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MFPC 111 Ass 1A 2024 - Final

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MFPC 111 2024

Assignment 1A / Werkopdrag 1A
How to complete this assignment 1A: Hoe om die werksopdrag 1A te voltooi:
1. Use the following resources listed below 1. Gebruik die volgende artikels om die
to answer the questions below in hard onderstaande vrae te beantwoord in harde
copy first. kopie formaat.
2. Then go to Efundi under tests and 2. Gaan daarna na Efundi onder Tests and
quizzes LU 1 Assignment 1a and answer Quizzes LU1 Werkopdrag 1a en beantwoord ‘n
a selection of questions that will be verskeidenheid van vrae wat deur efundi
marked by efundi based on similar gemerk sal word en wat gebasseer is op
questions that you have done here in soortgelyke vrae.
hard copy. 3. Jy kan die harde kopie vrae gebruik om die
3. You can use these hard copy questions Efundi vrae te beantwoord.
to assist you in answering the questions
on efundi. 4. Jy het twee geleenthede om die antwoorde in
4. You will have two opportunities to read te lees op efundi.
it into efundi.
Resources / Hulpbronne
CAPS document KABV
DBE (Department of Basic Education). DBE/DBO (Departement van Basiese
2011. Curriculum and Assessment Onderwys). 2011. Kurrikulum- en
Policy. Statement (CAPS) Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV).
Learning outcomes Leeruitkomste:
 define the Curriculum and Assessment Policy  die Kurrikulum en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring te
Statement; definieer;
 identify and describe the content areas with  die inhoudsareas te identifiseer en te beskryf aan
examples; die hand van voorbeelde;
 identify and describe the necessity of the  die noodsaaklikheid van die horisontale kurrikulum
horizontal curriculum; te identifiseer en te beskryf;
 understand and apply concept development  konsep ontwikkeling te begryp en toe te pas gerig op
aimed at assessment; assessering;
 describe the process and concepts that  die proses en konsepte wat in plek moet wees om
needs to be in place to enable valuable waardevolle assessering te akkommodeer te
assessment; beskryf;
 identify what needs to be assessed;  te identifiseer wat geassesseer moet word;
 understand and apply the principles of  die beginsels van assessering wat gepas is vir
assessment suitable for Foundation Phase Grondslagfase wiskunde te verstaan en te kan
mathematics; toepas;
 understand and describe assessment tasks in  assesseringstake in Grondslagfase wiskunde te
Foundation Phase mathematics; verstaan en te beskryf;
 identify and contrast the different types of  die verskillende tipes assesserings wat gebruik word
assessment used in Foundation Phase in Grondslagfase wiskunde te identifiseer en
mathematics; kontrasteer;
 identify and describe the different forms of  identifiseer en beskryf die verskillende vorme van
assessment used to assess knowledge, skills assessering wat gebruik word om kennis,
and values in Foundation Phase vaardighede en waardes in Grondslagfase wiskunde
mathematics; te asseseer;
 describe the different assessment  beskryf die verskillende assesseringsinstrumente
instruments suitable for Foundation Phase wat geskik is vir Grondslagfase wiskunde;
mathematics, and
 die assesseringsinstrumente wat geskik is om
 indicate and apply the assessment kennis, vaardighede en waardes in Grondslagfase
instruments suitable to assess knowledge, wiskunde te assesseer aan te dui en toe te pas.
skills, and values in Foundation Phase
1. The CAPS is the curriculum policy prescribed by the ___. / Die KABV is die kurrikulum beleid wat
voorgeskryf is deur die ___.

A. society / samelewing
B. school / skool
C. department of education – national / department van onderwys – nasionaal
D. department of education – provincial / department van onderwys - provinsiaal
E. school governance body / skoolbeheerraad

2. CAPS policies are prescribed per ___. / Die KABV beleide word voorgeskryf per ___.

A. subject / vak.
B. grade / graad.
C. phase / fase
D. phase, grade and subject / fase, graad en vak
E. grade and subject / graad en vak

3. Mathematics in the Foundation Phase according to the CAPS have ___ that guides the whole
curriculum. / Wiskunde in die Grondslagfase volgens die KABV het ___ wat die hele kurrikulum

A. specific aims and skills / spesifieke doelwitte en vaardighede

B. five content areas / vyf inhoudsareas
C. weighting for content areas / gewigte vir inhoudsareas
D. Codes and percentages for recording and reporting, and Assessment tasks / Kodes en
persentasies vir rekordhouding en rapportering, en Assesseringstake
E. All the options. / Al die opsies.

