or wheeled type), having a magnitude of 0.75 times or those listed in reference documents in Sections Nos.
the gross weight of the helicopter. Both loads acting together total through The limits in Table should be a
1.5 times the gross weight of the helicopter. maximum. For example should a reference document be permitted
3. The dead load plus a uniform live load of 60 psf. to establish a less restrictive deflection limit for finish materials such
37.15 LOAD COMBINATIONS: All buildings and other structures as plaster ceilings or brittle wall finishes? If the code establishes
shall be designed using the provisions of Section 2 of ASCE 7 listed in serviceability limits they should equally apply to all materials.
Chapter 2. Either Section 2.3 or 2.4 of ASCE 7 Section 2 shall be However, if a particular material is more sensitive to deflection than
used exclusively for proportioning elements of a particular another materials the particular material standard may establish more
construction material throughout the structure. restrictive limits than in the building code. This committee
37.16 EXISTING BUILDINGS recognized this by rejecting Proposal 5000-1300 (Log #908) wherein
37.16.1 General. Existing structures to which additions are being the proponent wished to allow aluminum structural members to have
made or undergoing repair, or a change of occupancy, shall comply deflection limit of 1/60 for sunrooms or patio covers.
with Section 37.16.2 through 37.16.5. • Table footnote 2 the numerical multiplier should be
37.16.2 Additions. The addition to an existing structure shall not stated as 0.7 not .7.
increase the forces in any structural element of the existing structure • Section Item No. 4 bleachers and grandstands per 37??
by more than 5 percent, unless the increased forces on the element • A 37.9.4 refers to ASCE 7 Section 6.5.5 but these are exposure
are still in compliance with this code for new structures. The addition categories. Suggest moving this annex reference to Section 37.9.3
shall not decrease the strength of any structural element of the where exposures are discussed.
existing structure to less than that required by this code for new MESSERSMITH: 1. In Section 37.1.2, the reference to Section
structures. 37.14 should be Section 37.15.
37.16.3 Repairs. Where repairs are made to structural elements of an 2. In Section, the document to be referenced for concrete
existing structure, and uncovered structural elements are found to be is Prescriptive Method for Insulating Concrete Forms in Residential
unsound or otherwise structurally deficient, such elements shall be Construction (PCA EB118). The same document is also referenced
made to conform to the requirements for new structures. in Chapter 40 (Concrete).
37.16.4 Existing live load. Where an existing structure heretofore 3. Section refers to Chapter 38 for load tests. The version
approved is altered or repaired, the minimum design live loads for of Chapter 38 in Proposal CP1010 has no provisions for load testing.
the structure shall be the live loads applicable at the time of erection, 4. Section refers to Chapter 38 for load tests. The version
provided that the public safety is not endangered thereby. of Chapter 38 in Proposal CP1010 has no provisions for load testing.
37.16.5 Change of occupancy. Any existing structure heretofore 5. Note 3 to Table should be revised to read: “Horizontal
approved, in which there is not a change of occupancy to an load to be applied to interior partitions shall be ...”
occupancy requiring greater floor live loads, is permitted to be 6. Section - the second sentence refers to live load
continued in use for the originally approved live loads, provided that reduction for roofs. While technically, live loads are permitted to be
the structure is structurally safe and adequate for the proposed reduced for roofs, most people don’t think of it in that manner
occupancy, and the public safety is not endangered thereby. If the because the minimum live load to be applied to a roof is a function of
approved live load is less than required by Section 37.6, the areas tributary area and roof slope. I recommend that the second sentence
designed for the reduced live load shall be posted with the approved be deleted.
load. Placards shall be of an approved design. 7. Section
SUBSTANTIATION: This new version of Chapter 37 uses Proposal a. The section being reference is “37.8” not “37.7”.
5000- (Log #597) as a base chapter. Additional modifications have b. In two places change “Pg“ to “pg“ and in item 1, change “Pf to “Pf
been made to the text to incorporate the committee's actions on for consistency with ASCE 7.
Chapter 37 public proposals, including Proposal 5000-1295 (Log 8. Section - I recommend that the list of items to be
#642), 5000-1210 (Log #15), 5000-1296 (Log #252), 5000-1297 (Log included on the plans be rearranged to put them in a more logical
#109), 5000-1298 (Log #643), 5000-1299 (Log #660), 5000-1305 (Log order. They should be 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 4 in that order.
#94), 5000-1306 (Log #572), 5000-1308 (Log #95), 5000-1309 (Log Also, in item 4, “P” should be “p.”
#582), 5000-1310 (Log #573), 5000-1311 (Log #645), 5000-1312 (Log 9. Section - I recommend that the list of items to be
#574), 5000-1315 (Log #646), and 5000-1319 (Log #111). included on the plans be rearranged to put them in more logical
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. order. They should be 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 in that order.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