4. The Foundation Phase Mathematics curriculum policy can also be seen as a ___. / Die
Grondslagfase Wiskunde kurrikulum kan ook gesien word as ‘n ___.

A. Term program / Termyn program.

B. Phase program. / Fase program
C. Grade program / Graad program.
D. Yearplan / Jaarplan
E. Phase program / Fase program.

5. The Foundation Phase Mathematics curriculum policy is a ___. / Die Grondslagfase Wiskunde
kurrikulum kan ook gesien is ‘n ___.

A. vertical curriculum / vertikale kurrikulum.

B. diagonal curriculum / diagonal kurrikulum.
C. informal curriculum / informele kurrikulum.
D. maximum standard curriculum / maksimum standaard kurrikulum.
E. horizontal curriculum / horisontale kurrikulum.

6. Time allocation for Mathematics in the Foundation Phase according to the CAPS are ___ hours
per week. / Tyd toekenning van vir Wiskunde in die Grondslagfase volgens die KABV is ___ ure
per week.

A. 8
B. 7
C. 10
D. 6
E. 4
7. Every Mathematics lesson for Gr1 -3 should be ___hour and ___ minutes long. / Elke
Wiskunde les vir Gr 1-3 moet ___uur en ___ minute lank wees.

A. 1:45
B. 1:24
C. 1:30
D. 1:20
E. 1:15

8. The Phase overview shows the specification of ___ and ___ in the progression from Gr 1 – 3. /
Die Fase Oorsig wys die spesifikasie van ___ en ___ in die progressie vanaf Gr 1 -3.

A. concepts and skills / konsepte en vaardighede

B. concepts and knowledge / konsepte en kennis
C. knowledge and skills / kennis en vaardighede
D. understanding and skills. / begrip en vaardighede
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.

9. The Grade Overview shows the ___ of concepts and skills across four terms of the year. / Die
Graad Oorsig wys die ___ van konsepte en vaardighede versprei oor vier termyne van die jaar.

A. progression / progressie
B. specification / spesifikasie
C. alignment / belyning
D. knowledge. / kennis
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.

10. The Phase and Grade Overviews shows the ___ standards for progression from Gr 1 – 3. / Die
Fase en Graad Oorsig wys die ___ standaarde vir progressie vanaf Gr 1 - 3.

A. maximum / maksimum
B. specification / spesifikasie
C. alignment / belyning
D. minimum / minimum
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.

11. Pages 18-35 shows the overview of the Foundation Phase of every Content area per Grade for
the ___. / Bladsye 18-35 wys die Oorsig van die Grondslagfase vir elke Inhoudsarea per Graad
vir die ___.

A. time / tyd
B. weeks / weke
C. periods / periodes
D. lessons / lesse
E. year / jaar

12. Pages 37 shows the ___ allocated to each Content area per week. / Bladsye 37 wys die
toegekende ___ vir elke Inhoudsarea per week.

A. times / tyd
B. weeks / weke
C. periods / periodes
D. lessons / lesse
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.
13. Pages 38-39 shows the ___ allocated to each Content area per Grade per term. / Bladsye 38-
39 wys die toegekende ___ vir elke Inhoudsarea per Graad per termyn.

A. times / tyd
B. weeks / weke
C. periods / periodes
D. lessons / lesse
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.

14. Mathematics have ___ Content areas. / Wiskunde het ___ Inhoudsareas.

A. 3
B. 8
C. 6
D. 5
E. 4

15. The ___ content area is the main focus of Mathematics in Gr 1 – 3. / Die ___ inhoudsarea is die
hooffokus van Wiskunde in Gr 1 – 3.

A. Measurement / Meting
B. Space and Shape / Ruimte en Vorm
C. Data Handling / Datahantering
D. Numbers, Operations and Relationships / Getalle, Bewerkings en Verhoudings
E. Patterns, Functions and Algebra / Patrone, Funksies en Algebra

16. The Content areas have ___ and ___ content focus points. / Die Inhoudsareas het ___ en ___
content fokuspunte.

A. concepts and skills / konsepte en vaardighede

B. concepts and knowledge / konsepte en kennis v
C. general and non-general / algemene en nie-algemene
D. general and specific / algemene en spesifieke
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.