10. Section 37.5.3 - To call attention to the fact that some partition 26. Section 37.16.5 - Revise the last sentence to read: “Placards Signs
loads must be considered a live load, I recommend that another shall be of an approved design comply with Section”
sentence be added to read: “See Section“ EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: SUTTON: See my Explanation
11. Section - I recommend that the word “commercial” be of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 (Log #625).
revised to include the occupancy descriptors used by this code.
12. Section ___________________
a. The second sentence uses the non-mandatory word “may.” (Log #642)
b. The reference in the last sentence is not correct. I suspect it Committee: BLD-STR
should be referring to Section Regardless of what section is 5000- 1295 - (37-1.2.4): Accept in Principle
intended, I recommend that the sentence be deleted since this SUBMITTER: W. Lee Shoemaker, Metal Building Manufacturers
section is generally referring to floor live loads. See related Association (MBMA)
recommended changes to Section and 37.8.5 below. RECOMMENDATION: Revise text as follows:
13. Section 37.6.7 can be interpreted as requiring live loads must be “Wind loads, crane live loads, or roof live loads shall not be assumed
reduced; whereas, the engineer may not want to reduce the load. to act simultaneously.
ASCE 7 does not require that live loads be reduced; however, it gives Load combinations shall be in accordance with ASCE 7-98, Section
procedures for reducing loads if the engineer so desires. I 2.0.”
recommend that the section be revised to read: “The minimum SUBSTANTIATION: The combination of wind loads, crane live
required live load reduction shall is permitted to be reduced in loads, or roof live loads, should be considered to act simultaneously,
accordance with Section 4.8 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.” consistent with other national load standards. NFPA should reference
14. Section ASCE -98 and not have conflicting, unconservative provisions.
a. The section uses the non-mandatory word “may”. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
b. I recommend that a sentence be added to read: “For distribution COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee agreed with
of snow load on continuous span members, see Section 37.8.5.“ this proposal and incorporated into Committee Proposal 5000-1294
15. Section 37.7.4 - The reference to Section “37.12” should be to (Log #CP1004), Section 37.14.
16. Section 37.8.3 - In the first line “Pf“ should be “Pf“ for VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
consistency with ASCE 7, and in the second line, following the AFFIRMATIVE: 21
numbers “5” and “4.76” there needs to be a degree symbol (°). ABSTENTION: 1
17. Based on comments above, I recommend a new Section 37.8.5 NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
be added to read: “37.8.5 Distribution of snow load. Where balanced EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
snow loads are involved in the design of structural roof members SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
arranged so as to create continuity, selected spans shall be loaded in (Log #625).
accordance with Section 7.5 of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2.“
18. Section - I believe the complete section number in item ___________________
4 is
19. In Section A37.9.2, replace the second occurrence of “is” with (Log #252)
“been.” Committee: BLD-STR
20. In Section 37.9.3 the word “demonstrated” could be interpreted 5000- 1296 - (37-1.2.8): Accept
to mean that the authority having jurisdiction needs to prove that an SUBMITTER: Michael Gardner, Gypsum Association
exposure other than B is appropriate. If that is the intent, the RECOMMENDATION: Delete the following text:
authority having jurisdiction should not be forced to prove it. The Gypsum shall not be used for shear walls or for horizontal
person responsible for the design should apply the correct exposure diaphragms.
if it is other than B. I recommend that the words “demonstrate that” SUBSTANTIATION: Language appears to be a carry over from the
be deleted. Epcot Code. It should be deleted from the draft.
21. Section 37.10 - Considering that Section items 7 and 8 When installed and used within its documented limits, gypsum
require the type of basic seismic force resisting system used and the board performs suitably as a shear-resisting element in a properly
analysis procedure used to be shown on the construction documents, designed shear wall or horizontal diaphragm system; therefore, no
provisions need to be added to Section 37.10 to assist the authority reason exists to preclude its use as such.
having jurisdiction in locating the applicable provisions within ASCE The design limits for the use of gypsum board in a shear wall or
7. I recommend the following sections be added. horizontal diaphragm are well documented and will be proposed for
“37.10.8 Seismic-force-resisting system. The seismic-force-resisting inclusion in the appropriate sections of NFPA 5000.
system used in the building or structure shall comply with Section COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. of ASCE 7 listed in Chapter 2. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
37.10.9 Analysis procedure. The analysis procedure used to VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
evaluate the structure shall comply with Section of ASCE 7 AFFIRMATIVE: 21
listed in Chapter 2.“ ABSTENTION: 1
22. Section 37.11 - Log #195 proposed a table of lateral soil loads NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
that differs somewhat from values in Table 5-1 of ASCE 7. The EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
committee “accepted” Log #195; however, for some reason the table SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
proposed by that log has not been included in Proposal CP1004. My (Log #625).
“Affirmative with Comment” vote is based on the understanding that
the Log #195 table is apart of Proposal CP1004. ___________________
23. In Section 37.12.1, delete the first two words “Construction of.”
They are not necessary as they are repeated further on the section. (Log #109)
24. In Section A.37.12, “(requirement 4)” should be “(requirement Committee: BLD-STR
3).” 5000- 1297 - (Table 37-1.3.1): Accept in Principle
25. Section 37.14.3 - To clarify the intent, revise to read: “...shall be SUBMITTER: David B. Hattis, Building Technology Inc./Rep.
designed for the maximum stress induced by any of the following:” National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association (NGMA)
RECOMMENDATION: Add new table as follows:

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA
Table Maximum Deflection for Structural Members
Type of Member Member Loaded With LL Only Member Loaded with LL and K
Roof member or floor L/360 L/240
member…brittle finish
Roof or floor member with flexible or Not applicable L/150
no finish
Greenhouses Not applicable L/120

SUBSTANTIATION: Greenhouses are flexible structures with COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee agreed with
flexible finishes, and the industry has accepted the L/120 criterion this proposal and incorporated into Committee Proposal 5000-1294
for a long time. (Log #CP1004), Table
this proposal and incorporated into Committee Proposal 5000-1294 AFFIRMATIVE: 21
(Log #CP1004), Table ABSTENTION: 1
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
ABSTENTION: 1 (Log #625).
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: ___________________
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 (Log #908)
(Log #625). Committee: BLD-STR
5000- 1300 - (Table 37-1.3.1): Reject
___________________ SUBMITTER: Michael Fischer, Patio Enclosures, Inc./Rep. National
(Log #643) Sunroom Association
Committee: BLD-STR RECOMMENDATION: Add footnote to table as follows:
5000- 1298 - (Table 37-1.3.1): Accept Maximum deflection for aluminum structural members, panels, or
SUBMITTER: W. Lee Shoemaker, Metal Building Manufacturers assemblies used in roofs or walls of sunroom additions or patio covers
Association (MBMA) shall not exceed 1/60.
RECOMMENDATION: “L/241” should be “L/240”. SUBSTANTIATION: Aluminum performs much differently under
SUBSTANTIATION: This is an apparent typo that should be load than other types of building materials. The NFPA 5000 draft
corrected.COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept . currently prescribes deflection limits for other types of building
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 materials and finishes that may be unfairly and incorrectly applied to
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: aluminum members and systems. The clarification of this issue by it’s
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 specific inclusion in the code will help industry deal with local
ABSTENTION: 1 enforcement issues and assist the code official in his interpretation of
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg structural requirements. This deflection limit prescription only
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: SUTTON: See my Explanation applies to opaque areas of the assembly or system. The 1/60
of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 (Log #625). deflection for aluminum roof panels and assemblies is also limited by
___________________ pounding that could occur in low sloped roofs. Those conditions are
governed by Section That note requires that pounding
(Log #660) instability be considered during design. Testing of aluminum roof
Committee: BLD-STR panels manufactured with aluminum skin and foam insulation
5000- 1299 - (Table 37-1.3.1): Accept in Principle laminates and used in conjunction with aluminum support members
SUBMITTER: David B. Hattis, Building Technology Inc./Rep. by industry members shows that the limiting factor for load carrying
National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association (NGMA) performance of these assemblies is the moment failure, not
RECOMMENDATION: Add a new table as follows: deflection.
Table Maximum deflection for Structural Members COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee did not
agree with the proponent's recomendation to treat aluminium
Type of Member Member Loaded with Member Loaded with differently than other structural members. This limit would be too
LL Only LL and K permissive for the use around glass.
Roof member or floor L/360 L/240 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
member . . . brittle finish AFFIRMATIVE: 21
Roof or floor member with Not applicable ?/150 NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
flexible or no finish EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
Greenhouses Not applicable L/120 (Log #625).

SUBSTANTIATION: Greenhouses are flexible structures with ___________________

flexible finishes, and the industry has accepted the L/120 criterion
for a long time.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

(Log #571) SUBSTANTIATION: The purpose of the proposed exception is to

Committee: BLD-STR clarify that Section is not intended to apply to nonpermanent
5000- 1301 - (37-1.3.3): Accept partitions. Nonpermanent partitions are defined in another proposal
SUBMITTER: Daniel M. McGee, Consulting Engineer/Rep. Metal we have submitted to replace the term “temporary partitions”. The
Construction Association ANSI/BIFMA X5.6 Stability Test achieves the performance intended
RECOMMENDATION: Delete Section by this section for permanent walls for the performance of
SUBSTANTIATION: It is recommended Section pertaining nonpermanent partitions. It evaluates the stability of such partitions
to horizontal deflection (or drift) be deleted as there is no definition to assure that they will not tip over under normal use in office
of, “tall buildings”. Further such a requirement generally relates to occupancies. This test is also a component of the UL 1286 standard
comfort of occupants rather than safety. Drift also relates to used for listing these nonpermanent partition systems for use in
compatibility. flexible offices. We believe this proposal provides the intended, if not
The provisions of Section 37.6 Earthquake Loads references ASCE 7 better, level of safety than that required in Section
to provide for the special needs for horizontal deflection control in COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject.
seismic areas. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee took a
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. slightly different approach, but was able to address the proponent's
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 concern in Committee Proposal 5000-1294 (Log #CP1004). The
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: Committee Action was taken with the proponent's approval.
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg AFFIRMATIVE: 21
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
___________________ (Log #625).