17. Pages 40-92 consists of the overview of the Content area per Grade per term also known as
the ___. / Bladsye 40-92 bevat die oorsig vir elke Inhoudsarea per Graad per termyn wat ook
bekend staan as die ___.

A. Term program / Termyn program.

B. Phase program. / Fase program
C. Grade program / Graad program.
D. Yearplan / Jaarplan
E. Integrated program / Geïntegreerde program.

18. This Overview indicates ___. / Hierdie Oorsig verwys na___.

A. the progression of the content in the Content area spread over the four terms. / die
progressie van die inhoud in die Inhoudsarea oor vier termyne.
B. the content in each Content area that must be covered over the four terms. / die inhoud in
elke Inhoudsarea wat oor vier termyne gedoen moet word.
C. recommendations on what activities should be done in each Content area spread over
the four terms. / aanbevelings oor watter aktiwiteite gedoen moet word in elke
Inhoudsarea wat oor vier termyne strek.
D. each Content area divided into topics spread over the four terms / elke Inhoudsarea
opgedeel in ondrwerpe wat oor vier termyne strek.
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.
19. Pages 93-484 consists of the clarifications notes with teaching guidelines of the Content area
per Grade per term that unpacks the ___. / Bladsye 93-484 bevat die verduidelikingsnotas met
onderrig riglyne vir elke Inhoudsarea per Graad per termyn wat die ___ uitpak.

A. concepts and skills with teaching guidelines that should be focused on / konsepte en
vaardighede met onderrig riglyne waarop gefokus moet word
B. knowledge and activities with teaching guidelines that should be focused on / kennis en
aktiwiteite met onderrig riglyne waarop gefokus moet word
C. vocabulary and skills with teaching guidelines that should be focused on / woordeskat en
vaardighede met onderrig riglyne waarop gefokus moet word
D. concepts and teaching aids with teaching guidelines that should be focused on / konsepte
en onderrig hulpmiddels met onderrig riglyne waarop gefokus moet word
E. concepts and skills that should be focused on / konsepte en vaardighede waarop gefokus
moet word

20. Pages 93-484 consists of the clarifications notes with teaching guidelines of the Content area
per Grade per term that ___. / Bladsye 93-484 bevat die verduidelikingsnotas met onderrig
riglyne vir elke Inhoudsarea per Graad per termyn wat ___.

A. assists teachers with teaching aids to develop the concepts and skills for the specific
Grade in the Phase / die onderwyser(es) ondersteun met hulpmiddels om konsepte en
vaardighede in ‘n spesifieke Graad in die fase te ontwikkel.
B. assists teachers with teaching aids and strategies to develop the concepts and skills for
the specific Grade in the Phase / die onderwyser(es) ondersteun met hulpmiddels en
strategieë om konsepte en vaardighede in ‘n spesifieke Graad in die fase te ontwikkel.
C. assists teachers with knowledge to develop the concepts and skills for the specific Grade
in the Phase / ondersteun die onderwyser(es) met kennis om konsepte en vaardighede in
‘n spesifieke Graad in die fase te ontwikkel.
D. assists teachers with teaching aids to develop the concepts and skills for the specific
Grade in the Phase / ondersteun die onderwyser(es) met hulpmiddels om konsepte en
vaardighede in ‘n spesifieke Graad in die fase te ontwikkel.
E. assists teachers with teaching aids to develop the concepts and skills for the specific
Grade in the Phase / ondersteun die onderwyser(es) met hulpmiddels om konsepte en
vaardighede in ‘n spesifieke Graad in die fase te ontwikkel.

21. Pages 485-512 consists of the Assessment guidelines of the Content area per Grade per term
that unpacks the ___. / Bladsye 485-512 bevat die Assesseringsriglyne vir elke Inhoudsarea
per Graad per termyn wat die ___ uitpak.

A. Assessment Tasks / Assesseringstake

B. Informal or daily - and formal assesments / Informele of daaglikse - en formele
C. Guideline on assessment / Riglyne van assessering
D. Programme for formal assessment / Program vir formele assessering
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.