(Log #644) ___________________

Committee: BLD-STR
5000- 1302 - (37-1.3.3): Accept (Log #821)
SUBMITTER: W. Lee Shoemaker, Metal Building Manufacturers Committee: BLD-STR
Association (MBMA) 5000- 1304 - (37-1.5.3): Reject
RECOMMENDATION: Delete this section in its entirety. SUBMITTER: Dick M. Glumac, Glumac International/Rep. Golden
SUBSTANTIATION: Tall buildings are not defined and, in any Gate Chapter ASHRAE
event, this should be deferred to the material specifications for their RECOMMENDATION: Add new text as follows:
applicable serviceability requirements. “Anchorage requirements for non structural elements such as
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. mechanical and electrical equipment shall be designed and installed
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: SUBSTANTIATION: We need this code requirement in the
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 “earthquake country”.
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Seismic design of nonstructural
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: elements should be covered by ASCE 7 seismic provisions and not
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 UMC.
___________________ AFFIRMATIVE: 21
(Log #877) NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
5000- 1303 - (37-1.5.1 Exception (New) ): Reject SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
SUBMITTER: Rick Thornberry, The Code Consortium Inc./Rep. (Log #625).
BIFMA International ___________________
RECOMMENDATION: Add a new Exception to read as follows: (Log #94) Walls shall be anchored to floors and roofs that provide Committee: BLD-STR
lateral support for the wall or that are required to provide stability for 5000- 1305 - (37-2.2): Accept in Principle
the wall. Such anchorage shall be capable of resisting the horizontal SUBMITTER: Charles Nelson, Fowlkes and Assoc.
forces specified in this chapter. Required anchors in masonry walls of RECOMMENDATION: Table 37.2.2 is garbled. The first, second
hollow units or cavity walls shall enter a grouted structural element of and third lines should read as shown below:
the wall. Are these loads in addition to the 20-psf roof load in Table 37.2.1?
Exception: Nonpermanent partitions designed to comply with the Or instead of the 20 psf roof load?
ANSI/BIFMA X5.6 Stability Test. SUBSTANTIATION: In order to be “user friendly” the entire code
format should be consistent with the IBC.

0-200 SF 201-600SF Over 600 SF

less than 4 in 12 20 16 12
4 in 12 to less than 12 in 12 16 14 12
12 in 12 or greater 12 12 12

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. required to meet the 5 psf deflection criteria when they are tested in
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: While the committee does not aggree accordance with the ANSI/BIFMA X5.6 Stability test. That test is an
with the proponent's substantation, they did Accept in Principle his industry standard that has been used for many years to establish the
proposal and improved the clarity of Roof Loads in Committee safety and stability of these partitions used in flexible offices. We
Proposal 5000-1294 (Log #CP1004), Section 37.7. believe this is a life safety issue which is better addressed by this test
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 method rather than requirements presently contained in Section
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: This test criteria is also a part of the UL 1286 standard which
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 is used to test and list office non-permanent partition systems.
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This proposal would expand the
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: exemption to partitions above 6 feet without technical substantion.
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 Additionally, loads and test method criteria are unfamiliar with the
(Log #625). ANSI/BIFMA X5.6 Stability Tests to the Technical Committee.
___________________ VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
(Log #572) ABSTENTION: 1
Committee: BLD-STR NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
5000- 1306 - (37-2.2): Accept in Principle in Part EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
SUBMITTER: Daniel M. McGee, Consulting Engineer/Rep. Metal SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
Construction Association (Log #625).
RECOMMENDATION: Revise Section as shown below:
37.2.2 Special Minimum Roof Loads. The special loads given in ___________________
Table 37.2.2 shall be considered in the minimum roof loads in the
design of buildings and structures. (Log #95)
Table Minimum Roof Loads Committee: BLD-STR
SUBSTANTIATION: The loads in Table Roof Loads 5000- 1308 - (37-2.2.7): Accept in Principle
designated as “special loads” appear to be minimum roof loads. They SUBMITTER: Charles Nelson, Fowlkes and Assoc.
should be designated as such to avoid there being required to be RECOMMENDATION: There is a blank reference ? Many
applied concurrently with other roof loads. other blank references occur throughout the document.
The table headings also need editorial correction. SUBSTANTIATION: In order to be “user friendly” the entire code
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part. format should be consistent with the IBC.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
incorporated the majority of this proposal into Committee Proposal COMMITTEE STATEMENT: While the committee does not aggree
5000-1294 (Log #CP1004), Section 37.7.2. with the proponent's substantation, they did Accept in Principle his
However, the Technical Committee chose to delete the Table and proposal, and removed the blank reference in Committee Proposal
reference ASCE 7 for minium roof live loads. 5000-1294 (Log #CP1004).
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
(Log #625). (Log #625).

___________________ ___________________

(Log #878) (Log #582)

Committee: BLD-STR Committee: BLD-STR
5000- 1307 - (37-2.2.4 Exception (New) ): Reject 5000- 1309 - (37-2.2.8): Accept in Principle
SUBMITTER: Rick Thornberry, The Code Consortium Inc./Rep. SUBMITTER: Daniel R. Victor, Interkal, Inc./Rep. NSSEA
BIFMA International RECOMMENDATION: Revise text to read as follows:
RECOMMENDATION: Revise text and add a new Exception as “Lateral sway bracing loads of 24 pounds per linear foot parallel and
follows: 10 pounds per linear foot perpendicular to seats and footboards shall Interior Partitions. Interior walls and permanent or be used. Sway loads shall not be required to be applied
temporary non-permanent partitions over 6 ft. high shall be designed simultaneously.”
to resist all loads to which they are subjected but not less than 5 psf SUBSTANTIATION: Corrections indicated are proposed to provide
applied perpendicular to the walls. The deflection of such walls shall better correlation with NFPA 101, 1995.
not be more than 1/240 of the span for walls with plaster or COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
comparable brittle finishes and 1/120 of the span for walls with COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee agreed with
flexible finishes. this proposal and incorporated it into Committee Proposal 5000-1294
Exception: Nonpermanent partitions designed to comply with the (Log #CP1004), Section 37.6.2.
SUBSTANTIATION: Part of this proposal changes the word VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
temporary to non-permanent which is consistent with other proposals AFFIRMATIVE: 21
we have submitted defining non-permanent partitions and ABSTENTION: 1
substituting the term non-permanent for temporary in those NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
applications for such partitions. Furthermore, an exception is
provided for such non-permanent partitions so that they are not

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: SUBSTANTIATION: It is believed more national uniformity and

SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 consistency will be achieved by utilizing the criteria for impact loads
(Log #625). contained in the referenced ASCE standard.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
___________________ COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee agreed with
this proposal and incorporated it into Committee Proposal 5000-1294
(Log #573) (Log #CP1004), Section 37.6.6.
5000- 1310 - (37-2.4.1): Accept in Principle VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:
SUBMITTER: Daniel M. McGee, Consulting Engineer/Rep. Metal AFFIRMATIVE: 21
Construction Association ABSTENTION: 1
RECOMMENDATION: Delete Section and substitute the NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
following: EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: Live load reductions shall be in accordance with ASCE 7 SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. (Log #625).
SUBSTANTIATION: The live load reduction criteria contained in
Section appear to be unique and not in agreement with ___________________
other nationally recognized design standards and building codes. it is
recommended ASCE 7 be referenced for live load reduction criteria. (Log #110)
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. Committee: BLD-STR
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee agreed with 5000- 1313 - (37-3.2.3): Reject
this proposal and incorporated it into Committee Proposal 5000-1294 SUBMITTER: David B. Hattis, Building Technology Inc./Rep.
(Log #CP1004), Section 37.6.7. National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association (NGMA)
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: Greenhouses shall be designed for the following:
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 (1) Live load on film-type, non-rigid greenhouse roofs —10 psf
ABSTENTION: 1 (2) Live load on glass or rigid plastic greenhouse roofs — 15 10 psf.
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg (3) Deal load — allowance for piping, electrical, plants, and so forth
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: — 10 psf structure Weight concentrated load of 100 lbs applied at any
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 panel point.
(Log #625). SUBSTANTIATION: The proposed changes reflect over 50 years of
successful application in the greenhouse industry.
___________________ COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject.
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee rejected
(Log #645) this proposal because it does not contain a definition for panel point.
Committee: BLD-STR Additionally, hanging plants can be removed and are, therefore, not
5000- 1311 - (37-2.4.5 and Accept dead loads.
SUBMITTER: W. Lee Shoemaker, Metal Building Manufacturers The Technical Committee agreed that there was not proper
Association (MBMA) justification for reducing loads.
SUBSTANTIATION: There is not justification for requiring 10 psf AFFIRMATIVE: 21
collateral load for “pre-engineered buildings.” Furthermore, these ABSTENTION: 1
buildings are not “pre-engineered” but are designed for the specified NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
loads for the application and location. Live load reductions in 37.2.4 EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:
should be consistent with other national standards such as ASCE 7-98. SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. (Log #625).
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: ___________________
ABSTENTION: 1 (Log #575)
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg Committee: BLD-STR
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: 5000- 1314 - (37-4.1.3): Accept in Principle
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 SUBMITTER: Daniel M. McGee, Consulting Engineer/Rep. Metal
(Log #625). Construction Association
RECOMMENDATION: Revise Section to read as follows:
___________________ “ Roofing assemblies (material) shall be U.L. Class I-90 for
Type I, II, III, IV and V buildings shall meet the applicable
(Log #574) requirements of test standards such as UL580, FM4450 and ASTM
Committee: BLD-STR 1592.”
5000- 1312 - (37-2.4.6): Accept in Principle “Exception: Satellite buildings...”
SUBMITTER: Daniel M. McGee, Consulting Engineer/Rep. Metal SUBSTANTIATION: All roof assemblies for all buildings should not
Construction Association be designated by one proprietary test standard.
RECOMMENDATION: Revise text to read as follows: The exception is being deleted as there is no description of what a Impact Loads. The live loads given in ... in accordance with satellite building is.
the following: ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.
Other Structures. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Technical Committee felt that this
(a) through (e) to be deleted. information would better reside in Chapter 36. Consequently, the
tests that the proponent recommended have been incorporated into
Committee Proposal 5000-1269 (Log #CP1005), Section 36.4.

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 be protected with impact resistant covering or be impact resistant
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 Exception No. 1: Greenhouses that are occupied for growing plants
ABSTENTION: 1 on production or research basis, without public access, shall be
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg included in Importance Category I, and are exempted from this
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 SUBSTANTIATION: Exception 1 is necessary, because ASCE 7 does
(Log #625). not clearly specify that production and research greenhouses, without
public access, are included in Category I.
___________________ In order for this proposal to be complete there is a need for
definitions of “impact resistant covering” and “impact resistant
(Log #646) glazing”, which are proposed for Chapter 3.
5000- 1315 - (37-4.2): Accept COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The proponent provided insufficient
SUBMITTER: W. Lee Shoemaker, Metal Building Manufacturers scoping as to where this requirement would apply on a building (ie.
Association (MBMA) heights).
RECOMMENDATION: This section should be deleted. The exception for greenhouses is irrelevant. The proponent should
SUBSTANTIATION: It is incomplete and not state-of-the-art. ASCE 7 limit greenhouses to Category I in the definition of Greenhouse.
should be the applicable standard as in Section NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
ABSTENTION: 1 NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: DAVIS: See my Explanation of Negative on Proposal 5000-101 (Log
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 #108).
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
___________________ (Log #625).