22. Pages 487 consists of Codes and percentages for recording and reporting, also known as the
___. / Bladsye 487 bevat die Kodes en persentasies vir rekordhouding en rapportering, ook
bekend as die ____.

A. Percentage scale / Persentasie skaal

B. 7-point scale / 7-punt skaal
C. Marks rubric / Punte rubriek
D. Assessment scale / Assesseringskaal
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.
23. Observation checklist can be used to assess ___. / Waarnemingstiklyste kan gebruik word vir
die assessering van ___.

A. Concrete activities / Konkrete aktiwiteite

B. Semi-concrete activities / Semi-konkrete aktiwiteite
C. Worksheets / Werkskaarte
D. Problem-solving / Probleemoplossing
E. None of the options / Geeneen van die opsies nie.

24. An observation checklist must consist of the ___, ___, ___, a ___ and comments. / ‘n
Waarnemingstiklys moet bestaan uit die ___, ___, ___, ‘n ___ en opmerkings.

A. Content area, Topic, Criteria / Inhoudsarea, Onderwerp, Kriteria

B. Content area, Topic, Criteria, a ticklist / Inhoudsarea, Onderwerp, Kriteria, ‘n tiklys
C. Content area, Criteria, a ticklist / Inhoudsarea, Kriteria, ‘n tiklys
D. Topic, Criteria, a ticklist / Onderwerp, Kriteria, ‘n tiklys
E. None of the options / Geeneen van die opsies nie.

25. Rubrics can be used to assess ___. / Rubrieke kan gebruik word vir die assessering van ___.

A. Concrete activities / Konkrete aktiwiteite

B. Semi-concrete activities / Semi-konkrete aktiwiteite
C. Worksheets / Werkskaarte
D. Problem-solving / Probleemoplossing
E. None of the options / Geeneen van die opsies nie.

26. Pages 489-490 demonstrates the way rubrics can be used to assess ___. / Bladsye 489-490
demonstreer die wyses waarop rubrieke gebruik kan word vir die assessering van ___.

A. learners’ concrete activities / leerders se konkrete aktiwiteite

B. learners’ semi-concrete activities / leerders se semi-konkrete aktiwiteite
C. Worksheets / Werkskaarte
D. learners’ problem-solving skills / leerders se probleemoplossingsvaardighede
E. None of the options / Geeneen van die opsies nie.

27. Baseline assessment tasks can be used to assess ___. / Basislyn assesseringstake kan
gebruik word vir die assessering van ___.

A. concepts and skills gained in the previous term / konsepte en vaardighede verwerf in
vorige termyn
B. concepts and skills gained in the previous Grade / konsepte en vaardighede verwerf in
vorige Graad
C. if all learners have the same level of concepts and skills / of alle leerders op dieselfde vlak
is met konsepte en vaardighede
D. learners’ level of concepts and skills developed in the previous grade or term. / leerders
se vlak van konseptuele en vaardigheidsontwikkeling in die vorige graad of termyn
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.

28. Assessment in the Foundation Phase can consist of ___ for assessments. / Assessering in die
Grondslagfase bestaan uit ___ vir assessering.

A. observation / waarneming
B. oral / mondeling
C. practical / prakties
D. written/ geskrewe
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.
29. ANA is the abbreviation for _____. / ANA is die afkorting vir _____.

A. Annual National Assessment / Jaarlikse Nasionale Assessering

B. All-in-one National Assessment / Alles-in-een Nasionale Assessering
C. Africa’s National Assessment / Afrika’s Nasionale Assessering
D. Another National Assessment / Ander Nasionale Assessering
E. All the options are correct. / Al die opsies is korrek.

30. ANA is used as _____ assessment. / ANA word gebruik as ____ assessering.

A. observation / waarneming
B. oral / mondeling
C. practical / prakties
D. written/ geskrewe
E. base-line. / basislyn.

31. On pages 45-46, 61-62 and 79-81 ___ are prescribed per grade. / Op bladsye 45-46, 61-62 and
79-81 word ___ voorgeskryf per graad.

A. worksheets / werkskaarte
B. class work / klaswerk
C. practical work / prakties werk
D. written work / geskrewe werk
E. problem types / tipes probleme

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