(Log #96) ___________________

Committee: BLD-STR
5000- 1316 - (Table 37-4.2.1): Reject (Log #1162)
SUBMITTER: Charles Nelson, Fowlkes and Assoc. Committee: BLD-STR
RECOMMENDATION: Table Apparently is intended to 5000- 1318 - (37-4.2.9): Reject
apply everywhere. Most codes have a map showing maximum SUBMITTER: Julia Schimmelpenningh, Solutia Inc.
expected wind velocity from 70 to 110 miles (in 10 mph increments) RECOMMENDATION: New text as follows:
at 33 ft. above ground. All parts of the USA are not subject to In hurricane prone regions, as defined in ASCE 7
hurricanes. From Texas to Vermont (except for coastal regions) the (American National Standard Minimum Design Loads for Buildings
pressure should be 12.5 psf, instead of 28 psf as shown in this table. and Other Structures) where the wind speed is greater than 110 mph,
This is an increase of 224 percent over the usual load. and in Hawaii, glazing in Category II, III or IV buildings shall be
SUBSTANTIATION: In order to be “user friendly” the entire code protected with an impact resistant covering or have impact resistant
format should be consistent with the IBC. glazing. In Category II, III or IV buildings, glazing located over 60
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. feet above the ground and over 30 feet above aggregate surface roof
COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The proposal contained no specific debris located within 1500 feet of the building shall be permitted to
recomendation and no technical substantiation. In addition, the be unprotected.
referenced table was deleted in Committee Proposal 5000-1294 (Log Exception: In Category II and III Buildings (Other than health care,
#CP1004). power generating and other public utility facilities) unprotected
NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24 glazing shall be permitted, provided that unprotected glazing that
VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: receive positive eternal pressure are assumed to be openings as
AFFIRMATIVE: 21 determined by the building’s enclosure classification.
ABSTENTION: 1 SUBSTANTIATION: This change is needed because ASCE 7-98 is
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg silent on the requirement for impact protection above 60 feet, when a
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: missile source is present upwind, and in inland (over one mile from
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 the coast) regions where the wind speed exceeds 110 mph. Analytical
(Log #625). research reported by ARA supports the need for impact protection in
the 110-120 mph wind-zone further inland than 1 mile. In order for
___________________ this proposal to be complete there is a need for definitions of “impact
resistant covering” and “impact resistant glazing”, which are proposed
(Log #658) for Chapter 3.
5000- 1317 - (37-4.2.9): Reject COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This proposal exeeds the minimum
SUBMITTER: David B. Hattis, Building Technology Inc./Rep. requirements found in ASCE 7, an industry consensus document
National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association (NGMA) which is referenced within Chapter 37, in Committee Proposal 5000-
RECOMMENDATION: Add new text as follows: 1294 (Log #CP1004). The proponent does not provide justification In wind borne debris regions, as defined in ASCE 7, for exceeding these requirements.
American National Standard Minimum Design Loads for Buildings NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 24
and Other Structures, glazing in Category II, III, or IV buildings shall

NFPA 5000 — May 2002 ROP — Copyright 2001, NFPA

VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: SUBSTANTIATION: The change to 37.5.1 is a correction of a typo

AFFIRMATIVE: 20 in the tile.
NEGATIVE: 1 37.5.2 is necessary, because ASCE 7 does not clearly specify that
ABSTENTION: 1 production and research greenhouse, without public access, are
NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg included in Category I.
DAVIS: See my Explanation of Negative on Proposal 5000-101 (Log COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Agriculture buildings are already
#108). classified as Category I buildings. Greenhouses fall into this category
EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: and are covered as such. This has been incorporated into Committee
SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24 Proposal 5000-1294 (Log #CP1004), Section 37.3.
___________________ AFFIRMATIVE: 21
(Log #111) NOT RETURNED: 2 Collins, Rossberg
5000- 1319 - (37-5, 37.5.1, 37.5.2,): Accept in Principle SUTTON: See my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 5000-24
SUBMITTER: David B. Hattis, Building Technology Inc. (Log #625).
RECOMMENDATION: Add new text as follows:
37.5 Snow Loads. ___________________
37.5.1 Snow loads shall be in accordance with ASCE 7, American
National Standard Minimum Design Loads for Buildings or and
Other Structures.
37.5.2 Greenhouses that are occupied for growing plants on
production or research basis, without public access, shall be included
in Importance Category I (buildings that represent a low hazard to
human life.)


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